Predatory Indulgement - Chapter 1

Story by Simba on SoFurry

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#1 of Predatory Indulgement

Here is the first part of my new story series. Although the series is a vore series, this chapter does not contain vore, instead containing paw/crush fetishes, featuring a sexy lion and tiger duo. The vore starts in the next chapter.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ;) . Thanks so much for your support <3 !


"It's a fact of life that some guys are just kind of mean. Belittling others who are smaller than they happen to be, or somehow else are weaker. In this world, with the government just trying to keep the preds happy, there are always going to be a lot of problems. Problems for the prey, that is. Luckily for me, I'm a lion. No one really sees me as prey, thankfully. I do sometimes feel pity and sorrow for prey as they're gulped down squirmy and alive, or slowly flattened under some massive pred's weight, but I wouldn't change my position in society. I've got it good. I'm one of the lucky ones. I'm going to share with you my story now in my diary, written from a first person perspective. I hope you enjoy hearing what I have to say."

  • Simba's Diary


July 1st 2250

Here I am walking down the street. My world is inhabited both by anthros and ferals, providing a nice mix of creatures who live alongside me. With the government run entirely by preds, the prey species are somewhat oppressed. Preds all over the world take advantage of the preys, using them as slaves, toys, food, and just simple tools to have fun with.

Almost as if to bring this image to reality, as I walk along, I see a big tiger on the other side of the quiet road. He's one I know - just friends from college, nothing more. My sensitive lion ears pick up a light but definite squeal of fear coming from where he stands. Without even having to ask, I know what he is doing. He calls me over so I can share in his 'pleasure'. I feel sympathy towards the prey, but I sure as hell wouldn't change places with one of them... I don't have a death wish.

"Hey Simba, you okay?" he smirks and winks, the look of pleasure on his face clear as the skies above; quite a surprise in itself considering we're in England...

"Yeah, I'm great, Kodi. I see you've caught someone." I wink back, trying to share in his pleasure as a pred naturally should, despite feeling a twinge of sorrow for the poor rat pinned under his footpaw.

"Yup... Know what I'm going to do to this little bitch prey I've caught?" he grins, not waiting for a reply, "I'm going to completely pancake him, using every ounce of my weight to squash him flatter than he imagined possible. You should help; you don't get enough action with prey, Simba! You know first hand how sexy lion and tiger footpaws are too..."

Upon hearing this, the rat, albeit a feral, probably around nine inches in length, lets out another squeal of fear. In my world, the ferals are still reasonably intelligent. This rat would understand the tiger's exact words, knowing how the flame of his existence was about to be extinguished by a tiger weighing over two hundred times as much as his single-pound body. Not to mention another 180 pounds of weight from my own body on top.

Kodi is around 220 pounds, standing at around 6'4" tall. He's a big tiger, towering over my own 6' height. He's always had a thing for me, not that that is a bad thing. I can't deny that he is one hot tiger. Nice body, taller than me, and he has a nice personality too. Well, if you're not prey, anyway... He's always merciless to the prey he catches, often bragging in college about how he's turned a dozen rabbits the night before to nothing more than tiger pudge, muscles and muck to be disposed of, telling us all how he has "improved" them to a state they never could have achieved on their own. He's kind of right I guess. A bunny never could become tiger shit without... Well, a tiger.

Prey species have no right to be educated in my world, so none of my college classmates do 'disappearing acts', thankfully. That said, some preys are still quite intelligent. I've heard of preys plotting against the preds, though the whole thing is kept completely undercover. If the preys did try to rise against us, believe me, I would show no mercy in gulping them down one by one with the help of Kodi and all the other preds. The balance is not fair, I agree, but it would be simply crazy to turn against my fellow preds. I know my place in society. This is how I have been brought up, and this is how it has been for a long time.

I look down at the rat before nodding to Kodi. He picks me up easily with his strong tiger muscles, turning me to face away from him, gently lowering my footpaws on top of his. I watch the rat, feeling Kodi's tigercock against my ass. He's rock hard in his jeans, though I don't know if he knows I can feel it. I know just how much he enjoys doing this to his prey.

"Slowly, now..." he whispers into my ear, playfully nibbling. I blush, my own maleness responding to the tiger's attentions, firming up as he controls both our weights perfectly, holding his right footpaw lengthways on the rat with just enough weight to keep it pinned, not crushing his prey just yet, his left footpaw on the floor.

I think in my mind of those massive, musky, sweaty tiger paw pads, each leathery pad moulding around the rat's body lightly, ready and waiting to squash it flat. What he said was so right - I know exactly how hot his massive footpaws are. Around twelve or thirteen inches long, his footpaw has the entire rat trapped underneath. My big tiger buddy can't hold back a light moan of anticipation, grinding against my ass through my pants. Now I know for sure he knows I know that he's hard.

Truth be told I've always had a bit of a crush on this tiger too. Not quite as literally as the rat who is about to be flattened, but yeah - Kodi is one heck of a sexy tiger if you're on his good side. I just don't have the confidence to ever ask him to do anything. I'm quite shy, even though he shows interest in me. It's easy enough to play uninterested. If I got my way though, one day I'd be under him, prey squirming in both our bellies as he'd powerfuck my virgin lion ass...

My mind is quickly brought back from my daydream about being underneath Kodi as I hear a squeal from the rat, Kodi slowly pressing both our weights down right on top, 400 pounds of combined feline muscle showing that little rat who the bosses are. Usually I would feel guilty, but right now it just feels too good with that big tigercock grinding against my ass and my own cock dribbling a little pre without me even needing to touch it.

"Flatten him, Kodi... Show him who's in control." I can't help but moan out lightly, my logical and fair mind silenced for the moment as I simply enjoy helping my feline friend smoosh that rat into oblivion. Kodi seems intent on making it last as long as possible, extending our pleasure for however long he can.

Underneath that huge, heavy, musky tiger footpaw, the rat squirms helplessly as much as our weight on top allows him to. His body creaks under the strain, squealing in fear in pain as he gets taught first hand why mice and rats should avoid felines. Then comes the first crack, the first snap. The first sound, picked up by our sensitive big kitty ears, of the rat's bones giving way to our combined weight. Kodi moans at the sound, shooting a glob of pre into his jeans.

The trapped rat stands no chance whatsoever, the tiger lowering our weight steadily right on top without a single care of shred of mercy for his prey. Bones crack and snap, those thick, sweaty pawpads providing a nice cushioning to the tiger's paw, but his weight is undeniable, and he gradually adds more and more, the poor rat being smooshed flatter than he ever thought possible, with only a fraction of our combined weight.

"Ready, Simba?" he pants lightly, obviously quite worked up from the pleasure he is getting from the whole situation, "It's time to smash this rat good and proper..." he purrs with another grind against my ass through my pants.

"Mmm, yeah..." I groan lightly, my sense of fairness nowhere to be found. Right now, I'm too horny to care about the prey... All I care about is mine and that sexy tiger dom's pleasure...

Wasting no more time, the tiger lifts up his left footpaw (and mine on top of it), pressing every single ounce of our combined 400-pound weight right on top of the rat as promised. With a massive scream for a fraction of a second, the rat's life is snuffed out without the tiger needing to think twice about it. As the rat squirms one last time before being crushed flat, the tiger grinds against me heavily, the feelings just being too much for him, his tiger balls unloading in his jeans. Hot, heavy tiger breath flows over my head and sensitive ears as he is deep within the throes of his orgasm, moaning in ecstasy with every pulse of his thick, powerful tigercock. The pleasure of a few more lustful grinds of his cock against my ass as he shoots is enough to send me too over the edge without even touching myself. I pant and groan, mind fogged with pleasure, unloading my sticky, white lion cum into my pants, the power rush so wonderful.

Before I can react, I suddenly find myself maw-locked with the tiger. He holds the back of my head with one paw and closes his eyes, kissing me deeply. I almost choke in surprise, blushing profusely as I slide my tongue past his, groaning lightly into his maw, not taking any time to consider my actions. We stay locked together like that for a moment before he softly pulls away, a long strand of sticky saliva connecting our maws. He winks at me.

"Thanks for that, Simba. We'll have to do it again sometime. For now though, sexy, I've got to go. Was just heading back to my apartment for the evening. See you at college on Monday."

And with that I am left alone, speechless, trying to sort out in my mind what just happened. I look down at the flattened rat on the pavement and a twinge of guilt and sadness runs through me. The aftermath is never pretty. But it sure as hell is amazing when it is happening. I'm so glad to be a pred. I turn back in the direction I initially came from, heading home to think about what has happened. That tiger on my mind, running through my thoughts all the way back to my apartment. I have to have him. He's just perfect. So kind and sweet to me, and so delightfully evil to the prey species. Everything about him is just right.

After a good meal and some television, I climb into bed to rest for the evening. The thoughts of that tiger make it difficult for my mind to relax and clear so I can sleep. I close my eyes and drift into a deep sleep eventually. My dreams are mixed and varied, but all feature that tiger. My tiger, hopefully.

Until tomorrow...

  • Simba

Predatory Indulgement - Chapter 2

Here is the second part of my new series. This story contains rape, vore, digestion and mild CBT. Enjoy :) ! ~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~\*~ "Two things in life are certain: death and vore. But life only comes together when...

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The Pizza

Simba always has had an insatiable appetite for bunnies. Not only an appetite for gulping them down, but also stroking them, cuddling them, and just being around them. Why? Perhaps it stems from his protective nature as a lion â€" after all, he is...

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Bound Paws

Just another very quick story, this time the story is for two good friends of mine: Alexis (a wolf), and Metal (a metalgarurumon, but with fur). Again, no back-story is provided; this is meant to be pure, unadulterated M/M smut. Hopefully you will...

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