Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 19 - Mount Lessvin

Story by The Grand Master on SoFurry

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#19 of Kyurex

Oh sh"t!! I wrote a story!!


I hope I can make...

I hope I can make up for the extremely long break, at least thats my opinion.

So, a little bout me. OR screw that Im tired lets keep it short.

This is a hell of a chapter. this was the promised chapter I was so hyped up about. It was because of an inspiration scene from the tv and I used it here. Thats why I was like "Cant wait till the others read it!!" but now the hypes gone, so I don't know, maybe you'll consider it boring.

This is bigbig chapter man, and the good news is Im posting two chapters...haha....and the second is even bigger.

How do you like that, huh? yeah I told you I'd co......lets read


„ huge." the Umbreon remarked.

Kyurex and his friends were amazed, Mount.Lessvin seemed like a kingdom of mountains, not just a single Volcano like Jessica said. There were a couple of entrances visible and the atmosphere around the whole region seemed to possess a glow that came from the flowing lava.

It was hard to smell anything due to the intense heat. The sky seemed to be blocked by the darkish red smoke that rose from Mount.Lessvin, so nobody could really tell if it was day or night.

It seemed like a paradise for fire Pokemon.

„Ah yeah!! I'm lovin the heat!" Blaze shouted, smiling. Kyurex didn't really know where to go, there were too many entrances. Some were big, some were small and none of them really pointed out any specific difference.

The Umbreon looked at May who still didn't want to speak to him. It was getting really, really annoying, because he started to feel like he was alone with Blaze on some vacation.

Man...I can't believe she's still mad at me...

May turned around, starring at the horizon. Blaze noticed that the Mightyena acted like she usually did in the past few days, and decided to play the clown to settle a good mood between the team. After giving Kyurex a „cool/arrogant" look he stepped in front of the dark furred female, eventually bowing down and kissing her paw. May was a little surprised by the sudden action of the Houndoom.

„My fair lady...I know Hates roots have made it deep into your heart, but please, can I be honored with your presence while I pass through these dangerous Mountains? Because even if there are some deniers, and some who don't love you...eheem " Blaze looked at Kyurex. Kyurex lowered his ears in dismay. Blaze quickly turned back to May „Or maybe do but don't have the guts to say so..." May shook her head slightly.


„You will always have the biggest and most comfortable place in my heart..." he coughed, and looked at Kyurex. „To make up for others...who obviously don't have one."

Blaze still tried to point out on how stupid the conflict was. May had to smile, but turned away to let Kyurex know that Blaze was never going to be able to make up for what she saw back then.


„Aright, lets move."

Kyurex started to walk towards the biggest entrance he saw figuring it was the right one. May and Blaze followed.

„You sure its this way?"

„No..." the Umbreon simply replied because it was the truth.

The ground slowly started to become stony and warm.

They gradually entered and observed the inside. It seemed like they were in a massive cave with even more entrances, or exits. Big holes, small holes. The earth constantly trembled, spreading the hot wind across the cave. The stone of the mountain was partially dark red, probably due to the lava that flowed through and on the mountain, and thanks to the same reason the cave was lighted to a visible state.. The heat wasn't too pleasant but May and Kyurex bared with it, whereas Blaze enjoyed it.

There were also holes that seemed to lead deep into the ground, the end being invisible. The three looked around, trying to figure out where the right path was. Kyurex noticed some small cracks in the ground that let out hissing sounds and sometimes some fire type of liquid. He checked on his teammates who weren't too far away, observing the new place.

„Ok, our goal is simple, we need to get to the other side, or end, whatever, of this huge volcano or mountain."

„Roger" Blaze happily replied. Kyurex then looked around once more.

„And this seems to be one unstable region...So team, lets not do anything stupid, better said Blaze...don't do anything stupid. Okay?"

„Man why you always acting like I do all the bizarre stuff?" Blaze argued back. Kyurex sighed once again while May seemed to be concentrated on something else."It's not like I'm that bad, okay? I also saved your butt once or twice!!"

„Guys...I think we've got company..." May said looking at one of the holes that lead into some unknown darkness. Kyurex and Blaze turned around.

„What?" The Houndoom asked.

A dog-like creature stood in front of the entrance, panting with its tongue stuck out. After some remembering Kyurex knew it was a Quilava.

„A Quilava?" Blaze took a step forward.

„Easy Blaze...don't rush..." Kyurex halted his friend. „Maybe it's an enemy..."

„He? No way dude, look at him, he's barely breathing!!"

He hated to agree with the Houndoom, but this time the horned dog was correct. The stranger didn't seem to be in his best condition. He didn't seem to care or notice Team 76, seemingly to busy regaining his breath. Kyurex could tell that the Quilava endured some battling not long ago, visible due to the wound he carried across his back leg. Just before the Umbreon was about to decide what to do-


The earth suddenly shook and a loud roar could be heard from the entrance where the Quilava was. The injured creature turned around.

„Got ya now firespitter!!"

After a few moments Kyurex saw the owner of the deep monstrous voice. A Golem, followed by a squad of Gravelers rolled at high speed towards the fire Pokemon surrounding him from all sides. They stood up, spreading their arms. The Quilava was definitely their target, and the stone monsters prepared their fists. The Golem, obviously the eldest and the leader approached his prey. The poor Quilava tried to take up a battle stance, but realized that his strength was gone.

„We've got to help him!!" Kyurex shouted to his friends, rushing off to aid the Quilava. May and Blaze didn't waste time and ran after the Umbreon. Of course, causing some unwanted attention.

„Guests? Boys, get rid of them..." the Golem shouted, noticing Team 76 approaching. Kyurex didn't understand why the Gravelers didn't obey their given orders.They just remained standing there around the fire type.

He realized that only Blaze was by his side, also running.

„May!!" Kyurex shouted, turning his head and realizing that May was about to be attacked by to Rhyhorns. They probably had appeared without Kyurexs notice and were probably the „Boys" that the Golem had instructed before.

Kyurex halted, immediately running back to assist May. Blaze didn't stop, he sprinted to help the Quilava before it was too late. Kyurex had a short confusion of priorities.

„Blaze!!" he shouted, getting a bit lost, while knowing it wasn't the best time to think thoroughly. It was useless. He didn't even bother looking back, he had to save May.

The Mightyena growled, but she knew that the stone creatures didn't bother to fear her at all. It was obvious since her attacks were useless against stone, like numerous others. They slowly approached, getting nearer. Kyurex sped up.

„I would leave her alone if I were you..." he said as soon as he heavily halted in front of May, taking up his battle stance on all fours. He didn't normally look aggressive, but at a time like this he couldn't help but having a really pissed off look. The Mightyena understood what the dark creature had meant by his words and actions and felt a strange feeling of security after noticing the bravery of the Umbreon.

The two horned creatures looked at each other, eventually chuckling like two fully stuffed pigs. They were too confident in their defense and didn't stop approaching the two teammates. Kyurex felt his anger rise, faster than usual. In fact...too fast.

He opened his mouth, charging a ball of purple and black darkness. The two creatures stopped.

„Taste Earthquake!!" the mighty Golem could be heard from the far distance, it seemed Blaze had interfered well enough to make the rock creature angry as well as making him use a powerful move. Though earthquake seemed a little too powerful especially in such an environment. Kyurex closed his mouth, vibrating with the ground that trembled after a loud cracking sound that seemed to come from underneath. May also watched the ground, getting ready to jump as soon as the earth would split underneath her.

The cave started to shake.

Earth started to fall down.

The two Rhyhorns slowly retreated while looking up to evade any incoming rocks.

Kyurex and May also watched the ceiling, trying to keep their balance on the ground. The Umbreon wanted to check on Blaze but realized that in such a situation, it was seriously a bad idea.

„Damn it..."

A huge part of the Mountain started to slowly move from the opposite side of the cave where the entrance was located.

„Lets book, NOW!!"

May didn't need instructions, she and Kyurex immediately moved, running to the nearest entrance to get out of the boulders range. He looked up.

There was a loud crack, filling the cave with an echo. Everything shook, and the massive stone fragment slowly began to fall.

Kyurex jumped, not knowing what awaited him in the darkness he entered. The path lead downwards.

The only thing Kyurex felt in the next moments was hitting and rolling against the walls of the tunnel.

And then...


He let the pain flow through his body as he smashed against the hot ground. The Umbreon could still hear the trembling earth that seemed to be everywhere. The vibration didn't stop as quickly.

Eventually everything seemed to quiet down, slowly.

Kyurex got his thoughts together.

„Damn..what a trip..."

He slowly got up, looking at the new place. There was a large lava river flowing passed him and that also explained why Kyurex felt intense heat, everything seemed to be on fire to him according to the heat. The dark creature was amazed that there were black boulders that stuck out of the bubbling stream due to the fact that they hadn't melt. Everything seemed to be a mix of black and red, a true Paradise of Fire that only the fire types could enjoy.

He noticed the opening from where he just came from - remembering two things.

Blaze and May. He walked back to the entrance that was now completely blocked by a large pile of stones. Dust still flew around everywhere. He looked at the little opening at the top of the pile.

„Blaze!!" he shouted. No response.


No response, and there was definitely no way back, he couldn't reach the top or fit into the narrow shaft before him.

Kyurex pressed his paws together.

What if something happens to them? What kind of friend would I be then!!

May...I'm so sorry...

The Umbreon heard some nearby coughing - that instantly triggered his attention.


There, next to a pile of rocks, was May, who was slowly getting up. Kyurex approached her, feeling relieved that at least one teammate was safe. He understood that he probably didn't notice her before because her fur had the same color as the black and grey rocks. Kyurex stood next to her, watching her shake herself from all the dust. The Mightyena didn't look at the Umbreon, ignoring him as usual.

„May!! Girl am I glad to see you...I thought you, eh..." Kyurex then felt somehow stupid because it was the first time since a long time that he spoke so nicely with her. Well he didn't have the chance before, because she ignored him. „Eh..."

May elegantly shook her body, getting rid of the remaining dust that was on her black-greyish fur. She gave Kyurex a weird look, not smiling, nothing.

„I'm glad you're ok." she said, eventually looking around. Kyurex felt stupid, but he was happy she at least said something. He also looked around.

„Seems like Blaze is still up there...I guess we should go and look for him." Kyurex proposed, trying to sound like the typical leader as usual. Well he was the leader, but he didn't know if it was the case when it was only him and May, especially with the conflict between them that was still present. May looked at him, normally.

„I'll be waiting at the end of Mount.Lessvin, that was our goal, and I'm sure Blaze will also be there." May sounded too normal. She didn't hesitate and started to move towards the lava. There was a a hole on the other side of the big river. Kyurex guessed that the Mightyena planned to jump on the boulders, eventually making it to the other side.

Kyurex started to follow her, noticing that she didn't intend to wait for him.

„May, wait up!!"

He hurried after her, trying to walk next to the female so that he could talk face to face.

May sped up, leaving Kyurex behind again. The Umbreon was puzzled.

„What's the matter with you?" he asked with a questioning look on his face, knowing that it probably sounded totally stupid because both knew the answer. But he couldn't do anything else, he didn't want to lose Mays attention.

The Mightyena stopped in front of the flowing lava, looking for a boulder to jump on.

„Tssuh..." she rapidly gave the Umbreon a cold look.

Then she swiftly proceeded and leaped onto the closest stone that poked out of the lava. She landed safely, and the stone seemed to be stable.

Kyurexs ears fell. He was good at solving a big variety of problems, except from these that had to do with feelings and such. He got ready to follow May, who had already continued to the next reachable stone.

Sure would be much easier to just jump into the lava...but I guess I'm going to have to endure something much worse...

Would you shut up and jump already? being inside you...

Kyurex looked around surprised. He definitely had heard a voice.

„What the?"

But he didn't have any time to think in fear of losing May. He swiftly jumped onto the stone May had just visited a second ago. Once landed, he shook his head.


May kept on jumping, leaving the Umbreon behind. Now the dark creatures ears rose.

„May!! Wait!! Damn!!" He shouted after her. The Mightyena stopped while Kyurex jumped from stone directly to the next, trying to catch up with his team mate.

„Funny...whats up with you ignoring me?" She said, shortly waiting but then eventually proceeding just as Kyurex was about to get close.

„What? Your the one whos ignoring me for like a week already!!" He stated, feeling himself abused by her words. May ignored him and kept on moving. „May,We're supposed to stay together... "

May eventually stopped, letting Kyurex catch up. Kyurex was one stone behind her, and their eyes met. May didn't look amused, and Kyurex didn't get a good feeling from her look.

Ok....Option A, I'll get shouted at for the kiss, maybe get smacked and beat up and everything will be ok or...

May looked a little to the side, but then eventually found the strength to look at the puzzled Umbreon. She sighed.

„Was there ever a „we"? And especially a „we" that was „together"?" her voice was sad.


„Ehh..." Kyurex thought, stressing himself to find a quick AND good answer. „Uhh..."

She meant together as in lovers, and he had mentioned together as in team. That was unfair cause they were never officially together as lovers but as a team. The Umbreon figured that he wasn't in the position to remark something like that because it would only make things worse, he just had to live with the fact that May thought the kiss had meant much more than just a „kiss". Females...

May jumped to the next stone, not waiting for Kyurex to finish.

„Well...emm.." he just started, noticing that it was too late. Everything seemed complicated. „Damn..."

Or...Option B, I get my ass handed to myself verbally and everything is NOT ok...Man I suck at this SO hard...

Kyurex jumped after May. It wasn't hard, but Kyurex was hurrying, nearly loosing his balance on one of the stones.


He stabilized himself just in time. The spitting lava seemed to be screaming at him „Lucky..."

That was close...why the hell am I so sloppy?

May was nearly on the other side. Kyurex continued, carefully. He again, slowly caught up.

„May....I know your a little angry with me tha-"

„A little?" May asked, interrupting the Umbreon while still elegantly moving from stone to stone. She slowed down to hear what he had to say.

„'re really angry....but she only kissed me on the nose and I didn't even ask or kiss back or anything..."

Silence. May didn't stop and Kyurex felt confused for not getting a direct answer.

The heat was making him feel a little dizzy. Only a few more meters and they would be on the other side.

May stopped, turning around and looking at Kyurex who landed right next to her. The platform made of stone was big enough for both of them. Being this close to May, Kyurex remembered the moment that just couldn't leave his memory....

Her red, shining eyes....

That touch...

He didn't even notice how he started to dream off. May didn't understand his weird gaze.

„I didn't see you regretting the fact that she kissed you..." May remarked while watching Kyurexs eyes shut halfway, as if he was tired. „And what a surprise that you didn't run away like you usually do after a girl intentionally kisses you..."

Kyurex was snatched out of his imagination and understood what May had meant. Again, unfair because back then he HAD to leave her, it wasn't like he ran away because he was shocked. He again, knew that he had lost...

„Emm....well, was...I didn't really run..." He thought and thought but his strategic mind didn't want to give him a hand. May turned around saddened, jumping to the nearest stone. Kyurex understood that he probably had to...had to...

No!! I'm not apologizing!!!

May successfully landed on the other side of the lava stream, and didn't even halt, slowly walking to the exit.

Kyurex thought a second time, still standing on the platform.

Ok I'll apologize...

He followed Mays path, eventually landing where the Mightyena had landed just before him. He quickened up his pace, eventually catching up, and turned around in front of May, blocking her path. May raised her look, Kyurexs heart was bursting at the thought that now he would have to reveal his true feelings.

Ok....just apologize...


May looked suspicious. Kyurex knew that it was now or never.

„I'm sorry..."

He felt like a boulder weighing tons just fell down from his shoulders. May looked at the relieved Kyurex.

„And why did your run away back then?" May asked, not letting her „being nice" take over. Kyurex thought that everything he tried only backfired harder at him.

„Look...I made a promise to meet my friends and I just rando-"

„If you don't like me...why not say so?" May hesitantly, but with a calm tone asked Kyurex, who was again struck by panic. He was just not good at lying.

„Because it's not true..." his ears lowered, and May surprisingly believed him. There was a sort of weird atmosphere between them for a while and Kyurex looked away.

„Then..." May started, nearly whispering.

„I...maybe, I mean..." Kyurex stuttered, making May lose hope in what she believed just an instant ago. „I'm...I'm just not really good at this, ok?"

Kyurex watched Mays eyes, knowing that he should get ready for anything. Better said he should expect the unexpected.

The Mightyena slightly shook her head, and silently continued to move, passing the Umbreon. Kyurex turned around confused.

„Then go and find out...." May didn't stop and approached the entrance. Kyurex started to follow her, still thinking of a correct counter phrase that could possibly save him some hours of useless arguing.

„Man...I just apologized, and you're still mad...and you're acting like I'm the one who's got a serious problem-"

Kyurex had to stop. May turned around to face the Umbreon, with a really uncomfortable and intense look in her stare. Kyurex regretted his last phrase immediately and felt worse than the night where he had encontered the raging Steelix. It was obvious from the focus in her gaze that he was about to get a First-Class scolding.

„Eh..." Kyurex didn't know what to say.

„Serious problem? Don't tell me its me who can't figure my feelings out. Don't tell me its me who just simply can't say no...I don't know why I even tried after knowing for sure that you love that...ahh why bother speaking to you I'm just going to hurt myself, not as if it would mean anything to you anyway..."

May turned around and left, finally passing the big entrance an stepping onto a short path that was close to a wall. The other side of the path led into the lava stream like a cliff with about 7 meters distance to the bottom, shorter said instant death if anyone slips on the narrow path.

The Umbreon sighed and couldn't say anything directly in return. She was actually right if he thought about it. But what she didn't know was that the dark creature had actually already made up his mind, it was just that nobody knew about it yet. Kyurex knew that the Mightyena was now in a really bad mood and that any attempt to calm her down could end up dangerous, so there was actually only one way out...To tell the truth. A yes or a no.

Kyurex followed and had to admit to himself that he didn't have a comfortable feeling about everything. The heat was stressing, the fear to fall down was there too, and May was in a totally dramatic mood. He lowered his ears, slowly walking after his teammate who didn't seem to be scared at all. Kyurex really wanted to catch up with May to try and calm her down, but now he didn't really have the guts to speed up because of the risk of falling down. He took a short glance far down to witness the steaming lava that seemed to continue to flow without an end. The hissing sound and some bubbles that popped up from time to time made Kyurex dear and think about his life. He knew that one mistake, could be his last.

„Man...maybe I should of stayed at home..."

Nevertheless, he proceeded to watch May, thinking about how he could make things better. The path was curved and eventually Kyurex could see the rocky way led to a stable and wide region of ground to stand on, and that the lava stream turned to the left, not posing a threat anymore once they would the end of the path.

The dark creature concentrated more on May, eventually being half a meter behind her. There was no chance of overpassing or walking next to her.

„May...I think I can tell yo-"

„Shut up, concentrate on the ground. It's very unstable here..." May didn't even listen. She managed a short leap to overcome a patch of ground that looked cracked up, revealing bits of glowing rock.

Kyurex thought she was joking and, as stubborn as he sometimes was, didn't care about the content of her warning message. He angrily proceeded after her, not looking at the ground beneath him.

„You know, sometime- WOOAH!!"

The ground moved and Kyurex could hear and feel a loud crumbling coming from underneath him. As soon as he realized that he needed to jump immediately, it was of no use, he was falling with the ground.


The Umbreon successfully held onto the edge of the cliff with his left paw, whilst his other paw was being tightly held by something else. Kyurex looked up, realizing that it was Mays paw.

May actually looked worried. Without hesitating she pulled, helping Kyurex climb up. It was easy for the Umbreon to get back onto his feet.

„Ehh...thanks...." Kyurex smiled weakly while looking deep into the Mightyenas eyes. His breathing calmed down.

Looking kind of unmotivated May turned around sighing. Kyurexs ears rose.

„Ey! Wait up!!"

May swiftly jumped over another patch of cracked earth, leaving the path and now standing on a non-dangerous region. Kyurex now being more aware then before, also jumped, successfully landing beside May. An exit was visible, another big cave-like entrance, though this time it seemed to lead up. There were more entrances further away, but they didn't seem promising.

„May....just hear me out....please..."

There was silence. Kyurex was relieved about the fact that May actually didn't just walk further. The Mightyena turned around.

„Look...can you just leave me alone for now? Lets find Blaze and maybe talk later..."

For the first time May proposed something positive and didn't sound angry. But Kyurex wasn't satisfied with the reply. Their eyes met.

„No...It's my duty to keep our team under control and that no conflicts occur and meddle with our journey, and that's why me and you are going to solve this problem here, and right now...I'm tired of you ignoring me...I.." Kyurex stopped from letting to much of his feelings from flowing out, but May knew that he had more to say. Her motivation rose again, and she even took a little step forward.

„You what?"

Kyurex knew it was better to just say everything.

„I really want things to be like before between us, because...I kind of miss you..."

May was surprised. It wasn't usual of Kyurex to say something like that to anyone.

„Miss me?" she asked, hoping that maybe he meant something more. Kyurex was a little pressured, because May was now too close. He could see her eyes happy again, and it made him feel happy too, though it also made him a bit nervous.

„Yeah..." Kyurex replied, somehow getting the point that he should just confess. He remembered the kiss and-

„That's all? You just-"

„I want to kiss you again." Kyurex spilled out his most desired thought. It had to be done at some point and after all, he was the male.

„Kiss me?" May asked, now really surprised. Eventually she grinned, forgetting the fact that she was still supposed to be mad at him. She couldn't, because secretly she had also wanted the same. Kyurex wasn't finished explaining himself, not noticing that the Mightyena had already heard enough.

„I don't know what this feeling is but, if its love, then I do love you...and I don't really think about Revy anymore though I admit I had feelings for her but...not those feelings that I have now for you and if your still pissed about the incident with Jessica then I swear I didn't intend to kiss her and yet still I know you'll say I'm guilty because I let her or something I jus-"

„Kyu..." May interrupted in half whispering tone. Kyurex now realized that he over did it. The

Mightyenas muzzle was only a a inch away.

„What?" he asked quietly.

„Shut up..."


They fell into a deep kiss, and the fact that Mays attitude changed so fast surprised Kyurex a little. Slowly, May slipped her tongue into the Umbreons mouth, searching for his and eventually letting their tongues make the desired intense contact. Both felt a almost forgotten ecstasy come forth once again with all the heart warming feelings that came with it the first time, something they had both waited for the whole time.

Kyurex could identify Mays natural scent, finding it kind of sweet and lustful and it also woke some memories of the past when he used to spend his time with her at the forest. He understood that he had missed everything about her and not only the talking. Her eyes, her fur, her resemblance, everything made him feel warm. Right there at that moment, he couldn't think of anything but his partner, and desired that the moment wouldn't stop.

May felt her heart beat faster. All the thoughts of doubt flowed away, she could feel the Umbreons passion through the kiss, it was true. She knew there was no competition like she thought just moments ago, he was just to shy to admit that he had admired her the whole time. She also understood now more then ever that...she really loved him.

For some time they played, enjoying the feeling of their saliva mixing. The Umbreon tried to go deeper, getting a quiet moan from the Mightyena.

The conflict between the teammates was over, only that now they were lovers.

Both eventually parted, still staying close to each other. The Mightyena smiled weakly before they both hugged, and May stroke her neck against the Umbreons. She was happy.

„I thought already I should give up...." she said, closing her eyes while still pressing herself against Kyurex, sharing the warmth that pulsed through her body.

The Umbreon let out his breath of fatigue. After all the serious action, he felt like joking.

„I'm sorry, ok? I was just...don't know, a little jerkish..." He said, letting May notice the irony in his voice. They parted.

„A little 'jerkish'?" May asked, grinning suspiciously at the Umbreon who was grinning himself.

„Well yeah...You know-"


May hit Kyurex across the face with her paw, trying not to overdo it regarding strength. Kyurex shook his head a little, looking back into the Mightyenas eyes which were still happy, but also mixed with a serious expression.

„Eh...what was that for?" Kyurex rubbed his left cheek with his paw, looking like a cat that was washing itself. May grinned.

„That's for ignoring me..."



This time it was harder. Kyurex didn't show any sign of pain, but it actually hurt. May was quite strong for a female, that fact was sure. Kyurex again rubbed his cheek.

„Eh..that was because of the kiss or what?"

„ was for running away when we first kissed...and this-"


Kyurexs cheek felt numb. Now the stars appeared.

„DAMN, OK!! I know, I know, that was for the kiss...definitely...won't happen again.." Kyurex exclaimed, taking a step back.

„I hope so for your own sake..." May showed of her elegance, sitting herself on the ground while chuckling. Kyurex pulled on an act, rubbing his cheek as if it hurt immensely, but it actually didn't, he only prepared himself. May laughed.

„Don't tell me it hurts...Sissy, how the hell do you want to win the tournament?"

„I am going to win the tournament, but first-" The Umbreon stopped acting, putting his paw down.

Kyurex leaped.


The Mightyena was pressed softly to the ground under Kyurexs grip. She didn't try to retaliate, she only starred into the dark creatures eyes that were filled with a passion she had always longed for.

„Oh...don't tell me you want to..." The Mightyena believed something that the Umbreon didn't understand immediately. She blushed, and blessed her dark fur for hiding that fact.

„Hmm? Want what?" Kyurex looked confused at May, who relaxed her body. He forgot what he actually intended to do after the weird question from the Mightyena.

„Just...don't hurt me, okay?" The female pleaded, being sure that Kyurex was pulling an act. Lucky for her the Umbreon was too damn unexperienced and didn't really think about what she was thinking. He smiled.

„You kidding? Why should I do that?"

May understood, he was just playing as if they were still kids. She was kind of getting excited...But on second thought it would've of been kind of rushed regarding the fact that she so easily forgave him some minutes ago.

„Oh...nothing..." she looked away shyly.

„What a nice couple..Jo, we've got ourselves a battle!! Nice!!"

Kyurex quickly got off May, looking to the origin of the voice. May also stood up, surprised. Two creatures stood in front of the entrance that Kyurex had intended to use next. A Lairon and a Nosepass.

„Uh, Harry...they don't look like fire types to me." the Nosepass remarked after observing Team 76. May

„Who cares, they're not one of us, so they're against stop wining around as usual and lets get this done...Boss won't be happy if we leave enemies alive."

„Who is wining around? I am not scared!" The Nosepass angrily replied, making himself battle ready by stomping his feet into the ground.

Kyurex was in a bad mood, and May noticed it. She had to smile because she knew he had enjoyed being alone with her, and was now angry because it got interrupted, and as she thought about, she also wasn't happy. Kyurex took a step forward.

„Boys...I was kind of talking with my girl here. Could you like, respect the word privacy?"

„No attitude around mighty Harry! AAARGH!!!" The Lairon shouted, visually digging the ground with his right paw, which was actually a preparation to charge.

„Not again..." the Nosepass let his arms down, looking like he knew what was going to happen.

„ARRGH!!" The Lairon darted off with the maximum speed he could achieve pointing his nose directly at the Umbreon. Kyurex lost no time and swiftly jumped, pouncing of the hard creatures body. The Lairon couldn't halt...


„Eww..ouch..." May opened her eyes, seeing the Lairon crumble to the ground. No wonder, he had just experienced an unhealthy collision with a stone wall. Even though he himself was made out of rock/steel, his face didn't share the hard substance like the rest of his body.

„Uhh...." The Lairon let out his last breath before he seemingly fainted. Kyurex shook his head, turning to the Nosepass who immediately stood out of the way.

„Kids, next time seek a playground." The Umbreon left towards the entrance, looking at the Nosepass „Let's go May."

„Kyu, you could've at least showed some manners..." The Mightyena slowly followed still looking at the defeated creature. The Nosepass didn't seem to have guts to say something.

„As Blaze would say, 'It ain't my fault they pissed me off', besides, the kid said it, I'm a Dude With Attitude. D.W.A - respect that."

Mightyena couldn't help but giggle, eventually laughing at the statement. Kyurex stopped, turning around and looking at May with confused eyes.

„What the hell is so funny?"

„Please...Kyu, stop trying to act like your all that...though it is kind of cute." May giggled.

„Need to get out of here..." the Nosepass whispered to himself, as quietly as he could.

Suddenly, the cave vibrated lightly, move the small pieces of rock on the ground.

„Something tells me I should get a bad feeling again...." Kyurex sighed. May moved close to the Umbreon, wondering what was up.

The rattling got louder, and Kyurex tried to keep his balance. A sound of rock being crushed and moved erupted from the entrance, and at its peak, a familiar head eventually emerged. It was huge.

„Damn...this is exactly what I don't need right now!" Kyurex gulped. The Nosepass was laying on the ground, while kicking the air with his short arms trying repeatedly to get up.

„Damn it Big Tooth!! Next time try not to shake the ground you moron! Now I can't get up!" he shouted.

The Onix moved its head around, slowly, trying to understand what was going on. He then caught sight of the defeated Lairon, eventually looking back at the Nosepass, who still hadn't succeeded in his attempts to stand up.

„What the hell is the matter with you? They're the ones who did this to your buddy! Enemy!! Get them!"

The Onix growled silently, not understanding competently. But once he did, his eyes fiercely moved to Kyurex and May.

„OK, I guess I have nothing to lose now anyway, I'm glad I could make out with you girl!" Kyurex just said something. May concentrated herself on the Onix, who was slowly emerging from the cave. „Wouldn't mind doing it again, but I think it's to late for that."

„Damn it Kyu!! This is SO not the time!!"

„You think there will be any other?"

The Onix didn't waist any time and with a loud roar, rapidly attacked with its massive head. It seemed that Kyurex was his primary goal. May swiftly jumped to the left.

„Kyu!!" she panicked.

The Umbreon jumped, and the Onix hit the ground with his nose, not far away from the lava that was still continuously flowing.

„Damn it!!" Kyurex ran, leaping onto the helpless Nosepass.

„Or you tell your friend to stop, or somebodys going to get hurt here!!" The Umbreon shouted. The enemy only smirked, hearing his fellow rock snake making itself ready to attack.

„Yeah, and that's you!"

*Thud *

Kyurex blessed his reflexes for turning around just in time and sparing himself some broken ribs. He held the beasts horns with his paws, making the Onix go berserk. Just before he was slammed against the wall, the Umbreon successfully managed his body around the horn, making the beast receive damage from the collision instead of him.

*Smash* followed by a load roar.

„Easy boy!"

The Onix seemed to be sensitive regarding his horn on his head because he wildly tried, unsuccessfully, to rid himself of the Umbreon, who desperately kept his grip to survive.

At this rate, I'm going to die!!

Kyurex didn't let go, starting to feel a little dizzy.


* Crumble*

The Onix slightly hit the wall, eventually looking at the only opening he could find.

„Kyu!! Hold on!!" May shouted.

The Umbreon was experiencing a loss of concentration. His mind was desperately waiting for the moment everything would stop and he would have the chance to understand.

The Onix sped up, heading towards the top. As soon as he entered the tunnel, everything fell to darkness, and even Kyurex had trouble seeing anything.

„Damn!! How many times am I going to say this word today?"

The speed was incredible, and because fate is unpredictable, the speed was the scariest thing at the moment. Kyurex felt the air rush passed his ears. In such a short time he got to ride on an Onix and run from a Steelix, incredible.

The roar of the Onix could be felt through the solid body. Umbreon knew the creature was trying to get him off, but he wasn't going to give up either.

The rushing sound of rocks being trembled on stopped.

Kyurex felt Gravity.


* Crash *


Kyurex got slammed against something hard, and could feel himself roll unwillingly on the solid ground.

„Uh!!" he stopped, laying still. The ground was warm.

The next thing he could feel was some kind of ashes and dust mixture everywhere in the air, in is nose and eyes. He could hear some shouts and talking but wasn't yet concerned about it.

He slowly got up. Everything seemed hot again.

The whole sight was new. The terrain was rocky an smog was literally everywhere. It seemed so dark, even more than darkness itself and it was due to the reddish glow that was present once more. The sky wasn't visible, which was surprising at this height.

„Poor fella..." Kyurex shook his head, seeing that the Onix was not too far away, laying knocked out on the ground. It seemed that the snake creature didn't calculate the result of his leap, and even for a creature that digs earth like butter all the time, the crash with the ground was too much. The Umbreon was stunned and thankful that he didn't get injured too badly himself.

The hole from where they appeared still was surrounded by dust.

After all the rush thinking, he finally realized that he was surrounded by cries, shouts and everything similar. Sometimes he thought that he saw short flickering of distant flames and flying rocks.

„Who are you?"

Kyurex turned around, shocked by the sudden appearance. The stranger stood on all fours, looking like a living flame. The sheer glance made him feel uneasy. An Arcanine. This Pokemon was well a known one. Kyurex took his position. This was a rule, because stranger could be an enemy.

The Arcanine took her position too, looking serious.

„So you're one of them...good, I hope not as weak as the rest. I've been aching for a good fight the whole day."

Definitely a female.

Kyurex somehow knew that this wasn't somebody he wanted to fight regarding the terrain and his own state. His bruses were disturbing. And even so he didn't really think of fighting at all, he just wanted to secure himself.

„Them?" Kyurex asked. The female took a step forward.

„Don't act like a fool on me..."

„Faith! Hold on we're coming!!"

A Magmar jumped right next to the Arcanine, and a Monferno also appeared. Both were eager to attack, but Kyurex stayed put.

„Hold it! This one is different...leave him to me. You guys go on ahead."

The Magmar watched carefully but couldn't figure out much because Kyurex didn't like to express anything. The Monferno jumped to the Magmar.

„Come on!! We've got to help the others! Faith can't lose anyway..."

The Magmar gave both Kyurex and the Arcanine a last look.

„OK, but don't get reckless!"

The female nodded. Her two friends quickly disappeared in the smog.

Again distant battling could be heard, but again Kyurex wasn't concerned. His attention was on the female dog, and vica versa. The female seemed confident, patient and skilled, but then again, that was only judging by her look.

„You seem to be unusual...quiet and such. But don't think such deceiving tricks will get you a chance to dominate in battle. If you're not saying anything, then you really are an enemy."

Kyurex stayed silent, guessing there was no way out. He was curious about her skills anyway after hearing what the Monferno had said. The Umbreon smirked, forgetting his aching bruses. He ignorantly forgot about his concerns such as finding his teammates, letting the lust of curiosity take over.

„You seem like wanting to battle." The Arcanine focused. The two now stood five meters away from each other. „Then I won't hold back..."

There was a sudden rushing sound, and Kyurex only barely managed to move out the way. His opponent was behind him, making him turn around.

„Hmm...that's funny. It's rare that someone manages to dodge my quick attack." The Arcanine turned around to face the Umbreon.

Kyurex was amazed. He only managed to dodge because he himself utilized in speed.

Damn!! She's fast.

There was another sudden move.

„Never use the same move twice..." Kyurex said, being able to dodge more easily this time. HE was about to turn-


The Umbreon felt a sharp piercing pain in his neck, followed by a powerful wave of literal shock.


The female had bitten him into his neck, pulsing strong electricity through his body. Thunder Fang. Her grip got more and more intense. Kyurex experienced hell. He felt his whole body wanting to burst, let the energy flow through him with unpleasant force. The female gave it a last moment.


The Arcanine let go, instantly taking her distance. She looked down at the fallen Umbreon who still shook from the shock, thinking he was defeated.

Kyurex tried to move, but found it quite hard. He felt as if the electricity was still inside him, trying to break out. He tried, but couldn't.

The Arcanine didn't move, watching her twitching foe.

„You're paralyzed stranger, and that's a pity because you seemed much stronger then that. I can't let myself eliminate such a weak foe."

Kyurex smiled. It was the most evil smile he had ever had before. He remembered Mr.Blugsdorn...

The female was took by surprise.

„What's so funny?" she asked. The Umbreon slowly stood up, even through the poor response of his body. He chuckled.

„You seriously don't know anything about my species, right?" he asked, looking at the Arcanine. She didn't change her serious expression.

„Don't even try to- UGHH!!!" the female couldn't move. It was as if her strength just vanished. The Umbreon watched the Arcanine fall on her front knees, enduring some confusion.

„Synchronize. I can share my status." Kyurex was fond to have such an Ability, but it didn't seem to give him much of an upperhand since he wasn't all too well himself,

The female spat some fire, slowly getting up.

„Curse're not weak after all."

The Umbreon felt proud, but he realized that it wasn't actually his doing. He quickly thought of a plan to not let his opponent get another upperhand. The pain in his neck was disturbing, and his body still felt numb. The female also got up.

Kyurex opened his mouth, forcing himself to concentrate his energy into it.

The female noticed a dark mist gathering around the Umbreon. She struggled with her own attempt to build up focus.

Kyurex knew that it wasn't his best Shadow Ball, but it wasn't a bad one either. He released.

A flame embraced the dark power.


The Arcanine was struck backwards. It felt like getting burnt, but by something unpleasant and cold.

Kyurex was lucky that the females Flamethrower hadn't reached him. His Shadow Ball was luckily faster.

The Umbreons eyes widened, because the Arcanine didn't even think of giving up and her jaws again, charging up a large flame.


The flame flew with full power, there was no mercy for anything that got hit by it. The Umbreon leaped.


Kyurex speed up. Now it was easy to get out of the flames range, making the female prolong her move. But to the Umbreons surprise the rushing flame suddenly stopped.

„Huh?" he turned around-

* BAM!!!!! *

Kyurexs whole body slid pressed against the floor. It was painful as hell, and it was fast as hell. The Umbreon could feel his skin being scarred , even through the thick fur. The Umbreon had no way of understanding, or better said no time. He was pressed against the ground while still looking forward, not seeing what pressed him down even though it was obvious.

„And you should know my type better, there's nothing that can possibly be faster than Extreme Speed..."

Kyurex grunted. It was the first time he heard of the move, but it was remarkable. He was locked, and had small possibility to move.

The female pressed harder.

„You were an entertaining opponent. But still, you lost. You can't do anything."

The Umbreon looked around, thought but nothing gave him an idea. But he wasn't going to give up.

He looked at the ground. There was too much dust and ashes mixture to breath freely and his face being so close to the stuff.

Wait a moment...Am I forgetting one of my favorite moves?

„So, you're giving up, aren't you?" The Arcanine felt victorious, thinking her Extreme Speed had done serious damage.

„No..." a muffled voice, as if Kyurex was eating.

The Umbreon turned with all his power, spitting out all the dust he had stored in his mouth into the females face.


Well it was a weird Sand Attack, because usually it would be inflicted with paws, and not with the mouth. But it had done its job well. The Umbreon freed himself from the females grip.

The Arcanine desperately tried to clean her eyes with her paws. Kyurex occupied himself with spitting, trying to get the disgusting taste out of his mouth. He then returned his attention to his foe, noticing that he may have over done it. The fire Pokemon didn't seem to be able to get rid of dust so quickly.


Suddenly, a familiar looking dog ran from the place where the Arcanine and the others appeared. The Pokemon looked hyped up and happy. Blaze. Kyurex was kind of in the battle mood, but after realizing how important it was that his team mate was found, he nearly forgot about his opponent, who was still trying to see.

After followed another familiar face, the same Quilava from before. He seemed to be limping on one leg and by the look on his face, he seemed to be deeply concerned about something.

„Blaze? What? How the hell?"

„Weird story, but no time to tell-" Blaze noticed the Arcanine. He noticed her fading struggle, and looked surprised, not suspecting anything. Kyurex saw this, realizing that the two had probably met before already.

„Faith? Are you okay?" The Quilava stepped forward to look. Faith shook her head, expressing her will not to be cared about. The Arcanine seemed to be fine again.

„I'm fine Cage..." She sounded angry. "These your friends?" she asked, looking at Kyurex and Blaze. Kyurex felt a bit of guilt rise up in his throat for all that had happened. But he wasn't the one who started it, at least thats what he thought. Blaze had some suspicion rising up, looking at Kyurex and Faith repeatedly.

„Yeah, they kind of saved me." the Quilava said, smiling at Blaze. The Arcanine gave Kyurex one last glance and turned around, walking into the smog following the path the Magmar and his friend took.

„I'll be with the others..."

Faith suddenly rushed off into the smog, disappearing. Kyurex was curios, but also a bit disappointed with himself. Blaze wanted to say something.


„Blaze, you'll meet her again someday..."

The Quilava smiled, looking at the disappointed Houndoom. Blaze raised his head to face Kyurex, who was desperately longing for some answers. But before he could ask his own question, it was already answered.

„Kyu!! Blaze!! You're all right!!"

May halted after some running in front of the three. Kyurex was relieved that his team was 100% complete again. He noticed that May had done some impressive running.

„Next time Kyu...I ride, you walk. You okay?" she panted, unable to regain her regular breathing. She suddenly realized that Blaze and the familiar Quilava were also present.

„Hey sweetie, It was hard asking the driver, believe me. Yeah, fine." he lied. He wasn't fine, he was far from that. His body felt like paper.

„An what were you thinking by jumping on that creature anyway?" She had a point „Blaze, you fine?" she asked. „What happened to you back there, I was worri-"

„May, I'll tell you everythin later. Now we've got to help Cage guys, it's urgen-"

Blaze smiled.

„So you guys made up...hehe..."

„Alright Blaze tell us what's up. How did you get here?" The Umbreon didn't gave Blaze the chance to change the topic to his liking. That way they wouldn't achieve anything.

„Let me explain..." The Quilava interrupted the talk. Kyurex turned his attention towards the fire Pokemon, who seemed to also be a calm natured creature.

„We, fire types, the habitants of this place. We are at war with the rock types, who claim this to be their territory. Briefly said, you guys need to get out of here if you want to make it to the tournament."

That was quite brief, summoned up and direct. Kyurex kind of understood the rush in the message. The whole situation was probably something personal and not worth the involvement. Plus Kyurex didn't want to stay at such a hot place any longer anyway. Their goal was the tournament and he, though not showing it, felt heavily injured after the encounter with the mysterious Arcanine. He was literally useless now no matter who he should battle.

„We can help-"

„No Blaze..."

Kyurex gave it a thought, even though there was nothing to think about it. May sat next to the Umbreon.

„You sure we shouldn't help?" she asked.

„OK, how do we get out?" The Umbreon asked. He didn't want to meddle with the whole situation, he needed to worry about his own problems, even if it sounded egoistic. The Quilava seemed relieved.

„Luckily, we're on our territory. I can show you a way down this Mountain."



„Blaze, we can help after the tournament, okay?" Now it was Kyurex who stopped the Houndoom. The Umbreon wanted fresh air, he felt weak and the hot temperature was killing him. May also felt the same.


„Follow me then." The Quilava started walking through the smog. Kyurex followed, still hearing the distant battles and cries. Now he understood the reason of their existence. There was some kind of war going on.

May and Blaze also started to walk.

„I don't know who told you that Mount.Lessvin is a good path to reach the tournament, but thats pretty much not true. You should of took the path around. But anyways...this path here will take you directly to the next big village."

Cage explained. Kyurex wondered why he hadn't come up with the idea himself, to just walk around the Mountain.

The path that they had to take wasn't really visible because the smog was still present. But it sure was visible that it went downhill.

„Thanks..." Kyurex bowed to the Quilava. „We would of gladly helped, but we've got some issues ourselves."

„No problem." The Quilava bowed back. May also bowed.

„Man Cage, thanks for everything! And don't forget to tell Faith a goodbye from me..." Blaze sounded like he was talking to an old friend. Both of his team mates noticed that Blaze was able to make a good friend in such short time.

„Hehe...don't worry, I won't. Well it was nice meeting you guys, but I've got to go, I'm sorry for the rush!!"

The Quilava also disappeared. Kyurex had the unpleasant feeling of regret, like he should of still helped regardless of his personal issues.

„Blaze, what's up with your friend?" May asked.

„They've got one hell of a war up there, and he feels responsible. Whatever. I'm sure he'll handle it, Cage is one hell of a creature. Skilled as hell."

The Houndoom leaped down, startin dg to walk down the path that Cage had instructed them to use. May also leaped.

„Woah? You guys!! What's the hurry?"

„Hey May, did you two do it? Or did I leave you two alone for nothing?" Blaze asked May before Kyurex had the chance to join them. He made sure his friend didn't hear. The Mightyena blushed.

„Blaze you're so lucky that I'm in a good mood right now...."

„Ah, so you did do it...that's always good."


The Umbreon also leaped down the small cliff, feeling his paws sink into the layer of ash and dust. His body was still in poor shape, but he didn't want the others to know.

„Come on...aren't you willing to take me on a date at a better place?" May grinned, nudging the Umbreon. Blaze smirked. The team was back together again.

The Umbreon was too busy thinking. He was literally confused, thinking that his mind was playing tricks on him. Everything just didn't fit together, it all seemed to happen so fast.

„Anyway, I swear I hated this place. And somehow I've got the feeling we're going to be here again, soon enough. Damn it."

Kyurex really, really felt that way.

Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 20 - A trip down Memory Lane - A Special Bond

Ayo!! So, I already explained the most in chapter 19...but This chapter is special. Why? Because I'm somehow proud of it. I love the emotions play ^^ so this is going back to the roots, like it started with all the love thing, this chapter is a lot...

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 18 - A trip down Memory Lane

This isn't the promised chapter 18 ^^ that one is now 19. Its nearly finished, and its much longer than this one and I thought it would be cool to write something unusual again. The promised chapter is nearly finished, I swear ^^ so don't get mad....

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 17 - Me, Myself and I

So...Im postin yet again. Chapter 17? Yeep...get a peek into Kyurexs twisted mind y'all. :P Man....I'm really happy how this chapter came out, even though I sense some mistakes and stuff. Enjoy...and I guess you^ll get confused but...

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