Seeking/New power

Story by Varlner on SoFurry

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#4 of Eevee have interesting sex lives

The Draconic form of the Gyarados rushed into the room. My friends and I exchanged determined looks, and then the fight was on. I swam in only to get bashed aside by a thrashing tail. Then instincts took over; only they were not the usual instincts, the usual instincts meant using my claws, teeth, or beam attacks. This instict made me fade I became a shadow, disappearing from the normal spectrum into darkness then reeappearing before the gyarados' face, my paws still naught but shadows, striking him faster than I believed possible. I heard a "whoa" from my friends behind me, but they knew they couldn't waste time wondering about my new talents any more than I could. I saw Nell, now a wartortle swim against the Gyarados, then withdraw into his shell as Ben unleashed a mega punch right into the edge of his shell, grinding his shell into the Gyarados' scales and drawing blood. They must have worked on that combo a lot.

But the Gyarados was hardly phased. We all knew it took a lot more than that to take one down. Recovering it's momentum the Gyarados began to swim circles around us creating a funnel of water. I immediately became one with the shadows, escaping the vortex. My friends had no such escape, Nell withdrew into his shell. The torrent caused him to collide with Ben, who got the worse end, knocking his head against the hard shell. the vortex became bright orange, and I knew it was the feared dragon rage. I unleashed my ice beam toward the Gyarados' tail, the tail began to float upwards, denying it's masters wishes as my friends flew out from the vortex.

Ben was soundly knocked out, but Nell popped out of his shell only a little dizzy. We nodded to eachother, the Gyarados flexed it's tail, cracking the ice clean off of it. As he did I summoned the newfound dark power within me and gathered the shadows before his eyes, causing him to thrash in confusion as Nell spun into him fast as a bullet. I swam down and grabbed Ben's unconcious form, then signalling Nell swam out the exit, freezing the way behind me with an Ice Beam. We swam out of the fortress as quick as we could, I held Ben under my paws and wondered how I could possibly get all the non-water types like my sister and Jack to the surface.

As we exited the base, I saw that answered for me. A submarine was leaving, I could only assume it carried the other Eevee within. Nell and I raced after it, but it was too fast. I swam straight up, carrying Ben with me. The surface air seemed to revive Ben. "cmere you dumb fish mgonna punch...huh" he seemed fully aware now "Damnit Ryan, first the stream, then you go and develop superpowers, and now you shame me further by having to carry me when I get knocked out in a fight..." he paused and smiled at me "thank you Ryan, and I'm sorry I slowed you down... now are we ready to go save Flare and kick some Rocket Ass?" I nodded "But we may need some backup...". "Zane" we all said as one. Zane was a Nidoking who lived in the forest west of the lake who had a legendary reputation for fighting anything and everything. Legend had it he had once wandered into a gym and beaten up all of the pokemon and their trainers in 20 minutes without being caught by any of several trainers who swore they would have him. It was then said he'd fucked the gym leader silly and hung her naked and upside-down outside the gym in front of a crowd of awestruck humans.

We made it to Zane's cave, there was an unconcious Machamp, several broken pokeballs, and a trainer rubbing a painful looking bump on his head sitting outside. We called "ZANE" the trainer was giving us that weird look humans give wild pokemon while they communicate, it's said that our speach sounds like random repeated noises to humans, and they can never figure out how, or even if we are communicating. "What the hell... if Ben wants a rematch tell him to come back in another 20 years". Ben had once challenged Zane to a fight and been knocked down in one hit, he retold the tale like a badge of honor. "We need your help Zane" Nell said. "ah you evolved I see... NO I don't hel...." I interrupted impatient to save my sister, "it involves a lot of fighting, against Team Rocket" he walked out of the cave "kay I'm in". "we're going to resc..." I was interrupted "don't care, I'm in, lead the way" I shook my head.

After having sex with my brother and the male Jolteon I was a little shaken. It had been my first time; all of my possible virginities taken away at once; and in part by Ryan; and I'd loved it. Part of me wanted to do it again, and knew I would. Another part of me kept thinking about how wrong it all was, but I knew that I wanted more, knew I would get it. I had never known how powerful the sensations of the body could be. I had teased others about it, felt vestiges of it in others minds. But psychic images don't even compare with what I had just gone through.

When my brother had fallen asleep in me I had heard the rockets talking about an invading force, moving me, and mating me Dak. I tracked onto the fact that I would once again be mated, disturbed at the disappointment that it was not to my brother. I shook my head at my weakness, knowing that the hormones flowing through me were making me docile. Dak was the one I was after, the meeting in order to mate would let me rescue him, and perhaps arrange to rescue that Jolteon and Umbreon while I was at it.... my mind flowed to thoughts of the electric cock, the immense speed, the massiveness of the Umbreon. I shook my head, rescue first, sex later. Or at least Sex and rescue first, sex and freedom later.

I was injected again. All the sex hormones were interfering with my psychic powers, so I had no idea what anyone was thinking, had no idea where my brother was, and didn't care. I hated myself a little for not caring, I was letting myself fade away, and now I was fading even more. "It's strange that the mutagen has failed to take hold of her, while her genetically similar brother mutated even faster than Dak" one voice said. "the brother has escaped" said another, "we MUST recapture that specimen, it was ideal in every way, mating it to all the forms of Eevee would give it power to match even legendary pokemon, in fact it would be a new legendary pokemon" said the first. "leave it to us, mating Dak will make a powerful pokemon if his traits are passed on so work on that for now."

All I could think about on the surface, with the hormones they were injecting me in was being more full, having more cock enter my hungry vagina. But another part of me was saying you cant let them get you pregnant I knew that I didn't want to be a mother, and I knew even more than that that pregnancy, especially with such an important child would reduce my chances of escaping and rescuing the other pokemon here. Normally female Eevee can control their fertility, but the drugs they were giving me were interfering with this ability.

"Ok little girl, almost time to get mated girl" a human said to me. "But... I think she wants a quicky with us first" I heard snickers from all around "couldn't hurt, said another voice". I heard pants unzipping and soon the rocket guard was pulling me onto his lap, his strong arms picking me up. "I'll take her ass right here on this bench, then you can get into her pussy from up front." This was another thing I knew was wrong, these weren't even pokemon! But like so many things the hormones pushed that thought into the back of my mind. I yipped in pleasure and began to pant as the mens strangely shaped penises was pushed into my ass and vagina. I squirmed atop them, feeling full once again, but wishing for my brother and the jolteon again rather than these perverted barbarians.

But it was better than nothing... oh so much better, the walls of my passages were closed tight around the thrusting cocks and I could feel every vein as I squirmed in pleasure. " goddamn this is hot, she wants it so damn bad" "mmmh tight little bitch too, way better than any woman I've ever had" I felt the fullness and that was all I felt, I had lost track of what it was inside me, just being glad it was there. They didn't take long to cum into me, their loads were small next to Ryan's. I was disappointed, at first that I didn't get off, then that I had wanted to with these humans in the first place. "ah fuck that was good".

The door opened "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" asked a voice at the door. The two rockets tried to stand up and flopped me onto the floor, then struggled to get their pants on. *sigh "now we have to clean her out you dumbasses, save that for your own damn pokemon, on your own damn time". I absently wondered how often this kind of thing happened to trainer owned pokemon. The experience had woken me up a bit. I knew now that following my hormones as I had been would lead to shame and abuse. I tried to focus past the drugs into the meditative state of mind that I go into to end empathic overloads. First I filtered past my shame, it was ok, I had no control, enjoying it doesn't mean I have to repeat it. Then I filtered past my desire, it felt good, but it would feel better if I controlled it instead of letting it control me, just like psychic powers.

I was just calming down as I was dragged into a new room and had hoses shoved up my ass and vagina. The stimulation tried to drag me back under, but I kept my mind in place as water filled me up, I began to inflate slightly as the man held the water in with his hand, but soon the pressure pushed pools of liquids: water, semen, feces, vaginal fluids, all out in a rush. The deflation felt good, but knowing I would be mated soon; I kept one thought in mind, don't let him impregnate you.

I was led out into the sun. I savored it's feeling on me. I was refreshed to be above water again. Then I saw Dak, his grin told me all I needed to know. He didn't call me to be rescued. It was a trap, and he wouldn't be letting me escape pregnancy. I felt the prick of a needle against my hindleg and immediately began get wet in my vagina. I fought it for a while, growling at Dak. "Come on honey, lets make beautiful little superbeings together". "Shu... ahh" I was now dripping fluids all over the ground, this was just like with the Jolteon, I knew that I needed him in me NOW.

I jumped at him, he stepped to the side; better reflexes than the Jolteon, this made me want him more. He stepped lightly behind me and placed his weight on me, he was bigger than me, or my brother. As he thrust forward, I had the presence of mind to lower myself down, catching him in my ass. It burned going in, but with the drug starting to take effect the burn was overcome by pleasure, the pleasure by desire. It seemed my plan had worked for a while as he continued in and out. My body wanted him inside my vagina, but I stopped myself from pulling off. "Thanks for the warm-up girl" Dak's voice spoke into her ear "now time for the prize". My brain was simaltaniously yelling 'shit' and 'yes' as he pulled out of my ass and slipped into my vagina.

I felt him inside me, larger than any single cock I've ever had in me, I felt every vein as he thrust in and out. I was soon thrashing in pleasure my whole spine becoming a column of pleasure, nerves firing from my sex all the way up. My brain became a centre for pleasure alone, my mind long since replaced by need. "I'm about to fill you with my babies girl" Dak said. At that moment I wanted them more than anything. I felt myself fill with his powerful seed, a flood more pleasant by far than the water. A pure feeling. "ahh, much better" I heard the slurp as he exited me, felt myself come down from orgasm.

I was beginning to feel very very bad about myself and slip into depression when suddenly a very large dark purple blur sped past me. A blur I recognized, my first instinct was "uh-oh", but upon rationalization I began to grin. I saw a streak of darkness hit Dak inches away from me. It seems a rescue had come, better late then never I suppose.