Liv's Day Off (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#49 of Smut I Commissioned

Liv takes the day off, and decides to enjoy it by being used by the whole family as a sex toy. She's very happy about it. Written by Jeeves, posted with permission.

  • It's been a while since we checked in on Liv and her family, so why not see what goes on on one of Liv's days off, where she lets the whole family use her as a sex toy. Family bonding, ya know? Big thanks to Jeeves, who was kind enough to write this for me as part of my Patreon reward, so give him a follow over on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon. Smut time!

Liv's Day Off

Liv stirred, but almost immediately smiled and rolled over, turning her head away from the morning sun peeking in through a crack in the drapes. Her balls ached with a pleasant level of hunger as they always did, but thanks to yesterday evening they weren't quite so full and thus desperate for release as they might have been. After all, today was her day off. No work, no cooking, and after being thoroughly drained yesterday by half the staff of the restaurant her workplace had all the Essence they needed to ensure that each and every visitor today would be able to eat their fill, and then some.

Thus, Liv had no obligations today. No reason to have to get up and get out of bed with any urgency. She had no plans, no specific expectations for the day, just the time to chill out and see what life would present to her.

She had almost drifted back to sleep, happy to doze for as much of the morning as her body wished, when the snow leopard heard whispering from outside the bedroom door. She rolled over with a smile, and opened her eyes as she lay tangled in the sheets, the tent of her morning wood stretching them up from her midsection and the material coming to a stop just below her ample, swollen breasts. Her ears twitched as she tried to catch the content of the whispering, but it was near impossible to catch anything more than the occasional fragment of a word. Thankfully she didn't have to wait long to find out, as ever so carefully the door to the room swung open, and both Marcus and Aurora slipped inside. Liv's son, biologically a hybrid of herself and her tigress wife Chelsea but Aurora's son too from a familial perspective, was naked, rock hard, and his cock was glistening in a way that suggested he had recently either received a blowjob or had been fucking someone. Aurora was nude too, the short, curvaceous mouse's thighs slick with moisture which answered Liv's recent question. They both registered surprise as they found Liv awake and watching them, but after just a momentary glance to one another, they shrugged, grinned, and began to advance forward across the room anyway.

"Mmm, hey cuties."

Liv purred as she began to pull the tangled sheets off herself, licking her lips as she looked back and forth at the bare, aroused bodies of her beautiful wife and handsome, grown-up son.

"Wanna come snugg-mn-hhhhh!"

She never got to finish that sentence, because no sooner had Marcus gotten close enough to her to do so he reached out, grabbed roughly at a handful of her hair, and yanked her head forward. Liv barely had time to react before her son's thick cock was in her mouth, and with both hands now grappling at the back of her head he began to face-fuck her without mercy. No words, no acknowledgement, just brutally beginning to stuff his cock down her throat and use her mouth for his own pleasure. Before Liv could do more than gurgle in ecstasy around her son's pounding cock, his crotch impacting firmly against her nose and his balls slapping her chin, she felt weight pinning down her legs. She glanced out of the corner of her eyes just in time to see Aurora straddling her knees, and watched as the mouse bent forward with the same casual, careless attitude their son was expressing, took Liv's huge throbbing erection into her mouth, and just a second later clenched her left fist and proceeded to stuff the entire hand into Liv's pussy where it lay tucked away beneath her balls.

The older snow leopard's eyes rolled back as she realised what was happening. Her family knew it was her day off today, and they knew that she would invariably want to use this rare day without obligations to relax.

They also knew something that Liv knew about herself too, but always seemed to forget until it was too late when she had time to herself. She hated days off without something specific to do. Sure they sounded great in theory, especially after a tiring week at work or after a late night where the idea of a long lie-in the following day would have been welcome. But when the time came and Liv inevitably found herself aimless and unsure, she always ended up frustrated at not being able to use her relaxation time efficiently enough, and thus spoiled what free time remained being annoyed by her own inability to relax to the extremes she might have wished.

Thus, her beloved family were preventing her from making that mistake. They were working to ensure that this day off didn't pass by in idle laziness, when instead they could collectively give Liv a project to work on that would both satisfy her, and keep her busy from the early morning to well after midnight.

"Ohhfuck... g-gonna cum..."

Marcus gurgled, his normally sharp eyes already glassy, his face taking on that goofy himbo grin that the university level private tutor always took on when exposed to copious amounts of sex.

You... ah, you want it... don't you, mom?"

Even in his dazed and blissed-out state though, the snow leopard and tiger hybrid hadn't forgotten why he was here, what he and his mother were doing to one of his other mothers. He grinned as Liv tried to nod around his cock, only to grab her hair harder and roughly jam his cock right to the hilt inside her maw, stuffing the first few inches of its length right down the back of Liv's throat.

"She wants it, mom..."

He gasped to Aurora, who was already spasming, quivering, soaking the bedding between Liv's legs with orgasmic floods as she greedily gulped down mouthful after mouthful of Liv's addictive, aphrodisiac pre-cum.

"...all day, a-all fucking night long, the cum-slut wants it!"

Liv's eyes rolled back at hearing that name used to identify her. That name spoken, bestowed upon her by her own son. She spasmed. She shrieked around Marcus' cock, and as he began to pulse and fire shots of hot seed down her throat just seconds later with a blissful snarl of his own, Liv felt the fist inside her pussy convulse and tremble just as violently while she began to cum into Aurora's hungry maw, and set her wife's body ablaze with a fury that few women in all the world besides those in her immediate family would have been able to handle.


"Again. Make me cum again!"

Liv panted as hot juices dripped off her face and fingers, but still the pussy hovering directly in front of her face throbbed and begged for more alongside the voice of its owner. Kneeling on the floor in front of her own home's couch, Liv gurgled and nodded deliriously as two playful footpaws rubbed over her cock, hands currently tied behind her back by a delicate but tight silk ribbon to ensure that she could not simply play with herself. She pressed her already sodden face forward, and hungrily began to eat out her older sister Tricia for the third time in a row. She tried to look up at her sister, to admire the euphoric, shamelessly greedy expression now so common upon her once reserved, prudish sibling's face. Instead though all she could see was the rounded bulge of Tricia's pregnant belly, its sire unknown, but just as likely hers as being the offspring of Marcus, of Riley, or any of the myriad cocks that Tricia had gleefully paraded through her pussy since she freed herself from the yolk of her past restraint.

"God, yes! Right there! Suck my clit! Harder! Oh fuck, bite it! B-bite... ahh! Aahhhgod, fuck! Fuck!! _ AhhhhhLivfuckingfuckyessssssssss _!"

Less than thirty seconds after her last orgasm Tricia's abundant wetness soaked her sister's face yet again, and in reward Tricia's feet squeezed and massaged all over Liv's straining cock. The two snow leopards mewled in ecstasy together as they were lost in a wild, shared orgasm, and yet even as she shuddered and writhed in the all consuming rapture of her own release, Liv could feel herself being grabbed by the hair yet again, and dragged in a new direction towards the next member of her family seeking to make use of her insatiable body.


Liv sobbed in ecstasy, cumming for the... no, there was no point in even trying to keep count any more. She'd lost track four times already, yet still she was strapped to the relentlessly humming Sybian machine as it pummelled her pussy, ankles strapped to its sides, thighs locked in place to ensure she couldn't pull up and off the thick dildos stuffed in both her pussy and asshole. Her eyes fluttered open, and somehow they offered her a rare moment of clarity before the haze of ecstasy cast everything back into a blur of psychedelic shapes and colours. She saw her cock spasming and lashing the ground before her, covered with what seemed to be a rubber sheet, with yet more cum to join the already copious volumes staining it. She saw a camera sitting on a tripod, a red light blinking, and a laptop upon which she could see the scene being captured with a chat window to its right, filled with obscene comments and donation notifications. Most importantly of all though, she saw her daughters. Not just Riley and Ellie, the twins whose exhibitionistic careers as incestuous cam-girls had only gone from strength to strength in the last year or so, but Serena too. They were laughing, shrieking, wailing in pleasure-drunk rapture together as they wrestled and cuddled and kissed and fingered and licked one another wildly, all rolling and thrashing around upon that plastic sheet, and all being coated by the near constant flood of their mother's cum as she was milked over and over again by the device to which she was strapped.

They were the stars of the show, and Liv was just another accessory, another toy to ramp things up for their audience. She was an object. She was a thing, and the more she thought about herself like that in the moment, the harder and faster Liv began to cum at the sight of her daughters' shameless showing off, and the knowledge of the thousands of people seeing her as the shameless, mindless slut she loved to be.


"Did you have a nice day?"

Liv lay soaking in the bathtub, sore all over. Behind her, cuddling her and gently brushing dried cum out of her fur with a soapy brush, was Chelsea. The tigress had been at work until 5pm, so unlike the rest of the family who were either napping or grabbing dinner to recover their own strength after their wild day, she was relatively fresh and bright-eyed. She giggled as Liv just gave a broken, happy gurgle in response to her question, and leaned forward to kiss her wife on the neck.

"I love you, Liv. We all do, so much."

Chelsea purred, and yet even as Liv trembled with joy and felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, she couldn't help but mumble something under her breath.

"Sorry, sweetie, I didn't catch that. What did you say?"

The tigress murmured, perhaps sincerely asking the question or perhaps teasing. Either way, the overwhelmed and fatigued snow leopard murmured once again.

"Use me."

Chelsea's eyes widened, and she giggled.

"After all that, you still want more?"

She queried warmly, the edges of her muzzle turned up in a teasing smile that Liv couldn't see, but could hear in her voice. The snow leopard nodded, and gasped as a second later her wife's free hand rose up from where it was cuddling her around the belly, and roughly tweaked at one of her nipples, forcing a spray of rich milk to streak out against the bathwater.


Chelsea purred to her wife, giggling yet again as Liv squirmed, trembled against her lover's warm embrace, and nodded giddily despite her obvious fatigue.

"Shameless, filthy slut..."

The tigress continued, setting the brush down and reaching around Liv, under the water, until her fingers wrapped around Liv's semi-stiff cock and began to massage it back to full mast, its tip poking up through the bubbles of the steaming bath. Chelsea only stroked Liv for a brief while though, before not only releasing her cock, but pulling away from where she was sitting in the tub behind the snow leopard completely. Liv whimpered in confusion, in longing as she was abandoned... but only for a few moments as she watched Chelsea step over her, turn around, and kneel down in the tub again, this time straddling the snow leopard's midsection.

"Fuck me."

Chelsea growled as she settled down and sank onto Liv's renewed, throbbing erection.

"Fuck me long, and slow, and deep..."

She reached out and stroked Liv's face.

"I'll be gentle with you. I'll be delicate. So, enjoy it while you can..."

The tigress leaned forward, purred deeply, and kissed her glassy-eyed, breathless wife on the lips.

"...because once we get out of the tub, it's gonna be all of us. All of us on you. With you. Using you, all at once. And by the time we're through with you, by the time we've drained every drop from those balls and those titties to keep us going? You'll be begging for another day off, either so you can actually get some rest... or maybe, just maybe, in case we do this to you all over again."

By Jeeves.

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