
Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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This is some garbage RP thing for my bestest pal, Ze/ShockDragon/Scales/whatever the hell he wants to be called

Gay anthro dragon sex ahead warning and whatnot

Y'all had better see to see if this kind of kink works for you before reading lol


The field was empty except for three things. The beige colored grass, which was all leaning east from a constant breeze, and the two humanoid dragons.

One was red with a yellow belly and snow white hair which covered his hornless head. It trailed down his back and burrowed out of sight beneath his cargo shorts, which had a hole at the top for his tail to pass through. He wore nothing else besides a dragon-shaped amulet inscribed with a blue gem. He was nearly a head shorter than the other dragon, but he possessed a confident smile, and his muscular frame seemed to be bulkier than the other dragon's leaner body.

The other dragon stood across the grassy plain and countered the red's smile with an expressionless face. His scales were silver, and his underbelly a faint yellow creamy color. Unlike the red dragon, he had wings and a pair of long chrome horns that erupted from his cyan hair, and which flowed down his back similar to the other dragon, but turned into a dark blue as it went down his back and onto his tail. He wore a black hakama that flowed with the grass in the wind, his tail emerging through a gap in the garment.

For a while, the two dragons simply stood, staring at each other. The breeze refused to relent, its soft howl being the only noise for what seemed like minutes.

Finally, the red dragon shouted, "Let's go!"

"Are you sure about this, Ze?" the silver dragon asked. "You know you're outmatched."

"Shaddap Cel," the red dragon said. "Fight me!"

Cel mentally rolled his eyes. "Fine."

Ze punched the ground, forcing spikes to erupt in a line towards the silver dragon. The sharp rocks rushed forth, but Cel made no attempt to side-step or take flight. Instead, he snapped his fingers.

Relative time around the silver dragon slowed to a crawl. The grass ceased to flow. This should be easy, Cel thought as he started walking casually around Ze's attack. The red's earth spell was admittedly fast, but speed was of no concern to a time mage. He concentrated a sleep spell on his fingertip and approached the nearly frozen red dragon, preparing to poke him into a slumber. He ignored thinking about what he would do to him after he was deep asleep since it would definitely ruin his focus.

Once he was perpendicular to the shattering earth line, Cel approached the red dragon with his finger outstretched. He shook his head at the absurdity of the challenge. What did Ze expect would happen, after all?

The silver dragon leaned in for his poke of doom.

Ze's head turned towards him. "Surprise, Celebutt!"

Fire erupted all around the time mage, but he was just as quick to react, bending space-time to blink out of the inferno. He reappeared several dozen feet away, but the silver dragon was not so naïve as to think he was safe. He raised his hand and formed a barrier around him, which crackled a moment later as lightning struck it from above.

Cel focused on maintaining the barrier while trying to find the red dragon again. He was a swift little bastard when unaffected by his time manipulation, and he wasn't sure how he broke free of the slowed timestream to begin with. Another bolt of lightning smattered against his shield, but this time he was able to trace the mana source right back to the smaller dragon.

Cel turned towards the direction of the mana trace and focused on the red blur that was fast approaching him. He lowered his barrier and threw his palms out, generating a wave of fluxing time. An expanding cone of grass withered, died, and turned to dust as the pulse of time aged everything caught in its wave by a thousand years.

Ze answered by snapping his fingers, copying the other dragon's arrogant gesture. A stream of lightning flowed in front of him and curved away from the space-time distortion, and he rode it in a flash to escape the area of effect. He forced the silver dragon to go back on the defensive again by distracting him with another lightning bolt, making him switch focus to his barrier again. Ze immediately followed up with another lightning wave directly pointed towards his opponent, intending to ride the lightning one more time and smash his barrier to bits with everything he had.

"Fuck," the silver dragon whispered when he saw the sparking wave aimed straight at him. He needed the speed advantage, or he would always be forced onto the defensive until Ze could find a way past it.

Lightning-form Ze barreled towards the time mage, and he readied to unload all his strength into one big finale of an explosion. But the speed of thought was slightly quicker than he was, and a portal formed between the silver and the red just before impact.

The time dragon shifted his hands and wasted no time in conjuring a miniature magic-powered black hole, distanced precisely far enough from Ze in the opposite direction of where he was so that the red dragon was caught in its time dilation field. Cel focused on feeding the black hole energy - too little and miniature black holes would disintegrate immediately from Hawking radiation, and too much would cause it to quickly expand beyond his control.

Cel was more cautious this time as he eyed the once again nearly frozen red dragon, but his suspicion was correct. Whatever magic had nullified his time spell only broke it because it was pure magic, but this time dilation field was caused by physics and was unaffected. He couldn't walk closer without risking losing his time differential and getting caught in the dilation field, so he tried to analyze what allowed Ze to break his spell from afar.

Ze's amulet was glowing. Cel had never seen that before. That must've been it. Very, very carefully, he delicately balanced his flow of magic and folded space-time around the amulet and warped it into his hand.

Oh, there was power in it. Power in spades. Nonetheless, it was still primitive magic, and it was trivial to cut its threads to its owner. Once that was done, Cel permitted the artificial black hole to dissipate, subjugating Ze to his time spell once more.

This time, the silver dragon took no chances. He pushed his palms towards his frozen opponent and unleashed a wave of raw force that smacked the red dragon with precisely calculated Newtons - enough to take him down but not enough to permanently injure him. Ze wouldn't feel it from Cel's point of reference, not until time was allowed to flow around the brash little dragon again.

Which it did.

Ze flew backwards from the ephemeral punch in the everywhere, rolled along the grass a few times, and settled belly-up facing the sky.

In another universe on a disc-shaped world held up by four elephants standing on a great space turtle, there is a martial art wielded by the History Monks known as Déjà Fu. It is best described as "the feeling that you have been kicked in the head this way before." That was approximately what Ze felt, except in the everywhere instead of just the head.

Ze tried to move, but he couldn't do much besides wriggle around. He didn't even see how he had lost - one moment he was ready to kick some ass, and the next he was on his ass, his body wracked with pain. He stopped trying to move when Cel appeared, towering over him while his hakama brushed his paralyzed body. "Okay," the red dragon said. "Fine, you win. I don't even know how. Almost got you though."

The time mage held out his amulet tauntingly. "Yes, you almost did."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a tricky bastard aren't I?" Ze struggled to get up again. "Alright, I'm sorry. Do the Dormammu thing."

"And why would I reset time to before we started the battle?" Cel asked.

"Oh, come on Cel. You paralyzed me!"

"Not permanently, you doofus." Cel dropped the amulet and let it hover gently down back onto Ze's neck. The spellthreads reattached themselves, as evidently the smaller dragon had poured part of his soul into the jewel.

The red dragon felt energy return to his limbs. "This was supposed to even the odds when I fight another dragon."

"It did, but you were fighting the laws of physics by the end."

Ze shook his fist lamely. "Curse you and your science!"

"I'm going to phase your cargo shorts now."

"What?" Something felt odd about his amulet too. He wasn't getting all his strength back.

His more immediate worry was the feeling of a light breeze lapping at his bare thighs.

"Did you expect me to be your bitch tonight?" Cel said.

Ze struggled to get up, to fight, to do anything. "Aww, damnit," he said, feeling a magical force rolling him onto his stomach and wrapping around his tail tip, forcing it to lift upward. "Fuck you Celebutt," he yelled defiantly.

The silver dragon chuckled. "Guess what? You'll be doing that too, faggon boy!"


Cel answered, "Since you can never decide whether you want to be a top or bottom..."

A lower voice continued, "You're going to be both today, draggy."

The silver dragon smiled as he looked at the newcomer. "Right on time."

"I never forget," the other voice said.

"Right, otherwise there'd be time paradoxes and all that jazz," Cel said.

Ze turned his head to look at the source of the new voice that was oddly familiar. "You kinky bastard," he said.

"Kinky, time manipulating bastard," Cel said.

The red dragon stared upon the form of his opponent's future self. He was beefy, way more buff than the runner's build of his current self. Age was difficult to tell on a dragon, but there were definite creases in his scales, especially around the face, to see that he was at least a few thousand years older. His eyes drifted down that chiseled silver's form and realized he was already nude, with his cock out and dripping. His loins instantly responded to the sight, engorging his uncut orange-foreskinned cock.

Ze's instant boner didn't escape the sight of either Cel. "Ze," the older Cel said, "you're a fag, and you always will be." He dropped to all-fours and presented his tail-lifted toned ass to the red dragon. "Fuck me, you beautiful fag!"

Young Cel rolled his eyes. He couldn't fathom what would make him such a slut in the future, but he was totally getting off on the kinkiness. He snapped his fingers and his hakama disappeared, phasing out of reality into wherever Ze's shorts had gone to, and revealed a slit with heavy balls. A little pink started protruding from the slit, waiting for the heat to turn up. "Go on," he said. "Fuck me good. Make me moan. If I like your performance, you'll get rewarded with another bone, boy!"

Ze didn't need much more encouragement. He felt more energy being allowed to flow into his limbs, and he was able to get up and lumber towards the big buff silver dragon slut. As he got closer, he noticed another scent that smelled familiar.

"No need for lube," future Cel said. "My tail's already pre-lubed with your future self's cum. That's right, boy. Fill me up again so I can bring your load back to the future. You can't wait for me to return so you can fuck my sloppy hole again, filled with your past seed."

"Oh god," Ze said, his knees weakening from the kinkiness, but cock diamond hard. This was the sort of temporal shenanigans one got into when fucking with a time mage, and dear god did he fucking love it. He had no doubt his future self would want to taste his thousands of years old sloppy seconds.

The red dragon sort of stumbled on top of the needy big silver male, lust addling him far more now than his smackdown. He had trouble aligning his cock with the silver's ass, but after some drunken pokes found his target.

"Mmm, that's right," the beefy dragon said. "Fuck me. Fuck daddy Cel."

Invigorated, Ze proceeded to do just that. He plunged his uncut cock into the big dragon with the aid of his future cum and started plowing quite easily into the well-used yet still tight hole, his yellow balls smashing against the back of the daddy dragon's cream set.

The lean silver dragon couldn't help but touch his crotch and rub his scaled balls, coaxing his flesh-colored cock out of its slit. He remained content to watch the smaller red dragon, the size difference even larger with how muscular his future body was, fuck his future self with reckless need. He couldn't believe some of the noises that would come out of his mouth from getting fucked, noises that sounded even less draconic than Ze would make when he pounded the cum out of him. Noises like that shouldn't come from such a buff dragon, but something or someone in the future would clearly convince him otherwise.

For now, young Cel was satisfied with Ze's performance. He sneaked up behind the two mating dragon and joined in the fun, suddenly smashing his hard ridged cock into the red dragon while he was mid-thrust, making him gasp as his rear was violated without warning.

"Don't stop," the young silver dragon said, pressing Ze's head against his older form's fluffy neck.

The red male obeyed, becoming the center of a man train. His thrusts were now tempered by resistance coming up, resistance that nudged his insides in such delectable ways, particularly those nubs on the silver dragon's cock that hit his gland in just the right way.

But the younger Cel helped compensate for the slower pace by doubling the force on the thrust downward, making both the dragons beneath him squeal in pleasure. It didn't take long for his knot to inflate and start pounding at the red male's gate. "Gosh Ze," he said between his hot panting, "You look so small between us."

"S-shut up," the sandwiched dragon stammered, his mouth barely able to vocalize anymore. He couldn't keep up much longer being in the center of the dragon train. His prostate was getting battered while a warm ass milked his cock. The spark in his loins was starting to grow, but he didn't want to leave his bitch unsatisfied. "H-hey daddy Cel, I k-know some magic tricks too..."

"I, mmf, know you do," the big dragon moaned. The only question for him was which one? He didn't have to guess for long. Ze made one last hard thrust against him. He was so close to him that future Cel could his balls tense up and rise along his back sack. Ze's seed began to flow through his inner tubes, but before it shot out, his balls and his cock released a jolt, zapping the silver daddy's balls and prostate.

Big daddy Cel let out a scream of ecstasy. The shock and the heat filling him up immediately afterwards sent him right to the edge, so close and yet just barely not enough. The spurts of warmth, of being filled, kept him right at the edge, but he needed Ze to pound him again, just one more time!

The silver dragon's younger form was less overwhelmed by his lust and not dulled to what was happening beneath him. Before the red male painted his sluttier self's innards white, Cel plunged his knot in and broke through Ze's tight ring right as he was charging up his little magic trick, contributing to triggering his orgasm just as much as his future form's rippling ass.

Ze's ring tightened, locking the younger silver dragon's knot inside him while he came. He rode his wave after wave of blissful orgasm, but as the waves softened, he felt a sharp sting in his rear. Cel was trying to pull his knot out! But his post-orgasmic ass wouldn't allow it, still tightened from just cumming, but it was enough to drag his hips back and pull his cock out of the silver daddy's ass. Then, with a harsh plop, young Cel pushed down once more, forcing Ze to shove his cock back into the muscled male beneath him, giving him that one thrust he needed.

Future Cel groaned as he came, emptying his balls to feed the swaying grass beneath them. The stench of virile dragon cum was everywhere, addictive, intoxicating. Ze's started to overflow out of the buff male's ass, joining with the other dragon's cum to quench the thirst of the prairie grass.

Once Cel was certain his future self was satisfied, he grabbed Ze by the scruff of his neck and forced him off the big dragon, his tied knot helping pull his lower half off.

"Oww, oww, okay, I'm getting off!" Ze shouted.

"You sure did get off," Cel said. He glanced at his future self, who seemed to be struggling to even crawl. "So did I."

"Hah," the older dragon panted. "I've got to head home." He turned his head towards Ze. "You're waiting for me, after all." He punched the ground and seemed to sink into a magical portal, warping back to the future. Ze shuddered as he swore he saw the silver daddy's ass wink at him and dribble a drop of his cum before he disappeared.

"Now for that smartass mouth of yours," the remaining Cel said. Ze felt another harsh sting in his ass, and then a pop of relief and pleasure as the silver dragon pulled his knot out.

Before Ze could try to react, he was telekinetically rolled over, forced to sit up, and then he was face to face with a thick, knotted dragon cock. "Oh yeah, you haven't cum yet," he said.

"Oh, but I will. Suck it, fagboy. You know you want it. You crave it."

"I do." Ze tried to act tough and wait but the dragon cock was too enticing. His muzzle engulfed it and he suckled it with all his skill.

"I wish you had horns, you hornless dragonboy. I'd make you choke on it."

Ze responded by sucking harder. Cel encouraged him by patting his white hair. A good boy indeed.

It didn't take long for the silver dragon to cum. He was most of the way there already from partaking in the dragon train. There was more seed than usual, however, making Ze gag and choke. And that was just the way Cel liked it.

Once the silver dragon was done filling the red's gullet, he pulled him into a kiss, tasting his own seed and just enjoying his presence for a while. He wrapped his wings around the wingless dragon boy and lay down with him, watching the clouds roll by for what seemed like hours.

And the romance was shattered when Ze said, "Yer a faggot, Celebutt."

This was followed by another rough ass fucking. Then kissing.

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