School of Hard Knocks

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#6 of Love not Lost

Aidan woke with a start. The spot beside him was empty except for some wrinkled bed clothes. It occurred to the cat that maybe he'd dreamed Leo coming in, he'd had similar waking dreams before. But then he saw a few specks of mane on his pillow, and felt the heat of a September morning in Tomball seeping in through his open window. Aidan smiled, as he shut the window, and then hugged a pillow. He had come!

The boy stood and stretched, the jeans and tee he hadn't changed out of shifting on his body weirdly as he walked over to the record player and fixed the needle. As he went to his dresser, the radio clicked on belatedly, announcing the time as 5:30 whilst the Zombies sang that it was the time of the season for loving. Aidan walked over with a bundle of clothes in his arms and switched it off, finishing the song in his halting whistle as he walked to the bathroom.

This morning, everything was normal when he went downstairs. His mom was at the computer and said good morning as her son came down for breakfast, and he hugged and kissed her, before going along with preparing for the new day.

When Leo drove up, Aidan pulled him into a hug as soon as the cycle stopped. "I love you, Leo."

Leo hugged back warmly, "Wow, seems like you had a nice morning."

"Yep." Aidan replied, nuzzling under the lion's head as he climbed onto the back of the bike, the little bit of mane that stuck out tickling his nose.

After they had dismounted and Leo had taken off his helmet, Aidan pulled him down and kissed him on the lips. Leo kissed back, purring and rubbing his love's back with one paw as the other slid the white tail through it.

Aidan broke the kiss after a few seconds, and gave a quick glance to see if they had been caught, then took Leo's paw and walked with him, only releasing it as they got to the crowds of teens outside the school awaiting the toll of the bell.

The day went by normally, until third, English. Mrs. Griffith assigned an essay over a topical news item, to be discussed later in class, and she would pass out the first day's essays, "Sorry I didn't get to them sooner, my son got sick over the weekend."

Aidan began writing slowly. He had a very little to say on the subject, but wanted to write a good essay nonetheless. He was just starting on the second paragraph, when he felt something tickle his leg. He glanced down, and saw as Leo's tail worked from the hole in the chair in front of him, up his leg, to end with the bushy tip pushing gently at his crotch. Aidan's pen hit the desktop as he leaned back and purred softly, only to be called back by the chipmunk leaning in close to him and whispering, "Umm, about your paper.. Aidan"

He jumped, and the tail vanished, "Um yes?!" the teen said surprised as he tried to suppress a blush.

"The paper you wrote and turned in on Thursday."

"Oh yeah, oh shhii..." Aidan turned a very deep shade of pink as the whole truth of that first day's essay sunk in. "I..uh.. well... I was a little.."

The teacher loomed over him, he could smell her cologne as it mixed with her breath "I see you know what I'm talking about. Do you have an explanation as to why you turned something like that in?"

"Well, I I said on Thursday, I didn't know it'd be turned in.. and well.. I didn't ... I couldn't think of anything I..uh.. well... I was struggling.."

"Enough." She cut him off. "I get the picture, teen awkwardness and stuff, right?"

"Uh.. yeah..." Aidan managed to breath out, praying that he was getting out of this.

"Okay, I get it. I'm gonna let you off this time. But please, don't give me anything like this again, okay?"

Aidan nodded enthusiastically, "Yes ma'am. Definitely. I swear."

"Good." She said, rising and setting the offending essay on the desktop. "And by the way, you have a knack for writing." She said casually as she turned, "Okay class, pencils down!"

Aidan sighed and slunk back in his desk, trying to process the whole thing, 'What did she mean? Did she enjoy it?' but this train of thoughts was interrupted as the golden tail came back, this time tickling at where his package bulged in his jeans. Aidan purred and lay his head back, eyes closed just letting the tail toy with him.

Aidan let himself be distracted by his lion's tail for the rest of the period as tempers flared in the rest of the classroom over the topic discussed, his constant purrs occasionally bothering the girl behind him.

When the bell rang and the class began to leave, Aidan asked Leo, "Hey hon, why'd you do that?"

Leo grinned, "Well, I dunno, I just felt like making my kitty feel good. Is that a problem?"

Aidan took a second to respond, "Well... no, but careful where you do it. And don't do it when we're working with power tools in shop."

"Heh heh," Leo smiled, "Okay, I won't."

In woodshop, Ryan's partner was out sick, and the teacher stuck him with Aidan and Leo. He approached cautiously, avoiding looking at either one straight, "Uh, hey Leo. Sorry about last night."

Aidan's head shot up, suddenly interested, "What happened?"

Leo looked at Aidan, and then back at Ryan, "Well, Ryan tried to get me to do stuff, but I told him I wouldn't, and he was kind enough to let me go."

Aidan glared at Ryan, "You tried to sleep with him? Even when you knew we were together?"

Ryan stammered, "Well, you never.. quite made clear.."

Leo placed his paw on the flamer's shoulder, looking back at his mate, "Let it go, Dear. We didn't do anything."

"But he tried to."

"But it's in the past, he didn't mean anything."

Aidan stood rigidly for a second, staring angrily at Ryan, then finally rolled his eyes and shrugged, "Fine. I'll let it go this time. But now you don't have an excuse, foxy."

The teacher looked up at the group of talking furs, "While I'm sure you are practicing fractiousness for the purpose of better understanding the project at hand, I would appreciate if the next time I looked up you were working more diligently."

Aidan decided to give Ryan the cold shoulder, despite forgiving him. Ryan seemed to take the hint, and didn't talk to the cat for the rest of the period, and found somewhere else to sit during lunch. Aidan was glad, or so he told himself.

In gym, finally the day was almost over. The male coach came out and begrudgingly announced that today would be dedicated to... soccer. The class filed out and split into teams, strangely similar to the ones they always seemed to choose, and began play, leaving some clueless as to what the actual rules were. As the furs kicked, and Jess showed her prowess on the field scoring for Leo's team, clouds gathered overhead, misting the players in a light drizzle, that was just enough to get them wet, to create mud, and to make it incredibly humid, but not enough to make the coaches pull everyone back inside. So that by the time the game was over (most had for gotten to keep score, but Sorto insisted that his team had won), everyone was spattered and smeared with red and brown mud.

Aidan walked next to Leo, and said quietly to the lion, "Let's give everyone else a chance in the shower before we get in, okay Hon?"

Leo looked over at Aidan curiously, "Why? You're coated in mud, and my mane hasn't been this matted in months."

Aidan suppressed a blush as he said, "Well, with your 'problem', and the reaction it causes in me... Things might get interesting if...well.. I'm just afraid what the other guys might do..."

"What they might do?" Leo asked, confused.

"Yeah.. I mean, two guys getting hard in the gym shower.. Some guys wouldn't be exactly thrilled about that... Heh..."

"Yeah, I can see where you're goin'."

The two lovers walked more slowly, so that they arrived after the rest of the class, then took their time getting towels, dawdling as much as they could before finally getting in, with only one cheetah left, who was putting his drawers on before going into the room full of half naked males. Aidan almost imagined that there was a moment of eye contact between them, and a smile. He smiled back, just in case, then went back to his shower.

Aidan stepped up to a shower column, and turned the knob, sending sharp needles of lukewarm water to shoot into his fur, knocking out the mud and sweat of the game. He heard wet pawsteps behind him, and smiled, "We're in an empty shower room, Leo." Aidan raised his tail and pressed his rear back against the lion's growing erection, "You don't have to share my shower head.

Leo wrapped his arms around his love, slowly massaging the mud out of the white fur, "Oh, but this one looks so empty."

Aidan purred, leaning against the lion and wrapping his tail back and around his mate's waist, "Well, I guess I don't mind sharing."

Leo bit the kitty's ear, tugging on it playfully as his paws rubbed lower down the slender form, causing Aidan to purr louder as he tugged back on the nipped ear, placing his paws over Leo's and squeezed softly, "Hey, that's my ear." He whispered.

Leo released the satin triangle, giving it a quick lick as he pulled back his maw, "I know. Your point being?"

Aidan thought a second, and pressed his rear firmly against the hard lion cock, "You know, I don't think that I had a point.."

Aidan felt the lion adjust his hips until the hard pride nestled between his cheeks, as Leo's paws reached around and began to rub the mud out of the kitty's crotch, eliciting a low moan from Aidan as the cat's smaller paws reached around to press his lover's hips forward, "I see you have one, though."

Aidan leaned forward, using his paws to support himself on the pillar in front, then glanced back at Leo and gave a lustful purrr.

Leo smiled, taking the hint, and placed one paw to rub his kitty's mid back, using the other to position his pride to press against the bright pink pucker. Aidan licked his lips and pressed back against the cock, moaning in his anticipation.

Leo pressed his head past the tight muscle ring, rubbing his paws slowly down the sides of his lover until they came to the white hips, then pressed inch by inch into the cat, all the while getting moans and gasps as Aidan pressed back, leaning his head back so that the water sprayed directly in his face, "Mmm, God, Leo.."

Leo paused, extending his claws to catch the cat's skin. Then flared his barbed cock, and pulled out slowly just a few inches, and pushed all the way back in, all the while stretching Aidan's innards as the cat squirmed and moaned under him.

Leo smiled, pulling his cock all the way out and slamming it back in, making his kitty gasp and bounce forward. Then he began to pull back out slowly, carefully flaring each row of barbs as it neared the tight entrance, Aidan panting beneath him, and the lion pressed back in, finding a tempo and keeping to it as he fucked his squealing love, raking his claws down the wet sides of the cat as his slipped uselessly over porcelain.

The lion hugged Aidan, pulling him to a stand as he felt claws rake his pit fur, and the barbed cock still pumping slowly in and out, with a special thrust added each time Leo neared hilting, so that the velvety sac bounced off his cheeks as Aidan began to squeeze his rear rhythmically with each pump, "Unghhhh.. Leo..."

Something moved in the shadows, and Aidan almost pointed it out, but just then another hilting thrust drove it from his mind, and he purred in pleasure.

Aidan felt Leo rest his head on his shoulder, the mane heavy with water, the sounds of his deep purrs and pants mixing with that of the spraying water, his paws moving slowly from Aidan's underarms to cup his chest as the thrusts continued to shake both bodies and Aidan's pre got washed down the drain by the water playing over his feline member.

The purrs deepened as Leo bit down on his shoulder, pumping harder, then his claws move down to the white belly as the mating bite is released, then reconnects higher up, on the neck, as the claws rake up, actually drawing small rivulets of blood to run pink into the drain, as Leo breaks and remakes love bites all over the clean, white neck, pumping harder with Aidan moaning, gasping with loud abandon, pumping back to meet each thrust as he began to stroke his leaking penis.

Leo hilted in Aidan, his barbs flared enough that his cock would stay in, and walked Aidan around until the lion's back was against the pillar, Aidan squirming and squealing from being led around by his prostate, as Leo's paws slowly move down and grab Aidan's cheeks. Aidan cries out in surprise as he is lifted off the cock, then quickly turned to face his lover, and then impaled back onto it. Leo breathed heavily in Aidan's face as he began to pump the kitty hard up and down his shaft, squeezing the firm butt cheeks together down on his shaft as the cat is pistoned up and down, Aidan himself using one paw to steady himself by grabbing onto and grasping the light brown mane desperately as the other rockets up and down his smaller cock, his pleasure vocalized in long yowls. And suddenly, Aidan's sphincter clinches down hard on the violent invader as hot strings of cat seed spray out, jet after jet, to be taken and washed away by the relentless showerhead as the small white body writhed in the lion's paws.

Leo's face contorted, ready to roar, as he slammed Aidan down the shaft so that he was hilted as far as possible, his barbs flared out as far as they could, as Leo roared to shake the whole locker room, filling the smaller male's rear with wave after wave of the lion's hot cream, pistoning the white furry rump up and down the convulsing shaft as he continued to cum, pulling more semen out to get washed down the two bodies each time.

Leo leaned his head back against the pillar, and slowly slid down it, to sit in at the base, his cock still hilted in his love's rear as both panted heavily, and Aidan kissed Leo as passionately as he could muster the strength to. The lion wrapped his arms around Aidan, one paw on the back of his head, the other in his back, closing his eyes as he kissed back passionately, sliding his tongue into the smaller muzzle to dance with the cat's smaller, nimbler one.

From somewhere, through the sound of the water and the purrs and pants, the loud 'Yiff!' of an excited fox reaches the lovers' ears, causing them to break the kiss, and Aidan to be pushed quickly off the softening shaft as both glance around the room trying to find the source. Finally, after shakily standing and staggering over to a partition wall, Aidan found Ryan just in time to see the fox cum all over himself, pawing frantically with one paw as the other toyed with his tailhole. Aidan just stared down, wide eyed, soon joined by Leo.

After a few seconds, the fox's orgasm subsided, and he smiled up at the two classmates. "Hey guys. Hope you don't mind me watching. I got a little excited, though," he indicated his seed even as he began to slowly lick it off, "But I guess y'all took my advice about school sex?" the fox said with a toothy smile.

Leo rubbed the back of his head, turning away and blushing, quickly joined by Aidan in the walk back to the lockers, both very red and neither willing to answer the yiffy fox.

Leo glanced over at Aidan, his embarrassment clear on his face as he toweled off his mane, "I think I'm just gonna get dressed and bring the bike around, okay Aidan?" he asked as he wrestled blue jeans on over wet fur, and began to walk toward the door.

"Okay! See you inna few minutes!" Aidan shouted after him as he pulled on his striped boxers and began to towel off, ignoring Ryan's running commentary.

That is, until Ryan whispered, "You know you're one very lucky guy, right?"

Aidan was taken off guard by the fox's words, "What? What do you mean?" he asked, still slightly suspicious.

"You are. You're the luckiest guy I know. Last night he was practically panting, he wanted me so bad. His cock was almost fully inflated by the time I got his boxers off. He even admitted he wanted it. But he didn't do it, because he loved you. Hell, I've gotten guys to cheat on their girls with fewer moves than I used on him."

Aidan stared at the fox for a second, "Umm.. okay. So you're telling me that you tried hard to get my boyfriend to cheat on me?"

"No, you silly cat, I'm telling you how much he loves you. You're such an incredibly lucky guy."

"Uuuhh.." Aidan began, but was quickly cut off by-

"I knew it! You are a fuckin' faggot!" the yell came triumphant and menacing from the other end of the locker room as the sound of a closing door came to the pair's ears.

Aidan grabbed his shirt and started to run, but his gait was still affected by Leo's pounding, and the hyena was upon him in seconds, "You HAVE been starin' at me, you fuckin' queer!" he yelled his last word accentuated by a punch, which Aidan almost dodged, but still hit him hard in the shoulder, knocking him to the ground.

Sorto drew back his fist for another blow, when suddenly something orange was on his back, throwing off his center of balance and making him stumble backwards. "Run!" Ryan screamed as his pink painted claws dug into the strong chest through the wife beater Sorto wore.

Aidan took off, hearing the sound of Leo's bike and heading for it, out the door, he ran shirtless to the lion, and, yelling nonsense, pulled him running and confused back toward the locker room. The lion broke free and slowed somewhat, panting out as he removed his helmet, "What's wrong? What's happening?"

"Sorto, beating Ryan.. Help!"

But by the second word, the protector had dropped his helmet and was running faster than Aidan had ever seen him, bursting through the door and disappearing into the locker room.

Aidan got to the door a few seconds later, pushing through, to a horrid sight. Ryan lay in a bloodied heap, one arm twisted over and touching the floor in a way that arms should never bend. Leo was recovering from shock and bending, trying to help the vulpine to sit, each move raising a cry from the shivering boy, who all the while kept repeating, "Please don't tell, please don't tell..."

Aidan stood in shock for a moment, before running to the fox's bag, ripped open and tossed in a toilet, "Oh please God," he whispered to himself, as he pulled the soggy contents out, searching for what he knew had to be there. He finally found it on the floor, the cell phone, hot pink with a design doodled on it. He opened it, pressed the 9, and immediately was told that the phone was locked, "Shit, Ryan, how do I unlock your phone?! Ryan?!"

Leo shook the fox, "Ryan, Ryan wake up!" he turned to the cat, "Go get a teacher."

Aidan stared back blankly, "All the teachers are gone by now. Or locked in their rooms." He stood for a second, panic setting in, before an idea popped into his head, "The payphones! In the cafeteria!" he ran through the door before Leo could react, praying that some idiot hadn't busted them for kicks again.

He reached the first one. 'Damn, busted.' Second the cord was ripped out, third, final. He lifted it, and heard a dial tone, carefully he pressed the three digits, then heard ringing. "Hello, 9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

Ten minutes later, the ambulance wailed outside, as Ryan begged the two felines not to tell anyone that it was Sorto. "He'll come back, he'll beat me." Aidan almost felt like crying, he'd never seen Ryan taken down like that before. He'd always been so full of pride...

The paramedics rushed in a second later with a gurney, and lifted the victim onto the stretcher, carrying him out quickly to the waiting car, which quickly sped off. Aidan wept softly now, leaning into Leo's golden arms, sobbing quietly, "He did this for me, Leo."

Then the policeman walked in, a goat, his dark eyes surveying the whole scene before walking up to the two scared boys, "Okay, are you the two who found the boy?"

Aidan sniffed and wiped his face on Leo's sleeve as Leo responded, "Yes sir. We found him."

The cop shifted, "I see. And do you have any idea who did this?"

Leo opened his mouth to respond, but Aidan interrupted him, squeaking out, "No sir, we don't know."

Leo looked at Aidan, confused, then remembered what the fox had asked, "No Sir, I don't know anyone who could do this to him."