Loona's Love Life. Chapter 3

Story by Rojack79 on SoFurry

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#3 of Loona's Love Life.

Loona's Love Life.

Chapter 3: Angels & Demons.

Cletus, Keenie, and Colins all gave out a collective gasp as they watched a bolt head straight for the bitch's face. Their momentary glee was short lived however and soon turned to horror as they saw a random human being throw themselves in the way of the heavenly projectile.

"No!" Keenie shouted she frantically began to reload her crossbow for another shot but before any of them could do so a portal straight to hell had opened up and swallowed the member's of imp and the human being whole.

"Damn it!" Cletus shouted as he threw down his crossbow and began to pull at what little hair he had left atop his disheveled head. Collins was still in shock at what he just saw. Keenie was silently fuming.

"I had her!" She growled.

"Just one shot and poof problem solved! We'd have probably been welcomed back with open arms!" She shouted as she sank to the ground and began to sob. Colin's just looked forlorn as he put his crossbow away and went over to the others.

"H-h-hey guys we'd b-b-b-etter get moving." He saw a small crowd begin to gather outside of the store. Cletus looked around and saw the back exit.

"This way." He waved a hand, the others following him out of the back of the store and into a nearby alleyway. Once they were out of sight the three of them created their own portal, heading to an out of the way motel in Texas. Keenie took their weapons and put them on a nearby rack for safekeeping, while Colins went to a nearby communications station and began to listen in for more I.M.P. activity. Cletus meanwhile went over to a wall map and put another pin on the giant map of Earth.

"We get closer and closer to killing you pathetic creatures every time we meet." He snared as he walked over to a nearby couch and flopped down in front of a TV, watching the latest news about a shooting at a Tucson mall.

"One of these days your luck is going to run out Blitz." Picking up a dart he had laying nearby, he took aim and threw it at the fourth wall of the building, a wall that contained four pictures of four very important creatures of interest. Just then their fax machine began to act up. Cletus looked over to see Keenie smiling as she printed out another picture that she soon took over and added to said wall.

"Who's that?" Cletus asked as Keenie just smiled, pinning her newest target right next to I.M.P.'s resident bitch.

"That bastard robbed me of my vengeance, so I'm going to make him pay for it, dearly." She said taking up her own dart and hurling it right between Alex's eyes.

May 1, 2021.

Alex awoke once more in hell, and strangely he felt at peace. Looking around the main office he found himself in, he was honestly shocked to hear that he could stay at I.M.P's HQ for as long as he needed to recover. And as much as he really wanted to take Blitz up on his offer he, sadly had to get back home to earth, if only to make sure his friends and family didn't freak out and think he was dead, if they didn't already think that. However, the offer for a job was still there. And as much as he hated to admit it, he was hard pressed to find a suitable one back on earth. He had brought up the issue of him getting paid but Blitz apparently had some contacts that could arrange for payment in earth's currency.

Alex gave out a sigh as he thought about Blitz's offer. "He is really pulling out all the stops to make this difficult to say no to." He peeked through the window and looked out on the street below, where a random passer by looked up and waved a friendly hello. Alex recoiled from the window and hastily put as much distance between it and himself.

"Maybe I can talk him into giving me the desk job, that way I don't have to actually go out and murder anyone."

"Yeah, good luck with that." Alex screamed as he turned around to see Loona, Moxxie, and Millie all funnel into the office. Loona just smirked as she sat down at her desk and began to boot up her computer. Millie giggled as she and Moxxie went down the hall to the armory.

"Wow Mox and hear I thought you had the girliest scream of any man around." Moxxie got even redder as he gave Alex an apologetic look.

"Now, now don't go making wild accusations just yet," Came Blitz's voice as he finally made his way into the reception space. He flashed Alex a sly grin and made his way over to Alex who simply smiled.

"Blitz, Sir." He said as he held out his hand. Blitz gave it a shake and fixed Alex with a smooth grin.

"So kid, you give my offer a good amount of thought?" Alex just sighed and nodded his head.

"Yeah I did, Blitz." He looked around the room at all of the other members of I.M.P. and smiled. Shaking his hand and chuckling to himself. "God please let this be ok." He said a quick prayer, which made the whole room go warm and fuzzy for a second, but it soon went back to normal.

"Yeah I guess I could use a job and this is really the only one that's even entertaining the idea of hiring me so sure why not." He rubbed his hand through his hair as Blitz gave a fist pump.

"Fuck yeah!" He said as Moxxie just smiled while Millie gave him a soft punch to the shoulder. Loona just gave out a slight grunt of approval and continued to text away on her phone, looking over a smirking as her dad continued his happy little jig. Alex noticed all of this and felt the warmth of a loving workplace, however, this soon dissipated as they all regained their composure with Blitz clearing his throat.

"So then now that that's all settled let's talk about your duties." He motioned for Alex to follow him. He then stopped at the reception desk.

"So you said your a Christian and I know you fruit's don't like to just go out and murder willy nilly. So here's my compromise." He waved a hand over at Loona.

"When things are slow you get to man the front desk, take calls, make PowerPoint presentations, all of that boring technological bullshit." Loona looked puzzled, but let her dad continue.

"Loona will be put with us," Her tail wagged at this news. "On standby, just in case we need the extra muscle." her wagging sagged a little bit.

"And when things get really desperate, like yesterday." He pointed to Alex's injuries.

"Then we can grab Loona for front line work and you get to tag along as her bodyguard." That sound fair?" He asked as both young adults turned to look at one another. Loona looked slightly miffed while Alex was thrown for a serious loop. He let out a small nervous chuckle as he saw Loona's building furry at her dad's decision.

"Um, well, can we at least see if Loona's ok with it, I mean this does concern her quite a bit?" Blitz just smiled as he turned to Loona and gave her the saddest puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Woona, do you have a problem with daddy getting protection for his whittle baby girl?" Loona did in fact have a very big issue with her father basically relegating her to babysitting duty. However, with her most recent brush with death still fresh in her mind, he sighed as she rubbed her muzzle with a clawed hand and gave both Blitz and Alex a stern look of annoyance.

"Yeah, fine I guess I can live with that." She turned back to her phone. "Just so long as I can get out of this stupid office every once and awhile." she muttered to herself as she went back to her desk. Moxxie and Millie then gave out a cheer as they both came over and gave their newest recruit a fist bump. Blitz slinked off to his office really quick. Alex meanwhile was ecstatic to finally have a job. He took a deep breath and gave thanks to God for this strange yet welcome turn of events.

"So when do I start?" He asked as Blitz came back holding a box.

"Well this is for you to wear right now so the freaks outside don't get the wrong idea." He handed Alex the box. He took it and opened it to find a nicely done up tuxedo as well as a shoulder harness for a gun.

"You can start as soon as your healed up and go through our marksmanship test." He then gave a nod to his other two employees.

"Moxxie, Millie, can you take our newest cockroach over to the armory and get him geared up?" Blitz asked as the two smaller imps came over and gave Alex a soft pat on the back.

"Come on then bud let's get you sorted out with some of hell's finest firepower." Moxxie said as Alex joined the two imps down the hall. Once they were out of sight Loona let out a small snicker.

"So you really think that I need a bodyguard now?" She asked as her father gave off a soft sigh then smirked.

"If I recall correctly you young lady cried yourself to sleep in my lap yesterday," He grinned as Loona's face went red and she gave off a low growl.

"Yeah...well..you try almost dying and see how well you take it." Blitz's grin remained.

"I do sweetie, every day in fact." he then walked over and gave his daughter a hug. "And I thank Satan every day that I'm allowed to come back to my big strong girl whom I know can take care of herself." He then gave out a huff as his eyes once more began to tear up.

"But yesterday was far too close for my liking." He then cupped her hand in his and brought it to his cheek. "So please just give me this one little insurance policy to ensure my little girl's safety." He gave Loona a pleading look. "Please?" He finally asked as Loona stood there looking pleased with her father's love but also severely embarrassed.

"OK, fine, I'll put up with babysitting the new guy, if.." She gave her father a smirk.

"If it makes you feel better." She said as she gave her father a hug back. Blitz just smiled as he began to cry once more. "Thanks you so much Loona." He then let out a chuckle.

"Besides it's not like it will last forever of anything. Only long enough until I can find someone who can permanently be your bodyguard." Loona gripped her father even tighter.

"Don't you dare." Blitz just snickered as he shook his head. "Of course not sweetie." He then grinned even harder.

"You know if you found yourself a boyfriend then this wouldn't be even that big of an issue right? We could just hire him and then that would be that. Heaven, we probably wouldn't even need Alex at that point." He thought about it.

"Although that would be a waist of good fodder if we jut got rid of him." He stroke his chin and then shrugged.

"Eh no matter." He saw his daughter go beat red again and as she scowled and shoved him away.

"Not going there right now Blitz." She stated as she went back to her desk. Blitz just smirked.

"You know I hear the harvest moon festival is coming up on the 27thof this month." He wiggle his eyebrows.

"Might want to get on finding someone to take along with you." He sang as he left secretary room and headed back to his office. Meanwhile Loona just grumbled to herself as she thought back to her near death experience. She shivered whenever her brain went back to that faithful moment. Then her ears perked up as she heard a commotion coming from the armory.

"Hmm, I guess now is as good a time as any." She huffed in annoyance as she made her way over to the armory door and leaned against it, the sight before her genuinely made her crack a small smile. Alex was struggling to get his revolver reloaded. Seeing as She did owe her life to him, Loona figured she could try and be nice, just this once. She knocked on the door frame and Alex looked up from his struggle and gave her a wave.

"Uh, hay there." She said as she walked over, rubbing her arm in nerviousness. Alex set his gun down and offered her a seat. Loona shook her head as Alex sat down.

"So." Alex felt so awkward talking around her, and he couldn't place the reason why. Finally Loona huffed as she fixed Alex with a soft stare of annoyance.

"Look, I'm not used to doing this, so I'll come right out and say it, thanks for saving me from that crazy bitch and her crossbow." Loona grinned as Alex laughed.

"No problem Loona." Alex said as he finally got the last chamber loaded in his revolver.

"Ah ha!" He exclaimed. Stowing his gun back in its holster Alex gave Loona his full attention.

"So first I would like to apoligize for any undo problems I may have caused for you." He said taking Loona by surprise.

"Um not that i'm not grateful but why do you care?" Alex smiled.

"Because I was raised to care about other's." He said as he took a stance and got his hand ready for a quick draw. Loona sat there slightly dumbfounded.

"That's it?" she asked as Alex quickly drew his gun, cocked the hammer and fired all in once swift motion. His form was sloppier than usual and he hissed as his shot went left of center, not were he figured his barrel was pointing when he let his shot go, but he was injured so he didn't hold it against himself to much.

"Well I'm also a christian." He nodded to the cross hanging from his neck, causing Loona to grimace at it, but she just went back to staring at Alex with confusion.

"So then doesn't that mean that you should hate us?" Alex just chuckled.

"HA!" He laughed as he holstered his gun once more.

"No, as a christian we are called to love everyone. Sure some people might draw the line at you and your family but I'm not like most other's in that regard." He quickly drew his guna nd let another round rip through the air, hitting his target in center. "Ha! Nailed it." He holstered his gun again and gave off a smug grin.

"I have to admit I can't wait to get fully healed." He said as Loona just leaned against the table Alex had occupied with his box from Blitz. She pulled out her phone and gave Alex a smirk.

"Why?" She asked as Alex once more let off a round.

"Because then i'll be able to play with all of the other toy's you guys all have here." His shot hit home just under the head, right in the neck of his target. Loona was impressed.

"So if your a christian how come your decent with guns?" Alex just laughed, gun in holster.

"Well when you have both parent's, a brother, two aunt's and two uncles, all in the military, you tend to pick up a thing or two when it comes to firearms." He said getting another bullet on target, this time in the heart. Loona just smirked as she thought about all of that pent up violence.

"So, not just a nerd," she sauntered into the room "But one that knows a thing or two about guns, huh?" She fixed Alex with a sharp stare that made him sweat. She barked out a laugh as Moxxie and Millie rejoined them.

Seeing an opportunity for some fun Loona decided to spice things up a bit. She gave him a smirk and then got real close to his face.

"Well I guess it's a good thing that I have such a big, strong, man to keep me company then?" She grinned as Alex's face went beat red and his shot went wild. Her grin soon turned into a scowl as she once more got into Alex's face.

"Listen well, buddy, I'm only going to say this once, I appreciate you saving my life but don't make a habit of getting in my way, got it?" She growled as Alex gave up on speech and just nodded his head instead. Loona's smile came back.

"Good boy." She said as she gave him a pat on head and walked back out of the room. Moxxie and Millie were stunned.

"Wow. I've never seen her act that nice before." Millie exclaimed as Alex fixed her with a confused stare.

"Well she just switched gears at the drop of a hat." He looked back at the two imps who were admiring his shot placement.

"Yup. She must be in a good mood, She's not even that nice to me," He pouted as Millie came over and gave him a hug.

"Aw it's ok sugar. She'll warm up to you eventually. Just like my parents will." Alex then looked horrified.

"Oh shit!" He then lept to his feet and ran down the hallway. "Hey Alex what's the rush?" Millie asked as he shouted back at them.

"I need to get back home so people won't think I'm dead!"

"Oh, yeah that's pretty important." Millie and Moxxie then gathered there gear and went back to the planning room where Alex was in the process of calling his family with Blitz sitting nearby.