Ballet of a Pink Princess

Story by DraconicXeno on SoFurry

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#24 of Story Commissions

The last chapter in a story commission for: Jkbscopes123 on FA: Thank you for commissioning me! This story is also a direct sequel to: Ballet of a Black Dragoness!

In accordance with my T&Cs, all characters are aged up in this story, they're at least 25! Please enjoy!

"Cynder, I'm really not sure about this." Spyro shifted uneasily as she felt her parade armor roll and shift across her sleek scales, her still very feminine body made to look more masculine by the many pillows, pads, and plates. "You said I should have turned back by now!"

Cynder, for her part, looked to be doing all she could to maintain her composure as she took a step back from her mate. It had been her hope that Spyro would have reverted back to her male form overnight, but whether through delay or error, such a thing had not yet transpired.

I can't have done the spell wrong, I sure feel like I was pregnant this morning. She thought, despite never having been a mother before, and therefore no sensations to compare her groggy awakening to. I can't have been too late, she can't be stuck like this.

Not that she minded her mate being in a female form from a romantic angle, the idea she could have flipped Spyro's life upside down just for her fantasy was still eating away at her like a disease. She hated herself for what she'd done, all she wanted to do was make it right and have the happy family they'd so suddenly been blessed with.

No, no, the kids will be okay, even if they have to have two mommies but... The dark dragoness outwardly sighed. But that's not who 'he' is.

"Spyro, I'm sorry, I know, the book said you should have but..." Cynder shied away, head low as she directed her attention to the many armor stands dotted around the tent. "I'm so sorry... I'm sorry for all of this."

Spyro blinked, her ill-fitting helmet slipping down several times before she shook it off and crept over to nuzzle her dark-scaled mate.

"Cynder, I don't blame you, not... Not like you think I should but..." The purple dragoness trailed off with a sigh. "It just feels like it's messing with me, it's like a curse."

"A curse that I put on you because I was some horny fool thinking about cock more than reason," Cynder spat, claws digging at the floor. "All I could think about was pegging you hard, and for what? I had no idea what those things I used could really do."

"Oh, I think you had some ideas as to what they could do." Spyro smirked, leaning back as she awkwardly shifted her armor. "Just may have been better if it wasn't right before the celebration."

Still drooped, Cynder did her best to sit up, wings folded over her like a cloak as she looked her mate over. It had been hard to keep the fitter crews and boisterous fans out, so as not to see Spyro out of her armor. Yet even after Cynder herself had been the only one to fit and inspect the city's hero, there were still flaws in the disguise. For one, Spyro's mid rift was too thin between her rear and chest, her wings were vast and bladed, while her neck was too slender and muzzle too sleek.

Not to mention her hips... They're brood bearing hips for sure. Cynder thought, an odd pang of pleasure swelling as she glanced at her own rear end, then at her toned belly. Here's hoping I'm just as fertile.

"Do you feel okay?" Spyro asked, noting her mate's diverted gaze. "No morning sickness?" she added, creeping over to nuzzle Cynder's tummy, only to hear it growl.

"Nothing I can't handle," Cynder assured as she folded a wing over her midsection. "Don't think about them for now, just focus on today and..." She cocked her head, peering at her mate. "Urg, are you sure you feel nothing, not even a tummy ache like before you changed last time?"

Spyro took a step back and blinked, ruffling her wings, and flexing each of her paws in turn before she frowned and nodded.

"No, nothing, I don't feel like I'm going to turn back... But I also don't feel pregnant anymore," she declared, and Cynder sighed again.

"There's a plus in that, I guess," she reasoned, scooping up Spyro's helmet with a forepaw. "If they find out what we did out there, I'll take the blame," she assured, offering back the headwear.

Spyro took it, inspecting her reflection in the polished gold for a moment before adding sternly.

"We'll face it together, it's just as much on me as it is you." She placed the helmet on, huffing as it fell over her eyes, only for Cynder to lift it back into the correct position as she smiled.

"My hero," she cooed as she leaned in for a kiss the two shared for what felt like forever, only for the bang of a gong and the roar of horns to call them back to reality.

"Well, guess this is it. There'll be far more suspicion if I miss this," Spyro reasoned as she looked to the tent flap that led to the podium. "Let's just hope you're right about the distance thing."

"It's the prying eyes on stage you need to worry about, yeah," Cynder added, glancing around, yet all she saw was the tent's red walls, and heard nothing but the roaring crowds that filled the streets and balconies beyond.

"What is it?" Spyro asked, noticing the cautious look on her mate's face instantly. Only for Cynder to shake her head and forge a fake smile.

"Nothing, it's nothing," she assured, but Spyro leaned closer, seeming very unconvinced.

"Cynder I..." The purple dragoness began, before a voice from outside boomed the announcement of the city hero, and Cynder shoved her mate out.

"That's your cue, just act like I told you, try to put on the deep voice and I'll be right here when you get back." Almost like she was shoving rowdy chicks off to class for the day, Cynder gave her mate no time to argue as Spyro stammered and blabbered, only to go stiff as a board as she was shoved into view of the crowd.

The streets erupted in applause that drowned out the false dragonesses' weak muttering, while Cynder ducked back into the tent and rounded on the opposite entrance flap.

"Okay, who's there? I see your shadows under the tent, so there's no point in hiding." The guard captain had an eye for danger wherever she saw it, and though she'd neglected to worry Spyro with the revelation, she'd no time for spies and eavesdroppers.

That was until she heard the shifting of armor plates, similar to her own and the head of a dragon slipped in. Her blood ran cold as she laid eyes upon one of the few in the city that outranked her, captain of the royal guard, Flame. Nonetheless, she maintained her composure, standing rigid, yet failing to offer the salute she often would.

Formality like that has never been a one to one thing between us before, so why now? She noted, knowing she could consider him a friend just as much a superior, or at the very least a respected acquaintance. Let's just hope I can say the same after today.

"Captain Flame," she greeted with a nod that the opposing dragon mirrored as he greeted.

"Captain Cynder."

The black dragoness looked him up and down, noting a familiar glint to his royal armor, not to mention the odd bit of dust that for sure didn't come from anywhere in the city.

"I'd have thought you'd be up on the royal podium, I didn't expect to see you here," she offered as she took a step forward and rose to full height. "Then again I could say there's a lot of places I didn't expect to see you."

Flame didn't flinch, but rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I'm sure that's the case, and believe me, I'd rather be up there but..." The tapping of claws on stone cut the royal captain off as a prim voice suddenly interrupted.

"Oh, we'll be up there soon enough. In fact, I was hoping you'd join us for the show, Cynder."

"Princess Ember." Cynder stiffened, this time her wing salute almost instinctive, no matter how rigidly she resisted and despised it.

The pink princess of Warfang was dressed as immaculately as ever, with gold trim robes of silk, and shimmering gems that dotted her flowery scales. The pungent reek of perfume that surrounded her like a haze was just as strong, almost forcing Cynder to gag in a way that not even toxic fumes had provoked before. The princess radiated the kind of ignorant authority that was gifted, not earned, and Cynder hated every aspect of it. From her paper-thin smile, sleek confidence stance to the poison that dripped behind her pleasant voice.

Have to watch for a dagger behind my own princesses' back, more so than a foe on the battlefield. The dragoness thought, her deep-seated hatred for petty politics and monarchy seething as she put on her best obedient facade.

"By the royal seats? That would be an honor, your majesty," Cynder reasoned in the most polite way she could as Ember skulked over to a side table, inspecting some of the food and drink that had been arrayed there for Warfang's heroes.

"I'm sure it would. You're the captain of the city guard, it's a wonder you don't sit up there already," Ember mused, glancing at Flame as she plucked a grape from the platter and inspected it. "But so caught up in duty that you don't care for public perception, do you?"

Cynder looked at Flame too as the fire dragon shifted uneasily. Yet she was swift to redirect her focus to the princess as she retorted.

"My duty is to the city, keeping it safe, no matter how the public feels." She narrowed her eyes, well aware that this talk was pointless, Ember was only here because she wanted something.

If I'm right and Flame was at the ruined fortress yesterday, then all this small talk is just a ruse. Cynder wasn't stupid, she knew Ember was far more a silver tongue than she was a fighter. Isn't that just like every privileged wyrm the palace spits out?

"That it is, and the city appreciates your heroic commitment etcetera, etcetera..." Ember droned dryly as she turned her focus to a pitcher of wine. "But you know that's not what I'm here for."

"I guessed as much, so are you going to cut through the crap and get to the point?" Cynder hissed, and the act dropped as she glanced at Flame.

If anyone's going to stand for her pompous antics it's her mate. She inwardly reasoned, but the fire dragon just appeared bored. Huh? Seen it all before, I guess.

She could only assume that Ember acted this way around the palace every day, how else could she be so manipulative without getting her paws dirty? Not only that, but Cynder knew to survive the corrupt city politics demanded cunning, even from royalty.

Tread carefully Cynder, don't let her get the upper paw. For all her fighting prowess, she knew that she was no master with words. Not only that, but the city's sour perception of her was a weapon Ember could easily use, not to mention what the princess may know of her mate. I just have to keep her focus off Spyro, at least until he's back to normal.

That last idea died moments later as Ember turned and offered a goblet of wine to Cynder, before pouring one for herself.

"Such gal to address your princess like that," the pink dragoness sneered, eyes narrowing as if she secretly adored the challenge. "I've always liked the fight in you Cynder, such things of your old master's temperament, no doubt."

"You know I'm nothing like him, less so that pointing it out will get under my scales. I'm over Malefor," Cynder retorted, pressing one talon to the offered goblet to gently shift it aside as she declared simply. "I don't drink on duty."

"Really? How sensible," Ember mused, putting up no resistance as she set the alcohol down. "You'd do good with Flame, he's just as noble." She offered her mate a coy smirk and he shifted uneasily as he stammered.

"T-thanks... Sweetie."

Poor guy, this really isn't where he wants to be. Cynder noted, feeling far more pity than intimidation from the Royal Captain.

"Sense is all we have to keep the peace out here," Cynder offered, and Ember lay back on a lounger as she drank.

"Keep the peace? You make it sound like you're running a warzone," she scoffed and Cynder snarled.

"You have no idea, hiding in your..." The moment she realized she was slipping, Cynder paused and drew back, only for Ember to grin from horn to horn.

"You're not as stoic as you believe, Cynder," she observed, not even sparing the guard captain a glance as she swirled her wine. "If not for Spyro, you'd be out of this city, or locked up."

"Let me guess, that's if you had it your way?" Cynder snapped and Ember shrugged.

"No, frankly, all I care about is Spyro."

"Don't bring him into this, I know what you think of me," Cynder added, drawing up as tall as she could.

Dark shadow cast over her by Cynder's far larger frame, Ember appeared like naught but a precious ruby to be plucked from a hoard. Only where she lacked strength, she excelled in venomous persuasion.

"Him, is it?" she shot back, and at those words, Cynder deflated. Meanwhile, the princesses' eyes narrowed further. "You know dark sorcery is illegal, right?"

"You know blackmail is illegal too?" Cynder countered, yet her voice was far from firm.

"Good to see we're on the same page, only..." Ember pressed a forepaw to her chest. "I'm a princess and you're an adopted savage posing as a noble beast."

It took Cynder every ounce of her will to not snap at Ember as she growled. "Go on then, so what do you want?"

"I should have figured you knew where to find something so dark as sexual sorcery," Ember began as she paced around the room. "I want you to take me, my mate, and Spyro. I want that purple tail."

"It's a low blow to steal someone's beloved mate." Cynder's voice rumbled deep as thunder, more dangerous than the terror of the skies she'd once been, but Ember only reveled in her dominance.

"No lower than to change his gender to suit your fantasy," she countered and Cynder slumped further, guilt overcoming anger.

"That... That was a private affair," she hissed.

"And so will my time with him be too, if only you let me have it," the princess declared, before rising tall over Cynder and adding. "Otherwise, you'll be Cynder the monster and sex fiend to all in the city."

"Ancestors curse you," Cynder snapped, glaring up at the pink dragoness, yet it was then the two paused.

The muffled din of the crowd outside had turned from cheering to an odd rabble of confused sounds, and in the lull, Spyro's voice could be heard. She was in the middle of her annual speech, only the forced feminine tone was braking, and she sounded very uncomfortable.

"Spyro!" Cynder's focus on Ember was dropped at the first sound of her mate's distress and she dashed out to the podium fast as lightning.

She poked her head free to see stunned crowds and confused officials as Spyro stood before them all, doubled over, and starting to change back under her tightly-packed armor.

Oh no... Was the only thought to race through Cynder's mind.

Spyro shuddered and grunted, teeth grit and muzzle bared like a snarling beast as joints popped, lurched, and reformed. Fortunately, most of the detail was obscured by the armor, yet as the padded gear started to spring off under the strain of the dragon's rolling hips and expanding muscles, Cynder knew she had to act.

She darted forward, putting on her best pleasant face for the crowd as she shrouded Spyro in her wings and led him off stage, all the while preaching a story about how her mate was unwell. Everyone was locked in confused silence, muttering about their sickly hero, while some odd slights about Cynder's vileness were whispered. She did her best to suck it up as she led Spyro, who could barely walk, back into the tent. Once again confronted with Ember as the purple dragon flopped to the floor.

"Go make sure the rabble is in line," Ember ordered simply, nodding to the podium, and Flame was fast to dash out while Spyro floundered on the floor.

"Oh by the ancestors, Spyro, are you okay!?" Cynder called, crouching over her mate as she pulled off the armor, allowing the male dragon underneath to show. "Y-you... You're back to normal!"

After a few more muscular groans and the odd growth spurt, Spyro lifted his head and looked around, then immediately shot a forepaw to his bulging crotch and sighed a relieved sigh.

"C-Cynder I... Oh, I'm me again!" he practically sang, only for Cynder to bury him in a hug.

"You've always been you, silly," she assured with a kiss.

"Yes, yes, very romantic," Ember deadpanned, and the two lovers looked at her with stunned expressions, only for Cynder's eyes to narrow moments later as she came between the princess and her mate.

"You were saying about blackmail?" she sneered, nodding back at Spyro. "I see a male dragon right here, how's that fit into your story?"

"Blackmail, wait, what!?" Spyro exclaimed as he shot to his paws. "Cynder, what's going on, why is she here?"

"I'm here because you two were up to something, and now you'll be glad I am," Ember retorted, and while Spyro seemed confused, Cynder remained furious.

"Don't turn this around, you know what you said," she hissed.

"Oh, you misunderstand. You see, I mean what I said, and it still stands," Ember was quick to assure. "What I know is half the city just saw the dragoness they'd villainize steal away their beloved hero, not only that, but very suspiciously."

Cynder paused at that, knowing she was caught as Ember grinned and went on swiftly.

"Now, the word of a princess could cover for you, but first you'd have to offer her what she wants." The look on the pink dragonesses' face was infuriating, but Cynder relented as she sighed.

"Spyro, how do you feel about... Well, and orgy?" she asked simply.


"My, my, dark lord or not, he had taste," Ember declared as she admired the hidden stash of sex toys in the castle. "Sex change, transmogrification, hyper potions? Almost jealous he was going to use them on you," she added, shooting a smug look at Cynder.

"Watch it, Princess, you're not all safe and cozy in Warfang anymore," Cynder warned as she took several items and led Ember back to the two males.

She's lucky I don't try each of them on her one by one, see her balloon up or grow udders! She thought bitterly. Would be harder to cover this up if Warfang suddenly has a prince in her place though.

Not that there wasn't enough male charm to go around. Yet for their part, Spyro and Flame both appeared incredibly awkward. Even so, they notably stood far closer to one another than either cared to admit. Cynder could sense the aura of curiosity coming off them like the heat of a fire, and despite the fact she disliked the idea of sharing her mate, it was cute.

Maybe he could try it with a male? That'd keep him away from Ember for now. The dark dragoness thought, fully aware that here, she was the one with all the power. That pink skank thinks she's getting away with this? Oh, I'll show her!

"Sure, sure, talk like you're the one in charge," Ember scoffed, throwing her head back. "You forget that we're here because I deem it to be so."

"Funny, you forget that I know every inch of this castle like the back of my paw, including all the traps that could deal with an annoying princess," Cynder retorted.

"Eh, well just try going back to Warfang without me, see how far you get," Ember spat, and Cynder rolled her eyes as she set down the straps, sex toys, and potions.

"Oh, I mean to take you back, then you'll not say a word about any of this," she declared bluntly.

"You'll have to try pretty hard to keep my mouth shut, dark-scale," Ember countered sharply.

"Are you two done measuring cocks or what?" Both dragonesses were cut short, peering at Flame as he offered them both a flat look, only to wince at his pink mate's scorn.

"Yeah, if we're all gonna fuck, how about we at least try to make it fun?" Spyro reasoned, still periodically patting his new body to make sure he was truly male. "I've not had a cock in weeks."

"I mean... I've never had a cock," Flame interjected, shooting Spyro a bashful look, only to blink. "Oh, you mean literally, I thought you were saying..."

The two males shied away from one another like timid school chicks. To Cynder it was adorable, to Ember it was clearly a distraction, one that the dark-scaled dragoness knew she could exploit.

"How about you two get to know each other a little better then?" she proposed, glancing between the two males.

"Cynder, are you sure?" Spyro asked, though it was clear his curiosity blossomed at the idea.

"Sure, why not?" Cynder added, smiling at the two. "You're clearly interested in it, so, go ahead."

There was a pause, before Flame's dry demeanor and Spyro's uncertainty were both replaced by smitten looks. The two turned to one another and bumped snouts, their tails coiling.

"I didn't know the hero of Warfang was bi-curious?" cooed the fiery dragon, as Spyro grinned.

"How's every dragon in the city not a little curious when the royal captain looks so hot?" he responded, taking Flame by surprise with a kiss, before the two fell over one another.

"Oh, you flatter me I..." Flame trailed off with a blush, peering down to where his rod poked free of his slit. "Gah! Sorry, is this too fast?"

"No faster than me," Spyro retorted, rolling his hips to encourage his member free. "Like I said, it's been weeks since I came properly."

"For the record, you look way better as a guy," Flame admitted as he rolled his hips too, his cock rubbing Spyro's underside. "Mmm, that feels good."

"How about we spar like we used to, hum?" The purple dragon suggested, eyes lidded as he kissed the royal captain once again. "Only now you can have the bigger sword."

"Is this like a ritual or something, my mate's so gay?" Ember asked, glancing at Cynder, who, for her part, was lost in fuzzy warmth at the sight of her mate's adorable antics.

"You don't think guys together are cute?" she asked simply and Ember balked, before stammering.

"W-Well... I... I... I don't d-disapprove of a display, but..." It was lucky for the princess her scales were already pink as she blushed hard. "I came here for sex, not to watch others have sex."

"How about dragoness on dragoness?" Cynder asked, and Ember blinked, before her eyes narrowed.

"What are you saying?" she asked, before, like lightning, Cynder pounced and pinned her down. "Oof, you animal, get off!"

The two glanced at their males, but both were too distracted with one another as Spyro coaxed pre from Flame's tip with his hind paws and the two kissed like lovers.

"What I'm saying..." Cynder began, running a long lick from Ember's belly to her neck, causing her to shudder. "Is we settle this once and for all. Bet you can't take me, Princess."

Not one to be challenged by the dark dragoness she despised, Ember snarled and bit back.

"All you have is biting and licking. You could scissor me and it wouldn't be anything new," she declared confidently, her tail coiling with Cynder's and pulling their wet pussies together. "Umph... Horny bitch!"

"For all your stuck up flaws, you are pretty sexy, your Highness," Cynder moaned, only to effortlessly pull back from the weaker dragoness. "But I'll take you with more than my slit."

She moved over to the pile of toys, pulling out glowing potions and a magical strap on she knew all too well.

"Here boys..." she called, kicking the potion over to Spyro and Flame who were in the midst of sucking each other off. "Whoever drinks that will have a huge cock all night!"

The pair pulled back, mouths slathered with cum as they blinked and looked at each other, before asking simultaneously.

"Is there only one vial?"

Cynder giggled as she nodded back to the pile, and the two horny males helped themselves. Meanwhile, she struggled into the strap-on's harness and rounded on Ember as the huge schlong swayed between her hind legs.

"Impressive, but I've taken bigger," Ember snorted, only to be pinned by Cynder as the dark dragoness hissed.

"I don't think so, this thing's enchanted and you've been so naughty, you need to be punished!" she declared and Ember pouted.

"Oh, because I've been the bad one," she deadpanned, smirking as she added. "Okay, do your worst, you won't beat me, beast."

Cynder's smirk was just as sharp as she obliged. Before Ember knew it, the guard captain heaved her up and shoved her into a tight harness, the bolts, straps, and chains moving like a living being, wrapping around her limbs and pinning her there with her rear up, tail exposed and wings locked flat. The thing was enchanted too, just like that she'd once used on Spyro, and the moment its metallic shifting concluded, Ember was utterly stuck.

"Umph... This is tight!" Ember murmured through her new muzzle, struggling just a little. "Funny you can't get me to raise my tail without the tricks."

"Too much? You can always say no and back out," Cynder offered, but Ember scoffed.

"You could ram eggs up my ass and you'd still be nothing more than a slut to me, Cynder. So..." With a shunt, Ember did her best to shift her pinned body towards the black dragoness. "Do you worst, and remember, once you're done with me, I'll take you and your pretty purple boy!"

At the end of her tether, Cynder didn't hesitate for a second. She straddled the pink dragoness, and with all her might, rammed the cock in hard.

"Numph... Gah... Fuck, by the ancestors, that's..." Ember called out, words lost as she wriggled her hips.

"What, too much?" Cynder mocked again as she bit the back of Ember's neck, sure the prim dragoness must be glad for the lubrication enchantments.

"The more you ask that, the dumber you sound, now fuck me and be done with it. I want to be on top soon!" Ember spat, and Cynder was just about ready to do just that.

She shoved her hips back and Cynder thrust, creating a wet squelch as the cock was shoved in deep. The pairs' moans at that moment were challenged by those of Spyro and Flame as the latter mounted the former in a similar manner, his cock far larger than before. Only with the two males, there was no bitterness, they cooed and purred with one another, while Cynder snarled.

"Fuck, you're tight." She peered down to double-check she had the right hole. "That privileged, royal pussy, you've never been fucked good in your life."

"I could agree, if not to save my mate's honor," Ember grunted back as she rolled her rump and coiled her tail with Cynder's, wings rattling against her restraints. "Trust me, I made his tail-hole a lot less restrictive."

"Bad girl, I like it," Cynder mused, spanking the pink rump pinned under her, before pressing her claws into the taut muscle. "Hating me for so long and now you're the one getting spanked."

"K-keep talking... Gah!" Any retorts Ember attempted to summon were broken by yelps and shudders, as the smaller dragoness practically sang. "Fuck... That thing's... Some cursed cock, what is it!?"

"You asked me to show you what it was we'd been using, so here it is," Cynder cooed as she paused for a moment to lick the princesses' neck. "Mmm, you're so loud during sex."

"A dragoness needs to make sure her mate knows she's enjoying it," Ember huffed hotly. "You're good at sex, I'll give you that."

"Coming from you, that's almost admirable," Cynder huffed, her inner thighs clapping Ember's toned cheeks before slipping the cock in slow. "You know this thing cums in you, right?"

The mention of cum was nothing new to Ember, in fact, the mate that often gave it to her was busy cumming for Spyro just a few feet away, as Flame came out of his shell to pin the purple dragon, grappling him playfully around the neck before plowing his enlarged cock deep into the hero's tail hole.

"I-I..." Ember snorted as Cynder slipped the cock into her deepest fathoms, sleek pussy dripping wet as it was prised apart and her claws ground stone like chalk on a blackboard. "I... Imagine that I'll get cum in a lot tonight."

"You and me both. But what a scandal, a princess whore," Cynder mocked and Ember shoved back, drawing a shudder from the darker dragoness as the pair of them drew closer to climax. "Umph... Not just going to admit you want it?"

"I'll take it from all three of you, so long as I get your purple mate up my tail a few times," the princess hissed, steadying her hind legs as best she could in the harness. "So go on, fill me. It'll be nothing compared to my turn riding you."

"So... Y-you really only wanted... All this because you were horny!?" Cynder started to shove, the pair of them shunting forward as claws scraped rock. "All that Confident swagger and..." She clenched her jaw as she felt the pressure build between her nethers, the enchanted strap on clamping hard over her soaked pussy. "You're no better than me!"

Cynder roared, flames seeping from her snout as once again the magical cock exploded without delay. Only now, instead of being propelled by passion, Cynder could have sworn it was just as bitter as herself. It was hungry to fill Ember, if only to prove the point Cynder believed in. She'd been so far for her mate, saved him from her sex-shifting mistake, and she was not going to stop until Ember understood how far she'd go.

For her part, Ember could not hold back her moans of pure bliss. She'd never admit how good Cynder made her feel, nor that she came several times right after the magical strap-on filled her with warm seed. For a moment she considered whether she could end up a mother, yet after countless orgies with similarly devious utensils, she dismissed it. She wasn't even in heat, all she wanted was to feel good.

Yet after a few moments, it was the bitter dragonesses that finished first. Cynder shoving all she had into Ember, cumming several times before she flopped over the exhausted princess. All the while Spyro and Flame went at it like lovers who'd been held away from one another for far too long, kissing deeply as they rode each other's large cocks.

"For what it's worth, no whelp in the royal harem is that good," Ember panted as she glanced back at Cynder.

"That's because daddy can't buy you a real mate," Cynder shot back and Ember snorted.

"Duh, he didn't buy me Flame." Cynder's look turned coy at that.

"Oh really, I can't wait to try him then," she purred and Ember shoved against her, restraints rattling.

"First, give me that strap on and let me out, I'm gonna show you how we sophisticated dragonesses do it."

Cynder was swift to set Ember free at that request, leaning back and waiting for the predatory pounce as the princess adorned the dildo and grinned devilishly.

"Oh, poor me, helpless and so exposed." Cynder spread her legs. "It's a shame I can't get knocked up twice."


5 Months Later:

"She's a snake!" Ember spat as she glared at an image of Cynder on the wall. "She tricked me and now I..."

The princess paused and blinked as she realized the only dragon in the room she was hissing at was a palace servant bringing her the third breakfast of the morning.

"Urm, your Highness? I never asked about guard captain Cynder," muttered the servant, looking more than a little uncomfortable.

"What? Yes, yes... of course, and so you shouldn't," Ember stammered as she heaved herself up and walked very awkwardly to the platter she'd been brought. "Did you fetch all that I asked for?"

"Same as the last two times, yes, your Highness," the servant assured with a nod. "Roast dragon fruit and the finest Avalarian lamb."

"Good, now leave me," Ember muttered, waving the dragon off with a wing, and with a bow, he disappeared through the large, crystal doors.

The moment she was alone, Ember let out an unbearably long breath as the illusion spell over her belly faded and a huge bump ballooned between her legs. The princess was impossibly gravid, with a clutch that put many mothers to shame. So much so, she had to waddle herself toward the window and peer out over the courtyard. There, amidst the well-kept gardens, upon the brilliant green lawns, was her mate Flame, sparing with the city hero Spyro in a sword fight. She snickered at that, knowing full well how good the purple dragon was with his more natural sword.

"Some of you best be his," she hissed as she took a bite to eat and glared at her huge, gurgling tummy.

She felt eggs roll like smooth stones within as if the young were not happy with her bitter disapproval. Though she'd never admit it, Ember knew this was all her fault. Not only that, but she liked being pregnant more than she cared to confess, and at that her disapproval turned to frustration. It was all because of one dragoness, and as she glanced up from Flame and Spyro, she saw Cynder. The guard captain was off duty, and just about ready to pop with an equally large brood. Only Cynder, at least, knew who the father of her eggs was.

"She thinks just because she was already pregnant, she's won? Ha!" Ember snorted as she took some food into her nest and flopped down.

"Who says she's any better at being a mother than me?" She rubbed her belly and cursed her inner affection. "I'll just say they're Flame's, some of them have to be."

The more she told herself that, of all the dragons to cum in her that night, there was no way Cynder could be the one to knock her up, the more she failed to believe it. The strap-on had been laced with fertility enchantments, and her adversary had been pregnant for the equivalent of weeks. The sly dark-scale must have known Ember would never dare rat her out if there was a possibility the two of them somehow had hatchlings together.

"Urg, she really is smarter than I gave her credit for," she moaned into a pillow, before looking at her taut belly as it growled. "Still, I can be ten times the mother she is, I'll not let her cunning drag you down, my little ones.''

She rubbed a wing over the bump as she rolled onto her back and laid against the pillows. "My brood will be the best brood in all of Avalar, fine princes and princesses of Warfang!"

Muzzle parted in a smirk, she laughed to herself, sure she could blame how crazy she sounded on mood swings, only to pause as she considered one vital detail.

"Wait, but if Cynder did knock me up..." She huffed and retrieved a historical family book from a small side table begging the ancestors she could find an excuse for chicks with black scales in her lineage.