Answering Natures Call

Story by Kerilus on SoFurry

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Answering Natures Call

Thanks for reading! Don't be afraid to comment and rate! If you're not of legal age

to read porn, you shouldn't be here in the first place, so don't read this!

WARNING : This story contains LOVE... Lots of it. Enjoy!

"Hey hun! I'm on my way home from work, do you need me to pick anything up while

I'm out?" Kerilus asked as the light turned green.

"I need you home as soon as possible! Please for gods sake hurry!" Tsenturi replied with


"Is everything alright?" Kerilus asked worriedly as he sped faster.

"No, I just need you home now!" Tsenturi replied a little calmer.

"Is our son alright?" Kerilus asked as he approached closer to home.

"Kodi's with my mother for tonight, just hurry home alright?" Tsenturi begged.

"I'll be there in less than three minutes." Kerilus replied as he began to wonder what was

wrong with her.

"Okay, see you soon!" She said as she quickly hung up the phone.

Kerilus had absolutely no idea what was going on at this point and time. His wife

was normally a pretty calm wolf, but she seemed a little on edge in her sleep the night

before. He had left his normal time in the morning while she was still asleep, so he had no idea what could have possibly worked her up to the point she was at right now. He turned into their driveway and put the car in park, turning it off before gathering his satchel and heading up to the door with caution. Once he opened the door, the scent of his home filled his sensitive nose, instantly triggering his emotions. He set his satchel by the door and peeked his head around the corner to find Tsenturi's motherly figure standing at the kitchen counter completely nude and panting heavily.

"Hun... I went into my heat cycle again and I need you to take care of it please!" Tsenturi

begged as her moist slit quivered in his presence.

"Tsen... You're not on the pill and I don't have any condoms..." Kerilus replied as her scent slowly made him erect.

"It's been two years since we had Kodi, I want another one... Come on hun!" Tsenturi

cooed to her mate softly.

"Hop up on that counter and I'll see what I can do..." Kerilus said as he approached his

stunningly beautiful wife.

Like an obedient wolf she listened, hopping up on to the kitchen counter and

grinning heavily as Kerilus began to take off his clothes. Tossing them to the ground and

slipping out of his boxers, his cock managed to make Tsenturi bite her lip as she eagerly

awaited for him to draw nearer... after all she HAD been waiting all day. Kerilus placed

his paws on her meaty thighs and leaned in for a kiss, letting her tongue dance around in

his mouth playfully as he watched her eyes close. He always did feel like the luckiest

wolf in the world after they had gotten married, and that was well over 12 years. They

were only 30 so the idea of having one more pup was more than perfect.

Tsenturi slipped one of her paws down to his throbbing dick as she took her other

paw and rubbed her clit softly, already feeling her vagina getting wetter by the minute.

Kerilus smiled as he broke the kiss, letting his smooth paws run all the way down her legs

to her ankles as he knelt on both knees, placing his muzzle directly in front of Tsenturi's

beckoning love tunnel. He breathed her wonderful scent in, licking his lips like a hungry

animal before letting out a massive lick to her already soaked and excited pussy. She

leaned back a little, allowing Kerilus more movement to do his deed as he lapped away

at his lovers slit. Tsenturi tilted her head back, feeling lust take over her emotions of love

as Kerilus slowly pushed his tongue into her.

"Oh god yes! Hun don't stop!" Tsenturi begged as his tongue went in deeper.

Kerilus continued to eat out her pussy, enjoying her sensual fluids which

continued to pour out of his 30 year old wolf milf. He loved everything about his mate,

how she was always there for him, and how he was always there for her as well. The best

thing about her being so young meant her heat cycle was still very strong and her urges to

mate could only be fulfilled by him... which was just one of many ways he could be there

for her. Tsenturi let down a paw and began playing with his thick blue hair, letting her

claws gently massage her wolf's scalp. She knew that he loved it when she played with

his hair, and in doing so he began to lick harder, causing her to tilt her head back and

moan into the sky.

Once his tongue began to tire, he got off his knees and kissed her body as he

made his way up her motherly figure. Wrapping her arms around his neck and holding

on to his hips with his erection prodding her, she held him closely giggling and kissing the blue wolf with joy. Kerilus slid both paws under her ass and lifted her up, letting her

tail glide in the air as he carried the beautiful wolf down the hallway to their bedroom.

Tsenturi continued kissing him as she felt her heart race faster with every step closer to

the bedroom. Kerilus laid her down on the bed, only to find that she had other plans....

Tsenturi rolled over and shoved her nicely curved ass into the air, looking back with a

smile as her pussy practically laid itself out for the eager wolf.

"Come on hun... Don't make me beg for it..." Tsenturi said as a small drop of vaginal

fluid fell to the bedsheets.

"Oh if anything I'll be the one begging..." Kerilus replied as he slowly inched his cock

to her surprisingly tight pussy.

The moment of physical contact is what set him off. Seeing his lover so open

to him, urging him to give her the ride of her life just seemed like a perfect way to set

his emotions... in motion. He rubbed the tip of his hard cock around her swollen lips,

placing both paws on her pink fur as he began to bury his cock into her accepting

vagina. She let out a soft moan, letting her tongue flop out of her mouth as he began

grabbing her breasts and licking the side of her face. She was in a world of pure bliss,

of lust that could only be fulfilled by her one true love. Tsenturi gave him a quick lick

back and moved her tail out of the way to allow him better access to her sweet ass.

He began pumping into his loving wife, letting out soft moans and listening to hers as

he felt her grip on to his cock from inside.

"Ohh..." Tsenturi gasped as she felt her insides melt with pure lust.

"You like being dominated from behind?" Kerilus asked in a low, disgruntled tone.

"More like I like to dominate!" Tsenturi replied as she reached behind her and slowly

stopped Kerilus from his motions.

"Kerilus... I want to be on top for awhile..." Tsenturi continued they switched positions.

"Go easy hun... you can get a little rough sometimes..." Kerilus said as he looked down

to his overly excited and soaked cock.

"I'll go nice and slow till you get warmed up, but it looks like you're already there..."

She replied as her paw squeezed a slight amount of pre from his throbbing meat.

Tsenturi swung her body around, holding her folds open as she sunk her weight

on to his giant cock. Instantly she felt as though she could ride him all night as his dick

seemed to grow an extra inch inside her from this position. Placing her paws back behind

her, she held on to his bare chest as she began riding him, extracting moans from Kerilus

as she dominated his world. Kerilus threw his paws behind his head, almost in a trance

as his lover took care of every manly need he could possibly have for her and only her.

She was great at sex, and she always knew how to get his sweet spot, as he did her,

but tonight was a little different. She was saving it for some reason... and she was letting

him keep it till the last second possible. Tsenturi picked up her speed, and with that, the

moaning from both of them was almost loud enough to make their neighbors think it was

getting a little out of hand.

"Babe let me take over, I want to look at your pretty eyes as you conceive." Kerilus said

as his paws slid down to her ass, slowly lifting her vagina from his cock.

She picked herself off of him and rolled down next to him as he crawled on top

of her, his strong arms under hers as he kissed her gently. She had always blushed during

intercourse, but she was almost glowing red as she felt her crotch burning, almost aching

for his seed, for a new life they could raise together. Kerilus crouched back and gave her

a couple laps at her swollen pussy before inching his way up to her. She laid on her back

not putting up a struggle or anything, but watched him as he crept up on her body. He

moved to her belly button, playing with her motherly tummy as he cleaned her up and

stopped just before her nipples. She placed her paws on his arms as he crept up to her

shoulders, licking her nipples lightly and in circular motion, feeling them swell with

excitement before he began kissing again. As her sensitive breasts tickled, she felt her

moment come, and within seconds she was gripping his arms as she began squirting all

over her lover.

"OH FUCK!" Tsenturi screamed with bliss as her pussy burned with a lovely sensation

after releasing all over him and the bed.

They were panting hard together, but Kerilus kept kissing her throat and making

his way up to her lips as she gained her breath a little. Once she had herself a little under

control, he held himself up with his arms as he slid his head all over her soaked pussy,

making her moan as she waited for penetration. Tsenturi slid her paw down between

the two of them, holding open her abused folds and rubbing her clit with one finger as

Kerilus pushed in lightly, just getting the tip of his cock into her pussy. His golden eyes

stared into her violet eyes as he pushed into her at a crawling pace, both of the wolves

smiling and panting as they connected in both physical and emotional being. Once Kerilus was fully in, he began humping her tenderly, looking at her beautiful face as he made love to the most beautiful wolf in the world.

Tsenturi shot her legs in the air, her whole body still shaking from cumming before, but she held on to Kerilus as he began pumping faster into her. Quickly she tensed her inner muscles, gripping his throbbing cock as he tried to hold himself from blowing

his load. Kerilus grunted as she did so, losing his cool and thrusting into her wildly as his

balls started to tingle with the ache of releasing into his wife. He almost started to

whimper as he tried to fight from letting nature take it's course, but he was ready to

explode from Tsenturi's wonderful gripping... setting him off like none other. He gritted

his teeth and moaned loudly as loop after loop shot deep into Tsenturi's womb, feeling

his intense load of cum fill her to the brim. She looked at his closed eyes and gasped as

she could feel his seed inside of her, almost as if it was searching intensely for her egg that was soon to become their next pup.

Kerilus laid on top of her, panting heavily as his cock pulsed between her tensing

folds, extracting every last drop she could before he pulled out of her. Tsenturi kissed

him lovingly as he pulled out of her, spilling vaginal fluid and cum all over the bed. He

collapsed next to her, still panting heavily but watching her body move with such grace

as she looked him in the eyes, tears of love forming in hers as she knew that this was

going to be the next step to a brand new life. Kerilus wrapped his arm around her belly

and rubbed his nose against her cheek, whispering softly into her ear words that any

mate would love to hear from her lover. Tsenturi let her tears fall to the pillow, and

feeling completely satisfied, she rolled over and cuddled in to Kerilus' chest. He smiled

to her even though she could not see, but deep down he knew... The love they shared for

each other would last till their final breath on this earth.


Making Music Pt. IV

This is the 4th part to my story series "Making Music". I hope you all enjoyed reading along, and thank you for your continued support. I hope you all like it! If you're not 18 or older, Please don't read! (The rape is reversed for those reading it for...

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~Moonlight~ Chapter 1

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Making Music Pt. III

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