Bow and Scale

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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A story I wrote for Kon, because i like him.


The archer crouched behind the bush, waiting for his prey to arrive. His leather boots and leather garments worn loose on the warm summer day. The Dragon had terrorised several villages and there was a reward of 2000 gold bits for anyone who killed the Dragon and brought back the Dragons eye as proof. He notched an arrow but didn't tension the string, waiting for the moment to arrive. He had bought 3 sheep from a farmer and let them in a field as bait. Three hours of waiting paid off, as a huge shadow overhead meant that the Dragon had taken the bait. The lavender Dragon landed and closed its wings. It had green markings going down the length of its body and a long tail. Two horns were nestled on the Dragons head, and it had dark eyes. The archer stopped admiring the monster and pulled back on the string, aiming for the Dragons neck. He held his breath and let go of the string, sending the arrow flying. At that moment, the Dragon moved and the arrow hit the Dragon under its wing. It roared in pain and opened its wings to take off. It jumped and fell to earth again as it couldn't use its left wing. It whimpered as the archer pulled out a sword he borrowed from a friend. The lavender Dragon watched as the human came closer. Blood was dripping from the Dragons wound, and the archer watched and prepared to rid his village of its enemy. The last time the Dragon visited it set the church roof and the blacksmiths house on fire. The archer raised his sword and looked into his enemy's eye, as if finding the Dragons soul. The archer dropped the sword when he found something no other human had found in a Dragon, kindness. Behind the Dragons hard shell of torture and destruction, was just a creature wishing to survive into the next day. That was all the archer needed to refuse to kill this Dragon. He would not kill a being that was only doing what he did. He hunted for food, sometimes stole if it became too hard to hunt. The Dragon only stole small amounts, taking only what he needed. The archer put his hand on the Dragons neck and smiled, "It's going to be alright."

He pulled out the arrow and cleaned up the wound with what the priest said was a healing potion and put a bandage on. The Dragon stood up and roared before eating some of the sheep which the archer thought the Dragon deserved. The archer looked around and patted the Dragons neck. The Dragon looked at the human and walked off, heading for its lair. The archer jogged to keep up with the lavender Dragon, who was slightly confused with the humans' odd behaviour. Either they hunted or ran away from him, not walked alongside him. He always prided himself on being an independent Dragon, but it seemed that he needed the human to hunt for him while he could not hunt for himself. The archer was debating on if he should talk to the Dragon, "Dragon. Do you have a name?"

The Dragon looked at the archer for a moment before looking ahead again.

"You have no name? For instance, my name is Marcus. If people what to get my attention they call my name."

The Dragon growled, and Marcus fell silent. They walked for hours, and spent most of the afternoon in silence. Marcus was roasting in his clothes, they were meant to be all terrain, not for long walks. They walked along a river before Marcus fell down and stripped, desperate for water to take his body heat away. The Dragon watched Marcus strip and jump into the river. Marcus washed his face and let the water cool him down. The Dragon watched and walked to the edge of the bank and drank some water, parched itself. Marcus waded to shore and looked at the wound. "Dragon, may I wash your wound?"

The Dragon looked at Marcus. "If I don't wash it then it may become infected and you will fall ill."

The Dragon reluctantly turned so Marcus could attend to its wound. The human slowly removed the bandage and washed the wound. Each time the water went into the wound the Dragon shivered, as the river was sourced in the mountains. Marcus put the bandage back on and patted the Dragons neck, "Thank you."

The Dragon nodded and let Marcus put his clothes back on, before heading off to its lair again. It was a short walk from the river to the cave which the Dragon called home.

The Dragon drank some more water from a pool of running water running on the left side of the cave. On the right side was a bed made of what appeared to be straw stolen from houses and near the back was a rock that parted in two like a Y. Marcus was impressed, the Dragon had dug tunnels for the water to go through and exit the cave. The Dragon tended to something next to its bed before curling up on its bed, revealing an egg. The Dragon was looking after an egg! Marcus put his things down in a pile against a wall and looked at the egg, walking closer to it. The Dragon growled and placed itself between him and the egg. "If you won't let me look at the egg then at least tell me your name Dragon. I want to know what a creature like you is called."

The Dragon grumbled before lowering its head and mumbling in a very low and reptilian voice, "Kon."


Kon nodded. He didn't like his name, it sounded weak, but was pleasantly surprised when Marcus announced, "That's a lovely name. I like it, Kon. Would you like to watch the sun set Kon?"

Kon nodded and got up again, following his newfound friend to the mouth of the cave. They were on a naturally high part of the land and so could see everything, including the sun setting over the sea. Kon sat at the mouth of the cave and Marcus leant against Kon's front leg, "It's wonderful, isn't it?"

The Dragon nodded and looked at the human, who was slowly drifting off to sleep while leaning against him. Kon growled loudly and Marcus woke up. "I'd better go to bed. Do you have someplace for a human like me to sleep?"

Kon nodded and went back inside, Marcus in tow. Kon spat flame at some wood and a bush that looked like it was torn out of the ground and they had a nice fire in the corner of the cave. Kon curled up in his bed and rested his head on his tail. Marcus was left standing by the fire, "Where do I go?"

Kon motioned to a space he left near to his head for Marcus. The human went and laid down next to Kon and smiled, "Sleep well Kon. I'm sorry for firing an arrow at a creature like you. I see that the church isn't right about Dragons. You aren't mindless beasts who only destroy for the fun of it and eat anything. You are kind and gentle, eating only what you need and destroying things in self protection. The church hates you and the blacksmith produces swords."

Kon closed his eyes and growled softly, before Marcus touched the tip of Kon's snout. "Thank you for letting me stay here to tend to your wound, and meet you properly."

Marcus rolled over and fell asleep, exhausted by their long walk. Kon looked at Marcus and thought about how he would protect the egg with a human in his home, before drifting off to sleep.

Marcus woke up when he fell into the large indentation that Kon made when he was asleep. He looked around for the lavender Dragon and saw that Kon was doing something to the rock. He looked closer and saw that Kon was thrusting. He was erect and imagining that he was mating with a female. Kon's face indicated that he was in his own little world and enjoying being there. Marcus stood up and some of the straw snapped, causing Kon to look at the human in shock. He looked down in shame that his habit had been exposed. He was just so lonely.

"Kon? Are you masturbating?"

Kon nodded but kept his head low, too ashamed to look at Marcus.

"You must feel so lonely at times, humans slaying Dragons all the time. You just want to release some energy. I understand that Kon. I have no wife, so I resort to masturbation sometimes."

Kon looked at Marcus and grabbed the human, who was now scared as to what the Dragon would do to him. Kon put Marcus down on the other side of the rock, the part he was thrusting into. Marcus looked at the dripping, hot, pink Dragonhood and looked up at the Dragon who was looking down on him. Kon thrusted once and Marcus stepped back, "No. I don't want to. Not to you."

Kon thrusted again and growled. "No. Forget it Kon."

Kon roared at Marcus, who accidentally jumped into Kons throbbing manhood. Kon growled softly as his sensitive member was touched by something other than the rock and his own claws.

"Oh. I thought it was something else. You just want to release, don't you?"

Kon whined and thrusted again, before Marcus touched the tip of Kon's member. Kon growled in approval and didn't thrust, allowing Marcus to pleasure him. Marcus ran his hands down the sides of the throbbing erection and was met with moans, growls and hisses in return. Marcus decided to please Kon's tip, as that was the most sensitive. He ran his hands over the slit and pushed a few fingers in as they went past. He kissed the tip and Kon squirted some pre out. "Awww. Kon wants a little fun?"

Kon moaned and nodded before thrusting gently, his hips slamming into the rock, before Marcus kissed the tip and started pushing fingers into the slit. More pre ran out and dripped to the floor as Marcus did his best to please his friend. Kon did his best to stay still but the temptation was too much. He started humping the rock again and Marcus stopped. Kon looked under at Marcus, "Kon. I am not pleasuring you if you hump me."

Kon stopped and allowed Marcus to continue his work, Marcus using his tongue too. Kon's pre was sweeter than anything he had ever tasted, and Marcus loved it. Kon shot more pre and growled louder and louder as he neared his climax. Marcus knew what was going to happen and thrusted his fist inside Kon's slit for a few moments before standing back. Kon roared and thrusted once before he came, shooting his hot, thick and white seed all over Marcus. The force of Kons orgasm was so great that Marcus was knocked over, while being covered with Kon's seed. Jets of seed splattered the wall and floor, with a white lump on the floor that was Marcus. Kon was panting by the end and laid back, enjoying the aftermath of his best climax ever. Marcus stood up and swallowed the seed that was in his mouth, it was very sweet. He walked over to Kon who burst out laughing when he saw that Marcus was dripping. "Can I bathe somewhere Kon?"

Kon, after recovering from his fit of laughter, led Marcus to a second pool where he pushed the human in. Marcus fell in and surfaced, wiping off Kon's seed, "You taste very nice Kon."

Kon walked to the drinking pool and got himself a drink, having expelled so much liquid onto Marcus and the floor. Marcus walked to Kon and patted the Dragons neck, "You are a very nice Dragon."

Kon looked at Marcus and licked him appreciatively. Marcus laughed and stroked Kons neck, "You have lovely markings Kon. They really make you appreciate who you are. I bet no one else has those markings."

Kon growled softly and looked at Marcus. He had been reserved when he spoke and decided to give some kind words back. He took a deep breath and spoke in his deep reptilian voice again, "Marcus. You are a very nice human. No human has spent a night with me and I am truly grateful for you helping me with my wound, and sparing my life."

Marcus blushed, turning a bright shade of red before looking at Kon, "We should hunt for food. I am starving."

Kon nodded and went to his usual silence, preferring not to say anything at all. Marcus smiled, "Maybe you can watch me hunt. I know how you hunt, I want you to see how a human hunts."

Kon looked at Marcus' bow and wondered how a stick and string could kill a sheep. "I'll show you once in here."

Marcus put on the arrow holder and picked up his bow. "Kon. This arrow gets fired at the target and the sharp tip penetrates the skin of the animal and kills it."

Marcus notched an arrow and fired it across the cave. Kon watched the little stick impale itself into the wall. Marcus ran and grabbed it before running back, "You see. That was, unfortunately, how I managed to hit you."

Kon looked down, his wound stinging. Marcus was ashamed that he had fired an arrow at this wonderful creature. Kon was no monster, he was a human in another body. Marcus put his bow over his shoulder and the pair set out to gather their dinner.

They found one of Kon's regular hunting spots that were full of wild sheep. Untouched by man, they had a shorter coat. Marcus notched an arrow and took aim at a large sheep. Kon watched with interest as Marcus hunted, completely different to his own style of dropping out of the sky and taking what he needed with his claws. Marcus fired the arrow and it shot through the air and penetrated the sheep's skull. The arrow killed the sheep instantly and Marcus had already notched another arrow and sent it hurtling towards another sheep. The arrow went through the sheep and took part of its spinal cord with it. The rest of the sheep scrambled, leaving the 2 dead sheep alone. Kon went out and got them. He came back with both sheep in his mouth and the pair headed back home.

Kon put the sheep down and washed his mouth out, getting the hairs out of his mouth. He turned to see Marcus tending to the fire and cutting the skin off one of the sheep. "Kon. I want you to try some cooked food. I have been complimented on my cooking skills many times."

Kon watched as Marcus skinned one of the sheep and roasted it using a makeshift pan, a rock. He then watched the human cook the sheep and looked at the body of the sheep, cooked, which was placed at his feet. Marcus smiled and was proud of his work. The sun was setting and he was starving himself. He sat next to Kon and started eating a leg of the sheep. Kon smelled the cooked food before trying some. He ate the whole sheep and was halfway through the raw one before Marcus finished one leg. "Wow. You must have been very hungry."

Kon growled when he finished the second sheep and had nothing else to eat. Marcus finished the second sheep leg and laid back, "I am stuffed. Was that good Kon?"

Kon nodded and went to tend to egg. Marcus walked to the egg and Kon let him get close. "Is this a Dragon egg?"

Kon nodded again and took some hot rocks that were on the fire and set the egg on them, to keep it warm. Marcus looked at Kon, "Is it yours?"

Kon shook his head, "I am keeping it safe for a friend while he relocates. Humans found his lair."

Marcus looked at Kons wing and took off the bandage. The wound was almost fully healed. Kon could fly again. He yawned and stretched, and went to lay on his part of the bed. Kon curled up and picked up Marcus and letting the human sleep with the Dragon curled around him. "Kon?"


"Can I stay with you, even though you are fully healed?"

"Yes, of course Marcus."

The next morning Kon and Marcus were awoken by a loud roar at the cave entrance. The father of the egg had returned. Kon shook his head and got a drink quickly before looking at the green Dragon. They spoke in hisses, clicks and growls, and Marcus didn't know or mind what they were talking about.

"Marcus? Could you get some straw and put the egg in it for the journey home for this fine Dragon?"

Marcus nodded and got some straw from the unused part of the bed and set it on the floor. He picked up the egg and put it carefully on the straw, hard when it was the same size as a 2 year old and weighed about 35kg. The green Dragon saw that a human was handling his egg and roared before chasing after Marcus. Marcus yelled and backpedalled quickly, hitting the back wall. The Dragon looked at Marcus closely, before roaring and preparing to kill Marcus. Kon roared and prevented the Dragon from killing his human friend. The green Dragon hissed before walking back to his egg.

"I meant no harm Dragon. I would not slay any Dragon, whether it be egg or adult."

Kon nodded and the Dragons conversed in their own tongue again. The green Dragon looked ashamed of what he had done and walked slowly over to Marcus, who was making his way back to the two Dragons.

"I know what you want to say green Dragon. Do not worry about it. It was completely natural and I apologise for not introducing myself to you."

The green Dragon looked surprised but nodded in understanding. Marcus smiled and touched the Dragons snout, "Your scales are rougher than Kon's."

The Dragon stood up and took the egg, heading out of the cave before heading for his own lair. Kon licked Marcus who kissed Kon's snout in return, "Thank you for letting me live with you."

Kon nodded and Marcus hugged the Dragon.

The two became best of friends and eventually Marcus taught the villagers that Kon was friendly. The villagers revolted and burnt down the church, and let Kon have his revenge on the priest, toying with the priest before eating him. Dragons soon flocked to the village and were treated as if they were human. Marcus and Kon still hunted together, appreciating each other. Sometimes, Kon would let Marcus ride him and let the human experience the feeling of flying. If Kon was aroused, Marcus would be on the case and help Kon with whatever he needed. Dragons became permanent residents of the village, larger houses were built and made from stronger materials made with Dragons help. Dragons and humans mixed as if there had been no hatred in the first place. Kon had wished for that day for so long, where human and Dragon would walk side by side.

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Dragons Lair pt 17

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