That Mutt's a Monster

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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Iggy calls up another guy on his favorite hookup app, but his little fling might not be what he was looking for...


Posted using PostyBirb

"So we doing this or not?"

"Oh, we're doing this alright..."

Iggy threw himself at the pink koopaling, slammed his body against the chain link fence behind them. In an instant, his tongue was jammed down Roy's throat. The gesture was soon returned, coupled with the koopaling drifting his hands down to cup the terrier's ass. Even hidden away by a pair of jeans, the reptile could feel the soft, jiggly twin mounds that were just barely contained within the fabric.

With a blush on his muzzle, Iggy growled and kissed the other male harder, a silent display of dominance. But the koopaling was working his weak point, running his blunt claws over his jeans, squeezing ever so slightly. He bit back a moan and instead focused on teasing the pushy koopaling back. He bent over slightly, giving more room for the koopaling to grope. But in turn he made small sways of those wide hips, making enticing wiggles with a hungry look on his face. Roy smirked and took even more of the fat ass into his grip. His claws drifted upwards, reaching the top of Iggy's pants.

Slowly the koopaling hooked his claws into the fabric and started to pull them down. Iggy didn't stop him but the terrier felt like he was losing control. His teases only fuel Roy's lust and ego. Sure, he wanted the pink reptile's dick but he wanted it on his terms. Under his shades, Roy's wides went wide as he saw the white and black fur of Iggy's exposed ass. Knowing exactly what he came to the seedy alley of the motel for, Iggy didn't bother wearing anything more of the bare minimum...

In the canine's point of view, Roy was taking too long. He slapped the reptile's hands away and pulled his pants down himself, smirking as his big, furry ass was exposed to the scaled creature. He pulled the pair of jeans all the way down, kicking them off, they would be needed for a while anyways...

The smirk on Iggy's face only grew wider as he turned around to face the pinned koopaling. Underneath his shades, the terrier could see the shock that was laden within the reptile. He smirked and placed his paws on Roy's shoulders pushing the larger male down. Roy was soon on his knees while the black and white canine loomed over him. Iggy chuckled and licked his sharp teeth as he raised a foot. His dirty sole was planted firmly on the koopaling's lips and his toes were pressed against his flaring nostrils. The reptile winced against the pungent, cheesy odor that flooded his nose. The smell was aggressive, demanding Roy to be the only thing he could smell. The usually tough Roy gagged a bit as the sweaty digits tapped against his nose, only making the smell worse. And while his mouth was open he could a quick taste of the grime and dirt that decorated his soles.

"What's wrong?" Iggy chuckled, tilting his head. "It's all part of the fun. I got a lot of bitches back home that love this kinda stuff..."

Roy just huffed, getting pissed at the way the terrier was looking down at him. Reluctantly, the koopaling dragged his tongue against the grimey foot. The wet pink muscle soon became just as dirty, picking up every little bit of Iggy's foot sweat and the overall dirt from the city streets. Rather than looking impressed, Iggy just tilted his head, wanting more out of the koopaling.

"I'll let you up if you agree to fuck my brains out," Iggy demanded. That was more than agreeable to the other male. Against the nasty foot he smirked and nodded. Iggy chuckled and removed his dirty foot, putting back on the ground. Hewas about to say something but the reptile surged at him, grabbing him by the shoulders, turning him around and shoving his face against the fence.

Iggy winced as the rusty metal scratched his face, but he was also glad that he got Roy riled up. Guys always fucked best when they were pissed and so far it looked like Roy might actually give him something worthwhile. The growling koopaling shoved Iggy harder into the fence with one arm while he fished his thick cock from his pants with the other. As soon as it was exposed to the evening air, Roy looked down and spit on it. Figuring the was all the dirty, piece of shit mutt deserved, the pink reptile jammed himself between those full pair of cheeks. As soon as he did, two clawed hands gripped the canine's hips.

"F-fuck.... Finally! You better do it deep and good," Iggy taunted, sneering against the gate.

Roy only smirked again and made good on the terrier's desires. He reeled back and shoved himself back inside with a hard pump. He grunted as soft flesh sandwiched his cock, using the little bit of lube that he had to go fast and hard. On the receiving end, Iggy bit his lip as that mix of stinging pain and tingling pleasure came. He had to admit, the koopaling was living up to his bio online but Iggy wanted to see just how much resolve the other male had...

He surged his own ass backwards, forcing himself to take even more of the positioning thickness. A small whine rose in his throat, followed by the fluttering of his eyes. Hitting his sweet spot, the dirty mutt had no choice but to take a moment to relish a good fucking. He gripped the fence and pushed his ass out even more, properly bending over just enough. HIs face and chest were still pressed against the fence, even moreso when Roy thrust forwards, pushing the terrier into the chain links.

"Come on!" Iggy growled, before letting dep moan interrupt his plea. "F-fuck me harder, bitch! I better not be walking when you're done with me!"

Those were words that Roy never heard from a guy he was fucking before. The show of such words threw him off. His humps weakened, making Iggy glance back at him with. The terrier growled, deep and long in a manner that struck a bolt of fear in Roy. Though the smelly dog was smaller than him, Roy had some feeling that Iggy would somehow make him regret it if he failed to satisfy.

The koopaling steadied himself and dug his blunt claws into Iggy's thighs. He planted his feet firmly onto concrete, delivering another hard surge of his hips. A squishy noise was heard as his cock was jammed back inside deep. It was followed up by a deep sigh from Iggy. A spurt of precum came from the bottoming canine. His tongue lolled from his muzzle and his eyes were raised up to the pink-orange sky. Finally, a guy that could fuck him like the worthless, dirty bitch he was.

"You wanna be wrecked, don't you? Be broken in like a good bitch?" Roy offered, moving his scaly hand upwards. He wrapped them around Iggy's waist and pressed his weight down on the smaller male. The terrier yelped as he was dragged to the ground. On his knees and his ass in the air, Roy pressed and rocked his dick back and forth, jamming as deep as he could. His own precum had dripped from his cocktip and worked as a suitable lube to do whatever he wanted to the dirty dog.

"Fuck yeah I do! And you better make it happen!" Iggy demanded, dragging his claws against cracked concrete. As he was fucked hard his tail wagged. Another moan was forced out of him as Roy's balls slapped against his own, sending a shockwave of pain through the canine that blended wonderfully with the pleasure running rampant through his body. A series of claps and squelches came as Roy forced his cock deeper and deeper down the now stretched and sloppy hole. The pushy mutt was like a bottomless pit; no matter how hard or deep he shoved his dick, Iggy demanded for more. But the koopaling was determined to deliver. He redoubled his efforts, changing the pace of his fucking. Rather than depth, Roy was now going for speed, hitting the sweet spot enough times at once to make that stupid mutt's head spin.

As good as the face jabs to his prostate felt, Iggy saw what the other male was trying to do. He sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes... Another disappointment... The canine took matters into his own hands. He pushed against the concrete, raising his body. Roy was caught off guard and his cock slipped from the tight ass. He huffed as he fell on his back. While the bigger male was reeling from the sudden actions, Iggy chuckled and straddled him.

"I told you I didn't want to walk anymore," Iggy tsk'd. "You had one job and you fucked that up. Now I gotta punish you."

Roy was still trying to make heads or tails of the situation but a shudder ran down his cock and spine as an ice cold nose was pressed against his cocktip. The canine had turned himself around, pointing his stretched ass toward Roy's face. His face was pressed against the thick cock, taking long sniffs of the smell of his own ass. It was as if the cock before him was marked as his own. Going along with that thought, it seemed the dick wasn't being used to its fullest advantage. Roy needed to be punished so he could learn better. He flicked his tongue against the tip, coating his tongue in salty precum mixed with the bitter aftertaste of his dirty ass. He shuddered and gave into his own lust.

Roy grunted as his cock was suddenly enguled by a hot, wet mouth. His lips cupped around the girth, dragging up and down in time with the swirling tongue. Iggy gave his partner no let up. He bobbed his head up and down in quick motions, jabbing the wide tip down his throat with ease. The grunts and winces that came from the larger male were music to his ears. It was the least that the koopaling deserved for talking a big game in his bio and falling short when it came to the real thing.

"H-holy shit! S-slow down, dude! Auugh! Shiiitt!" Roy struggled as those soft lips and the hot were pressed and flicking against his dick with no let up. It was followed up by Iggy's throat, he expertly jammed Roy's dick deep within, exposing the cock to hard swallow and strong muscles that all but constricted the girth. He did these in swift, seamless motions; jamming the cock down his throat, raising his head and stopping just short of the tip being locked behind his lips before slamming his mouth back down.

This was all much for poor Roy to take. The tongue and throat gave him now room to breathe and the deep moans that came from the sucking canine only turned him on even more. His claws scraped against the concrete as his orgasm struck him like a baseball bat. All he could do was throw his head back and wail as he came. But Iggy still wasn't through with him; as his tongue was coated in thick layers of koopaling spunk, the terrier continued to blow the koopaling, not even giving Roy a chance to go soft.

The pink retile bit his lip and kicked his legs while his cock was being milked beyond what it had. It was too much to take but Iggy just kept up. Straining, Roy tried to stop the mutt but there was some force that pinned him back down to the concrete.

"Auuughh! S-stop! You're gonna bust my balls!" Roy demanded but once again the reptile's words were ignored. Iggy wanted to be satisfied and he was gonna get it one way or another. The last spurt of nut was launched into his mouth. Around it, Iggy smirked. He finally popped the cock out of his mouth. But he gave the length quick, sloppy jerks, making Roy wince and even whimper. Iggy rolled his eyes and pursed his lips, allowing the thick ooze of cum to drip from his mouth and onto the cock it came from. As soon as it dripped onto the cock, his paw was there to slather to spunk against the girth. Once all the spunk was out of his mouth, Iggy turned himself around and once again straddled the other male. He winked at Roy before he raised his ass and sunk the cum-slathered cock within him once again.

"Aah... There it is..." Iggy chuckled, grinding his ass against the koopaling's pelvis. "Good grief, stop looking at me like that... You found me on a hookup app. You should have known what you were getting into!" With those words, the terrier fucked himself on Roy's already overstimulated dick, ignoring the other males cries and whimpers. His tongue rolled his mouth and his eyes lidded as he bounced his ass up and down in quick motions, using the other male as nothing more than a living dildo.

Roy could hardly process what was happening to his cock. His dick was starting to feel like it was gonna explode and there was no way for him to stop it. The force on him only increased, if he would have known the dog had an ability he would have brought his wand. Iggy was getting lost in his own actions, leaving Roy to wince under his bounces. Tears formed in the corners of the koopaling's eyes as another hard clench came. All he could do was kick his legs and drag his claws against the stone underneath him.

"At least it's big..." Piggy purred, thumping his ass on the rigid flesh. "I'll give you that much." The mutt chuckled as he looked down at the koopaling's eyes rolling back. He could only imagine the torturous pleasure he was forcing the other male to go through. Iggy almost felt bad for him but the thick tip jamming deep in his ass made took his attention instead. Deep within himself, Roy's cock was throbbing hard, likely being forced into an incoming climax. Sure enough, he could feel the hot gushes of pre being shot deep inside. They were strong and sticky, clinging to the lining of his ass while he continued to bounce up and down on each and every inch. And with each bounce his own prostate was smushed, making his own cock thump and leak strings of his own precum. Finally, Roy was making himself useful.

The smelly mutt reared up only to slam himself down, forcing the blunt tip to bash into the farthest depths of his ass. He grit his teeth and shuddered, feeling himself getting closer to his own limit. He repeated the motion and it seemed that was enough to make Roy come to. Suddenly he was back in reality and picked up where he left off, gritting his teeth and groaning as it felt like his cock was on fire. And the hard bounces that came from Iggy only made it worse. Everytime he did that, the koopaling was sure that a spike was being wedged against his shaft. He continued to writhe under the chuckling canine, more precum came from his cock, feeling like fire was passing through his shaft.

"Aah! F-fuck! Finally. Here it comes! Make yourself useful for once!" Iggy sneered as he drilled himself harder and harder on the cock, feeling his own pulsing harder and harder. His actions were quick, slicking Roy's dick in and out of his ass with loud, sloppy pops.

Against the onslaught of Iggy's ass slipping against his cock, Roy had no chance but to brace himself. He wailed and sniffled as he came. His legs scrabbled against the concrete and his fist pounded against it as well. Each hard pulse of his cock was agony. But despite that, the koopaling's eyes drifted to the back of his head once again and drool freely oozed from the corner of his muzzle.

Iggy snarled and finally howled as he speared himself on the spurting cock one last time. As he sat there, Roy's dick lodged against his prostate, Iggy's tongue lolled from his mouth as his own dick pulsed and jumped as thick ropes of pent up seed were soon decorating Roy's chest.

"Mmm.... Fuuuuucccckk... M-maybe you weren't lying after all.... Those bitches just weren't using you right..." Iggy chuckled and took a moment to catch his breath, enjoying the feeling his got cum still sloshing inside of him. Equally, he enjoyed the sticky ropes that littered Roy's chest.

Iggy was soon back into his cheap motel room, scrolling through the app, looking for another male that could possibly give him what he was looking for. The filthy mutt didn't even bother to clean himself up. All Iggy did was grab his pants and stroll out of the alley, grabbing his key and returning to his motel room. As he laid on the thin sheets, his ass was still slathered cum. The smelly canine had no desire to clean up, instead he favored the idea of wallowing in the seed, reminding him of his conquest... He scrolled and looked through each bio carefully, now aware that some males couldn't practice what they preached. In the back of his mind he wondered how the hookup he had left behind was doing...

Roy was left outside in the alley. After gathering his own clothes, the koopaling was all alone, wincing and blubbering as he painfully limped back home. Even though it was fully soft, his dick still hurt and his balls were on fire. Every little move of his legs made them sway and jostle, sending bolts of pain through him. Sniffling, Roy was aware that it was getting late. He needed to get home and find some ice or maybe even find a nearby hospital. Either way, he was determined to warn his friends about the monster that lurked on that app...

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