Meeting Mika - Chapter 2 - The Meet Part 2

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#2 of Meeting Mika (OC)


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

Feel free to suggest tags

The feel of Mika underneath him made Seen murr underneath his breath, the rumble causing the cute little cabbit to chuckle as he looked up with wide emerald colored eyes at his larger friend. Larger in many ways more than one could have imagined for a boy Seen's age as the dire bear's boyhood slipped up the side of Mika's thigh. At fourteen inches long, and some three inches wide, Seen was supporting some very heavy firepower, yet strangely enough, the other didn't seem to be too phased by this titanic weapon for which he possessed. Rolling himself around, his pelvis grinding down into Mika's own demure little body, soaking the other's short fur in the sop of his dribbling pre-come, the dire bear was more than a little ready to get on with what he had been planning for the other boy.

It didn't help matters that his mind was refusing to see the other as a male instead of the female for which Mika claimed to be. The gender misidentity made Seen feel somewhat awkward as he looked to the flat chest belonging to the other boy, reminiscent of a vast plain of living brown and cream fur. Mika seemed not to mind the look of squeamishness that appeared onto his partner's face, he himself had felt disconcerted whenever he looked into the mirror and see the creature that stared back at him often. It had driven the cabbit just a little bit crazy to see himself with male parts where feminine ones should have been. And no amount of talking with professionals had helped to ease that plight.

So the young boy could forgive his bigger friend for the hesitation he showed as he ran his fingertips over the grooves of his pectorals, as though honestly searching for the boobs which should have been budding there.

Eventually, some five minutes later, Seen finally got tired of searching for that treasure which could not be found and finally decided to give up. Though, not without placing feather light kisses onto the younger male's chest, specifically his nipples. A few teasing nips onto the hardening buds made Mika giggle, something for which caused the dire bear to smile in turn. After moving his head back, Seen decided that tonight he would have a little more fun with the other than he did his usual conquests. Pulling himself back, his dick aching enough to point out that it was not being satisfied as it should have been, Seen chose to ignore his weeping erection in favor of intertwining his fingers together to pop them all at one time.

Mika wasn't sure what this was all about, having not been formally introduced to the rapture that came with physical pleasure before. So when the dire bear reached out and then grabbed a handful of his chest fur, the cabbit was honestly confused. That is, right up to the point where Seen began to rub his chest back and forth, kneading the muscles therein with extremely well practiced skill. The moan the younger boy let out sounded almost like the other was having hot sex, an irony Seen took full notice of as he angled his fingers down south towards the cabbit's sides.

It wasn't often that Seen did this, but the dire bear figured that he should make the moment somewhat more memorable for the other. Not that it wouldn't be once he bent the little cabbit over and across some flat surface. That got a smirk out of Seen as he moved his fingers down and then across the flat board that was Mika's belly. Not having begun developing muscles as of yet, the half-breed's tummy was almost like putty within the dire's bear's hands. Rolling his fingers down and then up across the cub-soft fur that Mika possessed, Seen let his rounded ears twitch and then flip upwards as he took in the giggling purrs that the half-feline let out. The vibrations that flared down the sides of Mika's reached Seen's hands, making the older bear dance his fingers across the cabbit's body as though he were punching at the keys of a piano; every move only served to make a subtle, though quite different noise from out of the younger boys as the dire bear worked him for minutes on end.

Mika didn't know what to think as he felt his brain start to slow down; his thought all becoming gummy as his body sent snapshots of sensations up into his mind. Things that the young cabbit would never be able to put into words as he felt his tongue become thick inside of his mouth, his heart hammering so loud he could actually make out the steadily slowing beats. Having never known that his older friend could do such a thing, Mika was not prepared for his body to rebel against him as a small puff of air trailed out from his behind; a blush staining the other's cheeks as he heard what could have only been one thing. If Seen heard, or smelled anything in particular, the dire bear didn't let it show on his monochrome muzzle. No, like a true professional the ursine merely continued with his work, moving his fingers down further alongside the younger male's form.

Digging his fingers into the other's pelvis, Seen listened to the sounds that his cabbit friend made, most of them simply being utterances of pleasure undenied. Changing his massaging strokes to spur more utterance out of the cabbit, Seen wasn't surprised as he listened to certain sounds which didn't come from the cabbit's muzzle. He could have cared less about that, however, as Seen was long since prepared for such body functions. Trailing down further some minutes later, the dire bear noted how the little tension that was inside of the cabbit's body all but melted out of Mika once he got to the other boy's legs. The long legs, a testament to the half-breed's mother's good genes, seemed to all but flail wildly as Mika wiggled and bounced against the hardwood of the floor of his bedroom. Seen couldn't help but feel good as he watched his friend twist and turn underneath him like a desert snake slithering across the sands.

Mika thought his brain would explode as Seen moved down the length of his thighs, squeezing the musculature of his calves with just enough pressure to make the other feel good all over. He tried to keep himself steady, really he did, not wanting all of this wonderfulness to disappear, but it was very, very challenging as Mika's nerves seemed to be on fire. It got to be so tough that the young cabbit felt his breathing growing a bit heavy, his muzzle panting for air as some of his mental systems decided to turn off without his consent. Blinking, jade eyes unfocused, tears pooling down them from the pleasure that was rasping throughout his being, Mika looked up to Seen to try and tell the other boy...something. To stop? Maybe? Mika wasn't even sure as he felt a warm pool at the lower midsection of his body, a telltale sign that he was growing 'moist' down there.

Seen noted the fact that the younger boy's small cock was trying to rise up to full hardness, a chortle of laughter seeping free from the dire bear's lips as he felt a certain sense of pride at being able to make the other aroused without becoming intimate', per say, with the other as of yet. At three inches Mika wasn't working with much downstairs, but considering that the other thought of himself as a female it served as a positive note that the the young cabbit was not exactly complete somewhere in his genetic coding. Seen didn't care though, he was more than sure that the cabbit's tight ass would more than make up for the fact that his dick would be denied the moisted depths a vagina to bury itself into. Of course, those thoughts were forced back into the darkness of the dire bear's mind; he was much more focused on what he was doing at the moment.

Mika saw the darkness creeping across the edge of his vision, the black splotches, like paint having been dumped out of an open canister, slowly filled the cabbit's vision as his senses turned off one by one. It was an odd sensation to have one's body feel both energized and yet fatigued at the same time, but there was nothing he could do to stop from quietly fading from existence as Seen moved down to rub his fingers along the edge of his soles, the dire bear seeming to enjoy pushing and pressing at his paw pads without tickling them. The last thing Mika felt before his mind sent him spiraling was the feeling of Seen rubbing at the skin of his big toe, the pink flesh wriggling back and forth made the cabbit snicker right before everything went black.

Seen felt his friend pass out more than he saw it as he and the dire bear couldn't help the smile the wrote itself across his muzzle. The feeling of the younger man under his complete control, unresistant as he continued to massage the other's left foot, noting that Mika's paw pads were crack and chafed in some places, he would have to get the cabbit's parents to buy him some aloe paw gel to toughed the pads. Placing the exhausted foot down, and spying how it wiggled somewhat, Seen moved his hands to Mika's other appendage, grabbing it and using the same technique to put the cabbit into an even deeper slumber. In the silence of the night, the dire bear noted the cute little snores Mika let out, the soft murmurs speaking to his naughtier side as the older bear's erection, still unsatisfied, pulsed against the half-breed's thigh.

Yet, Seen paid this part of himself almost no attention, save maybe a naughty thought of how he would bed the cabbit once the time was right. The mental visuals seemed to make the dire bear feel somewhat more pent up, the smell of the cabbit's soft fur, the hum of Mika's breathing, all served to make the older bear want to slake his lusts onto the unconscious creature before him, and though it would be so easy...Seen didn't. Instead, the dire bear gently dropped his friend's foot back onto the mattress underneath them, picked himself up, and then turned to leave from the room. While this was not quite usual for what Seen normally did when it came to making his moves on someone, the dire bear didn't feel up to bothering the sleeping cabbit.

Walking out of the room, Seen let his head twist to the side to have one last look at the innocent form that was Mika, and then closed the door to separate the other from the uncaring world outside. Moving down the hallway to get to the bathroom, Seen grumbled as he thought about the cold shower he was getting ready to take. Nothing sucked for him more than having a raging hardon and having to douse it in cold water. Sighing openly, the dire bear reached out for the handle of the bathroom and was politely surprised to find the barrier pulling away from him. Unable to stop his forward motion, Seen got a very nice surprise when he ended up bumping into someone instead of face planting onto the floor.

"Oops," Of course, life has its...little jokes at times. "Are you ok?" Seen found his nose in the middle of a hard chest and blinking in bewilderment, the dire bear lifted his brown gaze up until he saw...

Mika's father. Nude. Fresh from a shower.

And looking down...

Without a towel.

"Um," Seen began, noting how the older feline simple lifted an eyebrow at him in expectation. "Yeah."

"That's good." The cat pushed Seen back from off of him to help the dire bear stand onto his own two feet and then looked down.

To say that Seen was a bit embarrassed...was not exactly true, but when the older man pulled his head up to stare at him pointedly, turning his head to look back at his daughter's room, Seen suddenly felt that a cold shower was going to be the least of his problems at the moment.

Meeting Mika - Chapter 3 - Subway

Going out onto the subway was not a new experience for Seen, the dire bear having done so many a times in the past back home, but the Japanese trains were...a little more than the other boy had expected them to be. First off, the trains were a little...

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Meeting Mika - Chapter 1 - The Meet Part 1

Seen knew that the second he saw the picture of the pretty green eyed cabbit he was going to be balls deep within the other while wild moans would be let out for all to hear. Those wide, innocent orbs of deepest jade had captured him, ensnaring the...

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At the Waterpark - The Boys

Summer was here and Seen was more than itching to get himself out with his friends to the waterpark that had just opened for the season. However, before the dire bear could rightfully enjoy himself he had found himself roped into taking half of the...

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