Plots and Politics

Story by Vanamee on SoFurry

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#13 of A Slave's Tail

"You must have seen some of my father's pictures." Vanamee replied with all the courtesy he could muster. The wolf's clenched fists relaxed as he looked into the eyes of the man he had hoped to be gone forever from his life. Zeke smiled back at him, nodding his head.

"Yes." The husky responded, "That must be it. You look a lot like him."

"I suppose." The young wolf answered, his eyes straying over to the sad and submissive looking Kura.

"She's something isn't she?" Lord Vasa laughed, noticing where Van's eyes had gone, "I purchased her after I came back from my time in the isles. Although I'm sure you saw plenty of girls that looked just like this bitch, growing up there and all?" Vanamee fought back his emotions as he forced himself to laugh.

"Yes." He responded with mock enthusiasm, "I always found the island girls to be rather... exotic." Zeke chuckled, patting the shorter canine on the shoulder.

"I understand that." He replied with a nod, "But I like to bring her with me when I go out. I'm sure she'll be useful since I heard that your Noble Uncle here had to sell his slave to help pay for your passage here."

"Yes!" Clang interrupted, perhaps sensing some of the tension that was building between the pair, "I'm certain your girl will be a great help! But time enough for that later boys! Please, go on in Zeke! The table is getting set as we speak and there's only one more guest we are waiting on!" The husky nodded, tugging the leash as he began to walk off. As he went through the door he shot Vanamee one last curious glance.

"What was that about?!" Darrius growled as soon as Lord Vasa was out of sight.

"That's her." Van answered plainly, "That's Kuramee." The coyote paused, looking back toward the door in a bit of shock.

"Are you sure?" Lord Clang pressed.

"Positive." The younger canine spat. "And she's with that... that monster!" Darrius cocked his head curiously.

"Why do you say that?" The coyote whispered, "You just met..."

"He was among the soldiers that attacked my village!" Van interrupted, feeling his anger swelling at the memory, "He did nothing but torment us the whole time we were being brought to Jade City. He even tried to kill me, and would have too if my friend Edwin hadn't stopped him! Then he lied and tried to have me... have me... hobbled." The coyote seemed to cringe at the mention of that particular punishment, "But thankfully he abandoned his post and fled when they found out he was lying, and thus we escaped that."

"I knew it!" Darrius exclaimed in a hushed voice, "I'd heard rumors that Zeke was nearly court-martialed, but his father managed to bail him out!" The wolf's ears peaked at this.

"Court-martialed you say?" Van repeated, "I wish they had! Now he has Kura!"

"Don't make a scene!" The nobleman warned, "Perhaps you can talk him in to selling her tonight. But just be careful around him. That boy is more cunning than he looks."

Vanamee sighed, regaining his composure as he noticed a large group of men on horseback approaching. There were about thirty of them, and the canine recognized their bright blue and red uniforms as those of the Royal Guard. They were all lions, and all muscular. They wore a tight fitting blue coat and shirt with red buttons and lining with pants to match. On their heads they wore floppy, wide brimmed hats, each with a red-orange phoenix feather tucked into the top. Behind the group came an enormous, white washed carriage pulled by a team of snow white mares. Van looked at the group in utter awe for a moment.

His mind went back to a history lesson he had taken with Talon some months earlier concerning the treaty of consolidation. That had been the monumental decision that had placed the Imperial capital within the heart of what had once been the old canine kingdom of Canis, whilst reserving the honor of being the Royal guard to the descendents of nobles from the former feline kingdom of Leon and thus avoiding a bloody civil war. The lions each had a fierce looking rapier held in their belt and the wolf knew that the Empress had them trained to be some of the best swordsmen in the Empire.

"See that one right there?" Darrius whispered as the group approached, nodding his head toward the rather angry looking lion at the head of the group, "That's Sir Zola Garder, head of the Royal Guard and uncle to a couple of friends of yours." The feline in question was about the same size and build as those around him, but what set him apart was how he carried himself. Although all of the Guards seemed to have a sort of proud, strong aura about them, Zola took it to another level. The stern, disapproving gaze that seemed glued to his face was enough to make the younger canine shiver a little as he felt those fierce grey eyes lit on him for a moment before continuing to survey the estate. His long, tan mane ruffled in the wind and seemed almost like a cape, giving him the appearance of some gallant knight of old.

"Lord Clang." Zola greeted in a deep gravely voice, hoping down from his horse.

"Commander." Darrius replied, a look of mutual respect passing between the pair.

"Ok men!" The lion growled, turning about to give orders to his men, "Nulo! I want you and your men at the front gate!" One of the lions gave a quick salute, turning about and leading several of the Guards to the front of the estate. "Umfar!" Zola continued, "I want your boys stationed behind the manor! The rest of you are to stay with me and help secure the house!"

"YES SIR!" The remaining Royal Guards shouted in unison, putting their hands into fists and laying them over their hearts in the Imperial salute. About ten of the Lions turned and rushed off behind the manor, the rest quickly dismounting and joining the commander.

"I'll have my man Gunter take your horses to join the other guests' animals." Darrius assured them.

"Make sure you take care of them." Zola replied, reaching up and gently petting the mane of his steed, "These are pure bred Argonite stock." Van was clueless as to what that meant, but he judged it equaled to being very expensive. The horses were quite impressive, he noted, being about three hands taller than most others he had seen, and each covered in a shiny silver coat beneath which he could see rippling muscles. Before Lord Clang could reply, the coach driver leapt down from the enormous vehicle, moving around to the side and opening the windowless door.

"Announcing her royal immanence, Empress Charr Talrasa the second and her noble daughter, Princess Christa Talrasa!" The driver shouted as he swung the door open, revealing two regal looking grey foxes in flowing blue and yellow dresses. At once the entire assemblage, including Vanamee and Lord Clang fell to one knee and bowed their heads.

"Rise." One of the pair of lovely looking, grey furred females laughed, "It is a pleasure to see you once again Darrius."

"Likewise your highness." Lord Clang answered as he rose along with the others. Vanamee took a careful look at the female he addressed. She didn't appear to be very old, may twenty five or twenty six and had a near perfect figure. She wore a large silver amulet, set with a star shaped blue stone around her neck and a thin, gold crown atop he head. Then the young wolf noticed something that made him gasp audibly. The Empress had four tails!

"And I assume this must be the long lost nephew?" She asked with a disarming smile as she turned to look at the young, dumbfounded wolf.

"Yes your highness," The coyote answered, putting a hand on Van's shoulder, "This is Van Clang. My brother's child."

"Ah yes." The Empress sighed, "I am most sorry to hear about what happened to dear Devon. He was a good man and to find him again just to lose him..."

"Yes." Darrius replied, feigning a bit of sorrow, "But he at least left me young Van." The young wolf removed his tophat and gave the Empress a courteous bow as she looked back to him.

"It is an honor your majesty." The wolf told her humbly, his eyes still wandering back to the five, fluffy tails on her backside. Her highness noticed his gaze and gave a soft laugh.

"Can I assume this is the first time you have seen a Kitsune?" The Empress inquired. It was indeed the first time he had seen one. The wolf had been told by Talon about the Empress and the Kitsunes, but he had scarce dared to believe that such things could truly exist. The Kitsunes were a race of powerful and long-lived sorcerers who hailed from the mysterious island kingdom of Kitsa, positioned in the middle of the Sea of Tears, upon whose shores Crown City sat. Talon had claimed that the Kitsunes could live for thousands of years and they grew a new tail every one hundred years that they lived. Vanamee had thought the old bird was mad when he had told him these things, and that Kitsunes had been ruling the Empire for the last 2800 years. Long ago, after the fall of the Golden Serpent, the various peoples of the west that Kyrael had managed to unite, began to fight amongst themselves with no apparent heir to the throne of the Empire. Then, out of seemingly nowhere, Auron The Great, the first Kitsune to rule the Empire appeared and made peace with the various peoples of the west. From that time onward, Kitsunes had come to rule the Empire in periods of three hundred years each, then returned to their mysterious and isolated homeland. This ruler had been the exception to that he had been told. Empress Charr had ruled the Empire for nearly four hundred years without abdicating the throne to her daughter. Vanamee had thought all of this to be either a great joke or a delusion that Talon had come up with until now.

"Yes your majesty." Vanamee answered, "Although my... father often told me of your kind. Is it true that your kind are... powerful sorcerers?" The lovely looking Empress nodded.

"Yes my dear boy." She answered, "My kind have always had a certain affinity for the magical arts." Vanamee smiled, for a moment his wonder over these magnificent beings taking away the anger over his recent development.

"Please you Highnesses!" Van told them humbly, "Come in! The sun is getting low and I would feel awful to leave such shining loveliness where it can't be seen!" Darrius looked over at his nephew in clear and obvious surprise.

"Oh my!" The Empress giggled, covering her mouth as she laughed, "What a charmer!" With that Charr moved past them and through the door, her silent daughter in tow. Van noticed that Princess Christa gave him a curious glance as she passed, her eyes staying on him for a few moments before finally moving out of sight and into the house.

"Very good." Clang whispered, a sly smile on his face.

"Really?" Vanamee replied.

"Sounded just like a noble." Darrius chuckled, patting his back as the pair turned to head inside.

"I heard that the Imperial navy has managed to route those Galleonite bastards that were blockading the port at Jade." One of the many nobles announced as the gigantic group sat around the table, eating the lavish feast that Lord Clang had given them.

"Oh yes!" A rotund female ursine agreed, "From what I've heard the war is going very well indeed!"

"Anything you could share with us your highness?" Another noble inquired, making all faces turn toward the lovely ruler, seated at the head of the table beside of Lord Clang. She paused a moment, taking a napkin and wiping her mouth and looking over at her quiet and reserved daughter before finally answering.

"I cannot say much," Charr answered, "but I can say that there ARE plans being made for an invasion of the Republic of Galleo within the next month."

"Oh?" The noble who asked the question remarked, "I can imagine the difficulty of planning such an assault. What with Galleo being an island nation and how notoriously fortified their shorelines are."

Vanamee hardly paid any attention to the conversation however, his eyes turned elsewhere. Down near the other side of the table sat Zeke, with Kura in the floor at his side. The husky was caught up in a conversation all his own with a pretty young panda girl in a white dinner dress.

"She's absolutely adorable!" The black and white beauty looked down dotingly at the small white wolfess on the end of Lord Vasa's leash. "But I am most curious as to why you chose a female? Most of the young gentleman I know prefer males, so that they don't get pregnant and what have you."

"Well," Zeke answered, his voice smooth and soft, "During my time serving in the isles..." The muscular noble paused there, as if to let the idea that he had been on some noble mission in a hostile and exotic land sink in with the impressionable young girl before continuing, "I happened to take part in the battle against the rebels of which our cute young friend here was one. Afterwards, when we were rounding up prisoners, I saw her and made my decision to purchase her once I got back to the City. After all, I wouldn't want her to fall into the claws of some of those AWFUL abusive masters out there!" The noble girl gave a girlish sigh at the dog's perceived kindness. For his own part, Van hoped that no one would notice the small lines he was digging into the table with his claws.

"I must ask young Master Clang," A nearby tiger, wearing a dark and used looking tuxedo said, interrupting the boy's thoughts, "what do you think about the issue of these rebellious slaves?" Vanamee turned to face the fellow, putting up his most disarming of smiles.

"I assume you're speaking of that group that calls itself The Underground?" The former slave responded, getting a nod from the quizzing noble, "In that case I must say that although I can sympathize with some of their goals, I can by no means condone their use of violence and vandalism. I have heard tell that the monetary sum of 'living goods' that they have thieved out of the city would be enough to purchase a small fleet of new ships for the Imperial Navy!" The wolf replied, trying his best to sound at least partially against The Underground. Aside from the war with the Republic of Galleo, the Underground had been the talk of the town and stories of the groups bold exploits were viciously attacked in the newspaper on a weekly basis. The group had popped up about two years ago and at first they seemed to simply be devoted to sneaking escaped slaves out of the City. Then, at the start of this year their actions had taken on a decidedly different tone. There were open attacks against Nobles in their own homes and defacement of public property with graffiti. Deep down the wolf could not help but side with the group.

"Are you trying to say that you are... an abolitionist?" Came a sweet and singsong voice from across the table. All heads suddenly turned, facing the lovely young Princess Christa, whom sat looking questioningly at Vanamee.

"W...well," Van answered nervously, caught slightly off guard by the unexpected inquiry, "I wouldn't say that I'm in support of total abolishment of slavery. But your majesty must admit that the practice has gone rather far from where it began? When the Treaty of Consolidation was signed nearly three thousand years ago, it laid out the practice as a practical punishment for criminals. In and of itself, it was and IS a highly productive rehabilitation program. But then the Nagura Reforms extended slavery to prisoners of war as a means to temporarily raise revenue during war time. But today? It is common knowledge that certain portions of the military in some provinces have taken to raiding the countryside so as to procure fresh slaves and the children of slaves are now kept in bondage as well. So in reply I must say that I cannot condone the harsh and brutal life of slavery being cast upon those who do not deserve it."

"It seems our new friend has quite the opinion on slavery." The Empress noted, the look on her face having slightly shifted, the wolf being able to tell that beneath her calm and courteous exterior he had struck a nerve. "I am sure that your... unusual heritage also effects your judgment?" Van turned his attention to the reigning monarch, although his eyes lingered curiously still on her daughter.

"I think it would be fair to say this." The young wolf admitted, "I did after all spend my whole youth witnessing the dealing of slaves firsthand." Van smiled at her, "But as I said, I do not completely disavow the practice's useful aspects." The Kitsune seemed satisfied with this answer, turning her attention back to the slice of succulent roast beef she had been attending to on her plate. The wolf looked back down the table, noticing that the entirety of the dinner party had turned to listen to him speak a moment ago.

"I hope the lot of them hang!" Someone else nearby added in, "Why just last week they found the famed alchemist Raza Saleek dead in his bed and his two young slaves escaped!" There was a general agreement heard around the table, even from Van. Although on the inside he felt almost certain that the naga deserved it.

Suddenly he heard a strange chiming sound coming from the far end of the table. The chatter and noise of the party died for a moment as they all turned to face the source of the disturbance. Zeke Vasa stood upon his chair, hitting the side of his crystal glass with a delicate silver spoon.

"I would like to propose a toast!" The husky announced, "I hope everyone has enough wine?" He paused a moment, making certain that they were all ready for his toast, then continued, "I would like to toast the arrival of my new cousin from the wilderness of the Western Isles! A long lost ally and the only living heir to Clang manor. Not to mention a clearly talented orator." The husky stopped a moment here, getting an agreeing laugh from the guests. "To a long and fruitful reign for Van Clang, and fruitful business to all of us!" The burly canine lifted his glass, the rest of those gathered doing the same before turning them up and gulping down the delicate, fruity, red wine that Clang had brought out for the occasion.

The wolf smiled, puffing on the ornate wooden pipe that his uncle had gifted to him a few weeks before. After the dinner had died down, the guests had broken off into several smaller groups to sit and chat. He had tried to follow Zeke as the husky had moved to the front hall with several of the other young males, but he had been stopped by a gaggle of blushing older ladies, each eager to introduce the handsome new Clang to their giggling and ditzy young daughters. The wolf had reluctantly acquiesced to them, knowing it would do him no good later to ignore these women. And thus he found himself stuck in the parlor, his uncle next to him as he charmingly greeted each and every girl introduced to him.

"Is this absolutely necessary?" The wolf whispered to the Coyote beside him. Darrius chuckled in answer and nodded his head.

"I'm afraid so my boy." The noble told him, "You're inheriting a large estate and a thriving trade business, so you are certain to be a hot commodity to these ambitious old crones. Each and every one of them would gladly cut off their daughter's right hand to attach themselves to the Clang name." Vanamee felt a hand placed on his shoulder then, and with a weary sigh he turned to see which blithering, young, female idiot wished to talk to him now. Instead he found the Princess, a pair of large, blue garbed escorts to either side of her.

"Your highness!" The wolf exclaimed in surprise, the lovely Kitsune looking back at him with piercing green eyes. This was the first time that the young Clang had gotten a chance to look at her closely. She could have easily passed for her mother's sister. Her long, blonde head fur was wrapped into a luxurious pony tail behind her head, showing off her shapely neck and slender, delicate shoulders. She wore a flowing blue dress with yellow accents, a perfect duplicate of her mother's. One rather intriguing difference that happened to catch the lupine's attention. The princess only had two tails compared to her mother's five.

"Good evening young Master Clang." The Empress daughter announced with a small curtsy, "I was curious if perhaps I might have a private audience with you?" The canine paused a moment.

"Uhh... yes." Van answered uncertainly, "Yes of course." The Princess nodded in satisfaction.

"Perhaps we could speak out on the balcony I saw upstairs?" Christa asked, looking out of the parlor and to the stairs in the Entrance hall. Vanamee nodded in reply, giving his uncle a shrug before walking out with the young ruler and her guards. The balcony in question was a small escarpment located above the Manor's rear entrance and overlooked the rear grounds of the estate. As they reached the double glass doors that opened out to the balcony the Princess turned and addressed her guards.

"I would like a few moments alone with Lord Clang?" She told them. The two lions looked to one another uncertainly.

"With all due respect Princess," One of the pair contested at last, "Sir Zola gave us strict orders to not leave your side." The royal Kitsune sighed.

"And why is that Sir Umfa?" Christa inquired, taking a hand and rubbing her forehead in frustration. The pair of Royal Guards looked at one another, as if uncertain how they should answer. At last the one she had called Sir Umfa looked back.

"There is reason to believe that Members of The Underground will be present at this party." The lion warrior answered. The Princess sighed, shaking her head.

"I assure you good knight," Christa said in an assuring tone, "that even if these people ARE here, they are not out on this balcony." The canine snickered a little at that, noticing the gigantic lions shuffling their feet nervously. "Go ahead and check if you are worried, but I still need to speak to Master Clang in private." The two guards shrugged, seeming to admit that they were not going to win on this one. The pair moved past Van and Christa, opening the double doors and quickly looking about the empty balcony. At last satisfied that the area was safe, they returned to the inside.

"We shall wait at the door your highness." Sir Umfa sighed. The princess seemed satisfied at last and walked out to the balcony at Van's side. The lions shut the door tight behind them as the pair walked over to the balcony railing. Van looked out over the grounds below. Much to the Royal guard's chagrin, the party had leaked out onto the lawn, the wolf spying dozens of guests standing below smoking and talking. Not too far off, Vanamee could see where the guest's carriages and the Royal Guard's steeds were tied up.

"What was it you wished to discuss with me Princess?" The lupine inquired, leaning over onto the railing as he turned his head to look at the Kitsune. Christa moved beside of him, leaning onto the sturdy wooden railing as well.

"I was quite surprised by your response at dinner." She noted, looking at him with those strangely alluring green eyes. "You seemed very... interested in the subject of slavery."

"I didn't think of myself being any more interested than the others there." Van replied, feigning disinterest. The Princess could obviously see through his charade however and pushed on.

"I am adamantly against the practice." Christa told the wolf bluntly. Van looked at her in obvious surprise. Since he had arrived in this land, he had noticed that the idea of abolitionism was looked down on severely. "Slavery and our dependence upon it has caused more harm than good." She continued, "We now are forced to capture and sell slaves just to get enough money to perpetuate slavery! The cruelty of the practice should be reason ENOUGH to end it in my own opinion! If not that, then at least look at the economic problems it is causing! The rich who can afford slaves keep getting richer, while those who are too poor to afford them find that any job they could have used is taken from them by slave labor!" The wolf listened to her in rapt silence, almost unable to comprehend what he was hearing. "I believe even the Imperial senate knows that the slave trade must end. The greatest problem is..." She paused, turning to look back at the door, as if making certain they were not being overheard, "My mother."

The wolf stood a moment, finding the notion rather strange. "Your mother?" Van quizzed her in disbelief, "She seems like such a kind woman, I find it hard to imagine that..."

"Are you familiar with the tradition of term?" Christa interrupted, looking at him with an almost irresistible intensity. The lupine nodded in reply. It had been tradition, ever since the Kitsunes had come to lead the peoples of the Empire, that any ruler would only hold office for three hundred years. "And I'm certain that you know that my mother is the first to EVER break this unwritten law?" The canine nodded once more.

"But no one seems overly concerned." Van retorted.

"Aye." The Kitsune agreed with a tinge of sadness, "She has used vast amounts of the Royal Treasury to properly butter up anyone who could even SUGGEST that she step down. I was not raised by my mother Master Clang. As soon as I was born, I was sent home to Kitsa to be educated in politics, magic and the ways of my people." The wolf nodded as he listened interestedly. "The Kitsune people are strong believers in avoiding the business of the outside world, and as thus they will not force my mother to step down. When I came here, to this city, 80 years ago, I expected my mother to be ready to abdicate her throne and return to Kitsa like those before her. But she has grown too fond of her position; Of the power it grants her. I have no right under the laws of this land to ask her to step down, and she will never willing do so."

"But what does that have to do with slavery?" Vanamee insisted. Christa nodded.

"Very insightful of you." She responded, "And to answer that, you must understand the methods my mother uses to maintain her power. She has enforced slavery as a punishment for her foes and as a gift to her supporters. The senate will never pass any motion to end slavery on its own, as they all have such high stakes in its continuation. The senate is made of old men and women who own factories and plantations of slaves and those who make a business out of selling them. That is because these rich individuals are the elite of society. The poor and common man? If you were to poll the regular citizens of the Empire you would find that they are just as abhorrent of slavery as I am. But, because of the great rift that slavery has created between the elite and the commoners, the poor have not the power to make any change."

Vanamee sat in dumbfounded silence, absorbing this new information. There was a moment of silence as the pair stood there, the dark night gathered around them with only the lights from the Manor and the twinkling of the stars above. Below them the wolf could hear the low and unintelligible talking of the nobles below them.

"I hate slavery." The canine admitted, deciding to be honest with the Princess after that speech. "I have seen the horrors it has brought and I would not wish them on anyone."

"I thought as much." Christa said victoriously, "I could sense your true feelings at dinner, even when you tried to hide them behind a veil of neutrality. I need people like you Lord Clang. I am desperate for allies in this struggle."

"Your mother is a Kitsune." Van replied blandly, "If her lifespan is as long as I have heard, and the law is too corrupt to remove her from her throne, then what can we do?"

"I have other allies." The Princess answered, her voice barely above a whisper now, "Perhaps not with the political and economic pull that you have good sir, but allies who are willing to take drastic action if necessary." The lupine looked at her, cocking one eye curiously at that statement.

"What sort of... drastic action?" The wolf questioned, lowering his own voice.

"My mother is not a kind lady." Christa explained, "She is good at putting on an air of gentility and grace, but behind closed doors she is more cruel, more cold and more calculating than you can possibly imagine and she will gladly run this Empire into the dust to prolong her own rule. In the years I have been here I have come to love the people of this realm, and my heart bleeds for them. I and my allies will do what is necessary to bring about the change that is so badly needed." Van nodded, his mind already making the connections.

"Did your... allies have something to do with the attempt on her life two years ago?" The wolf inquired, remembering the assassination attempt on the Empress that had shocked the entire nation. The assassin had been captured in the act and tortured. Within the day he confessed to being an assassin from the Nation of Galleo, sent to kill the Empress. That one act had been enough to convince the Imperial Senate to declare war, starting the violent and bloody conflict that the Empire found itself currently embroiled in.

"Yes." The Kitsune admitted, "He failed unfortunately."

"But why did he blame Galleo?" The wolf growled, "I cannot condone a lie that has cost the lives of so many in what I now learn was a pointless war!"

"He did not!" The Princess hissed vehemently, "That confession was a lie concocted by my mother! She has used the war with Galleo in an attempt to expand her power and save the economy from the ruin her policies are inevitably leading it toward!" The young noble was about to inquire further when he heard excited shouting from below.

"They've got the horses!" Someone shouted, the young Master Clang looking over the edge of the balcony to see the guests rushing out onto the back lawn, pointing over towards where the horses and carriages were. The canine followed their fingers, finding that the horses belonging to the Royal Guard, those expensive and powerful steeds, were now being ridden by a group of strangers dressed in filthy looking rags. The pair of Royal Guards that had been guarding the door suddenly burst out, their thin, straight edged fencing swords at the ready.

"Your majesty!" One of them shouted, rushing out to the Princess's side, "The Underground has reared its ugly head! Are you all right?!" The Kitsune nodded calmly to him, looking strangely serene considering the shouting and excitement below. Then, as the pair of guards led her off, she turned and gave the young noble a wink. It was then that the wolf realized just WHO her allies had been.

"The Underground!" He gasped, turning back to the scene below. The Royal Guard who had been stationed at the rear of the manor were nowhere to be seen, but the guards from inside were rushing out, ready for battle. The rebels stood there atop the stolen horses, holding an assortment of daggers and old pathetic looking bows. At the center of the group was a young, rough looking long ear, his smooth brown fur broken only by a tan colored scar over his left eye. There was something oddly familiar about him, the wolf thought. A silent and impossible thought slowly creeping into his head. It couldn't be...

"Your time is almost up!" The rabbit shouted, his voice erasing all doubts in Vanamee's mind. It was Edwin. "You monsters have grown fat on the backs of the poor! You have put people under your heel and treated them like possessions! Working them to death! Beating and raping them! The gods know the crimes you have committed, and they have charged US with ending them!"

As Van watched, the Empress rushed from the house, followed by her bewildered, blue garbed guards. At her side stood Sir Zola, glaring at the rebels with eyes full of fire.

"I am Empress Charr Talrasa!" Her majesty shouted, clearly undaunted by the rag-tag band of freedom fighters before her. "I offer you this one chance to surrender! If you do I promise you a swift and painless death!" The group of horse thieves gazed back at her, many of them looking uncertain now.

"Die whore!" One of The Underground rebels shouted, drawing his bow and notching an arrow as quick as lightning. The Rebel looked young, maybe no older than twelve years, and was a thin, almost sickly looking Otter. The crowd let out a scream as he let the arrow fly, swooshing through the air with blinding speed, directly at the Empress's heart. But it never landed. The wolf stood in disbelief as he looked down at the Kitsune sovereign, the arrow levitating directly in front of her chest. Charr seemed to be laughing.

"Wrong answer!" She shouted back. The arrow turned about in mid-air, flying back at the otter even faster than it had gone at the Kitsune. The boy wouldn't even have had time to register the sudden change in directory before the arrow pierced his skull, going clean out the other side of his head. The boy's limp body fell off the horse and crumpled to the ground. All of a sudden the freedom fighters seemed to lose their courage and turned tail, riding off at breakneck pace towards the nearby woods.

"Well?!" The Empress shouted at her Guards, "Don't just sit there! Take any horses you can find and go after them!" Vanamee watched a moment longer as the Guards unhitched the horses from the nobles' carriage's and gave chase. It was obviously a futile gesture, the rebels having already slipped off into the pitch blackness of the woods. The wolf smiled to himself at the discovery of his other lost friend's whereabouts, turning around to head back inside. When he turned about however, he found himself face to face with a short, black furred mouse, a large, white, star shaped patch over his right eye. He wore a simple white shirt and ripped looking black pants.

"Who... how did you get up here?" Vanamee exclaimed in surprise. The look that the rodent gave him could have curdled milk.

"Gods only know why," The boy spat, pulling out an envelope, the back of which was sealed with a large piece of red wax, "but the Princess told me to give this to you." The mouse handed the envelope to the stunned wolf, then rushed back into the house and disappeared from sight. The lupine looked stupidly at the letter, turning it over and over in his hands as he plodded back inside.

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