Slayer or Layer 27

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#27 of Slayer or Layer

Lorkos continues with helping the lizard people, patrolling while dealing with the info-bomb from the last chapter. Unfortunately, something new has just come about.

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Slayer or Layer 27

For Lorvianne

By Draconicon




The name echoed in Lorkos's head painfully loudly ever since he had learned just who she was. Not just a dragon, but the dragon that had started the war between humans and scalies, the one that had set them all against one another.

And she curses ME with breeding, he thought, snorting hard as he circled above the caravan. All that talk about me killing off so many of her species, and she's the one that got us all so dead-set against them in the first place.

He didn't know what to think. Hell, he didn't know how to feel about the fact that the dragoness that cursed him was such a hypocrite. It...

Was it a lie, he wondered? Unlikely, considering that the history actually painted the scalies into something of a bad corner, admitting that they had made a pretty terrible mistake by starting the war. The fact that the dragoness was the one that had started it, even though she was punished...

Ugh. Don't think about it. It means nothing. She probably is still the cranky old...

Lorkos cut off that thought before it could set fire to his crotch again. The last thing that he needed to do right at that moment was start raining on the caravan below. They had enough problems; he didn't need to add to them.

But still...

It means NOTHING.

Lorkos forced himself to focus on his patrol, instead, keeping his eyes on the land around the road below, and occasionally flicking his eyes up to the sky again. Not that he imagined that there would be much trouble in the air, but the caravan had asked him to keep everything safe. There were other dragons out there besides himself, after all, and whatever Sila or the other members of the caravan thought, he doubted that they were all kindly.

Despite everything that had come of getting this body, Lorkos had to admit that he enjoyed one thing about it. He enjoyed flying.

He coasted to the left, turning on the thermals that came off the wagons so far below, then snapped his wings out straight once more. His eyes panned around the mountains, then he turned once more, facing towards the human city towards the south.

There, he stared. The towers of the capital were still gradually fading away, barely present even for his sight. But there was something else there, something else on the wind that he wasn't entirely keen on.

He narrowed his eyes on three little dots that were off in the distance. At first, he almost thought that they were specks in his eyes, and he blinked, thinking that they would vanish. Except...they didn't.

What the hell...

He didn't recognize the shapes that were pulling through the sky. They were at a lower level than a dragon would fly, their bodies smaller and more compact than the long, scaly lengths of a dragon. More than that, they looked...feathered, rather than scaled.

The dragoness circled a bit higher, letting the winds carry his body a bit further before extending his glide towards the south.

What are you?

There was no immediate answer, but as he got closer, he started to pick out more features, like a lion's tail and taloned forelegs.


He had heard that the mammal lands were starting to research their own flying creatures. Pegasi had been considered, only to be dismissed as stupid due to the need to maneuver faster in the air than a horse could on the ground. Gryphons, a combination of lions and eagles, would have been perfect, but when Lorkos had gone up in the mountains, they hadn't had it perfected yet.

Looks like they managed to figure it out.

From the heights, their banners and heraldry was clear, thick and heavy like leather over the gryphons' sides. On the backs of the beasts, armored men rode, each one carrying a blade and a short lance.

And their target was obvious.

Once, there might have been hesitation on the part of the dragoness to fight for the lizards down below. Once, he might have found it impossible to think of fighting the other mammals.

That was before he had learned more about them, and that was before mammals had put him through the treatment that they would have given the reptiles.

Broad circles kept him aloft as he waited for them to close the distance. Once they were nearly underneath him, the dragoness...dropped.

It was a steep dive, one that took him through high winds and left his stomach floating among the clouds. He pulled his wings in tight, extending his forelegs until they were nearly pointed into a spear-like shape. The wind almost burned his eyes, even when they were closed down to slits.

And then...


He slammed through the center of the three gryphons, breaking its back in one go and cutting off the head of the rider. The armored body and the paralyzed beast fell as he kicked off, taking to the skies once more.

The rider on the left paused, frozen in shock, and he took advantage of that to swing his tail around, braining the knight on the gryphon's back and sending him flying to the earth. The beast, riderless, squawked at him before flapping its wings, fighting to gain altitude.

The other rider -


Lorkos roared in sudden pain as his side flared, burning as if with fire as the other rider's lance scored along his side. It didn't hit anything crucial, but damn if it didn't hurt like hell. The dragoness fumbled, trying to strike, but the gryphon had already pulled away, circling off and gaining altitude of its own.

Mmmph...gotta get...high...

A battle in the sky meant that the person with the most altitude had the advantage. He had managed to get a serious surprise attack in, and perhaps even managed to get rid of the other gryphon by getting rid of its rider, but he couldn't count on it. The fight could be anywhere from one on one to one on three, and he didn't fancy the odds.

Frantically beating his wings, Lorkos pulled himself out of his hover and back towards the clouds, his eyes scanning the horizon as fast as he could. He pulled his long neck back and around -

And was immediately forced to drop, falling in a desperate maneuver to avoid the same attack that he'd used on the first rider. The gryphon knight shot past him, the gryphon's wings splaying out and pulling the rider towards the sky once more.

Lorkos followed, flapping his wings harder than they were meant to be used, feeling the strain in his back muscles. Already, he was tired, and he had barely started fighting.

If they start using these gryphons with any regularity, they're going to do more than beat dragons. They're going to annihilate them.

Somehow, that thought didn't give him any comfort.

He gained altitude at the same rate that the gryphon knight did, but neither of them were able to gain the advantage. They circled around, both of them watching the other for any sign of an attack. The fact that he had yet to be seriously injured encouraged him, while the blood that ran along his side made him remember that he wasn't immortal.

Just a bit higher...a little higher...they were staying low for a reason, so they might not be able to get to the same heights that you can...

The gryphon kept rising with him, though, and Lorkos knew that if he didn't hit that height soon, he wasn't going to get that advantage he needed.

Just a bit more...

His wings ached, but he pushed them, flapping them, following every thermal he could find for that little extra push. The dragoness pushed through the clouds -

And the gryphon didn't follow.

Found it.

Making a mental note of the height ceiling for the gryphons, the dragoness spiraled higher, leaving the cloud behind and following others. He could just make out the shadow of the gryphon through the cloud below him, and he smiled as he watched it move from one place to another, as if trying to guess where he would emerge next.

The other gryphon was long gone. It was just him, this gryphon, and the knight.

He climbed, taking himself to as high a height as he could manage. When the cloud cleared, he could see the gryphon, but he could tell neither the beast nor its rider could see him.

And then, he fell.

A red blur descended from the sky, followed by red rain. The battle was done.

Lorkos rode in one of the wagons for the rest of the night, wincing as he felt the lizards pulling on his scales and bandaging them. It wasn't painful enough to make him growl, exactly, but it wasn't comfortable, either.

"Thank you for saving us," Sila, the female head of the caravan, said for the umpteenth time. "I had heard rumors, but..."

"It was nothing."

More than that, he didn't want to be reminded that he had, once again, turned on his own people. The mammals should have been relying on him to destroy this thing, and...

Well, he didn't know how to feel anymore. History, compassion, experience. All of it warred with one another, scarring him and shaking him from everything that he understood about the world. It was like life was insistent on making him believe one thing, only to turn around and tell him that it wasn't true, after all.

It was a horribly, discomfiting thing.

Sila finally seemed to understand that he didn't want to talk about the fight, at least. She rode alongside his wagon for a time, looking at him, opening her mouth before looking away. Not once did she say anything after that...except to call several of the lizard women forward.

Lorkos arched an eyebrow as the woman came to him, rubbing along his sides and then helping him roll onto his back.

"Sila? What's going on?"

"The mistress has saved the caravan. She deserves a reward."

A reward? He looked at the females on either side, the pair of them generously proportioned in the hips and chest, but he didn't understand -


One of them stroked along the thigh of his left hind leg, while the other stroked down his belly towards his sex.


They leaned over him, both of the females careful of the injury to his side. If it had been possible, the dragon would have blushed, particularly with the feeling of those fingers rubbing along either side of his slit. The sensation of having two people that eager to pleasure him at once was...

Well, usually you had to pay money for that.

It was...different from having the males interested in him. He was used to the breeding process, used to feeling cocks sliding into him over and over again, breeding him to within an inch of his life. He had taken that, both from kobolds and lizardmen in the past, and he had no doubt that it would happen again before the curse was removed.

This was different.

This was gentle.

This was...oh so sensual.

He moaned under his breath, leaning his head back against the hay in the wagon, closing his eyes as he felt the females working their magic. They stroked along his belly, down to his slit...

And then into it.

He bit his lips so that he didn't sound like was moaning like some little virgin during her first time, but it was hard as those gentle, almost tickling fingers worked their way into him, opening him up slowly while stroking and almost massaging his clit. His toes curled softly, his breath came in little shaky gasps, and he -


He was already wet, too. The lizard women chuckled, almost giggling, only to stroke him and gently help him through that, too. One pair of fingers slipped inside him, then another from the other side, all while other hands gently stroked along the belly bulge in his stomach, a constant reminder of the latest egg that would eventually need to come out.

The reminder didn't hurt this time. It felt...comforting.

This felt earned.

The End