Neko to Inu

Story by WSAD on SoFurry

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#52 of San Furnando, Calipornia

Happy February! Welcome back to the world of Kevin and his enormous schlong! This newest 'episode' of College Days (this is what Im calling the Kevin series) puts you behind the eyes and ears of Miyu Miura, my Japanese Bobtail cat as she flirts around and finds out what Kevin Waters is like in the sac!

I hope you all enjoy this new story as much as I did writing it!

For more stories check my gallery!

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"Ohay?, Kevin-san!" The Japanese Bobtail said as she sat down next to the golden retriever. They were both settling into their shared math class, but Professor Weber looked like he was running late again. He was very lackadaisical with his schedule.

"Konichiwa, Miyu!" The dog replied with a cheerful smile. If he was trying to hide his excitement at getting to sit next to her again, then he was doing a poor job of it. It was SO obvious that he thought she was hot, and during the first two weeks of their class he kept sitting closer and closer to her until finally she sat down next to him one day and he was glued to her side ever since.

She found him to be a very smart guy and very focused on his classes, so it wasn't like he was just trying to chase her tail. They spent some time studying together in the library before, but Kevin was very... she thought it might be shy. He wasn't so shy that he couldn't talk to her, but he wasn't brave enough to flirt with her, but she wished he would start!

Their professor finally arrived and started teaching their course, which kept both of them very distracted throughout the hour and a half long course.

Despite her appearances Miyu was a straight A student and had always maintained a perfect GPA. Her outward appearance as some emo/goth feline was just her flaunting her newfound freedom away from her strict Asian upbringing. It was a conscious decision on her part to do it, too. It thrilled her to irritate her parents with photos of their daughter dressed in all black with matching makeup, but they couldn't say shit because her grades were perfect, and they were several states apart.

It was even more fun to flirt with guys that weren't cats, since her parents wanted her to settle down with a nice feline, bonus points for Japanese, man. Oh, they knew all these young men they thought would be so perfect! So, Miyu liked dogs instead, but she wasn't so bold as to throw that in their faces.

This was her life now and she could do what she wanted so here she was sitting next to a cute golden retriever boy that towered over her tiny petite frame like a monument. It gave her chills that he could pick her up like she was a tiny Asian paperweight to be thrown over his shoulder. She didn't know his routine, but he'd reference exercise every so often when talking about his day. He must have worked out every day to maintain a delicious physique like his.

She wished he would be more forward with her, but he had a strict-ish family upbringing, too. Not strict like her own, but he was very much a gentleman with her. He never cussed or spoke crudely, and was always really polite with her, and that was all perfectly fine so long as she got to flirt with him, but he was being cold in that one pesky department.

Was she going to have to spell it out to him, so he'd know it was ok for him to make moves? Maybe, she thought.

He was interested though, since he was picking up little bits of Japanese to speak with her. It wasn't much more than simple greetings and partings, but since she regularly used it herself, she was happy he was learning them from her, and that he was actually pronouncing everything correctly. He was also making sure to compliment her outfits even if he was being timid about it.

Today she was actually trying to entice him with a pair of solid black leggings and a black sleeveless dress. She paired it all with a choker for her neck and a pair of fishnets gloves. Everything hugged her body nice and snug so he would have zero trouble undressing her with his eyes.

"Do you have time to do this assignment after class?" He asked her as Professor Weber started to wrap up their class. He'd given them a small-ish assignment for homework, which they'd have to turn in next week.

"Hai, Kevin." She replied and when class let out she let him be the gentleman to lead the way to the large campus library. At her direction she insisted they find a quiet spot away from other people. She wanted privacy in case that was what the goldie needed to open up with her more. It was harder to be shy when it was just the two of you with no distractions.

They found a small table in a back corner nestled in with some nearby bookshelves. There were people scattered all over the library, but at the moment it was nearing lunchtime, so the cafeteria was getting most of the foot traffic. This should give Kevin plenty of room to feel comfortable around her, she thought.

And of course, he pulled out his classwork and they both worked away at it until half an hour had passed them by and the work was finished. It wasn't a particularly difficult assignment, but now she was feeling only slightly frustrated that once again they'd gone to go 'study' and actually studied. She did that plenty enough on her own and she had a perfect GPA! She wanted him to Flirt. With. Her.

"Kevin-san." She finally said as the dog slipped his books back into his backpack. If he needed a nudge, she'd give him a push.

"Yeah?" he asked her and shut his backpack to look her way. She closed her notebook but left it and her textbook lying on the table.

"Do you like my outfit today?" She asked him, and she watched his eyes look her up and down, but she didn't think it was deliberate on his part, but just a male naturally checking her out. Now that she'd specifically asked him about her outfit, he was slowly opening his mouth to give her a very cautious reply that he was no doubt laboring over in his head.

"Yeah! I think you look really pretty today, Miyu. I like your shirt." He told her and she thanked him.

"What do you like about it?" She ignored him mistaking her dress for a shirt and doubled down all the while watching the big canine shift awkwardly now that he was on the spot.

"It's got a logo on the front. It's a band?" He asked. The shirt was from a metal band she liked, but Kevin didn't seem the type to enjoy heavy metal.

"Yes, it is, ever heard of Bleeding Through?" She asked, hoping to break some ice.

"No, I mean I listen to rock a lot, but if its metal or punk I really don't know much about it." He replied.

"Well, if you're not comfortable talking about heavy metal you can always flirt with me instead." The cat threw down the gauntlet and smiled at the big dog hoping he'd pick it up. He replied first with a sheepish smile before reaching up to scratch behind his head, which was one of his dumb nervous ticks! He did it enough times for her to know it by now.

"I-uh, I think you're really cute, Miyu." He tells her, and so she grabbed the sides of her chair and bunny hopped it closer to his own.

"Tell me more, Kevin-san." She drove harder. "I've been sitting next to you for three weeks hoping you'd do more than say hi."

Kevin looked back at her quietly for a short moment before swallowing.

"Are -you- really interested?" He asked her in return, and it suddenly felt like he was being very serious, which took her aback. She tilted her head at him with a subtle frown.

"I wouldn't be poking you like this in an empty corner if I wasn't interested, Keh Vin-San." She told him with equal seriousness and for a moment the goldie remained still and silent in thought before he relaxed and started to smile. The fact his tail was starting to wag was proof that something had clicked.

"I thought you might have been, but you were very... maybe coy?" He explained. "I really do think you're cute, Miyu. Really pretty! I like how you dress for class every day."

"I expect my men to be forward, Mister! If a guy wants me to upgrade him from classmate to a bestie, he needs to make his intentions clear." She told him and leaned in until her shoulder bumped into his arm. She wasn't trying to be mean by implying she only saw him as a classmate, but she did want him to know she had certain needs of people. For starters, she'd love to explore a rebellious life of college sex with someone who could just chill with her without any strings apart from a good friendship.

No Tinder pump and dumps for her, that was out of the question. She was a rebel, rattling her saber at her parent's strict discipline, but she didn't want to get knocked up by some stranger she met online. Miyu also didn't want to be tied down in a traditional relationship that would make her parents proud! If Kevin was the sort of guy that could tolerate just being a good friend to her with fun on the side, then that would be perfect enough to make her purr.

And he was really hot, like just look at him! Tall, clean fur, pretty blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He had a body she would love to one day explore on her own just to see just how much effort he put into his physical wellbeing.

"I thought we were already friends?" He asked her with his hands now sitting in his lap.

"Hmmm, almost. I have plenty of girl friends already, and I don't want any boyfriends. Too many guys chase under my tail hoping they can get me, but I'd rather just have fun with someone I like to hang out with." Kevin's tail was wagging more, and she wasn't wondering too hard as to why. A cute girl he fancied was rubbing on his arm dropping all sorts of blunt hints as to her intentions.

"Hang out, huh?" He asked, and she nodded and rubbed her cheek against his arm.

"Hai, Kevin." She replied.

"I kinda don't want a girlfriend. It's been kinda hard finding girls I can hang out with that aren't crazy." He admitted. She reached a hand over to pat him on the thigh before letting it shift into a slow rub over his leg.

"What kind of crazy?" She inquired and was hoping he didn't say anything that would make stop liking him.

"I've had girls text me ideas for baby names, for starters. Kinda gave me the spooks." He told her and she giggled.

"Wow, oh wow." She replied and sat upright to lean forward over his lap to put herself in a 'smaller' position as she looked up at him. Something cute that would make her as nonthreatening as possible. "Kevin-san, I just want a really close guy friend I can trust to sleep with me without texting me baby names the next day."

He took his turn to laugh and suddenly he was filled with nervous energy.

"Well, um, I've already told you you're cute." He laughed more at himself and started rubbing behind his head again.

"I think you're hot as fuck. Broad chest, strong arms, you could pick me up and throw me like a football if you tried." She told him and leaned in close again until her body was again leaned up against his own. "And you're so tall. I like tall, and I think you're such a sweet guy on top of all that meat."

"Y-you're really coming on strong." He laughed nervously again but stopped rubbing behind his head to drop that same arm down around her shoulders.

Miyu wanted to promise him she wasn't crazy, then remembered something stupid from her childhood. She lifted a hand and extended her pinky out to him. She'd already been working herself up to feeling giddy by pushing this conversation, but now that she was 'extending her hand' so to speak, she could feel her heart beat really quicken at the thought of what was to come.

"Pinky promise that we both won't go crazy?" she offered and he looked down at her offered hand and for a moment she thought he was actually going to refuse.

"I'm hung." He told her bluntly, which left her lifting her eyebrows and cocking her head to the side curiously.

"Is this a jab at me being a little Asian girl?" She giggled.

"No, it's just. I'm hung and not every girl likes that." He said with uncertainty. Well, so what if he was hung? Miyu was no virgin and she'd been with guys that were decently sized, or at least they looked that way compared to her compact frame. She was built petite, but she wasn't going to turn away a chance at a hot guy like this sweet golden boy even if he was packing more than she was accustomed to.

She shook her pinky extended hand in the air at him.

"I won't reject you for being too big if you won't reject me for being too small. Deal?" She added onto their promise. After a short moment of thinking about the big dog smiled and lifted his own hand to lock his pinky with hers, then they shook it to seal the deal.

As soon as the promise was made, she felt his hand slide from her shoulder to the back of her neck and suddenly there was a tight squeeze right on her scruff and she froze still just as he was leaning down to kiss her.

It happened so suddenly she wasn't prepared at all, and now in less than a minute they'd gone from talking about what 'they could be doing' to 'he's shoving his tongue in my mouth!' Miyu squirmed against him but he tightened his grip, and she went limp as his free hand slid over to her thighs to grab her leg. The big dog lifted her with ease and pulled her into his lap without breaking their kiss.

He held her in his lap with one hand behind her neck and the other now resting on her hip. When he broke the kiss, she gasped and panted from how long he drew it out. His sweet golden face was smiling at her as if he didn't just forcibly manhandle her into his lap.

"You said you liked your men to be forward with you." He whispered. She swallowed hard and could still taste the lingering flavor of him on her tongue, and that firm grip on her neck was sending shivers to dance up and down her spine as the electric current of excitement echoed through her body.

"I know exactly what I said." She admitted but felt suddenly self-conscious that they were still at the table when someone could easily walk by and see them.

"We're out in the open..." she told him, and the dog looked up and around them, then shoved his chair back and stood whilst picking her up. Now that she was literally in his arms she discovered how much stronger he was than her, and within moments he'd carried her away from the table and between two of the bookshelves. They were out of view of the entire library in the corner of the building where no one could possibly see them unless they made a beeline to this very spot for a book.

"Can I be forward with you again?" He asked while letting her down to her feet even as he was pressing her against the bookshelf in as forward a manner as possible. She shoved her hands under his shirt and up his chest to feel the abs she'd always wondered about. He felt so cut beneath her fingertips!

He took that as a yes and shoved his mouth over hers again. He had to lean over her to do it, but he wasn't making any complaints. She let her hands wrap around his torso until she was feeling up his back. He was so tight and firm with such a soft layer of fur all around him! Oh God, what would it feel like to be pressed to a bed by a body like his?

His hand wrapped behind her and found her neck again and she let him have it. The way he grabbed her like she was a handbag turned her on! As his left made a handle of her neck his right reached under her dress to explore her sides until she felt his fingertips catch the edge of her leggings.

Kevin slipped his hand into her leggings and she gasped into his kiss when he roughly took hold of her pussy. Two fingers slipped inside her without any warning and she both squirmed to escape and spread her legs in open invitation. They were in the fucking library!

The sudden fear that they might get caught only added to the wellspring of excitement in the little cat's body. His golden fingers were curling into a 'c' inside her and feeling around gently until he forced a muffled noise out of her that told him he'd found the right spot.

He broke the kiss and she gasped loudly and sucked in deep breaths as he started jerking his hand up and down to hammer his two fingertips at the walls of her pussy. She clamped down over his fingers and shuddered in an open-mouthed orgasm. She didn't make a noise as her wordless pleasure erupted rapidly through her with such speed she was left speechless. It hit her so fast! Kevin pulled his hand from her leggings and licked his fingers clean.

"I've wanted to do that to you for so long." He laughed quietly so no one would hear them. Her legs felt like jelly and she clung to him with a hung.

"Holy shit." She finally wheezed out some noise as her breath returned to her.

"Are you ok?" he asked her and dipped his head down to press his nose to her cheek to give her a kiss, and as she panted to regain her composure he planted another kiss on her forehead.

"If- If this is what you're like in public what are you like in private?" She asked as her hands found his ass.

"Maybe we can hang out later? If you want to meet up after our classes are done for the day?" He asked her and she licked her lips and nodded hard and fast.

"Hai! I would love that!" She eagerly accepted his offer.

Not too long after that, and back at her dorm room...

"Wait, hold on, he just up and fingered you in the library?" Kaitlyn slapped her pencil to her desk and swiveled her chair around to face her. The horse, Miyu's only roommate, was a tall and slender woman forged from only the tallest equine stock, but her frame was no wider than the cat's own. A skinny beanpole of a girl that had even Kevin beat in height.

"Yes! He carried me right into the aisle and we started making out and his hand was in my pants!" Miyu reiterated the ordeal with great enthusiasm. The two girls shared everything with each other, which included their sex lives.

"Kevin, the cute golden retriever from your math class?" The horse asked with dry incredulity.

"Yes! Oh my God, Kait. Don't act like he got body snatched." She exclaimed and fell backwards onto Kaitlyn's bottom bunk. It wasn't fair to make the tall lanky one climb up the narrow ladder to the cramped top bunk. It was plenty of room for a 5 foot nothing girl like Miyu to sleep up there but with Kaitlyn being so tall and having tits like hers it would suck.

"I'm just expressing surprise that this really sweet guy just up and bends you over like he's Chad McThundercock." She told her and Miyu let out a loud exaggerated groan in reply. When she sat back upright Kaitlyn was pulling her phone out from between her tits to check her messages.

"He hasn't bent me over yet! He said he'd text me after he gets out of his next class. He's got to check with his roommate to make sure we can have their dorm to ourselves." She said before standing up to walk over to the small closet that was for her things. What should she wear, she eagerly thought to herself.

"What should I wear?" Now she was asking her roommate.

"What you're wearing is fine." Kait replied, but that wasn't satisfactory.

"No! I want to wear something different. This will be our official first time, so I want to wear something a little nicer." She replied, and the horse huffed back in reply before standing up. In two strides she was hovering over Miyu and looking into her closet before reaching her hand out to grab out a hoodie.

"Here. Go commando and just wear a hoodie like I do. You can surprise him by just unzipping it onto the floor." She suggested.

"Oooh, and here I thought you were a girl with no fashion sense." Miyu teased, but Kaitlyn actually didn't have any real fashion sense. All the horse wore were hoodies, leggings, and whatever bra she hadn't broken yet. All she had on now was a pair of grey leggings and a matching hoodie that held her tits together tight enough to keep a phone in place.

"Uh huh. And wear your black stockings." Kaitlyn added before walking back to her desk and sitting down.

"With what else?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just stockings and a hoodie." Kaitlyn told her and Miyu looked back at her.

"You're going over there to get fucked, why put clothing in the way?" The horse said in reply to the look the cat was now giving her.

Miyu reached into her closet until she found the stockings in question and threw them over onto Kaitlyn's bed and hung the hoodie up on the bunkbed railing. This would be an easy outfit, and something that would surely surprise Kevin when they met up! Now all she needed was to wait for him to text her.

When she arrived at his dormitory later that day, she texted him like he'd asked her to. Kevin wanted to walk her up to his dorm, so she waited outside for him to come down and take her up. Dressed in only her hoodie and stockings had left her feeling a bit drafty down 'there', but she was going to be back indoors soon enough, so the cat made do. Her walk to his dormitory had been fraught with minor perils as the further she got away from her own dorm room the more self-conscious she became over the risk. If she bent over for anything at all her ass and pussy would be hanging out for all to see. In retrospect she should have borrowed one of Kaitlyn's hoodies since she wore larger sizes that could have hung down the cat's legs like a dress.

No one had noticed anything strange about her so far, and she was basically right at the goldie's doorstep so when she saw him coming down a flight of stairs at a quick pace, she made peace with the draft between her thighs and she watched his face light up with a smile when he saw her through the glass doorway.

Miyu let him open the door for her and she stepped inside to find him pulling her into a quick hug, and a front hug at that! She was going to enjoy being friends with this more forward version of the golden retriever.

"Glad you could make it!" He told her before leaning in to kiss her on the cheek. It felt so cheesy to get a peck on the cheek like that, but it was very sweet, and she enjoyed the distinctly un-Chad-like affection.

"Of course! I hope you're not going to make me use those stairs?" She asked him, since she was secretly worried that someone coming up the stairs behind her would let them get a big eyeful of her backside underneath the hoodie.

"No, we can use the elevator. I just use the stairs for exercise." He told her and they both made their way to the double set of elevators to wait for one to arrive. The doors dinged shut and they had to stand in the corner awkwardly as three other jock types piled in with them, and not an ounce of flirting was to be had until Kevin finally got her to his door, which left her with a quickened heart.

Now, at last! She was so excited! Miyu could only imagine what the next hour of her life would be like, but she was eager to find out. Kevin unlocked the door and led her inside. His dorm room was about the same size as her and Kaitlyn's, but they had two separate beds on either side of the room instead of bunk beds.

Next to each of their beds was a single desk with a closet for each of them pressed into either corner flanking their front door. Despite being a boy's room, it was relatively clean with Kevin's side near to being spotless. The other side looked like it belonged to an art student considering all the sketchbooks and art supplies strewn about his side of the room.

"I hope your roommate isn't upset with you." She said aloud as she stepped deeper into the room with Kevin shutting the door behind them.

"Not really. He's got homework he can do in the library and then I guess he'll kill time at the arcade if he has to." Kevin replied. "Do you want me to lock the door?"

"Hm? Sure." She told him, and she heard the deadbolt click locking her in with the handsome golden retriever and whatever fate had in store for her.

"Oh, now that you have me locked up in here, whatever will you do to me?" She pretended to glare at him. It was obvious he didn't know how to respond to her, but she made it easier for him by reaching up to find the zipper to her hoodie. She pulled it down nice and slow and shrugged her shoulders, so the item dropped to the floor leaving her completely bare in the middle of the room with only her stockings to keep her warm.

"You walked all the way here dressed like that?" Kevin asked her with eyes now wide, which made her grin.

"I wanted to surprise you." She told him, and he answered her this time by stepping close to her, bridging the gap between them quickly until her heart skipped a sudden beat with his arms taking her by the shoulders and yanking her close for a fresh kiss on the lips.

Just like in the library it was a kiss that pulled the oxygen from her and left her gasping when he was finished. He was so intense!

"You're beautiful, Miyu." He whispered to her before pressing his lips to her cheek to place a kiss there, then drawing his nose down her face and to her neck to plant another kiss there.

"You're very polite when you're not trying to finger me in public." She whispered to him before burying her face into the fluff of his neck. The scent of his shampoo was evidence of a recent shower. He smelled like a wonderful mix of man with Earthy notes of Oak and Cedar.

"I got a little carried away." He admitted, then stepped away from her to pull his shirt up and over his head. She got a full view of his bare chest and her hands instinctively reached out to touch his muscles. He took her by the shoulders again and pulled her in for a hug and now her bare body was pressed tightly against his chiseled abs and strong chest. She shivered against him with knees locking tight together as her cheek came to rest against his chest.

The dog's hands slipped slowly down her back until he was cradling her ass with a cheek in each palm.

"You ready?" He asked her, and she rubbed her face against him with a nod. She felt his grip tighten on her ass and he easily lifted her off her feet with her weight being shifted forward, so she was left leaning against him as he stepped over to sit her down gently on the edge of his bed.

He kissed her on the lips but ended it quick so he could direct her to lay down on her back. She was feeling giddy as he knelt in front of her and pulled her closer to the edge, so her ass just barely hung off the bed.

Miyu was biting her lip as she watched him begin to go down on her. SO many guys she'd been with didn't like eating pussy, or if they did do it, they weren't any good at it. All of them were much too focused on getting their dicks wet! Kevin started with his big soft tongue gently lapping a few times across her lips before he planted a big wet kiss on her folds.

It felt sophomoric at first, like he was a bit unsure of himself, but the more he licked and kissed at her petals the more it felt like he was just feeling her out and 'doing the math'. He pushed at her knees, so she knew to spread her legs more and then all the once the dog dove in hungrily.

A hard kiss over her clit turned into a sharp suckling as his tongue twirled and danced around her delicate nub. Her back arched at the sudden attention and her toes curled as he kept on eating at her clit until he got tired of that and pressed his cold nose right against her clit.

She gasped at the sudden change of hot to cold before being greeted to his tongue spreading her pussy lips to lap at her insides. She'd already discovered what his tongue could do inside her mouth, but now he was doing the same thing inside her cunt as he explored her insides as deep as his tongue would allow. He stopped and returned to nursing her clit as she felt fingers slip inside her for the second time today, and just like in the library he zeroed in on her gspot and hit her with a two-pronged attack there and on her clitoris.

Miyu let out an embarrassing yelp of surprise just as her hands desperately reached out to his head. With both his ears now in her hands she held onto him for dear life as a wave of pleasure washed over her trembling body. Her climax had hit her faster than she could have ever expected and was left reeling from the force of it!

"God, Kevin!" She moaned and began stroking his ears as the dog eased up on the assault he'd waged on her cunt. He kept slowing himself down until he at last slipped his fingers free of her and was only gently kissing her clit like he would have her cheek. When he was done, he picked himself up off the floor with his next kiss landing just above her mound before placing another up above that.

Each new kiss landed higher and higher on her body until he was between her breasts, which he happily stopped at. Miyu let her hands fall to his back as his own went for her breasts. She might have had small tits, but the dog didn't seem to mind their size and started nursing hungrily at one of her nipples.

Kevin got his fill of her breasts shortly after and moved in to nip at the front of her neck. The feel of his teeth just barely grazing her flesh made her shiver before she let free a gasp just as his crotch pressed against her with a solid lump making itself known in his shorts. He nipped her again at the side of her neck before turning it into a kiss with his hands slipping down her sides. The goldie had her pinned to the bed beneath his broad chest and it was amazing! Her fingertips left trenches in the fur of his back as she stroked him up and down along the sides of his spine.

She heard him begin to undo his shorts and the noise excited her more and more until he shook his legs to free them of the unwanted garment.

"I'll go slow." He whispered to her before kissing her lightly on the lips. She didn't like how soft it felt and pulled her hands up behind his head and kissed him back twice as hard. This got him started, and he started digging his tongue deep in her mouth just like he'd just done her pussy, and she could taste herself lingering on his tongue.

Something very warm and very heavy landed on her tummy before vanishing as Kevin worked himself with his hands. He shifted above her to get himself into position and Miyu was ready for him! Her legs were already spread, but she pulled her knees up even more so he could get all the invitation he could ever want to hilt himself up in her. He broke the kiss and there was a string of spit connecting them together.

"I've always loved your eyes." He told her while they locked eyes onto each other. Her eyes had always been two different colors, one hazel and one blue, and she appreciated the compliment even though now wasn't really the tim-

She gasped sharply as his girthy dick pressed against her opening until the petals were forced apart and made to stretch to allow it entry. Kevin's jaw tightened into a smile as she watched his eyes shut as his pleasure overtook his expression.

He filled her to the brim in a quick instant and she started panting. He wasn't kidding when he said he was hung! She started panting even faster to the beat of her heart and let her hands fall to his neck where she grabbed a hold of his shoulders like handles.

"Kevin!" She groaned as his girth continued to fill her as his hips eased him forward. With him on top of her she couldn't look down to see him, but his cock was the largest she'd ever felt!

"I'll go slow. Just trust me." He growled to her in a whisper before pressing his lips to hers again. Despite her rapid breathing telling her to panic on behalf of her pussy she chose to trust the big hunky golden retriever, so she kissed him even harder and quickly wrapped her arms around his back to cling to him.

His hips rocked backwards, and she felt the enormity of his dick leave her, which left a hollow feeling she'd never experienced before. When he rocked back into her slowly, she felt the wind leave her lungs and into his mouth as the breath was knocked out of her. Every slow thrust left her more and more breathless until she had no choice but to break the kiss and gasp for air.

"Kevin!" She said his name again and he nipped her on the neck and started gnawing playfully at her fur.

He started rocking into her faster and faster with short thrusts as her poor cunny was made to fit this monster cock he'd been blessed with. She panted and clawed at his back as she recalled how the dog had warned her earlier that he was hung before agreeing to the pinky promise, and God was he ever! She felt his hands move to her hips and he stood himself up at the edge of bed so she could at last look down at where his body met hers.

His red rocket, the biggest she'd ever seen, was jutting out from his crotch with the big dog now wearing her pussy like a condom a half size too short. He wasn't even all the way in, but it already felt like he was surely plumbing her depths from entrance to ovary!

"Huge!" Was all she could say, and his hands tightened on her hips just as he started fucking her. Steady firm thrusts shook her atop the bed as she desperately gripped at the bedspread. Her head flung back in an open mouth moan as she felt him pry her open more and more as he worked his behemoth deeper into her cunt. The further he crammed it in the more breathless she felt until his dick was certainly nuzzled up flush with her cervix. She'd had guys this deep in her before, but nothing like this!

Her past lovers would have been balls deep by now, but Kevin's dick was just like the sleazy porn slang for a canine's cock, a bitch breaker, and boy was he trying to break her in!

"Kevin!" She shouted and wrapped her legs around him. Her pussy was instinctively clamping down around the oversized intruder. "My God!"

"You're doin' great, Miyu!" He told her as his pace quickened. The dog was really fucking her now with her cunt making a sloppy sucking noise as it clung to his dick. Miyu was turned into a noise maker of her own with moans and grunts as she struggled on the bed to adjust to the girth of his rod. Each time her mouth opened a new noise emerged she'd never heard herself make even with the best of her past lovers.

Suddenly he yanked his dick free and she felt air rush in to reach places inside her body she'd never thought about before. When she looked down to see what he was doing he'd already taken a knee to dive his mouth back down to her pussy for seconds. His tongue lapped at her clit before nursing at the nub again with a free hand curling into another 'c' to dig inside her.

Her pussy clapped around his fingers as she came again, but his fingers didn't leave her pussy. Kevin kept working her insides with his fingers until she was left thrashing on the bed with the pleasure of her orgasm bordering on pain. The explosion of sensations wasn't letting up as the dog kept the waves rolling across her bow without stopping so she could catch her breath.

"Please!" She managed a pained plea to him to ease up, and he thankfully did, but not in the way she'd expected. He pulled his fingers from her and actually stepped away from the bed with her eyes following him, and his swinging cock, around the dorm room until he was standing in front of his closet. She watched him retrieve a beach towel and he shook it out and threw it on the carpet floor before coming back to the bed to pick her up like a child.

He laid her down with her ass right in the middle of the towel before crawling over her again to plant a fresh kiss over her navel before drawing more kisses up her body until he was at her lips.

"Kevin, you're massive." She whined as her hands found his chest.

"I know." He replied and kissed her again.

"I'm gonna cum in you." He told her before pulling both her legs up to her chest with his cock now laid over her pussy to drool a line precum over her stomach.

"Hai!" She replied a little nervously, and he wasted no time hilting as much of himself as would fit in her with a solid grunt. She grunted, too, as her body stretched back around him like the snuggest of gloves. The dog hooked his hands behind her knees and pressed them to her sides as he snuggled himself against her with his knees to her either side. His big body loomed over her as he began to fuck her in earnest with a mating press.

"Fuck me!" She shouted in between the grunts he was forcing out of her mouth.

Was she crazy? He was going to break her in half!

Miyu reached down with her hands to grab her own ass and pulled in hopes of helping her pussy stretch just a little bit more for the big dog, but it likely had little effect since the issue was now his length and not his girth, and by the time he was finished with her Miyu's poor pussy was going to be gaped for days!

But even with inches of dog dick still left outside of her Kevin was still finding room in her to stuff a little more. With the cat now on her back and with him fucking her at this angle his cock was finding more ways to convince her pussy to give up a little more ground until he was positively crammed against her womb with a belly bulge forming behind her navel that she could literally see growing larger with every fresh thrust he fucked into her.

The base of his dick was already swelling up to form the knot that most canine guys had, and his looked fucking huge! There was no way something that thick would ever fit, and before she knew it Kevin had that softball sized knob pressed against the lips of her cunt with a bulge in her stomach that showed her just how stuffed to the gills she was.

She couldn't even speak now with her voice just a song of innocence lost, a loud siren song of grunts and shouting that might have been construed as cursing to anyone unfortunate enough to be Kevin's next-door neighbor.

"You're fuckin' tight, so fucking tight!" He grunted over her with the first utterance of a curse word she'd ever heard him say. He quickly let go of one of her knees to reach back behind her neck. That wonderful feeling of his hand gripping her by the scruff returned and sent her into a new chorus of wailing as his knot slapped against her clit.

He kissed her hard until he was pulling her tongue into her mouth with the most erotic French kiss she'd ever experienced. She could feel his teeth with her tongue as their combined spit drooled down the side of her face with his hand controlling the angle of her head like she was a sex doll.

"Take it!" He snarled down at her at it felt so out of character for him! It was like she was trapped beneath a man slowly going feral! His hips started working against hers with short shallow thrusts that slammed his knot right up against her cunt like he was striking her with the palm of his hand. Each thrust ended with an audible slap of flesh meeting flesh as her shrill grunting blended in with the growing volume of the big dog's growls and snarls.

She tried to speak but all her voice could make was a howling moan. The cat was trapped beneath the large male and completely at his mercy with a knob thicker than her fist straining tight at her opening like she had nowhere else to be but bred. Panic and lust set in her mind as the thrill of something so huge invading her both frightened her and turned her on more than she'd ever felt while in bed with a man.

After several more hard jabs of his hips he let out an angry snarl that ended with him yanking his full length out of her, and his hand quickly left the back of her neck and her mind was left spinning with confusion. He flipped her over onto her belly too fast for her to mentally catch up with the fact he was prepping her for doggystyle, and then with a sharp 'oof' from her muzzle he was hilted inside her once again.

Every inch of his length penetrated her with ease as she was now a bitch well broken in, and just as the realization of that dawned on her she felt his jaws close down around the scruff of her neck as if we were trying to let her know that he knew it, too.

He took both sides of her hips into his hands and renewed his fervent thrusting until he was snarling through the mating biting digging through her fur to leave marks against her flesh.

"Kevin!" She shouted in between his now manic thrusts. There was hardly a discernible rhythm to the assault he was leveling at her backside. His entire technique had devolved into a feral state of single-minded focus.

She felt the lips of her pussy straining hotter and hotter as they were repeatedly tested to their limits by the big dog's rod. Her hands clawed at the carpet trying to find purpose enough to keep herself from sliding across the floor, and only barely succeeded with her cheek pressed tightly to the floor.

Kevin slammed his hips forward again and started roughly rocking himself against her, and she came. Her whole body shuddered beneath him again and she coated his dick in her juices. Her orgasm didn't fade but rather echoed through her. The stimulation of his cock crammed up behind her navel and up against whatever internal organs she swore she woke up with this morning was too much for her to bear.

All that enormous forward pressure at last forced her cunt to stretch a little wider, making her yelp in pain as her tender flesh went snow white in color, just before snapping back shut as that fat ball sank inside her. Suddenly, she couldn't breathe with her entire world revolving around the enormous entity now fully lodged in her belly with an angrily erect cock prodded right up into her womb.

If it wasn't for him having a mouthful of her scruff the dog would have howled out his conquest, but instead he simply drained his nuts in her like he'd been saving it just for her.

The first rope slammed against her womb and the warmth was an instant gooey salve to the ache and strain of her small body being forced to accommodate such a large tool. Kevin let out a snarl each time his cock jumped inside her to deliver another fresh rope of slimey cum until she could hear just under his growls the subtle sound of 'water' gurgling as his mess forced its way deep into her womb.

And he just kept cumming!

She had no way to keep time, but Miyu knew he'd dumped his load into her for far longer than any other guy ever had, and she was trapped under him feeling like she'd overeaten at Thanksgiving dinner with her stomach pressing uncomfortably against the floor with how swollen he'd made her tummy. There was no replacing this experience, no way! Who on Earth could come along after Kevin and do all this to her and more?

Finally, his jaws and hands began to relax along with the twitching of his cock. What had been a constant jerking inside her had settled down into a lazy throb and each time she felt his dick move in her there followed an embarrassing squirt from behind her as spunk escaped out from around the seal and onto the towel.

His breathing began to slow, and Kevin nestled his muzzle down into the crook of her neck while his hands slid up her sides until he found her shoulders, then kept moving them down her arms until he found her wrists so he could pull them up and closer to her head.

She was going to be so sore after this... With him having pinned her down with a love bite she'd be feeling this for the next couple of days. Now that he'd fully claimed her she couldn't think of a reason why she'd be upset that the dog had left her with a reminder of their first time.

"You're incredible, Miyu." He whispered to her breathlessly like he'd just ran a marathon. With every word he was nuzzling himself against her affectionately as his body language and demeanor shifted back to being like the cute guy she knew from her Calculus class. As her brain recovered from being fucked through multiple orgasms, she tried to make sense of his change in behavior.

"Hai." She managed a reply that sounded just as breathless as his. The goldie kissed her on the side of the neck before moving his snout to where he'd bitten her. She felt him leave a kiss over the sore spot before beginning to lick her slow and affectionate-like.

"Are you always this intense in bed?" She asked him once she'd caught more of her breath.

"Was I too rough?" He asked her with a note of concern in his voice, which made her smile. Had he asked for permission beforehand she'd have encouraged him to take it easy on her, but she enjoyed it when men she liked did what they wanted with her. If this was how he normally took his women to bed, then she'd just have to Google 'How not to walk bowlegged after fucking a submarine'.

"I told you I liked my men being forward." She replied and wiggled her hands free of his wrists so she could slip her fingers between his. He dutifully closed his hand around hers and continued to nuzzle at her neck from behind.

"I didn't think it'd fit." He added with some surprise, and then with a dash of weary humor he added to that. "Are you hollow?"

She was pretty sure she woke up with organs this morning and judging by how much effort it took to take in a lungful of air she was pretty sure those organs were invading each other's personal space right about now.

"I can't reveal all my secrets on the first date." She answered coyly, and in reply to that he rolled his hips against hers nice and slow making her moan quietly.

"It's been a long time since I last tied with anyone so it might be a while before I can pull out." He told her.

"Then let's wait it out on the bed, ok?" She asked him, and he gently lifted her off the floor with his cock tugging at her pussy but refusing to give. When he was finished putting them both onto his bed, he had himself on his back with her laying atop him with Miyu finally able to see the damage.

She'd seen girl get stuffed like this in porn, but she always thought it was trashy and over the top with how the porn guys always got paired up with smaller girls, so the dicks looked bigger right along with the messy aftermath. Well, now she was that messy aftermath with a tummy that looked like she was a few months along carrying Kevin's puppies.

"Thank you for talking to me today, and for helping us get this far. If you'd left this to me, I doubt I'd have ever asked you for anything more." He told her.

"I figured you needed someone to nudge you. You did the rest of the work, mister." She replied. "I'm already thinking about the next time we hang out."

"That'd be fun!" He said excitedly, and she felt his cock jump a little inside her. She was going to have to learn quick how to get used to having a fuck buddy with a dick like this!

"Maybe this weekend?" She suggested and reached to pull his hands up to her chest so his palms could cup her breasts with her fingers laced in with his own.

"Maybe. I don't want to be a dick and kick Reese out too often just so I can get laid." He admitted.

"Reese is your roommate?" She asked, and he agreed that he was. Miyu wished Kevin had the place to himself, but this was college life. Most students on campus had roommates, herself included. Kaitlyn wouldn't mind spending time away from the dorm for her sake, so maybe they could swap back and forth for where they hang out.

"Unless you didn't mind him watching us, I guess." He decided to surprise her.

"What?" She asked incredulously.

"He's kind of a voyeur. I bet he'd even draw us like French girls in his sketchbook while we did it." He added, and she nervously laughed in reply.

"Wow! That's kinky. How do you know he'd want to watch?" She asked him and pulled one of his hands down to her groin where his fingers instinctively sought out her clit. This time she had hand down there to ride along with his as he began to gently play with her.

"Because I've let him watch me fuck before. He's cool, not a creep or anything. Just kinky." He explained, and she was left a little bewildered by that admission. He let him watch! She tried to imagine someone sitting across from them on the other bed just watching them go at it and she felt weird about it.

Her cute classmate had finally gotten into her panties, and now she was being introduced to the idea of being an exhibitionist? She was a rebellious cat, but was she seriously going to let some dude watch her get twisted into a cum glazed pretzel by her new boy toy? The gentle hand working her clit over was certainly trying to bribe her into saying 'yes'.

"I think I'd need to meet him first; you know?" She told him instead. He dipped his muzzle back down into the crook of her neck to start nuzzling her again. He was such a good boy when he wasn't acting like a feral beast, and the way he did it was sweet like bribery.

"You can say hi to him when he gets back if you want. We can keep fooling around until then." He told her.

"I- I don't know, Kevin. I've never done anything like that." She said while his teeth began to nibble gently at her neck. She felt her next orgasm beginning to well up within her as he kept his fingers working over her button.

"You sure?" He asked right before he sped up his fingers while his other hand began to roll her nipple between his thumb and index finger. Shuddering once again she endured another climax while the dog had his way with her with just his hands, and the enormous prick still firmly locked tight in her tunnel.

"Kevin." She whined in reply, and by the time he'd rubbed another two orgasms out of her he'd convinced her to give the new kink a trial run. Breathless and twitching, Miyu was surprised at how excited she was to find out what the golden retriever was like when he had an audience!