Canine Orgy

Story by Topicoatl on SoFurry

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#29 of What You Mean To Me

No straight stuff here, all gay

"Mmmm... borrrrreeed!" Fabian called, letting his phone fall to his chest.

"Ruff?" The Rockruff huddled by Fabian's feet looked up, confused at the outburst.

"I'm bored. Aren't you bored?!"

"Rockruff." The canine put his head back down on his paws, going back to sleep.

"I'm so fucking bored. I wanna do something... But what...?" Fabian looked down at Rockruff.

The pup was asleep.

"Heeey!" Rockruff was poked repeatedly with his big toe until the Pokemon sat up, a grumpy look on his face. "You can't just lie in the sun all day. Neither can I, for that matter."

"Rock! Rockruff!" The Pokemon snapped, a severe frown on his face.

"Lazybones." Fabian grinned. "C'mon, get up. We're gonna go to the mall."

"Ruuuuuufff..." He was having none of it.

"Lets go, c'mon c'mon c'mon!" The Pokemon was poked and prodded and pushed until, with great exasperation, he rose from his comfortable, warm spot on the bed.

As Rockruff shook the sleep from his eyes and body, lapping up water, Fabian tied his shoes and grabbed his keys, and a bottle of water. It wouldn't be a far walk, maybe only a mile, but it was still better safe than sorry. Before the two of them took off, he remembered, and grabbed Lycanroc's Pokeball. The Dusk form wouldn't be happy to be out and about; he hated social situations and always preferred to be in the solace and comfort of their own home.

Fabian just wanted to hang out with him more, though. Rockruff was his child, and Lycanroc had been his starter, but he'd never got to spend a lot of time with the two of them together. Once he was about a half-mile from the mall, he released the Pokemon, who came out with an exasperated, lax call of his name. After looking around, his green eyes narrowed to slits and, with a frown, he turned to Fabian.

"Ly...can...roc..." He muttered, venom in his breath.

"C'mon, 'ya sourpuss! We're going to the mall!" Fabian squatted down and put an arm around the irate Lycanroc and pushed him forward.

The Pokemon just sighed, not resisting. He gave an indifferent nod to his son, and the trio set out for the last half mile. Going to the mall seemed to get Fabian in a good mood. He didn't know why; there was nothing there that he wanted to buy and window shopping wasn't really appealing to him... maybe it was just the smell. The mall always had a distinctive mall smell.

"Almost there!" Fabian, a spring in his step, smiled as he looked over at his Pokemon pals. They both were the epitome of carelessness. Must have been a genetic thing.

That's what he chalked it up to, anyway.

The mall loomed in the distance, all the stores he'd occasionally gone to when they'd visited their grandparents just waiting to have their goods looked at. Truth be told, any interest in buying anything had gone from him when he realized just how expensive most things in the mall were. That, combined with the overall useless nature of stuff like appliances seventy percent off, or overpriced clothing...

Fabian figured his time would best be spent literally anywhere else.

But today was different! With nothing else to do - no stores to go to, no games to play, no friends to hang out with - Fabian was in the mood to do something useless. Hell, time was already flying by; the three of them were already at the doors. It was an entrance that led to a department store, one that had been going out of business since he'd been a child. The three of them spent a while in there, looking around at the displays and mannequins that were being sold, laughing at just how gross and neglected the floor was, and at how people were buying stuff that had probably done nothing but gathered dust for the past century.

While that store was a blast to hang around in, there were a lot more stores that weren't so depressing to look at. That's what he needed right now, so the trio left. Lycanroc's claws clacked as he nervously looked around, both him and Rockruff following Fabian, who fronted the expedition into store after store.

Here was a store for edgy teenagers and sad, middle aged men! There was a luxury underwear store for women - Fabian blushed, and looked away. A shoe store, selling off brand, yet cheap shoes. A hat store, full of hats supporting teams Fabian had never even heard of. A comic book store, which he did go into... they didn't have much in the way of new stuff, though.

There was a cool collectible he looked at for a while, but Fabian ultimately left when Lycanroc drifted out of the store, apparently bored by everything there. After that, he led the charge. Rockruff and Fabian both followed Lycanroc as he wandered around, occasionally looking at a store front for a few seconds before noticing the staring clerk, quickly walking away after that.

It was all over once he caught the scent of the food court, however. Fabian and Rockruff nearly had to chase after Lycanroc as he broke out in a full, four legged sprint towards the smells. When they finally caught up, Lycanroc had his nose in the air, sniffing and nearly drooling as everything that was being served wafted around.

"Smell anything you like?" Fabian asked, panting softly as he caught his breath.

"Roc... Lycanroc..." The Pokemon gave his best, 'Please buy this for me?' smile, and walked towards a storefront that specialized in the most delicious cinnamon buns you'd ever had.

Fabian smirked and nodded, the three of them went for the store. After ordering three separate buns, they sat down to eat. As always, the taste, a ten, the nostalgia, a ten, and the indigestion... a ten. Worst of all, Fabian had drunk all the water in the bottle so, for the first time in his life, it seemed as if a trip to the mall bathroom was in order.

It actually took him a while to find one, despite having gone to this specific mall since he was a kid. Lycanroc and Rockruff trailed behind him, happy they'd gotten such a wonderful treat. When Fabian found a bathroom sign, he quickly began to walk to it, passing by two Pokemon; a Houndoom, and a Fennekin. The two were an odd sight in the shopping mall, since most Pokemon were accompanied by trainers, but his mind was on something else.

What Fabian didn't notice, however, was that the pair followed him, Lycanroc, and Rockruff to the bathroom. The restroom was a lot cleaner than he would have thought and Fabian quickly made use of their facilities. When he finally pulled his pants up, flushed, and unlocked the door, he saw that there were two Pokemon in the doorway.

One was a Houndoom. The other, a Fennekin.

Fabian gulped as he looked at the two of them, more worried about the Houndoom. He quickly washed his hands as both his Pokemon sat by him, eyes on the potential threat. Once dry, he walked forward and tried to maneuver around the Houndoom, but he shuffled and blocked his path. Worrying that they might want to fight, Fabian backed up. Truth be told, he knew that the two blocking the way were at a massive type disadvantage, but there was a reason he wasn't a Pokemon trainer anymore.

"H-hey there, can y'all move? Please?" Fabian said as Lycanroc slowly, menacingly, walked in front of him.

Fennekin looked up at Houndoom, who merely sneered and growled at Lycanroc. There were a tense few moments as neither party moved. Surprisingly, however, Houndoom was the first one to give some ground. Or, well, something that looked like he was giving ground. He turned to the side, looking up from the growling Lycanroc, and up at Fabian.

When he lifted his leg, Fabian got a glance of his endowment. The Houndoom was large where it counted, that was for sure; he guessed anywhere from ten to twelve inches, including the knot. Fabian had occasionally done things with Lycanroc before, but the key word was, occasionally. He'd never really gotten around to doing more than getting him hard; the amount of pre that Lycanroc shot out nearly every second was astonishing, and made him nervous.

Houndoom was different, however. He wasn't needy and humpy; all that was going on right now was him showing off his goods. Sure, precum was spurting out of his tip and thoroughly soaking the floor, but it didn't seem to give an air of need and desperation that Lycanroc's shaft did.

"S-So you don't wanna fight? You're just horny?" Fabian was relieved.

Houndoom growled and looked down at Fennekin. The littler Pokemon, startled, quickly got in the same position, lifting his own leg, and struggled to push his own little cock out of his sheath. Fabian's heart almost melted as he smiled at the adorable shaft, which was twitching with just as much need as the Houndooms. Even he was beginning to feel a little stiff.

He noticed that a few inches of Lycanroc's shaft was poking out and a curious Rockruff was looking up at the display. With a resolute grin, Fabian turned, and walked towards the handicap stall.

"C'mon! No use doing anything if we're gonna get caught!" He said as he unzipped his fly.

Rockruff and Fennekin were the first to come, eagerly walking to the stall. Lycanroc turned and nearly walked neck to neck with Houndoom, but, even though the Houndoom was nearly twice as tall, he kept away from Lycanroc to avoid getting punctured by the rocky spikes on the Pokemon's neck. When they were all in the stall, it was a little cramped, sure, but they fit, and Fabian shut and locked the stall door.

With all eyes on him, he felt a bit nervous as he took his shirt off, hanging it on the coat hook. Then shoes, socks, pants, and underwear. Now he was utterly naked, letting everything hang loose in the cold air of the mall. Houndoom was sitting in the corner of the stall, his cock throbbing hard and occasionally spewing his wad a few feet in front of him. Fennekin was beside him, looking at Fabian's slowly growing shaft, seemingly curious. Rockruff was beside Lycanroc, obediently sitting, a little confused at what was going on. Finally, Lycanroc had eyes only for Houndoom, just waiting for him to make a move.

Fabian loved how defensive he was of him.

"Well, let's do this..." Fabian's heart beat hard; this was the first time he'd ever sucked a dick, let alone a Pokemon dick.

He walked over to Houndoom and stood before him for a few seconds. The curious Pokemon leaned over and sniffed at his groin, giving it a lick or two before sitting back, seemingly satisfied. Fabian rested on his legs and knees, grabbing his pants and putting them under him for a slight cushion. Then, with trembling hands, he grabbed Houndoom's cock.

First opinion of it; slimy. Much slimier than he would have ever expected. Fabian began to squeeze his knot, running his free hand up and down Houndoom's cock rather quickly, like he would himself. For his effort, he was rewarded with a splash of pre on his chin, and an affirmative growl from Houndoom.

Second opinion; neat. It was an odd word to use, but that was all that he could think of. Fabian had never done anything like this before, stroking a Pokemon cock off. Slimy, hotter than anything he'd ever touched, yet not unbearable. As he continued to move his left hand back and forth, up and down, Houndoom let out more and more appreciative growls.

"You're really liking this, huh?" Fabian grinned, looking up at the mighty Pokemon.

Houndoom looked down, annoyed, and put a paw on Fabian's head, pushing him down towards his twitching cock. At first, Fabian resisted the force; Houndoom's length throbbed against his lips, pushing against it. He was a little nervous, but soon gave up, and took the Pokemon into his mouth.

He used one hand to twist Houndoom's warm, salty cock up and down, and the other gently rubbed and squeezed his rather large set of balls. The Pokemon began to pant quicker, precum nearly splashed into his mouth. It became a rather wet blowjob in a matter of seconds and, soon, the floor was slick with the pre and saliva that drooled from his mouth.

While the shaft tasted rather salty, it wasn't bad or anything. Not like a mouthful of salt, just a nice, pleasant savoriness that made his own prick rather hard. As Fabian sucked, as he jerked, as he drooled, he paid special attention to Houndoom's balls, making sure to rile them up so they'd shoot as much as they could. The heavy paw pushed on his head again, forcing him to choke down more of the thick cock in his mouth.

Unfortunately, Fabian gagged rather hard, and nearly threw up; he whacked the hand off his head, and went back to stroking. Houndoom growled softly, but didn't try any other kind of funny business as he was sucked. After he'd gotten a good taste of the canine's salty pre, Fabian took the shaft from his mouth and worked the tip in his palm. He leaned down, and began giving soft licks, kisses, and even bites to either side of the bulging knot.

He felt the precum spurt out, landing on his face and head, but it only turned him on more. Now, painfully erect, Fabian took Fennekin by the tail and dragged him over. The small Pokemon squeaked in surprise, but was forced face down, ass up. Houndoom looked down in surprise, but didn't argue as Fabian lubed his throbbing human cock with pre and saliva.

He held the trembling Fennekin with both hands, occasionally getting splattered with Houndoom's pre as he lined the Pokemon up with his cock. Then, without much warning, he pushed his six inches completely into the small Pokemon's asshole, and groaned as loud as he felt comfortable groaning in a mall bathroom. He couldn't help it, though; Fennekin was just... astounding to be in.

"R-Rockruff, c'mere." Fabian huffed, taking Houndoom's cock in his hand, beginning to stroke it.

The nervous pup trotted over, his small cock poking out of his sheath, curious as to what was going on. Fabian hefted Rockruff up, and laid him on his back, scooching him under Fennekin. He laid there, confused as to why he was there, but Fabian went to his sheath, pulling it down over his small, flaccid cock.

"Suck it." He told Fennekin, pushing the Pokemon's muzzle towards Rockruff's shaft.

Fennekin looked up at Houndoom, but Fabian quickly pushed him back down towards Rockruff. The smaller Pokemon didn't have a choice in this matter. Fabian continued to knead Houndoom's knot in one hand, and grabbed Fennekin's sheath, pulling it back as he pulled the smaller Pokemon further back on his shaft, groaning softly as he slid down it. Rockruff gave it a few sniffs, then a lick, and tensed up as Fennekin enveloped his flaccid shaft, beginning to suck on it.

"R-Rock...rr-r-...ruff..." He said, looking past Fennekin's shaft and up at Fabian.

"It's okay, boy, just suck on him." Fabian pushed the small member towards Rockruff's snout.

The small Pokemon hesitantly looked over at it, but closed his eyes, and began to suck on it. Fabian watched for a few seconds; he didn't look like he enjoyed it, but his worries seemed to go away the longer he was sucked. He looked up when Houndoom gave a deep, annoyed growl, but Fabian frowned, holding a finger up.

Lycanroc, up until this point, had just watched, but no more. Fabian pulled both Fennekin and Rockruff further back and began to hump doggy-style. He looked back at Lycanroc, and used a free hand to spread his ass cheek, grinning slyly. Lycanroc blushed, but at this point, he was so aroused that his knot had popped out of his sheath, and there was a small puddle of pre on the ground. He quickly trotted over to Fabian and mounted him without a second thought, pushing his cock deep into his trainer.

"And now..." Fabian murmured, using one hand to push and pull Fennekin's obscenely small ass up and down his shaft. He looked up at Houndoom as he was fucked, and grinned, sinking down on the large, throbbing knot in front of him.

Houndoom let out a deep moan of satisfaction and, even though Fabian felt a paw on his head pushing him down further and further, it wasn't a rough push. Just a needy one. He concentrated more on Fennekin than anything else, truth be told. As the small cock sucker made Rockruff see stars, Fabian was quite pleased with how well he was able to take advantage of him.

Fennekin's ass was tight, a result of him being a much smaller Pokemon than either of the other three. Not only that but, due to him being a fire type, it was also considerably warmer than anything Fabian had ever felt. If he ever felt it to become too hot, all he'd do is pull out, cover his prick in saliva and pre again, and push back in. After the first few times he'd done this, Fennekin had been able to loosen up considerably, and he didn't have to force himself in as much.

He reveled in the blissful, glazed-over eyes Rockruff sported whenever he pulled out. Fabian wondered what it was feeling like, not only getting his first ever blowjob, but also receiving his first at the same time. Must feel heavenly. Truth be told, he felt the same way once he plunged back inside Fennekin. So hot, so tight...

What's better was the texture; Fennekin's ass was odd. It was straight, and clenched hard at him for a few inches, but if Fabian tried to shove his entire cock inside of Fennekin, he'd quickly run into an extremely tight area. Whenever he tried, Fennekin would nearly scream in pain, so it was obviously something he avoided... for now.

As he fucked, Fabian could also hardly keep himself from screaming out. Instead of pain, however, it was of sheer, utter pleasure. He knew Lycanroc was well endowed; they tried doing something, but Fabian had lost his nerve once he saw the size of his shaft. Now, however, it felt right. Lycanroc was thick in the middle, so it would be a hard, rough hump in, but cock would quickly slip into him once it passed the thickest part.

Having Lycanroc quickly pull it out before pushing it back in... that hurt too, but unlike the rough, almost searing pain from the push in, it was a lot more pleasurable. Sometimes, Lycanroc would pull out so far he'd slip out, and begin humping Fabian's leg. It was quite fun being the person to line him up again, it made his chest tingle. He was being bred!

Something he found himself looking forward to most, however, was that thick, throbbing knot at the base of his shaft. Each time Lycanroc would hump forward, he'd smack it against Fabian's asshole, making him shiver with delight. Would it hurt? Would it alone make him cum? How long would Lycanroc stay tied with him?

For now, he focused on Houndoom's shaft, roughly, quickly twisting his hand around the slick cock, sucking down six or seven inches before moving back upwards. The Pokemon continued to groan, louder and louder, but Fabian quickly shut him up with a flick to his balls. He didn't look happy about it, but he got the message, staying as quiet as he could.

Unlike Lycanroc's shaft, Houndoom's was a lot longer, but it wasn't thick in the middle. It had one rather uniform length, red as a canine cock normally is, with veins spider-webbing all around it. His knot had two bulbs on either side of it, instead of Lycanroc's rather large mound of flesh; it was fun to squeeze, and kiss.

What Fabian loved the most, however, was the taste. Houndoom's musk was rather strong, and the precum he shot into Fabian's mouth was growing saltier by the second. Did that mean he was about to cum? He sure hoped so, doubling his efforts so that he'd get his first taste of Pokemon jizz. His hand was a blur as it moved up and down the length that he wasn't sucking on, and he sucked on Houndoom hard, so hard that he thought it might hurt the Pokemon.

But if Houndoom was in pain, he certainly didn't show it. His tongue was out and to the side of his mouth as he panted, eyes rolled upwards, clearly, he was in absolute bliss. Did he get sucked off often, Fabian wondered? He was reacting like this was the first time he'd ever gotten a blowjob and, what was more odd, was that this was Fabian's very first time he'd ever given one. Needless to say, Fabian was surprised that he was doing so well.

Rockruff was the first to cum.

Fennekin tensed up and jolted, but when Fabian saw him getting a mouthful of cum, he roughly pushed his head back down, even knotting his mouth. Rockruff physically shook, his paws jittering about, his tail wagging furiously as he had what Fabian assumed to be his very first orgasm. And it was a rather fat one; cum quickly streamed out of Fennekin's mouth and onto his sheath, wetting it quite fiercely.

His little moans and pants nearly melted Fabian's heart; they were so cute, especially with his eyes tightly clenched closed, a look of utter focus. Utter pleasure. As they always did though, Rockruff soon gave one last mighty thrust, and finished, eyes opening, glazed with bliss. Fennekin wasted no time pulling off of his twitching puppy cock, and began humping again.

Fabian could tell Fennekin was close to an orgasm as well, but, surprisingly, Fennekin wasn't the one that shot his load next. As he quickly sucked Houndoom's dick, he felt two paws push him down to his gag reflex, and even further. Because it caught him by surprise, Fabian was held down as Houndoom's foot long cock was forced down his throat; Houndoom didn't even let up with his knot, pushing it inside Fabian's mouth.

Then, with a howl, as Fabian choked, he felt hot liquid fire burn down his esophagus and settle into his belly. Houndoom's knot filled his mouth utterly, it was a surprise it had even slipped in in the first place. It seemed as if Houndoom's cum settled his stomach, however, because he wasn't throwing up all over the place at this point, only gagging quite severely, but Houndoom seemed to savor that most of all. It must have been like clenching his ass...

As if things couldn't get any hotter, Lycanroc's thrusts suddenly got harder as well. Fabian grabbed onto Houndoom's lower paws hard as he felt his ass get spread open wider than it ever had before. With tears in his eyes, Fabian was quickly knotted on both sides of his body. More warm cum gushed into him as Lycanroc clamped down on his arm, marking him as his property. Fabian only moaned harder, crying from the wonderful pain.

The pain, however, made him squirm so hard that he felt close himself. With one free hand, he pushed and pushed and pushed Fennekin onto him, demanding access to that tighter area. Fennekin cried out, but Fabian didn't care and, with a grunt, jabbed his six inch shaft into the small space. Instantly, he felt overwhelmed with pleasure, and began emptying his own balls into Fennekin's tight organs. When he put his hand on Fennekin's belly, he felt a rather large bulge there, Fabian couldn't help but smile when he realized it was his bulge.

With a few more deserved grunts, Fabian finished inside of Fennekin, gently pushing the Pokemon off of him and stroking the last bits of cum from his warm shaft. He worked the knot from his jaw, gagging hard as the long, slimy rod of flesh left him, Fabian gave it a few tender strokes as well, getting a small spurt of cum for his rewards. Lycanroc, apparently finished himself, twisted around so he was ass to ass with Fabian, and roughly wrenched his cock free. It made Fabian shudder hard, and cry out from the pain.

Rockruff wriggled out from under Fennekin, and sat next to Lycanroc, the two of them cleaning their shafts. Like father like son, Fabian thought with a smile. Houndoom was also doing the same thing; Fabian wished he'd had the flexibility to join the three, but as it was, he'd most likely break his back.

Cum pooled on the floor, making it rather slick. Fabian sat against the wall, legs open, and smiled at Rockruff when, after he'd finished cleaning his own cock, he went to Fabian to clean his. They all just awkwardly looked at each other when Fennekin suddenly cried out, apparently annoyed at them. When all eyes were on him, the small Pokemon frowned and lifted his hind leg, showing his still throbbing arousal.

Fabian chuckled when he realized that everyone had shot their loads, except for Fennekin. He motioned for Fennekin to come over to him, the Pokemon seemed a bit nervous as he shuffled over to him. Once he was within arms reach, Fabian pulled him close, and turned him around so that the Pokemon's back was resting on his belly and groin.

He held Fennekins cock in his hand, pulling it backwards so that it was parallel with his gaping ass, and slowly began to lick it. As his tongue drifted up and down Fennekin's cock, Fabian called Rockruff and Lycanroc over, pointing one to the other side of Fennekin's length, and one to his knot. The two looked hesitant, but eventually began to lick, making Fennekin's paws clench in sheer pleasure. Finally, he looked over at Houndoom, whose arousal hadn't yet gone away, and called him over as well. He began to lick, dragging his warm, wet tongue up and down Fennekin's throbbing cock wherever he could.

It was a little cramped, but Fabian was getting hard from the four of them working on Fennekin. The small, little Pokemon was squirming under his grasp, so Fabian reached up and clamped his head between his thighs. Once secure, he continued to lick, and lick, and lick.

There was the taste of all their mixed saliva together, combined with the precum that Fennekin rapidly shot. The four of them bumped into each other quite a lot, but neither one of them seemed to mind it; their goal was to give this little Pokemon what he'd wanted. Their tongues wormed around Fennekin's cock, leaving long strands of saliva that drooled down his knot, his sheath, and belly rather quickly.

As they continued, Fabian dipped a finger into Fennekin's asshole. Immediately, the Pokemon clenched up when he began to rub what he'd been looking for. A small, tiny organ; Fennekin's prostate. While he rubbed it, Fennekin couldn't help but cry louder and louder, but at this point, Fabian didn't care. Not like anyone was in the mall today anyway.

Once Fabian felt as if they'd licked him enough, he wrapped a hand around Fennekin's member and pointed it more towards his mouth, fending off the Pokemon. He went down it in seconds; Fennekin was only five inches long, or so. It wasn't too difficult to suck on him, using his tongue to get everywhere he'd know would make Fennekin squirm.

After three or four bobs down his shaft, Fabian pulled off of it with a suck, and spat what was in his mouth into Fennekin's ass, using it to delve a bit deeper into him. Next, he pointed it towards Rockruff, who eagerly began to suck on it. He went fast, faster than anyone had today, being careful to avoid shredding Fennekin's length with his tongue. For his part, Fennekin could barely hold still.

Once he felt Rockruff had sucked his fill, Fabian pushed him off and let Lycanroc have a go. At first, Lycanroc was hesitant, but obeyed Fabian. His maw could completely swallow Fennekin, and closed around the Pokemon's knot. Fabian watched as Lycanroc began to lick back and forth, making Fennekin shake harder. He was only able to manage to obey Fabian for a few seconds, though, opening his mouth soon after.

Fabian then pointed it towards Houndoom, who welcomed the cock with an open maw. Unlike Lycanroc, however, Houndoom began to bob his head up and down, swallowing his knot after working down to it. Fabian kept fingering Fennekin's loose asshole, making the Pokemon hump forward into Houndoom's mouth faster and faster. He chuckled, realizing Fennekin must have been close.

Once he felt Fennekin clench around his finger, a sure sign he was about to cum, Fabian pushed Houndoom's head off of his small, throbbing cock, and told everyone to start licking upwards. They all did, seemingly in unison, making Fennekin scream in joy as cum blasted out of his tip. Each rope traveled up a foot in the air before falling back down, landing on either maw, face, or tongue. Fabian worked his finger into the tight area inside of Fennekin, making the Pokemon scream louder, shooting cum even harder.

When the fountain of cum finally turned off completely, Fabian let Fennekin plop to the floor, a panting, cummy mess. Lycanroc and Rockruff retreated close to Fabian as Houndoom put a big paw on Fennekin's tail, dragging him over to their side of the room. After wiping his mouth, Fabian smiled.

"Same time next week?" He asked, looking around at the Pokemon.

Houndoom snorted and wiggled his way out of the stall, barking to get Fennekin's attention. The smaller Pokemon shivered, limping after his friend, leaving Fabian, Lycanroc, and Rockruff alone in the stall without so much as a word. When they'd left, Fabian looked over at Lycanroc and Rockruff, grinning hard.

"That was fun. Wanna do it again once we're home?"

. . .

Hello! Thanks for reading!

If you wanna read my stories a week early, join my discord! You can also suggest stories when I'm open for them, and it's a really neat place. Code is Qx3QSjgU. I'm setting them to expire after a week though, so if it doesn't work, go to my newest story for the recent one.

Chapter One: Vaporeon

Wyatt looked over the water park, a bored expression on his face. Usually, the well tanned, rather fit lifeguard would be eyeing some chicks, but ever since some sexual harassment suit, he tried his best to avert his eyes. It didn't happen all the...

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Chapter Two: Cameron

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Male Pokemon x Male Pokemon Absol always thought his cock was a bit too long. Every time he'd get aroused, not only would he become light headed, he'd even become self-conscious. It was odd since, usually, Pokemon with longer endowments have...

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