A Whole New Party 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of A Whole New Party

Audron is making his way to the Depths, only to have a rather unfortunate distraction and delay.

Commissioned by Engy

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A Whole New Party

Part 2

for Engy

by Draconicon

Audron was grinning like mad as he walked down the road that led from Lork-Lund towards the Depths. He planned on making good time, and once he was out of sight of the town, he turned off the road and made for the trees. Thankfully, there were plenty of them around the town, and he was able to make the shift from human-ish to dragon without being seen. Shedding his robe and shaking out his shoulders, he took to the air, his bipedal form not quite as fast as a full feral dragon in the air, but it was more than fast enough to give him the edge he needed.

They'll be days walking to the depths. All I have to do is get there tomorrow, and I'll be golden. He cocked his head to the side as he beat his wings. Platinum.

They had been more than enthusiastic to head out on the job as soon as he'd handed over the coin. They were probably going to be even happier when they got to the dungeons, considering that the caverns were going to be filled with all kinds of spells that were going to lift their 'moods' as well as other things. He planned on making sure that they were very, very happy with what they were doing, feeling good about taking orders, and then start inserting other bits and pieces that minions and Claimed needed to have to serve their masters properly.

As a matter of fact, the bipedal platinum dragon was so busy fantasizing about what he was going to do that he didn't notice the cloud bank rolling in until a bolt of lightning very nearly sheared a horn right off his head.


Audron dropped by nearly fifty feet in that moment as he instinctively pulled his wings in, barely remembering to push them back out before he fell past the point of no return. Desperately flapping against the winds that were coming up all around him, he threw himself against the storm, trying to glide against the harsh winds that buffeted him from the front, the side, and the back.

It was all but impossible. Rain followed that first thunderbolt, and he was immediately drenched from head to tail, his eyes blinking rapidly to try and see through the downpour. The dark clouds above shut out the sun entirely, and he gritted his teeth as he felt the wind and rain trying to throw him off-course.

This wasn't in the script!

He was supposed to fly all the way to the Depths, cast a few enthrall spells, and then take charge of the dungeon. This storm wasn't part of his imagination, wasn't part of the fantasy.

It was, however, real, and the second thunderbolt came even closer than the previous one had. The platinum dragon was all but blinded as the bolt shot past his face, barely missing his nose, and he smelled the burned air that was left behind from the sudden lightning strike. It was too dangerous in the air; he needed to land, and soon.

This is a lot easier when the ground's made of cloud...or when there're lakes around...

Audron threw himself into a narrow-winged dive, using just enough space to catch the wind to slow himself down. It was difficult, though. Every time that he tried to aim a bit more at the ground, he risked falling faster than he should, and every time that he started trying to pull up, the wind tried to send him soaring towards the thunderbolts again. The trees around him were getting closer and closer, starting to rise higher as the ground went from flat to hilly. He needed to find a clearing, and fast, or -


A thunderbolt shot past him, hitting one of the trees under him. It burst into flame, the sap exploding outwards with gouts of smoke and superheated liquid, and the tree itself became as good as a torch. He swerved, barely avoiding hitting it, his head ringing from the explosion of tree and thunder that followed.


He eventually spotted one, the burning tree illuminating a spot a little ways into the forest. It wasn't ideal, but with all the other tall trees around him, he hoped that he'd be safe, and that they'd be the main targets for the thunderstorm until he could get a little shelter built up. Audron pulled his wings in tighter, falling faster. He ducked past the edge of the trees, swerved over the clearing, and was just starting to pull his wings out for a landing when the wind changed again.

It came up under him, swinging him around like a giant's hand. He screamed as he was swung backwards, slamming into a tree hard enough to shatter the bark. One wing twinged hard, and he hissed, half-afraid that he had dislocated it.

Then, the fall happened. He slipped down the tree, banged off of one, two, three branches on the way down, and barely managed to catch the last one before he could faceplant into the earth. He hung from it, panting softly, his arm screaming at him from the sudden stop.


He was just about to climb up a bit when he felt another tingle in the air. A warning tingle, as it turned out. His eyes went wide and he let go of the tree immediately, just before it was struck with a lightning bolt. Just like the first one, it exploded, parts of the trunk shooting out, sap flying out with steam and sparkles, and the top of the tree caught fire.

He lay there at the base of the tree, staring up at the top, and just glared at the impromptu torch.

"That's. Not. Fair."

But at least he hadn't been hit himself. All things considered, that was probably the best outcome that he could hope for. Shaking his head, he rolled over onto his side, getting to his feet and cracking his back. His wing still hurt like hell, but he could move it, so he hoped that it wasn't actually dislocated. The rain was picking up, and so was the wind, so he knew that he would need shelter before long. Something that was capable of standing up to the lightning strikes, too, and wasn't going to burn up the minute that the fires started spreading.

Guess that means stone.

Dragons weren't always great with working stone. That was more the province of demons and such things that lived beneath the earth. However, the spell of Stone Shape, and Wall of Stone, were both well-known to dragons that had to take time to carve out the interior of mountains to make their homes. That was going to work here, he hoped. There should be plenty of stone beneath the dirt.

Digging down with his claws, he found some rock about three feet down. He rested his hand on it and called out stone, pulling the wall of it upwards. It kept growing and growing until it was a large-ish room, and then he shifted the spell, shaping it little by little. There wasn't much that he could do in regards to making it comfortable, but he could at least make it large enough for him to get inside and then get comfortable. He built it up so that there was a roof at the top, a small door that he would have to crawl through to get in and out - but would keep the bigger people away - and then went inside.

The next three lightning bolts in a row hit his improvised house, but for the most part, it seemed to be sturdy enough. There were some cracks in the stone after that, but nothing too bad, and the electrical discharge didn't reach all the way down to him. As far as he was concerned, that was a win.

Audron took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, using his wings for blankets. He'd have to wait out the storm and then head to the mountain after that. He might not have the chance to set all the traps he wanted, but considering how slow the quick-lived moved compared to dragons, he was sure that he still had plenty of time.

When he woke up, he swore that he had been woken by a sudden thunderbolt. As he sat up and heard no rain on the roof of his little house, however, he realized that it had to be something -


The sudden slam against the side of his house was followed by a fist-sized dent that pummeled the stone inwards, sending cracks up through the wall and into the ceiling. A sudden downpour of retained water on the top of his little house came down, drenching him from head to toe.

"Oh, come on!"


Another punch, this time right next to the first one, and it broke enough of a crack through the stone for him to see just what was happening. A minotaur stood outside his house, had a hammer strapped to its back, and was rearing back for a third punch.

...Oh, shit.

The platinum dragon threw himself to the ground, barely avoiding the rocks that came flying through the space where his head used to be. They cracked against the far side of the little chamber, letting more water in. Thankfully, it was only a little, considering that the storm seemed to be over.

Scant comfort, really, when there was a minotaur punching a door into his home.

Audron lifted his head just in time to see that hand coming for his throat. The platinum dragon punched out, catching it by the wrist and holding tight.

"Nnnngh...not...so...fast..." he groaned.

"Hmm? Someone in there?"

"Yeah. Go away."

"Huh. Who this?"

"Name's Audron, and who are - whoa!"

The hand didn't push forward after that, but instead pulled back. He was so focused on keeping it from reaching him, on pushing it back, that he went right with it, sliding through the new hole in the wall and getting pulled out into the open.

He ended up hanging from the fist of the minotaur. The beast was pretty tall, nearly eight feet in height compared to Audron's six feet and change. Brown fur ran down its arms, and a horned bull-head topped a fairly humanoid torso. Hairy, but humanoid. He looked down, seeing that the minotaur wore a loincloth that barely hid a bulge that would have challenged his own, and hairy legs turned to furred limbs, eventually ending in hooves.

"Uh, hi." The dragon waved with one hand. "So, what did you want?"

"Wanted food. Got any?"

"Not really."

"Oh well. You be food."

"Yeah. That's not happening."

"Heh, tiny lizard will be food."

"...Tiny?" Audron spread his legs, allowing his prodigious endowment to hang down that little bit further. "Hey, do you call this tiny?"

"Call it meat."

"...We're not getting anywhere, are we?"

"What mean?"

"My point exactly."

Rather than wait for the minotaur to call the shots and send him flying with a punch or something worse, Audron flung himself up in a quick kick. A human wouldn't have done much with that move, but a dragon? Even a naked dragon? Well, there was a lot more muscle to their bodies than met the eye, and he connected square on with the minotaur's jaw.

The bull-man went flying backwards, hitting one of the trees not that far back, and Audron continued the flip to land on his feet. He rolled his head to the side, cracking his neck to the left, then to the right as the minotaur got back to his feet.

"Huh. Little lizard hits hard."

"Dragon. Not lizard."

"Huh? No dragons 'round here."

"There is now."

"Wonder how dragon tastes..."

The minotaur smirked, pulling his hammer out from behind his back. Audron took one look at that thing, and decided that he really didn't want to get hit by that. As a matter of fact, he didn't really want to deal with that thing at all. The platinum dragon cocked his head to the side, then pointed a finger at the weapon, a simple transmutation spell leaving his finger at the same time that the minotaur swung the hammer.

Thankfully, the spell hit before the weapon did. Unfortunately, a floppy fish still did a fair bit of damage when swung by a powerful creature like that.

Audron flopped head over heels, rubbing his face where the fish had made contact. He groaned, pushing himself back to his feet as the minotaur stared at its weapon with utter confusion.

"What happened to hammer?"

"I took it away."

"No fair. Dragon no play fair."

"Yeah, well, it's not going to get any better."

"Okay, then, fists."

The minotaur tossed the fish away and charged him. If the horns had come down, he would have been more afraid, but with them up and the minotaur's arms outstretched, he actually smiled. Clearly, the message hadn't been received just yet.

Thanks for teaching me about this, mom.

He caught the charge fist against fist, gripping the bull-man's hands and stopping him within a couple of paces. His smile grew as the minotaur looked more confused than ever. The possibility of someone like him actually stopping the bull in his charge was probably brand-new to the monster. Hell, he was pretty sure that most of the creatures around here hadn't seen an actual dragon in some time. From what he heard, most of his relatives stuck to the dwarf, human, or elf lands, not the orc ones.

But then again, maybe the minotaur was just stupid. The blank-eyed face kinda suggested that.

"My turn," Audron said, and with a grunt, he twisted on his heel, pulling the still-straining bull around. He yanked the minotaur right off his hooves and threw him into another tree, this time hard enough to snap the trunk in two. He heard the grunt, the loss of breath, and knew that the minotaur had felt that one, for sure.



"Oh, come on...how many times are you going to get back up?" he asked. "I have a schedule to keep here."

"Lizard needs to learn place."

"Yeah, well, that's not going to happen."

The minotaur was definitely a bigger, hardier fighter than he had expected. His hopes of getting a quick win by showing his dominance in the fight had been dashed, and he doubted that it was going to get much easier without some other way to show that he was on top. There had to be a -

Hmmm, that was a thought...

Audron tapped a finger against his chin, considering the different angles. The minotaur was a bull-man, hopped up on all kinds of aggressive feelings, all kinds of needs to prove himself the stronger, to defend his territory. However, if he were to take that part away, maybe give him something a little bit different to focus on -


Audron stepped to the left as he kept thinking of what to do next, and the minotaur shot right past, embedding his horns into the nearest tree. The bull grunted, trying to pull back in vain.

"You know, you'd probably look better as a cow," Audron said.

"Say that again!"

"Oh, you'd probably look better as a cow. Did you hear me that time?"


The minotaur whipped his head back, alright, and this time, he brought the tree up with him. The dragon's eyes widened as the trunk came swinging for him, a half second from slamming into his gut before he was able to flap his wings and get over it. He landed on it with a thump, shaking like a leaf at just how close that had been.

Okay, win first, gloat later. Good to know.

He ran down the tree trunk, going right for the dizzy bovine's face. He actually had the presence of mind to say 'I'm sorry' before swinging out with a kick, clocking the bull right in the cheek.

He also forgot that he had been standing on the tree trunk, and the sudden angle change sent the tree spinning, and him flying. Audron yelped as he went shooting through the forest, barely managing to throw his wings back to slow him down before he sent himself into a tree. As he stutter-stepped to a halt, he half-expected to hear that the bull was charging after him through the forest, using that giant tree trunk as a battering ram the whole way.

Yet, there was nothing. Not wanting to count his chickens before they hatched, so to speak, he slowly turned on his heel.

The minotaur was still in the clearing, wobbling with the giant weight of the tree on his head, not to mention looking rather dizzy from being kicked in the face. Audron shook his head; if he hadn't had his heart set on the different adventurers that he had already picked, he would have been rather tempted to Claim this beast. The minotaur was hardy as hell, and once he got the chance to start bringing him down to the proper level of subservience, he was pretty sure that the minotaur would be more than useful as a servant, too.

But he needed to focus on those that he had picked, and he was already delayed.

"Alright, then. Let's take some of that aggression away, huh? You're not going to make any friends if you're going to go around trying to eat people all the time."

He'd need a couple spells for this. A minor spell of charming, a spell of transformation - a True Polymorph should be good for this - and then a few little bits and bobs to finish it off. He ran his hands together, thinking through just what he wanted the minotaur to look like, and then started making the appropriate gestures with his hands. The spell began, the tingling running down his arms, and the minotaur gasped, arching his back and throwing his head backwards.

As the tree trunk went flying, the shaggy bull-man started to change. The first thing that Audron noticed were the horns slowly shrinking down, gradually pulling in and dragging into the skull. He imagined that probably felt really weird, and he was tempted to rub his own horns in sympathy. As a matter of fact, he did, with his tail. His hands were too busy to do it properly, but it worked.

The horns pulled in further, further, further, and the minotaur's fur started to change, too. It went from the dark brown, shaggy fur that covered him from head to toe and started changing to something paler, almost white in places, but there were spots where the dark brown remained. Little by little, the fur pattern altered, moving in a wave down from the head and shoulders across the rest of the body.

This is kinda hot...

He didn't know where that thought came from, but being honest with himself, it was true. He hadn't really dragged someone through a polymorph spell before - the various creatures that his uncles had him train with had never really counted as people for this - but there was something rather...sensual, rather awesome to see as he worked his power over the minotaur. The way that the fur was changing, the way that it showed him the sheer power that he had at his command, the feeling of taking such control of someone and making them into the sort of being that he wanted them to be...

And making them want it, too...

The minotaur's cock was slowly rising up the longer that the transformation went on, and Audron blushed as he watched that stiff piece of meat rising. He wasn't a tailraiser, but he knew that the one uncle he had that was would have appreciated the view that he was getting right then. That stiff rod was getting higher and harder, the head starting to expand, and -

Wow, you're really loving this, aren't you? the dragon thought, shaking his head as he looked away from that cock. Can't wait to see what you think when that starts shrinking away, though.

Because that was the plan, after all. He was taking away the male aggression and replacing it with female subservience. Not necessarily something that he could have done with the evil party, but it was something that, with the right beast people, he could get away with.

As the minotaur continued to pant, obviously struggling with a fast-beating heart as the transformation continued, Audron watched as the bull's chest started to swell. It didn't take long for those barely-visible nipples to start rising up, pushing through the thinner fur coat and creating new valleys, new peaks. He smiled at the large breasts that the bull was starting to get, almost wishing that he dared step forward and grope them while the spell was going on.

That's not a bad thing, is it? he wondered. I mean, this is a spell of self-defense, and there's nothing wrong with taking a forfeit at the end of a fight when you're the one that wins, right?

After all, dragons of the platinum variety were supposed to keep to the side of good, to do the sorts of things that were right by the people beneath them. He was pretty sure that he could justify what he planned for the evil party as rehabilitation, but the idea of getting his rocks off on some monster...

He attacked me first...and he was going to do nasty stuff to me...I think I can call it proper justice...

At least, with some of his family. His mom might not let him get away with it, but his uncles would.

He shook his head, bringing himself back to the moment as the minotaur let out a long, low moan. It wasn't quite a moo, but it was getting pretty damn close. He looked back down at the breasts that he had been making, and whistled. They were getting more than big enough to fill his hands. They were starting to look like the things that dragonesses made to imitate the quick-lived, showing off their size in parody. Except for the minotaur, they were real.

He stopped the growth for the moment, letting them hang, taking up so much space in the minotaur's chest. The nipples were large, pointed, showing off an arousal as clear as that cock was, and he blushed as he realized just how hard that dick had become. It was oozing, dripping, running down along itself, throbbing up to full size and begging for more the more that he stared at it.

Holy shit...he really is loving this...

The minotaur's loincloth was completely pointless at that point, and he had a chance to see those rather big balls that were just beneath that throbbing shaft. He looked longer than he expected, not quite but almost entranced by the big balls that were all but swinging down there. They were...they were so big...so full...churning and swaying and -

Fuck...fuck, no more of that...

He shook his head, blushing as he pushed the transformation magic below the waist. The minotaur's hips started expanding, becoming something more suitable for those that actually would bear young rather than the warrior man that the beast had been. The hips, the ass, they were all slowly getting bigger, pushing back and growing out. He grinned as the minotaur stumbled, falling back a little, and he saw that the cheeks bounced, jiggling hard as they started losing muscle and gaining fat back there.

That shaft, though...that cock had to go. He was so confused looking at that, entranced without quite knowing why. Fearful of a small curse that might have been on it, he pushed the Polymorph spell at the shaft, making it slowly pull in on itself.


The minotaur did moo that time, shivering, gasping, shaking from head to toe as it was slowly shrunken down. The power of the Polymorph spell was too great to be denied, and the sight of that cock shrinking away was, much to Audron's shame, something that he was more than slightly aroused by. Maybe it was the fact that he was returning his own dragonhood to its proper place as the biggest dick in the area, or maybe it was the fact that he just felt that powerful, or maybe he just had a thing for transformation. Whatever the reason was, he felt harder than usual, hornier, too.

He gritted his teeth as he forced that cock down, forcing it all the way into the other creature's body, feeling the resistance of the minotaur's will disappearing as he forced it down and in. The balls were sucked in right behind it, leaving a crotch that bulged with the slight size of those disappearing testicles for a moment before going completely smooth. Then, then the last of the transformations occurred.

He smiled as he watched the slit slowly open down there, the beginning of a proper pussy gradually opening up. He pushed up with one finger, and he felt it spread for him, his magic encouraging it to keep growing, getting puffier, thicker, wider. The idea of pushing his cock in there was already appealing, but then, as the minotaur fell backwards, legs spread, he couldn't help but stare.

As that puffy pussy kept coming in, he realized that the other hole was clenching like mad, as well. All the juices flowing from the new front hole were making the one at the back look all the more tempting, something that he honestly hadn't been expecting.

What is this doing to me?

Audron didn't know, but the transformation continued. The last of the fur colors changed, the horns stopped at barely more than nubs at the head, and the breasts? Well, they were heaving as the mino-cow started panting, as well. She reached around, touching herself once the binding spell released her, and she gasped every time that she touched something new. Her mild experimentation seemed doomed to bring her to bliss, and she started spreading her legs further and further as she touched herself more and more.

He had only been considering taking a bit of fun when he was done, but he hadn't really thought about getting his dick wet until that point. The dragon licked his lips, looked down -


And there was his cock, sticking up and out as hard and brazen as you liked. His shaft was dripping just as much as the minotaur's had, and he almost wished that he could have said that it was just a bit of, well, intense emotional bonding there. But no. He was hard as a rock because he was horny, really horny, and the minotaur cow was right there, mooing and fondling her breasts almost desperately.

He took a step forward, stepping on a branch. As it snapped under his bare foot, she whipped her eyes up, staring at him. For a moment, he half-thought that she was going to start fighting again, that they were going to end up beating each other up once more.

Then, she turned. She rolled onto her side, and then onto her stomach, lifting her fat ass up in the air. The sight of the cow's rump, the way that her spotted cheeks were so thick and full that they dimpled at the slightest touch, was just enough to make him take another step forward. Then another, and another, each time getting closer to that offered hole. He could feel his cock begging to sink into that beast...and gods, he wanted to see how it felt.

He rested his hands on her cheeks, slowly parting them, looking down at that hole. It flexed, tight and virginal, never used by a cock before. He huffed softly to himself, letting his cock flop between the cheeks. His balls churned, lifting slightly before falling down again.


Audron knew that the good thing to do would be to walk away, take advantage of the cloudless sky to get to Dalomar's Depths, but there was just too much temptation there. He slowly rolled his cock back, pressed the head of his shaft to her pucker, and then gradually started sliding in. The minotaur cow moaned, mooing softly as he pushed against her hole, and then gasped as he finally pushed past the rim. She didn't growl, didn't push him back, didn't kick. If anything, she pushed back against his cock, helping him slide forward.

And as he took her, he realized just how good sex actually felt...and how much temptation there would be for him among the quick-lived.

Gritting his teeth, he held her tight by the hips and started thrusting. Her fat ass bounced every time that he slammed in up to the hilt, and there was not one complaint from her. He felt how wet she was every time that his balls swung forward and slapped her pussy, and he moaned himself as he felt her hole clenching down on him, milking him for everything that he had.

"Mmmph...you like that?"


"Take it...take it deep..."


"You want more?"

He grabbed her tighter, starting to get into the feeling. The domination. The power. Oh, this was...this was where dragons were supposed to be, he felt. Not quite dominating someone to the point of slavery, but, fuck. Fuck, this felt good. This felt really, really good.

"Then take more."

Slamming in faster than ever, he leaned over her, taking her from behind and wrapping his arms around her. He groped her new breasts, holding them tight, squeezing her nipples. The feeling of her soft flesh, the sound of the slapping flesh as they came together, the way that she mooed and moaned for more constantly, was all reinforcing just how much she wanted this, how much he was rewarding her now that he had transformed her.

Was this what she should have been?

Was this what she really needed?

Did it matter, when they were both enjoying it so much?

Those questions and more were filed backwards in Audron's brain, put into the back of his skull to be thought about when his brain wasn't entirely down in his dick.


The sun was well towards setting by the time that he left the mino-cow - Gilda, her name turned out to be - behind. She would be a cow for a while, if not permanently. He couldn't remember whether the spell would eventually wear off or not, but she seemed happy with it, so he didn't feel that bothered.

He, however, was a little frustrated that he had allowed time to get away from him like this. At this rate, he'd have less than a week to get everything set up at the Depths, and that meant that the adventurers were going to have an easier time than they should getting to him.

Well, I can make it work. It was going to take more than one dungeon, anyway, and after getting so much stuff this time around, they should be more willing to work for me.

He reached the plateau that overlooked the entrance to the depth, and he slowed down, flapping his wings carefully. He didn't want to overshoot too far, considering the winds around the entrance could carry him right back down the mountainside after flying so hard and so fast. Audron hovered at the edge...and then spotted horses.

...Horses. Mounts. That...

The dragon landed, poking his head over the edge of the outcropping at the edge of the plateau. He dreaded what he was going to see, but he had to be sure.

Coming out of the Depths were not just the evil party, but a series of obviously ensorcelled monsters, from miniature gelatinous cubes to kobolds, all of them carrying the treasures out of the dungeon well before they were supposed to. He gritted his teeth tighter than ever, rolling over and flailing his fists at the sky.

Fuuuuuuuuck you for being competent!

Now he was going to have to do this all over again! FUCK!

The End

Summary: Audron is making his way to the Depths, only to have a rather unfortunate distraction and delay.

Tags: M/F, M/solo, nudity, minotaur, fantasy, series, dragon, transformation, gender shifting, male to female, ass growth, breast growth, cock shrinking, anal, humor, fighting, fight, wet,