Avralain yawned as she Watched the First rays of Sunlight appear over the Horizon. She Checked the Ferrets Pulse for about the Hundredth time that night. It was slow, But a bit faster than last night. But at least he Lived through the Night, Which she...
Arctic Fox, Fox, Gray Wolf, No-Yiff, Post-Apocalyptic, Story Series, Wolf
-Alright, I used some Constructive Criticism this time. Hopefully, Its better than the first Two parts. Comment if you like it or if you don't like it but have advice on how i can Improve it-
Avralain Yawned, Threw the Blankets off her, And...
Arctic Fox, Female, No-Yiff, Nudity
"Oh No... No No No No NO! It can't be Happening so soon." But she Knew she couldn't deny it. She could feel it and she could Smell it. She had been checking For the past couple days, but now she Couldn't Deny it. A warmth that Spread through her body,...
Arctic Fox, Female, Fox, Gray Wolf, Heat, Male, No-Yiff, Wolf
A Loud Crack Splits the Seemingly Serene Silence. Avralain's Rifle Recoils Violently, Bruising her Shoulder. Despite the Recoil, Her round Strikes its target with Deadly Accuracy, Passing through the Eye socket and Blowing a mess of Grey matter out the...
Arctic Fox, No-Yiff, Series, Violence (Not In Yiff), apocalypse