A Rare Find - Gigantamax Shiny Charizard TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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Next up is a story that was a Patreon exclusive for a while - If you'd like to help support my writing, as well as get access to early previews and private streams, as well as access to my Discord, please consider supporting my treonicon!


(And I have two story slots open as of this upload as well!)

Anyway, a little collab with a friend, and a fun giant Charizard TF :P

Charizard (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"Sounds like the post just came!" Peter said to himself as he headed towards the front door, checking to see what had arrived. With everything back in lockdown for the time being, any places that he'd normally visit were closed, and to limit the number of trips he was making, he had resorted to ordering certain bits and bobs online - it didn't have the same feel of being able to pop into town and exploring the shop, but for now, it was the best that he could do. Of course, it didn't help too much that the post itself appeared to be suffering from some form of delay, as he was still waiting on some orders he had placed before Christmas to show up. "OK, let's see what we've got!"

Grabbing the disinfectant spray, Peter spritzed the package to make sure it was safe, waiting an extra few seconds to make sure it had done its job. Once he was satisfied, he opened it up, tossing the paper into a nearby garbage can and smiled. The cards he'd ordered had arrived, and he was hopeful that he'd gotten at least a few he could either use or sell online. It was just a shame he couldn't actually be a trainer - or one of the Pokémon themselves, he thought with a grin.

"All looks to be in order here~" He took a look at the packs after cleaning his hands - whilst he had ordered a few packs from the most recent set, he had also ordered in some packs from a set that whilst it wasn't technically available for another month, some cards and packs from it had already managed to make their way into the hands of sellers, and he wasn't going to turn up a chance on getting some new cards in advance.

He started to sort through them, shrugging at most of them. Nothing he didn't want, but also nothing he really needed. Which was more or less what he expected, but then when he got about half way through the pack, his jaw hung open and then closed up into a broad grin as he saw it shining in the light.

"No way..."

Staring at him from the middle of the pack was a Charizard VMAX card - whilst the card itself was rare in its own right, the variants of said card tended to fetch more money, and were generally among the hardest cards to get right now. The version he was holding right there had the Pokémon in its shiny colouring, indicating that he had pulled the rarest version of it.

"Now that's some damn good luck!" He laughed as he forgot about the other cards for the moment, admiring the card. He held it in his hands, admiring the way the light shone off of it. He knew what it could do in the game, and having two gave him a pretty nice advantage. Or, it would fetch a pretty good price on the internet - he doubted it would go without a buyer for long, as long as he was careful with it. He didn't quite notice the static charge building up until it shot through him, snapping him out of his reverie.

"Ack!" He winced, shaking his hand as he shook off the jolt. "Man, where did THAT come from?" He pondered before looking back at the card. "Still, it's probably a good idea to get you all sleeved up before I do anything else!" He went to fetch a pack of sleeves from the drawer next to the table.

He felt a warmth start to come over him as he did so, though the sensation wasn't unpleasant. In fact, it was quite the opposite - it felt really, really good. Peter soon felt the waistband of his pants dig into his torso a bit, having started to grow taller. It was slow, subtle now, but he was growing, and he could feel his member start to stiffen for reasons he couldn't discern for the moment. Under his shirt, dead center on his chest, black scales were slowly starting to grow.

He stifled a slight moan as he placed the card carefully in the sleeve, inserting it into the folder next to the other two Charizard cards. "Heh, just wait till I show this to my friends, they're gonna flip at the sight of it!"

Once the card was safely away, Peter thought about what to do next - telling people was definitely on the list of things to do, and he was sure there'd be some impressed whistles on the other side of the screen. But the warmth was only getting more intense as his body began to grow even taller, the man taking notice when he was eye level with a bookshelf that had previously required him to reach up slightly. He was also steadily growing hornier, the black and white scales spreading further, his chest starting to sculpt itself into a godly form with powerfully defined pectorals and enviable abdominals that you could cut a diamond on.

"What the?" He paused when he noticed that the bookshelf seemed smaller. As he went to examine it, he felt the rush of arousal hit him. "Urrfh..." He trembled, hand resting on his chest, feeling his growing muscles. "Rrrghh... something's going on..." He straightened himself up, trying to adjust his clothes.

His body continued to grow, the pace picking up, almost as if him realizing it somehow fed into whatever force was altering his body. His shirt began to tear at the seams as his head started brushing against the ceiling, a feeling of pure power flowing through his veins. Whatever this was... he wanted more of it. Peter hadn't felt this good in a long time, if ever. His skin was warm to the touch now, and steadily getting warmer. "RRrhhh.... Oofffuuccckk.... yess...."

"Ghhh....rrrrggghhhrrrrrrrrr...." A low, rumbling growl escaped his mouth, a smirk crossing his lips. The sounds of his shirt slowly tearing rang through his ears, and it only served to arouse him further, one hand resting on his thigh as the other brushed against his now muscular front.

He could feel his arms and legs growing to keep pace with his increasingly titanic body as red energy began to swirl around him, body starting to break through the ceiling, though Peter barely felt it. The scales began to move down his arms, bringing steel hard muscles as they did, the new scales shining in the lights that still worked. His fingernails split open as sharp, ivory-white claws replaced them, extending outwards and gleaming. A damp spot on what used to be his pants fell to the ground, his balls having expelled the last of their human seed in preparation for what was about to come.

"Chhhhrrrrrrrrr...." He groaned, shrugging off the falling debris of the upstairs floor. The speed he was growing, he'd break through the roof in no time at all, not that he'd mind some fresh air after being stuck inside for so damn long. His hand brushed against his cock, feeling it pulsate and twitch against it.

He could feel the shaft growing longer and longer, gaining ridges on the underside as it turned a dark black color, coming to a point as it likewise grew thicker in his grasp. "Zzzarddd...sooo...fffuuucking gooooood..." He huffed as he felt it begin to pulse more, the massive draconic spear splitting as a second shaft formed, his other hand grasping it as his balls plumped up well past the size of watermelons as new, potent seed churned within them, his body temperature skyrocketing as his stomach began to glow a brilliant, infernal white. Things around him were starting to burn, though mysteriously enough, his cards were left untouched.

"Chhhhr....hhrhrarrarrrRRRRRDDD!!" He cried out as his dick split in two, the cry shifting from a simple yell to a primal, animalistic roar, the sound of which only excited him further. "Zaaaaaarrrrr.... I feel soo... soooo fuuuuckkkkking FERRRRALLLLL!" He cackled, licking his lips as he worked himself over, taloned hands keeping a firm grip on his weapons. The rate he was going, he'd gather attention soon enough, but even if he did, what could they do to stop him from enjoying himself?

"Gggoooddddd... this is just...Cccchaarriiii... fucking... zzzarddd...WONDERFUL...!"

A long, thick and muscular tail soon grew in above his impressively firm ass, the underside of it still glowing with white hot heat, a large fire igniting at the tip of it as he continued to grow and roar, voice deepening to a booming, beastial rumble. His hands worked his twin shafts as his legs and feet scaled over, the middle two toes merging as his heels began to rise, giving a massive pair of digitigrade feet in place of his weaker human ones. Claws digging deep into the ground as the enormous Charizard continued to jack off without a care in the world.

He was crouched forwards in the confines of his house - if he were to sit back up now, he'd probably take the whole house with him, and as painfully cramped as the dwelling was becoming, he was waiting for the right moment to rear up, though if he took too long, there was also the threat of the house fully burning down around him. Again, not a major concern, but he wanted this to go perfectly. "Grhrhrhrahahah..." His laughter rumbled in his throat.

"Dunno...cchhharrii... what kind of card could do this, but I'm not... zzzarddd... complaining!" Peter huffed as his neck began to stretch as the scales enveloped it. Though the space was confined, he was waiting for the perfect timing to stand up, his shoulders starting to feel even warmer as the temperature around them spiked. Everything felt so good, his cocks sensitive to the touch. His hair was rapidly falling out around him as he kept pumping.

An impatient growl left his throat as he curled up further, trying to contain his growing form within the house, the walls closing in around him. Whilst he never suffered from claustrophobia at any stage in his life, the thought of being stuck in this situation was absolutely maddening - how people could make do in such small spaces was beyond him.

The thought that he would be able to do whatever he wanted, however, put him in a much better mood. Who could argue with a massive buff Charizard? Very few, he thought - and even if he did stop being quite so massive, he'd still be able to set them on fire. His ears retracted into his body as a pair of long horns sprouted from his skull.He could feel his face pushing out into a broad, draconic muzzle full of meat-rending fangs. Smoke issuing forth from his nostrils as his eyes pulled into slits, sclera going orange and the irises red. Just one thing remained, and he knew just how to unfurl them.

"Chhrhrh... s....ssssoo.... Cloooossse!" He hissed, tongue flickering between his new fangs, longer and forked at the tip. He could feel the fire inside burning brighter, as if ready to ignite around several parts of him, something that could be seen by the fiery glow that escaped his mouth every time he opened it. He could feel it all building to one infernal climax, his eyes squeezing shut...

Seemingly all at once, he could feel his orgasm building to an unstoppable moment, cocks trembling as he came, standing up to his full, massive height as he did so, the air around him heating into an inferno as his horns became wreathed in flames, massive burning wings extending out from his shoulderblades, soon scattering embers and flame everywhere. And to top it all off, as he roared triumphantly, flames continuously leaked from his maw as hot cum splattered everywhere.


The house all but exploded as he stood up, scattering debris everywhere, his flaming wings casting a shadow all around him. Everything that was in his immediate vicinity more or less burst into flames, the card folder in what remained of his house was still miraculously unharmed throughout any of what was going on.

Though picking it up took a moment or two with his large, clawed hands, Peter was able to pick it back up and looked at it perched on the tip of one of his fingers with a grin - after he'd cleaned his seed off of the hand. He didn't want any of the cards being damaged, and his smirk grew even wider. If the card had done this to HIM... perhaps it or others could do the same to others. It had felt entirely too good to keep to just himself. And it had also cemented the choice he'd been weighing earlier.

"Definitely keeping this damn card!"

He kept a firm grip of the binder within one of his giant clawed hands - it'd be easier to properly sort things out with them when he wasn't standing in the middle of burning, smouldering rubble and giant puddles of cum. He was already thinking of friends to pay a visit too, as well as eager to give his wings a test drive.

"Heheheheh... they're gonna flip when they get a load of this! Wonder what I'll turn them into..." He mused as he spread his giant wings and took flight, leaving the rubble behind, though he did smirk even more when he heard roars beginning to sound from the area. But as much as he wanted to stick around to have some fun, he wanted to find his friends and bring the fun to them. And with wings like the ones he had... he wouldn't take long to get to them. The good times had only just begun.