
Story by JackTheManiac on SoFurry

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#1 of City of Perdition

Lucas isn't a beat cop walking the same lonely streets every day; he's narcotics. Fighting the vain war against the flood of illegal drugs in the city of Perdition, Lucas can only hope to make a dent in the larger operations in the dying city. A routine foot chase after a couple of low level hustlers is going to change his life forever.

Author's Note: A bit of a deviation from my normal light hearted yiff, this is a settling for a novella I am working on. Again, as always, feedback is appreciated especially as this is leading into a large work.

"Perdition PD! Freeze you little shit!"

Lucas Miller's voice carried along the narrow alley rebounding against the hard brick and concrete walls. The perp ignored the hyena's calls to halt and pushed over a pair of trash cans as he sprinted trying to trip Lucas up. The slim anthro up ahead sprinted along with a runner's grace, leg's pumping, their face covered up with the hoodie. Only a pair of antlers were visible through slits cut in the hood. With a grunt Lucas managed to clear the cans without breaking stride, twisting as he kept up the chase. The cervidae up ahead didn't slow down as he leapt a good four feet and went up the chain link fence that divided the alley. Cursing Lucas had to slow down for a few precious seconds to jump up and climb.

Lucas leaped awkwardly onto the fence, his bulky body rattling it as he started to climb and swore loudly as he watched the deer continue running. Reaching the top he paused and jumped straight down into a puddle splashing filthy water over his jeans. Shit, he was going to have to do laundry later. Regaining his balance he pushed off the fence and continued after the deer. Thankfully the next part of the alley was a straight breakaway and he started to gain ground and closed distance with the deer. There were a few dumpsters up ahead blocking the mouth of the alley that the kid could clear and leave Lucas in the dust if didn't take him down now. Taking a deep breath Lucas put on a final burst of speed and hit the deer from behind, pushing the kid off balance and tripping him up, sending him face first into a pile of garbage bags.

Panting, feeling a coat of sweat building up under his windbreaker, Lucas took a few seconds to catch his breath before kneeling down next to the deer. The broken trash bags filled the alley with a putrid odor of whatever the restaurant had thrown out. Wrinkling his nose Lucas yanked the kid off the bags and pushed him to the alley floor digging a knee in his back and twisting an arm to keep him pinned. His own bulk was more than enough to pin the lithe deer in place and keep him from going anywhere. It didn't stop the deer from vainly kicking and thrashing for a few seconds before he gave up and lay still to catch his own breath.

Yanking back the deer's hood Lucas caught sight of a mop of brightly dyed green hair and broke into a wide smile. Taking hold of an antler Lucas used his grip to turn the deer's head, looking at a handsome face studded with a set of lower lip rings and a thick nose ring. Lucas laughed, "Well shit, if it isn't my main man Mat. I should have recognized you from behind. How you doin man? Out for a little hustle tonight?'

"Fuck off." The deer glared up at him, giving another kick to try and break the hyena's grip. Turning his head and looking away he tried to ignore the man pinning him to the ground.

Lucas gave a friendly chuckle, putting on a hurt expression, "That any way to say hello to a friend of yours? Now, what are we hustling tonight? You're a good boy and I know you stay away from the needles so I won't bother with gloves." Lucas gave the deer a playful slap on the back of the head earning himself another glare. He dug into Mat's front pockets first rolling him side to side before checking in the back. Lucas helped himself to a few gropes of the boy's ass as he searched, coming out with a small baggie of weed.

"Let me guess this isn't yours?" Lucas said, dangling the bag in front of the boy's face. Another glare but no words. Reaching into his pocket Lucas grabbed out a set of handcuffs and placed Mat's arms behind his back cuffing him as he sat the deer up. Placing the deer's back to the alley wall Lucas took a moment to dig into his own pocket for cigarettes, pulling one out and lighting up. He held the bag up looking at the pathetic amount of weed the kid had on him, "Jesus Mat you gotta talk to your supplier. This is all stems and seeds. You got more trash in here than you do pot. You gave me a hell of a chase for nothing. I'm disappointed."

"Yeah? So does that mean you're gonna let me go?" Mat looked up with a wry smile, shifting on the hard ground as he tried to get comfortable.

Taking a squat across from Mat, Lucas shook his head. Even down at this level the muscular hyena seemed to loom over the smaller anthro, "Nah, I can't cut you loose after all the trouble you gave me. You're gonna have to give me something. Otherwise I'm gonna run you in."

Mat narrowed his eyes, baring his teeth at Lucas, "If you think I'm going to rat on my friends..."

"Rat on the rats? Look, I'm sure my partner already got your two little friends. You're the one that is always holding so he'll let them go. Nah, I want some names. Who's buying and selling? What's the good word on the street?"

"Fuck you. I don't know shit. Guess you'll have to take me in."

Leaning in Lucas invaded Mat's personal space getting inches from the deer's face, speaking low, "I'll level with you. This is a shit bust. If I run you in it'll be hours of paperwork wasted processing your punk ass. They'll probably release you after midnight and chances are the DA won't even file charges. So why don't you not waste either of our time and just give me a couple names."

Mat chewed his lip for a moment, then glanced away, "Big Red is buying..."

Lucas cut him off, "I know that."

"Bobby B is..."

"I know. Give me something new."

"Fuck you're an asshole." Mat rolled his eyes again, thinking, "Word is there is a new lab getting set up. Lots of chemicals and shit. I saw them unloading it from a van near 7th and Vine, old meatpacking warehouse. Happy?"

Now that was a new one. Not too far here, still in his jurisdiction. He could get a warrant tomorrow. Standing up Lucas dumped the weed out onto the ground grinding it into the gravel and muck with his foot, "Now there is the smart boy I know. Thanks kid. wouldn't want to earn a little informant money would you? Sweeten the deal?"

Lucas grabbed his crotch grinning down at the deer. Mat gave a dramatic sigh as he shifted on the ground, getting up to his knees, "Fine. Make it quick will you? I'm gonna try and meet up with Dreads and Snap if your partner let em go. Can I at least get out of the cuffs?"

"Nah. You're handy with that mouth." Lucas unzipped the fly to his jeans and pulled his cock out placing it against Mat's lips. Working undercover did have its perks. No uniform, pretty much set your own hours, and you get to enjoy the company of some very talented people.

Mat leaned forward as he took the cock in his mouth. Fuck the kid had a good tongue. Feeling the deer get to work, bobbing up and down on his thick shaft, Lucas sighed and placed a paw on the back of Mat's head. Yeah, the perks weren't half bad at all. After a few minutes the alley was filled with the wet smacks and slurps as the deer bobbed his head up and down on the hyena's thick shaft. Feeling the tongue working at the underside of his cock Lucas thrust forward banging against the back of Mat's throat. It was like the kid didn't have a gag reflex at all.

Lucas did keep his word, however. He wasn't trying to last long and though he enjoyed Mat's head game he had other shit to do tonight. After a few minutes he grunted and shoved his cock forward blasting a load into the boy's mouth. That got a cough out of the deer for a moment and the kid recovered, swallowing the load in a few gulps. Sitting back and resting on his knees Mat looked up licking his lips and giving Lucas a wink.

Digging into his pocket Lucas got the key and bent down taking the cuffs off Mat's wrists and lent him a hand getting up. The deer shot him a hurt look, rubbing at where the cuffs had been, "Can you not do em so tight next time? That shit hurts."

Reaching into his jacket pocket Lucas rummaged around pulling out a sheet of paper. Placing it on the brick wall he scrawled on it filling out the form he'd turn into accounting. Handing the pen over to Mat he watched the kid sign with his usual horrible, barely legible signature. Ripping off the carbon copy and handing it to Mat, Lucas opened up his wallet handing the deer a fifty, "There you go kid. You know, we could get you on the regular payroll. You could avoid this shit."

Tucking the receipt and money in a pocket Mat blew a lock of hair out of his face, "As if, narc. I'm not getting on any lists. But, uh, thanks. It's usually only twenty."

Shrugging Lucas put his paws in the pockets of his windbreaker and started walking toward the end of the alley, Mat following after, "Eh, you've given some good tips lately. If it is a lab it'll be money well spent. Last year's meth was a nightmare to deal with. Maybe we can catch it early this time."

The pair walked for a while in silence as they started to retrace the steps from their chase. Lucas needed to get back to his car and Mat needed to see if his friends were still around. As they walked along the sidewalk the streetlights turned on casting a harsh glare as the sun dipped behind the buildings. Even as the sun cast a beautiful sunset of reds and oranges across the clouds a gust of icy wind cut through the street. Cold snap; winter was going to come early this year. A shiver went down Lucas's spine as the wind cut right through him, looking over seeing Mat huddle up in his thin hoodie and tug the hood up again.

They were back at Lucas' car minutes later. Lucas stood by the driver side door, fumbling in his pocket to pull out his keys and opening the door. Reaching under the seat he pulled out a walkie talkie, pressing the button and waiting for his partner to answer. After a moment a voice cut through the static, "Hey man, sorry to keep you waiting. Those little rats gave me the slip. You catch your guy?"

Lucas glanced over the top of the car watching Mat sit with his back against a streetlight, "Yeah mine got away too. Guess these kids are slippery. Wanna call it a night, file our report tomorrow morning?"

"Yeah, you got it man. Keep warm. Radio says it's going to be a cold one."

Starting up the car Lucas sat there for a minute watching a few people ignore the street kid as they walked by. Tapping his finger on the steering wheel he rolled a terrible idea around, wanting to ignore it and get on with his life. Instead reached over and pushed open the passenger door, "Hey, my main man. Where you sleeping tonight?"

Mat's head jerked up, "Why do you care?"

"I care, ok? You got a place tonight or what?"

Mat's arms wrapped around himself as he pulled his knees to his chest, the silence answer enough.

"Come here, get in. I got a place for you. Just hope you're house broken."

At first it looked like Mat was ignoring him. After a few moments though the kid walked over to the car and got in shutting the door. Not looking at Lucas he glanced out the window, "You're not one of those cops that kills street kids or something, right? Cause if you are, I would like to not be killed."

Lucas laughed and pulled out of the parking space, steering into the evening's light traffic, "Nah, you're safe for now. Just be on your best behavior."

They rode together in silence as Lucas drove through the city streets away from downtown and heading out toward the edge of the hub. Only ten minutes later he was parking in front of an apartment building and shutting the car off. When Lucas got out Mat looked around confused, "Wait, where are we. I thought you were taking me to a mission or something."

Feeling the temperature drop as the wind picked up Lucas shook his head, "Missions are gonna be full tonight. Bet they were full hours ago. Don't worry, it'll be warm."

Mat hesitated as he got out of the car and followed Lucas up the steps of the apartment building. The hyena got out his keys and opened the door to the building heading up the steps. He had to wave to Mat to get the kid to follow him up a couple flights of stairs before he reached the apartment. Another turn of the keys and he stepped inside watching the deer take a small step after following him in. Flipping on the lights Lucas sighed and shut the door locking it behind them.

He emptied his pockets at a table next to the door: pistol from the inside of his belt, handcuffs, wallet, keys, lighter, cigarettes. All of it went into its proper place on the table ready to be picked up the next day. He glanced at Mat who was looking around curiously. It wasn't a big apartment, just a large living room that connected to the kitchen, a short hallway with a bathroom to one side and bedroom to the other. Walking past the deer he went into the kitchen and opened up the fridge looking at whatever leftovers he had.

Without looking up Lucas spoke, "If you can't guess this is my place. You're not a murderer and you aren't dumb so don't try to rob me or shoot me while I'm asleep. Couch is yours and if you want to shower it's down the hall. I'll grab you some blankets here in a bit. I got some pizza from Jerkin and some Chinese from Shitty Wok. What do you want?"

Mat sat on the corner of the couch closest to the door, his legs pulled up to his chest. He hadn't taken his hoodie down yet, "Um, pizza. Pizza is fine. Uh, thanks."

Grabbing the box out of the fridge Lucas turned the oven on and slid the old slices on a tray. He walked over to the couch to grab the remote and sit down, Mat shying away from him on the edge of the couch. Sighing Lucas looked at him, "Look I don't bite, ok? All I want to do is eat, watch some TV, and get to bed. I got an early day tomorrow so you have to leave when I do, deal? I only trust you so far."

Mat just nodded in reply. So, quiet night then. Lucas turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. Sometimes it was a wonder why a person would bother with cable. You had a few hundred channels but nothing to watch. After a few minutes of surfing a small voice caught his attention, "C-can you got back?"

"Go back to what?"

"There was a, um, horror movie. Slasher movie I didn't get to see. Can we watch that?"

Lucas turned to look at Mat, the motion making the deer flinch. On the streets the boy acted tough as hell but for some reason it was like he was on edge. Taking it slow Lucas turned back to the gorefest movie and slowly sat the remote down. Mat grinned at him pulling the edge of his hoodie back. Standing up and leaving the kid to watch the show Lucas went to check on the pizza pulling it out of the oven and grabbing a couple plates. He came back to the couch to find Mat sitting there with a stupid grin on his face as the killer of the movie ran after someone with a chain saw.

So caught up in the show Mat didn't even flinch when Lucas handed him the plate giving him an absentminded, "Thanks."

How someone could find a horror movie like this relaxing was beyond Lucas. Still he was willing to entertain Mat for the night and let him watch the whole thing. When the credits started to roll Lucas stood up with a yawn and stretched. Looked like the channel was doing a marathon as the next movie started up right after with an apparent sequel to the first. Shaking his head he left the enraptured Mat to watch while he went to the bedroom returning a few minutes with an extra blanket and pillows dumping them next to the deer.

That seemed to pull the kid back to reality. He shied away from the blankets and looked up defensive until he realized it was Lucas. Seeing the kid flush with embarrassment Lucas pretended he didn't notice, "Well, fun night but I got to be off to bed. You can watch whatever you want just try to get some sleep. I'm not your dad so I can't really tell you what to do. Night."

"Good thing you aren't." Mat mumbled to himself just loud enough that Lucas caught it, "Night."

Going back to his room Lucas shut the door behind him and stripped off tossing his clothes into the basket he kept by the door. Yawning and knowing that morning would come early he double checked his alarm clock. From the sound of it the killer found a new female victim for his chainsaw, the loud revving and screams carrying through the door. With a laugh Lucas shut off the lamp next to his bed and settled in with a deep yawn, closing his eyes.

Suddenly Lucas sat bolt upright. How long had he been asleep? His hand went under his pillow to grab his backup pistol and pointed it at the doorway where the sound was coming from. It was dark, too dark to see anything other than a shape outlined by the light from the moon and street lights. It stopped suddenly, maybe seeing Lucas's movement. Keeping his pistol pointed at the door he reached over with the other, turning on the light. It was Mat.

The boy was standing there motionless, eyes wide as he saw the pistol. Cursing Lucas put it on the nightstand, rubbing at his eyes, "Jesus Christ, Mat, what the hell. You can't just come into someone's room like that. Bathroom is the other door."

Mat didn't say anything. Tugging his t shirt over his head and tossing it to the side, Mat showed off his lithe body. He must have already taken off his pants and underwear before coming in, the deer standing nude before Lucas. Damn the boy was handsome. Trying to fight the haze of sleep Lucas watched as the deer walked to the bed crawling across it toward the hyena. Before he could protest Lucas felt Mat lean forward pressing their lips together, his paw reaching down to stroke at the hyena over the blanket. There were tears on Mat's cheeks.

Pulling back Lucas looked at him, "Mat, what the hell are you doing."

"What you brought me here for. J-just let me do it, ok?" Mat was pulling the blanket down, climbing on top of the hyena's lap.

"Brought you here? What do you mean?"

"You brought me to your apartment. Fed me dinner. Let me watch movies. You don't get shit for free. I know how it works s-so just let me do it."

Mat straddled Lucas looking down at him. The deer reached back, stroking at the hyena, trying to get him worked up. Lucas grunted his body immediately responding to the attention. Bucking his hips, looking up, Lucas growled, "Mat, get off. It's cold. You needed a place to stay. That's all."

Mat's tear streaked face looked down, nodding, "Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Tell yourself that. J-just do it quick. I want to sleep soon."

Growling louder Lucas thrust his hips up and rolled, pushing Mat off of him. He rolled with the deer, pinning the boy's wrists above his head, "Mat, I didn't bring you here to screw you, got it?"

Fresh tears rolled down his cheeks as Mat turned his head, "Then why? Why the hell did you bring me here. People. Don't. Do. This."

"Do what?"

"Be...nice. They always, always want something."

"I don't want to fuck your Mat!"

"Then why would you care about me?"

Letting go of the deer's wrists Lucas sat up moving away from the boy. Sitting on the edge of the bed he watched Mat curl up sobbing lightly. Why the hell had he brought Mat here? It was a good question, one that he had been asking himself. After a moment he spoke without really thinking, "Sandcastles."


"Sandcastles. Ever been to the beach, Mat?" He looked over his shoulder to the deer watching the boy shake his head, "My family went to the coast every year. When I was younger I loved building sandcastles and the older I got upset I was when the waves washed them away. I'd work all day on them building the walls, the moats, the turrets, making these wonderful buildings just to have to watch the tide come in and tear them down. When I was, oh, about twelve or so I stopped. My dad asked why I didn't want to build one since it was my favorite thing and I told him how useless it was. Why work so hard when it's all just going to get washed away?

"Then he asked me if I didn't like building them. Well, no, I liked to. They were fun to build. So, he told me, if you have fun doing it why worry about it getting washed away? Even buildings made of stone fall down. Make the best damn sandcastle you can and enjoy it while it lasts.

"That's what this city is, Mat. It's a great big sandcastle. I can't do a lot here, you know. I can't bring back the mills. I can't catch every bad guy, and I can't stop every pimp and pusher out there. But I do have eight blocks of turf where I can try. I got eight blocks to build my sandcastle on. And even though it might be useless, even though it might get washed away the next day, I'm going to build the best damn sandcastle you have ever seen."

Lucas looked back seeing Mat staring at him. He'd wiped away his tears, listening. Lucas continued on, "You're a good kid, Mat. You got a rap sheet a mile long but you're a good kid deep down. Maybe you're my next sandcastle, I don't know. But if the only thing I can do for you today is feed you, give you a safe place to sleep, and let you watch a movie then I'm going to do it."

Mat sat up crawling over to Lucas, resting his chest against the hyena's back, "So, you really aren't going to fuck me?"

Lucas laughed. "Trust me, kid, I want to fuck you. But right now I don't think it would be right."

Mat gave a small smile, "I've...never had someone turn me down before. It actually feels kinda nice. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Lucas paused leaning in to give the boy a kiss. Not a deep one, just a kiss, "Maybe next time. It is getting colder out there you know."

As Mat started to crawl off the bed, he paused, "Can I tell you something? You can't laugh."

"Promise. What is it?"

"I-I don't really like the dark. Or being alone. Is there a light you can turn on out there?"

Settling back into the bed Lucas patted to the spot next to him, "Come on over here. I'll be your nightlight."

Smiling the deer practically bounced back over and snuggled up close to the hyena as Lucas shut off the light. Wrapping an arm around the boy's shoulders Lucas let Mat's head rest on his chest. It didn't take more than a minute and the deer was fast asleep, his breath deepening. Laying back and stroking Mat's hair lightly, Lucas drifted off soon after.

The next day was a blur. Up early and try to find something for both of them to eat. Drop Mat off near where he thought he could find his friends then off to the station. Luckily his partner was already there and filling out their reports from yesterday while Lucas rushed off to submit a warrant. All he had to do was file that there was a credible, reliable source that knew there was a drug lab opening up. After the spike in activity recently it wouldn't be hard to get a 'courtesy' patrol to drive through the area and see if the lead checked out. Sitting there in the office, watching the hour hands spin on the clock, Lucas waited impatiently. They had to hit it soon.

The rumor mill was grinding away about their lead. The judges headed home around four in the afternoon and wouldn't be in again until morning. With less than an hour to go the news finally reached him. The lead was good; the warehouse was totally set up as a drug hub. They would have their warrant in a few minutes and the chief wanted this place hit hard and hit fast before it could start pumping. This was what Luca lived for and he grabbed his vest from the locker room. They were going to take something big down.

Lucas and his partner rode with the SWAT team in their van. Watching the armored and armed cops check over their weapons Lucas smiled to himself. The pot busts were total bullshit which is why he let every one of them go with a warning as long as they fed him info. Some of the narcotics department liked rolling up the potheads since it made their numbers look better. Numbers weren't what changed things. Taking down a lab like this? Now that was going to change something. Pot was a nuisance sure, but meth? Crack? He'd lost count of the junkies getting covered up by the EMTs.

The vans split off with one going toward the front, the other to the back. As soon as they rolled to a stop the doors flew open, the SWAT team rushing in without hesitation. SWAT kicked in the door, the black clad police going in first while Lucas and the others came in after. It was a lab alright, a fresh batch already cooking up. His eyes followed the SWAT as they moved through the building, a dozen workers raising their hands without putting up a fight. They weren't about to die for some boss they never saw. He was going to end the day on a good note, even able to go and meet Mat, when the shots rang out.

Lucas never saw the shooter. They were high up, spraying bullets down from a catwalk. His vest could stop a pistol; the rifle rounds tore right through it, piercings his lungs, his chest. He was down on the ground before he knew it, feeling the blood pooling around him. Oddly, it didn't hurt. His partner was coming over as SWAT returned fire but Lucas knew it was too late. As his eyes started to lose focus he thought of two things: Sandcastles and Mat.

Mat looked up and down the street. He didn't have a watch though he could judge time in a street kid way. The streetlamps had been on for hours now and he waited, like a chump, for Lucas. They'd agreed to meet right back here then head to his apartment. So Mat stood there shivering in his thin hoodie waiting for a car to show up that never would. Finally, something broke in him and he started to cry. They all wanted something and he hadn't given it. Of course he wasn't going to show up. Stupid.

Shuffling away he wandered down the alleys, his feet moving on their own. Stupid. His feet and fingers were numb now. Stupid. They all want something. Looking at a dumpster he found a scrap of carpet someone tossed away grabbing it out and wrapping it around him. Stupid. There had to be somewhere warm. Lucas was warm. Stupid. Eventually he found a metal box that seemed to radiate heat. Was it electrical? What is safe? What did it matter. It was better than nothing. Laying on top of the box the warmth spread through his body. Stupid. Somehow he fell asleep.

And woke up freezing. The box was off and cold, the metal quickly cooling down and sending a chill throughout his body. This was it. There was no way he was going to be able to get warm now. No one saves you, idiot. Curling up into a ball he waited. He'd heard that when you got too cold your body would start to feel warm. Maybe he could feel warm one more time. As he lay there he heard footsteps, someone coming over. Lucas? No, not Lucas, someone else. This was a canine who looked a lot older than Lucas. Stop thinking about him.

The vagrant mutt looked down at Mat. He was older though Mat couldn't place an age on him. Maybe it was just that the street life aged you. The mutt was layered up against the cold with jacket on top of sweatshirt, pants on top of pants. Taking a long pull off the bottle wrapped in a paper bag the mutt spoke, "Hey kid, what's wrong? You need a place to stay? Ya know, you remind me of someone. Can't remember who though. I got a place if you need one."

Standing up Mat looked at the older canine. It wasn't Lucas but he would do. He could pretend at least. Kiss him. Give him what he wants. He won't leave if you give him what he wants. Don't be stupid.