Never Meet Your Heroes

Story by veilunlifted on SoFurry

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A commission for Gman420 starring Duke, a character owned by KetoArcticWolf

When Duke a loving shark, and his boyfriend Gawjo, a chubby gator, go to a Comic-Con featuring several of Duke's adored childhood heroes as guests of honor, the excitement is unwavering for the excited nerdy shark.

Sure, Gawjo may not share the intense love for the characters that Duke does, but he has a few tricks up his sleeve to add to his loving boyfriend's experience, including a supersponsor membership!

However the lines, even for the elite members, are longer than they expected, and when Modo of the Biker Mice from Mars bumps into Gawjo in the restroom, he makes the chubby gator a simple offer to help Duke get to the front of the line, which quickly leads Gawjo to the employees only section.

Sometimes patience is a better choice.

This was one of my longest stories to date, and I loved every keystroke, I haven't worked with R34 characters before, but it was a ton of fun, even if these credits will be a pain in my ass.

TMNT is Copyrighted: ViacomCBS

Biker Mice from Mars is Copyrighted: Stan Lee (Rest In Peace)

Battletoads are Copyrighted: Dlala Studios

Donkey and Cranky Kong are Copyrighted: Nintendo

Duke Nauticus is owned by KetoArcticWolf

Gawjo is owned by Gman420

Happy Cuck-Con Fapping,Veil 

Posted using PostyBirb

The center of the city was never this jam packed, not even for a sports game or concert, but the convention center and the streets surrounding it were absolutely flooded with the thousands of attendees.

This year's Comic-Con would of gone off without a hitch if it were any other year, but the Guests of Honor they managed to secure deals with on this fateful year were by far the best, not only in the con's history, but in the city's own local history it would be hard matched to find such an incredible roster of legacy baring heroes to bestow a venue with their presence.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Biker Mice from Mars, even the father-son duo of Cranky Kong and Donkey Kong with various others would be in attendance, these names echoing through the minds of countless thousands of kids they enhanced the lives of.

Those kids, now grown adults with wallets full of autograph money, surrounded the convention center like an army, the excitement in the air and the length of the lines nearly equal in palpability.

Two of those attendees, due to traffic and last minute packing hecticity were now just arriving at the swarming venue, and time was not on their side.

A muscular blue skinned shark, Duke Nauticus, clad in the fedora and leather jacket of Indiana Jones, which thankfully dampened the heat of the sun bearing down on his body, was walking to join the nearly mile long line of other late arriving attendees.

To his right, was his chubby, massive alligator boyfriend Gawjo, who's large flabby belly and massive chest with golden pierced nipples added to the black leather executioner's hood which was draped over his head, a full getup that naturally fit the large scalie's physique, and just hardly contained his large, flaccid member in his black spandex underwear.

While revealing, and no doubt attractive to Duke, the shark couldn't help but worry if his executioner's cosplay would attract the eyes of anyone other than himself, a problem he had far too much experience with, but Gawjo had assured him that any unwanted approaches would be met with the butt of his massive, authentic axe replica, after all he didn't exactly have many other cosplays for a comic-con, he was here for Duke's enthusiasm even if he didn't carry the exact same feelings of reverence for the guests of honor that his loyal mate possessed.

"At least you're gonna be cool, it's pretty hot out today." Duke sighed, looking his three-quarters naked cosplaying gator over with an encouraging smile.

"Aww, so supportive, you goof." Gawjo teasingly replied, leaning in and planting a loving peck to his mate's cheek.

The line was moving slower than a snail's pace, only a few steps had been taken for nearly two hours, and the visage of the convention center's entrance was just now entering the couple's view.

Nervously fidgeting with a brown leather journal, fitting to his cosplay, Duke was looking at the book with excitement, the mere prospect of the inner papers containing the actual authentic signatures of his childhood heroes was filling him with excitement, but the fear of the line's incredible length combined with their late arrival was already creeping up on him, it would be just his luck to lose out on such a pivotal probability.

"Babe, relax, we'll be in before ya know it, they definitely brought their writing hands for this year." Gawjo enthusiastically spoke.

Duke looked up from his journal with a smile, his supportive mate's words restoring a bit of his confidence. "Thanks love..."

Retrieving his cell phone and checking the time after a while of inch by inch movement toward the building, Gawjo read in disbelief that they had been there for nearly three hours, and their position in the line had just now let them actually enter the building.

The inside of the convention center was nearly humid with how many furs had flooded the hallways and atriums, the con staff was run ragged with people pushing and shoving past one another, hardly any of them were able to move let alone control the swarming, eager crowd.

"Jeez, you're not the only person that's excited babe." Gawjo grinned, tapping his fingers along the faux-metal of his axe replica. "Want me to cut us a lane?" He joked.

Duke's eyes were wide, his attention hardly focused on the raving droves of his enthusiast peers, his eyes darting between different posters that were adhered to the walls around him.

They were there, they ALL were there, this was like a live-episode of his childhood cartoons, video games, and genuine nostalgia being played out before him, and while he couldn't exactly see them, it didn't change the fact that a good handful of his genuine idols were inside this very building, with him.

"I'm willing to wager none of them are as excited as me..." Duke coyly spoke, his eyes nearly watering in excitement.

"I'm pretty sure I believe that..." Gawjo said, smirking to his mate.

Another half an hour passed before they finally, after laboring a sun-bathed line, then the thankfully air conditioned yet still jam packed indoors, arrived at the con-badge registration desk.

"Names?" Asked the haphazardly costumed Aardvark behind the monitor, his ramshackle plastic outfit was clearly an attempt at an Iron Man cosplay, key word being attempt.

"Gawjo and Duke." The Alligator spoke first, rubbing his nervous, eager mate's jacket clad back.

"Sponsorship levels?" The Aardvark continued, monotone.

"Super. Give us the goooood shit." Gawjo surprised Duke as he answered.

The Aardvark nodded and typed quickly into his terminal as Duke spun his gaze to Gawjo with equal parts love and appreciation as well as shock.

"Isn't that gonna bankrupt us...?" he asked, his smile unwavering.

"Nah, I saved for it, it means the world to you baby, and I would have nothing less." Gawjo lovingly replied, leaning in for another kiss.

The shining lights of the credit card reader lit up in front of the two, gleaming a total of 1,000 dollars, which Gawjo quickly slipped his chip into, not a resistant moment as he did.

"Alright, thanks for sponsoring, the autograph sessions are pretty damn delayed so, we'll send you both a text when your turn arrives." The Aardvark said, handing them both gleaming, golden badges.

Duke slung the badge around his neck in tandem with his loving, caring Gawjo, he had many expectations for today, but hardly figured that his congoing experience would be that of a super sponsor.

The benefits that came with that heavy golden badge and equally heavy ticket price were immaculate, t-shirts, designated luncheons, first dibs in lines for certain panels, and most importantly to the eager, tearful shark, priority in the autograph lines, even if they were delayed, it couldn't be as bad as the general admission lines.

Gawjo would've savoured every minute of his adoring Shark's emotional ecstasy if it wasn't for the pressure building inside his lower gut, he groaned audibly.

"You okay hun?" Duke asked, the gator's groan momentarily shaking him from his excitement.

"Oh yeah babe, just shouldn't have drank two big gulps on the way here, gotta find me a potty." Gawjo replied, honestly, his eyes clenched as his bladder screamed out inside him.

Nervously, Duke leaned in and planted a kiss to his mate's cheek, smiling.

"Alright babe, need me to come with ya?" He asked.

"Nah, explore a little, I'm just gonna piss, relax yourself." Gawjo spoke, giggling and sending jiggles down his belly as he rubbed Duke's shoulder encouragingly.

"Okay, uh, I'll go find where the autograph lines start for us suuuuper sponsors!" Duke cheered, excited, adorably to his mate.

"Okay, text me when you find em, gotta go!" Gawjo said firmly, waddling his way away from Duke and towards the first restroom he could lay eyes on.

Entering the restroom, Gawjo realized that there was some solace from the massive crowds, and even with the calls of nature being as strong as they were, furs seemed less inclined to make their way into a public restroom even here.

"Thank god..." Gawjo said, waddling his plump, smooth skinned frame to a urinal and propping his replica axe up on it's porcelain side.

A golden stream of relief flowed from the Gator's flaccid, massive member as he closed his eyes, he had been holding it since they got in line, but couldn't bear the thought of possibly not being there to surprise Duke with the amazing sponsorship, a present that clearly hit the mark.

"Damn, nice axe, make it yourself?" Asked a voice from the Gator's left, as he opened his eyes and turned to face who beckoned him.

Even though Gawjo was incredibly committed to Duke, he couldn't help but notice the flaccid rod attached to the question asking mouse that stood at his left, even if only for a moment before it was snugly zipped back up into his black jeans.

Speaking of his absent mate, Gawjo could nearly hear what would of been his excited yelping as he locked eyes with the fur that had complimented his prop axe.

Standing just a little shorter than Gawjo himself was someone that he recognized from one of Duke's long winded rants about what led them to that very con.

Modo, a muscular mouse stood in a confident, yet curious pose, his years of freedom fighting for the kids on TV in Biker Mice from Mars well behind him as he gazed not only at the prop axe, but the voluptuous plump gator he inquisitive.

"What's wrong, don't tell me you're starstruck too." Modo sighed, feeling he wouldn't get an answer to his question.

"No, no, my boyfriend would absolutely shit his pants to meet you but, I'm just, uh, trying to remember where I bought that old thing." Gawjo dismissed, trying to cover up the peek he snuck, failing.

"Ah, yeah, that's where your mind is going, sure." Modo replied sarcastically, smirking widely. "I was on camera for years, big guy, I can tell when someone's lookin' at me."

Gawjo simply shrugged, sure, he took a look, window shopping isn't a bad thing when you can't spend money, but that doesn't mean he was looking to go any further, his commitment to the absent Duke was strong.

Duke had decent timing, as Gawjo's phone vibrated, giving him an easy excuse to dismiss the awkward tension in the air.

"Found the line! It's fucking huge anyway even though we're Super, aahhh!" Duke's text read, followed by a small, sad, shark chibi sticker.

"Don't worry babe, just be patient." Gawjo tapped out.

As he was replying, Modo had walked a bit closer to the chubby gator and caught wind of his texts.

"Ohhh, that's the superfan boyfriend huh, those lines are gnarly." Modo spoke, rubbing his chin. "Hope you aren't in there all damn day, I hear Cranky's wrist is acting up, dunno how many autographs he gets through before closing the stand..."

Raising an eyebrow, Gawjo was no stranger to the sweet singsong voice of a silent, yet clearly made offer.

"What is your angle, dude?" Gawjo asked, a mixture of offense and curiosity.

"Well, I mean, I'm a guest of honor, I got a little bit of sway with those line guards, Heck I got sway with the whole con staff...I could probably make a few calls, grease a few hands, get you and your little boyfriend expedited to a better spot in line...?" Modo cooly offered.

"How...?" Gawjo asked.

Reaching into his pocket and pulling out a crudely made, cheap business card, Modo handed it to Gawjo and smirked, all that the card read was a simple phone number with his name.

"If you really wanna know, stand in that line for a little, and if it gets annoying, text me." Modo cooly spoke, before walking away from the voluptuous gator without another word, only a swift intentional slap to the scaly's right asscheek.

Three emotions flooded through Gawjo's mind as his rump was so briskly slapped by the celebrity mouse that vanished from the bathroom, anger at Modo's brazen flirting mere moments after he clearly mentioned that he was taken, fear that Duke would feel heartache even though he never asked for it, and hardly had an ability to stop it, but most gut wrenching of all, a tiny pang of excitement.

It's not like he meant to enjoy it, or intentionally instigated the alluring, handsome mouse's advance, so it wouldn't be like the countless exes that Duke had to suffer through before his loyalty and love would be the shark's saving grace, it was just a slap, and an offer, an offer that he would never take, surely.

Walking out of the bathroom and back onto the crowded con floor, Gawjo looked around at the signage and laid eyes on the sign he was searching for, an arrow pointing him to the Super-Sponsor line for autographing.

He strode up to the line, halfway expecting to easily spot his loving, fedora clad shark with little effort, but his eyes beamed in shock as he surveyed the line, which was stretched far past his expectations.

"Dear god..." Gawjo said to himself, losing breath with how far he had to walk before the chubby gator reunited with Duke.

"Hey...babe..." Duke greeted him, his voice a mixture of excited and anxious "Feeling better...?"

Gawjo sighed and stood next to his mate, looking toward the incredibly long line, apparently super sponsor was the status quo, not the expedited process the website promised.

"Yeah, just,'s gonna be a little while hun..." Gawjo replied, his large scaly head leaning down to Duke's for a supportive kiss.

"Hopefully not too long, I really, really want to meet them..." Duke sighed, returning the kiss, his lips were quivering in nervousness and the mere thought of being denied the entire purpose to their trek to this con had him on the verge of tears.

"It'll be okay baby, we'll make it, you'll make it." Gawjo said, smiling softly.

Duke let out a huff and listened to his mate's words with enthusiasm, something about the way Gawjo spoke made him feel like it would be indeed alright, that the line would move with efficiency and he wouldn't need to wait long, even if the length and mass made it seem unlikely.

"I trust you, just, ahh..." Duke said, gesturing his hand to the formidable sea of furs that stood before them.

Gawjo placed one arm around Duke's shoulders his other placed his massive axe replica down on the floor next to them, and reached into the leather pouch hanging over his side, flicking his thumb over the business card Modo had given him, sighing and holding his shark close as they began to wait.

Two days ago, should you have asked Gawjo what they would be doing within the first four hours of being super sponsor attendees at this con, he probably would of said they would be buying some art or merchandise, maybe even just enjoying the speech of a keynote speaker, but this, this was not what he expected and most certainly was not enjoying.

But his unwavering love for Duke kept him at his side, even as the line was inched by only one or two people per twenty minute interval, even as the reality of the situation became more and more clear, they near certainly weren't going to get to that autographing section in time.

This reality was weighing heavily on the pitiful shark to Gawjo's left, his hat already removed, sitting on the floor in the line, his once excited smile reduced to a poker face of expressionless denial.

"Babe, you okay...?" Gawjo inquired, kneeling down to meet his sitting boyfriend's gaze.

"Not really, this blows..." Duke said with a shrug, his right hand clinging tightly to his brown leather journal.

"I'm so sorry baby, we'll just wait and see..." Gawjo replied, trying to uplift the shark's mood.

Gawjo turned away for a moment, retrieving his cell phone and business card from his pouch and only for a moment had reluctance, before entering the number and sending a simple text.

"Hey, it's Gawjo, from the can you make this line faster exactly?"

Even though they had been waiting for hours in the line, nothing felt longer than the time it took for Modo to reply, it was only thirty or fourty seconds, but it felt like a guilty eternity, for Gawjo to even be considering this let alone going through with it in the form of a text, was already chewing at his heart, but maybe it would be something as simple as a photoshoot or a handy, that wouldn't count right? God please tell me it wouldn't count...

"Oh hey big guy, told ya the line would be shit city, cut to the front and ask the guard to let me know when ur here." Modo's number replied.

"Can I bring my bf...?" Gawjo tapped out in reply, looking over his shoulder at the still sitting, slumped shark on the ground.

Gawjo's throat went dry and he gulped, nervously, as he read the simple, two letter reply.


Gawjo sighed, and patted over his boyfriend's back, before softly speaking.

"Be right back baby, uh, I'm gonna go up there and ask what's taking so damn long." He lied, for the first time in his relationship with the exposed, emotional Duke, he lied.

"Okay babe, I'll be here..." Duke replied, too defeated and nervous to really inquire more to the gator's dishonesty.

It was only on the walk past the countless other furs, that he realized he had left his axe behind with Duke, and with the angry glares the linebutting Gawjo received that he wished he had it, a few rude furs could use a good bonk from it's hefty faux blade, but more importantly, his guilt from the white lie he had told Duke to gain the time to make his way to the front as Modo beckoned was setting in.

"All for Duke, it's all for Duke..." He repeated to himself, his words echoing through his brain as a form of justification.

"Sir, you need to get back in the line." Said a muscular Doberman wearing a security shirt as Gawjo arrived at the front.

"Oh uh, Modo sent me, he asked me to let you know to let him know..." Gawjo said, his large head tilting as he spoke.

"Kinky motherfuckers, this con's gonna be the death of me." the Doberman said, looking the chubby executioner gator over before tapping his earpiece and spoke. "Yeah, the guests of honor summoned a fucking gator reaper...uh it."

"In here, third door to your left..." He said, stepping aside and lifting his hand to the curtained door.

Gawjo gulped and walked through it, following the directions of the guard and walking down the hallway.

This area was clearly not for public viewing, as the boxes and carts of discarded signage and preparations were strewn about, and with a benefit of added quiet and solace compared to the absolutely flooded con floor.

Entering the third door as the guard directed, he walked inside, looking around the makeshift locker room, and coming eye to eye with the hunk of a mouse that was standing in the room's center.

"So, it looks like you liked my parting gift." Modo teased, holding up his hand and making a slap gesture.

"Save it, dude...I'm just here to get this line moving faster..." Gawjo replied softly.

"I never said the line would move faster, cutie, I said we can get YOU through it faster, if you're willing to earn it..." Modo smirked, sitting back on a bench behind him and parting his legs.

"How do I earn that..." Gawjo said with a gulp, a question he would regret.

"I think you know, given you got a boyfriend, I'm sure you know your way around...this..." Modo said, reaching down.

Gawjo almost couldn't look, but found himself unable to not, his eyes and supple body both reacting in tandem as Modo undid his belt and jeans and let spring free the exact shaft he had gotten a glimpse of previously, this time however, it's dark, veiny length was anything but flaccid, his erection twitched in the cool air as he exposed it.

"I can't, I...shouldn't..." Gawjo spoke, his words disagreeing with his actions as he walked closer to the biker mouse.

"You can, and if you want our help, you're gonna help us, but I get first dibs." Modo cooly spoke. "On your knees, you plump slut..."

Just the right words, spoken at just the right moment, sent Gawjo down onto his knees, his weight shook the ground beneath him as he obeyed.

"All for Duke...all for Duke..." He said to himself in his mind, as he took a deep breath and moved his head forward.

Gawjo let out a huff around Modo's achingly hard shaft as it slowly disappeared into the capable gator's warm, moist mouth, closing around it and sliding inch by inch of the other, larger fur's member over his tongue.

"Nhhh...Nice mouth cutie but, enough of that cute shit, I don't have time for foreplay." Modo spoke firmly, planting his gloved hand on Gawjo's scalp, and bucking his hips forward. "Suck it like you mean it."

Gawjo groaned around the invading cock, slurping tightly as he was commanded, the guilt of what he was doing dissipating into lust as he tasted the salty, nearly sweet flavor of the endowed celebrity snaking his way down his throat, his tonsils and tongue base warmly squeezing around Modo's length.

Modo was groaning in pleasure, his hands both firmly planted on the sloppily sucking gator's head, his muscular hips rocked back and forth as his shaft was engorged by the mated scaly's eager mouth.

"Damn cutie, you're amazing, gonna be a fun night, uggh, already making me leak." Modo coaxed on.

Gawjo felt the warm pre oozing down his throat, swallowing it intently, his guilt had a time where it would break him down, but that time wasn't now, he just needed to bob his head and get his loving, albeit oblivious mate to the goal he desired most, even if this cock was delicious, bigger, better, harder, god was it was all for Duke...

Modo's thrusts increased in strength, his grip bearing down on Gawjo's head as his boots pushed against the tile floor, his rodent tongue hung out in pleasure and his massive, dark cock throbbed in the gator's taken throat.

"Ready for the first of many, you dirty little cocksucker?" Modo teased, grunting as his testicles pulsed and raised upward.

Gawjo simply coiled his reptilian tongue around Modo's nearly orgasming shaft, and as Modo yelled out intensely and the first ropes of the mouse's pent up hot cum spattered down his throat and into his mouth, he began gulping instantly, swallowing every drop that Modo was able to produce.

Panting as his shaft erupted with intentional spurting seed, mounting himself to the hilt into Gawjo's eagerly slurping mouth, Modo was breathing heavily and savoring every second that he could stay rutted into his mated gator's maw, before looking to the left, seeing that the locker room door was open just enough to allow others to peer in, which is exactly what other unshown spectators were doing.

"Fuuck, come on in boys, I just about had my fill..." Modo said, slowly, teasingly releasing his shaft from the now coughing, huffing gator beneath him.

The door opened fully and in strode, together, two other mice in similar garb to the freshly drained Modo, who reached out and fist bumped them both.

Catching his breath and swallowing the last gulps of mouse seed that spattered his tongue, Gawjo looked up nervously at the other two mice.

Vinnie, a white furred mouse and Throttle, a tan furred mouse, the other two members of the Biker Mice from Mars cast, stood before him and shared a smirk.

"Thought you were gonna take all day, I want a piece before the greedy fuckin' turtles and toads get all sentimental about the scaly relations." Vinnie piped up, chuckling.

"Speaking of piece, how bout you get to work getting that leather strap off, I wanna rev that backside up." Throttle replied, motioning to Gawjo's hardly dressed, plump backside.

Sighing and gulping, looking up at Modo whose cock was slowly deflating, Gawjo whined. "What about my mate, can he get in the line now...?"

Modo smirked and turned away, walking toward the door, and nodding. "Yeah, I saw that shark, I'll let the guards know to get him up to the front, hehe, I'll even sign it first...if you keep being a good boy..." Modo teased, before finishing. "Have your fun boys, but take him to the green room when you're finished, gotta be fair to our colleagues."

Gawjo gulped, but hardly had time to ask what the green room was before Vinnie's erect, pink shaft found itself burying into his mated smooth maw as Modo's just had, Throttle was tugging at the strap behind him...

...All for Duke...All for Duke...

That lie was getting harder and harder to actually believe, as the two mice began working him over, his chubby green ass exposed to the excited Throttle as his mouth was being thrust into by Vinnie, they were amazing, all three of them were, he may not revel in their celebrity as his oblivious mate did, but they were HOT, and their bodies were equally muscular to the familiar feel of his loving, oblivious shark, but with much more endowment, better flavor, why shouldn't he enjoy himself.

Buckling in the knees Gawjo continued eagerly bobbing his head around Vinnie's rod as he felt the tight, aching walls of his ass being spread around Throttle's equally hard, equally bigger and better meat.

Meanwhile, outside in the line, still sitting on the floor only having to have moved twice, Duke twiddled his thumbs on his leather book, it had been nearly half an hour since his loving mate had vanished from his side, and his nerves had nearly reached their capacity.

He hardly noticed the screams and excitement of the crowd around him, before he looked up at what was causing the ruckus.

Smirking down at Duke was Modo, arms crossed, Duke completely unaware his cock still lightly moistened by his boyfriend's saliva.

"You Duke? Your gator boy said you've been waiting a hot minute...I'm working on fixing that." Modo spoke, his smirk unwavering.

"Wow, Modo, the REAL MODO!" Duke spoke loudly, standing up with excitement, his smile and jubilation completely shrouding his curiosity of how Modo himself knew Gawjo, let alone him.

"Sir it's such an honor, can you. Uh..." Duke pleaded, pushing his journal outward.

Modo smirked and opened the book to it's first page, jotting down his name with a subtle hint. "Thanks to you and your boy, was a fun time." he wrote, before signing his name.

Duke didn't even read the obvious hint before closing his book and shaking the hand of the Biker Mouse that just blew a hot load into his committed gator's mouth moments ago. "Thank you so much!"

"Yeah yeah, like I said, we're working on it, just gotta take care of a few things and we'll get ya back there." Modo said, his smirk vanishing for a moment only for a coy, lip lick. "Just...hang tight..." He said, before walking away toward the tables.

About thirty minutes passed, and still, no sign of Gawjo.

Duke found this odd, but figured he was bribing or even paying extra at the front of the line to usher their positions toward the front, he was an oblivious shark by nature, but hardly considered the gator disloyal, such a thought, even with plenty of previous experience had not even occurred to him.

But as a guard was slowly approaching Duke through the crowd of furs to notify him that he was going to be given the gift of expedited signatures, in the back rooms of the con staff section, Gawjo was indeed bribing several of the guests of honor into providing his oblivious, loving boyfriend special treatment.

"Ugh, can't say he doesn't love the guy..." Donatello, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle said, through heavy breaths, his veined smooth green cock slowly going flaccid as it had just been drained inside of Gawjo's tight, cum oozing rear.

"More like denied by him, with how eager this big guy is, he's needing this." Michelangelo replied, his sweat running down his brow as Gawjo's hand stroked over his shaft.

"You're tellin' me, Mikey." Leonardo chuckled as his cock was buried enticingly down Gawjo's throat, his balls bouncing off the mated gator's face.

Gawjo wasn't on his knees serving the various other half shelled heroes around him, he was suspended in midair in a custom built crane held sling, that the crew had erected for just such a purpose, they previously considered hiring a prostitute for the honors but when Gawjo so eagerly walked into that locker room, the guests of honor were saved time, and money.

"Oh shit, his hands are smooth as silk, I'm gonna..." Raphael groaned out, his own shaft was being stroked at the same speed and attention as Michelangelo's but for a little longer, the red masked turtle's shaft began twitching and spurting ropes of cum over Gawjo's chest and arm, as Raph groaned and held onto the blubbery arm of the gator which he sprayed over.

"Haha, and this is why I'm the leader...endurance." Leonardo smirked as he watched his comrade spatter out from a simple handjob, although an experienced one from the eager Gawjo.

"Really, I, I don't know what to say, thank you!" Duke exclaimed excitedly as he was being escorted to the autographing tables.

Arriving in front of his heroes, in the flesh for the first time, well at least some of them, Duke nearly sobbed in excitement, his journal shaking in his hands as he looked to the first table of several down the line.

"Aahh, there's the lucky boyfriend...We've heard about you..." Said Vinnie, sitting with his boots up, a carefree aura around him, Throttle and Modo as Duke extended his journal.

"You, h- have?!" Duke excitedly asked, as Throttle penned his book.

"Sure have, your mate went the extra mile to get you up here..." Vinnie coyly spoke, chuckling and high fiving Modo.

"Yeah, reaaaal keeper you got." Throttle added, sliding the book to Vinnie who signed it quickly.

Duke felt an unease washing over his excitement, wondering what the BMFM were talking about, would they ever financially recover from so many favors being paid for?

"Uhh, thanks, guys, it's been an honor meeting you..." Duke said with a shrug, still starstruck and excited as he moved to the next table.

"Good timing, kid, we're going on a break in like, five minutes." Rash, a Muscular toad sitting at the Battletoads table smirked as he spoke.

"Yeah, got a load of work today, really need the space." Zitz replied, shrugging his broad smooth shoulders, vaguely reminding Duke of his loving gator.

"Oh, well s- sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt..." Duke blubbered as the three

"Nahh, you're fine, now if you would have walked in, in a few minutes, different story..." Pimple said with a chuckle.

Battletoads slid his book along the table, quickly, disinterestedly signing the next few pages.

As they finished, Duke looked to the next table as nervousness and unease built in his mind, the table belonged to the TMNT, but they weren't present, until the curtains were pulled back and all four of them, in the flesh walked out toward their table.

"Oh shit, we're good to go?" Zit stood up as he asked, his shorts slightly tented already.

"Yeah, sure are, have fun." Donatello replied, "Just careful with the hands, apparently they are REAAALLY good." He added, teasingly jarring Raphael's arm.

"Shut it dude, gosh..." Raph replied, shyly before sitting down with the others.

The toads were gone as quickly as the TMNT had sat, on their way to release their own needs in and onto the strapped up, well fucked Gawjo in the other room, earning each signature with his hands, ass, and mated mouth.

"Hey uh, it's an honor and thank you guys for signing but...have you seen my mate, big alligator his name is Gawjo..." Duke inquired, nervousness rising, almost to a level that was more intense than his happiness at meeting the real live TMNT.

"Oh, think I saw him in passing, he was just uhh...hanging out..." Leonardo answered as the other three chuckled at his joke.

"Oh yeah, lots of fun..." Raphael started, in a self jab. "Real hands on kind of guy."

Duke swallowed his saliva in a nervous gulp as Raph handed him his journal back, rubbing the back of his head and peering to the next two tables belonging to the best of the best for Duke's prideful signatures Donkey Kong, and his father Cranky Kong, empty as well, simple cards of "Be right back" laying on their surfaces.

"Hey uh, can you take me where he is...?" Duke pleaded with Donatello, knowing he wouldn't be getting the Kong's signatures right now anyway, and deciding to investigate the matter further.

"I uh, Don't think you want to do that..." A security guard near the turtle spoke firmly.

Sighing and emboldening himself, Duke raised a finger and firmly spoke. "Take me to my Gawjo."

The Turtles shot glances back and forth before shrugging.

"Alright, take him back, but don't say I didn't warn ya." Donatello said more to the guard than Duke.

The guard shrugged and rubbed his temples, simply moving to the side and allowing Duke to pass him, and the pair walked the same route that Gawjo had a mere hour or so ago, past the locker room, and toward the green room.

"Here's your stop, but, for real, you were warned." The guard said, sighing as he motioned to the door and walked away.

Gulping, already smelling the telltale sounds of sex behind the door, and tears already flooding his eyes, Duke knew, or at least he thought he knew what was waiting behind that door, his heart wrenched in pain as he pushed it open.

Gawjo, the most loyal, the one who he knew would have never considered even looking at someone else, was suspended in the strapped, dangling harness, quite literally being traded between the three Battle Toads.

Zitz was stroking his long, throbbing rod in his hand, as he watched Pimple and Rash going at him, Rash was balls deep inside the well stretched cum filled tailhole of the writhing, pleasured gator, and Pimple was relieving himself in another way, a golden stream of piss was draining from his rod over Gawjo's bare plump face and chest, marking him.

Duke could only watch in heartbroken terror, unable to move as the paralysis of shock set in, his eyes wide like headlights on a train, welling with tears, as he fell to his knees, making a soft thud that Zitz heard behind him as he was continuing to stroking his pre-leaking amphibious cock.

"Hey, dudes, I think that's our fucktoy's boyfriend...wanna tie him up too?" Zitz offered.

"Hell no, that cuck? Look at him, his quads are like, half the size of mine, no wonder this gator's drinkin my golden rain." Pimple chuckled as he finished trickling his hot stream of piss over Gawjo's eager, fucked silly face.

Gawjo hardly realized that Duke was in the room, and by the time he did, he knew it was too late, the leather clad, strung up gator was only able to mutter out, weakly, through groans of pleasure.

"All...for god" Gawjo blubbered weakly, unable to finish his sentence, and hardly apologetic.

The sobbing, shocked shark on the floor was told that lie, but it might as well of been silence, it hardly mattered, Gawjo knew that this may have started for Duke, but it certainly was no longer, these men, these ACTUAL men, deserved every inch of his smooth, blubbery body to their pleasure, the insignificant shark that he had coddled so hard, tried so much to appease, WAS unworthy, his exes must of been on to something, this was far too good to stop now.

With his guilt washed away, and the literal reminder of why Duke was so god damned aggravating being on full display for all of them, Gawjo eagerly leaned his head back and slipped Pimple's rod into his mouth, but only after saying one, weakened phrase which cut through Duke's heart like a heated blade.

"Stop your whining and shut up for me..."

Duke's sadness was brimming into anger, he couldn't bare watching his loving gator being corrupted by these slimy, smegma oozing, dirty frogs, no matter who they were, sure they were trained in martial arts and would easily floor him, but he had to try.

Standing up with tears streaming down his face, he raised a finger to Rash, who had just screamed out in pleasure, spraying at least the fifth or sixth load that had blown into Gawjo's stretched, leaking backside, and was replacing his cock with his full fist, burying his fingers in to the knuckle and deeper inside of his boyfriend.

"Stop, now, or I'll, uh...fight you..." Duke whined, trying his best to sound intimidating.

All three toads shared a loud laugh at that, as Rash's fist went in and out deeper, churning the mixed cum inside the chubby gator with no hesitation, smirking at Duke as he did.

"Alright, take a step cuck, if you got the balls, which judging by your boyfriend's moans, you probably don't got much down there do ya." Rash invited, smirking widely, one fist balling, the other nearly elbow deep inside the moaning, writhing hole of Duke's mate.

Duke, nearly suicidally indeed took one step, but found himself stopped in his tracks by a large, muscular hand which slapped down on his right shoulder with enough force to send pain down his entire side, he was brought down to his knees by the strengthened grip, and let out a loud, pained yelp.

"I don't think you should try and hurt my friends, that would make me very angry..." A large, primate voice boomed behind him.

Looking over the slung, well fucked gator behind him, the Battletoads all chuckled amongst each other and in unison, greeted the interrupting, heroic primate that shoved Duke down to the ground.

"D. K! DONKEY! KONG!" They sang, together, chuckling before slowly removing their drained cocks, and fist, respectively from the now panting, whining, pleasured Gawjo.

Duke shivered, the hand of his childhood hero, rather than signing his journal as he figured would occur, was holding him in a painful, strengthened grip.

"P- Please, Let me go..." Duke whined, to no avail.

"I heard you have been a greedy little beggar, making all of our friends sign your book out of turn, you should have been patient." Said another primate voice, this one older, raspier, and accompanied by the clanking of a wooden walking stick as he spoke.

Cranky Kong, for the the first time in Duke's life, strode out in front of him, fully naked, and out of every member of the guest of honor cast, maybe short of his own son which was restraining Duke firmly, was definitely the most endowed, his veiny, experienced shaft and foreskin fully on display as he approached Gawjo slowly.

"We'll teach you a little about respect, cause we're gonna play a little game, sonny, if I make your little gator cum for me, he's gonna stay OUR property, indefinitely." Cranky said.

The Toads respectfully backed away, all three of them satisfied anyway, as they walked over toward where Duke was being held down, smirking and reaching down to his leather journal, swiping it from his immobilized body.

"Bro, I just got the best idea." Zitz said, as he opened the book right to where he had signed, and with no resistance, slapped his smegma, cum, and urine soaked shaft directly onto the page.

Duke watched as the only memories he had that were any good of the night were tainted by the sweaty filth that stole his mate, being dripped along every crease of the pages, as each Toad passed it between one another, corrupting the book beyond legibility.

"That's a real fuckin' signature for ya." Pimple teased as he dropped the well ruined book to the ground, smirking and walking away with his friends, leaving Cranky and Donkey alone with Duke, and the well filled Gawjo.

The heart wrenching pain of the book being ruined made it almost impossible for Duke to speak, let alone take the severity of what Cranky said to heart, it was only when Donkey let go of him, that he was able to catch his breath and regain his composure on his knees.

" don't do this..." Duke pleaded, to deaf ears.

Gawjo was unable to reply, his mouth was firmly locked over the elder ape's shaft, swirling his long reptilian tongue over the smegma coated, throbbing rod, his body was convulsing in pure pleasure as Cranky was the first of the mass crowd of celebrities to be touching Gawjo where it counts, his old calloused hand stroking teasingly over the gator's own throbbing length which to this point had been teased, and prostate fucked to near completion but ignored.

Duke watched in horror as Donkey, on his knuckles, swung over toward Gawjo's lower half, remembering Cranky's words and shaking in fear, he knew that if the larger, younger, studly primate would slide his hardening, large shaft into Gawjo's well stretched depths, it would be over, Cranky was clear on that.

"Please...Please don't...I...I love you Gawjo...and you're my heroes..." Duke sobbed, two major parts of his life dying together in front of his very eyes.

"Never meet your heroes kid..." Cranky spoke in a wise tone, as he smirked and squeezed Gawjo's intensely throbbing rod in his hand, just as his son Donkey was pushing his incredible log of primate cock into the gator's rear. "You'll learn that they aren't so good in person..."

Gawjo screamed around Cranky's cock, sending vibrations over the older primate's rod, making the ape groan in pleasure, as he neared climax, Duke watched every thrust, every writhe, every single moment with intense sadness, his eyes spilling into tears on the floor, screaming in pain as he pleaded one final time.


Gawjo's eyes rolled back, it was almost as if the shark's pleading made him cum that much harder, knowing that with this intense, incredible orgasm Duke could hardly even imagine giving him, he would be free of his whining, free of his idiotic ways, free of his microscopic shrimplike shaft...and the owned, loved, needed property of a fleet of men all better than him.

He came, hard, letting every pent up rope of his hours building load splatter like a geyser out of his cock, up and over Donkey Kong's chest, and his own, screaming and coaxing Cranky's load out of his own shaft, as it was buried down his throat, his tones blocked out by the incredible gushes of primate seed which flew down his gullet while his orgasm was flooding over his smooth chubby belly.

"Ugghh, that's it, swallow me cutie, take every drop, spitters are quitters..." Cranky calmly spoke, as he rode out his orgasm down Gawjo's throat.

"Speaking of quitters...SECURITY!" He boomed, as the door opened behind them.

Donkey didn't even bother looking back, the only possible redemption that Duke could of managed to claw out of this horrible situation was that the last view he had of his formerly loving now cock corrupted boyfriend was the possibility his best hero, his childhood idol, Donkey Kong, would lock eyes with him, even acknowledge him past an abusive hold...

As the guards walked into the room and grabbed Duke tightly at Cranky's request, the most painful part, was that Donkey never even looked in his direction, only focused on slamming his rod in and out of his stolen mate, as his hero was eagerly, unrelentingly, sealing the end of their mateship.

"Take him outside, take his badge, and keep him outside, I can't deal with this disrespectful little twerp any longer..." Cranky ordered, the guards silently nodding and dragging the shark away.

The door closed just as Donkey was primally announcing he was about to finish inside of Gawjo, the last words that Duke heard from his beloved Gawjo were...

"Thank god he's gone, please, c- cum in me Donkey!"

The guards hardly resisted as they ripped the golden badge gifted to him by Gawjo off Duke's neck, and tossed him to the street in front of countless other furs, all waiting in line for a chance to meet the men who just destroyed his relationship.

Sobbing, with a few furs in the crowd laughing at the discarded shark, Duke looked to his abused, wet journal, the pages tore as he tried fruitlessly to peel them apart, to salvage anything from them was impossible, it was plainly destroyed.

Getting to his feet, he swore he could hear them moaning even from here, the Toads, TMNT, Biker Mice, even his idolized Kongs, he knew he would never be able to see them the same after what had just occurred.

His idolization of his heroes and his love and devotion to Gawjo both laid to rest in the same grave.

At least Gawjo told the truth in only one way...He did get through the line faster, he got a special treatment better than any other fan would receive, he was greedy and got exactly what he wanted, expedition.

Was it worth it?

Filled With Positivity

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Abusing Generosity

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