Survival - Chapter Four - Armory

Story by Arctic Wonder on SoFurry

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#1 of Survival

Grantan was Speechless. He had never seen Anything like it before. He couldn't think of the Words to Describe what he was seeing. The room had been Turned into an Armory that would make the Military feel Inadequate. There Were Rows Of Military Tech, High Powered Rifles, 12 Guages, 50 Cals, Assault Rifles, Heavy Assault Weapons, Combat Armor, Everything. You name it, She had it. He finally managed to say something.

"Were you Thinking about Starting a Damn War?" She giggled, Which seemed odd with her Standing in front of Enough Weaponry to Overthrow a Government. "Well, No. It was just a Hobby. A pretty Serious hobby. You know most of this stuff was Illegal? Hard to get, But i knew people. Its the only reason I'm still alive." He looked Completely Dumbfounded.

"Are you Serious? A HOBBY? You would get the Fucking Death sentence if they had Found all this Stuff!" She thought for a long moment, seemingly lost in her thoughts before Replying "I was careful. You should have seen all the Security that i had on this Room. But since i don't need it any more, I stripped it all down for use elsewhere. But are we going to sit around all day talking, Or are we going to Blow some God damned Heads up?" He looked around at all the Guns and Smiled. "Sounds fun to me"

Avralain Grabbed a Box of Ammo and Her Black High Powered rifle, While Grantan Looked over the Collection before Taking a Nice rifle With a Multiple Zoom level Scope and a Wooden Stock. She motioned for him to Follow and Went to the Door. Sitting on a table next to it was a Strange looking Device that Looked like a set of mobile MP3 speakers that had been Altered to run off solar Power provided by an attached Solar panel. She scooped it up off the table, Moved the barricade and opened the door. They quickly walked up two floors to the Roof.

Avralain set up the Panels and the Speakers, Pointing them out towards the City. She pulled a small MP3 player out of her pocket, Plugged it into the Speakers and Chose a song. Much to Grantan's Surprise, The first song to start Playing was Iron Maiden's "Number of the Beast". She set it to Full Volume, Lowered her Bipod, Got on one knee and Prepared to take Aim. Grantan, though not Exactly knowing what was about to happen, Followed suit. Avralain, Noticing his Confusion, said "What, You not Like Iron Maiden? Or are you wondering what we're doing here? No, Don't answer that. Everyone likes Iron Maiden. See, the Music attracts them. This is what i do for fun. Sit up here, Listen to Bruce Dickinson Pound out some Inspirational Apocalypse Lyrics and Blow the Skulls off some Of those things. Its funner than it sounds."

He was about to Respond when he noticed her Vision focus on something. She Put her Eye to the Scope and Nudged the Rifle down and a little to the left. She uttered a few words, Inhaled sharply, Held if for half a second and Squeezed on the trigger. An Insanely loud Crack split the Air and Drowned out the Music for about a Second before Fading. Avralain Smiled and said "First kill to me. I'm not used to Competing. This should be fun." Grantan looked Shocked as he scanned the street below, Trying to find her Kill.

Then he saw it. A distant smudge to his eye. He looked the the scope and flicked it into 10x zoom and scanned for it again. It was a Ferret, Laying in the Street and Clutching his Shoulder in Agony. His screams were Inaudible above the Music. "Avralain! First of all, You missed! Second of all, He's Alive!" Avralains Eyes Lit up. "Oh my god... I shot a Survivor! Quick, We can still save him. Run down and grab a Shotgun and a Carbine, And ammo, And meet me outside!" She doesn't even wait for him to reply before Sprinting down the Stairs and Out the front door of the Building.

Grantan was down in less than 30 Seconds, and as soon as he could He threw her the Carbine. As soon as she had it, She was Sprinting down the Street towards the Ferret. When she got there, She was met with a Gruesome Sight. The round had Punched a hole Straight through the Muscle of his Shoulder, But luckily it seemed to have missed the bone. He was Passed out, but Still Breathing softly. She panicked before Grantan got there. His arrival Calmed her somewhat, And she stopped to think. She knew that the first thing she had to do was Stop the Blood.

She tore the Bottom part of her Tank top off and Pressed it to his Shoulder. It was Quickly Soaked in Blood, But in the end managed to stop the bleeding for the time being. Once that was taken care of she stood up and looked around. To her horror, More than Fifteen of the Monsters were Crawling out of the Alleys and Streets and Converging on them. Now she was Panicking.

"Grantan... We have a problem." He looked around, Fear in his Eyes, But not in his Voice. "Right. You pick him up, I'll cover you. Go!" She nodded, Lifted him up onto her Shoulders and started running towards her Building. She Didn't look back once, But she could hear him Behind her, Firing off the Shotgun into the Group. By the time they reached the stairs, Her sides burned and her breathing was Heavy. But she took the Stairs two at a time and Burst into her Apartment. As soon as Grantan was inside, She slammed the door shut and Moved her Barricade in front of it again. She Gently set the Ferret down on the Couch and checked his Pulse. It was slow, But there. And he was still breathing, If softly.

"Grantan, go into the Bathroom and get me a Towel, We need something better to stop the Bleeding" She looked down at her Mangled Tank Top and sighs. "Damnit, I liked that top. Grantan! Where the hell is that Towel?" He sprinted out with a Red bath Towel and threw it to her. She wrapped it around his shoulder, But as she Did, She heard a Soft metallic jingling noise. She noticed the thin Metal chain around his Neck, And pulled it out of his Shirt. On the Chain Were two Metal Tags that she Recognized Immediately. "Hey Grantan, Look at this... I shot a Marine." He looked at the tags and said "So you did... Lets hope that he doesn't Die. Having him around would be Useful." Avralain Checked his Pulse again. "I don't think He'll die. but I'll need to Watch him tonight." She glanced out the Window at the Setting sun. "We should be getting to bed soon anyway. I'll keep watch tonight. Get some sleep." He looked at her with Concern. "Av, Are you sure?" she laughed at him. "Trust me, I'm sure. I've trained myself to run off Very little sleep if i need to." He still looked concerned, but he Listened to Her. "Alright, I'll see you in the Morning." She just nodded at him, Leaned her Rifle against the Couch and Sat down by the Ferrets Head, Prepared for a Long night of Boredom.

Survival - Chapter Three - Habits

-Alright, I used some Constructive Criticism this time. Hopefully, Its better than the first Two parts. Comment if you like it or if you don't like it but have advice on how i can Improve it- Avralain Yawned, Threw the Blankets off her, And...

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Survival - Chapter Two - Heat

"Oh No... No No No No NO! It can't be Happening so soon." But she Knew she couldn't deny it. She could feel it and she could Smell it. She had been checking For the past couple days, but now she Couldn't Deny it. A warmth that Spread through her body,...

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Survival - Chapter One - Beginnings

A Loud Crack Splits the Seemingly Serene Silence. Avralain's Rifle Recoils Violently, Bruising her Shoulder. Despite the Recoil, Her round Strikes its target with Deadly Accuracy, Passing through the Eye socket and Blowing a mess of Grey matter out the...

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