Don't Bet What You Can't Afford to Lose

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#31 of Draccy RPs

Today we have a friendly game of poker between our gorgeous girl Zephyr and her twin brother who, at the time of the RP, didn't have a name. So we named him Aelous for the purpose of the non-cannon play! The friendly game becomes a bit of a frisky play by the end and the two siblings end up working on their debt in the most satisfying way!

Consensual incestuous, if secretive and sneaky, sex shall ensue in this one. Should be pretty safe for any of you who aren't allergic to brother/sister naughtiness ;P

And if you feel like encouraging more shameless smut posting, it's easy!VOTE if you read itCOMMENT if you liked itPAW if you loved it!

D: Is Dracasis playing Aelous

Z: Is Zephyr playing her beautiful self


Aelous was having a bit of a hard time concentrating on the game. Everyone else had lost their stack so it was just down to the violet feathered male and his equally purple feathered sister. Zephyr appeared to be a bit of a closet card-shark. Eventually someone was going to win but the pot was split 80/20 in her favor and, with one flick of the wrist, she made that 95/5 with another win.

"Damn Sis, you're hard to read." He huffed, inadvertently taking in her sweet aroma. He wouldn't realize her heat scent was what had him so transfixed but it wasn't the only reason he was losing. After all, of the 4 other players that were already knocked out, at least one of them wouldn't be seduced by draconic pheromones. Well as much anyway.

"Last hand." He huffed, pushing his chips to the center, watching her body smoothly move as she shuffled before letting him cut the cards.

Things seemed to be going well in this last by in; he had enough of a hand to risk but no chips to wager with. His eyes lifted, looking at his sister's attractive form and, for some reason, put his cards down and began taking off his shirt. Her stare wasn't miss placed as she watched her brother half-disrobe, semi-folding the garment and set it on the table.

"What? Never heard of strip poker before? It's worth 50 if you want to take it." He added with a sly grin.


Zephyr smirked as she surveyed her winnings. Truthfully she hadn't expected to perform quite this well, especially with the distraction of that burning heat between her hind legs. That heat had almost made her call off the evening's games but she had been too keen to spend the evening drinking and playing cards with her friends. She did her best not to squirm too obviously, silently cursing that biological clock.

She looked up and stared, caught wordless as her brother squirmed his way out of his shirt. By the time she had time to come to her senses, his words were hanging in the air, taunting her to acquiesce. After a few moments of thought, she flicked a couple of chips over into the pot to match the valuation of that shirt before casually looking down at her cards and managing to avoid giving any outward reaction to her hand.


The big drake grinned at his younger sister as she accepted the challenge. Granted he was only older by the few minutes he'd hatched first but he enjoyed having at least that over her. The ploy worked too, his hand marginally better than hers. And, really, he should have just called it there but, emboldened by his win, he went another round, and another.

The rest of the group had retired to the living room to watch a sportsball game so, with just the two of them, things began getting intense. When their feline friend passed through the kitchen giving the half naked drake a look, he huffed defensively.

"Don't judge me, she's good!" Aelous' words held no malice but the uh-huh response as the kitten dipped into the refrigerator to grab some snacks and drinks didn't inspire confidence. Alone once again a few minutes later, the big drake found himself on the edge once more.

He didn't know she managed to bait him like this but, with his shirt already on the table, he needed something else. It was embarrassing but worth, he could win this damn it! With a soft sigh, he put his cards back down and stepped back, most of his lower half hidden beneath the table height but it wasn't hard to figure out what was going on as he wiggled about, plucking his shorts off the end of the table and dropped those too.

"60." He mentioned, sitting back down in just his briefs now. One of these rounds it'll be her stripping- he thought, convincing only himself.


It took a lot of willpower not to grin wide as he removed those shorts, the dragoness confident that her hand would win if played right. Instead of smirking, she lifted one eyebrow in a quizzical look as she peered around the table, simultaneously pushing over a pile of chips that more than matched that value.

She lifted herself back up and looked back at her hand, her ear twitching almost microscopically, subtly feigning uncertainty as she revealed another card.

"Someone seems awfully eager to reveal himself to his little sis!" She teased, slightly shifting her position and disguising a soft moan behind a casual yawn as that movement rubbed her panties over her vent. She eyed her pile of chips. "Still think you have a chance to pull it back?"


"Of course." He grinned sweetly at his sister as the last card of the river was set out. His eyes widened slightly as she laid out a 10. That gave him a four of a kind, hot damn... "Wana go all the way?" He leaned forward, resting his chin on a forepaw while cradling his cards with the other. "I don't have anything else to bet so how 'bout all of this?"

The big drake made a gesture of himself with a feathered wing, lovely green eyes staring into her own emerald orbs. He had no idea what she could have in her hand but there was no way she was beating what he had.

"I'll do whatever you want for a day. Anything." He affirmed. "200." Aelous added, spiking the price. He had little gambling sense but it was just as much about having fun as it was about winning and, sitting there in just his briefs with his sister's heat penetrating his senses, he was feeling frisky in more than one way. "Wha'da you say sis?" The big drake inquired, trying to look casual as he tilted to the side, holding his cards nonchalantly in front of his snout, the pose only slightly undermined by the fact that he was mostly naked in front of her.


She smirked "Anything, you say?" She shuffled a little, ruffling her feathers and biting her lower lip. "I can think of quite a few things!"

Her wing reached over, ready to add a few more chips to the pot from her rapidly shrinking pile. "It's not too late to fold, you know? Though I'd imagine the others would find your clothing situation pretty amusing." She locked her eyes with him as she started to push those chips over, only slightly distracted by her heat.

She spread her stance a little, seeking some relief from that warm need between her thighs, thankful that the wall behind her would keep anyone from seeing the damp patch on the fabric between her thighs, too distracted by fantasies of what she could put her brother through to notice the increasing strength of her scent.


"I've never backed down before O sister of mine." He grinned smugly, calling her bluff.

When her paws left the chips and she leaned back, he picked a card up and placed it at the opposite side of his hand, gave her a sidelong look, then grinned like a devil and splayed the three tens down. That gave him four of a kind, no way she could beat that. Her hesitation to lay her cards down after him gave him quite a bit of undue confidence.

His tail flicked and eye ridge raised in anticipation.

"Weeeell...? I'd like to put my pants back on if you don't mind." He grinned, reaching out to grab the lower garments.


"Not so quick! You've not seen my hand yet!" One by one she revealed her hand, flipping over an Ace, then a Jack, and finally a King. She pulled over the ten and the Queen from the revealed cards and smiled at him.

Her eyes locked with his as she pulled her winnings over, lining up all the chips into neat columns, breaking that eye contact as she picked up his clothes and held them up. "Yeah... about that..."

Another smirk as she looked back at him then down at his boxers "I think you're wearing slightly more clothes than you should be"


"I... ah... ha..." The noises that escaped his mouth were amusing as it was clear the sense of dread was building. When the last card was slid into place completing a royal flush. "Aww hells..." He puffed, slumping back on his butt. "What... but..." He puffed again folding his arms. "How..."

His little sister cut off the slew of confused questions with her demand, collecting her winnings including his clothing while requesting the last piece. The huff that escaped his lips was of a different sort as he hesitated for a moment. She wasn't going to let him off the hook it seemed. Well, it was his fault for betting it. He let out a playful excessive sigh and, with a quick check around to make sure no one was watching, wiggled out of his briefs and tossed them across the table at her chest.

It's not like they hadn't seen each other naked before but this was a different sort of situation. It didn't help that breathing in her scent had his tip peaking and now he had nothing to hide it.

"Well, guess I'm yours for a day." He spoke, fluffing his feathers some.


She ducks, not quite managing to dodge as he throws his underwear at her. She looks up, ready to snap at him when her eyes catch sight of his peaking tip.

That sight finally cracks her resistance, the dragoness unable to keep her paw from reaching between her hind legs and squishing the fabric of her shorts against the swell of her mons. Her activities were, thankfully, hidden from view by the table- though she knew his nose was fully capable of detecting that increase in her scent.

"Now spin around... slowly!" she mumbled, admiring his naked form. She shouldn't be thinking about him like this, she knew that, but something about her sibling standing fully naked before her, his arousal clear even if induced by her scent banished the apprehension of those taboos from her mind


He gave her a stare of daggers as his younger sister started puppeteering him; not one of malice of course, he'd agreed to this so it was his own damn fault, but he liked to play it up anyway. She was just trying to embarrass him for his foolish bet and, as he backed up and stood on all fours to make his slow circle, he certainly felt hot-cheeked.

He was a good looking drake, his shape subtlety different from hers but close enough that it would take some doing for someone to tell the difference if he was, like, wearing her clothing or something. His lovely grey hide, purple crest feathers and white wing plumage all gorgeous. Though he couldn't help but feel her eyes a little lower which, of course, just made the _problem_down there all the worse.

Not much he could do about it though as his soft, limp shaft slowly fell from its slit, the warm pink flesh pulsing to life. He wasn't_intending_ to stick his dick out at her of course but somehow having his sister watching him like that with that intoxicating aroma on his tongue made it hard not to get hard. After letting her stare at his crotch for long enough, he turned around and sat back down in front of her in embarrassment.

"Satisfied?" He puffed, hiding himself with his wings.


At some point during his spin she had extracted herself from behind the table and moved silently closer. She ducked her head low, watching up close as his shaft slides free, letting out a soft sigh, her breath warm against his length before he sat back with a sudden bout of shyness.

"Oh, we're not done yet!" She grinned at him, stepping closer and slowly spinning, rubbing first her wing and then her tail against his cheek as she pulls a complete 180, leaving his snout with a close-up view of that rather conspicuous damp spot on her shorts. She brought her tailtip up and slid it in one leg hole and out the other, forming a hook that gently pulled that fabric to the side, strings of her need connecting her vent to the cloth as she showed herself off to her brother, pushed to such reckless confidence by a mix of alcohol and that near unbearable heat between her thighs.

"Kiss it." She demanded, her slit clenching and relaxing in time with her breathing, a few little trickles of arousal drooling from it as she waited for him to obey.


His ears perk as his little sister not only approaches to get a better look at her prize but includes a little show of her own. Her breath on his sensitive bits makes him twitch but it's her scent that really makes his mouth water. So up close and personal, watching it happen, the sight of his needy sibling eloquently exposing herself makes his heart skip. He knew it was coming the moment she hiked her tail but actually getting to see that luscious pussy put on such brazen display gives him good reason to swallow dryly.

Granted getting a good look at those glistening folds was making the other end of his body more wet. He'd have to remember to clean up the little puddle of precum off the floor when they were done with, you know, whatever it was they were doing.

Apparently they were kissing. Not in the normal way as his paws carefully came to rest on her rear end. He licked his lips, giving her a glance to make sure but there was no mistaking her request. Well, here goes nothing...

When his lips met hers, there was an electric satisfaction that shivered down his spine. Her scent was delectably strong and intoxicating, overwriting his sense of morality and caution. After all, now they were both exposed right here in their friend's kitchen. That didn't stop his tongue from diving in though, that flexible appendage testing the waters with a little stroke, then lick, then push inside. Finding his sister quite receptive to his advance, he just pushed more and more of it insides, thumb claws spreading her sex and head tilting a little to really work it in to her soft fleshy mound.

Urf... fuck that was hot... He'd never thought of himself as the kind to eat his own sister out but damn did she feel good on his tongue.


She groans as his tongue presses against her drooling slit, comparatively cool against the burning heat of her slit. The dragoness shudders, his tongue lap-lapping over her sex before angling in and squirming its way into her. She squeezes around it as he slurps up her juices, filling his maw with her taste.

Her jaw clenches, just barely managing to avoid moaning as she leans back and squishes her sex against his snout. She eyes the door, hoping nobody would pick this moment to raid the refrigerator; even if she were able to compose herself in time it would be impossible to explain why her brother was sitting on the floor totally nude and with his face covered her heavily scented fluids.

Her walls grip velvety soft around his tongue, squeezing tight, then relaxing, instinctively milking him as though it were a cock ready to blow. One paw reaches down and slips into the waist of her shorts, rubbing on the top of her slit in tight circles as his paws rub on either side


It doesn't take him long to get lost in the act of effectively French kissing his sister's slit. Lavish motions cup and scoop against her sensitive inner walls, cradling her vent flesh as he laps around inside. There's no tongue to play with between these particular lips but that doesn't make the experience any less spectacular. Drawing her flavor into his maw just makes everything 'worse' though, his pink mast bouncing between his legs.

His snout noses down, pressing his nose into that lavish pussy as he wraps his lips around her clit, sucking on that little patch of skin whether she wanted him to or not. The two attractive twins might not have done anything like this before but that didn't mean he didn't know how to make a girl squirm by rasping his tongue this way and that across her hot spots.

The big drake even took a moment to let her cool off- well, sort of. His wet lips just moved to her plying talons, taking one into his estrus tainted maw and suckled it right down to the knuckle, lavishing his sister in carnal attention. He wasn't sure what had come over him, or her for that matter, but he was beginning to appreciate having lost the game...


The press of his lips around her clit forces her to moan, one thankfully covered by a well-timed cheer from the other room. Clearly it wasn't just her and her sibling scoring. She arched her back, squirming as he lavishes her slit with attention, her wings flaring out as she bites her lip to muffle her next moan.

Her juices coat his muzzle, a testament to the skill of his tongue as he licks and nuzzles and thrusts into her needy vent. She presses her digits against his tongue as he suckles on them, holding it in place as she lowers her hips enough to grind against the bridge of his snout, only leaving it more obviously coated in her honey as she rubs her sex on him.


Even pheromone fogged as his mind is, Aelous at least still understood that this was his sister, his sibling, his clutch mate that he was toying with. Of course it didn't stop him from emitting the low frisky rumble and giving her tail end a little playbite. Honestly, somehow the familial connection just made it hotter, watching that creamy underbelly sway and push up against him was intoxicating in a way he'd not experienced before.

"Mmmn, yes ma'am." He purred softly, ear twitching at the sound of the group out front before taking her unspoken command to resume his oral attention.

The curve of his tongue dove right back in, paws gripping her haunches and holding it steady as he renewed the attack on his sister's pussy. His claw talons gently hooked the edge of her sex and held it open nice and wide letting his incestuous tongue lick just that little bit deeper, let his nose press in just that little bit harder. Each twitch or clench of her inner muscles just had him searching for the next hot spot that would make her do it again, tantalizing parts of her body that were woefully under appreciated.

The glittering trail of her sweet nectar dripped from her slit adding to the mess the stiff male was already making. If the room didn't smell like sex before it most certainly did now...


She coos as he rubs over her nethers, her voice soft and melodic "Ohhh, you're good at this~ Eat out your cluchmate often?" That nip makes her growl, the dragoness angling her hips and almost taking a step backwards before he dives back in.

She flares her wings, moaning as her thighs quiver, his tongue feeling like it was made for her as it arches down, seeking out her sensitive spots and rubbing hard against them with what feels like practiced ease. His fingers spread her lower lips, letting his tongue rub over her inner anatomy before it lines up with her hole and pushes in, flexing all the while as she clenches her eyes in anticipation of her peak, her sex shuddering and splashing juices over his nose, not helping with the scent situation as he greedily eats her out


It's a bit difficult to answer her question with his tongue lodge down in the depths of her cunny so, rather than answering with words, he just responds with renewed vigor. The slippery wet nectar of his sister's hot, fertile lust glazes every inch of his oral appendage as he roots around in her, letting the thick base gum around inside her with the more mobile, flexible tip presses and shoves those delectably soft silky folds this way and that. Occasionally her insides will clench and stiffen when he does something particularly naughty but he just keeps at it, fondling her deepest, juiciest folds until they relax, allowing him to slip across the peeks into other valleys he's not supposed to be in.

The horny male doesn't seem to mind the wetness being rubbed across his lips, the indulgent scent of his sister's heat mind bogglingly amazing. He's had the scent of other girl's estrus passing through his nostrils before but, somehow, Zephyr's is far more intoxicating as it were. Granted, maybe the fact that this is his sister is why it's so good but he's never made this much of a mess without so much as a touch down south. Her little breathless gasps and fluttering wing trembles show how much she's enjoying it too and that just makes him want to see her get off even more.


She sits back, her slit squishing against his snout and drooling over his lips as his tongue squirms deep inside her. Her eyes flick away from the door and down to her brother's lower body, watching as his shaft twitches and drools onto his belly as her paws knead on his chest.

The dragoness grinds her hips against him pinning his head to the ground, struggling to keep her soft moans quiet enough to avoid drawing attention. His tongue flexes despite her sex's attempts to clench down on it, steadily pushing her towards that climax, rewarding him with more moans and trickles of that honey for his work


The feathered male won't give up until he gets to feel the twitch of that egg laying passage in the throes of pleasure. Languid, lapping motions slather his sister's pussy egregiously, the distracted drake hardly noticing anything other than his sister's fine half-clothed rump. His snout twists to the side some, squishing and tonguing at a new direction as he vividly French kisses her slit. The brief reprieve he gives her aching pussy as he draws his tongue back to clean it off on the roof of his maw doesn't last long enough to let the fires cool before his thumb claws pry her open and he dives right back in, lapping at his needy sis in all the right ways.

Deciding to give her something more to deal with, he opens his jaw nice and wide, wide enough to get it halfway around her tail so he can force even more down inside her. The poor girl has her insides viciously lapped at with strong, purposeful arcs; so far in that his tip tickles places no other tongue has had the pleasure of doing.


He pulls his tongue back long enough for her to draw breath and just begin to relax before he plunges deep. She feels the press of his fangs when he twists his head, jaw gripping around her as his tongue tip presses right up against her womb's entrance, tickling that inner barrier.

She wobbles a little, moaning under her breath and growling, her toes splaying as it takes all her effort to simply stay upright on top of him, waves of pleasure washing over her as she tenses, arches her back, and hits her climax. She clenches her jaw, hissing as she just barely manages to avoid roaring, her body quivering as her juices splash liberally over his face, his sensitive snout easily able to scent her fertility as those juices coat him.


Oh he could smell her fertility a mile away, thick intoxicating familial lust rooting itself in his baser instincts. Having her lean back and press into his advances just makes it all the more rewarding however, probing tongue suddenly being churned on all sides by powerfully squeezing muscles. Mmmn, that's what he was hoping for, to feel his sister's bodily reaction, to feel the culmination of his efforts collect into one intense dispersion of physical pleasure.

And it's not like her thick, rich scent is the only one on the air. While his snout might be covered in her fluids, his virile scent would be tickling her nose as well, the pool of precum a very obvious indication of his enjoyment at getting his tongue inside his sister. He probably shouldn't be this excited to feel her cum on his face but it doesn't stop him from drooling strands of lust onto his belly all the same. That energetic little tongue squirms around inside her, elevating and elongating her orgasm, trying futilely to clean her out. It's only once she's done trying to milk his tines that he eases back, rimming those gorgeous glossy pussy lips with subtle indulgence and a soft, pleased little purr.


After a few more moments she pulls herself off of his tongue, keeping her hips raised high as her sex drools arousal down her belly. She looks back, swaying her hips as she watches him lick her arousal from his snout, his shaft throbbing needily as she smiles. She gives him a little longer to savor her taste, her breathing slowly coming back under control.

"Now mount me." The dragoness smirks, watching her brother somehow manage to be taken by surprise by that request despite their recent actions, her hips moving seductively from side to side, vent lips slightly spreading at the apex of each push


Mmn, fuck that's hot... Not something a brother should think about his sister but that doesn't stop it from crossing his mind as he watches her plush rump sway there with her shorts tugged off to the side just far enough to expose those glorious henparts.

His ears perk at her words, eyes widening some as they shift from her undertail to her eyes, then back and back again. Looks like he wasn't the only one having naughty thoughts.

"But... like... here?" He huffs quietly as he rolls over, lifting himself off the ground, head angled toward the doorway toward the others. When he looks back the big drake finds his sister with her tail raised, the sight of her demanding offer just making his cock jump.

Fuck that's hotter...

His tongue swipes across his pheromone tainted lips as he observes her form, the urge to mount at conflict with the understanding that this was his own sister, in heat, at a friend's house. Not enough to stop him of course, but at least he could claim to have some semblance of reason. A cheer from the other room made his heart jump but it didn't stop him from stepping forward, one paw stepping in beside her haunch, then the other, his weight sliiiiding up her backside, feeling his sister slip into the crook against his chest. His elevated heartbeat reached its peak as he felt his tip kiss her sex. His snout brushed against the back of her neck, breathing in her alluring aroma as he entered her.


She drops her tail a little as he questions her instruction, threatening to revoke those instructions as his cock twitches with excitement. But his sudden look of disappointment is enough for her to swing it up again, enticing him closer. She feels his breath against her slit as he approaches and breaths in another lungful of her scent, arching her back to push her rump up as he rears and mounts her.

His paws seem perfectly poised to slide around her hips, gripping her waist comfortably. His shaft lines up with her vent and slides easily in as though it were made for her. Each curve and swell rubbing over a sensitive spot in her velvety warm sex. Her feathers ruffle against his snout as she coos softly. Surely this shouldn't feel so good. So... right. Her own clutchmate engaging in that intimate act of breeding.


"Nnnahhh..." The feathered male exhales softly as he squishes his knotted shaft all the way in. It's dangerous, risky not just in that they might get caught if anyone decides to come get a snack or a drink but in that the two siblings are very bare and she is very much in heat right now. But huff if feeling those hot wet walls sliding down the entire length of his pink flesh, letting his tip tickle the parts of her anatomy his tongue had just explore doesn't send a shiver of thrill all the way down his spine.

His ears flick, listening for sounds of encroaching danger and, finding none, he takes a half step forward and really squishes his cock into his sister's pussy. His head hangs slightly with another barely contained exhale, paws sliding more fully into the crook of her hips. His talons flex over her trim tummy, the thought that it might not stay that way for long making his plumage quiver. The naughty male eases back, the mixture of male and female lust coating his spire entirely.

The first thrust is amazing; a little quicker with a little more power than his initial intrusion. His tail flicks, and after a short pause, he does it again. His toes curl a little after the third time and, by then, the dirty little twins have melted in a sensual rhythm of fucking. The sloppy messy sound of his cock penetrating his sister's pussy again and again makes his ears burn, the instinct to mate taking root as he lays a bit more weigh on her back so he can lay into her more rigorously.


Her wings fluff up, brushing over his chest as she leans back, her hips meeting his with a wet plap as he hilts his prehensile in her depths. She clenches around his shaft, just feeling him throb and flex in her depths as her walls squeeze in response. She pants gently, flicking her ear as her feathery crest twitches and brushes his snout.

She moans softly, cooing with delight as he thrusts into here, slow rhythm building gradually as she leans and pushes along with him, the stretch of his cock only intensifying the deep biological of his in-season sister. She pushes back, almost lifting his hind legs off the ground each time he hilts himself inside of her.

By some miracle they both manage to keep quiet enough that the steady plap-plap-plap of their hips impacting each other is the loudest noise in the room, the occasional cheer erupting from the next room over reassuring the twins that they remained undiscovered, though that concern seemed less pressing as the twins found their pleasure building with each incestuous thrust


For Zephyr, his tongue was just the appetizer, a sinful opening to a dirty devious melody. What that flexible oral organ could do, his cock could do as well only thicker, firmer and with more power. Ouuh yes that was the spot, a hind leg lifted, balancing him on just one for a time, shifting his angle some to fuck his little sister even more egregiously, his body colliding with hers in all the right ways, smearing his seedy lust all across the feathery female's inner flesh to mix their genetics together.

His huffs and growls were growing more noisy as it became more difficult to concentrate on both the electric pleasure pulsing through his mast and not alerting the world to the fact that he was crotch-deep in his sibling. Luckily Zeph had just what he needed to help!

The big drake leaned forward and slid his jaws around the back of her neck. The pinch of his grip was firm, but not painful, holding his sister with three parts now as he surged forward, holding himself flushed slit-to-slit with her for several, long, painstakingly pleasurable seconds with his tip rubbed right in against her egg gate before the trembling male eased back and resumed diving into her perfect pink pussy once more. His breath was hot against her skin, the friction warmed channel between her legs hot and heavy with her brother's cock.

The contact got rougher, the noise more viscous, the scent thicker and the grip more urgent as the frisky male neared his peak. He should pull out of course, reduce the risk of getting his feather-winged sis pregnant with his chicks... but maybe just a little longer he thought, mashing himself to the hilt with each bucking thrust.


That bite makes her moan out, forgetting about the proximity of the house's other occupants. His fangs dig in to her skin, holding her tight as he works his cock in and out, his slit grinding against hers as his tip squirms up against her cervix.

She moans again at that, shuddering and flaring her wings, using them to push back and feeling his tip nestle deeper into her womb, drooling pre deep inside her. She feels him hesitate and clenches, feeling the gentle swell of his knot grow with each beat of his heart. Surely he wouldn't go for a tie? Not with their friends right next door. Not with his own sister... That chance to pull out was rapidly closing, his knot throbbing wider, pulling on her lips as they grip him.


Those ear cups tingle with the sound of his sister's pleasured moan, perhaps louder than it should be but neither of them seem to be in the mindset to care. Their forbidden lovemaking rapidly reaching for its crescendo one way or another. Hot moist exhales from flared nostrils, fluffling her neck feathers as he holds her in the grip of his desire, paws tight around her haunches, driving full deep inside her. Just a little more then he'll pull out...

Unfortunately, Aelous seems to go just a little longer than he should and, with one glorious spine-tingling shlorp, he feels his sister's perfectly shaped pussy lips glaze over and around his growing knot. The feeling of her raw femininity engulfing his sensitive flared bulbous base sends a spine tingling shock through his frame and, rather than pulling out right then and there, he just kinda pushes it in.

The lump of cock under her tail isn't going anywhere but at least that dull throbbing stretch on the most sensitive parts of her pussy feel just as amazing for her- maybe even moreso with his tip nuzzling against her womb at the same time. That knot refuses to let go, forcing the needy male to slip into a series of short rapid bucks, bouncing his floofy sister against his crotch as he takes his golden strokes burred deep inside the fully impaled hen.

When that moment of blissful surrender comes, he doesn't try to stop it, his cocktip flaring slightly as his urethral vein bulges with his virility. That eye fluttering moment of satisfaction makes even his toes tingle as the first thick lance of incestuous seed leaps from his body into the belly of his sibling. The hot wet splatter of cum hitting the back of her womb is vivid and surreal and only the first of many as the brazen drake punctuates each surge of sticky white seed he loses into his dangerously fertile clutchmate with a pleasured, grunting thrust.


Each thrust pulls that knot harder against her lips, slowing his thrusts as he forces it into her, trying his luck until he finally loses, that orb too swollen to slip out of her. The grip of her lips around his base makes it swell rapidly, firmly tying the siblings together. She squirms, feeling him tug on her lips. She would have protested, his knot would lock them together for at least a half hour: surely they would be discovered by someone fetching a drink or a snack, but his cock flexes against her depths, twitching and sending her into a second climax, her walls quivering as he throbs and pulses a thick shot of cum into her.

She clenches her jaw, shivering as her walls milk his shaft, gripping his knot tight as he unloads spurt after spurt of cum deep into her, his short thrusts restricted by that knot as he floods her womb with his seed, filling her with that thick white cum, soaking her eggs with his climax.

Her forelegs fold under her, rear still held high as her chest presses onto the floor, her brother grinding lustfully as her sex milks all he has to offer, his fangs biting her neck hard but muffling his own moans of climax as the twins experience that dual orgasm.


It wouldn't be a measure of if he got her pregnant but more how gravid she would become. Those incestuous genes would have no problem wriggling deep into the gorgeous hen's fertile little eggs, burrowing deep into her most private of places and putting his chicks deep in her belly. The satisfaction of breeding his sister could not be overstated as the pleasured male tingled from tip to tail, locked and knotted with his beautiful, well-seeded nestmate. For several amazing seconds, there was nothing but the hot comforting grip of her squeezing core milking him of his seed.

Afterward would follow the deep, drunken afterglow that came from successfully mating with a hen in heat. Several minutes of affectionate grooming and cuddling would follow with the two tied at the hip, soft purrs and rowdy growls between them as they shared a new level of intimacy. Eventually it would take slipping behind the table, the big drake wrapping his wings around his younger sister to hide what they'd done with her just 'sitting' in his lap. The slow, casual bouncing and grinding didn't make the problem dissipate any quicker, nor the devious flat-palmed rubs he bathed that slightly cum-swollen belly of hers with but it felt good so he did it anyway.

Eventually their bear friend did come through for a beer and fresh nachos, asking the two if they were going to join them.

"Oh yes, soon. I lost the game so now I have to preen all of Zeph's feathers." Aelous smiled disarmingly, hoping the furry friend wouldn't notice he was naked, knotted and smelling like sex. He didn't seem to catch on to the fact that the feathered male was still squirting sperm into his sister's womb and left the two to 'preen'.

"I'm not sure I actually lost at this point." He teased, whispering in her ear as he ran his tongue across the soft divots he'd left in her hide in the shape of a bite mark.


Her ear flicked up to catch his words, the dragoness stammering a little as she pieces together a response "Yep! Uh... lots to preen!"

She blushed as he shifted slightly, biting her lip as that motion made his knot tug on her lips. She squeezed in response, feeling him tense up and trying not to react until their friend had left. She growled as he teased her "you know, preens sound pretty good. You've made quite the mess of my feathers!"

She nestled underneath him, still basking in the afterglow "You're lucky he's too distracted to notice... the whole room smells of incest. And what are we going to do about the inevitable eggs?"

A Tricky Treat: Making Little Monsters

Oros: Oros pauses in the front of his own bedroom door, his mind wondering over what he himself should wear for the party currently going on downstairs and around the family home he lived in. The big youthful drake had only recently arrived home after...

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The Dragon, the King and the Kobold (vol. 6)

You tilt your head up toward the motherstar, contemplating. Such a divisive decision to make. If you spend time with the wyverness, your bound to give up progress on learning the island and that is undoubtedly your main objective here. Still, it's a...

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Pornstar Material

The large blue dragon flicked on the light as he stepped into the little office. It wasn't anything fancy, just enough room for two or three ferals to be comfortable in with a desk on one side and an oversized couch on the other. It was getting a...

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