Times & Tribulations Of A Succumouse Chap 3

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#3 of The Succumouse

*This is an EXTREME adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to

[email protected] don't hold back now I'm in to that sort of thing.*

Mouse, Demon, Transformation, Harm, M/F,

!NOTE! *This story is and is not a sequel to Eliana the Succumouse it pick's up right after Kevin's untimely wait no, deserving demise. However unlike the first story the events are not recollection by Eliana but a first person telling of what is happing at that moment this is done because I got a bit of feed back saying all the past tense was confusing to some and me.*

Times & Tribulations Of A Succumouse 3ish

The rules of the sucubi, good, evil and everything

"He was not an intimidating male but there was something strange about him. He towered over me, as most people do. His tan dirty trench coat clung to him. He was a fox from what I could see of his face but with the hood I could not tell for certain nor did I really care. I apologized and continued on my way home, when he called out to me."

Three weeks now, do I regret it? I can't tell any more, I'm numb. Kevin, Mark Stacy, and Luis now, this list is nearly empty. Four more names, just four then what will I do with the rest of my time, so little time. When this all started I never thought id be the kind to write down what I'm doing a diary seems lame from a succubus. And it's more of a book a, chronicling really.

Things have changed so much since then, schools not the same with Kevin dead the whole school seems more peaceful, tame. Mark and Luis the tricksters have not played another trick since well I played with them, Mark first and just last week Luis. Was what he did that terrible? I don't know any more its like my compos dose not pick up any more, right, wrong, good, bad all gray to me. Is my soul dieing, do I have one any more? I can't imagine I do. With all I have done what purpose would it serve anymore? It dose not matter. I only have eleven more years then, eternity. I have caused more suffering then anyone on my list had in there lives, hell I did it all in a month. Two dead, one eunuch, four rapes and a cropped tail that I used in a wonderful red vest I customized for my other self, it runs down the back like a mohawk of red fur between my wings. O and I forgot steeling that one guy's dick.

Luis, all he was, was mark's little tagalong. Luis is a mouse, like me. Smaller even. He never really hurt me and I still tried to, I still...

The change used to happen every night at 1:00am. I've recently learned how to do it at will. My fur tingles and I feel a fire burn through me. I have to let the change go slowly or I might lose control of it, and that's just too painful. The fire moves slowly from the violet spot in the center of my chest. It rushes over my small breast concentrating under my shoulder blades. I feel the hard lumps begin to grow below the tight skin. I look at myself in the mirror as the lumps grew and lengthen they spread and from four finger's curve off each wing with three joints each. Between them a thin layer of skin grows, linking them together. The leading edge of the wings tingles as the violet fur starts to cover it. The skin that connects each of the fingers like ribs of my wings darkens until they are as black as the night sky if every star went out.

I can feel them, move them then. I run my paw over them slowly they are so sensitive that it makes my whole body pulse and shiver. The fire moves its way up my neck and back around to my jaws. My teeth slowly change to pointed almost k-9s. My tongue streaks out like its being ripped from my mouth it lengthiness painfully and the tip splits in two, forked it returns to its new pointy surroundings. My round ears curve and into long points, they are still in the same place and there size dose not changed just the length and shape. My head fur that I've always wanted to dye since it's the same gray as the rest of me flushes jet black. From my head fur line two slender red horns slowly follow the shape of my skull leaving just about two inches underneath them, until they are just behind my ears. The fire moves down my chest again concentrating just above my sex in truth I love this part. The sheath I'd taken from that poor boy I killed on my first night grew in to its place full and ready. Finally the tip of my tail slowly flattens in two a triangle shape and the whole thing turns black, honestly the only dull part of the whole thing.

Luis lives a good deal from my home and I really did not want to do all that much to him, not anywhere near what id done to Mark anyway. He was not the brain just the guy who stood there and enjoyed it. Dawning my transformed self's only cloths, a tight pair of blood stained blue gym shorts and a red vest with two slits cut in its back allowing it to be pulled right on, with out any awkward wing work. Two buttons then close the slits nicely its red collie tail fur ruffles in the wind as I step out in to the night air from my window.

I'm getting the hang of this flying thing, I guess. I didn't crash or have to land the whole flight, first time I've never had a problem. Luis lives in a small apartment. Would have to be really quiet or get the little punk outside. I awkwardly climbed down the fire escape till I was at the appropriate window and gave it a light tap. At first there was nothing but I'm nothing if not persistent and id flown a few miles. I was getting a meal and ripping his neighbor's dog's throat out. Dame little thing just kept yapping was driving me crazy. You know the kind tiny little ugly half starved looking thing. Lucky for it however its infernal yapping woke my prey. Seeing Luis in bed start to get up I stepped to the side hiding myself from view agents the wall. Luis carelessly, opened the window and was just about to shot at the little shit factory below when I grabbed him and drug him through the window on to the fire escape.

Squeezing him close to me his fear and shear shock at what had just happened making shiver in my arms. Which were much stronger then there slender appearance would seem remotely possible. He trembled and slowly I lifted him up off the metal and turned him around still in mid air easily holding his little frame up with one arm for a few seconds. The stink of his fear was over powering but the last thing I wanted was for him to soil himself that was far too much of an unappetizing thought.

"Shhhhh, it's not as bad as it may seem Luis" (he pissed him self) "That's really not helping you at all. If you shit your self too, I'm throwing you off this building" (he started to cry this I could deal with)

"P-p-please, put me d-dow-down, I, I swear ill do whatever yu-you want! Please don't kill me please!"

"You're blubbering is making terribly hard to understand you and do keep it down or the last thing you will hear is, well actually I suppose you wont here the splat will you."

He tried to scream but a swift pop to the gut shot the air right out of it and shut off the water works all in one easy step. I grabbed hold a little tighter id never done this before and dropping him after I told him I wouldn't, seemed to set off something inside me as unthinkably wrong. Yet threatening to do it or doing it if he did not obey, seemed ok, strange that, must be a demon thing. Stepping to the very back of the fire escape I hoped up on to the railing my little captive froze with fear so powerful it felt like it soaked into my very being making my pulse race and hunger grow. At first I just wanted to see if I could glide with him, from there I would decide were I would take my meal. I could feel the extra weight on my wings, yet surprising to me it felt amazingly good to lift the extra weight of my prey. The muscles flexed and pulled as I tried to gain a bit of altitude within a few moments we both were safely on the roof of the complex.

"There that was not so bad." (He collapsed a heap of shear terror) "Come now you're a big boy Luis. Are you that scared of little old me, hmm maybe you don't have the stones in fact lets cheek."

With speed and a bit of force I striped him of his clothing in a matter of seconds. Tossing them without care over my shoulder, hitting my left wing with his underpants was a bit embarrassing but it was my fault for jumping. There that freaking sensitive it was a reflex. Of course from his point of view all he saw was sharp claws ripping his clothing off and then my wings extending as far as they could. He blacked out. It took me a second to think how to wake him back up. I didn't exactly have a plan for this but a pair of pants that smelled like a urinal got the job done.

"(chough-gage) shit, it was just a dream just, O God!" Pain? What the hell is this pain; it feels like hot nails were just driven into each of my ears. I felt sick and dizzy. Clasping my paws over my ears I sank to my knees tears welling up nothing id ever felt hurt this bad.

"Make it stop!"

Slowly the pain subsided until it was gone I stayed on my knees a moment gathering my self trying to put to gather what id just felt, then it hit me, I'm a demon or at least part demon. The words no shit then popped in my head and of course that word hurts your ears, now get up and beat the shit out of him before he realizes it and shots it a few dozen times. I looked over at Luis his moth was being held shut buy some one I recognized at once.

He was not an intimidating male. He towered over me, as most people do. His tan dirty trench coat clung to him. He was in a fox form but was just lies. His smile seemed comforting I almost found my self reaching for him. He just stood there then with gentleness lifted Luis up and wisped something to him patted him on the head and sent him on his way back down the fire escape.

"That's all for him tonight Eliana. Understand? Well judging by that look, no you don't. That is to be expected, come."

He extended a paw my mined fogged over as I walked over and did as I was told yet deep in side I was screaming in protest demanding answers yet my lips and body would not comply. I was back home hungry, very angry and still unable to do a dame thing other then listen.

"Eliana what happened just now will most likely happen again. I know what your thinking you know I can hear your every thought, and just feel that anger burning in there its nearly over powering. And weather you realize it or not every thing you have done has been strictly watched by many lets say less then pleased winged pain in the asses, and I don't mean wings like yours. Now when he said what he said he was thinking a great deal more and that is what happened I'm not the only one who reads minds Eli remember that. Now go back to normal so we can have a more sensible discussion."

"I can't."

"You can't? You can, but no one has given you permission to change at will before have they. I bet that is confusing, o wait I can't really bet you seeing how I see in to your head can I?"

My form twisted it self back to normal I was tired id had no need for sleep since it all began so tired was something odd.

"I know you're not used to this but rest is what you are going to need, lack of a feeding. You should be feeding once every three days but no one ever told you that. That is why you keep trying to kill every time. You starving and not realizing it. Now, lucky for you I'm going to help you out a bit before you kill yourself earlier then agreed. Your list is getting short you know. Theirs only five on it now two girls and two teachers right and Luis of course."

"What dose it matter that's my concern not yours." I startled myself I had not realized he was going to let me answer.

"Not my concern, really? Last I cheeked and I cheek a lot. I rule all evil and darkness in this and every world little one, and even though I like your fire girl, and that hot little twat of yours there is a little matter of a untrained succubus feeding randomly with not so much as the tiniest bit of discretion. You think no one has started picking up on the deaths, mutilations? Sooner or latter someone will put it together or if one of your random toys start telling people what they saw, your ass is in a much hotter place then its going in eleven years." His demeanor never changes no matter what he is speaking about its always calm, collected, controlled almost makes me a bit uneasy how much I respect that.

"Well what the hell do you want me to do, I was not given any heads up here just a stone on a chain...."

"You do still have the chain correct?"

"Why the hell ask me question if you know the answers?! And wipe that smile off your face you sit there all smug and, and....pretentious bustard stop smirking at me!"

"Got that out of your system, feel beater now? Well good. Bring me the chain please" I got up walked over to the dresser and got it walked back put it in his paw and sat on the bed with out a word whets the point really. "Good girl. Now seeing how you missed this the first time it played, (play what? It's a necklace), is this whole conversation going to be me saying importing things and then having to read your thoughts to find out weather or not your even listing?"

"Fine ill talk, happy?"

"A little bit you have a cute voice much nicer then the one in your head. Now about this so called necklace, it was supposed to give you some important information after your second transformation, but you flew in to a power line and blacked out or at least half of you did, you should have just flown around on autopilot that night with out doing any well feeding. The few thousand volts changed the plan regrettably. That is why you ended up with that extra appendage, kind of funny really, well when you changed the second time the pain should have kept you from going any were as your form finalized itself the first time it was like a new scorpions shell soft and flexible and once it accommodates its owner it hardens. Following this Eli?"

"Yes and stop calling me that my names not that long, you don't need to go shortening it"

"Ruining my fun, still think it will make a cute little nick name but you will have eternity to get used to it. (My stomach sank) Yes, there is that anger again, lovely. Because you got hit with some nasty voltage the first time your new forms ability to deal with pain well greatly exceeded what it should have been. Leaving you free to wonder about and miss this thing starting to speak inside your dresser after it finished it waited for a response from you to continue that (he smirked again) never came. So if you would be so kind as to answer it, it should start back up. Previously it had said verbatim, Eliana M, Tilton! Warm welcomes to the sisterhood of sucubi. We do apologies for the dreadfulness of your transformation. However, be assured it will become Much less painful. If you have recovered a bit please return this around your neck and I will explain all you should know about your new self."

He then tossed the dull metal loop with its empty jewel clasp to me and made himself comfortable for what I was beginning to expect, was going to be a most unpleasant experience. More annoyed then really interested I dropped the long chain over my head letting it drape down my chest. A strong female voice echoed from every link.

"Good to know your up and about, you should be a little confused and scared however in complete honesty there are far worse things then a sucubi to be. Most of which I feel no need to get into, seeing how it holds no bearing on what is going on. Now let us go over the basics." It rattled on for about an hour everything id already learned from shear trial and error. Pissing me off in more then one occasion as it talked down to me like a child then it reached more important topics. "Good now that we have finished basics in flying stalking your increased strength, and other attributes lets cover some more fun and difficult topics, such as mind tricks, reading, controlling, rewriting, and a few simple magic tricks of your new trade."

"Wait I can read minds and all that?" the necklace stopped for a few seconds and responded much to my surprise making the completely arrogant bastard sitting on my bed laugh his ass off for a bit.

"Yes, you can. Now please do not interrupt unless your question is of importance thank you. It is all a matter of eye contact. Eyes are windows to the soul and using that you can easily effect that which has no defenses to our kind." Detailed is not the way to put the rest of its speech. In fact I would say them dummy bocks leave more out then this thing did. It even went over state of mind specifics for different scenarios that made me what to scream ok I get it shut the hell up.

As it finally finished its seemingly unending preaching I dropped myself down on the corner of my bed forgetting a moment the demon fox lunging there. He swiftly and with surprising care pulled me tight to him.

"Shush, little one. There will be much time for you to understand all that but for now your still starving and since you can't pick another target until your done with the one you have you will just have to enjoy a bit of me."

His paw ran down my spine as he removed the vest I was still wearing, my hart raced faster then it ever had making me shake with excitement and disgust at myself. He gently lifted me up off the bed and as I dangled in his arms he slid the blood stained shorts now a little damp off my hips. He was twice my size so two of his fingers were nearly all I got take my mind raced as fear of what I would have to do if he really expected me to feed from him.

"Relax your self child. I won't harm you, tonight. (Less then comforting) you will have to change for it to work wont you lucky I can make that happen far faster then you can."

He tossed me playfully on to the bad. As I lay there naked and vulnerably spread wide on my back he nonchalantly undressed making me wait for him. Slowly he ran a finger up from my cunny to the violet spot on my chest, I screamed as the fire rushed through me I felt and heard the changes but they were all so fast they seemed to happen all together. I lay in a state of pain and ecstasy my wings flat agents the soft comforter of my bead. His paws gently running fingers right were the skin meats the lead edge its sensitivity sending pleasure screaming through me. My hole body shock as it pulsed over me again and again it was only surpassed as his thick shaft nearly the with of my arm slid gently inside me.

I could not contain myself, I raped my arms around him, and my wings closed tighter holding the two of us together forcing him deeper. My screams of pleasure and pain nearly drowning out the sound of my hart pounding deep in my chest. Ever pump left me wanting more I even started begging. I've never been the submissive kind but even deep inside I wanted more. weather it was shear hunger for this immortal or just the thrill of who was riding me nothing could tear me from him my claws dug deep into his back his moans of pleasure making me rap my wings tighter squeezing us together.

I could feel him building I new only precious little time remained my head rested agents his hard chest being so much larger then myself. I ran my forked tongue over his nipples twisting its fork around etches. I swear I felt him shiver and no amount of denying it will ever change my mind as he reached his peek I felt the hot seed rush into me. Searing heat beyond I could describe, pain in its purest screamed from my insides as the king demons seed was pumped deep with in me. It became only bearable as my body drew what it desired from him. The life energy that was endless with in this immortals body pleasure and pain intermixed in my mind until it became indistinguishable, only then did I pass out.

So do I regret it? No, besides I'm starting to enjoy the pain.

Twins In Love Become One

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) don't hold back...

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Times & Tribulations Of A Succumouse

\*This is an EXTREME adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) don't...

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Eliana The Succumouse

\*This is an EXTREME adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) don't...

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