Meeting Mika - Chapter 1 - The Meet Part 1

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#1 of Meeting Mika (OC)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

Seen knew that the second he saw the picture of the pretty green eyed cabbit he was going to be balls deep within the other while wild moans would be let out for all to hear. Those wide, innocent orbs of deepest jade had captured him, ensnaring the young man's lust to the point that he ached with the need to be inside of the warmth of the younger "girls" bottom. It was almost too delicious for the dire bear as he licked his lips while sitting on the plane headed towards the land of the rising sun. Just six months ago the older bear had stumbled over the younger cabbit one day while hunting online for some new slut to sink his dick into, all twenty-six inches had not been neglected with the coming of school.

In finding the other, Seen was actually amazed by how pretty the other had been. He had actually been fooled into thinking that Mika was a girl, with those long eyelashes of his, that pouty mouth, and those oh so adorable ears of his, that the dire bear had been quite surprised by the 'extra added' assets belonging to the other. The thought actually made the young dire bear shiver somewhat in anticipation, Seen wasn't sure he actually wanted to know. It really didn't help his mental struggle at all to have his cock rise up to put in its two cents. His long, turgid member, the mushroomed head throbbing while spitting pre-come up from its tip, had clouded the poor dire's bear's mind as he imagined himself and Mika together. "Her" screaming under him as she begged for more and more of his cock... she'd be a nice addition to his collection

The two of them writhing in hot lust together while on the floor of the cabbit's hardwood floor. Being japanese, or rather living in Japan, Seen had been given a online visual of the younger boy's room, via webcam. The sight of the large futon that lay sprawled onto the bedroom floor next to the medium sized potted plant underneath the only window in the room had made Seen chuckle. Of course, that was until he imagined himself holding up Mika against said window, the other's tiny hands scraping at the glass as the dire bear speared him onto the end of his large cock. The breathy moans that cabbit would make, sounding so much like prayers from a wounded soul, rang inside of Seen's ears making the dire bear chub more than once in various embarrassing settings.

He could still hear his friend's laughing at him after the dire bear had grew hard while sitting with them in the middle of the concession stand at school. The fact that the crotch of his pants almost always exploded with his girth, a hot stream of sticky pre-cum oozing down the left side of his pant leg on down to the sole of his shoe had been the bane of Seen's existence.

Never once had anyone warned the young bear that having a massive dick with twin balls wider than the palm of his would be a bad thing. But now Seen could attest to how annoying it could be at times. Especially during gym. It seemed as though it was a continuous fight with Seen not to get hard while practicing sports with his fellow teammates. The suspicion that he might have certain homosexual inclination never once crossed Seen's mind, what with other boys growing hard the same as he during practices. Yet, when one had a dick big enough that it actually came up past the navel...well...

Seen was very glad he knew how to fight, because more than once had someone made an ill-placed comment, or touch that had resulted in him punching another. One in particular fight had come about after the dire bear's rival, a well built tiger supporting a ten inch cock, had grabbed onto Seen's butt after class; calling him a fag for always chubbing around the other guys. Detention had been well worth the price of seeing the feline's face after his fist drove into the other's left cheek. Of course, the gym teacher hadn't thought so.

Seen grunted as he looked down at himself, his tray table over his lap in an ill-fated attempt to try and contain his currently rising erection. Growing a stiffy inside of the arcade was really enough to make Seen think about wearing some kind of strap just to keep his errant phallus under control. However, he could usually just brush himself up against the cool metal of the game machines to silence his pleading arousal. Yet, at this moment, with his constrictive clothing folding his pulsing cock into itself, the dire bear could only whimper as he tried to imagine everything unsexy he could imagine just so that he could get some much needed relief.

And just like he knew, his treacherous brain decided to relay memories of Mika, the younger cabbit with his slim body, button cute face, long, floppy ears and pinchable rump dancing erotically for the other. That had been something of a gag that Seen had conned the younger man into after he had goaded the cabbit into getting naked one day during their live chats. The sight of the other's flat chest had been a curiosity to Seen while down below the spectacle of seeing the Mika's three inch penis rising up to its full four inch hardness had made the dire bear cock an eye ever so slightly.

Now as he bit his lip while trying to do everything in his power to keep from wriggling in place in his seat, Seen wished he could block out those images. Needless to say, the stewardess had come to ask him if everything was alright more than once as she, an older lady panda, looked on in concern over the younger ursine. Telling her that the flight was making him feel somewhat tense, the older woman had understood and had given Seen a small cup full of something that wasn't quite juice. A small sip made the dire bear feel both calm and fuzzy all over as an unfamiliar warmth spread through him like a wildfire.

By the time the plane touched down in Nippon Seen felt a lot calmer than he had when he had first taken his flight from the good old US of A. So, of course, when Mika and his parents came to pick the young dire bear up, they were pleasantly surprised to find Seen, slightly tipsy, but coherent enough to fluently speak the native language.

"I apologize, but my nerves brought a bit of drink my way," Seen said, his voice holding strong, despite the fact that his eyes were a bit glassy and his face held a lopsided smile on his black and white muzzle.

"Someone let you drink?" Mika's mother, a lapin female, asked in horror as she looked down at the younger man she was to house for the next month and a half. The polite way the older woman put her dainty hand to her lips, the widening of her pale green eyes, showing the slightly inebriated dire bear that the woman was both aghast and enraged at the lack of decorum that was held within the airline community.

"Ohhh, don't worry about it, beloved," Mika's father, a strong feline, waved, the older man understanding completely what it was like to need some liquid courage to get over an out of the ordinary adventure like flying. "I'm sure that Seen-chan is more than man enough to handle a couple of drinks," The look the older cat gave the dire bear got through the haze of inebriation loud and clear.

"Yes, I am," Standing tall and proud, Seen gave the older woman a full bow, keeping himself low and in perfect posture in order to make it clear to her that he was not lying.

Mika's mother gave both her husband and Seen a disbelieving look, but at the seeing Seen rise back up to stare at her, a chipper smile on his face, the older rabbit decided to relent on the situation...for now at least.

Getting through the airport and to Seen's luggage was something of an adventure, especially considering that there was a small mix up as there was another Syn within the airport coming from the same direction. Though the difference in the spelling of the name eventually ended up sorting that situation out. Out of the airport the three made their way to the family van, the absence of Mika was immediately noted by Seen.

"He decided to stay home to begin organizing...something he called a surprise for the both of you." Mika's mother said, quickly catching the dire bear's attention. "Haha, he said that you liked surprises, so..."

Seen did indeed like surprises, though he mostly enjoyed those that ended with him in favorable situations. Namely, with him in control of a situation that could only be called erotic. But then again, he did favor the odd party and social get together. He was still a middle school boy, after all, and nothing excited young men more than the chance to do something outlandish, if not altogether crazy.

"Is there anything you can tell me about what Mika-chan has planned?" The need to know made the dire bear feel somewhat overeager, his stub of tail wagged like mad behind him. Not that the seat he was in was making this situation any better, despite the plush leather of the back seat area Seen was seated on.

"No." the father said simply. His voice was strong, and held enough authority to it that it made Seen quiet down. Turning his head, the dire bear watched as Mika's father drove them from the airport onto the highway, which was somewhat busy, but not as much as it could have been, given that it was Monday afternoon.

The weather was overall pleasant today, the sky was only slightly dusted with the gray haze of fog, something for which Seen was immensely pleased to see, having come from a major metropolis where the sky seemed to always be black instead of blue from the smog festering within the air. The scents on the wind, the car window having been rolled down enough to allow the fragrances of the world to blow into Seen's nostrils made the dire bear feel as though a slight weight was being lifted from off of his shoulders. Perhaps, being away from home was the best thing that the bear could ask for, what with the summer rolling around and tensions running high within the city in which Seen lived.

There had been a slight rise in crime in the last few weeks, something for which the media blamed on youngsters, such as himself, having too much free time on his hands. Lack of discipline had also been brought into light, but mostly waved off by the political bodies looking to try to do damage control. Not that this mattered to Seen, not being in another country. It took about an hour to get from the airport down to the rural area in which Mika and his parents lived. The changing of the numerous structures which made up Nippon threw the dire bear for something of a loop, seeing towering scrapers dot the sky transform into tiny, but cozy, buildings where numerous anthromorphs lives put a small smile onto Seen's features.

Once they got to the small home in which the rabbit and cat adult resides, Mika's father cut the engine to the van after pulling the machine into the driveway. It took Seen maybe a couple of seconds to realize the enormity behind the truth that he was actually going to be living within another country, the dire bear felt a strange stirring inside of his heart, as though his chest was about to explode.

"Are you ok, Seen?" Mika's mother asked just as she was about to take her first step out of the van, he door was wide open and her hand was still on the door handle.

"Yes, ma'am," The bear smiled as he replied to the question. "I'm just a little..." What was he? Surprised? Shocked? Scared?

"Overwhelmed?" Mika's father finished for him.

"Yes, sir." Seen answered after taking a moment to contemplate the response. "I think I'll be okay, though," If there was one thing Seen was sure of, it was the fact that he could handle almost anything...given enough time.

"That's good, but you should make sure to call your parents to let them know that you made it here safely," The statement was more of an order from Mika's mother. The older woman taking over role as matron even before she got him into her home.

"Yes, ma'am." Seen chuckled. 'This is going to be wild.' He thought with amusement.

Getting out of the van and stretching, Seen looked around the area and noted how very...suburban the entire scene of the neighborhood was. Though Mika's family lived in somewhat of a country setting, there were a good number of houses all lined up together in a row going down the street as far as the eye could see. Turning to look at the abode for which the dual species family lived, the dire bear could blinked in thinly veiled amusement at the red roofed house for which the family lived.

"We hope you'll enjoy yourself here, Seen-san." The older cat said, his voice mixed with a touch of pride and inquiry as it was obvious that he was worrying over housing the American bear for the next few weeks.

"It will be fine," Seen replied, his voice holding strong even as he walked to go and get his luggage from out of the back of the family's van. Once he had his case in hand, the dire bear was led by the older couple into the house, and then...

"Mika, we're home!" the cabbit's mother called as she removed her shoes to replace them with wooden sandals.

Noting Mika's father doing the same, Seen was suddenly very thankful that he had brought his own slippers with him, remembering that the Japanese prided themselves on keeping their floors clean.

Setting his suitcase onto the ground, Seen made motions to take off his shoes when the steady tapping of feet met his rounded ears. The dire bear, instantly on alert, turned just in time to see the figure of a delightfully cute cabbit boy wearing a t-shirt and pair of shorts come running out of a nearby hallway.

"Mika," the older rabbit female called, her voice barking an admonishment to her only child. "What have I said about running in the house?" The little cabbit, ears lowering as he dropped the smile that had been planted onto his muzzle, quickly bowed low before,

"I apologize, mother." Mika's voice was like smooth silk, and it made a shiver run through the lower end of Seen's spine.

'He's going to be a treat to be around,' Seen thought, the other boy enjoying the sight of the little cabbit's pert nose wiggling like mad as the other pulled himself up to smile lopsidedly at the dire bear. 'Oh, most definitely.' Seen could already imagine the two of them having so much fun during the summer months that were already getting ready to roll around.

"Hello, Mika-chan," Seen bowed before the other, letting his front half dip down low while his eyes kept themselves lifted so that the dire bear could get a good survey over the smaller form before him.

Just as what had been expected from their webcam sessions, Mika was both much shorter, as well as much slimmer than Seen. Maybe about a good ten to fifteen pounds, if the dire bear had to guess offhandedly. That was going to be something very useful for the ursine later on.

"I'm happy to meet you in person, Seen-chan," Mika lowered himself, his floppy ears almost touching the bigger bear from where the two of them stood apart before both young men rose up to stare at each other.

The look that the two shared spoke of many things to come, many of them which would be unspoken, however, what was said next was,

"Do you want to come to my room?" Mika asked.

It took all of Seen's willpower now to chub right there. The thought of being inside of the place where he planned to make slow, sweet love to the young cabbit was something that the dire bear had dreamt over for the past few months that he had first met the other. However, Seen knew that it would be a while before that happened, after all, he needed the right opportunity to allow him the chance to make his dreams a reality.

"If that's okay with your parents?" Seen turned to regard the couple watching the two of them, or rather Seen carefully. The unsure expression that flittered across the older rabbit's face made the ursine wonder if he had played his hand wrong, but once he saw her dip her eyes up to look into his eyes, a familiar haze coloring her jade orbs, Seen couldn't help but to chuckle at bit.

'This will be a much more interesting trip than I originally thought,' a lick along the rim of his lower lip met the older lapin's gaze before Seen turned away to look up at the father. The older cat didn't seem to be too concerned about Seen as he waved for the younger man to go with his daughter. The older couple having long since accepted Mika's gender identity, though much of the world had not.

"You may..." The older feline didn't even get a chance to get out the 'go' before the two young children took off like rockets through the house to the hallway and into the bedroom that had been given to Mika after his birth.

Moving around the room in which he had gotten to, Seen quickly put his clothes and other items he had brought from home into Mika's closet, as the two had discussed that he would a week prior to the dire bear's trip through the skies to Nippon. A futon was pulled out of the same closet, the sleeping pallet would belong to Seen during his stay, as there wasn't much extra space for the bear inside of the two bedroom home. Setting the pallet down beside Mika's own, the two friends proceeded to move themselves over to where the richest treasure that could be found in a young person's life was kept and then...

"I call first arena!" Mika cried as he switched on the game console, his tail happily wagging behind him as he popped in the latest fighter which he had begged his parents for just three weeks prior.

"Fine, but winner gets to decided where we play next," Seen was confident that he would win since it was very rare that he ever lost when it came to fighting simulations.

Two hours later the dire bear found that he would have to brush up on his button mashing techniques. Mika had proven to the other boy that he was no slouch when it came to exploiting the moves of manner of the characters within the game. It also didn't help that the settings for where they fought worked against Seen for the first few battles. Surprise traps hidden on the different levels made it so that the dire bear had to maneuver around both the screen and the cabbit's characters as he tried to find an effective way to beat the other.

By the time the dire bear felt that he was able to find a rhythm which he could safely say was effective for his playstyle...there was a call from the outside of the room,

"Mika. Seen-chan. Come, dinner is ready." And like true boys...

"AWWWW!!!!" Both cried out, totally unhappy with the fact that their shared moment was about to come to an end because of something as annoying as a bodily need. However, two grumbling tummies decided to introduce their counter argument to the situation at hand and sure enough, both cabbit and dire bear moved to pause their game and then go and eat.

Japanese cuisine was something slightly new for Seen, the bear was sure how to feel about having octopus at first, but soon he found himself enjoying the chewy bit of seafood, though he did have to ask for the salt to be passed from over the table for which the family sat. Thankfully, neither of Mika's parents were all that traditional, so the four of them sat in chairs instead of on the floor.

"Are you enjoying yourself here, Seen-chan?" The older male cat asked after swallowing his bit of rice.

"Yes, I am so far," The dire bear didn't feel a need to lie as he was indeed having a very good time of things. 'Though, I'll be enjoying myself a lot more later on,' This fact was completely missed by almost everyone present, save for the ursine as Seen turned his gaze to watch a happy Mika chewing on a mix of rice and octopus. The bear had long since come to realize that he would probably end up having to walk on eggshells for a while before he tried to make any intimate advances on the younger boy. His usual strategy would be quite ineffective here in this foreign land, what with him not having anywhere else to go until it came time for him to return home.

"That's good." The cat said, drawing Seen's attention away from his daughter. "We want to take you both out tomorrow since its going to be an off day for the both of us," Mika's father nodded to his wife, who was busy munching on some kind of green, lettuce-like article of food, her lapin's stomach not able to tolerate any sort of animal flesh.

"Oh realy?!" Mika pipped up, the cabbit just barely swallowing what was in his mouth before he snapped his head around to stare at his father. Bright green eyes sparkled like stars during the midnight hour as Mika's floppy ears flopped back and forth wildly. "Can we go to the arcade?!" that bit caught Seen's attention, having heard more than a few positive declarations on the subject of Japanese video centers.

"I was thinking," that usually trouble in Seen's book, as when older adults thought, there came with it painful ideas for which younger people, such as himself, were more than likely going to end up coming to regret days afterwards. "That maybe we could show Seen-chan around a few of the local shrines." When no other information was forthcoming both boys turned to sigh in defeat.

It was a well known code that when parents didn't add anything more to the subjects being said, that negotiations were probably not going to happen. And true enough, the rest of dinner followed with polite small talk, most of which revolved around Seen's feelings about being in a new country and if he were feeling ill. There was a somewhat notoriety that followed with foreigners becoming ill because of the sudden change in the climate from one hemisphere of the earth to the other.

"No, I feel fine," Seen answered, his wide eyes blinked in true disbelief at the thought of himself getting sick. He had a tough immune system, at least, according to his eight years of life standard.

"Let us know if you feel as though you need anything, alright?" Mika's mother said, and Seen couldn't help but to roll his gaze towards the older woman. "We don't want to send you home bad off, that would be terrible."

"Yes, it would," Seen could have sworn that he heard...

"Alright. Make sure that the two of you head to bed early tonight," That drew the dire bear's attention. "I want to get out early tomorrow." Mika's father said.

"Yes, papa," Mika replied dutifully as he continued to eat his meal.

The rest of the hour passed in silence, save for the audible sounds of munch. Once the food was finished, dishes washed, compliment of Mika and Seen offering to clean them by hand, the four anthromorphs went to their respective bathrooms, Mika having his own much smaller one for which he had to share with Seen. Cleaning up, but saving a bath for another night, the two boys brushed their teeth, shut off the game they had left running, and then got into their jammies.

"Hey, Seen," the dire bear cocked an eyebrow as he turned his face to gaze at the younger cabbit slipping into his bedroll. "I'm glad you came over."

"Thanks for inviting me, Mika," The dire bear chuckled as he watched the other boy blush, a crimson stain turning the cabbit's brownish fur copper. "I think I'm going to have so much fun here." Mika bounced inside of his sleeping pallet at that, the heavy quilt on top of him making the other only get a few centimeters before the cabbit settled down for sleep.

Seen, after getting into his own futon, sighed and then reached up to curl his arms together behind his head. Too many thoughts raced behind the other youth's eyes as he thought over just how he was going to have to handle himself in the days that were to follow. Turning his head to regard his playmate, Seen grumbled a low rumble as he felt a familiar pressure build up down in between his legs.

'Not tonight,' He chided his body, his fourteen inches actually aching for the chance to delve inside of a warm lapin body. It didn't help much that Mika began to snore somewhat cutely, the noise the other made only serving to remind the bear that of another sound he could probably fish out from the cabbit.

'This is gonna be a hell of a summer vacation.' Seen groused before he huffed and then turned to face away from the other youth. Closing his eyes several seconds after he could harmonize himself with the flow of Mika's breathing, the dire bear reached down and began to fist his pulsing erection, praying all the while that he would not come in his sleep.


Later on into the evening Seen found himself needing to get up to take a piss; this was not so surprising to the young dire bear because he had had a lot to drink during dinner. Getting up, stumbling through the darkened house, and making his way into the gloom of the bathroom, Seen found his way to the toilet. A release of his bladder later and the dire bear was out of the bathroom, the wall light he had found before entering getting flicked off beforehand, and then back the ursine went to the room he was sharing with Mika. Now, as stated before, this was all as to be expected. However, when the young dire bear returned he was greeted to a sight he had not been prepared to see.

"Mika?" Seen whispered, his voice having to be kept low in case his shocked voice happened to wake up the cabbit's parents. "What are you doing?" The dire bear watched as the younger girl rubbed her eyes somewhat sleepily, the night shirt she had on trailing down the edge of her shoulder to reveal a hint of the creamy light brown fur the younger cabbit possessed.

The fact that Mika just happened to be lying atop Seen's bed, the other being stretched out in a very...provocative way, made the dire bear feel tense all of a sudden.

"I was waiting for you to get back." The mousey whisper of the other's voice quickly killed the arousal that was budding within the ursine's groin.

"Oh, well, I....uh, that is..." Seen wasn't sure what to say. Reaching back to rub at the unkempt fur of his scalp, the dire bear cocked his head to the side as he tried to think up something witty and clever to say. The fact that his brain had decided to remain asleep while he was busy doing so did work in the dire bear's favor.

What Mika did next, though, made up for the lack of cleverness Seen was failing to produce. The little cabbit, with his body still laid out before the somewhat older boy, curled himself around, dipping his little fingers into the rim of his nightie pants, and then pushed them down over his fair rump. The sight of the smooth tannish fur of the younger girl's bottom being put on display rapidly resurrected Seen's erection. Not even the appearance of the young cabbit's miniature sized cock could cause the dire bear's fourteen inch maleness to subside.

"Mika, seriously, what are you doing?" Seen had to lick his lips as he felt his mouth fill with cotton. Dark brown eyes watched with more than a little hunger as the cabbit girl moaned while rolling the fabric of her clothing down the sides of her legs, kicking them off and away before turning to face her friend.

"Getting comfortable." Mika smiled timidly as she spoke, her big green eyes batting somewhat playfully up at Seen as she did.

"I can't say that its all that hot tonight," The lump in Seen's pants was getting so big now that it looked like a circus was trying to set up business within the dire bear's pants. "So what are you trying to get comfortable for exactly?"

"You." The reply was so simple that Seen was thrown back a bit. Normally, Mika was somewhat painfully shy, this having been proven to the dire bear after having spent the past few months getting to know the other online. So, of course, the ursine was very much awed by the other as Mika twisted around, folding herself into a very...revealing position - leaf tailed ass being raised up into the air while the little girl's tight looking pucker in between Mika's behind winked at Seen.

Usually, Seen wasn't one to mess with boys, it just wasn't his thing, though he had no prejudice against those who did. It really just meant more pussy for him, as he liked to think. So naturally it should have made his, now erect cock, should have dropped like a sack of rice to see the younger cabbit's mirco sized dick growing hard in between the other's legs. Yet, over the time that the two had come to know each other, Seen had come to see Mika as the young girl the cabbit often wished that she was. This meant that the dire bear's perverted cerebral matter, aka his brain, was getting quite the workout as he imagined the little girl in all sorts of 'fun' positions. Not having a cunt only made Seen edit out certain 'uncomfortable' scenes that flashed themselves within his mind.

"Oh really?" The dire bear asked while making his way over to the now blushing cabbit. "And uh, just what were you hoping that I was going to do for you?" When Mika turned away to mutter something underneath her throat, Seen quickly turned up his ears into the other's direction. "Can you say again? I couldn't make that out."

"I said..." Mika breathed, the shudders racking her slim form making it look like she was shivering from the cold. "I don't know." Bright green eyes looked up at the dire bear with part confusion and part amour as the cabbit curled her knees up into her chest, her lithe looking fingers interlacing with one another as she folded her arms around herself.

Seen took a small pause at that. Now, honestly, the older boy knew that what he was about to do was somewhat wrong, what with taking advantage of Mika in such a way as he would any woman who lingered too long within his grasps. However, at the same time, Mika had been the one to start all of this, and the dire bear was not one to leave certain things undone. Making his way over to the other, Seen knelt down onto his futon, crawling his way over to Mika as he did so.

"I have a couple ideas we could try, if you're not afraid, that is." though she might be a girl in mind, male pride was not one to be denied, especially when there a challenge to be upheld.

"I'm not afraid." The smile on Seen's face grew so large the other looked like the Joker.

"The how about you come and sit on daddy bear's lap?" Seen had this 'thing' about considering himself a 'daddy', not the actually fathering type, but more of the robust ursine male archetype. It might have had something to do with the amount of testosterone that constantly bubbled within his nutsack, or it could have just been than that he was a dirty, young perv. Either way, Seen knew that he was going to enjoy himself as he watched Mika uncurl herself, arms dropping to her side listlessly, as the young cabbit made her way over to where Seen was now seated crosslegged.

The sight of the dire bear's massive hardness leaking precum against the fabric of his pants made it obvious that the other boy was getting excited by what was happening, however, when Mika saw Seen pull down said legwear the cabbit was more than a little wowed by what she saw.

"You're big." It was more a statement of acceptance than surprise since Mika had seen Seen naked more than once during their times as penpals online.

"Come over here so you can feel it." Seen curled one of his fingers up and over to draw the young cabbit into his embrace.

Once she was close enough Seen had no problem reaching out to draw the younger girl up and into his lap; the demure weight that the cabbit possessed felt almost as though the dire bear was picking up a small bundle of leaves. Mika giggled as she was hefted up and then held aloft. A quiet hiss from the older boy hushed the other, though. They still had to contend with the fact of the matter that Mika's parents were just two doors down the hall. An understanding nod later and the cabbit girl was slowly settled onto Seen's lap, the two front to front as the dire bear snuggled his friend underneath his neck.

"You like this?" The heftiness of the younger male cock against her back made Mika moan just a touch. She had never before known what it was like to be so...intimate with another before, her own parents were somewhat prudish, but that was somewhat typical of the japanese household.

"Uh-huh." Mika nodded, her head bouncing back into the thick glands of Seen's own meaty phallus. "You're really big, Seen." The smile on the dire bear's face grew just a touch.

"Thanks. Why don't you turn around so you can get a better look." The suggestion was met with a sort of ironic happening as the bigger ursine forcibly turned the willowy cabbit around without her consent. Not that Mika minded this, she found some relief in the strength that the older boy seemed possessed as it made her

Once her face was flush with Seen's erection, that safety quickly turned into a strange form of embarrassment. Seen's cock was huge. There was no denying that, especially not given Mika's own demure form. The juice beginning to dribble out from the other's slit wasn't helping to make the young cabbit feel any better about the situation; the musky scented bear sauce was so pungent that it cause Mika to feel lightheaded for some reason.

"What?" Seen asked as he noticed his younger friend shaking her head for some reason. "Are you ok?" The last thing he needed right then was for Mika to get weirded out on him. Or worst, call her parents.

"My head feels funny." The groan the cabbit let out made Seen realize something.

"Oh that's all?" Mika turned her face back so that she could look the older boy into the eye. "Why don't you try licking my dick, that'll probably make you feel better." Seen knew that it was a sneaky thing to do, but the dire bear really didn't care at the moment.

And the feeling of Mika, her head turning around, tiny button of a nose pressing against the glands of his cock as she took a whiff of the dire bear's heady scent, just made it all better for the older boy. Yet nothing could compare with the feeling of Mika opening her mouth, her muzzle far too small for what she was attempting, and then lowering her maw over and along the mushroom that was the head of Seen's dick. The first touch of the other's warm tongue made it so that ursine bucked his hips without meaning to, his body being set afire by the feel of Mika's hot organ over and along his own throbbing manhood.

"Ohhhh, yes." Seen hissed, his eyes screwing shut before parting into slits. "Keep going."

Mika obeyed without question, moving her head down and then up, using what she had already learned from the internet, as well as her experiences with some of the toys her mother had. Gracing her tongue over and down the length of the pulsing vein running down the length of Seen's fuckstick, Mika curled her mouth over the fullness of the dire bear, well as much as she could anyway, making sure to keep her teeth well out of the way. The first swallow that she made, her cheeks sucking inwards while her head pushed down made it so that the young cabbit began to slowly suck away at the ursine's shaft. Being as young as she was, however, there wasn't much Mika could take before the fullness of the dire bear's mushroom hit the back of her throat.

The gag that she made, her eyes widening to almost saucer-like widths, caused her to make rumbling vibrations over and along Seen's cock. Like a chain reaction, Seen grunted as he hefted his hips forward, sending more of his cock crashing into Mika. The flailing motions the other made a few seconds later were enough to cause a halt to everything.

"Oops, sorry about that, Mika." Seen chuckled nervously as he pulled his hips down, his cock popping from the other's muzzle as he did so. "Kinda got excited there."

"I can tell." the cabbit said with some amusement as she turned to look at the other. "Maybe we should change positions?" The sudden shift in the cabbit's demeanor had the ursine blinking in surprise, his face freezing in shock for several moments.

"O...k..." Never one to turn down an offer for some physical relief, "How do you want to do this?"

Mika, taking a note from Seen's book, decided to show the dire bear what she wanted. Moving from off of the other, making her way so that she was left crawling over on top of the futon they both were sitting on, the cabbit flicked her naked tail twice before turning around to smile somewhat saucily at the dire bear. "How about you come over here and lay down while I lay on top of you?" Seen was in motion before he could think about what he was doing.

The rapidfire movements of two bodies trying to reposition each other into the correct manner ended with Seen on his back, his head propped by the combination of both his and Mika's pillows being set underneath his head, while the little cabbit moved so that she was head first into the other's groin.

"Good bear," Mika teased, a hint of dominance showing where none usually presented itself.

Seen let the comment slide, though, as he wasn't really sure how to handle it. For his compliance, Mika turned and then moved her face down so that she could run her muzzle under the shadow of the dire bear's cock over and alongside the other's balls. If the musky scent of the ursine's cock was strong then what she found in between the crux of her friend's legs was even more powerful. The scent, mixed with sweat and pheremones made it so that ever sniff and lick - something that the younger cabbit made due with as she tongued along Seen's massive orbs - was so thick and wonderful that it made the little cabbit feel...hungry. The first quiet little nip she took was rewarded with a yelp from the bigger male, Seen arching up like a shot before coming back down with a thump.


"Shhh, you'll wake my dad up; he's a light sleeper, you know." Mika said softly. The words felt like a dead weight in the dire bear's mind. His eyes turned to look at the door that separated their room from the outside world and instantly Seen was filled with a cold sense of dread. There was nothing less he needed in life than for him to be caught with the older man's daughter. That had been an experienced Seen had lived to regret.

The cute little chuckle Mika made was not really appreciated by Seen, the dire bear grunted like his fearl kin before he was left moaning as the younger cabbit went back to work pleasing his man bits. Specifically, Mika laved a few simple strokes of her moist tongue along the spheres of both of his nuts, the wrinkled skin pulling back and then slipping forward as the head from the cabbit's mouth caused Seen's testicles to roll around wildly. A snort from the dire bear found the cabbit moving her way up and down, her hands lifted up to rub along the fourteen inch turgid dick that was now drooling like its owner. The wet stains of precum that dripped down the side of Seen's cock, much thinner than his cum, but no less plentiful, made for a very interesting lube for Mika to use as she twined her fingers around the phallus as best she could while moving said digits up and down.

Slowly at first, but soon growing faster as her confidence began to grow, Mika pumped at Seen hard enough to get the dire bear's hips moving, the massive thighs bumping up and down against the mattress beneath the two loud enough to actually make a cool thumping noise,

"Mika...ahhh...." Seen sounded as though he were trying to get something out from in between his lips, but the cabbit's mouth slurping over his balls, the sensitive orb sloshing audibly with cum as it grew somewhat larger, made it so that the dire bear's tongue swelled within his muzzle. "Ahhhahhhh..."

Mika was smart, however. She knew exactly what it was that her friend wanted as she could all but feel Seen's rapid heart beating like crazy from the blood pumping frantically inside of rumbling cock. The pleasure she was receiving from rubbing herself against the naked bear's chest was enough to make her think about just getting the other off as she was, but that wouldn't have been fair to Seen. So, pulling herself back from the other's now very wet left nut, Mika backed herself up, her tail going so far as to smack against the older boy's chin as her glee from what she was doing overtook her, hands trailing away from the massive cock which stood almost half as tall as she did, and then looked at what she had done.

Seen's cock was throbbing so hard that it seemed as though one proper poke would cause it to spout like a geyser. The gushing head, precum welling up and then spitting out in small torrents, rained down onto the side of the ursine's fourteen inch manhood, thankfully none of it having gotten into the cabbit's headfur. Turning to tease the other boy just a little bit, Mika found, much to her disappointment, that Seen was in no shape to be messed with. His eyes were clenched so tight that it looked as though the other was in exaggerated pain while his fingers were wrapped tightly around the ends of the futon. Muzzle wrinkled back into an angry snarl as drool cascaded down the sides of his cheeks, Seen looked like a beast out of a nightmare as he grunted while pumping his hips up slowly against the air, his cock desperately seeking some kind of relief from the need that had welled within.

Seeing as though polite conversation was out for the moment, Mika picked herself up, stepped over the dire bear until she made it to where she could step in between the opening of his legs, sat down onto the other's calves, and then grabbed Seen's jelly coated cock. The dire bear had only a second to open his eyes to see what was happening before the young cabbit popped the fullness of the head of his mushroomed cock back into her mouth. At that point, Seen let his head drop back onto the pillows, he had had to pull himself up just a touch to see what was going on, and then let his eyes roll back into his head as Mika slide her tongue over and into the depths of his urethra.

There was no unsureness within the cabbit as she bobbed her head over the other's prick, her tongue working in time with her motions so that she was left literally sounding the older bear at the same time her fingers began to squeeze and knead around the flesh she had taken hold of once again. Seen was more than a little grateful for this; his back growing taunt as he all but forced himself not to hump the little cabbit's muzzle once again. Letting Mika do all of the work proved to be a benefit to all involved as it gave the cabbit enough control to press all of the right buttons alongside the dire bear's shaft without causing the other to choke. And did Mika know what she was doing. The little cabbit seemed to possess all the right tricks and techniques as she nibbled across Seen's glands, tonguing over them with slathery licks as she pulled her head back, only to surged forward, stuffing as much of the bear down into her as she could, drowning Seen into a sea of pleasure which made it so that the other was made a prisoner to the most erotic of sensations.

This gentle ministrations went on for several minutes, alternating between slow and fast as Mika learned what moves would set the dire bear off while keeping him on the edge at the same time. The bubbles of precum that had seeped out from the ursine's cock had now become giant splashes against Mika's tongue. The weight of which was forcing the other to swallow somewhat quickly in order not to have her mouth flooded. Mika wasn't particularly successful in this endeavor by the trails of precum which were sliding down the side of her face. A few steady clenches of her hand along the pulsing dick mixed with the cabbit pulling her head back to place a small bite onto the slit of Seen's cock and the dire bear went off like a roman candle.

Cum didn't so much gush out as it blasted forward with enough force to actually slap Mika into the face. The cabbit opened her mouth to let out a small squeak, but that just made the bearcum spraying everywhere flow into her mouth. The waves of seed, like stars bursting into life, exploded over and over and over onto Mika, coating the younger girl down under it was hard to even tell what color fur she possessed. The heat, like something just being pulled out from the oven, felt as though it were baking the white cream into the cabbit. Mika tried to throw up her hand to keep the sludge of spooge from out of her eyes, but it was little use. Cum continued to surge out, Seen's balls seemed to be working on overtime as they wigged in between their owner's legs, as the dire bear moaned and bellowed loudly, his mind uncaring as to the sleeping parents in the next two rooms over. That was just how good the orgasm felt.

Eventually though, all good things have to come to an end, yet whoever made that up must have never had an ursine orgasm before, as Seen slowly lost ammunition within his balls. The last few gurgles of cum popped out somewhat weakly onto Mika, the cabbit now able to lower her hand as the mess could no longer get into the way of her eyesight. The final shots landed weakly onto the dire bear's chest, the wavering tip of Seen's cock having pulled backwards as the gentle thrusting of the older boy's hips came to a slow halt.

Once he was done, Seen puffed heavily into the night, his muzzle huffing so loud that it sounded almost like a windmill passing overhead.

"Holy crap...that was...awesome!" Seen breathed, his eyes cracked open just a touch before slipping close. Seeing two Mika's was a sure sign that something was wrong.

"Glad you enjoyed yourself." Mika didn't now how to feel as she turned her hand around to watch the goop of her friend's semen drip down onto Seen's legs. "I think I'm going to go and take a shower now." Mika grunted, the stickiness of the dire bear's cum getting to her a bit.

Seen said nothing as he watched the other pick herself up and then go about her way, though before the other could completely turn to face the door, the ursine grabbed the cabbit's arm and then hauled her back down. The yelp Mika made wa deliciously cute to Seen, but the sight of Mika falling face first into his cock made it so that the older boy laughed himself stupid, especially after watching the other struggle to get away from the sticky honey coating his legs.

Meeting Mika - Chapter 2 - The Meet Part 2

The feel of Mika underneath him made Seen murr underneath his breath, the rumble causing the cute little cabbit to chuckle as he looked up with wide emerald colored eyes at his larger friend. Larger in many ways more than one could have imagined for a...

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At the Waterpark - The Boys

Summer was here and Seen was more than itching to get himself out with his friends to the waterpark that had just opened for the season. However, before the dire bear could rightfully enjoy himself he had found himself roped into taking half of the...

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Conners Day Off With Daddy - Conner

Sunlight slanted through the blinds draped over the window, illuminating Seen's bedroom where the young adult had buried himself in his blankets, cocooning himself against the intrusive light. He was curled up and sound asleep... until a sudden weight...

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