Twice bitten, Once shy: Chapter 5

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#5 of Bitten

Morning came peacefully to the Long house settling over it's inhabitants and slowly drifting into their bedrooms. Lex awoke to the gentle touch of the sun on his face. It wasn't often that he got to sleep in so he was enjoying himself. Lex lazily rolled over in bed trying to block out the perky and bright sun shining into his window. After laying half asleep in bed for another hour Lex heard a door slam outside in the driveway. Lex sleepily rolled out of bed to see who was in his drive port.

The sound had come from a large ford truck that looked pretty beat up. Lex watched as a large guy in a sweat stained wife beater moved around the back of the truck pulling out various lawn care equipment. Lex was confused cause this guy didn't look like the usual lawn care guy. Not only was he a lot younger, but he looked kind of hot. The guy was busy getting stuff ready, but it looked like he was missing some major equipment, like... a lawn mower. As he came around to the front of the truck Lex suddenly recognized him. "Dustin!" Lex said in surprise suddenly wide awake.

Lex ran around franticly getting himself clothed and dressed. By the time he was finished dressing the doorbell rang and Lex heard his parents answer it. He hurried downstairs to see what was going on and intercepted Dustin and his parents in the front room. Dustin looked up at Lex and almost seemed surprised. "Good morning honey!" Lex's mom said and smiled, "This is Dustin, I hired him to do the lawn and stuff!" She said and Lex nodded offering a polite smile to Dustin.

"I... I know him, we have football together" Lex said and swallowed nervously.

Dustin looked at Mrs. Long and frowned, "If my being here is going to be a problem I..."

"Oh nonsense!" Mrs. Long said and smiled as she took Dustin by the hand, "We're more than happy to have you! I even made breakfast!" She said and pulled Dustin towards to the kitchen. She sat him down at the bar and placed a large plate of pancakes in front of him. Lex nervously pulled up a seat at the bar beside Dustin and smiled when his mom gave him a plate too. As they ate Mrs. Long talked about stuff and whipped out some sausage and bacon. "So I was thinking maybe you could help Dustin get the hang of things around the house and in the garage" Mrs. Long said as she picked up dishes and rinsed them off before placing them in the dish washer.

"Sure, I guess I could show him where things are" Lex said a little less nervously.

"Good! After you finish the yard I have some other things I would like some help with around the house" Mrs. Long said and pushed the boys towards the garage.

After they had gone from the kitchen through the laundry room and into the garage Lex turned to Dustin and smiled, "So, imagine seeing you here?"

"This wasn't my idea Lex, I didn't even know about this until Thursday and I didn't know it was your house" Dustin said and frowned as he crossed his arms.

Lex shrugged and laughed, "Too late now, once my mom starts on something she doesn't give up on it" Lex said and led Dustin through the expansive garage. There was a lot to show, but eventually Lex thought he had shown Dustin the vast majority of what was laying around.

"What's over there?" Dustin asked and pointed at the door on the other side of the garage.

"Oh, that leads to the offices my dad used to use, but now it's a guest room. My brothers used to stay there until my mom made up a guest room in the house" Lex said and made his way to the door. He opened it and looked inside noting how his mom had cleaned it not too long ago. It was cool and a fan spun happily in the main portion of the downstairs room. It was nicely decorated and very clean. There was a bathroom with a tub and shower downstairs in the living area, upstairs there were three rooms, one was the bigger guest bed room and the other two were offices. Only one office had a desk and a computer, the other office was more of a storage room with official aspirations.

Dustin took it all in stride, but the sheer size of the place was hard to digest. His entire house could fit in the garage. Dustin hadn't even seen the rest of the house or even the upstairs where he assumed Lex lived. After looking through the garage and the guest house as Lex called it Dustin got a tour of the yard. There was as much to do out there as there was in the entire house. In addition to the yard there was a mid sized green house where Mrs. Long struggled to grow fresh fruit and veggies for the family.

Eventually Lex left Dustin alone to do the yard. He had offered to help, but Dustin had refused his assistance saying that he was already getting paid more than he thought fair for a job like this. Granted Lex didn't know what his parents were paying Dustin, but that didn't stop him from watching Dustin mow from his window. Something about having a really hot guy who you knew was an amazing fuck mowing your lawn shirtless was a terribly distracting turn on. Lex struggled to block Dustin out of his daily routine, but as morning turned to noon and the mechanical sound of various lawn care machines continued to drift into Lex's room he found himself wondering just how much there was to do in the yard.

Dustin was just finishing up with the yard when Lex poked his head around the corner and smiled when Dustin finally gave him some attention. "Mom says when you're done to come inside, she's got lunch ready"

Lex watched Dustin nod and continue with the weed eater he was using. It was a while before Dustin made it in for Lunch, and he was pretty hot and sweaty. Lex's mom chattered on and on about what a good job he was doing and how pleasant it was to have him around. After lunch she offered to show him around her green house and after that she said he could rest until Lex's father got home from work.

After deciding he didn't have any interest in seeing what his mom was going to show Dustin, Lex went upstairs after Lunch and got on his computer. After about three or four hours there was a knock on Lex's door, "Um, Lex?" A familiar voice called out.

Lex hopped up from his computer and went over to the door smiling when he saw Dustin standing there in a different set of clothes. He was wearing a pair of jeans that obviously had belonged to one of Lex's brothers judging by the various stains that decorated the denim. The shirt was one of Lex's dads and it was amusing to see Dustin wearing barrowed clothes. "Hi Dustin, what's up?"

"Um, I have a while before your dad gets home... and your mom said I could... err... I guess I could hang out with you" he said and scratched his head.

"Sure" Lex said and threw his door open, "this is my room" Lex said as he led Dustin into his humble abode. Lex made sure to close the door behind him, just in case. It took a while for Dustin to take it all in. Lex's bedroom was almost as big as Dustin's living room, and it had much nicer furniture. Then again everything in Lex's house was nice. "That's my T.V. and this is my computer. I have a blue ray player and a game station 3 which is funny because..." Lex stopped when he noticed Dustin was staring at a picture on Lex's desk.

Lex moved in to see what picture it was and he smiled when he saw it. "Who are those guys with you and your parents?"

"Those are my brothers; they don't look much like me huh?" Lex said and smiled.

"They're huge" Dustin said and looked at Lex and frowned. "How come you didn't get that big?"

Lex shrugged, "I guess I wasn't meant to be like that"

Dustin seemed to lose interest in the picture. Lex didn't know it, but the happy family contained within it made Dustin a little sad. Dustin motioned towards the bed, "Mind if I have a seat?"

Lex smiled wistfully, "Why stop there?"

It was Dustin's turn to blush, "Wha... What do you mean?"

Lex gave Dustin a push towards the bed. As Dustin lay back Lex climbed on top of him and found his face. They exchanged a steamy kiss before breaking apart again. "That's what I mean"

Lex didn't wait for a reply, he lowered himself to the barrowed jeans covering Dustin's crotch and preceded to extract his prize. Dustin was already sizably large, and his cock strained against the fabric of his boxer-briefs. As soon as Lex liberated the massive cock from it's prison the owner groaned in pleasure as it quickly filled to capacity. Lex gave the cock a confused look when he saw it. It hardly seemed possible, but had Dustin gotten bigger? Lex swore Dustin was just a tad thicker, and perhaps even an inch longer than the last time he had seen him. Lex shrugged and smiled lewdly as he began servicing that massive cock. It wasn't hard to get Dustin going, and Lex was enjoying the whole steamy affair.

Lex quickly discovered that Dustin liked it rough, really rough. Lex could bite and chew and it only made Dustin grunt and hump harder into his face. Lex lavished himself sucking and licking up and down the massive member extracting moan after moan from Dustin who seemed to be lost in the heady love making. Finally Lex couldn't resist any longer he wanted to taste Dustin too badly to keep teasing. He switched his efforts to hard core pumping and sucking taking as much cock in as he possibly could, even managing a little deep throating here and there. At long last Lex got his prize as Dustin grunted one last time and thrust hard. A blast of cum jetted out of that huge cock as it seemed to piston in Lex's hand and mouth. He almost had a hard time drinking fast enough to keep it all down, but somehow he managed. Lex was impressed at how many orgasms Dustin had. The cum kept coming jet after jet, orgasm after orgasm. Lex was almost getting full when the torrent finally slowed to a stream, and then occasional gushes.

Dustin was spent and just laid there as Lex milked the last of the cum from his cock. Either he was too weak or too happy to resist the last questing licks and sucks from Lex, or he was still enjoying the attention, Lex didn't really know. Eventually it was over though and Lex let Dustin shove his semi-hard junk back into it's denim prison. After their lusty act of sex Dustin and Lex talked for a while, mostly about the football team and who was good this year. It was almost strange to Lex to talk to Dustin like this. Not that it wasn't a conversation he didn't want to have, but just because a year ago he would have thought it was impossible to give Dustin parks a blowjob, and then discuss football with him.

Eventually Lex's dad got home and he had more stuff for Dustin to do. Lex got on his computer for a while, but eventually got bored and went off to look for Dustin to see what his dad had him doing. Lex found the two in the shop looking at a piece of lawn equipment and Lex frowned as he watched his dad show Dustin how to maintenance the thing. Dustin was entranced by the object, Lex guessed it was some sort of weed eater or something like that, and as usual Lex's dad had a lot to say about how it worked.

Since neither had even noticed him come in Lex wondered around the garage looking at things here and there. He was wrong about being noticed though; Dustin had smelled him as soon as he had walked in. Mr. Long was busy explaining his long term landscaping plans and what he wanted repaired around the house when Lex finally got bored and left. It wasn't long after that when they were called in for dinner.

It was steaks again... not that anyone minded, Mrs. Long was a excellent cook. Lex and Dustin ate in silence as Mr. Long talked about how excited he was to have Dustin around now. He had big plans for the house, and was obviously getting excited. Mrs. Long asked if the boys were getting along in school and they both exchanged a weary look and nodded. "Good!" she had said and served them both another helping of meat and potatoes. Lex almost felt like his parents were shoving food down his throat, but he was pretty hungry so he ate till he was stuffed. Dustin though ate like an animal and Lex was shocked by how much he could put away.

When dinner was over Lex followed Dustin out to his truck. They shared an awkward moment of silence before Lex finally spoke up. "you know Dustin, you're not so bad after all I guess" Lex said and half expected Dustin to punch him in the face.

"Why do you say that?" Dustin said as he tied down some stuff in the back of his pickup truck.

"I don't know... I guess it's about what my mom said at dinner" Lex said and waited for a response, but Dustin didn't say anything. "About us being friends and all"

Dustin hopped down off the truck and walked up to Lex looking down at him. "Listen... Lex" he said and frowned, "I don't have friends, I have punks who are too scared to not do what I tell them to do" Dustin said and put an arm on the car and leaned down to loom over Lex. "But..." Dustin said and looked around as if to make sure nobody saw him "If being your friend makes your parents happy while I'm here... just lie and tell them that we're friends"

Lex nodded and smiled as Dustin got into the truck, waved and started it up. "You know what?" Lex said to himself as Dustin backed out and put the truck in drive, "It's not a lie"


Lex was up in his room when a knock at the door alerted his parents to their expected visitor. "Richard!" Mr. Long said and smiled as he offered his hand to his son's football coach. "I was expecting Harry would come, not you" Colby Long said and led the large man into his house.

"Harry has another kid on the other side of town to look after so I came instead" Coach Rick said and smiled as he looked around the Long house. It was just as nice as he remembered, and Marry looked as beautiful as ever sitting in her evening gown on the couch reading a book. It was hard for Rick to blame Colby for marrying her when Rick saw them together like this.

"Oh, Richard!" Marry said and sat up on the couch, "I was expecting you to send Harry" She said, but smiled politely.

Rick nodded and frowned, "I know, I know. Dose everyone think I'm too old for this or is it just you two?"

"Of coarse not" Marry said and gestured towards the seat beside her, "We're more than happy to have you here, but honestly neither of us expects anything to happen"

"Why do you say that?" Rick asked and frowned at Lex's parents who exchanged a look.

"Well you see" Colby said and smiled, "Lex isn't like his brothers, he favors his mother's side, not mine. He's small, and doesn't have any of the signs! It's just that we don't think he's like his brothers at all"

"I would have to disagree, I've seen some of the signs, he's stronger than an average kid his age, and fast as... well you know about how he got on the team!"

"But that's just it! His brothers were inhumanly fast, we had to tell them to slow down and go easy on other kids their age. Not to mention how they always had those moments when we would catch them..." Colby said and stopped himself.

"I already told you that's natural. You know from your brothers that it is" Rick said and frowned at Mr. Long.

"I know, and u were right about them even though we had our doubts then. But I'm telling you, Lex is different!"

"Lex is a runt, he's just smaller than his brothers. You'll see. The nose knows" Rick said and crossed his arms as he fought to contain his temper. It was always hard on nights like this.

Marry frowned at the two men, "Let's not be rude dear" she said and got up, "I'll make some coffee and we can all sit up together. It will be like old times!" Marry said and bustled off towards the kitchen. Rick and Colby shared another frowning look as both thought in their heads that they were right and the other one was wrong. "If it dose happen than you need to tell him the truth Colby. He deserves to know about his people and his blood"

"I believe the word is if, old friend"


Across town Harry Young was sitting in his car across the street from Dustin's house. Part of him thought it was a dumb idea to be here, but Rick had been insistent. Neither knew what might happen to Dustin, or if there was even a chance any thing would happen.

Harry thought back to the showers and the two boys. The memories of their bodies glistening with sweat grunting as they explored their new sexual desires made Harry hard. It had been years since that fateful night when he had met Rick. He might not even believe it was possible if it hadn't happened to him this way two. Just one moment of weakness, just one amazing night with the coach Harry had always looked up too and it was too late. Harry didn't have any regrets though. It was all worth it in the end. Even if they had been forced out of the city and banished to live out where there was nobody like them around for miles.

Harry smiled at the thought of what Dustin might look like. The resulting wave of heat coursed through the young coach and he decided then and there to get a load off before nine o'clock. It was hard enough for him to control himself on nights like tonight. He didn't want to blow his cover.