Safe Harbor (2/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When a Nexus Storm blows a fox into the realm of a certain rubber dragon Renzyl is more than happy to help his impromptu guest take shelter from the storm. However the rubber realm proves to be a little too enticing for Reynard and he is drawn into the shiny paradise that have ensnared so many others.

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For what seemed like ages the bright white pillar of rubber that contained the fox continued to remain still, the vines practically merged together to form one solid mass to contain the creature within. Reynard had lost all track of time while he was encased within its confines, his mind knowing only the physical pleasure of the rubber that encased his body as the movement of the vines had slowed dramatically. Just as he thought he was about to drift off into a euphoric coma however he began to feel movement once more, but this time it was in the opposite direction of what he had previously experienced. The vines that had been wrapped around him for so long slowly and carefully peeled themselves away, exposing the body of the vulpine that had been trapped within.

When Reynard felt the roots that had been keeping his feet secured beneath the ground loosen he quickly pulled them out, stumbling backwards from the tree as he tried to get control of his body once more. The sensation of air against his body caused him to shiver; not only because it was the first time in a while that he felt it after being wrapped up in vines for so long but also because his fur had been replaced with shiny, rubbery skin. Once he had gotten used to being free and being able to move he looked down at himself to find that there wasn't a hair left on him and everything was covered in a shiny latex sheen. It wasn't just his outer body either as he suddenly became aware of his latex tongue in his mouth, moving it around to feel his synthetic teeth before reaching in and feeling the slickness go all the way to the back of his throat.

He felt something caress his smooth back and saw that one of the willow vines had rubbed up against it, turning to see one of the vines gesturing in a direction further down the path. It appeared the tree was telling him to go down to it and the vulcanized vulpine gave the tree a nod and petted the curtain of latex vines. The entire willow shuddered and it caused Reynard to grin, then walk down in the direction indicated. More than once he had to stop though as everything about his form felt knew to him, even the way his latex feet hit the stone as he move through the rubber forest. After a short walk the fox found himself standing at the edge of the pond, the still surface of the water allowing him to see what he looked like properly in the reflection.

Though Reynard was able to see himself a bit just by looking down at himself as soon as he was able to look at himself he realized just how extensive the changes had been to him. While he remained a fox he looked like some sort of rubber doll or pool toy, or possibly that he was wearing some sort of latex suit that just happened to completely cover him and fit to every contour of his body. The orange and black patterning on his fur had also changed to become bright and dark red respectively, the same as the smaller leaves on the willow tree while the white parts of him remained the same. He also seemed to be slightly bigger than before overall and as he flexed his muscles he saw that he had become more toned as well.

When he went back up to look at his face again however Reynard saw something that caused him to tilt his head in slight confusion. While he still saw his vulpine features still it looked like there was another visage that overlapped it, something more reptilian in nature. When he put his hands up to his face though he only felt the latex of his own muzzle and ears, which made him wonder what he was looking at. He found himself getting on his knees and leaning in to try and figure it out, only to jump back when the face suddenly broke the surface of the water!

"Ah!" Reynard shouted as he fell backwards, his feet splashing slightly as they fell into the water's edge as the fox looked up at the grinning lizardman. "You scared the life out of me..."

"Sorry, couldn't help it," the rubber creature replied as he reached out to help Reynard up. As the fox took his hand he felt something wrap around his wrist and looked down to see that not only was the body of the lizardman covered in seaweed but one of them had wrapped around his hand momentarily while he was helped back up to his feet. "We have a little arrangement with the others that if they manage to snag someone they motion for them to come to the pond so they can check themselves out and we can have a little fun ourselves."

"I see..." Reynard replied as the latex seaweed slipped off of him and coiled back around the aquatic creature. "So you're a rubber plant creature too."

"Mhmm, didn't start out this way but eventually found myself making this pond my home after a few of my deeper desires were brought to the surface like underwater sex," the lizardman replied. "Speaking of which I see that you aren't covered in sap and smell like cherry blossoms, so I'm guessing the willow got you. Must have just happened too because you haven't germinated yourself yet, that's going to be a fun time if you're a fan of vines or tentacles."

Germinated... Reynard didn't know what the other creature was talking about but as soon as he mentioned that he felt his stomach gurgle slightly and the rubber of his taut stomach shift slightly. "Ohhh... no one told you about that bit I can see," the lizardman continued on as the grin spread wider across his face. "Well you're certainly in for a treat then, but before you sprout perhaps you might fancy a swim with me and my friends? My name is Dorian by the way."

"Reynard," the fox replied back almost instinctively as his hand continued to stroke his stomach. "Um... what exactly am I in for with this whole germination thing?"

"I told you that you'll see," Dorian replied with a wink before gesturing towards the lake. "Come and have a swim with me, the nice thing about being a rubber creature is that you don't have to breathe and can stay under all you want."

Though Reynard was still preoccupied with what was going to happen to him considering that he could feel something now in his latex insides the aquatic creature proved to be rather persuasive, especially when he had tentacles of his own in the form of the seaweed that was wrapped entirely around his body. Their conversation also drove home the point that he was not just wearing a rubber suit, the transformation of his body was both inside and out. His musing was broken by the sound of a splash as the lizardman went back into the water, disappearing briefly underneath the surface before bobbing back up again and motioning for him to follow. The rubber fox found himself grinning at the playful actions of the other male and decided to dive in himself.

For a few seconds Reynard floated there shocked as he felt water against his new rubber body for the first time. Unlike with his furry form he could feel the ebb and flow of the water against him every time he moved and it caused a tingle to cascade through his entire form. Despite how cold the water was the fox didn't feel his body become chilled, in fact it felt even more refreshing as he spotted the seaweed lizardman swimming a few feet below him. When he looked from the creature to the bottom of the lake he saw only darkness, Reynard wondering just how deep this lake went before Dorian swam back up to greet him.

"Glad you decided to join me on my offer," Dorian said, though as they floated there Reynard noticed that despite hearing his voice the lizardman didn't open his mouth.

"Whoa, how did you do that?" Reynard asked before he realized he had just done the same thing. "Oh wait, I just did it too!"

"Yeah, all of the minions of Master Renzyl are able to talk in this fashion," Dorian explained, smirking when it caused the eyes of the fox to widen slightly. "Don't worry, as a guest of Renzyl you still have the capability to change back, though after this I would be surprised if you want to. Also, I would like you to meet my fellow seaweed lizardman Alden."

Reynard's ears perked up as he suddenly felt a presence behind him, not even able to turn around before a pair of thick arms wrapped around him and he began to feel the latex tentacles of the other male tickle against his back and chest. "Pleasure," the bigger male whispered into the ear of the fox. "Now are we going up or down?"

"Uh... up or down?" Reynard repeated.

"This lake mimics those that are created with a rather large chunk of ice falls from a glacier and creates an almost straight hole down that's quite deep," Dorian explained. "If we take this down then we get to do it in the darkness, not being able to see each other and have to rely on feel. If we go up then we're having some fun on the surface and floating around one another, and since we don't care either way we'll leave it up to you."

Reynard looked down into the darkness and was instantly reminded of the time that he had just spent in the cocoon of vines that had changed him into this synthetic form in the first place, then back up to the glimmering surface. Since he had already spent several minutes treading water and talking to them it cemented the information he already knew that there was no danger of drowning, which meant that he could go either way. "I suppose... we could..." the fox said as he continued to look up and down while being held by the lizardman behind him. "Going down might be interesting."

"We were hoping that you might say that," Dorian said with a smile as Reynard felt the other guy back away. "No need for you to swim down, we got that covered."

The fox looked at the two of them curiously before he felt something wrap around his ankles and looked down to see that several large strands of latex seaweed had emerged from the depths while they were talking. He couldn't believe that he had gotten trapped again as the tentacles pulled him downwards into the darkness below. The feel of the water rushing past him caused his vulpine body to squirm as the light of the surface quickly faded away before it disappeared completely. Along with the darkness came the squeeze of pressure as the lake proved to be far deeper than he had imagined before, eventually coming to a stop among in what felt like a kelp bed as the rubbery plants lazily wrapped around him from the current that had been created by his drop downwards.

When he attempted to kick his feet Reynard found that they were still bound by the seaweed that had brought him there, though with the darkness completely surrounding him it was hard to tell what direction was even up. He also realized that since he didn't need to hold his breath he found himself not floating upwards, instead he continued to sit at the same depth without the latex strands even needing to tether him down. All the fox could do was remain there in the darkness until he was either let go or the lizardmen had come down to meet him. It didn't take long before the latter happened as the caresses of the seaweed against his latex body turned into a pair of hands.

"You are really enjoying this, aren't you?" the voice that Reynard identified as Dorian said as the fox felt the hands pressed against his chest effortlessly stroking up and down it. "You know, there are two people that seem to really enjoy tentacles, those that enjoy being wrapped up in them..."

"...and those who enjoy doing the wrapping," the second, deeper voice of Alden said as another pair of hands began to rub against his back. "We happen to be the second of those options, and given your affinity to the willow you are most likely the other type. I guess we'll see..."

Reynard couldn't believe what was happening to him, being tied down in the darkness while two rubber lizardmen with essentially tentacles sought to pleasure him. He could hear the voice of Dorian jokingly say that it was natural to wonder how he got so lucky, but before the fox could retort he began to feel something stroking along his groin. His cock, which was also covered in a bright cherry red, had already started to grow hard during their initial foreplay and as the other male continued to stimulate him it only caused it to throb harder. That continued for a few minutes until it stopped, and in the darkness all the rubber fox could do was let the two lizardmen take the lead as something slithered between his inner thighs.

As the two tentacles wrapped around his waist Reynard felt his lower body get pulled forward, and when it did the tip of his cock sank into something that he didn't expect; the tailhole of the lizardman in front of him. Both males moaned mentally as the latex rod slid easily inside the vulcanized insides of the other creature, the fox's toes curling in the water as the tentacles around his waist brought the two of them closer together and caused his shaft to sink deeper inside. The latex seaweed made sure that any movement of Reynard's didn't cause the two to dislodge from one another. It didn't take long until the fox felt the scaly cheeks of the other male press against his groin and when he felt the actual legs of the lizardman wrap around his waist.

Just as Reynard was getting used to Dorian using his tentacles to slide the cock in and out of his tailhole the fox began to feel more tentacles on his body, but this time it was around his neck and head. When he reached out he happened to bump against the webbed feet of the lizardman that was floating in front of him, feeling the seaweed slide along his arms briefly. It was clear his head was the main target though and as they continued to coil around him he felt something bump up against his muzzle. Just like with the lizardman beneath Alden was anchoring himself so that the cock in front of the vulpine muzzle remains secured as Reynard found himself opening his maw when the head of it bumped up against his lips.

For a brief moment the fox felt water rush into his maw before the rubber maleness of the lizardman pushed into him. Though it reminded Reynard somewhat of the vine that had done so to him earlier this was not the same; not only was the lizardman's shaft thicker then what the willow had pushed into him, thankful his maw was also made of rubber as he felt it stretch to accommodate, but he could feel it throbbing as it sank deeper inside of him. When he attempted to move his tongue around the sensitive shaft he felt the tentacles coiled around his head tighten slightly along with the muscles of the creature in front of him. Since his hands were free this time he decided to join in a little more enthusiastically and rubbed the area behind the cock of the male between his legs.

"Ah, damn!" Alden said as Reynard could feel him squirm even more in the darkness, the seaweed the only thing keeping him from pulling his cock out of the muzzle of the fox. "We got ourselves an enthusiastic one here."

"Mmmm, and he definitely is scratching that itch," Dorian interjected, Reynard shuddering as the slick inner walls of the lizardman's tailhole squeezed around him and caused as surge of pleasure to go through the rubber fox's body. "Definitely spreading me open right... and with our tentacles around him I can almost drink in the lust we're giving him. Perhaps we should show him the reason that we enjoy a lake like this in the first place."

"You think this little foxy can handle it?" Alden said as the rubber tentacles began to retract, Reynard feeling his head become freed so that he was no longer bound to the crotch of the other male while Dorian did the same.

"I guess we're going to see," Alden replied.

Reynard let out a mental moan as the tailhole that surrounded his cock pulled off of him while the cock inside his maw did the same. He felt his body get swirled around slightly as the lizardman appeared to have swam away from him, making him wonder what was happening next as he allowed the thrumming pleasure in his body to ebb away. When nothing happened initially the fox wondered if this was some sort of prank, or if they were about to do something to him similar to the willow tree. There was still plenty of the latex kelp that surrounded him, his synthetic body shivering as he imagined being completely wrapped up in them just like before...

But as Reynard continued to float there eventually he saw something in the otherwise impenetrable blackness of the lake bottom, a pair of glowing blue eyes that looked at him from a few feet away. The light that radiated from them illuminated the muzzle of the aquatic lizardman as a second pair joined the first, the fox now able to actually see where the two muscular rubber creatures were. It wasn't long though before the glow of the two wasn't just relegated to their eyes; as they continued to float there the fox watched as bright blue lines appeared on their heads, necks, and then down to their shoulders. As he continued to watch he saw from the stands of seaweed that were coming off their body that they weren't activating anything, they were just revealing their bodies underneath that were tightly wrapped up by the rubber tentacles.

When the two were finished exposing themselves the tracing of their bodies went from their heads to their toes, both aquatic lizardman having various designs that glowed with the aqua blue light. It was so bright that it caused the surrounding area to light up around them, Reynard even able to see himself as they floated there with smirks on their faces. But even with all the rubber seaweed floating around them they hadn't quite finished yet, the two telling the fox as much as they pointed downwards. When Reynard looked down his entire body tensed as they unfurled the last strands that were around their cocks, which unfurled into multiple thick glowing blue tentacles that lazily swished about in the air.

Before Reynard could do anything the two aquatic lizardman were upon him once again and as they did two more strands of seaweed from the actual pond wrapped around his wrists and pulled him down until he was level with the two lizardman. Unlike the seaweed of their bodies that they began to wrap aggressively around him the glowing blue cocks of the two creatures were more like true rubber tentacles, especially when he got up close to Dorian's crotch while Alden swam around to take him from behind. There were at least half a dozen that Reynard could see, one that looked like a hollow tube while the other five were swirled around it. Individually they would probably slide in easily but as they flipped him so that he was facing up towards them the grins on their faces told the fox that they weren't just going to stop with one.

In the blue light radiating from their bodies Reynard also saw that his white and red latex body was now completely black with every inch of him covered in the latex seaweed the two lizardmen creatures shared. It reminded him of real seaweed whenever he went swimming and one of them would wrap around his foot, the flat rubber sealing around his skin and still keeping the contours of his body. Dorian and Alden had no intention of cocooning him, the smaller male saying as much, they wanted to make sure the fox saw everything that was happening to his body. Reynard couldn't help but tremble in excitement as the nest of tentacles were placed against his muzzle and his groin, feeling and seeing them wiggle and slither about around his body until the two made their move.

The first tentacle that they used was actually the hollow middle one, and as Dorian prompted Reynard to open his mouth he saw the one that Alden sported was actually drifting towards his own throbbing cock. When he opened his muzzle the tentacle from Dorian slipped in and his entire body shook in surprise and pleasure as the opening slipped around his tongue. As soon as it got to the base it suctioned around it and he could feel it wiggling the appendage around, and just as he started getting used to that a second tremor went though his form as Alden slid his over the fox's rubber cock. Once the outer rings of the two tentacles had secured themselves the ends sealed to his flesh while the others began to make their move.

Much to Reynard's surprise as the hollow tentacles began to milk his cock and tongue he was finding the same levels of lustful sensations coming from his maw as it did his tailhole. Though it was hard to see when a particularly hard suction brought his tongue significantly past his lips it didn't look any different, yet the effect was just like his cock getting sucked by the other tube below. Since he didn't need his mouth to speak he asked what was going on with that and the two informed him that as Renzyl's minions they can use whatever sensitivity they want to various parts of their bodies, in this case the fox's tongue as he began to feel the tips of the other tentacles starting to push in past his lips.

It was Alden who made his move first however, one of the tentacles that was teasing against his inner thighs slid forward and pushed into his rubbery tailhole. It was the first time since he had become a rubber creature that he had it stretched, and though the root from the willow tree had done so just a few hours prior it had already put the fox in a deep state of lust before it spread open the muscle it had vulcanized. The sensation of having another rubber creature pushing into him almost put Reynard over the edge right then and there, especially with the stimulation he was getting from the tentacle milking his cock and tongue. He squirmed as much as he could while still remaining bound by the seaweed that kept him in place, his mouth open in a silent cry of pure pleasure.

Dorian decided to take advantage of his wide-open muzzle and Reynard somehow managed to gurgle slightly as the glowing blue maleness pushed down into his maw. Unlike their previous coupling this was not going to be a simple blow job like what he had done to Alden previously, especially when he felt the tentacle slide in and caused both males to shudder from pressing against the tube with his tongue trapped within. The fox immediately felt the muscles of his throat begin to work as it slide into him, and it wasn't long after that a second one coiled around the first before going inside as well

As Reynard started to get his neck stretched Alden was also stuffing him with more tentacles, the rubber fox's legs twitching as a second tentacle joined the first of thrusting into him followed quickly by a third. At this point it was the same diameter as a someone thick cock of a normal person and he could feel them sliding further into him then anyone else could. When he looked up at Alden from the two glowing tentacle cocks that were still stroking his face he watched the lizardman grin more and hold up two fingers, then drop one down as the fox's back arched from a fourth tentacle sliding into him. Even though they could communicate mentally Reynard couldn't find the words to say to describe the feeling of pure bliss that was coming as he felt his tailhole get stretched to the limit, feeling them slide around one another and stimulating his insides as the final one wiggled its way in before Alden grabbed him by the hips and pushed forward until they were hilted.

"Already got them all in him, huh?" Reynard heard Dorian say as a forth tentacle cock joined the third, the fox's nostrils, eyes, and ears glowing with blue light at this point as he felt all of them sliding down into his chest. "Looks like I'm a little behind, why don't you show him what you can do while I finish up here."

If Reynard could feel his throat it would have been twice as thick as the aquatic lizardman between his legs began to withdraw before thrusting forward, and as he did the fox could see the black rubber of the seaweed that covered his body bulge upwards. Just like with the vine inside of him it began to stretch his stomach out, but as Dorian began to plow into him they were going much further then that. He could watch them slithering underneath his latex skin and the rubber seaweed pressed tight against it, and the pleasure that came from it was so intense that the fox orgasmed right there on the spot. It was like every area those tentacle cocks inside hit were erogenous zones, watching as they even coiled around one another as several more lumps spread out from his chest.

Even though he already climaxed once the fox felt a second orgasm quickly building as his entire body quivered in the confines of his rubber seaweed wrap, the two aquatic lizardman filling his throat and tailhole to the max as they continued to stretch themselves out until it looked like they were able to touch one another. This continued on for a while, the glowing light of their bodies the only thing that Reynard was able to focus on while they continued to cause climax after climax to crash down on them with their cocks. Eventually the two finally grew tired of playing with the rubber fox and as Reynard felt all five of the tentacles coil around each other inside him they came as well, gripping onto his body while they did so.

After a few minutes of feeling the two lizardmen throbbing inside of his latex form the two males eventually pulled out of him, the glowing appendages leaving his body and causing his tailhole and muzzle to no longer be completely stretched out around them. "Now that was fun," Dorian said as the two began to wrap themselves in the seaweed they pulled off of the fox's floating body, Reynard still completely dazed from the intense orgasmic experience he had just gotten. "You alright there Renyard?"

"I... wow..." was all Reynard could say, causing the two to chuckle as they slowly helped him get back to the surface of the lake once they had completely untangled the latex seaweed from his body. When all the kelp had been removed the two lizardman hooked an arm underneath the still stunned fox and used their webbed hands and feet to bring him back up to the surface. By the time they made it back to the surface Reynard had managed to regain his faculties enough to realize that it was night, seeing the shimmer of the stars just before they had gotten back up completely.

"Looks like we were down there for longer then we thought," Dorian stated as Alden swam back down into the lake, leaving the lizardman alone with the fox as he continued to help the latex vulpine get back to the shore. "You're probably almost ready to pop, and as much as I would like to see that you're probably going to wander off and find your own spot and I definitely don't want to be stuck if I get caught in it."

"I, what?" Renyard said, suddenly remembering that something was supposed to be happening to him that the aquatic creature still hadn't explained to him yet. "Are you sure you can't tell me what's going to happen?"

"Like I said it's going to spoil the surprise," Dorian said with a wink. "If it makes you feel any better you're probably going to find out very, very soon, which is why I'm diving back down into the water. Have fun and hope to see you later!"

Reynard wasn't quite sure what to do or say, but as he stood there and watched the aquatic lizardman quickly dive back down under the water he began to feel... very strange. As he continued to stand there and look out into the reflection of the water the idea of getting his question answered soon fell to the back of his mind, replaced with an instinct that he couldn't quite grasp the meaning of. Though he knew that it was likely relating to the cryptic clues that had been given to him by the lizardman he found himself unable to put his thoughts together, like they were trying to trudge through quicksand on a foggy day in order to meet up with one another. Soon it became hard to think of anything at all as the rubber fox began to turn away form the water, his red eyes glowing slightly as he began to look through the darkness.

Something about this area didn't seem right to him, and the fox suddenly found himself sprinting forward away from the lake and through the woods. Nothing about this was right and the longer he remained surrounded by the trees the more uncomfortable it was getting. As his red and white latex form streaked through the undergrowth the fox found himself running on complete autopilot with the only thing running through his head was to get out of the woods as soon as he possibly can. He was so whole fixated on this task that he failed to notice that his stomach was slightly swollen and that his fingers had started to lengthen, claws forming at the fingertips that he merely used to dig into the fallen logs in front of him in order to jump and gain more speed to whatever destination he was trying to reach...

Safe Harbor (3/3)

Reynard wasn't sure for how long he ran, all the rubber fox knew was that the longer he moved the more the gurgling in his insides increased. Even with his rubber skin starting to shift and the occasional swell of the white and red latex that was...

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Safe Harbor (1/3)

The Nexus Realm... a vastly interconnected dimension of both space and time harboring a multitude of planets, species, and everything therein. On the edges of this universe were the ten realms of nexus creatures who seek to rule over it, kingdoms...

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A Bag of Mixed Emotions

Talen walked on the path through the park, hearing the sound of snow crunching underneath his feet as more flakes began to drift down onto him. It had been the first snow of the season and though the blizzard that had dumped the initial amount...

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