The Gorge

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#2 of Liam & Ram's Travels

I'm going to hit 30 soon, and somehow I've nearly completely abandoned video games to be outdoorsy. Help I'm getting old lol

Anyway, more of Liam and Ram's adventures outdoors, this time in Colorado since I went on a trip there last year. Damn, I write at George RR Martin's pace now lol, thanks work and stress and real life, college life was so much simpler xD

The Gorge

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The water was cool and gushing, surrounding me. It was clear water, and it didn't burn my eyes. I snapped my hips and pushed my paddle, rolling my kayak back up to continue the rush down the Arkansas River which winded its way through Colorado.

There was a rock directly in my path as soon as I could see above the water again, so I paddled hard to maneuver around it. I dipped my right wing into the water to help, cheating a bit, and evaded it successfully.

"Woohoohoo!" I screamed, looking for my mate. I found my dark wolf in my peripheral vision, his bright yellow lifevest shining through the waves while he struggled to break through the rapids on the other side of the rock.

"This is Class VI whitewater or some shit," he yelled out, although he was able to trudge through the worst eddies successfully.

The current hastened, and I had to slap the water with my paddle as frequently as if I were slapping my wolf's ass with my hips when fucking him silly to brace against rolling underwater. Water went everywhere, and I had more than a fair share of dirty thoughts every time I glanced at my husband and saw a wave of white foam crash into him.

The rocks surrounding us rose as we continued our descent into Colorado's Royal Gorge. The river grew all the swifter, daring only the boldest to continue. The serenity of the Parkdale section was all but gone, like the great river Anduin giving way to the Falls of Rauros.

We paddled through the rapids. Water swallowed us and spat us out constantly. About as often as my Liam swallows and spits me. My wolf even caught airtime. I used my wings to cheat some more than he got, but not too much. I was here for the river today, not the sky!

Truth be told, he was better at paddling than I was. I was a master of the skies, but that was pretty much a given for a dragon. My fuzzy husband even started showing off as the winding river began to settle down, performing rock spins with ease while giving me the biggest shit-eating grins whenever he did a 360. My chest mounted GoPro caught all of those cocky smirks.

Oh, I'd give my hubby something cocky later, alright.

I leaned back as we floated under the Royal Gorge Bridge, a tourist trap but an eye catcher nonetheless, so that the GoPro could get a few seconds of it. One of the bright red gondolas was making its way across, and my sharp eyes could discern some canine kids pointing down at us. I unfurled my wings and gave them a big wave, which they seemed to react excitedly towards, but the river swiftly took my wolf and I past the bridge before we could provide any more theatrics.

I saw the water strengthen ahead again. Liam broadsided me with his kayak and giggled. "Yellow alert, shields up!" he shouted. "Keep on your guard, they don't call this section the Boat Eater Rapids for nothing!"

I nodded and kept my senses up. My wolf, on the other hand, appeared to have failed at acknowledging his own advice. About halfway through the rapids, he was swept over by a tall wave that hit on his side. I hugged far to the right and avoided the waves entirely.

I expected him to roll right back up and laugh maniacally. A few seconds passed without my ears receiving said laughter.

A few more seconds passed and I was worried.

I turned my head back and found no sight of him or his kayak. I dipped my paddle into the left and spun backwards. When I completed my turn, I spotted the red hull of his kayak plop up, but it wasn't rolling upright.

Another wave hit it and rolled it just enough for me to spot that Liam wasn't seated in it anymore.

"Shit!" I paddled hard to the closest shore. As soon as I got out of my boat, I unfurled my wings and flew back to where he fell.

I hovered and frantically searched the broiling whirlpools. His expensive lifevest did its job and brought him up for a gasp of air before the river dragged him down again, but now I could track its yellow hue through the foaming water.

He popped up again a few seconds later with a loud yell. I flew lower to try and reach him, but river pulled him back in before I could grab him. The water ahead became even more turbulent, like a fricken washing machine, and I couldn't risk diving in.

The yellow color grew frighteningly dim as it flowed past the worst of the rapids. I mentally kept track of the seconds and would dive in no matter what after a minute.

Ten seconds. Thirty. Fifty.


A dark arm reached out of the river.

I dove. I grabbed it and pulled him out. He felt like a ton heavier with all his fur wet, but the adrenaline pumped through my wings, and I had him safely out.

Once I had a little altitude, I hooked my arms under his to secure him. I heard him cough and wheeze, so I made my way over to the closest shoreline. He gasped as I flapped my wings hard to keep steady, and then I felt him suck in a deep breath.

"O-oh," he stammered, "I'm not dead. I'm flying? Smells like dragon. Joor zah frul..."

"Don't you dare," I said. My face relaxed a little and allowed a smile, although I didn't let down my guard until I had set him down on land.

I had to help hold him to make him sit up straight, but he was able to breathe normally after coughing out some water. I hit his back a few times just for good measure.

"Okay," he said, "I'm good, stop slapping my spine!"

"Are you sure?"

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm good. Don't worry about it. I'm fairly certain I've drowned worse from those times you were pent up for over a week."

"Oh good," I said, feeling the tension loosen from all of my muscles. "You really are fine if you're making dirty jokes."

"Just sayin' dragons can pump out an obscene amou--wait, we gotta fetch my kayak!"

"What's the rush? The tent is in mine, and that's safely parked right over there," I said, pointing towards the shoreline.

"Yeah, but mine had the beer."

I glared at him.

"Also the towels, and my half of the sleeping pad, okay? It gets cold at night in Colorado."

I rolled my eyes at how he didn't start off with the legitimate explanation, but that was my husband for you. I stood up and flexed my wings, feeling a little burn through their muscles as they had been overexerted by carrying a wet dog. "True, we do need to get you dried off. Stay put, I'll go find your boat."

"Yes sir!" he said.

I couldn't tell if there was a frisky undercurrent to his answer, as if nearly drowning had made him horny. Regardless, I had a task to do, so I jumped and caught the wind beneath my wings.

The hunt for a bright red kayak down an unbranching river flowing in one direction went about as easily as one might expect. It had wedged itself between two rocks, so it stuck out like a really sore thumb. Or like a knot caught between two ass cheeks. Alright, maybe the adrenaline wearing off after rescuing my wolf also made me weirdly aroused too.

Anyway, I hovered down and was able to dislodge it from the rocks. It was far too big and unwieldy to lift it directly out of the water, so I was able to push it towards a shoreline that looked like it would make a decent campsite. Liam would have to paddle down. There was no way I could fly the kayak back upstream when it was loaded with beer and shit.

I flew back and found Liam fumbling near my kayak. He had probably realized the same thing.

"Hey," I said as I landed all smooth like a gargoyle, "found it about a mile and a half down."

"Oh good," the wolf answered, taking a Snickers bar out of my hatch. "Did it get stuck somewhere? I expected it to be way down the river."

"Yeah, it got caught between some rocks. I docked it down by a decent campsite though."

"I take it I'll have to paddle down then," he said while unwrapping the candy bar.

"Yep, can't fly with all that stuff in it."

"Funny, you can fly while stuffing me."

I glared at him.

He took a bite out of the Snickers bar and snickered. "I'll keep to the calmest lines. Confidence is gonna be shot for a while."

I nodded. "Make it so, number one husband."

He finished his snack and then settled into my kayak. The size of it and my paddle made him appear unsteady, so I followed him overhead like a guardian angel, only more green than white. And scalier. He was overly cautious and took the easiest paths, showing off his expertise at river navigation.

He made it to the shoreline just fine and parked my kayak next to his. I landed down and helped steady the boat while he tried to vacate himself out of it awkwardly, my kayak being a tad bit too big for him.

After he exited the kayak, the wolf went over to his ship, pulled off the hatch, and rummaged around for a beer can. "Phew," he said as he pulled on the tab, "fun times!" A hiss of air followed.

I walked up to him and gave him a sideways hug to avoid knocking over his drink. "I'm just glad you're alright."

"Me too," he said with a dopey grin.

I smiled and then leapt back. "Ugh, you're still wet. Towel yourself off first!"

My husband bent down to dig into his kayak's storage and pulled out a towel. "Drinking and drying!" he said, taking another chug out of his can while he rubbed his hair with the towel.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't resist a small chuckle at the stupid pun. "Yeah yeah," I said, "I'll start setting up camp."

Our ultralight backpacking setup was pretty much the same gear we used for kayak camping, so I was pretty fast at pitching up our tent. Evidently, I wasn't as fast as my husband was at chugging a can of beer, and I found him setting up dinner once I had finished staking the last tie-down point.

I let him do the cooking. He was way better at it anyway, although there isn't much skill can do to make rehydrated food taste great. In any case, I wanted to get our sleeping stuff down so I could have my dessert after dinner to quell the inevitably other pitched tent I would have.

After a few trips to our parked kayaks, I had inflated our sleeping pad and unrolled our quilt. I could smell preserved meat and potatoes waft through the air, and went to sit down by Liam.

"Almost ready," he said.

"Great," I said. "The post-adrenaline tiredness is killing me. The quicker we can get into the tent, the better."

"And cuddle?" The wolf smirked.

"And more, babe."

He gave me that look. "Oh, indeed. I should like to reward my rescuer for saving me from drowning after all!"

I let out a low growl. "I'd certainly like to make my patient feel as comfortable, warm, and protected as possible."

The wolf stood up. "Eat your dinner first, Ram." He bent over to reach down to one of the bags he had poured boiling water into earlier, and he made sure to curve his back as he did so. "Then you can have a thick snack."

I growled a little louder. "You had better be dried off," I said a bit more hungrily than I thought my throat would make it.

"You bet my ass it is."

"Uh huh."

I grabbed my fancy lightweight titanium spork and dug into the bag of mediocre meats. Camping food is never a fine dining ordeal, but after an exhausting day of paddling and particularly today with a near death encounter, it tasted pretty damn good.

The sun didn't stay up for long after we ate. It wasn't like Texas where the sun liked to just linger forever because most of the land was flat. The mountains tucked the sun away relatively early, and soon I had Liam tucked under my wings.

Tucked and moaning.

"Fuck me, babe."

Oh yeah, our body heat would warm up the tent before night really began.

I kept my finger inside him, pressing against his little pleasure nub to make him moan some more. I'd tease him for a while longer, not quite done with making his throat purr and his hardened cock drip with pre.

I milked his prostate, feeling it swell with need. Another finger slipped into his rear, then another. Liam had no problem with my fingers. Even after our wonderful years of marriage, he was still tight when it came to my knot though. There was no need to jump that far ahead though, that was the conclusion to come.

After a few more minutes of pressing his love button, I took my fingers out and pried them into the wolf's mouth. "Lick," I commanded.

He did while whining out, "Please..."

"Such a dirty boy," I whispered.

Once he made my fingers wet and warm, I plucked them right up his ass again, lubing him up with his own saliva. It wasn't going to really do much, and my slit fluids made my cock slick enough all on their own to ream my mate, but it was the thought that mattered.

"Yes," the wolf moaned. "Make me a dirty mess."

I rumbled my throat as I pressed against his prostate aggressively one last time before pulling my fingers out. "I will," I said matter-of-factly.

Liam visibly shook. It was inspiring to see what I could do with just a few words spoken in the right tone.

But I could do even more. I rolled on top of him, preparing for the moment he'd been waiting for since dinner. Our small ultralight tent didn't allow me much room to stretch my wings, but it did force me to stay more intimate with my wolf. I totally enjoyed tent sex in the wilderness.

I slid my hands down his sides and onto his ass cheeks. I rubbed them, spread them apart, and lifted his tail up. "Time to descend into the gorge," I said.

"That was fucking cringy," the wolf answered.

"And you love me for saying cringy shit," I said as I lowered my face towards his valley.

"I do," the wolf replied. "Oh, thank you for saving me from drowning, draggy. Now you can take my breath away instead of the river."

"Hmmph." I could've said something about his own corny sentence, but I was way too horny to care now. I whisked my tongue around his hole and took in his scent a bit before I pried my way in. He smelled fairly fresh, which I'd expect after being washed by the river today. Colorado rivers were pretty clean compared to most other rivers in the states. I lapped at his hole slowly, and he let out a deep breath once I broke through his resistance. "I'm glad you're safe," I said awkwardly with my tongue halfway in his ass.

"You were with me," he said, his speech starting to slur. "I'm always safe when you're with me."

"Love you too, hon." And then I tapped his button with my tongue.

He moaned loudly, a mere preview of what was to come.

The tent was now getting nice and toasty, and I was ready to take my mate. I pulled my tongue out, shifted my body over my husband's, and licked his ear with my dirty tongue. I gyrated my hips a bit, brushing my now very hard cock against his rear several times. "Ready, babe?"

"Fuck yes," the wolf replied.

As soon as I felt my slick tip catch his hole, I thrust my hips forward and made him howl. That initial penetration was always divine, and I didn't stop pushing until I had hilted into him and forced him to take my entire length before my knot started swelling.

Once I was all the way into my mate, I hugged him tightly with my arms and wings. My hands went all over the front of his body while I rapidly gave him kisses on his neck and snout. My hands slowly settled until they rested over his heart, and I felt it beat rapidly in time with mine.

It was wonderful moments like these, with my husband and me, alone in the wilderness under the night stars with the river rapids whisking by within earshot that I savored.

The moment passed when a coyote or something answered my mate's howl. That was my cue to make my husband flow like a river. I pulled away, and I felt Liam clutch my arm with a death grip as if he were afraid I would leave him. I placed my other hand over his and nuzzled my snout alongside his before plunging right back into his warmth.

We knew each other. We knew what we liked, and I knew exactly what angle to aim my cock at to make my wolf's muscles collapse. He was a whining mess before I even attempted to speed up, but Liam was able to keep one set of muscles working when the rest of them failed him. His ass tunnel gripped me and rippled with precisely the right rhythm to make me shudder.

As I sped up, his tail started flailing about more and more uncontrollably like a happy dog. That always pleased me. My bulb grew quickly as we made love, and my balls stopped slapping him as my knot started bashing against his hole. I tried to reach underneath him to feel him up, but his limbs had so utterly failed that my hands were blocked from reaching his shaft.

I knew his mind was awash with pleasure, but I wanted to see it. I wanted to see my husband's body all lustful and needy. So I pulled out.

Liam whined. Gods, did he know how to push my buttons.

I simply flipped him over so I could see his face and his loins. My favorite parts of my wolf, of course. I rammed my cock back into my other favorite part, and leaned down to lock his muzzle into a kiss while I gently humped his rear. I rubbed his muzzle with one of my hands, and I draped the other one along his shoulder. I let it slowly drop down from his shoulder, kneading loose muscles along the way, until it snaked past his abs and found the warm spire I had originally wanted to wrap it around. I gave him a few hard pumps and squeezes on his knot, eliciting a loud moan that Liam transferred directly to me.

A few seconds later, I pulled out of the kiss and hovered slightly above him, our eyes half-lidded but locked entranced to each other. "I should have left you in the water just a little while longer," I said in a horny stupor. "Then I would've given you mouth to mouth."

Liam reached up and grabbed one of my horns uncharacteristically. "Shut up, stupid dragon, and fuck me." He forced our muzzles back together. I growled threateningly, but we both knew it was all an act, and I truly enjoyed being with my husband.

Since my wolf wouldn't release me from his mouth, I wouldn't remove myself from his ass either. I kept up the pace while his tongue forced its way into my mouth. I pounded away, ramming my knot over and over against his tight ring.

I swore the sound of the rapids grew more and more intense the closer I got to breaking his tailhole's resistance. He was surprisingly tight tonight, but I didn't mind. After all, he did get dunked into a dangerous rapid today.

I started grunting, but I kept myself from becoming ravenous. I just wanted to savor the time we had together this cold night. There would be a time for savage fucking, but it was not tonight. I held my husband in a long unending kiss. I touched him with my hands, rubbing everything and everywhere. His throbbing dick, his plump balls, his thighs, his quads, his stomach, anything I could reach. I caressed him where I could with my wings, brushing them along his sides. The river remained the most intense sound even while we were in the throes of our love-making, but it no longer registered in my mind. Only Liam mattered to me now.

With a little more time, his ring yielded to my knot without me needing to apply any harsh amount of pressure. He gasped into my mouth and finally broke our kiss. His hands drifted to my shoulders, and our eyes stared into each other to discern only one emotion behind our respective orbs. Pure adoration.

I kept up a steady, smooth pace as we were lost in each other's eyes. After the first tie, his hole loosened up immediately, and I was able to plunge the bulb in and out just as well as if I had been reaming him. It took a little longer like this, but a harsh fucking was merely the quick and easy path. That was fun when I was younger, but I've since learned it was nowhere near as rewarding.

I could feel my wolf tensing up, his muscles preparing to give them their all. I popped my knot back in one last time and muttered the dirtiest, most powerful climax-inducing words in the world. "I love you."

He pulled my head down to his chest and pressed my ears against his thumping chest. Warmth spilled and spread in and between us while he clutched me close to him, our bodies delighting in each other to the fullest while our minds were joined as one.

We laid against each other under our sleeping bag for a long while, our heat repelling the cold of the night away. Soon, my Liam's heart settled, and was at last asleep, his soft breathing barely a whisper while a slight breeze tickled the fabric of our tent and the sound of the rapids reasserted itself. I pulled out of him, and hugged him sideways. I curled the wing I could around him underneath the bag protectively, and the world turned with the river which flowed just as unceasingly without a care for us, we who were just two souls shining together as one in the wilderness.

Hang Tight!

_Hang Tight!_ _ _ "One...two...three, go!" The green dragon leaped off the cliff and showed off the full breadth of his wings, taking to the air. I, on the other hand, had to double check that I was securely strapped to my hang glider, and then...

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_Exploits_ _ _ "Boss, I've found a potential target." "What is it?" I glanced over at my boss. "Your basic open RDP port. It's a Windows Server 2003 machine." The dark furred wolf, barely visible in our office that was lit only by computer...

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_Shock_ The field was empty except for three things. The beige colored grass, which was all leaning east from a constant breeze, and the two humanoid dragons. One was red with a yellow belly and snow white hair which covered his hornless head. It...

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