Scavengers - Preview

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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#3 of Scavengers

Here is my new story series, Scavengers. Will be released after Bellmare High has finished. If there is porn ot not, you'll have to wait and find out:


He crouched down, tasting the scarred surface of the road. Someone had been here before him, and he wanted to know who. They had been following his route for 3 days. He only had a backpack with his things in it, and an M16. Everyone had guns now. It was 2112, 100 years after nuclear fallout. The way his grandfather told it, the Nazis had been experimenting with creating hybrid humans, stronger and faster than regular humans, but once they finished the first batch something happened. The intelligence of animal and human had combined. The first group were slaughtered and the Nazis tried again. They created 17 batches in total, each time refining the procedure and making sure everything was in order, but they couldn't control the animalistic side of the hybrids. World War 2 ended and the hybrids were set free. They dissipated before the Allies could reach them. Their numbers grew rapidly, and in 1967 they made first contact with humans. They had learned to control themselves, but the humans were scared. They were hunted and locked away, safe from the bombs. They broke free and now they were the legacy of the human race. Humans, extinct by their own actions, were not on Earth anymore. Hybrids were the future, hybrids were the only intelligent species left, and they had to live in the hell that humans had created.

He walked down the broken road, trying to find what he was looking for. His grandfather told him that somewhere, there was a place where the desert and wasteland gave way to green grass, blue skies, and tranquillity. He had been searching for years, but had found nothing. In Tranquillity, all hybrids were allowed to come, and would be given clean water and fresh food. Canned produce was getting harder to find, and he was having to go some days with no food at all. The sun was setting and he needed to find a place to stay for the night. He walked past an abandoned petrol station and looked inside, finding nothing of interest. Something in the corner of his eye moved, but when he turned it was gone. A pot fell down inside and he slowly brought up his M16. Although it was old, it was well maintained, as his grandfather taught him to deal with everything a gun could throw at him, except the bullets. He heard a grunt, and realised he had been spotted by a mutant, most likely a dog. He decided it would be a good time to run, and ran. The dog burst out of the doors, which fell down, and chased him. He turned and fired a couple of shots, not wanting to waste bullets. He tripped and fell, grazing his knee. He rolled over and watched the monstrosity of nature come closer, bearing its teeth. Something attacked the mutated dog and it was pushed 10 feet to his left. Whatever attacked the dog had killed it before it hit the ground, and was now tearing at the dogs stomach. He got up and looked at it, it was reptilian and had 2 horns coming from its head. Three rows of plates ran along its spine and down its tail. He got up and the reptile got something new to bring his attention to, him.


What do you people think?

Dragons Lair pt 16

Big part today, because its good to be back in London. I am also gonna give you guys and girls a sneak of my next series, Scavengers. =========== Michael and Myra went back to their quarters and Michael threw himself onto the bed. "Tired?" Myra...

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Dragons Lair pt 15

I'm going on holiday tomorrow until the 13th. I am taking my laptop so I can write more of my stories. This means that the part i have written down on paper should be on my laptop and i'm ahead of my schedule. This means I release more parts and so...

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Godzilla's Mate

I have been practicing my writing so I'll get better for my mail Dragons Lair and Bellmare High. Anyway, enjoy Godzilla's Mate. =============== Godzilla sat on his island, bored out of his skull. All the humans hated or feared him and wanted him...

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