Untill I find a better name... Part 3

Story by Drakue on SoFurry

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Lone Wolf:

Welcome To My World:

There Will Be Blood !

The Third Story in the Lone Wolf series

by Fuzzy Moordock


Jayson "Fuzzy" bradly walked along the cold streets of Kimoc, a cold little town on the outskirts of the woods. It had been almost two weeks since he had seen his good friend that amazing night, and he still couldn't forget it. That night had been magical... however now, every time Jonathan "Dead Freak" Moratoria, his best friend was confronted, the rabbit racoon hybrid blushed and ran away. He sighed. This can't keep going on.

He'd have to affront him about that night.

Jayson walked swiftly through the streets. The weather was letting up a bit nowadays, even thought it was technically still the middle of winter. The paths were still frosty, and there was still quite a lot of snow, but at least now it wasn't dark as he walked to college. He mumbled softly to himself, telling himself to work things out with his friend or face forever knowing that he'd given up on him.

The timber wolf stopped at the metal blue gates at the front of the college and looked up at the Spire, much like how he had during that first day, more than three weeks ago. The ugly, snow-topped faces were still there, made vague by water and wind, cracked by ice and snow. The satellite dish that had once stuck out of one of the slanted roofs was long gone. Apparently, nothing electrical worked up there. As far as Jayson knew, that spire wasn't even used for anything. He reasoned they should simply tear it down...

Something nudged his back. "Uh sorry..." he said automatically. Jayson turned round and smiled for the first time in two weeks.

"John!" He exclaimed. "What happened to your paws?"

His hybrid friend looked cold and wet and stressed, his ears looked worn and somewhat unkept. His clothes looked shabby and he looked like he hadn't slept in a while. Jayson looked just past his legs. Yes, and his tail was almost tucked between his knees. His paws were roughly wrapped with a kind of make-shift bandage.

"What's wrong? I haven't seen you in ages!" Jayson said, still trying to keep a frown away from his happy smile in the face of his friend's apparent depression.

"...Can We Talk Inside?" John said. His voice was horse and cracked when he spoke.

Jayson nodded and together, they made their way into the empty lecture theitor. There was rarely a lecture going on at this time in the morning, and Jayson didn't have lessons for about an hour.

"Okay... now what's wrong? You look like death! And your paws..." Jayson was starting to get worried.

"Yeah, uh... I haven't been sleeping well..." Jayson interpreted this as 'Not at all'.

"...and uh... so about two days after we... you know... I tried to call you. My dad caught me, asked who I was leaving such a soppy message to and..." John faltered and sat down on one of the hundreds of fold-up seats that were bolted to the floor.

"But... I didn't get any message. What happened? Did he do that to you?" Jayson asked, sitting on the seat next to his friend and putting a comforting arm around his shoulders, staring at John's paws.

"Oh no, that was an accident with a kettle." John said quickly.

"I was rehearsing..." He blushed slightly, but kept going. "Rehearsing what I'd say to you, and my farther looked through my phone and saw you're number... the one with the little heart above it..." John mumbled to an embarrassed silence. Jayson sighed and patted his back softly. "So... what are you doing now?" He asked, wondering if he should take his friend some were more privet.

"He kicked me out." John finished flatly.

Jayson blinked. John started to explain...

According to the Buncoon, he was indeed rehearsing in his room when his farther had burst in, as he often does. John had already picked up his phone and selected the name "Jayson <3 " in it's menu, ready to send his love for his best friend. His farther, unfortunately, was the type to listen on the other side of the doors.

The large racoon snatched the phone from his son and looked at the screen. "Who're ya' Sendin' such a soppy love note to, ya gay boi?" He roared, a fixed grin on his face... This didn't last. He knew who Jayson was; he had met him on occasions around town.

The next part of what happened took Jayson a lot of persuading and comforting to squeeze from his lover.

After he had figured out that John was about to send a love-ish message to another male, he went berserk. He gripped the phone until it smashed and punched John in the jaw at the same time, the wires of John's hopes of talking to his lover again flying away as Bruce (John's farther, Jayson learned) threw it at the wall before stamping on it dramatically. Soon after, Bruce had the doctor fix his son's broken jaw and kicked the Buncoon out.

"Let 'is fuckin' lover boy sort him out, he 'aint worth shit all to me!" He yelled out to the door. John's mother had simply stopped talking all together. The small Buncoon had been aloud to gather a few of his belongings in a duffle bag, along with some clothes. His farther had flatly refused to give him money on the only occasion Mrs. Moratoria had spoken. "'NAH!" his farther had yelled. "'Eed only spend it on fuckin' gay shit anyway!"

At this point in the telling of the story, John sat up slightly. It was a small difference, but Jayson noticed that he was more confident.

"Yeah, and you'd only spend it on Shit to drink, you fat basterd!" John had yelled.

At this point, Mr and Mrs. Moratoria, AND Jayson were all motionless. None of them could believe their ears.

"...What." Said John's farther, barely a whisper.

"You said WHAT?!" Said Jayson, just below a yell. "I've seen that guy, he's HUGE!"

"Yeah, well... that's not all." John said darkly.

After the silence that had followed, John was standing proud at the door, his bag in his paw.

"Yeah, I know. I know you spend all of my benefits, officially MY money on alcohol. I also know, dear farther, about that slut around the corner." He turned to his mother, who was colourless now.

"Yes, mom. He's been cheating on you for about half a year now. Good luck, You Fat FUCK!" John had yelled, before slamming the door.

Jayson was almost applauding at this point. "Well done! Jeeze, I couldn't stand up to a guy of his size... but where are you staying now?" He asked, smiling.

John sighed.

"...you know that bus shelter behind the commune house?" Jayson nodded. The Commie House was known for taking ANYONE with very little money in. So they could take that bit of money off of you, and kick you out. Once upon a time, the Commie house had been known as "Community Shelter House", but since then it had been taken over by a horrible, ruthless landlord. Nobody with any self-respect would stay at Commie house.

"You're not staying at the Comm-" Jayson started.

"Are you kidding? Nobody with ANY self-respect stays at that place..."

Jayson smiled in relief.

"...no, I'm staying in the bus shelter."

Later on, Jayson had promised (Or rather, insisted) that John stayed with him. His parents were out of town at the moment, seeing about a holiday of some sort, and so it was the perfect opportunity. Jayson and John where in the college toilets, sorting out the worst of the bunny's appearance...

"Come on, it's not gonna be for long. He'll come to his senses." Jayson argued.

"No he won't." John said flatly. He'd been like that since Jayson had told him he WAS staying with him, rather than the cold frosty bus shelter outside the Commie house. As he dabbed hot water to another small cut on the long, delicate ears of his friend that had once been beautiful, he thought of something.

"Hey... before the whole... incident, why were you avoiding me all week?" He asked. John looked away from him and poured some more water into the white porcelain sink.

"I haven't." He said flatly.

"Yes, you have. Why? Are you regretting that night?" Jayson asked curiously.

John sighed and turned to face his friend. His cheeks were bright red, and he was smiling very slightly. "It's because... I didn't want to ruin what we had before hand. I still want to be friends, and if I try and be anything more and it doesn't work out..." He smiled some more and rang a cloth out over the sink nervously.

Jayson giggled softly and kissed his friend for the first time in what seemed like years. "Silly wabbit," he said jokingly. "Wolfe's never going to leave you alone now. You're gonna have to deal with me aaaalll daaay loooong, every day..." He took the bunny's shoulders softly with each paw and brought him in for another kiss. "...For ever and ever. I promise."

John smiled happily "This..."

"Is gonna be fun." Jayson finished, kissing his lover again and laughing.

A few days passed. Our two boys caught each other now and then, and dragged each other into the corners for signs of their remaining love for each other, which ranged from a quick kiss to light groping before lessons. One day, about a week later, Jayson found his bunny with a group of his friends in an open field. He ran up to them smiling and, without thinking, kissed John on the cheek.

"What the hell, man? Did Jayson just kiss Dead freak or am I tripping?" Asked one of John's friends, Morothen "Moe" Traverstone. He was known for being brighter than he gave on, but hanging around with those not quite up to his level of conversation.

"Cool it, Moe. He tripped, right Jay?" Said John, smiling. That is, his face was smiling... his eyes said 'please, Please say yes...'

"Uh, yeah. Duh. As if I'd kiss my best friend." Jayson joked. "It'd be like... Moe kissing Tooth there." He looked at John's other friends.

One or two were giggling, but Mark "The tooth" Tireroar wasn't. He was approximately seven foot of fiery draconic muscle, and his deep crimson chest scales roaming all the way down the bottom side of his tail and ending in a fire-like ploom of red and yellow feathers. He was called "The Tooth" because he once ripped out someone's jaw And Ate It!

Moe eyed Mark critically. He thought he could take him, but then, he thought he could take anyone or anything. Jayson ended his playful laughter, and stared at the tiger and dragon.

John and Jayson backed off, because now the two students were circling slowly. Other students had gathered around, forming a crude sort of ring... There was always something going on, and these students seemed to sense the beginning of things. All it would take now is one thing, and it'd begin...

"You had to say that, didn't you?" Whispered John, furiously.

"How was I meant to know?" Jayson whispered back. "Well, at least they don't know about us..."

The dragon hissed and narrowed his eyes at his opponent. The circle around them visibly widened. The tiger bore his teeth at Mark. Jayson couldn't take his eyes off of the two, and neither could the other hundred students that were around them.

John snorted and tugged Jayson's arm, pulling away from the gladiator Dragon VS Tiger spectacle.

"Come with me..." John looked pissed. Jayson obeyed without question, letting himself be dragged through the hallway and into the student toilets. He felt himself be thrown against the wall and, before he could even protest, his maw was sealed shut by the lips of his best friend.

Jayson looked around in shock but slowly came to his senses, placing his paws on either side of John as they kissed. Before he could get comfortable, however, the buncoon pulled back and narrowed his eyes at the wolf.

"There. That should satisfy you. You should know better than to kiss me in public! What if they hadn't bought that stuff about you tripping?" John backed off and started washing his paws thoroughly.

"Well, they did, didn't they? And why can't we just... TELL them?" Jayson asked hopefully.

John growled softly under his breath, and applied some soap to his tensed up paws. Funny that, Jayson thought. He spends a lot of time with a canine, he starts growling. I hang around him a lot, and I'm always chirpy. Species seem to take characteristics off of each other.

He smiled softly and walked behind the bunny, pressing against his back as he slid his paws down to meet John's. His lover smiled, too, and his paws relaxed under the warm soapy water.

"I just... don't think it's time yet." He said softly.

"Then... when?" Jayson whispered into John's long, soft ears.

"Soon, I promise."

A short while afterwards, John was still in the boy's bathroom. The small tacked on mirror in front of him was steamed up now, so he couldn't see his reflection.

He didn't want to.

He was still busy cleaning his paws.

He had scrubbed and scrubbed with the cheap, rough cloth provided in the toilets since Jayson had left. He had scrubbed until his paws were sore. Now he was scraping invisible dirt off with his claws, scratching through his hairs until he was sure he was clean.

The water wasn't soapy white any more. It stung at his paws, but, he reasoned, it meant it was working. The red water had been draining slowly, and now there was only a small bit left.

John sighed. Later on he'd have to try a scorer.

He slowly and carefully re-applied his newly cleaned bandages to his paws and washed the sink of all visible redness. Then he took off out of the bathroom and through the college's many corridors, thinking hard on the way to his next lesson.

There was no doubt about it. Today was going to be hard to face. But as his farther had always told him...

...Stay strong, my son, and God will provide. If you sin, you must make up for it. You must suffer until you are Truly Sorry...

...Perhaps Jayson had some sandpaper...

After class, Jayson was walking down the icy pavements that had seemingly melted into the roads with the application of snow. He slipped and slid now and then, but he didn't care. He was deep in thought, to the extent that he was walking into people in the street.

What was wrong with Dead? His paws... he knew there was something wrong there.

Jayson walked swiftly up the steps on the inside of his building to his front door. There must be something Jayson can do. Then he remembered about the new living arrangement. He stopped dead at his door and watched a couple of strands of wispy smoke pass by his nose. This isn't good, he thought.

Jayson opened the unlocked door as quickly as he could, ran in, slamming it behind him, and stopped dead in the kitchen door.

He literally stopped Dead at the kitchen door.

"Ohh, I'm so sorry, John!" he said, blushing slightly that he thought something bad had happened. He offered a paw to his friend, who took it and stood up.

"It's okay, I guess." John smiled softly.

"I was just baking, and I went to get a towel to clean up an egg spill, and I get knocked over by you." John giggled softly. "What, did you think I wouldn't show up?"

Jayson looked at the tops that are usually covered in need-to-do washing up. Pots, pans and plates had all gone, and had apparently been replaced by several large, steaming cakes. He smiled.

"What did you do with all the dirty stuff?" He asked, blushing. He was ashamed that his friend had even seen his place in such a crappy state, let alone had to move all of it away for cakes.

"Oh," John said with a smile, "I washed them. Look in the cupboards, silly. That's where they were meant to be, after all."

There was no doubt. This was going to take some getting used to.

Jayson watched Dead walk around the living room. Jayson was eating a slice of the buncoon's amazing cake, but it was half way to his maw as he watched his partner... clean. The cake hung in the air just below Jayson's open maw. John swept past in his polyester pink cleaning shirt and placed a plate under his chin, seamlessly moving on to his next task. The room had never looked so clean.

John was having the time of his life. Not only did he have an amazing, caring lover, who provided a place for him to stay, but he now had something to take his mid off of... things. Everything needed cleaning. And if there were three things he was good at, it was cleaning, baking and hiding from his problems. Right now, he was doing all three.

"Cookies are done" He said, without as much as a glance towards the clock.

Jayson was amazed, but snapped out of his daze and set his half-eaten cake down. He had already eaten a full cake, and he knew he wasn't going to eat this slice.

As John sent to take the freshly baked cookies out of the oven, a thought struck the wolf. He knew he didn't have any eggs. He was certainly out of flour, and there was only a dribble of milk left... that means when John had gotten here, he had washed all of his things, cleaned the kitchen, spent HIS OWN money on stuff to bake, and started baking. Jayson frowned and walked into the kitchen.

John was just placing a steaming pile of cookies atop the oven.

"Oh... hey you. We're out of milk, so I'll have to go buy some mo-"

"-Look, Dead... John... what's this about?" Jayson said softly.

"...What do you mean? I like baking. Now I'm just gonna go get some mor-"

"YOU know what I mean. The bandages. The cleaning of my entire place? The pies, cakes and cookies?"

"I haven't done any pies!" John yelped, looking defensive. But Jayson knew what he was doing.

"No" Jayson said with a smile. "But they would be awesome."

John scowled at his lover, but he couldn't keep the corners of his maw turning upwards into an embarrassed smile. "Okay... it's my farther." He said.

Jayson felt something, deep inside him. His eyes widened, his ears lowered, and he clutched his head "...No... not now... please, it's been so long..." He saw John tilt his head. His voice sounded as thought it was coming through vats of water.


...are you okay?



Ugh, my head. Thought Jayson, the words sounding as if he had spoken them. ...where am I?

He opened his eyes, and then closed them again.

"No... You can't be here. You're not REAL!" He tightened his eyes, but he could still see the thing in front of him. He hated this place.

"...Good to see you too, you inconsiderate fucker." Said Jayson's Worst Nightmare.

On behalf of the author of this book, I would suggest this as a good time to rest your eyes, check the time or possibly to go to sleep. This is a good bit to come back to later. Just a suggestion. Enjoy the wait, and the rest of the book as you see fit. Thanks for reading so far! Keep tuned for some really freaky shit.


It had been over two years and a lot of medication, along with a lot more sleepless nights since Jayson had last had one of those dreams. And that's all they were, he realised at one point. He was dreaming. But while HE wasn't in his body, what WAS is the worrying part.

"You're not real..." he muttered weakly. He looked around.

Just like the other times, he couldn't make much out. It was like being awake during a dream. He could make something out, and then as fog it changed shape or texture. Or it turned into nothing but a shadow. He sighed and looked to his left, where he knew there'd be-

Suddenly, out of background mist, a large metal desk materialised in the middle of the floor. Jayson peered at it wearily and totally unsurprised, but it continued stating it had always been there.

He was in the middle of a Laboratory Of Shadows, as Nightmare put it. It was where Jayson went when ... things happened on the outside.

"Oh aren't I? Then tell me, little wolf... what am I?" The reddish, shadowy wolf asked him. It was sitting on the table, as it usually was.

And posing difficult questions. Same as always.

"I don't know... an illusion..." muttered Jayson, without much conviction.

"Bullshit. Then what about those scars on your arms last time? Where they an illusion, too?"

It was true. Last time, the VERY last time Jayson had had one of these dreams, Nightmare had struck him on the arm. When he had woke up in a different location to where he fell asleep, as always happens, he had scars on his arms. Slash marks. That was when Jayson started taking him seriously.

"Okay, cut the shit. What do you want? I have a good life now, a GOOD life!" He screamed. Jayson was standing now, his teeth were bare, and his ears were flat atop his skull.

"John." It said softly. Jayson tensed up more.

"If you lay so much as a FUCKING claw on him-"

"I... like him." Nightmare said softly. It was barely a whisper, but it had the effect of a large metal cow on the rails of Jayson's train of thought.

Jayson stopped and stared at it, it's red scale-under-thin-fur appearance shining slightly under the dank dream light of the laboratory. He had never once heard the beast show affection for anything... or anyone before.

It had always hated... well, life. Everything. Anything.

"...You WHAT?" Jayson said, his rage not forgotten completely.

He had been tricked by this beast before.

"I can see into him. I know him for what he is, and I like what I see-"

Jayson rushed towards the eight food beast and landed the first ever solid punch on the half-existent being. It hurt like hell, and he clutched his aching paw as Nightmare stumbled backwards, looking away from the punch.

"...You little shit. Fine. See if I care, just tell him this..."

Light. Far too bright.

Jayson moved his arms in front of his face, but something forced them away in a soft but firm way.

"He's awake, doctor! My god, what could have DONE that..."

Female voice... Slightly high-toned... no, wait... male?

Jayson could hear beeping. Speeding up, as his eyes began to focus. The bright light was taken away, leaving a purple blotch in the middle of his vision. Just on the outskirts of the blind spot, he could see things. Railing, silver. Machines. Hospital machines? And people in scrubs. Yes, hospital. He tilted his head and looked down.

He was covered in wires. They were stuck to his chest, stomach and arms, all fastened by sticky round pads. The beeps sped up.


He was suddenly squashed. All he could see was still purple from the bright light, so he closed his eyes and hugged whatever was crushing him.

"...Grk... " he said weakly.

"Jayson? It's me, John... I've been waiting for about a day..."

Jayson opened his eyes and focused. It was indeed Dead, but he looked like he hadn't bathed in a few days. His eyes were red and the fur on his cheeks were still wet.

"I'd call it a week, Jonathan. He never left your side. We couldn't get him to leave, but he wasn't any trouble. So we let him stay." Said the voice with the flashlight. His wrist was taken, and two soft, delicate fingers were placed on the top of his wrist. "Hmm... your blood pressure seems fine, but you should relax. "

Jayson looked around.

He was indeed in a hospital... and by the looks of it, a comfortable privet room. There was a good colour T.V on the wall opposite him, and the chair that John was sat on seemed rather comfortable.

He looked at the voice, and found it to belong to a handsome male nurse stallion. His white mane was brushed to the softness of clouds, and his eyes sparkled an amazing emerald green as he smiled into Jayson's eyes.

"You're in the hospital." The nurse said, as if Jayson couldn't notice from all the equipment, His perfect voice just bordering on privet concern. "The police found you in Jonathan's house here..." He faltered and trailed off. Jayson soon realised why.

He looked at John. John looked away.

"...what... what happened?" Jayson asked.

"My name is joseph." Said the white horse.

"...Don't you mean Joseph?" Asked Jayson wearily.

"Um... no, actually it IS joseph. My boss gets it wrong all the time." The horse blushed and giggled his high-pitched laugh.

For the first time since he had woken up, Jayson remembered something. "Uh... I'm Jayson. But you know that. Um... could you leave me and De- and John? I need to talk to him."

The mare cast a doubtful look at them both but nodded, adjusted something that was hanging above Jayson's arm and left. Jayson turned to Dead Freak and winced slightly.

"Hey! Careful... you were in really bad shape when they brought you in..." The buncoon said softly, tears beginning to well up. "They said... they said you might not make it..." He looked away and started crying again. Jayson put a comforting arm around him, as best he could with his aches and pains.

"Listen, John... what happened?" Jayson asked softly. John slowly stopped crying and looked at him, his cheeks wet and his eyes red.

"You... you don't remember, do you..."

Jayson shook his head.

John smiled softly, and took Jayson's paw, gripping it a bit harder than comforting. "You were found in my house... like joseph said, and so was my farther. My mother fled, or so the police think... my farther's dead, Jayson."

Jayson pulled his head back slightly. "...he's what?"

"Dead, Jayson. Someone killed my farther!" John smiled.

He was smiling that his farther had died!! Nightmare screamed, deep inside Jayson.

You see now!?

"What... what was I doing there?" He asked, trying to drown out the horrible echoes made by the inside voice.

John frowned. "Yes," He said slowly. "They did say you might have bumped your head... Well what is the last thing you remember?"

Jayson thought for a second.

"Me and you." He said. "We were in the kitchen, and then I blacked out." John was looking worried, but he told Jayson everything he saw since then...

As John Dead Freak told it, Jayson had been clutching his head. Then he suddenly looked up. John had asked if he was okay, and he had said he was fine, thank you. Then what appeared to be Jayson grabbed John's coat, maybe mistaking it for his own.

Then he said "Time to sort some shit out. I can't keep this up long." And then he left.

John took Jayson's paw and smiled softly. "Police were called because the person next door heard screaming... Oh, and they want to see you when you wake up."

Jayson's eyes widened.

Aww, SHIT! Nightmare, what the fuck have you gotten me into this time...

Jayson sighed. He had been interviewed by police at times, and he had always been truthful. But every little suspicion adds up, right?

At the moment he was sat at the police station. He knew this because his cute stallion nurse had carefully and slowly explained it to him. It had only been a formality, he had said. Jayson had his bag filled of white liquid tied to his arm, and when he got his clothes back he found the nurses number in his pocket, written on the back of a prescription slip that was blank. Jayson smiled and winced as he tried to get comfortable on the hard metal chair.

After that, it was a matter of minutes before, with much fuss from the doctors and nurses, the policeman and woman dragged him effectively into the station. That's where he's been sat for god knows how long.

There was no clock .

He waited. He didn't know how long it was before he started considering seeing if the door was actually locked, or if they had forgotten about him.

He looked around.

Talk about bare place. Blue brick walls. Two video cameras. A black square box - That must be the recorder, he thought. And the typical long, wall-flat mirror enveloping most of one wall. Best not to waste it, he thought.

He stood up -Slowly. He was in custody, after all. Plus the fact he was just released from hospital. His ribs were still hurting...

Slowly and carefully, using the wall to balance, Jayson slowly made his way to the other end of the room. He steadied himself against the mirror and took a deep breath before slowly unbuttoning his shirt. He knew what he was looking for...

Every movement was hell. Every joint was an erupting volcano, and every bone felt like sulphur. The shirt was unbuttoned. Good. He looked down and smiled, even though he knew what would be there. It was just nice to be right once in a while.

There, written in ballpoint pen on his chest, upside down (so he could read it) was some scratchy, thin and familiar writing under his furr;

Please Wake Up. I miss you.

He smiled again. John never left his side, eh? Hah... but then stopped. There was more writing, below. But this wasn't upside down... this was meant to be read by someone the right way up. He looked hard at just above his belt:


Jayson giggled softly and made his way back to his seat unsteadily, swaying with the effort of doing two things at once. John needed a hobby, he figured.

...Besides baking.

...And cleaning.

He was still smiling some minutes later as two federal suits came in. The bodies inside were both grey hounds, thin and businesslike. They looked as if they were BORN in those suits.

Jayson laughed loud.

"Yes, that'll be the morphine" Said one of the officers, as he sat down on the seat opposite Jayson and laid a small sleeve of papers on the table.

The other stayed with his paws clasped against one another in front of him, standing next to the door.

"Thankfully, this will prevent any... outbursts." The first said.

Jayson laughed again, but not very vividly. The seriousness of the matter was starting to get to him.

"What, 'm I in trouble for killing someone or s'mthing?" He giggled, swaying slightly. He gripped the table for balance.

The agents tensed, although not a muscle in their body moved. This, to Jayson, was a huge give away.

"Right now that is classified information, Mr. Bradly. We would like you to answer some questions, if you feel you could." The canine in the seat opposite said.

Jayson sighed. The morphine was starting to wear off now, and so he placed both his elbows on the table and gave his sincere look. "I'll tell you everything I know, officer."

"That's you're sincere look, Mr. Bradly." Said the grey hound.

"Well, I'm being sincere." Jayson replied.

While Jayson answered some tedious questions on behalf of the town of Kimoc and it's police force and gave the typical answers, he had some time to think.

He HAD thought things were going to be different... but now their back to normal. No, sorry, they aren't. He still has John, where ever the hell he is. Yeah, Nightmare had said something about him, hadn't he? It was all so hazy... Oh yes! Nightmare had wanted Jayson to tell him something. He remembered now. As soon as he could get the buncoon some were privet...

"...and that's also why we have your friends in captivity..." passed by Jayson's ears. He looked up and frowned.

"Wait what? What has John done?"

The agent looked up with mild surprise, which is as far up the emotion of "Surprised" that those kinds of people ever show.

"John?" The canine asked curiously. Jayson saw the first agent bend down and delicately whisper something into the other's short ear.

"Ah yes, the son. Master Moratoria . No, Jonathan was aloud to leave. We have your two other friends A mister.." The agent shuffled his papers for a second. "..Ahh yes, Mr. Tireroar an d a Mr. Capper." He said with a small smile.

Jayson stared at him. Mark "The Tooth", a known anti-homosexual, in the same house as F'yari "Mindbender" Capper? The gay guy who makes STRAIGHT guys drool?!

"What..." Jayson started. "....the Fu-hell were they doing in the same house? Is F'yari all right? I mean I only know him from college, I go to lunch with him now and then, but-"

"Mr. Capper is fine, I assure you. He's in the next room with your other friend. If you wish to see them soon, it can be arranged."

Four hours later, it was arranged. By that time, all Jayson wanted to do was sleep, but he had a few questions to ask his friend F'yari. He had known him for about a week before they had simply not talked any more. But Jayson still considered him a friend.

When Mark and F'yari were finally escorted to the waiting room (Which Jayson had made full use of, by way of waiting), they both appeared to have been brought in the clothes that they had been found in at the time.

Mark was trudging along the floor with his claws in his jean pockets, his shoulders hunched and his wings pressed tightly against his back, making him seem even taller than he normally is. He glanced at Jayson and then looked down again, before sitting on a chair some way away.

F'yari, however, was bouncing along the dull floors, a splash of inspired colour in the bland background of the police station. The wolf fox hybrid was wearing a pink armless shirt, with a bright green slogan published across the stomach;

I would be naked without this shirt...

....but that can always change.

He certainly had a spring in his step when he saw Jayson.

Jayson knew this because-

"JAY JAY!!" F'yari screamed in happiness, before leaping and hugging him tightly against his chest. Jayson's blushing face was buried into the pink polyester of his friend's shirt.

Then he remembered why he didn't talk to F'yari often. He liked to pounce onto people.

Jayson pushed hard against the folfie's stomach until he could breath again. F'yari backed away, smiling happily at the sight of the friendly face.

"We heard something happening next door, me and Mark-" Mark looked warningly at F'yari. "-uh... So I uh.. called the police..." He reframed to his natural state of bounciness. "ooh, Jay, they carted us away like we were to blame! We saw a car smashed into the front of John's house- oh... "

F'yari had stopped and was looking just past Jayson.

Jayson turned around slowly and gasped.


"Let's go home." The bunny said.

Then, for the first time in a long time, he smiled a genuine smile.

Back at Jayson's house, both the wolf and the bunny hybrid sat at the coffee table, tired and worn out. They sat on opposite couches, looking at their coffees.

Both were waiting for the other to speak, on account of neither of them talking while they walked home. John was the first to talk.

"...I talked to the officers. They asked me about you..." He said.

"What did you say?" Jayson asked, glad for the brake in the silence.

"They asked me where you went... what my relationship was with you... I told them I was just living with you for now, and... and I told you that you went to the shop next to my house for a newspaper..." Dead sighed.

"Dead... why did you lie for me? Now you're in as deep as me..." And who knows how deep THAT is, he didn't add. Jayson reached over and took his lover's paw, looking into his eyes with a soft smile.

"It's okay... tell me what happened." He said.

John looked away and took a deep breath.

"Something... something broke into my house, found my farther... and they said there was a car involved... they found my dad's chest... ripped open, they said... They... they showed me pictures..."

Jayson sighed. The fucking federal agents, totally without emotion or a care about what they do to the people they harm...

But I'm The Same.

I killed that man.

Jayson reached up to scratch his cheek, and he realised he was crying. He looked up to John, and saw that he was, too. But both of them were smiling.

Finally, Jayson clicked.

"...You hated him, didn't you?"

"Well done, jay! I hated that fucker and what he did to me... Look at these!" John exclaimed, banishing both of his paws. Jayson did indeed look, and saw that his friend's paws were cut and bruised, scars covering most of what used to be such soft furry hands.

"He...HE did this?!" Jayson said, staring at the paws before they were hurriedly pulled back.

"No. I did. But he made me believe it was ... well, RIGHT. If you sin, you have to suffer..." John said, sounding defensive again.

Jayson sighed and picked up both cups, standing up and taking them both into the kitchen.

"They said you were lucky to be alive!" John called in after him., but Jayson couldn't hear him.

"Said they might never know what really happened..."

There are many reasons why he may not of heard his friend.

It may be because he had started boiling the kettle.

It may have been that he was not listening.

However, it is probably because he was then laying flat out on the floor, a slightly dented metal ladle in his right paw.

Another good spot to rest and relax, my dear reader! Yes, that's all this is. It's not Fuzzy trying to fill up some space on this page because he wants to start the next chapter on the next page.

Oh no. Honest desire for the good of the reader.



"You basterd!!" Jayson screamed, as he lunged across the dreamed landscape and onto the half-existent being. They hit the ground together with a thud, followed by the crack of the dreaming wolf cracking Nightmare's jaw in half with his fist.

The creature struggled under Jayson, however it couldn't find purchase along the dreamed ground of smoke-like dust. Another punch forced itself against Nightmare's skull.

"YOU BASTERD FUCKER! YOU KILLED JOHN'S FARTHER! YOU MADE HIM CUT JOHN'S PAWS! DIE!!! " The real wolf screamed as he punched the being again and again until it stopped moving with a short shudder.

He stopped and looked down at the shattered skull, fragments still sticking to his fist which was almost broken itself with the force.

"...I know you don't die that easily, you basterd. Get up." Jayson said to the mushy red smear along the ground. He heard a silky swish, barely more than a whisper behind him.

Jayson dived to the left just as the point of a large broadsword smashed into the dead dream body's chest.

"Well done, looks like you're learning. You know I did right, you can't tell me not to do something you know is right!" Nightmare yelled, as the blade came towards Jayson again.

The wolf tried to push himself backwards out of the way of the blade, but was too slow. He felt it's icy metal slit across his right shoulder...

He realised two things at this point, as he bent over the sword's slicing arch. First, that if he died in his dream, he DIED.

And second, that this was HIS dream.

The sword vanished, and so did the body. Slowly and swaying, Jayson stood up. The laboratory had vanished along with the sword, and now both he and Nightmare stood in a grey field, its long hay swaying softly in the soundless wind. The Dream Hybrid stood still, taking in the new scenery.

"Oh no you fucking DON'T!" It said, before running towards Jayson at speed...

...And running into a wall that had suddenly materialised between the injured wolf and the beast. He looked around and laughed.

"You think a stupid wall can stop me, wolf? I've spent more time in this land than you have! I can do ANYTHING! \this Is MY WORLD! " It yelled before punching the wall.

The beast stood perfectly still, as small cracks appeared on its fist.

When Jayson next spoke, it seemed as if he was just next to the beast's ear. It was barely more than a whisper, but it was as powerful as one hundred thousand tons of iron atop Nightmare's shoulders.

"No More. Welcome, Nightmare... To My World."

Another wall shot up out of the smoky ground, shooting hay over the frozen red dream wolf. "N-Nooo! This is... M-my world..." He managed, as another two walls shot up. They kept on going until they were out of sight above him, past the misty clouds, boxing him in.

In the silence that followed the roar of the walls being pushed through the earth, the beast made of nightmares heard something. It was a sound of glass scraping against glass, very quietly.

Slowly, he pulled his fist away from the first wall. He looked at it, moving with extreme difficulty and saw that the cracks were slowly creeping across his wrist, slowly spreading over his fingers, one by one.

He looked up, and then around. The darkness started slowly seeping inwards as dream light drained.

"Here You Shall Stay Until You Are Worthy Of Release."

"N-No!! I was meant to take over! This isn't how it's meant to GO!"

"Goodbye, Nightmare."


Nightmare screamed up to the heavens, gripping his cracking arm angrily as the darkness closed in completely, killing all light within the enclosed space.



JAYSON! Wake up!"

For the first time ever, Jayson "Fuzzy" Bradley smiled before he woke up. He knew where he was, because he could feel the cold tiles beneath one paw. In the other, he could feel the hard metal of the ladle he had used to knock himself out.

He opened his eyes, and screamed.

Later on, Jayson lay with his head atop John's knee. He hadn't stopped smiling, even through the stitches.

"What the hell did you do that for, you silly wolf?" John asked softly. Jayson knew he could never tell him. He would simply never understand.

"You cut your arm, and your fist.. oh God your paw..."

Jayson smiled at his worried lover. "Stop worrying so much" he said. "The doctor said the cut wasn't too deep, and my paw will be fine in a few days."

"But..." John started to protest, but Jayson took the back of his head softly with his left paw and brought him down for a deep kiss, releasing the tension that the bunny had been storing up for so long. He could practically feel John melting with relaxation. After what seemed like a year, he pulled his lover's maw from his own and smiled again.

"Trust me" he said, gazing into his friend's blue eyes. "...Everything's going to be alright now. I promise." He finished happily.

There was a noise from the front door, and it was slammed open.

"Jayson honey, were home! I hope you haven't left us any unexpected surprises like last time!" Yelled Jayson's mother, remembering that last time Jayson had accidentally left a fish behind the refrigerator...

And totally unaware that together, as one, Jayson and John, lovers and friends, spoke;

"THIS... is gonna be fun!" They laughed together.

All rights reserved. This story and all characters within are copyright Fuzzy Moordock's original creation(s), and were thought up on the spot. I bet ya didn't see that death coming! I hope this didn't let down anyone who was expecting better, and if it did... Well, screw you basically. But anyway. Thanks for reading all this legal crap. Jayson is from my previous stories: Lone Wolf and Welcome To My World. John is also from Welcome To My World.

See you in the next story!

Untill I find a better name... Part 2

Lone Wolf: WELCOME TO MY WORLD The SECOND story in the Lone Wolf series By Daniel Lebon II Jayson sat motionless in front of his computer screen, breathing very softly with his eyes half open. The screen continued spewing its blue light...

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Untill I find a better name... Part 1

Lone Wolf: What Dwells Within The FIRST story in the Lone Wolf series By Fuzzy Moordock I This story is set in an anthro-world, in which all of the characters are anthro. If you are a minor, or are not aloud to read...

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