Chapter 15: Into the Shadows

Story by Ohgun on SoFurry

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#16 of An Unforgettable Vacation

3 Days Until Scar's Deadline

In a rather elegant room decorated with statues of lions dressed up as knights fending off unnatural beasts and a variety of doctorate-level textbooks focused on technology, computer programming, and martial arts organized in several bookshelves sorted by genre and a katana hanging on the wall over a bathtub that Bingwa is bathing in. "There's things about this world that I still don't understand." Bingwa thinks to himself while reading a textbook about computer hacking. "I can clearly understand that I am a bastard child of a manipulative bastard, but I still need to learn why he became that way." The Liolf growls to the point of showing his fangs just finding the answers to the questions in his mind. "And that bear from Legoshi's school," Bingwa slams the textbook closed and throws it towards his bed in frustration. "Why would he come to the Black Market searching for answers regarding interspecies friendships? And from that monster, I'm ashamed to call a father of all people?" "I don't get it. Are these complications related to living in the real world?" Bingwa rubs his face with his right hand in frustration as the samurai film that's playing in the background suddenly transitions into a news intro segment.

"We interrupt all city broadcasts to give you an emergency breaking news bulletin," A calico anchorwoman announces the latest interruption. "There has been a confirmed report of a Predation Incident that occurred within the Le Elegance Condominium complex on the High-End district during last night's scheduled power grid maintenance period. The victim was a local fashion prodigy named Sabrina who was discovered eaten alive and wounded in her right eye." "Sabrina?" Bingwa questions the report as he jumps out of the bathtub and turns up the volume of his TV "Forensics experts have discovered DNA related evidence that matches the saliva samples found on her body with that of three hyena Repeat Predation Offenders who are currently still at large. Please stay tuned to this emergency broadcast for more details." "That savage has sicced those vultures to prey upon another cyber friend of mine." Bingwa thinks to himself as he turns off his TV. "I sought a solution from the most sublime of animals, now my abominable father has left me no choice but seek guidance from the depths." Bingwa picks up his cellphone and scrolls through his contacts until he finds the phone number of the Shishigumi and presses the call button on his phone.

Meanwhile in an abandoned mansion in a city far away from Pride City, an old lion with scars on his eyes that resembles a mask sits across from a young white lion. A younger lion opens a lighter and lights his boss cigar before closing the lighter and putting it in his pocket. "Prepare a drink for me and the new kid Ibuki," the old lion commanded the lion that lit his cigar. "Of course, sir," Ibuki said as he gave him a bow before setting up two glasses and two medium-small cobbler shakers. "You said you were born as a white lion, are you boy?" the old lion asks the candidate sitting across from him "Yes," the young white lion responded as Ibuki fills one of the shakers with sake, salt, fish scales, and a mysterious violet liquid and with the same mixture without the other without the liquid. "You were putting up a hell of a fight when I caught you in a tussle with my boys." The older lion complemented his combat prowess against his grunts as the other lion "They didn't ruin your white fur with scratches and cuts, did they?" "I've had a few scratches, sir," the young lion answered as Ibuki began to shake both shakers with each hand "But none that will leave a scar." "That's good," the old lion smiled as he placed a box on the table. "I would have tortured one of them for days if the wounds they inflicted on you left a scar."

One of the shaker's contents leaves a feverish aroma that began to linger throughout the room as the white lion began to develop a feverish sweat on his body while the older lion opens the box that contained a pair of glasses inside. "Now strip young one." He commanded the white lion as he presses a button on a remote. The white lion stands up and takes off his t-shirt while a wall behind the chief lion rises to reveal a large shower head next to a Japanese-styled bathtub with silvervine petals decorating the water when the phone begins to ring outside of the room. As the young white lion tosses his t-shirt aside, a black lion opens the door. "Pardon me the intrusion boss," the lion address his boss and gives him a polite bow while a phone rings in his right hand. "Speak Agata." The boss commands the black lion as the white lion removes his socks. "There's an urgent call for you from someone named Bingwa," Agata reports to his boss while handing him the cordless phone. "Bingwa?" the older lion questions the identity of the caller to himself. "So Scar did have a child while I was absent these past seventeen years." The old lion signals the white lion to stop as he answers the phone.

"State your business," the lion commands his caller "I'm not disrupting any pressing matters you're attending to, am I Tayama?" Bingwa asks him through the phone causing the old lion to snarl as he thinks to himself, "How did this brat find out about my name?" "Because if I am," Bingwa tells the enraged Tayama as Ibuki fills his glass to the brim with a cocktail that mostly contains sake. "I'll make up for it as an apology when you arrive at Pride City." the older lion calms down as the white lion unbuckles his belt while Ibuki pours a cocktail that mostly contains the violet liquid half full. "Very well," Tayama said to the liolf in an accepting tone. "Now state your business." "My father has been lying to you for seventeen years," Bingwa told the lion causing anger to return to his face once more. "I should have known the kindness he offered to me was a façade," Tayama commented on the false show of friendship Scar gave him. "That's why I need to explain the truth to you in person," Bingwa told the older lion while the white lion takes off his jeans. "Arrive in the city by boat and meet me in the docks at night. My father and his hyenas have tapped into the airline security systems and will detect you if you travel by air." "See you in two nights Bingwa," Tayama tells the liolf before he hangs up on him.

"So what now boss?" Agata asks Tayama as the white lion strips off his boxers and exposes his nude body to his future boss and the other five lions that arrive immediately after their boss hangs up the phone. "We're leaving for Pride City at midnight tonight," Tayama announces his plans to his initiate and his elite seven as he strips the suit off of his body and tosses it over the clothes the initiate wore. "But for now," two lions return to their seats as Tayama drinks half of his cocktail while the white lion does the same. "I want the rest of you to strip naked," he commands the lions as he exchanges his glass with the Shishigumi's newest member before the two drink the rest of the cocktails Ibuki served to them while Ibuki and the others toss their clothes in a pile next to their boss's. Upon consuming the rest of his boss's cocktail, the white lion lies down on the floor. "What's your name kid?" Tayama asks the white lion for his name while he crawls over him after putting on the glasses he takes out of the box.

"It's Tachibana," The young lion answered as his boss examines his nude body to ensure that his fur is pure white. "You still look pretty young in spite of being raised by streets," Tayama compliments the initiate's youth as he glances at his body with his glasses. "How old are you Tachibana?" "I just turned eighteen boss," Tachibana answers his new oyabun's question as Tayama taps his right leg with his index finger, signaling him to spread his legs. "So, you're an orphaned street urchin who looks and behaves like a high school student," the chief lion commented on his age as he lifts Tachibana's balls to examine the fur around his anus. "You are a rare one my boy," Tayama confirms the rarity of Tachibana's fur and mane as he takes off his glasses and returns them to the box he stores them in. "Now let's get you cleaned up." After examining the fur on Tachibana's body, Tayama picks him up by his back and upper legs and carries him towards the shower. "Do you normally treat all new recruits like this boss?" the nervous lion asked his boss. "Only the ones with fur as pure white as yours," Tayama answered as he kisses him on his neck. "Join in boys," the chief commanded the other lions in the room. "And gather around my bed when you're thoroughly cleaned up."

The moment Tayama turns on the shower, he begins caressing Tachibana to ensure that every strand of fur on his body is wet before applying a special shampoo all over his initiate's body. After he rinses the shampoo suds from Tachibana's naked body and the rest of the lions finished washing, Tayama takes a seat in the bathtub while slowly stroking his flaccid penis in the bathwater. "Come join me, Tachibana," the chief lion beckons his initiate to join him in the bathtub as the others exit the room. Spotting his new boss's change of mood, he nervously joins him in the bath. The moment Tachibana sits next to his boss, Tayama begins to comb his white mane using his left hand while he strokes his chest using his right.

"Your fur shines as bright as a diamond," Tayama complements on the touch of his initiate's fur. "Yet it remains as white and soft as the winter's snow." Tachibana could only respond to those comments by blushing. "If the Back-Alley Market is a rough, you happen to be the flawless diamond hiding within." Tachibana suddenly gets an erection that makes his penis grow up to twelve inches as his boss kisses him. "You're thinking about the mystery ingredient of those sake cocktails we drank during your initiation ceremony," Tayama hints towards the ingredient of the cocktails he and Tachibana drank earlier. "Aren't you?" "I honestly never took the time to think about that," the young lion told his new boss. "Since you did earn the respect of me and my boys," Tayama gets out of the bathtub carrying a bewildered Tachibana in his arms.

After drying himself and his recruit off, Tayama places Tachibana on a bed far more elegant than the rest of the mansion between a naked Ibuki and Agata. "I believe you're obligated to know the truth." Tayama crawls towards the Tachibana's pelvis and begins rimming his recruit. "The cocktail I made for you and the boss contained an aphrodisiac made out of our own semen," Ibuki explains to Tachibana. "But you might have known that by the aroma you sniffed in while I was shaking your drinks earlier." "I'm Ibuki, the second in command of the Shishigumi." "And a good bartender if you loved drinking cum cocktails." Agata laughs while Tayama stops and uses his eyes to express his annoyance towards Agata's comment. "The name's Agata by the way. You can always count on me to be your big bro when things get ugly." After introducing himself Agata leans his head towards Tachibana's right ear before whispering, "I forgot to tell you that our boss has a fetish for white-furred animals."

Before he could whisper anything else a lion with an X scar on his face turns Agata over and holds his arms down while telling him, "You're telling the new kid way too much about our boss right now." "The hell Dolph?" Agata says after the scared lion rolls off him and next to Tachibana "The name's Dolph." Dolph introduces himself to the initiate. "And unlike little tell-it-all behind me, I take my role in the Shishigumi very seriously." "I'm Free," the lion with a pompadour introduces himself while he crawls under his boss. "Normally I prefer to sex girls into the Shishigumi. But you definitely earned my respect for the fight you dished out earlier." Free strokes Tayama's flaccid cock before giving it a long lick. "So let me help moisten the boss for you." Free begins to give his boss a blowjob while a lion with a mohawk silently caresses Tachibana's shoulders and chest while giving him a long intimate kiss. "Sabu's the type who prefers to express himself with actions rather than words." Agata introduces Sabu. "But he's still a good role model for new recruits to look up to." Tayama retracts his tongue from Tachibana's ass after Agata introduces Sabu to the new initiate. "Get my cock out of your mouth and roll over Free," Tayama commands Free to stop giving him a blowjob. "Unless you want me to jizz all over your mane again."

"Because that's exactly what happened the last time Free walked in on the boss fucking his pet albino stag," Agata thought to himself with a smile on his face as he watches Free rollover towards Ibuki and Sabu take his tongue out of Tachibana's mouth. "I tend to laugh every time Free gets his mane ruined since that night."

7 Days Until Scar's Deadline (Agata's Memories)

In Agata's memories, a nude Tayama is slamming his eleven-inch cock in and out the ass of a now-adult albino stag on the balcony of the Shishigumi's mansion while the white deer's moans and screams echo throughout the estate. "You love the way I tenderize your ass night after night," he tells his deer catamite while grunting with each thrust, he makes. "Don't you?" "Yes Master Tayama!" the albino deer screams out before he cums over the balcony's railing, causing the lion to stop what he was doing while keeping his cock inside. "Did you just cum over my balcony?" Tayama questions the deer's action. "Forgive me, Master," the deer responded. "That was a yes or no question," The lion reminded his catamite what kind of question he asked him. "Yes," the deer answered, "Yes I did." "Then we'll have to finish this inside," Tayama told the stag as he pulls his cock out and tosses his catamite on the sofa. The deer holds on to the head of the sofa his arms to lessen the impact of the lion's toss, before his master lifts his legs, holds down his arms, and rams his cock back inside of the albino stag. The force and speed of Tayama's thrusts intensify causing another wave of moans and screams to come out of the stag's mouth.

"You're just as tight as when Scar gave you to me," Tayama tells his catamite as he rapidly fucks the albino stag. "Tell me. Who runs the Back-Alley Market in this city?" "The Shishigumi rules this market!" the deer screams out his answer as his master pummels his ass with his cock. In the hallway, Agata and Free are walking towards the room their boss is in. "Are sure it's okay for us to walk in there?" Agata questions his fellow Shishigumi. "Sounds like the boss is occupied right now." "With all the screams I hear in that room," Free responded. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we went inside and gave him the money he asked for." "I know we're supposed to hand over today's take from the Back-Alley Market to him," Agata told Free. "But what if he's in there..." Agata blushes, turns his eyes away from Free, and gives a hand gesture where he shapes his left index finger and thumb into a tight hole and rubs his right index finger through the hole. Free laughs at the gesture the young Congo lion is making. "Relax," the Indian lion reassures the bashful Agata as he grasps the handle of the door in his right hand. "He wouldn't be doing that if he knew we hadn't completed today's collection runs yet."

While Agata and Free were talking outside of the room, Tayama sits on top of the sofa's top cushion while rapidly thrusting his cock in and out of the albino stag he's carrying by the hip with his own two hands. "What am I?" Tayama asks the catamite. "Master!" the deer screams out. "Whose master am I?" the lion asks his slave "My master!" the albino screams as Free opens the door "Uh boss," upon being called out by Free, Tayama pulls his cock out of the stag and allows his catamite to join him in cuming all over the face and pompadour mane of his subordinate as he walked inside of the room. At first, Agata and the albino stag were frightened by what Free had just done while Tayama becomes furious upon Free's disruption.

"I was scared shitless thinking about how the boss would have punished Free for his interruption if the situation was different," Agata thought to himself. "But when I took a look at the messy bukkake Free was in," Agata slowly began to drop the horrified act and tried to cover his mouth to keep even the subtlest of snickers from coming out of it. "I tried my best to keep my humor inside and remain professional as I saw the normally carefree lion try to inspect the stains the boss and his albino left on him." As Free discovers the substance that landed on his pompadour was the cum of both his boss and his cervine catamite, Tayama begins to subtly laugh at the mess they caused. "The instant I saw smile coming out of the boss mouth," Agata thought to himself as a snicker begins to escape his covered mouth "I couldn't resist the temptation to throw my head back and laugh anymore." Agata begins to lay his head back on the hallway wall and loudly laughs at Free the same time his boss as the Indian lion slams the briefcase on Agata's chest. "You make the collection report since you think watching my handsome mane getting ruined is so funny!" Free yelled at the laughing Agata as he runs away from the boss in disgust.

3 Days Until Scar's Deadline

Tachibana's sudden gasp causes Agata to stop daydreaming about the incident as he witnesses the tip of Tayama's cock touch the white lion's virgin anus. "You're still a virgin are you boy?" The chief lion asks his initiate. "Yes boss," the white lion responds to his boss's question. "I am." "Then I'll be gentle with you since this is your first time," Tayama told Tachibana as he very slowly inserts his entire cock into the young lion's ass. "Take a chill for a while kid," a handsome lion tells Tachibana as he places his arms around the white lion. "We don't want the boss to break you by accident. The name's Hino and my good looks tend to hook us up to high paying jobs." "I'm Dope and these are Miguel and Jinma." Dope introduces himself and the other lions before Miguel and Jinma insert their cocks inside of Agata and Dope. "As the brawn of the Shishigumi the way I fuck is too rough for you to handle," Miguel told Tachibana as Sabu crawls over to Hino and thrusts his cock inside of him. "Unlike a certain Congo lion whose ass deserves a rough fucking." "Go even rougher on him for me will ya'?" Free asked the cornrowed lion as he tries to position his cock towards Ibuki's anus. "That brat owes me for that little incident he laughed at me over." "Maybe we can share information on the Back-Alley Market when we come back," Jinma told the white lion. "I would be very interested in what you have to say about your findings that we never discovered." Ibuki rolled Free over on his back and held his arms down. "Sorry Free," Ibuki apologizes to his comrade. "But I am your elder for the moment." Ibuki stuffs his thirteen-inch cock up Free's ass causing him to clench his fangs to keep him from screaming. "That hurt Ibuki," Free angrily told the lion that's currently dominating him. "Well forgive me for my rather blunt entry," Ibuki said before he french kisses Free to calm him down "I promise these next few moments will be gentler for you."

The other lions wait until Tayama starts thrusting his cock in and out of Tachibana before they begin pounding their mates. While Miguel fucks Agata at a rough pace, the others start at a gentle pace to get them accustomed to the length of their cocks. "Slow down Miguel!" Tayama scolds Miguel and punches him in his abdomen for starting fast and rough to Free's shock. "You are not in a position to cum first." "The boss is definitely a disciplinarian," Tachibana thought to himself as he moans with every thrust his boss makes. "I better not step out of line during my tenure in the Shishigumi." "Just go with the flow Miguel," Agata told the dreadlocked lion as he gently rubs Miguel's abdomen to calm him down. "I'll be fine." Miguel eventually follows the pacing of the other lions as Agata gently moans in response. "You can get back at me back for the ruined mane when we get to Pride City," Agata told Free. The lions then begin to pick up the pace causing the bottom ones to moan even louder. Some lions change their positions to improve their stimulation while Tayama kisses Tachibana. "Do you think you can handle a faster pace than this?" the Chief Lion asked his initiate after he breaks up the kiss. "Yes boss," Tachibana moaned. "Give me more." Tayama thrusts even faster causing the youngest lion to moan even louder. "You're so tight boy," He moans as the others speed up to his climactic pace. "I'm gonna cum inside of you." The lions present in the orgy begin moaning even louder as they maintain their climatic pace. After a whole hour they spent fucking, Tayama cums inside of Tachibana while the other lions pull out and cum all over each other as they give off one last moan before the Chief Lion pulls out of his initiate.

After the lions rest for a minute, Tayama stands up and gets out of bed. "Get up," he tells the other lions as they awaken from their brief slumber. "And get in the car as naked as you are now." Tachibana and the others follow their boss towards a car meant for a large group of animals. "We can get dressed when we're onboard the ferry." "And when the ferry leaves the dock?" Tachibana asked his boss. "We'll take the fastest yacht and dock it where the Kivuli least suspects us," Tayama said as Dolph starts up the car. "This will be your first job as a member of the Shishigumi. Do not disappoint me."

2 Days Until Scar's Deadline

The night after the Shishigumi departs for Pride City by sea, the living room of Presidential Suite Five is filled with everyone who was in Pina's torrential rain harem except for both Mufasa and Yahya. "I haven't seen my father since that torrential rainstorm earlier this afternoon," Simba told the others. "Do any of you possibly know where he's gone?" "It seems that Mufasa and Yahya found out a gang called the Shishigumi was going to arrive in Pride City by yacht tonight," Bill answered Simba as the lion pats Jack's head who was lying on his lap. "But the Kivuli have all known piers under massive surveillance," Jack told the two felines. "So, there's no way those two Beastars could be headed there." "If the Shishigumi can't approach by plane or boat without Scar's drones detecting them," Simba thought to himself. "Then where are they going to dock without alerting the Kivuli?"

"Have you gone insane?" Oguma questions his son as he watches the young stag gather the magazines for his pistol in the suite's bedroom. "This was my fault that you had to come here and that Sabrina is dead," Louis responded as he puts on a belt with a holster on the right-hand side. "And this is your way of claiming responsibility?" Oguma asked. "I guess he's finally reached his rebellious phase," the older deer thought to himself. "These past five days I spent with him, the seven million yen I spent to adopt him. I guess his sense for justice has completely overwhelmed his own safety." "I've always knew that you were more than a mere buck." Oguma told his son as he grabs the pistol from his son's briefcase. "You decided that you would rather take your own life than be devoured alive when you were five. Now you've decided to confront Scar all on your own." "Very well," Oguma walks towards his son with pistol in hand. "If you want to put down a force of terror that plagues Pride City and bring justice to every animal he's harmed and killed." Oguma hands the pistol over to his son. "Then I won't hinder you any further, but at least tell your clubmates your intentions." Louis contemplates his father's words before he takes the pistol and holsters it before walking out of the suite's bedroom.

"Guys," Louis announces to the Drama Club members present within his presidential suite as he closes the door to the bedroom. "I have to leave for the Condemned District tonight." After Louis makes the announcement, Legoshi and the others are in an uproar regarding their leader's sudden decision to hand himself over to Scar. "Pina had a point while he and I were fighting earlier this morning," Louis told the group. "If I had followed Scar to the Black Market five days ago, none of us would have had to suffer." "I hate to admit this, but I've become more like a dead weight than a leader." "What!?" the Drama Club shouted in shock and disbelief. "That's not true," Pina denied his superior's claims of all responsibility over the events that occurred in the past five days. "As of tonight, I am stepping down as the Actor's Team Lead and sending all of you back home to Cherryton Academy," Louis told his peers as he walks towards the door, who all try to persuade him to reconsider. "I don't deserve to hear any complaints coming from you." Louis interrupts them before they make another attempt to persuade him not to leave for the Condemned District.

"Don't bother trying to discourage me from going or stopping me." Louis opens the door to the suite and walks away from the others who are upset by the way they responded to Louis's announcement. "Legoshi," Simba calls to Legoshi. "We have to stop Louis from going into the Underground Black Market. If he steps foot inside, Scar's going to devour him. Do you want him to be another martyr?" "No," Legoshi responded as he stood up from the sofa. "Sabrina's death was devastating enough for us. But Louis holds massive influence over our school and is heir to the Horns Conglomerate. If he dies, then the world as we know it and the changes he wants to make to it will die with him." Legoshi opens the door to the hallway. "Let's bring Louis back here Simba." Simba nods as he follows Legoshi to the parking lot where they get in the fastest car Simba has in his possession and follows a limousine towards the Condemned District.

Meanwhile, Louis sheds a single tear while riding in a limousine driven by an antelope driver. "I was supposed to change the world for the better," Louis thought to himself as more tears start running down his face. "And what happens when I try to make a big enough difference? Another innocent herbivore gets devoured and her boyfriend, who happens to be a member of my Actor's Team, almost killed himself over this madness." Louis wipes the tears from his eyes and changes his tone to a more serious one. "This has to end tonight." Louis thought to himself as he examines his gun as he installs the under-barrel laser and suppressor before setting the weapon mode to fifty-caliber and loading a fifty-caliber magazine into the pistol. "If I end up getting devoured by Scar, or I render his repulsive corpse to a throw rug decorating my father's bedroom. This living nightmare is coming to an end."

Upon reaching the roadblock blocking the entry into the condemned district, the limousine stops as Louis holsters his weapon. "We've arrived at the Condemned District, Sir Louis." The driver reports to Louis "Thank you," Louis told the driver as he opens the door. "I want you to depart district the very moment I close the door. Don't even think about stopping until you've returned to the Lion Heart Resort." "Be careful out here." The driver told Louis as the deer steps out of the vehicle and closes the door, signaling the Limousine to leave the district as Louis walks past the roadblock and into the Condemned District proper. He crosses the bridge separating the district from the rest of the city. Even though his resolve is strong enough to confront the leader of the Kivuli, Louis can witness the ominous atmosphere emitting from the dilapidated and deserted buildings, and the darkened streets due to lack of electricity. "Scar," Louis thought to himself as he wanders the district for a manhole that will take him into his territory. "You'll soon find out that I am not the fragile fawn my father adopted anymore."

As Louis expedites the Condemned District, a yacht arrives at an abandoned pier where a tuxedo-clad Bingwa stands outside of a dilapidated shed and examines his phone for any updates regarding the Predation Incident from two nights ago. The moment the yacht is docked, Free stands on the yacht's railing and examines the condition of their surroundings. "Yep," the pompadour-maned lion said. "This place is a shithole alright." "Watch it," Bingwa scolded the lion scouting the Condemned District. "This 'shithole' as you claim is only one of several districts of Pride City." "The hybrid has a point," Ibuki said as he leans on the railing next to Free with a history book in hand. "This district used to be a bustling area of the city until an urban war was raged between the Kivuli and a private military contractor known as the Black Herd Battalion. The damages and casualties were so devastating, the entire district was damaged beyond repair. That's how the 'Condemned District' came to be."

"I never thought I see part of my parents' hometown in a poor state as this..." Tachibana depressingly said with a tear pouring down his right eye as he walks towards the railing to the right side of Free. "I knew my parents came to Cherryton as refugees, but they've never told me that the district they were born and raised in would end up devastated like this." "It must be heartbreaking for you my cub," Tayama told his initiate as he walks towards the white lion wipes the tear from his initiate's eye using his handkerchief. "But I need you to use this revelation to strengthen yourself and become the strong lion your parents wanted you to be." "I will boss," Tachibana told his boss as his resolve becomes strengthened as he and the rest of the Shishigumi follow their boss out of the yacht and towards Bingwa. "You're earlier than the time you've promised me Tayama," the liolf told the Chief Lion of the Shishigumi as Dolph stands between his boss and Bingwa. "You've got some nerve talking to the chief of the Shishigumi in a causal tone hybrid," The X-scarred lion told Bingwa as he cracks his knuckles while he approaches the liolf.

"I did not call you over here to fight you," Bingwa reminded Dolph and the rest of the Shishigumi. "I merely called you to tell you the truth about my father." "C'mon Dolph," Agata told the older lion as he tries to keep him from attacking Bingwa. "If he's not here to fight, then let's hear him out." "Talk Bingwa," Dolph commanded the liolf. "I need to talk to your boss directly," Bingwa told Dolph and Agata. "This matter is far too sensitive for even elite mobsters like you to handle." "You heard the boy," Tayama said to the other lions. "Get off the yacht and be on the lookout for those Kivuli fuckers." "Yes boss," the lions responded as they give their boss a respectful bow before forming a temporary territory around the abandoned pier. "Not you Tachibana," Tayama stops the white lion from moving away from his side. "You seem to know more about these Kivuli than the others. Maybe you should tell us your encounter with this traitorous group."

Seeing the resemblances of Scar within Bingwa, Tachibana violently kicks him inside of the shed. Breaking open the door in the process. "Hey hybrid!" the enraged lion shouted at the liolf who doesn't try to fight back against his assailant. "You happen to be the bastard seed of the monster that killed my parents, aren't you?" "You're right Tachibana," Bingwa remorsefully admits his relationship with Scar after Tachibana punches him in the face. "I am the son of the lion that caused your family's misery." "Then why are you the one feeling guilty for that fire that burned my parents alive?" Tachibana demanded an answer from the liolf before he begins choking Bingwa out. "That's enough Tachibana," Tayama scolds his newest recruit. "But boss," Before Tachibana could explain, the chief lion readies his pistol and aims it at the white lion's head. "Don't do anything that will make me withdraw my decision to admit you into my family."

"That's it, master," the albino deer thought to himself as he watches the incident involving Bingwa and the Shishigumi descend into violence. "Let the white cub break Bingwa's neck and blow that brat's head off so that we can return to the Back-Alley Market together." Considering that his boss will kill him if he breaks Bingwa's neck, he releases his chokehold on the liolf before Tayama re-holsters his pistol. "Talk!" Tachibana commanded Bingwa while the liolf coughs before catching his breath. The deer became enraged as he witnesses Tachibana release Bingwa and sneaks out of the yacht.

"The Shishigumi are here," Yahya thought to himself as he uses his three-fifty vision to examine the perimeter that the Shishigumi set up around the shed while setting up a sniper position on the roof. "That last Predation has made Bingwa desperate. But that albino stag will try to complicate the issue. He could be a Kivuli double agent within the Shishigumi." As Yahya finishes setting up, he puts on his sunglasses to reduce his vision range before examining the district further using his sniper rifle's scope. "Is that Louis with Gosha's Grandson and Mufasa's son following him? Damn it, Gosha! Why do you have to produce a child that gave birth to a grandson as reckless as you!?"

As Yahya examines the deer's actions through a sniper scope, Louis discovers a golden manhole in the middle of the district's abandoned streets. "This must be where that monster's residing." Louis thought to himself as he takes a crowbar to pry the cover open. Once Louis opens the manhole, Legoshi and Simba catch up to the unsuspecting deer. "Louis!" Legoshi shouted before he grabs Louis's arm before he could lay one finger on the ladder. "It's too dangerous for you to go down there. C'mon, the Drama Club and I need you to come back to the resort." Louis jerks his arm away from Legoshi upon hearing the Drama Club. "I've caused the death of an innocent herbivore," Louis told his stagehand. "There's no future in the Drama Club for me anymore." "What?" Legoshi asked as he watches Louis walk towards the manhole. "Are you serious?" "Listen, Louis," Simba told the deer. "We need to get you out of here before the hyenas find you." "If that trio wants to devour me," Louis retorts to Simba. "They're welcome to try."

"Didn't you enjoy spending more time with your dad and improving your relationship with him prior to Sabrina's Predation?" Legoshi told Louis as he walks towards him after he touches the ladder. "He's become more worried about your safety now more than he-" Louis lands a backhand punch to the left side of Legoshi's face and pistol whips the right side of Simba's face. "Stop acting like you two actually care about me," The deer shouted at the duo. "All two you really are is a wolf walking around behaving like you're weak and a lion who pretends to care about every animal that lives in this society! Nothing more! You two don't have a clue about what life in the Underworld is like!" Louis sighs as he calms himself down. "There's nothing else you two can do for me. I can't let you risk the lives of yourselves and so many other animals in this city just to save me." "No Louis," the deer thinks to himself and he looks down on the ground he's standing on. "Remember what you always tell yourself. You need to believe it even now." "I once believed that lies and deception are vital things we need to maintain peace in our society," Louis told the duo. "But I've realized that there are entities who take advantage of those lies to bring harm upon the innocent these past six days! More innocents are going to end up dead just because you two choose to act weak in order to blend in with society!"

Legoshi responds by clenching his fists in offense towards what Louis told him and Simba while the lion looks at them in shock. "I can clearly understand what you mean when you say that," Legoshi told Louis. "If you really feel that way, then I'll have to show you the type of danger you're about to descend into as Simba and I try to stop you." Legoshi winds his right arm back as he firmly clenches his fist as he moves Louis away from the manhole. "And I'll show you just how angry I am at you!" Legoshi punches Louis and sends him flying towards the abandoned pier that the Shishigumi are guarding. "Hey!" Dolph shouted as he witnesses Louis and Legoshi fight each other. "Why do you have to become a martyr?" Legoshi thought to himself as he and Louis exchange blows with each other. "You own this world." After Louis hits the wolf with his knee, Legoshi ends up backing away into Simba's arms who tries to keep the wolf away from the enraged deer with Agata's help, while Ibuki and Dolph hold Louis in place. "Wouldn't you bother venting out your frustration on letting Sabrina get devoured by getting yourself killed?"

As Louis struggles to break free from the grasp of two Shishigumi lions, he could hear his antlers breaking from his head and falling to the ground between Dolph. "No!" Louis thought to himself as he began to become horrified as he watches Legoshi and the lions witness him shedding his antlers. "Why now!? Why here!?" The memories of his childhood in the Back-Alley Market began to flash in his head as blood began shedding from where his antlers once stood and tears began falling from his eyes. "Why did my antlers choose to shed around a group of Carnivores like this!?" As Ibuki witnesses Louis crying in his arms, the memories of his childhood under similar circumstances also flash within his consciousness. "I understand your pain," Ibuki told the heartbroken and traumatized Louis as tears began to shed from his eyes, prompting him to remove his glasses, jacket, and shirt; exposing the markings on his upper torso. "I know what it's like to be imprisoned and prepared as a commodity."

As Ibuki tries to wipe the tears from Louis's eyes as well as his own, Simba summons his car using the remote he hid in his right pants pocket. "Ibuki!" Tayama yells as he approaches the lions guarding the pier as Bingwa and Tachibana follow him. "What is the meaning of this!?" "It's okay boss," Bingwa told Tayama "The red deer happens to be targeted for predation by my 'father'. He intends to use your clan as a scapegoat while his hyenas get away with the murder of him and my cyberfriends. He'll even blackmail you to force you to maintain your role." Tayama growls in anger upon hearing the truth of his 'friendship' with Scar. When Simba's car arrives, the young lion opens the trunk and retrieves a first aid kit after the car parks. He then opens the kit and begins to treat Louis's wounds. "My curse is already spreading to other animals," Louis said to Legoshi and Simba. "Yet you two still want to stop me from ending it?" "Not like this," Legoshi responded to Louis's question. "We can still find a way to break whatever's plaguing you without getting you killed." "Then stop it," Louis told the two as Simba finishes treating the deer's wounds and bandaging his head. "This is something that I have to confront alone."

Louis then wipes his tears from his eyes before he picks up his antlers and turns his attention towards the Shishigumi members who witnessed his antlers shedding. "I don't want either of you telling anyone else what just happened," Louis told the carnivore crowd that included both Simba and Legoshi. "We won't tell anyone about your antlers," Legoshi told Louis. "But still, we can't let you go to the Underground Black-Market a-" "Just let me go." Louis depressingly interrupted Legoshi with more tears in his eyes before he walks back towards the manhole. "WRONG!" Zazu yelled as he emerged from the manhole in front of Louis. "The only place we're letting you go is back to the resort!" Louis becomes enraged once more as he growls and firmly grips his fallen antlers. "We're way too deep within the Condemned District." "Don't try to stop me Banana Beak!" Louis shouted at Zazu for stopping him from climbing down the open manhole. "That's Mr. Banana Beak to you, Louis!" Zazu snaps back at the now angry deer who wipes the tears off his face using his wrists. "And right now, we are all in very grave danger." Free laughs at Zazu as he closes the manhole using his right foot to move the cover and walks towards the darkened alley. "Danger?" Free brazenly and rhetorically asks "Ha! We Shishigumi thrive in hazardous situations." Free turns around as he removes his jacket and shirt, revealing his tattoos as he turns his back on the alleyway. "We loudly laugh at the face of danger." Free laughs loud enough to echo throughout the Condemned District which incites a response of laughter coming from the alleyway behind Free.

"Free!" Tayama yells at his subordinate as and the rest of the Shishigumi. "Get your ass back over here and help us form a circle around the stag!" Slightly intimidated by the chief lion's tone, Free obeys his boss's order as Simba, Legoshi, and the Shishigumi form a defensive circle around Zazu and Louis while the lions ready their firearms. "Damnit," Bingwa thought to himself as he, the wolf, and lions get information. "I knew I should have brought my katana...", Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed emerge from the alleyway accompanied by drones and clad in motorcycle riding suits with Shenzi's having higher heel boots and revealing her C-cup cleavage. "Well, well, Banzai," Shenzi told her subordinate as the Shishigumi aim their pistols at her as her group approaches them. "What have we here?" "Hmm, I don't really know Shenzi," Banzai responds to his boss's question "Um, what are the drones picking up Ed?" Ed simply responds with hysterical laughter.

"Yeah," Banzai said, "Just what I was suspecting from Tongoza. A traitor and a mob of trespassers!" "And quite by accident," Zazu hesitatingly responds "Let me reassure you." Legoshi and Bingwa begin sniffing around as the hornbill tries to talk the hyenas away from the group. "A minor navigational error in our end." "Woah," Shenzi said as she pins Zazu's tail to the ground using her right foot. "Wait, wait, wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. I recognize you. You happen to be Mufasa's little stooge." "Can you Sabrina's blood on them Legoshi?" Bingwa whispers to the wolf next to him who begins to snarl as his nose confirms her smell on them. "All too well," Legoshi angrily whispers back at the liolf. "For being a hybrid of two natural enemies," Dolph whispers to Bingwa. "It's natural that you would be able to sniff out the blood of that Dall sheep girl." "Well, I madam," Zazu introduces his role to Shenzi. "am the Pride City Beastar's majordomo." "Then that would make you and the little fawn you're hiding..." Banzai says to Simba as Legoshi's carnivore instincts begin to awaken. "Future Beastars." Simba declares to the hyenas circling around the defensive perimeter. "Do you have any idea what we do to Beastars to wander outside of their hometown?" Shenzi asks Simba who instead whispers to Tayama. "Hey Tayama, you have cars inside of that yacht of yours right?" "You're quite perceptive for Mufasa's son," Tayama responds in a whisper. "I need you-" Before Simba could explain his plan, Legoshi tackles Shenzi to the ground in a fit of rage. "Hey, Hyena bitch!" the wolf curses the female hyena. "Did you devour Sab-" "Who do you think you're calling a hyena bitch!?" Banzai angrily asks Legoshi as he shoves the wolf off Shenzi.

"Come Simba," Zazu said as he tries to get Louis into Simba's sports car. "Get Legoshi into the car, it's time for us to go." "Hey, what's hurry?" Shenzi asks after she sits on the roof of the car trying to keep Zazu from opening the driver's side door as she slides down in front of the hornbill. "We would love you and Scar's friends to stay around for dinner." "Yeah," Banzai said to Shenzi while they were unaware of Yahya attaching a grenade launcher under his sniper rifle's barrel. "While Scar feasts on the deer we can enjoy whatever's... lion around." Banzai laughs at his own joke. "Boss," Bingwa whispers to Tayama "We may want to shield our eyes." "Wait," Shenzi told her fellow hyenas while they are distracted with their jokes "Hold on. I got a good one. I got a good one. Why don't you serve me some wolf steaks? What'd you think?" Shenzi laughs as her potential victims shield their eyes from a flashbang grenade being launched in their proximity.

"Now Zazu!" Simba shouted while the hyenas were blinded. "Get Louis and Legoshi in the car!" "Ibuki, Bingwa" Tayama called for Ibuki and Bingwa, "Get in the young lion's car and make sure you keep that deer safe!" "Understood boss," Ibuki acknowledges the chief lion's command. Before Simba could close the car door Ibuki jumps inside of the passenger's seat while Bingwa jumps in the back seat between Zazu and Legoshi. "Gun it, Simba!" Bingwa shouted as Simba locks the car doors and speeds away from the pier. Noticing that the car sped off, Ed mashes Shenzi's back trying to get her attention. "Why are you beating my back like a drum, Ed!?" Shenzi yelled at the hyena who was trying to tell her that Simba's escaping with Louis. "What are you tryin' to tell us!?" "Hey," Banzai said after he looked in the direction Ed was pointing in. "Did Scar order this multi-course dinner to-go?" "No," Shenzi answered. "Why?" "Well fire up the bikes," Banzai said as he and Shenzi spots a red sports car speeding out of the Condemned District. "'Cause there it goes!" The hyenas get on their motorbikes and chase Simba's car. Leaving Tayama and the other Shishigumi at the pier. "Boss, those hyenas are pursuing Ibuki and Bingwa!" Agata yelled. "What are we gonna do!?" "We're intercepting them from the rear," Tayama told the young Congo lion as two black supercars automatically pull up towards them.

While the Shishigumi board their cars, the hyenas pursue Simba's group as they try to escape into the freeway. "The freeway's usually empty around this time of night," Simba said as he drives the car along the freeway after losing his pursuers. "So this should be the safest route back." "Or maybe not," Ibuki said as he catches sight of the hyenas riding motorcycles from the passenger side rearview mirror. "Simba, look in your rearview mirror." "Those hyenas followed us!" Simba said after he takes a glance at three motorcycles coming into view. He then hits the acceleration pedal to speed up to lose track of them. "Keep your scavenging claws away from our Ibuki!" Free yells as he fires a shot from his pistol at the hyenas. Upon noticing a bullet fly towards them, Banzai takes out a submachine gun and returns fire on the lions behind him. "Simba," Legoshi told the lion driving the car. "Shenzi's gaining on us!" Louis rolls down the passenger side window before grabbing his antlers as waits for Shenzi to get within fangs-length of the car. "Louis, what are you doing!?" Simba yelled as the deer prepares for the female hyena to try and bite him before he slashes the right side of her face and her motorcycle with his antlers. The impact causes Shenzi to fall off her bike before it topples on the road. Shenzi growls as she tries to get back on her feet as Ed grabs her left shoulder, allowing her to climb on the passenger's seat of his bike.

"Did we get one of 'em?" Dolph asked as he notices that one bike was damaged as they passed it. "The bitch's blood reeks of hyena and stag," Tayama responded while referring to Shenzi's injury inflicted by Louis's antlers. "That deer must have used his antlers as a weapon to shake her off. Keep on-" "BOSS!" Hino yelled out before the Shishigumi's cars were forced to stop before a burning cockpit from an airplane crashes down in front of them. The only thing the lions could do was look in shock as the road in front of them started to collapse by the impact of the burning debris. "Is this the endgame of my 'King of Beasts' ideology?" Tayama thought to himself as he watches the bodies of both herbivores and carnivores engulfed in flames. "We probably lost them by now," Dolph reported. "What do we do?" "There's nothing we can do now," Tayama responded. "But find somewhere to lay low and wait until Ibuki contacts us." Upset by the horrific sight, the Shishigumi turn their cars around and leave the crash site.

Meanwhile, Simba's car falls into the canal below the interstate trying to escape their pursuers. "Brace yourselves!" Simba yelled as he and his passengers grab on to the most durable handles, they can find to prevent the impact of the fall from injuring them. "Error," the AI's scrambled voice said after Simba's car makes a rough landing. "Unable to restart the engine. Damage levels are too severe. I recommend that you evacuate this vehicle." Noticing that the damage done to the doors was too severe to open manually, Simba and Ibuki kick the doors out of the car before they get out and help the backseat passengers out. The water flowing inside the canal was shallow but deep enough for the car to withstand the impact of the fall. As Legoshi crawls out of the car with Zazu following suit, the wolf gives off a horrified expression as he witnesses the burning cockpit behind Simba's crashed car.

"So many innocent animals," Louis said as he watches the cockpit burn in terror. "burned alive just because they might have contained my Drama Club inside..." "Scar's going to answer and pay for this!" Bingwa angrily commented as he witnesses the flames slowly consume the wreckage. But just as they thought they lost the hyenas; two motorcycles pull up and park four meters away from them and the debris.

"Come here, deerie, deerie, deerie," Banzai beckons the injured Louis as the injured carnivores shield him and Zazu from the hyenas. As an attempt to keep them away, Bingwa attempts to roar at them. Due to him being a hybrid of a lion and a grey wolf, he was unable to let out an authentic roar. "What?" Bingwa thought to himself as he places his hand near his throat when he notices he couldn't roar. "I have lion blood running through my veins. Why can't I let out a roar?" Shenzi sarcastically gasps before asking Bingwa as she and the other hyenas approach them. "Was that it? Ha! Try it again. C'mon." Bingwa inhales before he lets out a wolf's howl. The hyenas were shocked at the authenticity of Bingwa's howl before a pipe knocks the trio away from their potential prey. Miyagi and Mufasa engage the hyenas in a bloody brawl when a bamboo dart hits Ed as he tries to bite Mufasa. Simba tends to his friend's injuries while his father fights the hyenas with Miyagi and Gouhin. The fathers manage to pin down Banzai and Shenzi while Gouhin holds down Ed with his right boot while aiming his crossbow at the hyena's head.

"I should have known that you three were responsible for devouring that sheep girl," Gouhin said while Banzai and Shenzi begin pleading for their lives knowing what Gouhin might do to them while Ed cowers in fear. "SILENCE!" Mufasa roars and Miyagi barks at the trio of hyenas. "Okay we're gonna shut up right now," Banzai said in response. "Oh, about that..." Shenzi tries to come up with a response. "We're really sorry for what happened to that lamb." "If you ever bring harm to our families again..." Mufasa threatens the hyenas. "Wait those kids are your family?" Shenzi asked Mufasa. "All yours?" Banzai asked before he nervously laughed. "Did you know that?" Shenzi turned his attention to Banzai. "No, I-I-I-I didn't know," Banzai stutters at the thought of Louis and Legoshi being Mufasa's godsons. "You?" "No," Shenzi said in response. "Of course not. No." The two hyenas turn their attention to the hyena being held down by Gouhin. "Ed?" Ed simply nods Yahya fires a warning shot at them as Mufasa roars, causing the hyenas to cower. "You three have made a nemesis out of Sabrina's boyfriend," Gouhin told the trio. "I suggest you three get lost before he turns you into fertilizer for Yahya's carrot patch." "I'd hate to end up being the Black Devil's carrot food so..." Shenzi said as she turns towards Banzai who simply says "Toodles," before all three hyenas sprint towards their motorbikes and drive away from the crash site.

Taking responsibility for what happened to Simba, Ibuki gives Mufasa a deep apologetic bow. The older lion simply responds in a glare towards the Shishigumi lion. "Dad, I never-" "You deliberately disobeyed me." Mufasa interrupts his son while turning his stern glare towards his son as the city's fire department arrives to put out the flames burning behind Simba and his group. "But Mufasa," Louis tries to appeal to his godfather. "The fault was mine for wanting to confront Scar in the-" "We'll talk about this in the Future District." Gouhin interrupts Louis as he tries to explain what happened. "Shishigumi, you're coming with us." "Louis had a-" "I don't want to hear it, Legoshi," Miyagi interrupts his son as Yahya approaches the group as a carrier VTOL lands within a moderate distance away from the group. "Come with us. Now." Miyagi boards the VTOL after the rear hatch opens. "Zazu," Mufasa called the hornbill towards his presence as Legoshi shamefully boards the vessel. "Yes, sire?" Zazu nervously asked his master. "Board the VTOL with my son," Mufasa commands his servant. "I need to hold an impromptu meeting with Tayama." Zazu walks towards Simba who tries to hide from his father. "Come Simba," Zazu told the young lion as he walks towards the VTOL. Simba hangs his head as he walks towards the VTOL followed by Yahya.

As VOTL closes the hatch and takes off, the albino deer watches from a rooftop near the crash site as an Egyptian Cobra slithers towards him. "Looks like the hyenas failed to capture that fragile little Bambi Ushari," the deer told Ushari as the cobra coils around his body. "I guess we all underestimated the extent of the Wolf's Wrath." "It appears that we'll have to deal with the head lions as well as Louis after the deadline," Ushari said "I'm sure you have the perfect method to deal with them Tongoza." "Of that, you're never wrong," Tongoza responds as Ushari slithers away from him before he stands up, exposing his nude body to the cityscape surrounding him. "Sumu," the albino deer calls for a black humanoid scorpion, who is as tall as a large carnivore, to walk towards him. "I have a particular need for a portion of your venom. Just enough coat a small blade." "Anything you require, I shall provide," Sumu told Tongoza as he gives him a formal bow before he opens his four crimson eyes.

Chapter 16: The Wolf's Wrath

* * * 2 Days Until Scar's Deadline * * * After the area around the crash site was evacuated and the fires extinguished, an enraged Trisha clad in military fatigues marches within a base on the far outskirts of Pride City towards a spire within the...

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Chapter 14: The Tragedy of Sabrina and Pina

4 Days Until Scar's Deadline * * * Upon opening a door to what appears to be a corporate building, Legoshi sniffs the aroma permeating from the flowers being grown within the front lobby. "The floral arrangements of this building smells even stronger...

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Chapter 13: A Lion's Bear

4 Days Until Scar's Deadline * * * During a dark rainy night where his Drama Club peers are sound asleep, a brown bear who was just out of the shower could do nothing but look at his reflection in the mirror as he takes a glance at the medication...

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