Mind the Teeth

Story by Sleth on SoFurry

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#2 of Brothers in Slavery

The wolf brothers captured by the dragon nation got bought by a powerful, rich dragon lord. Now, taken to his manor, the training and assignment of their roles are about to happen and, once again, it is something they will have to go through together. In quite an intimate way.

And here we are! Another two months, another small story reward for my dear Patreons! This one again was requested by Guri as a follow-up to its previous chapter! While I very much recommend reading the first chapter first, I think that it's not entirely necessary, especially for those that are here for the kink. ;) Enjoy!Disclaimers:

  • This story contains some heavy kink themes such as non-consensual acts and incest! Take a look at the tags to see what you're getting into and read it if you think it's your thing.

  • As stated, this story was written as a Patreon reward commission to Guri , so big thanks to Guri for supporting me and coming up with the ideas for this story!

You can get the PDF VERSION here!

And finally, this story was posted on my Patreon a few weeks earlier! If you like this and would like to see more earlier, as well as get other perks, consider taking a look and supporting me!

The wolf's ears twitched as he heard the sound of steps approaching outside.

Kipp had been laying on the straw bed against the wall of the small, dimly lit room he and his older brother had been left in for the past few days. His brother, Gavin, laid on the bed against the opposing wall so he could see the older wolf sitting up in response to it as well.

Kipp's eyes met Gavin's but, the moment they did, the young wolf looked away immediately. A frown came upon Kipp's face without him even meaning to and, with it, a slight blush. The young wolf found it hard to look at his old brother without remembering what Gavin had done to him back in the dragon pens. How he had pinned him down and... and...

His own brother!

Since then, Kipp had been avoiding Gavin. It had only been a few days anyway, at least as much as Kipp could count, since it was hard to keep track of time while being hauled in a carriage or stuck in a dark, windowless room.

Both him and his brother were still incapable of speech, but while the piercing on their tongue had been thankfully removed, it was replaced with something even worse. The collar around Kipp's neck felt thick and heavy even if it did look like just plain leather. Gavin wore a similar one and sometimes, in his fur, Kipp swore he could feel some sort of static from the sheer magic running through that thing. Whenever they tried to make any sounds that resembled anything coherent, the collar would spark up with a burst of pain akin to lightning. Kipp had experienced it only once, but he had seen Gavin take many of those shocks when he tried to speak, then even more when his brother tried to remove it. Now none of them wished to experience it again. When the dragon put the collar on them he had said it was capable of more, yet Kipp had no desire to find out what 'more' was.

Ever since they had arrived in their new dragon owner's manor, they had been kept with their hands bound behind their backs by manacles, and there in the dungeon, a metal leash attached to their collars kept their necks bound to opposing walls. It was loose enough for them to move about inside their room, but Kipp had preferred to stick with his own bed rather than going close to his brother's and Gavin, at the very least, respected that. Who knew what Gavin might do? If he wasn't going to throw himself over him again?

The sound of locks being undone made both wolves look towards the entrance. The heavy, wood and metal door was pushed open and, from it, emerged the person they expected to see: the dragon.

Kipp had managed to overhear that his name was Aerien from the other servants. 'Master Aerien', as they were supposed to call him, since he had bought them from the pens as slaves. Damned dragons...

'Master' Aerien carried himself with the same regal air he did since the first time they had seen him. With scales of a shining silver color, the dragon held his head high at all times as if he was superior to everyone and the way he looked down at each of the wolves sure made it seem that way. Kipp couldn't help but lower his ears a little bit, but he saw from a glance how his older brother seemed less happy to see the dragon. It wasn't the first time he visited them, however, and they both knew that there was no fighting against him. At least not in their current conditions...

"How are my brand new pups doing today?" the dragon asked. His voice was always jovial even if it carried that characteristic draconic tone. Master Aerien also knew full well that neither of them could respond with words, but he still insisted on saying things like that.

"I have good news. Today is the day you two start your training." The dragon paused after saying that, leaving time for Kipp and Gavin to look at each other with some apprehension. Aerien seemed to bask in the wolves' confusion, however.

"Yes, training. I have not yet decided which role each of you will be performing, but there's no reason not to start with something every pet should know." The dragon smiled, then brought up a few pieces of leather Kipp hadn't noticed he had in his hands. "We will start with the most basic one: training in oral pleasure."

Kipp's heart sank. He saw his brother's ears fold back as well, which proved Gavin shared the sentiment. The young wolf had a hunch that they had been bought for that, but he wanted to believe that was not the case. How would it not be, however? After what his brother had done...

Kipp glared at Gavin with an accusatory look.

"These," the dragon continued, untangling the leather pieces so they were more recognizable, "are ring gags. I am a generous master, so I brought one to each of you, should you desire them, to make the training easier."

The gags were simple. They looked worn and not even that clean. A simple metal ring with leather wrappings that would go over their heads. Looking at the device, Kipp felt his stomach sink. The very last thing he wanted was to have his muzzle bound by something like that while being forced to go down on a dragon.

Master Aerien approached both wolves, holding the gags in each hand and offering it to them.

"Would you prefer to do it with the gags or without them? I recommend you take them."

Kipp was the first to huff through his nose and shake his head vehemently. For some reason Gavin paused for a moment as if he was actually considering it before he too shook his head and looked away from it right after he did. The dragon looked at them both and shrugged, then tossed the gags away.

"Very well, if that's what you prefer. Now..."

Kipp considered it a mercy that the dragon really allowed them to go without them. He had half expected the dirty dragon to put them on anyway. Without the gags in his hand, the dragon waved his fingers and the telltale glow of magic appeared. Kipp felt his fur standing, his hackles rising in a natural reflex to the dragons' magical nature. Magic was the whole reason the bastards were so dangerous! Gavin and Kipp's unit had been trained for ground combat, not spells raining down from the sky. This time, however, the dragon's magic wasn't aimed at them. At least not directly.

Behind each of them, the clink of chains falling to the floor signaled their release from the walls. Both wolves could finally move freely again. Or, as freely as they could with their hands still well bound behind their backs.

"Come here," the dragon ordered, one hand extended towards each of them. Both wolves hesitated. Kipp looked at Gavin and found his brother looking back at him. Those memories of what Gavin had done returned once more, making the younger wolf blush for a moment all over again. Still, Kipp saw how his brother decided to carefully obey, and, feeling like he had little choice, he did the same.

"Very good," the dragon said, grabbing each of their collars as they got close enough. Kipp growled, showing he didn't appreciate the touch, but the dragon all but ignored him.

"The lesson will be very simple. You will each perform oral service. You will need practice in it so that you can learn to keep those sharp teeth away from the person you are pleasing. I find your fangs charming, it gives you an exotic look, so I would prefer not to remove them."

The way the dragon spoke made anger boil inside Kipp again, but he remained quiet.

"It will also take practice to learn how to properly breathe while performing. This can be challenging to some slaves, especially over long periods of time, but I assure you, it should be very doable with your long muzzles."

Kipp saw Gavin's frown growing deeper. He was liking the whole thing less and less and at the very least it was a relief to see that his brother shared the sentiment.

"I hope I do not need to remind you that failing to obey my orders will result in an unpleasant punishment," the dragon continued, raising a finger. From it, sparks of lightning crackled, making both wolves' ears fall back for a moment. They had received plenty of those punishing touches back in the dragon pens. Enough to know to avoid them.

"On the other hand, cooperation will result in treats and rewards. I assure you both that it is in your best interest to cooperate with everything I say. Now..."

The dragon looked at each of them in turn.

"Who wants to be the first to get in position?"

Kipp looked at Gavin, who in turn looked at him. The young wolf found himself growing more and more nervous. He didn't want to obey the dragon, not in the least, but there was no other choice. His mind raced trying to think of any possible ways to get out of that situation, but there were none...

Kipp's ears twitched up when his brother suddenly took a step forward. The young wolf was surprised. Was Gavin going first to spare him? He would have believed that without a doubt once, but after what his older brother had done... could there be something else? Some kind of... enjoyment? No... it couldn't be. ...Could it?

Gavin did not look happy, at least. The wolf's expression was stoic with a determination that Kipp had always admired in his brother. Though Kipp's eyes were locked on his brother, Gavin did not look at him. He kept his stern eyes on the dragon.

"Very good." The dragon opened another one of his soft smiles. "Now, get on your knees."

Gavin looked even less pleased with orders. Kipp's heart sank as well. As much as he did not want to get on his knees and suck on some dragon's malehood, he also did not want to stand there and watch his brother do it. What could he do, though?

Gavin hesitated. For a few moments, the wolf didn't move, simply glaring up at the dragon defiantly. Master Aerien waited patiently and, eventually, the dragon won. Gavin looked away and carefully went down on one knee first given that his hands were still tied behind his back, then he went down to both knees in front of the dragon.

"Good pup." The dragon's hand approached Gavin's head. Kipp didn't know what to expect, but he sure as hell did not expect the silver dragon to pet his brother like some feral dog. Gavin seemed obviously displeased with the demeaning treatment, but the wolf did nothing against it, simply enduring it.

"Now I want you to lie down. On your back."

The new orders confused Gavin as much as they confused Kipp, the young wolf could tell. Both blinked at the dragon, but unable to even say anything in response, clarification was a luxury they would not have. With a little less hesitation, Gavin moved to lie down on the floor as instructed: on his back, looking up at both of them.

Kipp watched his brother, but the young wolf decided to look away soon after. They had both been left naked together for a long time now, but somehow seeing his brother lying there, hands behind his back and completely bare like that... it was as if it made everything more... prominent. The brown wolf's hefty and fluffy sheath stood there. Hells, Kipp could even smell it. The musk permeating the air was a little more powerful than the other smells, but the young wolf did his best to ignore it.

"Good. Now you, young pup. Come here."

Kipp's attention snapped back towards the dragon. He stood at attention and also hesitated, but approached the dragon. Unlike with his brother, the dragon did not give orders, but instead grabbed the scruff behind Kipp's neck.

"Kneel," the dragon said while at the same time forcing the young wolf down. Kipp grunted, but soon enough he was forced to be on his knees right beside his brother whose eyes were fixated on them.

"Let's get you into position, shall we?"

As he said that, the dragon dragged Kipp. Still on his knees and without the use of his hands, the young wolf could only follow. The dragon repositioned him until he was...

Kipp's eyes went wide. Realization of what was really about to happen dawned on him. The wolf looked up at the dragon in time to see his malicious smirk growing wider. The damned dragon was fully aware of how upsetting that would be, and yet...!

Gavin huffed and grunted, but there was nothing Kipp could do. The dragon positioned his kneeling self right above his brother's head, which left Gavin's snout pretty much pressed right against his balls. The young wolf winced feeling his brother's cold nose pressing against his furry sack.

"The first step is foreplay. You must get your subject aroused, or else there is nothing to even perform oral pleasuring on," the dragon explained while still holding Kipp in place by his scruff. "You will both receive more focused training on how to best arouse your masters later, so for now just improvise. Start using your tongue."

Again, Gavin hesitated. Of course he did! The damned dragon was asking his brother to lick his balls- his sheath! Kipp felt his face growing hot just thinking about it. The memories he had been trying not to think about, the things his brother had done to him in that cage, started rushing back to the front of his mind. The young wolf's face and ears grew even hotter. His ears were splayed and, suddenly, the dragon used his other hand to grab at his tail and pull it from between his legs. He hadn't even noticed he had put it there! With his tail out of the way, Kipp could look down to see Gavin's nose an inch away from his balls below him. There was no way his brother would-!

The first swipe of that soft tongue against his balls sent a shiver down Kipp's spine. It came again, and again, in a slow but sure fashion. Gavin's tongue lapping at his balls. The feeling was... unusual. Pleasant, but upsetting at the same time! It was his brother! His own brother!

"Good pup," the dragon said in compliment.

Kipp turned his eyes Master Aerien to see the dragon watching the wolf's tongue caressing his balls with great interest. He looked very amused.

"A little higher. Young pup, spread your legs a little wider."

Though he gave the order, the dragon used one of his feet to swipe at Kipp's knee, forcing him to widen the gap between his legs and, as a result, get his sheath and balls closer to Gavin beneath him. His brother, much to Kipp's dismay, obeyed. The young wolf felt that tongue dragging over his sheath even from the weird upside down angle coming from below.

As upsetting as it was, as much as Kipp wanted to deny it all... The feeling of his brother's tongue coming against the showing tip of his member made him tremble. Kipp, young as he was, had not gotten many... 'oral pleasing' services in his life. Never before would he think that he would get one from his brother, but a tongue was a tongue, as its smooth, wet surface dragged itself over his growing member, the results were very predictable.

Kipp closed his eyes in shame. He grew hard embarrassingly quickly despite the situation. He shouldn't have been growing hard at all! Before long, his brother could only afford to lick the base of his member and his sheath, for the wolf's erect member was jutted upwards close to his belly.

"A decent start," the dragon commented. "Now let's see if my younger pup does better. Get to it as well."

Kipp's eyes went wide. There was no stopping the dragon, however. Still with that hold on his scruff, the dragon forced him to bend forward. Gavin squirmed a little underneath him, but his body covered his brother's soon enough and though Gavin did try to pull back, the dragon did not relent. Before long, he found his nose pressed against his brother's sheath as well as he was forced to pretty much lie over his brother.

The younger wolf turned his muzzle away in sheer reflex. The musk of his brother's privates filled his sensitive lupine nose. A smell that was at the same time familiar and alien to him. Neither of them had been given many opportunities to wash under the dragons' care, so the masculine scent there was... strong. That alone drove Kipp away already. He had no desire whatsoever to put his tongue against his own brother's sheath!

"Tsc, tsc." The dragon sounded disappointed. Though Kipp tried to pull further away, the dragon's hand against the back of his head kept his face pretty much pressed against his brother's groin. His own erection pressed against his brother's neck and chest and he could feel Gavin's cold nose hard-pressed against his balls right at the base of his sheath, yet his brother remained still under him.

That was when Kipp felt the dragon's other hand coming into play. Aerien suddenly grabbed at his balls, taking them within his whole large hand and pulling them slightly away from his body. That alone made Kipp grunt and stiffen. The dragon pulled his balls away from his brother's nose and kept holding them.

"Lick," the dragon ordered again.

Kipp felt his heart racing. He didn't know what to do! He wanted the dragon to let go of his balls, he wanted to have his hands free so he could properly pull away from his brother. He wanted to get away! None of that was possible, however, and as Kipp hesitated trying to figure a way out of that awful situation, the dragon acted.

When the grip holding his balls suddenly tightened, it was a shock to Kipp. The wolf let out a whine mixed with a gasp when suddenly his vision blurred for a moment as pain radiated from his balls through the whole of his body. The dragon squeezed his balls, hard, and kept the tight grip on them for a few long, painful seconds that had Kipp pretty much paralyzed from pain alone. When that grip softened, the young wolf let out a relieved puff of breath and another whimper as the ache of that pain continued to remind him how bad it had been.

"I will order it again: lick."

Kipp's ears flattened against his head. Fear flared up inside him! The dragon was ordering him to lick his brother's sheath. If he didn't, however, the dragon would...

The dragon's grip on his balls tightened just a tiny bit and, the moment he felt that, fear overcame his pride. Afraid that the dragon would squeeze his balls again, Kipp rushed to aim his muzzle down and give his brother's sheath a quick lick.

The grip on his balls loosened back to just holding.

Kipp felt some relief over that, but at the same time, the young wolf was busy dealing with his brother's musky smell turned into taste. As he dragged his tongue over Gavin's sheath, he could taste the hints of his brother's malehood there. His own brother's...!

"That's better," Master Aerien said. With his thumb, he actually caressed Kipp's balls as if that was a reward. It felt weird, but also a little pleasant. It made his erection, which had flagged due to the pain, pulse again right over his brother. "Now keep licking. You're not stopping until he is as excited as you are."

Kipp groaned. He had to force himself to keep licking, to keep pleasing his brother's sheath to make him... hard. At first he hoped Gavin wouldn't actually get aroused over something like that, but much to his dismay, it wasn't too long before the red tip of his brother's member appeared from his sheath.

The dragon ordered him to focus on his brother's shaft and, under the threat of that grip on his balls, Kipp was forced to comply. He dragged his tongue over his brother's growing member, again and again, until Gavin's cock was pretty much pressed against his face, hard and erect.

Midway through it, the dragon had repositioned Kipp over Gavin slightly. He forced the wolf to put his knees against the ground for some support in the way he wanted while still keeping him over the older wolf. That allowed the dragon to order Gavin to lick Kipp's cock again as well. Somehow, it felt even more humiliating for Kipp to lick his brother's cock while he felt a tongue against his own erection keeping him hard and aroused. It felt as if he was enjoying that somehow, which he definitely wasn't! As he continued to lap at his brother's cock, Kipp felt his face burning with heat.

It felt like he was forced to keep licking his brother's fully hard cock for an eternity. Even Gavin's knot was already starting to bulge his sheath when the dragon finally spoke up.

"That's good enough."

With a relieved sigh, Kipp stopped licking. The taste of his brother's malehood felt ingrained to his tongue and, while he tried to lick his lips to get it out, he found that he couldn't quite do it.

"Let's move on to the next step."

Kipp's heart sank. It wasn't over? Unfortunately, the next step involved him, because the dragon, leading him by the balls, pulled them up to force him to raise his ass just a little further. It was hard without the support of his hands, but Kipp managed with the dragon pulling at his balls to force him to do it.

"Now the training can actually start. You are going to take him into your muzzle," the dragon continued. Kipp's ears perked up. He realized the dragon wasn't talking to him, for he wasn't the one with a cock raised and pointed at his face even if Gavin's erection was resting beside his cheek. It was Gavin who was supposed to...!

"Most of the time the people using you won't be gentle. You are to take as much of the little pup as you can at once, then please it as much as you can. Lucky for you, he is not that well-endowed."

A new wave of heat rushed over Kipp's face. He was pretty 'endowed'...!

"Open your muzzle," the dragon ordered. Kipp couldn't see more than Gavin's dick and legs laying over his brother as he was, but reluctantly, he waited.

Nothing happened.

"I see you need incentive to obey as well. I am disappointed."

As the dragon said that, Kipp didn't know what to expect, but the last thing he did was that the hand gripping his balls would tighten again. With another surprised gasp and whimper, the young wolf's muscles stiffened as the pain of the dragon squeezing his balls suddenly returned.

That hand kept squeezing it. The pain made Kipp's eyes tear up. He tried to scream, but all that came out was a high squeak The dragon wasn't letting go this time! The seconds passed, one by one, and the damned dragon wasn't letting go!

In despair, Kipp realized that the grip on his balls must have been right over Gavin's face. His brother was seeing that, yet he was still hesitating! Kipp tried to move and squirm over Gavin a little bit, anything to tell his brother to make the pain stop, but Gavin wasn't doing anything!

For a few more painful, stretched out seconds the pain continued. Then, amidst the pain, there was something else. Something warm enveloped his softening cock and, when it did, the grip finally loosened. The dragon used Kipp's balls to drive him down and the warmth that had enveloped the tip of his member suddenly enveloped all of it.

The sound of Gavin gagging beneath him reached his ears. The painful ache remained on his balls, much stronger than before now that the torturing squeezing had lasted for so much longer. Yet, at the same time, as the pain gave way to reason, Kipp realized that what he was feeling around his member felt good, yet it was... his brother's tongue.

He could feel it over his length. The warmth of his brother's muzzle, the way Gavin's tongue moved over his length... It didn't feel like his brother was actually trying to lick it, but rather just moving his tongue naturally inside his muzzle but having little to no space to do so. A few coughs could still be heard of Gavin as he had trouble taking the whole of Kipp's member, especially as it hardened again due to the inevitable pleasure it was receiving. The pain in his balls not only subsided but was also forgotten due to the rather intense feeling of his brother's muzzle around his length...

Kipp didn't know what he was feeling. His ears remained lowered, his face still hot with shame, but his brother's muzzle around his cock... it was still a muzzle. Kipp had seldom ever felt that before and it felt just so pleasurable! As the dragon forced him to go down yet a bit further, Gavin gagged again. Most of his cock was inside his brother's muzzle save for Kipp's knot which still only bulged his sheath. As he felt his brother's tongue over the middle of his length, however, when the dragon made him push himself yet a little deeper, Kipp flinched. At the thicker base of his cock, as his brother kept moving back and forth under him, the sting of his brother's fangs prickling his cock made him try to pull back in reflex.

The dragon didn't let him, though. The grip on his balls meant that trying to pull out made Kipp pull on them. The young wolf had to resign to stay where he was and, as Gavin coped with his member inside his muzzle, a second sting of those teeth was felt by the young wolf...

"Now it's your turn."

Busy trying to cope with both the unwelcome pleasure of his brother's tongue as well as finding a position where his teeth wouldn't assault his cock, the dragon's words came as a surprise to Kipp. He looked up at Master Aerien by his side in time to see him smirking. Then, the dragon's hand came back to Kipp's scruff. The dragon lifted the wolf up by it in an uncomfortable way so that Gavin's cock had the space to point up. Right beneath his muzzle...

No! He wasn't ready! He couldn't do it, he wouldn't be able to-

Just as Kipp opened his muzzle, as if he could even say anything against it, the dragon shoved him forward.


Kipp felt his brother's muscles grow stiff under him and felt the vibrations of his grunting against his own cock. The young wolf was aware that his own teeth had pricked his brother's dick as well, but Kipp was too overwhelmed by both its taste and the way it filled up his muzzle and poked at his throat to worry about that.

The first thing the young wolf tried to do was to pull back, but forced to lie over Gavin and with his hands bound, he had little leverage to do it with ease even if the dragon's hand behind his scruff had allowed it. When he tried, the dragon did the opposite, shoving him down on his brother's girthy length even harder until Kipp's nose was almost touching the bulging knot at the base. It felt awful, suffocating even, to have something that big lodged at the entrance of his throat. The inexperienced wolf coughed and gasped trying to cope with it.

Beneath him, Gavin kept squirming. His brother let out a small growl and suddenly, the feeling of teeth against his cock became more prominent. That pulled Kipp's attention towards his own member, the pain flaring up amidst the pleasure. Why the hell was his brother biting his cock?! It hurt!

"What a pleasant sight," the dragon commented with a chuckle. Kipp's teary eyes glanced towards him to see him grinning in amusement. "Now, time for the final touch."

Master Aerien muttered a few words of magic. There was a sudden feeling of tightness at the base of Kipp's balls that were still within the dragon's hand, pulled from his body. The young wolf couldn't quite place what it was, but when the dragon's grip on them suddenly vanished, that thing at the base of his balls kept them pulled apart in an uncomfortable manner. Kipp tried to move his hips in concern, but it felt like his balls were... attached to something?

The dragon's glowing hand came within his field of vision to grab Gavin's balls. Kipp watched it with anxiety. The dragon muttered a few words of cursed magic again while pulling at his brother's balls, right in front of Kipp's eyes, and then a black band formed at the base of his brother's sack. The same thing that must have happened to his own, he quickly realized. It didn't stop there, however. The dragon's hand, still glowing, came up to touch Kipp's collar and, when it did, a cord solidified out of thin air! It linked his brother's balls to his collar in a short, taut leash-like cord!

The dragon's hand left Kipp's scruff and, as soon as it did, Kipp tried to pull away from his brother's cock again immediately. This time, however, Gavin started squirming and grunting from beneath him as he tried. His collar pulled his brother's balls up and, though Kipp tried to force it just a little bit so he could pull out enough to get the cock out of his muzzle, the rope was just too taut! He tried to tug it a few times, much to his brother's discomfort, but Gavin's cock was just too... big! If only his brother could grow soft, then he could...!

Another prick of teeth was felt against Kipp's cock. It came as a surprise, making the young wolf stop pulling to grunt. It hurt! With a soft growl, Kipp pressed his teeth against his brother's cock as well to show him how awful that felt. Gavin tensed up under him and let out a muffled yelp in response to it, yet his brother's member continued just as hard and erect inside his muzzle as it had been before!

"Now that you are both in position, get to it. You two are not getting released until both of you are sufficiently trained."

Kipp's ears fell back. He had been so overwhelmed with everything that he hadn't had time to even feel the shame of the fact that he was sucking his brother's cock... and his brother was sucking his. The taste of Gavin's malehood was pretty much all he could feel. And how would it be any different? No matter where he tried to move his tongue, his brother's thick, red member took all the space inside his muzzle. All he could do was involuntarily lick his brother's shaft and Gavin himself showed no self-control either. His cock kept throbbing, even spurting little disgusting, salty droplets of pre-cum right at the base of Kipp's tongue. Kipp tried and tried to adjust his muzzle in a way to deny that and stop it, but he couldn't!

At the same time, his brother's tongue... It was as if Gavin was purposely pleasing him. The pleasure was dampened by the occasional prick of teeth when Gavin tried to move his muzzle too much, but it was there... constantly. His brother's muzzle was warm, warmer than he thought a muzzle would be.

"I see the prospect excited you two, at least. Your knots are forming well," the dragon commented again. "We have them too, you know? Although you dogs seem to focus on them more. It is interesting."

Kipp didn't care about what the damned dragon found interesting or not! When he focused his eyes, he saw that Gavin's knot had grown in front of his nose indeed. Kipp could feel his own knot pulsing alongside his cock. It was a wolf's instinct to crave attention on the knot once they got excited enough and, were Kipp getting pleasure from any other source, he'd be squeezing his own knot now in order to finish and properly climax. As it was, however, the young wolf had no control over it.

"Needless to say, I am training you two for oral pleasure and I expect both of you to go all the way every time. That includes right now. Let's see... who should be the first?"

Kipp couldn't quite understand what the dragon meant by that. He tried to look at the dragon, but he couldn't even turn his head properly with it stuck against his brother's cock. The young wolf tensed up when he felt the dragon's hands touching his rear. They groped it, feeling it up in an invasive and uncomfortable way for a few seconds, and then the dragon started pushing it.

Kipp tried to glance backwards to see what was happening, but he couldn't. The dragon pushed his rear down towards Gavin, forcing him to push against his brother's muzzle. He could hear Gavin gagging, could feel the entrance of his brother's throat against his member. He wished it didn't feel so good. Gavin's tongue started moving as he tried to speak or move, dancing all around his cock. The pleasure was hard to deny...

"Remember that I did offer you two the ring gags, but you refused. Now, open wide..."

Kipp's eyes went wide when he felt the prick of teeth against his cock again. This time, right against the base of his knot. As the dragon pushed harder, those sharp teeth pressed against his knot harder. Kipp started squirming, whining in discomfort, but the dragon didn't stop. He kept pressing down, harder, little by little, until-


Kipp pretty much yelled. His brother's teeth grazed his knot as, in a sudden movement, the young wolf felt his knot pushed past the line of Gavin's teeth! It was the most uncomfortable knotting he had ever felt. Kipp felt glad when he felt Gavin's teeth behind his knot even if they still pressed against its base in an uncomfortable way. His brother's large fangs hugged his engorged knot from the sides as well, providing an uncomfortably sharp 'case' for it. Yet at the same time...

Kipp could feel his brother's throat, warm and inviting, around the tip of his member. Not only that, but Gavin's tongue, the warmth of his muzzle, it now included his knot as well. With it inside his brother's muzzle, it felt to Kipp as if he had truly knotted something. Gavin tried to tug and move around, but each time he did, Kipp felt pleasure around the knot, around his member. The young wolf could feel it throbbing. The teeth were still uncomfortable, constantly prickling him, but amidst all that there was pleasure. So much pleasure! He could barely hold back...

"That's a good dog. Can he resist, I wonder? You dogs seem to be extremely sensitive around the knot..."

Kipp couldn't. He closed his eyes. The fact that he was sucking on his brother's cock as well forgotten to him for a few moments. If anything, he let his tongue glide over his brother's length unconsciously as the pleasure of Gavin's tongue, of the warmth of his muzzle, of everything started to overwhelm him. He didn't want to be stimulated, to feel that much pleasure, but he couldn't help it! Kipp's cock pulsed, the constant tongue against his knot was too much. The way Gavin moved his muzzle...

The young wolf's knot grew even larger. Kipp huffed, his body's reaction inevitable. The knot pleasure was too much...

With his ears lowered and his lips still around his brother's cock, the young wolf let out a muffled moan. The climax hit him like lightning. A burst of inevitable pleasure washed over him and he felt the cum getting drained out of cock. Gavin's thrashing grew even more frantic, but it was only at some point midway through his mind-numbing orgasm that Kipp realized he was cumming down his brother's throat. Guilt washed over him for doing that, but Gavin's tongue kept moving under his cock, his muzzle closed around his knot...!

"That's good. That's a very good job! Breathe through your nose, and time it between spurts. You can do it. I know it's hard, but all the other slaves manage. I'm sure you can too."

Kipp could hear Gavin struggle to breathe. As his orgasm started subsiding, Kipp realized that his knot had grown even larger. Without the pleasure of orgasm to quell it, each movement from Gavin meant those teeth pricked into and against his knot more. He had tied his brother's muzzle!

Still trying to deal with his growing discomfort, Kipp squirmed over Gavin as well, and that was when the dragon's hand returned to the back of his head.

"And now it's time to reciprocate."

Panic washed over Kipp. The young wolf tried his best to pull away from his brother's cock, bringing a few new grunts from Gavin underneath as he inevitably pulled at them as well. The dragon watched that with a chuckle, going as far as scratching behind Kipp's ears for a few moments before he acted.

It was inevitable. There was nothing Kipp could do against it. Master Aerien started forcing his head down against his brother's cock. Kipp felt Gavin's knot pressing against his teeth and heard Gavin yelping underneath it. The young wolf felt some teeth against his own knot, as uncomfortable as before or even more given how sensitive it was. It was all overwhelming for the young wolf, but the dragon did not let up. He kept forcing Kipp down against his brother's cock until...

The feeling of his brother's knot going past his teeth was awful. Gavin's cock, far too big for Kipp to handle, went into his throat in an incredibly uncomfortable way. His brother's knot forced Kipp's jaw to be stretched open wide and, judging by how Gavin reacted under him, his brother didn't like the feeling of his teeth and fangs against his knot any more than he did. The young wolf tried to breathe, but he found his throat constricted by his brother's member. Each time he tried to draw air, it felt like not enough went through! He could barely cope with it, and yet...

Yet as he kept trying to, the same thing happened to Gavin. Though Kipp had done the same thing, he still felt angry. Couldn't his brother hold himself back a little?! The moment he felt that cock throb inside his muzzle he knew what was coming and he dreaded it.

As he expected, bursts of cum flooded his maw when his brother came. Most of it drooled down out of his maw and onto Gavin's own balls beneath him, but struggling to breathe, Kipp had to force himself to gulp down what he could so that he could keep breathing. Much to his discomfort, his brother's knot grew yet a bit larger as well when he cummed and any hope of pulling back from his brother's cock sank as he too got tied to Kipp's muzzle.

Even after the initial burst of cum had subsided, his brother's cock kept spurting a more watery, constant stream of it. The taste flooded over Kipp's tongue and he was forced to swallow every now and then. It was the same thing his cock was inevitably doing given Gavin's tongue that didn't stop swirling around it.

The dragon applauded.

"Very good! You have both succeeded in your tasks! However... would you two say that the other has done a good job? Was it a good oral service?"

Kipp shuddered at the feeling of Gavin's teeth still too close and pressed too hard against his knot. The other wolf's tongue didn't cease moving against his member, which was now oversensitive after orgasm, giving the young wolf a world of discomfort. At the same time, as he struggled to keep breathing, his own tongue could not help but do the same. He tried to keep his maw open, but his brother's knot was just too large! Sometimes he had to press his teeth against it to rest and every time he did, he could feel Gavin stiffening and grunting.

"That's what I thought. You two have much to learn, but do not worry. Soon you will be able to take each other's lengths without so much of a scratch of teeth. You will be able to breathe for hours no matter what is lodged at your throat or for how long."

The dragon's words only made Kipp's heart sink further. He could barely breathe! The thought of ever doing anything like that again...

"Don't get used to that, however. You will have much more important people to please than each other. You are just slaves, after all."

Master Aerien stood up. The dragon casually brushed the dust off his robes, then he walked around the two wolves, bound over each other and grunting. Kipp tried to pull back from Gavin's cock, but if the cord linking his collar to his brother's balls didn't allow it before, now he couldn't even pull his muzzle back from his brother's dick. At least not until Gavin's knot went down considerably.

Master Aerien stopped right in front of Kipp. The young wolf raised his pleading eyes up towards the dragon.

"There is only one more matter to resolve. I have given thought to what your roles should be and I have come up with two options."

Kipp's ears twitched up.

"I very much want a bed slave, someone to warm my bed, to please me, worship me and whoever else I want whenever I want. However, I hear of another dragon that has made one of your kind into a guard dog and I am intrigued by that prospect. It would be nice to have a dog to watch my property." The dragon's smile grew into a grin again. "I am sure you two could excel at either of those given proper training."

Kipp continued to stare up at the dragon. His grin was unsettling and his eyes, the way they looked at them...

"I think it is only fair for the older dog to make the decision."

The dragon licked his lips staring at Kipp. There was trickery in his eyes...

"Tell me, big brother, would you like to become a guard dog or a bed warmer? Wag your tail if you want to be a bed warmer or curl it between your legs if you'd like to be a guard dog."

Kipp's eyes darted downwards towards his brother's tail splayed against the floor over him. It didn't move at first, remaining still as Gavin hesitated. With urgency, the young wolf looked up at the dragon again in time to see his grin widening yet a little wider. Something was wrong!

Being a 'guard dog' felt degrading, but it was obviously much better than being some dragon's bed slave. The dragon had let Gavin choose first, though. Did that mean that both of them would be whatever Gavin chose? Or did it mean...?!

There was a look of deep amusement in the dragon's eyes when realization dawned on Kipp's face. Would he end up with whatever Gavin didn't choose?! It was a trick! Gavin couldn't see the dragon, though. Would his brother realize it?

With urgency, Kipp looked down at his brother. How could he warn him?! With his brother's cock still lodged inside his muzzle, he got the idea of pressing his teeth against his brother's knot just a little bit in order to warn him. There was no reaction. Afraid, Kipp bit at his brother's knot a little more, putting a little more pressure! The young wolf groaned trying to warn Gavin not to make a choice, moving his muzzle so his fangs would scrape his brother's knot, but when he bit down a little too hard...!

His brother's tail curled between his legs, almost touching Kipp's face, with a whimper of pain from the bite.

The young wolf's heart sank. The dragon chuckled- no, downright laughed for a moment.

"Very well. Your roles are decided, then. I very much look forward to training you both in them."

Kipp looked up at the dragon and saw the damned lizard wink at him, then the dragon's hand grabbed at his crotch where the outline of a hard member could be seen. The dragon gave it a few strokes keeping eye contact with Kipp, then turned to move away.

To Kipp, that was confirmation of his fears. His brother had unknowingly chosen 'guard dog', which meant he had been left with...

And it was his own fault! ...Wasn't it? A burst of anger and frustration directed at the dragon bubbled up inside Kipp.

"Enjoy your time together."

Those were the dragon's last words as he left. He didn't undo any of their bindings nor helped them in any way. Both wolves were left there, on the ground, tied to each other's muzzle.

Kipp's anger did not subside. So much so that he pressed his teeth against his brother's damned knot softly again just to make Gavin yelp. His brother had fallen for the dragon's manipulation again! They had fallen for it! As he bit his brother's knot, however, that cock lodged into his throat still spurt another short, watery burst of cum for him to swallow. Kipp did with a groan.

All he could do was continue to try to breathe. All while trying his best not to let his brother's tongue bring him to the second orgasmic bliss he felt close to approaching, as that would make his knot last even longer...

EverTech Chronicles: Aurich

Aurich held his breath. The pleasure was hard to handle. The skunk sometimes thought he had grown used to the tight metal cage encasing his genitals after all these weeks he had been wearing it, but at times like these, he still cursed the damned...

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Behind Closed Doors

The wolf dribbled the incoming cheetah masterfully, twisting in place, pressing his broader back against the smaller male and managing to slip the ball past him. The hoop was still far, but Jack jumped and, masterfully, threw the ball towards it. It...

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Vulpine Punishment

"Alistair... please...!" Theo begged. The wolf's teeth were grit, his muscles and whole body tense as his balls pulled up in anticipation of an inevitable orgasm. Or, at least, he could _swear_ it was inevitable, yet still when the fox's tongue left...

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