
Story by NescaF on SoFurry

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I Nesca hearby own and claim copyright to this story and any chapters following

im hopeing to one day get published and bring the same publicity to furrys that twilight begun with vampires. so please any feed back from you my intended audience is welcomed. im trying to get a wide assoment of anthro characters so if i have missed an animal or a enviremnt please let me know. thank you :D


In the time before the Cleansing there lived a race of people that wrought great magic's with their minds. From their great intelligence and power they raised great cities of lights and sounds that turned kept their cities with constant daylight. The made great wonders, underwater cities and great machines that let them fly like birds. They could commune with the other side of the world in moments and could cure almost all sickness. They could skid over water in boats that roared and they travelled in boxes that snarled and almost flew over the terrain. They contemplated life's mysteries and could live to be a hundred years old. They built towering monuments to their leaders and gods and made music and art that never faded.

But despite their great intellect they did not foresee what came to pass. Their great majestic power and beauty dimmed the stars that tried to warn them. They cut down the forests that beckoned them to look inside themselves. They dug and mined into the great mother that nurtured them all for her shiny rocks. Their cities leaked a poison that spread over the land, their monuments pressing the earth down . The animals they drove out from the refuges of nature and did horrible magic on them, distorting their shapes and natures to blend with the people of that time.

The peoples were split into great nations that eyed each other in hatred and suspicion that eventually led to the building of weapons capable of destruction so great that they could destroy the earth itself. The earth mother wept and the peoples of that time let loose their machines of destruction.

Great wholes were rent in the peaceful mother, the destruct lay mountains to waste and poisoned the land itself. The cities fell and the people cried out in horror of what they had done. Billions upon billions of their kind perished and the world as they knew crumbled around them. What forests left burned and the seas dried up.

The mothers anger, slow to stir came to full heat at the destruction. When the survivors came to her begging forgiveness and mercy she turned them out to the poisons lands they had made. She turned instead to the surviving animals. Wounded and betrayed by her supposed protectors she used the last of her strength to create a lush world for the survivors to live. A small oasis of peace. She created a lake large enough that it was almost an ocean. She created a protected desert and a forest each as large though by half of the lake. A small part of the lake was made into a snowy land for the cold dwelling creatures. The lake itself had a sprinkling of small and large islands. She made a jungle and in the middle of all these habitats she rose a great mountain and named it Earth Base. Around all that she had created she drew up mountains taller then Earth Base and Named these the Scar of the World to protect her charges from the poisons and other corrupt things from the innocent. With the last of her strength she took the misshapen creatures the people had warped and gave them perfect shape between the Previous protectors and the pure hearts of animals. With her last breath she bid them to protect and serve the animals and the earth and to stay pure and shy from the arrogance of their predecessors. Then from each type she drew a couple and breathed on them and set them the extra task of caring and guiding the new innocent folk she had made and when they forget to remember the Cleansing and her love.

Since the time of the great cleansing the Anthrop people lived within the wilderness beyond the World Scar. Nomadic tribes live in harmony with Kariko forest that borders the World Scar. They live off the land and with the forest and all its inhabitants, drinking deep from the pools that are fed from the waterfalls falling from the Scar. The waterfalls feed the pools and the pools in turn fed the streams, rivers and fords that run through the great Kariko forest to the Mother lake of the water tribes. On the banks of the great lake the water tribes swim, fish and worship the forces of nature. Between the lake and surrounded by forest bordering on the plains was the great mountain Earth Base

Of the times before the Cleansing the tribes collectively called the Anthrop knew only this. Everything past the World Scar . The peoples that lived there were destructive and evil, choosing to kill their own people because the enemies furless skin was a different shade. They made up vengeful deities and in those deities names slaughtered countless innocence. They forgot the Mother earth and scorned the stars for their beauty. They carved great tunnels into the womb of the mother. They breathed toxic air and rejoiced in their magic that produced it for it warmed their homes made of live souls of trees.

Never has any Anthrop been past the World scar. The water tribe have never swam to the other side of the great lake, the air nomads fly no higher then their peaks, the forest people never explore the paths towards the scar.

If they had they might have seen what was on the other side.

Wakeing up

_Let me die, let me die, let me die._ Slowly feeling came back to her. First the muted sense of sound reached her in her place of unknowing. Voices that were just out of her understanding. Their words blurred together and the sound faded before she...

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Spirit waters

Alec took a step back in surprise as the wild wolf jumped at him, howling in bloodlust, murder in her eyes as she raised the still bloodied knife. Nesca aimed for Alecs side, meaning to slide her knife between his rips, into his lungs. Alec swung his...

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Life was hard in a slaver house, and not just for the slaves. The young tiger sighed and readjusted his postion in his seat, leaning his elbows agaisnt the hardwood table. Only three other seats were taken on the six seater table. Through the window...

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