A Real Man - PSLion Wins

Story by PSLion on SoFurry

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#3 of A Real Man

Part 3 of 3. Art and character of Conrad by Major Ward (https://major-ward.sofurry.com/). This is a non-canon story for both our characters.

Conrad doesn't make it, and finds that losing is not only costly to your wallet, but also your pride.

Choose your own adventure:The IntroductionConrad winsGo give some love to the original.

What had started as somewhat aggressive flirting had become a war of attrition. The young and energetic versus the older and more experienced. The bar had been filled with the grunts of the pair, with their activities spurring an all-out orgy amongst the other patrons. Thick cigar smoke laced the air, mingling with the heavy scent of sex. The barkeeper had slipped out from behind the bar and put the "Closed" sign on display on the front door. This was now officially a lock-in, at least until the rampant lewdness had abated enough not to cause too much trauma to any innocent strays who might wander in.

The two lions had ignored everything that was going on around them, lost in their own world of carnal pleasure. Conrad found a good rhythm to plough the smaller lion in front of him, while feeling the older beast's inner muscles working hard to milk the invading member of everything it could. It had been a long time since the younger of the two had found someone who could match his staying power and give as good as they got, and he wanted to enjoy every minute of it.

To make good of his boast, Conrad would slow things down a little so he could take another mouthful of his drink, before returning to full force with renewed vigour. It did not take long to deplete the entire glass. The usual feelings of intoxication were missing, as adrenaline had taken over, so between grunts the large beast of a lion called for a second bottle. The barkeeper opened up a new one and just handed it over, not even bothering to decante the liquor into a glass.

A middle aged tiger came over to get a close up view of the action. While not as tall as Conrad he was just as muscular and had his own assortment of leather accessories, with various piercings decorating his body. He sat to the side, and called encouragement to the pair. Conrad noted the large and thick septum ring the tiger wore, which had heavy looking chains running from it to rings in his ears and nipples, while a small key on a much thinner chain hung around his neck. He was quite the distracting figure. Just as the younger lion was about to ask him to give them some space the tiger spoke up.

"Barkeep, these cigars are about spent. I think he needs a restock." With some care, the tiger removed the still burning nubs of tobacco from the older lion's maw. Without falling out of sync with Conrad's thrusts, the lion rubbed his jaw and wiped a little drool away from the side of his muzzle with the back of his paw.

"Good evening, sir," he said to the tiger. This gave Conrad a surprise. The tiger wasn't as random an observer as he had thought. He took another swig of his drink and redoubled his efforts. He was going to make his opponent lose in front of his master.

"I see you've gotten yourself into a... situation," the tiger continued, casting a malevolent smile in Conrad's direction. His tail swayed with gentle menace. "I do hope you aren't going to disappoint me, now." The tiger then turned his attention to Conrad, looking somewhat apologetic. "I am sorry," he started, "but my pet isn't really playing fair here. I don't let him have the pleasure of release too often outside of his work, so these shorts are going to make your chances of winning somewhat diminished." With a little fumbling of a clasp, the key was removed from his neck chain, and a flap on the waistband of the older lion's shorts was lifted to reveal a small keyhole. As soon as the key turned the shorts loosened and almost fell off.

"There," he said with a satisfied smile on his face, "that should even the odds a bit."

Conrad pulled out just long enough to let the leather garment fall to the ground before resuming his thrusting, eliciting a moan from the lion under him as his barbs scraped against the worn ring of muscle. Now he wasn't having to hold the rear zip of the shorts open, he could get a proper grip on his opponent and really make his presence known. The older lion stepped out of the shorts now that they were around his ankles and kicked them to the side. His own member was standing to attention and displaying his averageness to everyone in the bar, bobbing around as Conrad worked.

With a fresh stock of clipped cigars in his paws, the barman came around to the front of the bar, ready to help reform the cigar gag. He was no longer smoking the lion's pipe and this detail did not go unnoticed.

"What happened, to the pipe, I gave you, to smoke?" The question came in short bursts as Conrad slowed to take another mouthful of liquor, putting the bottle back on the bar so he could use both paws to get a better grip on the situation at hand.

"That was over an hour ago," the labrador replied as his tail drooped between his legs and his ears flattened, a look of shame crossing his otherwise cute features. "I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to keep it going for that long and it's burned out. It's cooling on the bar at the moment"

"In my shorts pocket there's a pouch of tobacco." The reply was more grunted than anything else as Conrad's fresh return to pace made talking more difficult again. He paused a moment to resync with the rhythm of his pounding before continuing. "I want you to repack the bowl and relight. If I've got to be kept smoking during all of this, then sure as dammit you do too." Any further conversation was cut short as the dog reloaded the lion's maw with cigars and put flame to them.

"Awww, look at the little pet thinking he's a dom," the tiger mocked with a laugh as the labrador worked. He picked up the shorts and pulled the mentioned pouch free, before moving over to the bar and collected the pipe. A swift repacking later and the pipe was ready once more. Pulling his own lighter out from a pocket of his almost impossibly tight leather trousers, the tiger lit the bowl, taking his time to tamp and relight where needed until thick and rich pipe smoke flowed from his body like air. With lazy trails of smoke emanating from his nostrils, the tiger returned to the barkeeper and plopped the stem of the pipe back into his muzzle.

"Hmmmm?" the barman asked, biting down on it with care and looking a little surprised.

"Just because my pet is a sub, it doesn't mean I don't agree with him," came the tiger's reply. "Besides, we all know how much of a smoke slut you are." Conrad could almost see the golden furred creature turn an embarrassed shade of scarlet. The lion did not let it put him off his stride however. He still had a challenge to win. He grabbed the bottle from the bar and took a deep draught from it, before using his free paw to grab the older lion's harness and go at his task from a slightly different angle.

Having the shorts removed opened up a whole new world of possibilities for Conrad. Without having to worry about the rear zip scratching against his shaft, he could get a better position and really get to work on the lion under him. This challenge was almost unloseable. Every time he felt like he might be getting close, he could just change his position, rhythm, or even take his mind off things by having a quick gulp of his liquor. Anything until the little itch of need had died down enough to not be an issue. With this newed confidence he tore into the hole presented to him.

There were still the odd cheers coming from other parts of the bar as those with less stamina had finished with their deviant activities and were able to pay attention to the pair. The occasional blink of light came from those who were trying to take sneaky photos without remembering to change their flash settings and Conrad was sure that there was probably more than one dom taking a video file to enjoy later. Ordinarily there would have been some annoyed protests about this, but tonight was different. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but tonight Conrad felt the need to put on a show for his audience.

His bottle of drink had become a permanent feature in his paw as he raised his arm to take another swig from it. The liquid flowed down his throat and burned his inners the same way it always had done. It was refreshing in its familiarity. It also allowed Conrad to slow his pace a little and enjoy what was before him. Never before had he been presented with such a welcoming and well skilled anus. It gripped him in all the right ways, almost teasing him as he pistoned in and out of the pucker. The older lion was certainly making good on his promise to show the youngster a thing or two.

The pair's grunts of pleasure were soon changing. Conrad's were becoming more forceful, and quite stilted. The bag of meat beneath him was starting to make more of a moan. It sounded very much like he was getting close. Conrad was winning. Leaning to the side and having a glance under the lion he could see a patch of pre that was becoming more like a puddle with every passing moment. The end of the road was nearing, and victory was going to be his. With another gulp of drink and renewed strength, the younger of the two started to go at full tilt. If this didn't make his opponent lose, nothing would.

By now the bottle had lost about a third of its contents and Conrad was starting to feel the result of this taking hold. His body chemistry had done well so far to mask the effects of intoxication, but whatever was in this bottle was strong stuff. The warning itch started to grow, but the presence of mind which had been paying heed to it was now thinning. A comfortable numbness started to settle into his mind, seeing no reason now to slow down. There was no way that anyone would survive the onslaught of anal pounding that he was delivering and his ejaculation would not only be fierce and free flowing, but would also be injected into a losing lion.

Feeling more light headed, the large feline grabbed the harness in front of him with both paws, still holding the bottle of liquor and digging it into his opponent's side. This resulted in a growl of complaint so the tiger removed the container from the younger lion's grasp. This act was not noticed, as Conrad could feel his orgasm building. He could slow things down still and buy himself more time, but that could also buy more time for the older lion who surely must be as close as he was.

"Why won't you cum?" Conrad punctuated each word with a rough and fast thrust, gasping and growling as he spoke. A reply came with actions rather than words. Not only did the ring of flesh he was puncturing milk him even harder, but the lion started to rock backwards to meet his thrusts. This was new, they had been going for over an hour and a quarter and so far the more experienced lion had just been a willing hole to pound. Now he was a demanding hole, seeming to want to be filled further and deeper with every pivot into him and Conrad's length was only too happy to oblige.

The young lion's balls started to tighten as the feeling of release grew ever closer. This was the last chance to slow things down and regain some composure, but the fog in his mind refused to let this logical thought take hold. With an almighty roar and a final forceful thrust, Conrad filled the receptacle in front of him. His eyes burned as stars obscured his vision while he rode the waves of release, spilling both his seed and his dignity into the lion he was breeding.

Panting hard and feeling quite giddy, Conrad was semi aware of some stripy orange strong arms holding him upright and placing him down on a barstool. He rested his arms on the bar and waited for lucid thought to return. He could feel the sensation of something gently going around his neck before hearing a little click. He was turned and held upright, and saw the pipe smoking barkeeper taking a photo before those stripy arms let him return to rest on the bar. He put his head on his arms for a moment as a powerful urge to sleep hit. With a last burst of energy he sat upright and looked towards the lion that had beaten him.

"Best of three?" he slurred, holding up four fingers before succumbing to the tiredness and slumping onto the bar. He was out cold.

The scent of coffee rose the sleeping lion from his slumber. He pulled himself together enough to accept the drink and gulp it down. A second cup followed the first. It hit the spot and before long Conrad was feeling a little bit more like himself.

"How long was I out for?" he groaned as the barkeeper put the empty cups in a sink under the bar. He was still quite light headed, but at least the mind fog was clearing.

"About quarter of an hour," the labrador replied. "You looked quite cute sleeping there, but I couldn't leave you like that. It's bad for business." The dog gave a little chuckle as he let Conrad get back to his recovery.

The only too familiar feeling of excessive alcohol consumption plagued his brain, and while the coffee had helped wake him up a bit, the lion could tell he was still in a bit of a state. He could still feel something around his neck and with a little investigating he felt the leather of a collar, complete with a small padlock holding it in place.

"Ahhh, he's awake I see," the tiger said, coming over from elsewhere in the bar with an arrogant swagger in his gait. A second necklace with a new small key hung from his neck. "And I see he's found his prize." He pulled out his phone and showed a photo of Conrad, taken from the chest up, looking rather dazed, and wearing his new collar. A name tag reading "Kitty" hung from the centre of it. A wave of hot humiliation flushed through the lion's body.

"Get this thing off of me," he bellowed. A look of cold fury burned from his eyes.

"All in good time," the tiger said, moving out of arm's reach and putting his phone away. "Consider it an invitation to a little game. You didn't think you could lose to my pet and there not be consequences? Besides, you're big enough to snap the flimsy thing any time you like. But you won't, because you're in no fit state to go anywhere unaided at the moment, and also because I think you'll like what I have in mind to let you earn your release." Conrad went to tear the leather strap from his neck, but paused and gave the tiger a quizzical look. His rage calmed as he listened to the tiger's words.

"Huh?" It was the best response he could summon.

"Come home with me and my pet," the stripy feline continued. "And when you've had a proper rest and sobered up, we'll spend a day showing you the most amazing time you've likely ever had." He paused for effect, he still had Conrad's full attention. "After that, we part as friends and you can continue with your travels. Or you can tear the collar off now and spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been. The choice is yours."

Was it the alcohol clouding his judgement? It might have been, but Conrad gave some serious thought to the offer. His calendar was free tomorrow, and the barman was looking quite envious, rather than giving silent warnings to steer clear. Looking around the bar, the lion could see the tiger's pet flat on his back, still missing his shorts, and tied down to a table. A collection of empty ashtrays surrounded him and his face was covered in cigar ash. Worse still, his mouth was full to the brim with used cigar butts, his cheeks bulging and stuffed. A rather large bovine was tapping the ash of yet another cigar into his already overfilled muzzle while a submissive looking mink was sucking on the lion's shaft. Despite the thrashing of his tail and the moans he was making around his new gag, he seemed like he was enjoying himself. Any of the usual signs of red flags were absent.

"I don't smoke, and I don't bottom. Hard limits." The decision was made.

"Excellent," the tiger said, his eyes widened with delight and his tail swished with gentle excitement. "Settle up what you owe at the bar, while I fetch my pet. Then we'll get you dressed and escort you home. Okay Kitty?" It was at that moment Conrad realised he was still wearing nothing but his new collar. He knew he should have felt embarrassed, but after tonight's activities he was well beyond that. Everyone in the bar had seen more than everything. What were a few extra moments going to matter? He was a little more concerned when he saw the older lion being collared, his paws tied behind his back, and a leash attached to his collar. His shorts had been returned and he was looking rather pent up. His face was still covered in ash but at least his muzzle had been emptied.

"Poor thing has failed to gain release twice in one night," the tiger chuckled, seeing Conrad's rather worried expression. "I guess the mink wasn't trying hard enough." His words were met by a pitiful whine from the lion's end of the lead. He perked up when his pipe was returned to his muzzle, giving it a few deep puffs and inhales. The tiger helped Conrad back into his trousers and produced a second lead from his back pocket, pointing the clip end at his new friend. "Do I have permission?" he asked, giving the lion a reassuring smile. "I only live a short walk away, and I've always wanted to walk with a pair of lions by my side."

"Fine," Conrad sighed. He had kept the collar on, so why not play along for now? "But you'll take it off if I ask?"

"Of course," came the tiger's reply. "I want to show you a good time after all. I've got quite the thing for lions so I'm rather hoping that you enjoy yourself enough to want to return one day. Now, have you paid the tab?"

"Not yet," Conrad said, fishing his payment card out of his pocket. The barkeeper ran the card through and everyone winced a bit at the final total. The payment was accepted and shortly afterwards Conrad found himself being led out of the bar by the rather attractive, if somewhat chain adorned tiger. It was quite humiliating to be walked on a leash in public, especially as he had not been allowed to put his shirt back on and the name tag was jingling against the lead. However, it was also stirring something in his loins. If this was a taste of what the next day would be like, maybe it would be rather fun. After all, he could show them both how a real man takes his punishment.