A Brother's Duty

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A 2018 story I wrote as part of a November challenge. Idea mine.

A Brother's Duty

There the little faggot was.

Walking along the path with a happy little swish in his striped tail, a bounce in every step as he leapt between the cracks of the pavement. From behind, one could have mistaken the kid raccoon for a girl, with his too-long hair and brightly coloured cartoon school backpack. But to Bryte, there was no mistaking the kid. He had the displeasure of knowing the little brat all too well.

Bryte pulled his car up beside the thirteen year old raccoon and lowered his window. "Hey! Kola!" he shouted, while forcing a smile. It was difficult for him, as a big black-furred wolf with sharp white streaks and red eyes, to look friendly. But he wasn't too concerned. Kola was always far too innocent, and far too trusting of other people. One day it was going to get him into trouble.

Oh, wait, that day was today.


The young raccoon almost tripped over as he jumped with surprise at the sound. He turned and squinted towards Bryte's car, trying to see inside, though he soon burst into a happy smile when he realised who it was. "Oh, hey Bryte!" he said, while his eyes glanced around the rest of the empty car. "Is William at soccer practice?"

"No, actually! Soccer was cancelled, so he's at home now", Bryte lied through his fake-warm smile. "He thought you might want to come over early, so I thought I'd be a good big bro to him and swing around the block to see if I could catch you on your way home!"

"Oh, cool!" Kola said with a wide smile. The infuriatingly effeminate dumb little fucking fuckable sissy faggot cunt kid pranced towards the car's passenger door and jumped inside while humming something happily.

There was no one in view. No one saw him get inside. It was perfect.

Bryte locked the doors.

It was Friday evening. Bryte fucking hated Friday evenings. Because every Friday after William finished soccer practice, Kola would come over to Bryte's house for a sleepover with his best friend and Bryte's little brother, William. The raccoon and wolf kid would stay up late on the couch next to each other, flopped on top of each other, playing games and giggling.

And he could see the way it was changing his little bro. Softening him up. Turning him into a little wimp. It made him furious to see the little faggot affecting his brother like this -- turning him into something so much less than his genes offered him. It was plain wrong.

Well, he'd endured those nights for too long, with this plan festering in the darkness of the back of his mind. As of tonight, there would be no more. With William busy at soccer for the next few hours, it was time to fix everything. And Bryte had the perfect plan to help his brother realise who he really was.

Not some faggot like the raccoon.

A goddamn wolf.

Bryte drove Kola back to his house with a racing heart and a bulge in his pants.

* * *

As Bryte sat in the car, watching his little brother come out of the sports club, he gritted his teeth. Though it was dark, under the light of a streetlamp he could see his fourteen year old brother go around and give every other kid on his team a hug goodbye.

The big wolf let out a low growl to himself. This was what little bitches like Kola had done to him. He was nothing like his older brother anymore -- being... sickeningly friendly to pitiful creatures like birds and ferrets and mice. William had forgotten his rightful place as a wolf on the hierarchy of species. At the fucking top.

Wolves should be ferocious and cruel and strike fear into the soul of others with a mere glance and flash of their teeth. It was only right -- how nature intended things. The predators got what they wanted while the smaller weaker species whimpered and cried at their feet. For mercy. Fucking cats, dogs, mice, raccoons... even horses and tigers and sharks. Wolves were better than them all. Wolves earnt their place at the top.

Other species were not friends of wolves. They were resources to be used by them.

It was something William had forgotten.

But Bryte was gonna fix this. Like any good big brother would.

As William jumped into the car and closed the door, he leant in to give his big brother a hug. The big wolf patted his little brother's back in return.

"Are we gonna pick Kola up on the way home?" the little wolf asked excitedly, the tip of his tail wiggling happily between his thighs.

"Oh, he came over early".* * *As William kicked his soccer shoes off by the door, he called through the house, "Kola! We're home!"

Bryte sauntered inside behind his brother with a secret smile on his face. He watched his brother explore the house for a minute, looking for his best friend in all the usual places, but coming up short.

"Kola?" the young teen called out, looking confused. "Is he still--"

Bryte placed a hand on his little brother's shoulder and led him towards his own bedroom. When they stopped outside the closed door, keen ears could just barely pick up the sounds of whimpers through the wood.

"Why would he be in there?" the little wolf asked innocently, kinking his head backwards to look up at his brother.

Bryte just opened the door and nudged his little bro inside.

Light from the hallway illuminated his dark bedroom in an arc... first showing torn schoolboy clothes, a discarded cartoon character backpack, and then a mattress covered in white stains and wet patches. And then a chubby naked child, bound and gagged, arms and legs outstretched with each limb tied to a different corner of the bed. As the two brothers appeared in the doorway, Kola started thrashing against his restraints, wailing with a muffled voice into Bryte's underwear, which had been crammed into his mouth and taped in place.

"Oh my God!" William screamed. He bolted forward to his best friend's side.

Behind him, his older brother casually stripped naked. "Ah, man... I've been looking forward to this", he said in a low, dark voice. His heavy erection flopped out of his pants, so hard and keen again already despite the fun he'd already had raping the little cunt before William got home. The raccoon kid's even-more-fat-than-usual tummy and cum-splattered face was proof of that.

While the big wolf sighed happily and stretched with his arms above his head in all his naked glory, his little brother turned to him with horrified eyes and stuttered, "Wh-what are you doing?"

Bryte felt a pang of shame. Not about himself, but towards Will. It was... embarrassing to see his little lupine brother looking so fearful, pathetic, and weak. But that's why he was doing this. There was still hope for him. Without saying anything, the big male stepped forward, lifted his stunned brother into the air, and ripped the sweaty soccer uniform from his body.

"Bro! Stop! You're scaring me!" he squealed, squirming against his brother's muscled arms.

Huffing air through his nostrils angrily, Bryte pulled his brother's now-naked body against his own in an embrace from behind and crawled onto the bed, arms under his brother and cupping his small chest, his hard rocket protruding between his little brother's fuzzy thighs. Bryte's dick was already as hard as it could get, fully erect... but still slowly getting even bigger with each throb...

He did his best to urge his dick to stop growing. This one was for Will, not him.

He shuffled forward until he was kneeling between the raccoon's outstretched legs, and then he leant down to growl in his brother's ear, "You've got the same fuckin genes as me in there, somewhere... I know you do. You've just been led astray by sissy little fags like Kola".

William kicked his legs against Bryte's thighs and tried to pry the bigger wolf's hands from his body, hopelessly. "I... I dunno what you're talking about, but quit it! Let him go!"

"Trust me, bro", the big wolf said. "I'm doing this for you because I love you". Then he grabbed William's muzzle with one of his hands and forced him to look at the terrified raccoon in front of them. "I want you to look at him".

"Stop it!" William cried.

"Look at him!" he growled, gripping his brother's face tightly. When William's whimpers quietened and he stopped pointlessly struggling, Bryte sighed and smiled. "Good. Now... see how scared he is... Look at his terrified eyes. Look at his trembling little weak body. Look at him and let it in. See it. Smell it. Taste it. It's what you need, Will".

"Bryte... Please..." William sniffled.

"C'mon, Will", Bryte said in a low slow voice. His stroked his little brother's shivering body softly with his paws, and his aching cock flexed upwards, smushing against Will's soft dick and balls -- his only just pubescent package. "Feel the fear... Let it soak into your body... Let it in..." Obediently, William looked at his trembling friend, probably motivated by his own fear right now. Bryte smiled happily in response.

And then Will suddenly exclaimed, "Uh! Ugh..." and his body shifted in Bryte's paws.

Bryte didn't need to ask what had happened, because he could feel it. Against the bigger wolf's boner, Will's dick was starting to harden and snake outwards along the top of his own.

"Wh-what's... no... I..."

"This is natural, bro", Bryte breathed into his brother's fear-flattened ear. "You're a wolf. And you need to learn what that means. We're plain better than every other species on the planet, alright? Everyone else is beneath us... not worth our time, unless we can use them for our own needs".

"No. No! I don't like it! Stop it!" the younger wolf cried, though his dick didn't stop growing, soon reaching full hardness.

"It's fear, bro", the big wolf said, grinning. "Fear's the key. That's how you unlock this. Because we're a special kind of wolf. An even better kind. We can do special things when we smell fear in our victims".

"V-victims?" Will whimpered, to which Bryte just chuckled knowingly.

Kola's eyes widened with fear and confusion as he stared at the wolf brothers' crotches... because William's cock was not just hard, it was no longer boyish at all. It had grown to a size that would embarrass a man, and was still growing bigger, longer, and thicker -- veins bulging harder, the skin growing darker, precum starting to dribble from his slit onto the mattress as it snaked closer to the raccoon.

Will looked down at his tremendous penis, still growing, and gasped, "What's happening to me?"

Bryte slid a hand down his brother's soft stomach and wrapped it around the boy's throbbing shaft. "There are things we can do because we're special", Bryte continued in his low voice. "And we deserve them. We deserve to feel good. And they deserve it too, the weak little fuckers around us. Little sissies like Kola. They fucking deserve what we do to them".

Kola's sobs and struggles intensified as he listened to Bryte's dark words.

But the older wolf just smiled, nuzzling his little brother's ear and licking at his face lovingly. He placed his lips to Will's ear and whispered, low and sexual, "They deserve to die for us".

Will recoiled, sobbing, "STOP IT!"

"It's not me, Will", Bryte growled proudly. "It's your body. It can taste the fear and it wants more. It wants this. You can't deny it". His thumb and fingertips could no longer meet around his little bro's shaft -- pushed apart by the expanding girth. While at first the boy had a cock the size of his finger, it was now the size of an arm, hanging heavily in the air, throbbing up and down. His balls had swollen to the size of oranges, too, and they rested either side of the older wolf's own erection, seeming to grumble hungrily like an empty stomach would.

Will shook his head, crying, squirming, but it seemed like he wasn't trying to escape now so much as he was just struggling to cope with the new intense sensations throughout his groin as his cock grew unnaturally big and far larger than he'd ever handles. His whole body started to shudder and tense up, and the young wolf groaned, "Hnnngh-ungggh! Oh God, it feels so... it's so..."

"It's fucking HUNGRY, isn't it?" Bryte said with an ecstatic grin. Oh, it was working so well.

"Guhhhhh". Will shook his head frantically. "Make it stop, bro. It's too much! Please! I can't take it!"

Bryte chuckled to himself. "Mmm. Sure thing, little buddy. But there's only one way to stop it".

Dropping his brother to the bed, who panted, groaning, immobilised by the hunger of his godlike cock, Bryte leant forward to slash the raccoon's restraints with his claws. Then he ripped the tape from the raccoon's mouth, letting the weak little bitch push the musky underwear out of his mouth with his tongue. Kola was free to scream and cry all he wanted now, but Bryte knew they were past the point of no return. If anything, it would only help things along.

The raccoon squirmed backwards on the bed and tried to bolt for the door, but Bryte grabbed his foot paw with a hand.

"No! NO! LET ME GO!" the raccoon screamed, flailing desperately and trying to pull himself away by gripping the mattress.

"You're gonna help me undo the damage you did to my little bro", Bryte growled. He grabbed Will's giant dick head with the other hand, and brought the oozing dark red cock head together with the raccoon's foot to kiss. In between burping out spurts of cock juice, Will's cock slit tightened around the raccoon's foot and started swallowing it down all the way up to his ankle within seconds. When Bryte released the raccoon from his grasp, Will's dick had latched onto it hard, and Kola wasn't going anywhere ever as he clambered against the bed.

"He's all yours now, little bro", Bryte said, grinning proudly.

"Uggggh... guhhhhh... shit", Will groaned weakly, hunched forward with part of his body propped up by his own mammoth shaft, overcome by the overwhelming _need _through his cock and balls.

Bryte took his little brother into his arms again and kissed his neck, with Will's admittedly nice round ass squished against his hips, his own hard dick between Will's thighs and smushed against the little wolf's now-melon-like balls. He'd never been intimate with his brother before, but it felt right to be like this as they shared this experience together. "Feels good, huh?" the older wolf said.

Will's silence was an answer in itself.

"Will!" Kola screamed with panicked eyes, sweating with fear, tugging helplessly on his leg to try to free it. "Stop! Help me! I can't get out".

After a few heavy breaths, Will panted, "I--I can't... I can't stop it... I can't". His body was shivering slightly, and his testicles were vibrating.

Desperate, Kola tried to free himself by pushing against Will's cock head with his other foot paw... which Bryte couldn't help but laugh at knowing exactly how terrible an idea that was. A few moments later, and both of the raccoon's legs had been sucked into Will's hungry dick all the way up to the knees.

While Kola was hyperventilating and whimpering and begging his friend to help him, Will had gone quiet -- just breathing heavily and letting out the occasional helpless whimper when his cock would throb hard and suck Kola down another inch.

"You're starting to understand, huh", Bryte said. "The hunger... He's not your friend. He's just cock food".

While Kola screamed anew at the implications of what Bryte said, Will just groaned, "Uuuurggh". Twitching and tensing, his cock slurped his friend down all the way up to his waist, with his shaft expanding to accommodate his friend's body. Inevitably, Kola tried to free himself using both hands at the same time, like the stupid little kid that he was. Will's cock slit gulped the raccoon's paws down hungrily and pinned his arms to his sides as he was swallowed down even further, now unable to do much more than wriggle around like a worm, tears streaming down his face, his pleas to his friend falling on seemingly deaf ears as he was eaten up to his shoulders.

"Will, please!" the dumb fag wailed, his head edging closer and closer to doom. "You have to do something! WHY AREN'T YOU DOING SOMETHING?!"

"I'm... sorry... Kola..." Will panted, flopping his body back against his big brother and letting out a loud, exhausted groan. "Can't... stop... Too... ugggh".

He left the sentence unfinished, but Bryte knew exactly what he meant, and he was so damn proud.

"Will! WILL!" the child screamed as his final words, before his mouth was engulfed by Will's cock slit. Bryte grinned arrogantly at the terrified pair of little eyes as they too, were helped down. And then, at last, Kola had been swallowed by Will's godlike dick. As the little wolf's cock closed around the raccoon, it flexed hard and spurted a heavy stream of precum onto the mattress.

"Oh... shit..." Will groaned. "What am I..."

"Shhhh", Bryte soothed, taking hold of his little brother's paws and moving them forward to caress the curves of his Kola's body as it was sucked down the dark red shaft -- jointly moving their hands over the little mouth stuck open in a permanent scream. "It's so intense, isn't it?"


"And so good?"

"I... uggggghh... I can't take it... My balls are... hurting..."

Bryte chuckled. "They're just hungry. But they'll be happy soon".

Will's dick oozed like crazy, throbbing so hard that it wasn't long before Kola slid all the way down and fell into the little wolf's nut sack, between his two mammoth testicles. "O-oh-woah! Ohhhh... SHIIIIITT", Will groaned, trembling in his brother's arms.

"Heheh", Bryte said, starting to thrust his dick between his brother's legs, prodding at the squirming sack with his cock head. "Now the real good part begins".

"Wh... what happens?"

The older wolf pushed his cock deep between his brother's thighs. Fuck, he was so hard he'd need to find a cub to eat for himself after this. "Well, right now, I can feel him melting down against my cock head".

"Oh... n-no..." Will shivered.

"Oh yeah", Bryte growled, smirking, shoving his brother's paws down against the squirming mass in his balls. "His body's dissolving into cum for you... His arms and legs are melting away... His chest and head'll be last... Maybe his skin's all numb and fuzzy. Or maybe it hurts like hell, I dunno. But he'll know what's happening right up until the end, and you can bet he's suffering".

The little wolf whined. "It's so wrong... He's my friend... and he's gonna..."

"That's what makes it so good", the bigger wolf growled. "He's gonna fucking die for you like he deserves to, because you're better than him".

"Nnnnnnoooooo..." Will whimpered, but his cock was throbbing hard and fast, and his balls were beating against his friend, pushing him down into the growing pool of spooge inside his sack. His body was desperate for Kola to die, even if Will couldn't admit it.

"Imagine him in there, bro", Bryte moaned, thrusting between Will's legs into the increasingly gooey raccoon. "Terrified, screaming, struggling to get out, melting away..."

"Bro... stop..."

"He's drowning in his own dissolved body parts... fucking dying".

"No... I..."

"He's dying, bro. He's fuckin dying. For you".


"Let it happen, Will", Bryte groaned, sensing his brother getting close as the boy went limp against him, trembling, his gigantic dick twitching harder and faster, his balls squishing the raccoon to goop between them. "This is what nature wanted for us. It's why we have this gift. The prey exist only to be eaten and to make us feel good".


"So just enjoy it, bro".

"Ugggggggghhhhh... Fuuuuucccck!" Will groaned. Against his own aching cock head, Bryte could feel his little brother's monstrous testicles sandwiching the raccoon between them hard, trembling and grinding against the dumb coon, until suddenly...


The resistance inside Will's sack dissolved away entirely, leaving nothing but a thick load sloshing around.

"He's fuckin dead!" Bryte moaned, buzzing with happiness, squeezing his brother's naked body in a tight hug. At the same time, inside his strong arms, Will's body jerked violently, every muscle in his body going tense, and he let out sudden scream. His balls tightened inside his sack, his rod flexed up into the air, and a powerful torrent of cummified raccoon erupted from his slit, spraying across the mattress, against the bed head, up the wall, and onto the roof.

"Fuuuucckk!" the young wolf cried, his cock throbbing over and over, shooting harder each time.

The thick stench of cum hit Bryte's nostrils, and he breathed in the delicious scent of the repurposed little faggot, knowing that the colossal pain in his ass would never be able to piss him off again. Smacking his hips against his little bro's ass, the older wolf let out a loud growl as his own dick sprayed a heavy load against Will's still-bulging sack.

"It-it feels so... guhhhhh!" Will whined, his entire body writhing uncontrollably against Bryte, his little tongue hanging out of his mouth and running with drool, his eyes closed with bliss, thrusting his hips aimlessly into the air as his cock spouted wildly around the room.

"I know, baby bro", Bryte panted, his dick throbbing in time with his brother's as he could feel Kola flooding out his brother's sack against his dick head.

"It feels so good..."

"I know. I'm so proud of you".

Will's spasming legs pushed the pair of wolves backwards, and the teen's massive dick slapped down on top of their bodies with a loud wet thud, spraying all over both their chests and faces and across the floor behind them.

Bryte opened his mouth to catch some and gulp it down, licking his lips. "Mmmmm", he groaned. "Raccoon kids taste real good".

Will shuddered and squirmed helplessly. "There's so much... Oh my God..." he groaned, some of the words gurgling as cum spattered over his mouth.

"He was a chubby little fucker".

"Nnnnnnngggh". Will's arms and legs flopped outwards as his cock just did its thing, utterly exhausted from his ordeal. So Bryte reached forward to squeeze his little bro's swollen head for him. His own orgasm had faded into a warm satisfied glow throughout his body, but it was still another minute before Will's started to slow.

"I've got you, baby boy", the older wolf whispered into his brother's ear. "You just relax and enjoy it".

By the end, the brothers were completely soaked in Will's load. Finally, as the rest of the Kola-cum dribbled into a thick pool around their stomachs, Will sighed heavily, "Fuck... I couldn't stop it".

"You didn't have to", Bryte chuckled, giving his bro a cum-sloppy hug.

"But now he's..."



"One less little mouth-breathing faggot bitch running around. And one hell of a load for you", the older wolf said, grinning. "Worth it, right?"

The younger wolf blushed deeply. "It was... amazing".

"Heh. He'll be the first of many, don't worry", Bryte said, nuzzling his brother's neck. "I'll make sure your balls never go hungry".

He was so damn proud of his little bro.

There was hope for him yet, after all.