Centaur Chapter 6

Story by Stratothrax on SoFurry

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Cum inflation epic involving a futa centaur and various other furry and fantasy races.Read Ahead Here

The band spilled back out into the street as an angry guild mage slammed the front door.

"Well, it seems like you gotta stay as a sexy stallion sexy sex god. I'm sorry Fey, I'm devastated, just devastated," said Flora with a level of smug sarcasm that could humble kings.

"No, she doesn't. That idiot mage gave us a clue, the soul. If nothing he had could see the problem then the problem is obviously coming from somewhere out of physical view."

"Oh come on Ella, this is a lost cause, better she just learns to live with it."

"What if it hurts her Flora, look at her."

The centaur's back legs were moving uncomfortably; her taut round ballsack visibly pulsing with her heartbeat, vascular and heavy.

"Yeah, well, she just needs a thorough milking, preferably inside of me."

"Didn't help with the fairy, did it?"

"Well, that's because she couldn't dip her wick, duh. It's got to be a proper milking."

The elf rolled her eyes at the gnome.

"Look, let's find someone who knows something about souls, we are in the mage district right now, somebody here has to know something."

Flora stuck a finger up her nose and began mining for gold. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Ellaria led the way with Flora floating lazily beside her and Fey trotting behind them. Unknowingly the centaur was dripping from her legs and barrel, leaving spattered drops of cum in her wake.

The band made their way through the district. It was a small district, but still relatively impressive for where they were this far from a city. There were a good two streets full of mage related buildings and shops. Unfortunately for the band there appeared to be nothing to do with souls. Seers, enchanters, witches, thaumaturgists, illusionists, magic smiths, any variation on mage you could want, but zero related to soul magickery.

Ellaria stepped from a Seer's shop having gone inside to ask if they could somehow see souls or anything of that nature.

"Well?" said Flora.

The elf shook her head. "No good. They don't do souls."

"It's no use then..." said Fey sadly, looking down at the ground.

"No, you're wrong, I asked them who might and they actually gave me an answer, I think this could be it."

Fey blinked. "Really?"

"We will see for ourselves."

Ellaria turned and was about to march down the street but instead, she paused. Ahead of her a dozen females, mostly lupine, flinched at her gaze and pretended to be browsing the shops or talking amongst themselves.

The elf narrowed her eyes at them, a few glanced nervously at her only to realise she was still staring. They flicked their eyes back as quickly as possible.

She pursed her lips and about-faced.

"Come on, we can go around," she said, walking in the opposite direction.

She led the band down the street. It didn't take a hawk to notice that the group of women was surreptitiously following behind them.

"Wha- what are we going to do? They're after me!" said Fey.

"Damn, they must be in heat and the droplets of... stuff, you are leaving in your wake is leading them right to you."

"Ah fuck em, literally, although I'll be charging 'em a fee to ride our horsey."

"Flora, as your band captain I command you to shut up."

The gnome opened her mouth to snappily respond when Ellaria jabbed a finger in front of them.


They'd come down a narrow alley, more run down and gloomy than anything else in the district, the shops they passed looked more poor sleight of hand and tacky palm reading than any true magic, even the signs looked worn out with various letters missing. That didn't stop Ellaria's keen eyes from spotting the one she was after however.

'Solomon the Soulomancers Soul Soliloquy'

The cracked board hung at an angle and squeaked in the breeze. There was a lithe red-scaled lizard person standing outside the door waiting patiently, he scratched at his neck frills nonchalantly.

Fey looked over her shoulder. The entrance to the alley was clear, except for the dozen heads peeking around the corner and looking at her hungrily. As she watched a number of the heads ducked behind, not yet bold enough to stand her gaze, but most stood their ground and returned her look, lips were bitten and one even winked at her. The centaur gulped and nervously moved closer to Ellaria.

The lizard person looked up as they arrived, his slitted eyes lazily moving from band member to band member, it was only when his eyes landed on Fey or rather that part of fey was there a reaction. His neck frills stiffened up and a look of shock crossed his face for a moment.

"Uh, this probably isn't the place you want if you've got one of those boners that won't go down ladies. The whore quarter is in that direction." He jabbed a clawed thumb over his shoulder.

"This is the Soulomancer's correct? There is a mage here who works with souls?"

"The sign didn't give it away elfy? Course it is, though she's not one to see just about anyone, you gotta have an appointment, like me." The lizard person nodded his head sagely.

"Well you'll just have to forget it, this is an emergency. My centaur friend is in dire need."

"Oh I don't think so you prissy leaf muncher. This is MY appointment, I go first, now wait your turn."

The lizard person turned his back on Ellaria with a huff and stared at the door which remained solidly closed.

An awkward silence followed.

Ellaria frowned.

"Listen lizard, you either get out of my way or I remove that tail of yours, barbecue it, and then force feed you it until you choke."

The lizard spun around to face her, his frills flaring.

"Are you oppressing me?! Wooow, what an elf like thing to do. Elitist elves! This is unbelievable! Outrageous! You just can't let go of your imperialist ways can you, crushing us short-lived little people underfoot! This is tyranny! Tyranny!"

"No I-"

"Abuse from above! This isn't the Elven Empire anymore you know. You can't just boss us around and get your way! Being long-lived gives you no right to tell me what to do! You're Not my queen, though you seem to consider yourself one in your arrogant elfy ways, I bet you thought you could enslave Me! Make me lick your feet! Feed you grapes I carefully peel with my teeth! Well I won't do it, I refuse! I'm a free lizard, I find my own way, and there's nothing you can do to stop me from taking my appointment, come hell or high water! The sky could fall and-"

"Shut up! Shut up! You annoying lizard!" said Ellaria, her fists balled.

Fey suddenly felt a hand on her flank and jumped in surprise. She turned to see a red-headed wolfkin girl touching her, she looked back at Fey as though shocked she was caught.

"I, uhm, heya, uhm, I noticed that you could do with a, uh, massage, to help relieve some of that stiff tension. I c-can help with that if you like? I'm a masseuse, quite a good one."

A paw came down beside the wolfkin's hand.

"I can do a better job! Don't listen to her, she's just a dumb wolfkin, not a true lupine!"

The wolfkin gave the lupine a scandalized look. "N-no! She's mine!"

Several other women wandered closer to Fey. There was over a dozen of them by this point and the alley was starting to get crowded behind her.

"Listen you idiotic lizard, I'm not here to oppress you, I'm here to help my friend who's struggling with an affliction."

"What? Having a boner? I don't think Solomon is going to help your friend, that's not her line of work. We all know what this is really about, you just want to bully me! Steal my appointment! Make yourself feel like you're in charge!"

Ellaria's eyes blazed with irritation.

"You're really pushing me lizard."

"Hah! Just like you push your will on the shorter-lived species, the arrogance, the sheer elven pompous hubris!"

Several more hands and paws touched Fey's legs and side, she looked behind her to see her back legs were surrounded by women, their eyes locked on to her body.

As she watched the first lupine grabbed a pawful of the wolfkin's hair and pulled her aside. The wolfkin let out a gasp of pain then slapped at the lupine and pushed closer to Fey, her hands running over Fey's muscular stallion thighs.

Ellaria held up a hand and a burning red fireball roared to life in her palm. She stared down the lizard imperiously, her voice commanding, her eyes faintly glowing.

"If you don't do as I say you rotscaled piece of filth I will burn you into an ashen husk."

The lizard flinched back, a little fear in his eyes for the first time, even the women who had started to push and shove at each other to get at Fey were given pause.

The lizard opened his mouth, closed it, then opened it again.

"Oppression! Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!" he cried, his frills flaring outward and his arms going up in the air.

The door behind the lizard suddenly opened and a short bunnykin stepped out. She froze seeing the crowd of people all staring at her.

"Uhm, Solomon s-says you can go in now," she said to the lizard before dashing off down the alley in the opposite direction.

"Oh. Nevermind." The lizard ducked inside the shop and slammed the heavy door behind him.

Ellaria jumped forward and waggled the door handle but it was quite clearly locked.

"Godsdammed lizards," she sighed.

"Uhm- g-guys, h-help! It, It's too much! Too many!" said Fey as people started to push and shove at each other behind her. She gasped uncomfortably as a pair of paws came down on her balls and a lupine nose pressed against them, huffing in great breaths from the surface.

"Wait your turn!" said one, pushing aside another lupine and diving below Fey. She felt several sets of paws grasp at her cock. It throbbed excitedly, bucking and pulling at their grip. A spurt of precum splashed from the tip causing the crowd to groan, noses flaring, tails flagging in the air.

Ellaria grimaced as she watched the centaur get slowly swamped by women.

"This isn't going to work."

"Aw, but I love impromptu alley orgies!" said the gnome.

"Flora get her out of here, I'll stay and talk to the Soulomancer and see what she has to say."

"Urgh, fiiine. You're far too responsible Ella. I guess I'll see you back at the inn."

"With that, the gnome faced Fey and raised both her hands in front of her, palm up. The centaur let out a yelp of surprise as she felt her hooves begin to lift off from the muddy cobble and into the air, flecks of mud falling away to the ground below.

The crowd of women were not happy about this development.

"W-wait! Don't go!"

"Someone stop her!"

"I'm so hot inside, this heat! I-I need something inside me!"

"Drag her back down!"

As the centaur drifted upward, her hooves waving in the air, the crowd tried to grab at her, yanking on her tail and legs and pulling her downward. She let out a yelp and glared down at the crowd.

"Get off me!"

She kicked her legs and using her surprising strength managed to fling the crowd off of her. As she rose ever higher a lupine grabbed at her cock and yanked it down. She held on for dear life, hugging it to her chest as she was lifted skyward. However Fey's cock was still slick and the lupine slid down until she was clutching at it with her paws ten feet of the ground. With a cry, she fell and landed on the muddy cobble on her butt.

The crowd looked up hungrily at the centaur incongruously floating in the air, her legs dangling.

"Some other time ladies," said Flora.

She waved at them then gestured upward. Gnome and centaur swooped upward into the air, Fey with a cry of surprise having never flown before. She looked down in awe as they floated over the blocks rooftops and the into the next street. People below looked up and pointed in surprise, the sight of seeing an entire centaur floating through the air causing a stir, that the centaur had a massive erection was causing an epidemic of double takes.

"I'm flying! This, this is amazing Flora!"

"Eh, it's alright."

"It's so much better than walking! I understand why you never bother to use your legs for anything now!"

"Hey that makes me sound lazy, I can use my legs, I just... don't."

The pair levitated across a dozen streets until they were well outside the mage district. The gnome brought them back down to the earth, well, she brought the centaur back down, she remained floating nearby.

"Not all the way?" asked Fey a little disappointed that the ride had ended.

"Nope. My mana, I get to spend it how I want. You got four legs so walking is twice as easy for you, you should have no problem."

"I don't think that's how that works Flora."

"Have you ever experienced having just two legs? Yeah, I thought not."

"I- but-... No, I have not." The centaur sighed but relented.

It didn't take them long to return to the Slime's Bane Inn where Fey was relieved to be able to hide from prying eyes once more. Back in their rooms they found Vivi, she had a dust cloth on her head and was slumped on the couch. She gave Flora a dirty look as she came in.

"Hi Vivi!" said Flora sunnily.

"Fuck you gnome."

Fey blinked. "Uh, did something happen?"

"She- She...!" The fox girl threw her paws up in the air in exasperation.

"Did you clear up the mess you made of the bathroom foxy? You really did make a mess, what in the world were you doing in there?"

Vivi let out a snarl of irritation. "You would know. Do purple rubber balls ring any bells?"

"Nope! No idea what you are talking about!"

Fey gave the pink-haired gnome the side eye. She floated there, suspiciously innocent.

"I remember seeing that you bought 'purple rubber balls' Flora... Flora what did you do?"

The centaur turned on the gnome, her eyes narrowing.

"What? Me? I didn't do anything!"

Fey crossed her arms and stared at the gnome. The gnome wilted slightly under her disappointed gaze, her mask of oblivious innocence acquiring a crack.

"Really now."

"Yep! Now if you'll excuse me I have some uh, stuff to do!"

The gnome suddenly zoomed away and into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Fey watched her go, unsure if she should go after her.

She let out a sigh deciding to let it lie for now. She trotted over and flopped down on the largest couch, a quadruple seater. It was still a little cramped and it creaked desperately under her weight. Her cock smacked against her horse stomach as she came down on her back

Across from her Vivi's eyes were drawn to her body. Then she saw her enlarged swollen balls. The fox girl swallowed.

"S-so, did you find out what is wrong with you? I assume you didn't couldn't find a way to, uh, go back to being all female?"

Fey looked down unhappily. "No, we got the mage guild to look but even their best couldn't tell me anything, Ella thinks it's something to do with my soul, I don't really know, I'm starting to wonder if I'm just going to have to live like this."

"Hey, that's not a bad thing in my opinion," said the fox girl. She had started to move her hips on the couch, squirming uncomfortably. A paw was drifting toward her shorts.

"Is it Vivi? It seems like I'm going to get harassed in the streets if I'm not careful. I'm not sure I can get used to that..."

"You enjoy the sex, don't you? Blowing your load into a girl stretched over your massive length, filling her to her limit so she's more satisfied than she could ever imagine."

Fey eyed the fox girl who's breathing had accelerated. Her paw was pressed up against her shorts and fey could see the folds of her muff where her paw pads pressed the cloth up against herself.

"...yes... I've had...thoughts. I- I like leaving people happy and I like my own release. But it's so!"

The fox girl jumped to her feet suddenly.

"You're just not used to being shameless and open Fey, y-you just need to g-get used to it! L-let me help with that!"

The five foot tall fox girl lurched forward and jumped on Fey's broad barrel, wriggling around so that she was sitting atop it. Fey's cock rested across her white-furred thighs.

She bit her lip as she looked down at the massive gently throbbing cock laying on her legs. Her paws came down and her breath hitched as her paw pads touched the hot surface. She ran her paws across it, feeling the vascular pattern of veins, the raw stallion heat of the thing, and then pushed her paws underneath and tried to lift it.

"Gods it's so heavy!" The horse cock bucked in her grip, pushing her paws down before springing back up. The cock tensed again, the powerful strength behind it squashing her paws between it and her thighs.

"You have your heat back Vivi? It came back after you uhm, emptied yourself?"

"Of course it did! It's not going to go away for a while, your cum was just a temporary suppression of it, now It's back and gods I'm so fucking horny."

"It doesn't bother you? Your heat?"

The vulpine tilted her head to the side. "Not really, it makes sex feel so much better, and it's for only part of the year, it's natural, really, as natural as sex, when you have your partner's member inside of you and you are like one being, connected in a wild visceral way like nothing else, that natural feeling of breeding, that feeling is kinda what heat is like sorta."

The fox girl was running her paws over Fey's twitching shaft as she spoke, her paws pads tracing the large veins that ran up its length. A cup of clear precum suddenly sprayed from the tip splashing over Fey's horse chest, and running dark over her fur. A little of the fluid spattered onto the pale skin of her upper body. The centaur girl bit her lip as Vivi's nose flared and she drew in a great breath, the scent of the precum filling her nose. The fox girl shuddered and her hips squirmed.

"I noticed your balls," said Vivi, "They seem... bigger... much bigger. I'm, I'm gonna touch them."

The fox girl ran her paw back down Fey's length until she was reaching for the massive testicles that hung from the base of her cock. As she moved her paws over their obscenely round surface her brow rose.

"Holy hell they are hot, I'm surprised they're not steaming, and they're so taut Fey, Don't they hurt?"

Fey whimpered at the fox girls touch

"They're, uhm, sore yes, like there's a huge pressure trying to find a release."

"The amount of cum in them must be, f-fuck, I can't even imagine!"


They were interrupted by the door to the common room opening and Ellaria appearing. She paused as she saw Fey and Vivi on the couch then frantically flapped her hand at them, looking behind her meaningfully. Fey blinked at her then realizing what she meant she scrambled to her hooves, tossing Vivi to the ground with a yelp. As she got up a human woman appeared at the door, though on second glance, not quite a human.

For one she had green-tinted skin. Her hair was green and voluminous and appeared to be part plant. White flowers and leaves peeked from the top, growing from her hair and arranged vaguely like a tiara around her head. Her clothing wasn't clothing but plant life, her breasts ensconced in a pair of cupping leaves, her hips hung with foliage. She walked barefoot and with her came the scent of a summer meadow. To Fey's amazement, she was nearly as beautiful as Ellaria, which was not a knock on her, elves were in a tier of their own when it came to beyond perfect beauty, so that this new person was even remotely close made her absolutely stunning to look at.

She was a dryad.

The dryad turned curious eyes on Fey.

"U-uhm, Hi?" said Fey.

"Hello Fey. My name is Solomon. Your elven friend told me about your condition. I sensed honesty enough from her to come see you myself. It appears I made the right decision."

"You did?"

"Yes, I have not seen anything like this before, you are fascinating, I'm not sure how this is possible to be frank."

"She's just grown a bit of cock, it's no big deal," said Flora. She'd emerged from her bedroom and was squinting at Solomon suspiciously.

Vivi stood up from where she had been sitting on the ground, brushing off her knees. "That's more than just a bit, it's more like a lot of cock... she's got big juicy full balls too."

"Oh, I was not referring to her physical appearance dear vulpine, I am referring to the fact that this centaur currently has no soul. She is as an undead."

"Wait, what?"

"I'm undead? I died!?" said Fey, her voice rising.

"That would appear at first glance to be the case, although I have neither heard of or seen any undead that has anything like the aura of virile struggling life that you give off. If you are an undead you are the most brimming with life of any undead that has ever existed."

"What does that mean? I paid for your help Soulomancer, not ambiguous words," said Ellaria crossing her arms.

"I am not quite sure myself, It is a curious thing. Please, tell me of your symptoms, perhaps I can divine a clue. I personally do not believe you are an undead, so the question is, what are you exactly?"

"Her symptoms are awesome," said Flora.

"I have a, uhm, p-penis, and I- I cum a bit more than normal."

"You cum buckets!" said Vivi. "So so much and then you can put it in women, all of it, and your new magical ability makes their bodies forever more elastic and stretchy, and, and-"

Vivi paused as the dryad suddenly stepped up in front of her.

"Fascinating. An ability that changes others bodies on command? That is a rare thing. I think I need a demonstration of this stretchiness. It may be important."

"Uh, you want what now?"

"I want to see you stretched fox girl."

"I mean, that sounds amazing, but uhm, I don't know you and it's a little awkward..."

"Mammals have such timorous and withdrawn considerations."

"No I-"

"Well I believe I know how to bypass your inhibitions, as Ellaria has told me this is a potentially dangerous situation, It is best I am shown everything that may help."

The dryad held out her hand and a bouquet of pink flowers exploded from her palm, scattering pollen in a cloud. She held up the bouquet to the vulpine's face and the fox girl accidentally drew in a big breath as the bouquet pressed around her muzzle.

"There. I am told these flowers have a special effect on mammals, putting them into a state of high arousal and desiring to mate."

Fey, Ellaria, and Flora stared at the dryad.

"... you just did what?!"

"It saves us time, we can skip the, hmm, what is it called? Foreplay? Yes, this will get straight to the point."

"B-b-but, she, she was already in h-heat!" said Fey.

"What is.. heat?" said the dryad. "She is overly warm? Needs to go outside?"

The band turned their shocked gaze from the clueless dryad to the frozen fox girl.

A long low whine came from her open mouth, her body tensed up and unmoving. Her jaw trembled.

"Are you okay Vivi?"

The fox girls knees suddenly turned inward and her eyes rolled up. She let out a choked squeal and a dark wet spot bloomed on her short shorts, growing wider and wider as fluid began to drip and burble from the sopping cloth, strings of lubricant drizzling down between her thighs, wetting her fur. Her tail flagging into the air hard.


The fox girl trembled, her paws fluttering and clutching at the air as a line of drool slipped from her mouth.

"I don't think she's okay."

"Dryad, what the hell do you think you are doing? I asked you to help one of my bandmates, not make things worse!" said Ellaria.

The dryad tilted her head to the side.

"That is... a strong effect. Well, the result is still the same, no matter."

"You remember what she was like at the hot spring? She's going to need to be rutted into the ground to sate this heat," said the gnome.

Vivi's jaw moved with her breath which was getting heavier and heavier, the air practically steaming with the heat of it. The fox girl slowly, stiffly, turned to Fey, her muscles occasionally spasming.

"Feeeey, I'm so hot inside, it's like there's a volcano in my womb constantly exploding, screaming to be filled and bred, oh goddds, F-Fey If I don't get you inside of me right now I'm going to fucking DIE!"

The fox girl lunged at Fey wild eyed, her legs driving her body at the centaur with the full strength of a warrior, the wooden floor fractured beneath her feet as she exploded forward. Fey was taken completely by surprise and the white-furred missile slammed into her side in a full bore tackle. The centaur was flung off her feet and landed heavily on the sofa, The sofa nearly tipping over before rocking back and crashing down.

The fox girl was on all fours on Fey's barrel, the mass of Fey's dick below her. It bucked up against her belly and chest excitedly, sending her breasts jiggling beneath her crop top.

Vivi whined, her claws digging into the horse body below her. A thick creamy rope of fem-cum hung between her thighs, it drooled down onto the top side of the massive throbbing horse cock. The fox girl trembled. After taking a moment to collect herself she crawled forward toward Fey's upper body. Feys horse cock jerked upward eager to pierce the fox girl and bashing against her short shorts. Vivi fell forward onto her elbows, gritting her teeth as she orgasmed once more, her thighs shaking.

Vivi looked up at Fey with wild hungry eyes, her breath coming in huffs.

"Fey, I need you more than anything else I've needed in my life, I need you deep deep inside of me, until I'm permanently molded to fit you, until my womb is your personal cum dump, until you're my alpha and I'm your little cock sleeve!"

Her paw reached down and she grabbed frantically at her shorts, trying to pull them from her hips.

Fey's cock bucked into the air and spurted a cup of precum, it splashed against the fox girls rear and soaked her thighs through. She let out a whine and her arm jerked, her strength causing her to rip her shorts from her body in one motion.

She threw the cloth aside along with her top and aligned her rear.

"I can't wait anymoooore!"

The fox girl heaved herself backwards and her swollen muff crashed up against Fey's broad cock head. Her puffy labia squashed flat against the unforgiving tip, her clit pushing free from its hood hard and erect.


Her sloppy cunt drooled fluid as she ground herself down on top of the centaur, clear lubricant sputtering from around the pressed together flesh, wetting down the horsecock and slicking its surface. The fox girl pawed at Fey's lower chest desperately, her hips squirming and rolling against the tip and then when she thought she could push no more her lower lips suddenly slipped over the horizon, stretching into a lewd O and engulfed the head of Fey's dick.

Vivi Came.

She slapped her paws to her muzzle trying to stop her voice from coming out but her paws could not hold back the howling scream that forced its way free. Fem cum high pressure sprayed from her stretched labia instantly soaking Fey's barrel, darkening it with wet. The fox girls thighs shook out of control, her flesh jiggling back and forth.

"Oh! oh g-gods! Why didn't I do this sooner!"

She frantically moved her body even as she came, shifting and pushing her hips, using her arms to leverage her torso backwards, pushing more of the massive horse cock inside of herself. She dipped her head down and looked in excited awe as the small bulge in her belly that was Fey's dick became larger and larger, inching up her abdomen, a hump of short white fur wrapped around the massive intruder inside of her.

"Deeeperrrr!" she whined humping her hips and pushing herself further down the shaft, impaling herself. She let out a little gasp as she felt the blunt head press up against the entrance to her womb. Her trembling limbs pushed her body against the horse, the large cock head butting up against her deepest part, frustrated that she couldn't get it inside to sate the burning heat. She set her legs and then with shaking jiggling thighs managed to lift herself up until the cock was going into her pussy at an angle. Her breath hitched as she put her paws on her belly bulge, feeling the heat of Fey's cock through her short fur.

She swallowed then heaved backwards, using gravity and her own strength to shove herself down onto the dick. The entrance to her womb strained and then with a Pop! It yawned wide and wrapped tight over the cock head, Fey's dick pushing into her most sacred place. Her burning hot core.

The vulpines head went back and she screamed, her eyes rolling up as high-pressure squirt exploded from her crotch. Her legs shook so hard that she lost her footing and her feet went up into the air. Unfortunately, this meant she was prey to gravity and could do nothing but wail as she suddenly slipped a full foot down the cock, her stomach bulging outward, stretched over the thick mass.

She squirted again, fluid gushing from between her thighs, and her paws slapped down on the bulge sticking from her abdomen, her eyes wild, a broodmare getting what she hungered for.

"Ghha! Hhaa!! Y-yeees!"

Her hips began moving of their own volition, her pussy hungrily trying to get more of Fey's dick inside her womb, her insides dragging and pulling at the shaft. Her hips rocked back and forth, each motion inching herself lower, leveraging gravity to get more and more inside of herself. By this point Fey's dick was more or less pointed upward with Vivi atop it. The fox girl reached out her paws and grabbed at Fey's lower horse legs which were raised up in the air to either side of her. With a determined look in her eye she drove herself downward the last few inches until her labia came to rest on Fey's medial ring. The touch of it pushed the fox girl over the edge.


Her legs went up in the air, her toes splayed out rigid, her clit throbbed and Fey's barrel was sprayed down with her juices. She kicked at the air as her entire body rested on Fey's medial ring, her arms holding her in place, the bulge in her belly pressing up against the underside of her breasts.

She thrashed there for a moment and then her lower lips stretched thin and squeezed around the thick medial ring and she dropped down another six inches. Her breasts were knocked aside, squeezing around the bulge.

Her insides convulsed as the medial ring scraped up her pussy walls, sending lightning up her spine.



Her pussy went wild, rippling up and down the massive intruder, trying to contain it but doing nothing but barely holding it together.

"M-MORE! Mmmhooaaahh!"

She got her legs underneath her, her knees wobbling like leaves in the wind, and tried to push up, straining, using all her warrior's strength just to overcome her climax weakened body. Slowly, she began to rise, her pussy being dragged along behind unwilling to let the dominating cock inside it go, her stretched paper thin lips deforming over every vein and bulge. She managed to pull herself up until the medial ring, the ring pulled her puss downward but she could not force it out. Her thighs wobbled like jelly and then her strength failed and she dropped back down six inches as they collapsed.

"Mmmh-hhnnyaaahhh!!!!-"I-I'm I'm too weeak!" she whined.

The vulpine looked down at the bulge in her belly that pushed her breasts apart and swallowed. She moved her paws from Fey's legs and grasped at her breasts, her paws squishing into them. She licked her lips then pushed her breasts up against the bulge, squeezing then roughly mauling her breasts up then down over the tip, more and more frantically. Her hips rolled, trying to get more Fey's dick inside, but to no avail.

"Hhee c-cum in me Fey p-please! I need to be filled!"

"I c-can't yet! It's not enough!"

The centaur's hips bucked up into the air as Vivi's hips rocked but it was no good.

"I need you to move Vivi!"

The fox girl bit her lip hard but nodded. She got her legs underneath her, her knees twitching and shaking, and managed to get some leverage. With immense will she lifted her body up, her puss letting go reluctantly, the stomach bulge slipping down from between her boobs. She heaved herself up until the girth of Fey's medial ring was visible, a slight ridge above her mons, and then she set her legs and heaved. Her puss bulged downward but then with a lurch and a schl-pop! the medial ring slipped free, her lips wetly slopping around it.

She gasped, her eyes going wide, a string of drool connecting her lips.

She almost lost it, her legs failing. She had to grit her teeth even as orgasm ripped through her, setting her body ablaze, but she didn't stop. Her shaking wobbling legs pushed her higher, the bulge in her belly rapidly disappearing until only the head was visible, a small distension above her mons. Her legs were fully straightened and she was standing on her tiptoes yet some of Fey's dick was still inside of her.

She wasn't sure how long she could hold herself up despite locking her knees, her legs trembled as she looked down at the beast below her.

Then she caught a flash of purple out of the corner of her eye.

She turned her head, a sense of danger running up her back. They were there. The purple balls! Her eyes widened as a dozen equally sized rubber purple balls rolled up onto the couch and piled up on top of Fey's testicles.

"W-wha? N-no!"

The purple balls climbed on top of each other forming a tower. The tower rose and grew up and up until it was a rubber mirror to the horse cock aimed straight at the vulpine's buttocks. The fox girl whimpered and tried to move her hips out of the way but the tower seemed to lean and follow. Her legs trembled desperately trying to keep her up, her muscles straining to her limit, she whined as her aching legs reaching their limit


Her legs completely gave out.

The fox girl only had time to open her mouth before she fell, the top most rubber ball slammed into her butt sending her cheeks jiggling. She squirmed trying to escape it but there was nothing she could do as the purple ball wiggled and wormed its way between her cheeks and pressed up against her anus.


Her anus gave way and the ball squeezed itself inside. She dropped down several inches until the next ball slammed into her, only for a moment as her abused asshole gave way again. She continued to drop-stop her way downward, her legs going up in the air as each progressive motion drove her further and further over the edge


She squirted as she came down, her paws slapping over the bulge in her belly that was significantly thicker as both the horse cock and pseudo cock slipped inside her. She could do nothing but thrash and wail as gravity forced her downward, purple rubber slop- slop- slopping inside of her along with the stretching girth of Fey's dick. She could feel the two masses pressing up against each other inside, squeezing her sensitive spots between them, running roughshod over all her buttons. She clawed at her belly bulge as her muff slammed into the medial ring. Her eyes rolled up as her lower lips began to slip over the edge and then engulf it and she dropped down, splop splop! Ever more balls slipped inside her. She wailed into her belly bulge, her legs kicking wildly at the air, her toes curling.


"Oh! oh! Gods!"

Her clit was twitching wildly in the air, and her tongue lolled from her mouth, her body was crying out for Fey's cum, but her body was too ruined with pleasure to move. She wondered if she would pass out just from sheer frustration at not being filled with her hot seed.

She tried to get her feet under her, but her legs weren't listening to her, just a pair of trembling floppy noodles that vaguely dragged at the couch.

She whined.

Then she felt an invisible force grab hold of her.

"Tsk, Tsk, Vivi, and you call yourself a warrior."

The fox girl's eyes went wide as she was suddenly jerked upward, her butthole forced around a purple ball as she was dragged. She opened her mouth and full-throated wailed as her puss and anus were heaved up, the medial ring ripped from her puss sending her into rolling orgasm, squirt exploding from her front so strongly that Fey's human half was hosed down, female fluids spattering across her smooth skin and onto her blouse.

The fox girl continued to rocket up, purple rubber schlopping from her assshole all the way up to the top where she peaked and came slamming back down howling her lungs out, her legs up in the air, her paws being knocked aside as the bulge in her belly exploded outward, rising up between her breasts as she sch-plopped! over the medial ring and kept on, the bulge rose until it slid by her chin and came up the top of her head as her reddened muff and ass cheeks slammed down onto Fey's hips. Fey's eyes went wide. This was the first time her entire cock had been inside of a female, her whole length sheathed inside the living cock sleeve that was Vivi, the fox girls pussy walls were going wild, rippling and convulsing and shuddering down her length out of control, desperately clutching at her massive tool.

The fox girl screamed.

Fey screamed.

Fey's entire body tensed up hard, desperate to release.

To fill the fox girl.


And fey did.

The surge of pleasure was instantaneous, lightning flashed through her body ripping through her nerves, contracting and stiffening every muscle, her head went back and her upper body's spine arched as her eyes rolled up. Her balls felt like they were on fire, the amount that was trying to escape was too much and she bucked her hips crazily, thrashing into the air. Her vision popping and flashing.

Then it happened, her massive heavy balls hiked upward, hard, the tip of her cock swelled and flared outward like never before, the knobbly rim scraping at the fox girl's insides and sending her wild, locking her into Vivi's womb, impossible to remove, her breeding now inescapable.

Her balls found their release and thick virile cum exploded into her shaft, distended it outward as the high-pressure stream surged up it, expanding and stretching her length until it reached the top. Her urethra opening wide as so much was forced free at once.


Thick hot virile horse cum blasted into the fox girls womb causing a bulge in the shape of the ejaculation to momentarily appear at the top of the fox girl's belly bulge, a thick solid rope of cum that surged into her then shlopped outward in a rush.

The fox girl howled into her belly bulge wrapping her arms around it tight as her legs kicked wildly at the air, her toes straining to their limit.


The first surge of boiling hot seed just kept gushing into her, her white-furred belly deformed around it as it sloshed downward, her arms wrapped around the bulge caught the slopping cum filled shape and a rapidly filling drooping bulge appeared above her arms.

"Oh gawwwd!!!"

Fey's hips kept bucking at the air and the first surge of cum barely ended before the second exploded up her shaft even as Vivi mindlessly rolled her hips into Fey's crotch her bawling sloppy cunt continually waterfalling squirt.

"F-f-fuck! AaAwaaah!!!!! FILLMEEEEE!!"

The drooping bulge of cum pinned above her arms exploded outward as the next surge of cum sprayed into her womb and her muzzle was buried in the soft wall of her own white furred belly. The drooping swell rapidly filled outward until it was a hanging sphere, her arms filled by the mass, she held on as long as she could but as the third surge of exploded into her her arms were forced apart and the mass of cum sloshed down inside of her instantly making her look pregnant.

"Oh god there's so muuuchnnnnghaa!!"

Her belly rapidly expanded outward, pushing apart her paws and hanging down from the tip of the bulge caused by Fey's dick. Cum continued to high pressure hose into the fox girl's womb, driving her body hormonally crazy, impossible amounts of boiling stallion essence gushing and spraying up against the inside of her womb to slosh down into the growing lake. Already she looked way past nine months pregnant with octuplets and growing swiftly.

"Ahhnn... ahnnn!"

Fey was groaning with each surge from her cock, bucking up into the rapidly filling fox girl, insensate with pleasure and release, her balls finally finding a release valve. Each surging blast was increasing in frequency, each eruption of cum greater than the last, she just kept cumming and cumming and cumming, swelling and filling out the screaming howling squirting fox girl, who's ankles drummed against her barrel as she was turned into a living cum tank for a lake of horse cum.

Vivi's belly touched down on Fey's lower stomach and spread across its surface even as the fox girl's limbs thrashed, squirt high pressure spraying from around her convulsing pussy to splatter up against her own belly, soaking her white fur.

"It's! It's too muuuch! FEEEYYYIIIEEEEEE!!!"

Seventh, eighth, ninth, powerful surges of piping hot cum rushed into the fox girl's womb, each surge accelerating the ballooning of her belly, her belly button suddenly popped into an outie under the heavy pressure sending ripples across the surface of her tummy. Her obscene lewd belly filled beyond reason with heavy virile stallion cum just kept growing and growing and surging outward, spreading the fox girls knees and arms apart, growing to cover Fey's barrel, rolling up over her horse chest and touching up against her front legs. The centaur hooked her front hooves over the mass of vulpine and bucked up into her all the harder.

The fox girl's breasts were being pressed up by the drooping growing sphere of cum at this point and she could do nothing but clutch at the massive cum tank she had become, burying her muzzle into her own belly and screaming, howling, her heat was more than satisfied, it was obliterated, extinguished, the overwhelming masculinity forced into her sated the volcano of her heat and sent her into hormonal overdrive.

Thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth bucking surge, the couch made a long suffering groan and suddenly collapsed beneath the centaur and the mass of cum on top of her. The fox girl dropped down on Fey triggering the last final massive surge to release from her balls, distending and thickening her shaft and swelling out the fox girl's immense monstrous belly another foot stretching it out to a massive incredible eight foot across.

"yEsH! f-f-fUcK! AaAhaIIEEEEEE-"

The fox girl's howls suddenly dropped off as she went over her limit for pleasure and passed out, flopping against the room dominating mass that was her tight cum stuffed belly.

The room went quiet, only Fey's heavy breathing filling the silence.