A New Field of Interest 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#3 of A New Field of Interest

Drac's just trying to have a decent day, trying to figure out how to make his library stay in one place and not throw itself around the room every time the dimensions of the place change, but he's not having much luck until a delivery arrives.

Commissioned by Taiko

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A New Field of Interest

Part 3

For Taiko

By Draconicon

"...I go through the trouble of making sure that the whole building doesn't get ripped apart by my magic, living in an apartment that's not stable in the slightest, and this is the thanks I get."

Draconicon stared through the door to his makeshift library. The 'compromise', so far as he had been able to manage compromising with something that didn't talk, didn't write, didn't seem to do anything to communicate in any way with him, had been to set up a portal between one doorway in the apartment to another location in a pocket dimension. It was meant to keep his library in order, so that it wasn't constantly being knocked around.

Unfortunately, his attempt to mollify the constantly-shifting city didn't seem to be going over very well.

Dozens of books had been shifted off their shelves with a sudden condensing of space, then rocketed into the air with another shift right after, almost like the floors had flexed and bounced like a trampoline. A quarter of his books were flying up in the upper levels of the portal room, and the rest needed to be organized all over again.

The black dragon rubbed his face, taking a few deep breaths.

"I thought we had an understanding, Novus Ager. I keep my books somewhere else; you stop messing with my library. Why...can't...you...understand...that?"

It was probably the portal, he imagined. The minute that it went from a temporary opening to a more permanent thing, he imagined that the tendrils of the city started creeping through, creating a pocket dimension that also liked to alter itself. The longer that he kept it connected to the city, the more likely that it would start taking in other attributes of the strange consciousness that kept moving stuff around.

Which means staff, which has NOT gone well so far...

The dragon shut the door, leaning back against it. Three interviews so far. Two of them had seen what he had for them to organize and just left, and the third had given it a shot before disappearing for eight hours. Draconicon had found the unfortunate dragon in the back of the library, his eyes blank, and a diary open at his side that was apparently sucking out most of his memories through various ghostly tendrils.

All in all, no real harm done, but it meant that he kept having to take care of the library when he was supposed to be taking a break, taking care of himself, and having a vacation.

He'd briefly considered asking Nor for help on that, but he already had a good deal going there and didn't want to screw it up. And besides, the mule did have the job of being a super, and Drac knew that he wasn't going to be happy shifting over to being a whore, no matter how good he was at it.

Ugh. I'll think of something, he thought, stepping away from the rattling door. I always do. Just have to do it before people start popping in there, and -

Knock knock.

"...The heck?"

He hadn't exactly set up a forwarding address for mail, and he didn't remember signing up for anything here in Novus Ager. There wasn't anything due, and anyone back home that really needed to get in contact with him had better methods than the mail to get it done. He shook his head as he walked to the door.

It had shifted since this morning. Now, he had to pass through the bathroom, then the kitchen, and finally a weight-room that he didn't need to get to the front door. He almost stumbled over one of the free-weights hanging around before getting his feet under him properly, and pulled the door open.

He could just make out Lloyd heading back to the stairs, but that was more due to the fact that a large box was between him and everyone else rather than Lloyd being that far off. The pangolin was humming to himself, obviously feeling happy to have delivered the mail, while the dragon was trying to figure out what in the hell had just been delivered to his door.


Shaking his head, he leaned up on his tiptoes, almost grinding his horns against the ceiling as he looked over the top of the box.

"Nor? What the hell did you send me?"

There was no answer, quite obviously, but he grumbled as he tilted the box. Almost immediately, he regretted it, feeling the weight coming down on his shoulders. It wasn't impossible for a dragon to handle, but it was much more than he expected.

"Mmmph...okay...that's not happening."

Shaking his head, the dragon cheated, snapping his fingers and dragging the box along with a teleport spell. They skipped the other rooms, landing back in the living room with a small thump.

"...Gotta work the kinks out for that."

Bang-bang came the complaints of the downstairs neighbor, a broom slamming against the space between them, as well as some incoherent shouting.

"Sorry," he shouted down, shaking his head. "Gotta figure out a way to fix the multi-teleport spell. It's got too much impact for the landing right now. Heh. And note to self, do not land on anything fragile while teleporting around until we fix that..."

Shaking his head, he pulled at the box, only to realize that it was actually made of wood instead of cardboard. And really thick wood, as a matter of fact. He tapped the panels that were facing him -

Only to hear a tap, tap back.

"...Okay, shipping me something that's alive. Nor, you better have a really, really good reason for this..."

Not about to start taking apart a wooden crate, and lacking the tools to do it, Draconicon gave in to the temptation to just use magic. He flicked his fingers at the triple level of nails at the top of the crate, then the sides, then the bottom. The black fire of his magic crept over all of them, running down the sharp points, and then yanking them free.

A second gesture pulled the front panel off, and what followed was a long, brown-furred - fake-furred, he noticed - limb that was moving surprisingly fast for someone that had been crated for so long.

Fast enough to wrap around his neck, too.

Draconicon gagged slightly at the squeeze, shaking his head as the wooden panel hit the ground. A minotaur-like creature stepped out of the box, big and bulky across the shoulders, and just a little bit taller than him. More than a bit, if one included the horns, but really, he didn't. They were cheating.

"Heh, what do we have here, huh?" the minotaur said, his accent rather twangy and southern, drawling as he spoke. "Looks like you got a little experience down on your knees, boy."

"And you know this, how?" he asked.

"Heh, written all over your face. You're already thinking about it, aren't ya? Thinking about taking a break...letting someone else take charge...Yeah, I know a bitch when I see one."

"And I know a robot when I hear one."

"Yeah? What gives it away?"

"The fake fur, the fact I can feel the metal beneath the pseudo-skin, and - well, the halo's a nice touch, but I can see the arcs and sparks."

And there were a lot of them, to be fair. Draconicon had spent his time around those that called themselves angels, and he knew just how much power could be stored in a halo. But this wasn't one of those. This was just a broadcasting dish, albeit one that had been made to float over the minotaur's head rather than being attached by wires or rods.

The big bovine grumbled, obviously slightly annoyed, and the dragon cocked his head to the side.

"Are you going to keep squeezing my throat right now?"

"Hmmph. You're rather uppity, ain't ya?"

"I've been rather busy. You've caught me when I'm anything but horny."

"Heh, you'll be ready soon enough. I know your sort."

"Really? And how are you going to do that?"

The minotaur grinned, and Draconicon groaned. He had to ask. Why the hell did he have to ask?

With a surprising burst of strength, the bull pushed him back, shoving him up against the wall. Another man might have been jostled, maybe even had the breath knocked out of him, but dragons had sturdier bodies than that. He groaned slightly, looking at the bull as the big minotaur robot leaned in against him, a forearm pressed against his chest, pinning his robe in place.

"How about I show ya, hmm?"

"You really want to do this?"

The bull's eyes went dark, almost demonic with a black border and red pupil. His voice changed, too, going deeper, darker.

" Scanning. Downloading dragon anatomy charts."

There was a laser line that burst from the minotaur's eyes, one that ran up and down his body from the front. Another groan escaped his lips as he realized what was going on. The big guy was looking for any sort of weaknesses, probably confirming some of his initial scans from earlier.

Lovely. Another cheater.

He sighed. Well, he needed a break, and it would save time compared to dealing with all the work he'd have to do to get someone else to do this right. The minotaur's cockiness was probably deserved on the physical level, but considering that they were alone, he was pretty sure he could handle it.

At least, for now.

The minotaur's eyes faded back to their previous, dull-brown color, and he chuckled to himself.

"You got some experience with big dicks, boy. But you ain't never had what I'm gonna give ya."

Wow, the limitations of pre-programmed dialogue...

Despite being rather annoyed, he was also somewhat amused despite himself. There was something to the persistence of the robot, despite the fact that it was being dismissed by him in every possible way. It had been programmed to dominate someone, and it was bound and determined to find a way to do that. It would have been charming if it wasn't for the fact that it was so laughably underexperienced with it compared to him.

Then again, that wasn't fair. He had a number of centuries to draw upon, and quite a few other partners. He shouldn't judge it so -

The minotaur whipped him around before he could finish that thought, flicking his robe up. The dragon blinked at that, his hands spread across the wall for support as the minotaur robot rubbed his ass cheeks.

"Heh, feels like you've been sitting around all day, boy. What's the matter, too lazy to train this ass of yours?"

"You think I've just been -"


He jumped at the sudden slap, his ass cheeks bouncing. The dragon mage gritted his teeth. Okay, admittedly, he'd been a bit more sedentary lately, but he hadn't thought that his ass had gotten that soft in comparison to what it could be.

"Heh, soft and jiggly, eh? Boy, you need to fix that..."

"Hmmph. And I bet you know how to do that."

"Yeah, dragon. I do."

Smack. Not a hand this time, but something a little more interesting, and something that was big enough to make the dragon smile slightly.

That's a bit more what I'm talking about...

He shifted his tail slightly, doing it before the robot had a chance to start 'correcting' him again. While it wasn't the biggest dick that he had felt in his life - that still belonged to a wyvern that lived way off in a dimension in a vaguely upwards direction - it was still reasonably large. Large enough that he knew that it would give him a good stretch, and remind him of how it felt to be on the bottom.

"Heh, I can feel ya getting into this, boy. You want a good ass-pounding?"

"That depends."

"Yeah? What on?"

"If you have a friend to do it for you."

"Hmmph. You think I can't make you moan, boy?"

"I think you'd have to work at it."


The bull's eyes scanned him again, and the laser went all the way down to his feet this time. Draconicon smirked slightly, knowing what was going to happen next. There were all kinds of things that the scanner would pick up from his lifetime, from what he enjoyed both on top or on bottom. It'd be interesting to see what the bull's processor figured would be the best 'plan of attack' to make him submit.

No sooner had the laser scan gotten back to his head than the minotaur shifted tactics. The dragon felt himself getting picked up, thrown over the big guy's shoulder.

Hmmm, needing a different position, then? Well, that'll work.

They went back to the bedroom, and Drac had to admit that he was a little impressed when he felt the minotaur rip the robe off of him before throwing him across the sheets. Not many people could have combined the moves.

The minotaur followed him own, grabbing both his legs and pulling them up, bending him back into something that resembled a mating press. He grunted as he was held backwards, his cock slapped up against his belly and his ankles nearly pressed against the side of his head. Quite honestly, he was surprised he could bend that much, and he attributed most of that to the big guy's strength.

"Heh, well, well...looks like the big bad dragon has a thing for showing off..." The minotaur smirked, able to hold him in place with just one hand, using the other to reach down to his ass. "Look at that...puckering for me already...Too long on top, boy?"

"Heh...so you can see a few things..."

"I see an ass that's begging for a rutting, boy. You keep running that mouth, and I'll fuck ya so hard that you forget how to talk."

"Try me."

"Brave, huh? Well, let's see how long ya can last..."

The robot's cock was nice and hard, and the dragon smiled in anticipation. Fun as Nor had been a few nights ago, he had to admit, this was going to be a nice treat, too. And the attitude of the bull was getting a bit better. Must have been something to do with the scan; it learned how to pull information in and then use it to dominate other people.

The thick head of that robotic cock ground against his hole, and he groaned under his breath as he felt how thick it was. The minotaur loomed over him, pinning his shoulders down as that thick cock bumped him, then nudged him, then bumped him again.

"Heh, feels like you want it pretty bad, boy. Let me in..."

"Just waiting for you to knock a little harder."


Just because you're learning some of my buttons doesn't mean I can't learn some of yours.

His smirk disappeared as the minotaur thrust forward. He had some - okay, an exceedingly high - level of experience in taking dick, but the fact that it went in with minimal lube, combined with the fact that it went in so fast, was enough to leave him gasping slightly, his eyes rolling back from the sudden penetration. He groaned under his breath, curling his toes, and the minotaur chuckled.

"That's it...sass me again, why don't you?"


"Yeah, see, that's why you don't talk back, boy. I know how to make you shut up. Now, curl those toes some more while I show ya where ya belong..."

Mmmph...okay, so you got a few tricks...

With that halo, he was pretty sure that they were being drawn from somewhere. Little bits and pieces on the internet, perhaps, little things that had been left behind from other visits? Little clues here and there that might combine with the anatomy files that the minotaur had pulled up to make the dragon enjoy this?

Whatever it was, it worked. He groaned as he felt that thick cock grinding into him, spreading his hole open again. His toes curled, and the bull seemed to take every little curl, every little tensing up that he did, as a personal victory.

In, out, in, out that dick went, and he could feel his prostate throbbing in response as his cock hardened against his stomach. The bull kept exerting his machine strength, holding him down, pinning him to the bed.

"Heh, that's it...yer learning, boy. How's it feel, huh?"

"Mmmph...you're getting...better."

"Heh, nah. You're just learning...figuring it out...Now, squeeze, boy."

The fact that the bull still thought that he was being 'corrupted' or 'programmed' into submission was kind of sweet, if a little bit on the annoying side. He buried it beneath the pleasure of being fucked, of enjoying the feeling of a big guy over him that had a pretty good, sexy attitude.

In, out, in, out. Despite the bull's forceful demeanor, the dragon started to imagine other tops, other people that would be rather fun up there. He was pretty sure that there were heroes and villains around that would be rather hot there, and he knew for a fact that there was a certain orc that he'd have to visit. Bruha, heh. That would be a fun one to have on top of him, even though he knew that the mature sorcerer would be anything but mature when it came to letting him go afterward.

But that was for later. For now, the bull.

The minotaur leaned in, leaving them almost face to face as he humped away. The mechanical entity ground against him, fake balls grinding against him rather than sagging onto him. He kept noticing little bits and pieces that were different with the minotaur compared to a living person, and it kept fascinating him, drawing him back from the simple pleasure of being rutted like that.

Of course, there was only so long that would work, and the minotaur seemed to know that, too. His eyes went black and red again, and the halo buzzed that much brighter for a second or two.

Then the thrusting stopped. Slowly, the bull pulled out, shaking his head.

"So...you think you can just take it, huh?"

"Well, I have so far," Draconicon said, smiling until that cock popped free of his hole. He groaned, then, biting his lips and curling his toes at the odd pleasure of being left a bit open. "Heh...you're not bad, though."

"Boy, you need to learn some discipline. And for that, ya need someone to take control."


The bull looked down at the dragon's feet, smirking.

"I can see ya had some rings on those before. What happened to 'em, hmm? Boy thought he could just run off from being the slut he really is?"


His cock had been softening, but that? That brought it right back up again. The minotaur noticed, too, grabbing him by the ankle and pulling him to the edge of the bed.

"Yeah, you're not a collar-boy, are you? Nah, you're too dirty for that," the robot said, his lips turning up in a bigger smirk. "Ya used to have some master that put rings on your feet, didn't ya? Someone that made ya forget everything. Found the spot ya liked most, and then made it his?"

"Okay, you can see way too clearly for my tastes..."

"Heh, knew it. Well, boy, if that's what it takes."

It was a temptation. It was, more than he wanted to admit. There were a hundred different things that he could enjoy with a situation like that, and a hundred more with finding his way out of them. However, the minotaur had clearly found one weakness of his, and it had done it sooner than he liked. Much, much sooner.

"Practicality says I should stop you now," the dragon said, biting his lips as the bull stroked a finger along his sole.

"Heh, but you don't want to. Do ya?"

"Not as much as I should."

"Then why bother?"

He'd had that question before, too. Back then, he'd been tempted into it, and it had taken him a lot longer than he would have liked to admit to figure out how to crawl back out. This time, however, he already had an answer.

"Mostly because of other people. And because I'm not really that kind of slave."

"Didn't ya hear me, boy? I told ya. You will be."

"Yeah. How about no?"

Snapping his fingers, the dragon teleported back a couple of feet, leaving the bull clasping air. He slid off the bed, flicking his hand at his robe. It jumped from the ground and wrapped around his shoulders and up his arms, dressing him once more. It didn't hide his cock, of course, but that was fine.

The minotaur looked more than slightly confused, halo beginning to spark again as it seemed to be looking for help files. Draconicon didn't plan to let it do much.

"Ah ah."

He pointed up, and the black fire of his magic interposed itself between the minotaur and his halo. One, two, three, four, five additional sides formed around it, creating a box of darkness around the halo. The sides clicked together, and the bull's eyes went wide. He stopped smirking, his mouth hanging open, and his hands went to the sides of his head.


"Can't hear anything anymore, can you?"

"The...the numbers...voices...data..." The minotaur groaned, gritting his teeth worse as he collapsed to his knees. "I can't...hear..."

"It's temporary," he said, kneeling down by the bull. "For now, it's temporary. Calculate the fiftieth decimal point of pi."


"Good. Now. Keep going. Keep going until it isn't so important."


"Keep going."

Draconicon kept his hand on the minotaur's back as he struggled to keep himself together. He had expected blocking out the halo to be a big thing for the robot, but he hadn't expected it to be quite this deadening to the poor guy.

Poor guy. You mean the guy that wanted to turn you into a total slave-slut.

Well, it was to be expected. He was something of a desirable dragon, and the minotaur was apparently designed to be like that. Shaking his head, he glanced at the black box.

Going to have to do something about that. I don't have the programming knowledge to be able to change him that much, but...

Thinking about it, the minotaur was very obviously designed to be as dominant as possible, and whoever had programmed him had obviously taken care to design him with that as the primary goal. There were probably all sorts of safeguards around that, otherwise Nor would have probably fixed him up and sent him on his merry way, or found someone else that could do that.

Instead, it was down to him, and he didn't know a thing about programming.

Could call someone in that does, but...yeah, no, that's not going to work.

As he stroked the bull's back, he could feel the slight trembles running through the minotaur's chassis start to fade. The robot obviously wasn't back a hundred percent yet, but he wasn't on the verge of an internal meltdown. He stared down at the ground, huffing, not quite panting, but huffing like a bull might have done.

I wonder how they managed to program so many lifelike things...

That was probably a line of thought best left unpursued, come to think about it.

Shaking his head, the dragon got to his feet, looking around the room for inspiration. If he was going to fix a robot, turn it from something compelled to hunt down, scan, and break people in a sexual fashion into something that would be more useful and less dangerous, how would he do it without doing a literal reprogramming? What could he...do...

The sparks.


He accesses things through the halo 'dish' on his head, using that as a receiver, and he translates the information into an electrical discharge that comes down from the dish to his head. That's the obvious way in, isn't it? And if I can send it the right messages...

Not everything could be fixed by talking with it - Novus Ager was a prime example of that - but there were a lot of bad things in the world that could be fixed if you just knew the right words. Admittedly, sometimes those words were 'fuck off' and you were only fixing the toxic things that you had in your life by making them leave, but the words still did the job.

The downside was, if he did this wrong, then he'd be leaving himself very, very open for the bull to try something. And considering how shattered the minotaur was from having the halo blocked off right now, he doubted that he'd have an easy second chance.

Well, as easy, he thought. I am still me.

"I'm going to let it out now...and you need to trust me," the dragon said.

"Mmmph...why...I need to..."

"You'll have other needs in a minute."

If I can do this properly, at least. Haven't spoken in Thunderspeech for a while...

Taking a deep breath, Draconicon arranged his thoughts as best he could, running through what he wanted - a servant that would have three distinct modes: Librarian, Servant, and Top - and did his best to translate that into the language of thunder and lightning. Then, he had to translate the booms of the thundering stuff into a different language as well, so that it all went over with the energy.

It was the work of a minute or so, but it felt like it took much longer.

No point in delaying. He undid the spell around the halo, letting the black box disappear. As soon as the halo was exposed to the open air again, it started sparking, discharges raining down on the bull's head. The robot started to get to his feet -


A steadily rolling collection of booming thunder filled the room. As expected, the downstairs neighbor started slamming against the floor beneath him, but the dragon didn't listen. He kept his fingers pointed at the halo, twitching them from time to time like puppet strings to make sure that the lightning was going where it needed to go.

It pulsed and flickered as it jolted from his hands, and the 'speech' of his electrical words kept changing color. Yellow lightning, red, white, blue, and then yellow again, always carrying different tones, but never failing to fill the air with thunder. A window cracked behind him, then shattered, and he would be amazed if anything was still on the walls when he was done.

Thirty seconds of continuous lightning, and the room was a mess. The walls were cracked, one leg had come loose on the bedframe, and the neighbor was screaming at him through the floor. So were all the others, for that matter. If he still had a place here after this, Lloyd was a better landlord than he gave him credit for.

But it was the bull that had his attention. As the robot slowly stood up, Draconicon did the same, cocking his head to the side.

"So...how do you feel?"


The bull reached up to his head, rubbing the side before reaching up to his halo. There was confusion, but not anger. The bull slowly turned, face going through a series of emotions from servile and serene to enraged to horny to begging, and then back again. It was like he was going through a soft reboot.

Don't make me zap you again.

Eventually, the minotaur lowered himself to his knees again, bowing his head.


"...Well, didn't expect that."

"I have been overcome. Completely. Externally and internally. I submit to the - the commands that ha-have been placed in me."

"...Are you damaged?"


"Can you repair yourself?"


"Do you need -"

"I need to do something." The big guy groaned, slowly getting back to his feet. "I need to do something with all the energy that you pumped into me or I'm going to go crazy."

"Okay. List modes."

"Librarian, Servant, Top." The minotaur blinked. "What? Where did those come from?"

"I'll answer that later. For now, engage 'Librarian' mode, and go through the door with the black aura around it over there," he said, nodding towards the other room. "There's a royal mess in there that needs a seeing to."

"..." The minotaur groaned, shaking his head again, the discharges from the halo a bit stronger than before. "Yes, yes, I'm going. I'm going. Boy, you really did a number to me...Heh...you're stronger than you look."

"People have been telling me that for centuries..."

As the naked minotaur robot walked off, he heard a knock on the door. That would probably be Lloyd. Draconicon shook his head, snapping his fingers to open a separate portal. This one led off to a personal little account that he kept for himself, and as he rooted around on the other side, he pulled out two gold bars the size of his fingers, as well as a stash of cash. From what Taiko had told him, he'd gotten this properly converted last time, so it should be sufficient.

He closed it and went to the door. Opening the door naked for shock value as much as just not giving a care at that moment, he found himself facing his pangolin landlord and at least four other neighbors.

They immediately went quiet as they saw that he was in the nude, and he slowly cocked his head to the side.

"What? None of you had robots invade your apartment before?"

"Oh, fucking robots!"

"Goddammit, are we having another surge?"

"In my day, Asimov's Laws were enough, and we never had to -"

"In your day, we had robot uprisings every three weeks, Uncle Radek. Come on. Robots. Sorry for bothering you; good luck with them."

Everyone but Lloyd cleared out, and the pangolin continued to stare at him. Draconicon smiled, holding up the cash and the gold.

"Sorry about that. This should cover anything that was done," he said, passing it over. "And, uh, might want to keep them away from here for a couple days."

"...What...how did you...where did this..."

"And best not to ask too many questions," he said, nodding. "We'll talk more later, Lloyd," he said, shutting the door.

The End

Summary: Drac's just trying to have a decent day, trying to figure out how to make his library stay in one place and not throw itself around the room every time the dimensions of the place change, but he's not having much luck until a delivery arrives.

Tags: M/M, minotaur, dragon, Draconicon, series, Novus Ager, anal, foot fetish, dom/sub, teasing, dirty talk, reprogramming, magic, supers, humor, erection,