Slayer or Layer 45

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#45 of Slayer or Layer

Lorkos continues his 'fun' with Mr. Smiles, and ends up getting a little more information than he expected out of him.

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Slayer or Layer 45

for Lorvianne

by Draconicon

Lorkos rode Mr. Smiles for some time, long enough that he started to forget a little of what he was so bothered about so long as he got the satisfaction that he needed down there. The feeling of a cock between his legs wasn't...horrible, though he would have to say that he still preferred how his body reacted to scaly dicks to how it reacted to a wolf one. More than that, he really, really wished that he had the time to just make a dildo or something, something that would allow him to orgasm without having to stick someone else down there. But he was stick with this for the day, so he worked with it and made the best of it.

As he rolled his hips forward and back, getting little mini-orgasms here and there, he could feel his juices running down the wolf's cock. There was something slippery to that, but there was something else, too. There was a tingle down there, something that made him feel like there was a bit of magic going on.

I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, he thought, biting back the grumbles that wanted to break free. Don't you dare make me scalier. This is hard enough to handle. Come on, I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.

Yet, the tingles continued to grow. He waited for something else, something new, like his pussy going from something vaguely right to something more cloacal like a feral lizard might have been. He waited for something else to change down there, making him even freakier.

And yet, it didn't. Instead, the tingles grew stronger...and the wolf under him grew more and more aroused.

"Ah....mmmph...fuck, you are so...mmph, so hot..."

Mr. Smiles started rolling his hips up to meet Lorkos's grinding, bouncing movements, starting to thrust into him, starting to take his time to have some fun. The fact that the mammal was enjoying it so much wasn't that strange, but the fact that he was starting to get that enthusiastic, that he was starting to sound...

No, there was no starting to. He did sound submissive, like some sort of kept male that was finally getting the chance to do its studding duties. He slowed down for a moment, hardly believing what he was hearing. Some part of him expected the wolf to grab him by the hips, to take control and start slamming into him, but that didn't happen. Instead, Mr. Smiles started moaning, whimpering, shifting his hips and trying to thrust up when Lorkos was keeping him pinned.

"Nnngh...come on...don't stop..."

"You need it that bad?" he asked the blindfolded wolf.

"Fuck...I never thought...mmmph...Never thought anything could feel this good..."

"You want me..."

"Yeah...fuck...keep moving, please!"


A slight smile started to creep down his muzzle, the scaled, cursed man realizing what he had been given. Maybe not intentionally, but the curse's mutation was now in his favor. He was starting to affect others, allowed to benefit as well as be punished. That was something that he could work with, and he looked forward to seeing just how far he could push this little benefit he had, now.

His hips started moving again, slowly pushing forward, pulling back, and pushing forward again. He rested his hands on the wolf's chest, running his fingers through the fur. Though the pleasure was still there, he was starting to feel it differently. It felt almost more like a tribute to him, pleasure offered up so that he could have his fun rather than just something that he was giving to the male. He started to feel almost like he had done with the dragon back at the other village, when he had been the one getting bred. He might be the one to carry the eggs, but that didn't mean that he was the weaker partner.

He started to pick up speed, slamming himself down every time rather than pushing slowly. His muscles started to relax, giving him the chance to start moving harder, faster, taking it good and deep on every bounce, making it pop against his womb just slightly. Not entirely, for the wolf wasn't that long, but close enough to give him a little bump every time that he bottomed out. He didn't know how long he could keep this up, but from the look on Mr. Smiles's face, he imagined that it wouldn't need to take forever.

"Mmm, you need it that bad?"

"Fuck...fuck, you're going to milk everything out of my balls..."

"I'm going to make you cum so soon?"


"I asked you a question."

"'re cheating..."

"Not at all. But if you want to cum, you'll give me something..."

"I have coin."

"Not that."

Not just that, at least. That would be useful, but he had other things that he needed, things that would benefit the entirety of the group rather than just him. Lorkos slowed down again, rolling his hips from side to side. The buried instincts of a dragoness were very good at keeping someone at the heights of their pleasure without distracting him too much. He was starting to get the picture that dragons had a very matriarchal society, something that allowed the females a great deal more power than the mammals did.

It was an interesting little tidbit. Once he found Ashin, he'd have to check to see if he was right...after he begged her to remove the curse.

Once he had come to a full stop, the wolf under him started whimpering again. Lorkos held himself right at the edge of popping off that cock, giving the implication that he might just leave it that way. His customer groaned, shaking his head.

"Anything...please...just more of that."

"Tell me, then. Tell me that you'll answer my questions."

"Nnngh...what are you, inquisitor or something?" the wolf asked with a nervous laugh.

"Not at all, just someone with questions."

"Nnngh...Just...just a bit more..."

"Not yet...but I'll give you something else."

He slid forward, and that cock finally popped out of him. As it did, however, Lorkos felt something different, something very much not-right compared to what he had felt when that cock had slid in. He slowed down, looking over his shoulder, and his eyes widened.

The tingling had been the curse affecting the wolf. Rather than a nice, stiff, tapered thing that was used to breed a bitch properly, the wolf's cock had started splitting at the tip, becoming the beginning of two cocks rather than a single one. It looked like it was right on the verge of continuing, and it probably would if he started sliding down on it.


Mr. Smiles sounded like an addict now, an addict to the power of a dragoness's pussy. There was something almost pleasurable in that idea, but at the same time, he knew that it was dangerous to start thinking those thoughts. They were meant to seduce him, to drag him down into that state where he liked being a dragoness. This was a curse, and it was running rampant. If they didn't do something about that soon, it would affect everyone.

Shaking his head, Lorkos pulled himself forward, slowly lowering his hips so that they were pressed against the blindfolded wolf's face. The feeling of hot breath down there was better than that cock had been, surprisingly, and he was shocked as he felt Mr. Smiles start licking him. The wolf hadn't seemed the type to start giving back to the people that he slept with, but the feeling of that tongue on his clit was nearly enough to make him cum right there. Whatever the dick wolf had lacked in terms of the cock department he had in spades in the oral one.

The tingling feeling returned, too, though. That meant that the licking was going to have some kind of effect on the wolf. Lorkos let him have two, three licks, then pulled back.

" are a...a tease..."

"I will give you what you want, when you give me what I want."

"Goddamn tease..."

"Or I could leave now."

There was a time when Mr. Smiles would have threatened him with violence if he had gone that far. This was not that time. This was not anywhere near that time. The wolf growled, wanting to assert himself as a male, but at the same time, the curse was slowly making him into more and more of a bitch, more of one who followed rather than one that led. It was a good thing and a safe thing for Lorkos, but the sight of it happening so easily was...disheartening, at the very best. It was something that told him that dragon magic could do so much to the world if the dragons had any less control, and it made him wonder if they ever would push that hard, that far, if they were truly threatened again.

They could take over the world with something like this. All they'd need to do is infect a few of us and...well, then we'd end up addicts in short order...

"What...what do you want?" Mr. Smiles asked, dragging him back to the moment.

"I want to know what's between here and the capital. I want to know what's between the capital and the mountain range behind it."


"Because you want pussy."


"All's fair in love and war."

"Please...just another taste..."

"Tell me, and you'll get a taste. Don't tell me, and I won't give you anything."


Mr. Smiles was obviously trying to hold something back, but his own addiction was driving him to the point of distraction and back again. He was straining against his own nature, his cock begging him to give in so he could get back to breeding someone, while his mind wanted him to hold something important back. All the more reason that Lorkos needed to hear it, then.

The cursed man pushed back, grinding his scaly pussy against that cock. It continued slowly splitting, tingling against his pussy all the while. He smiled, stroking a finger against the wolf's muzzle.

"You know what you need..."


"Just tell me..."

"Gryphon...gryphon patrols..."

"How many?"

"Two for...for every ten square miles..."

"And how many in each patrol?"


That meant that they'd upped their numbers since the last time he'd had to fight them. They were no longer satisfied with just three gryphons and three riders. They needed two more, and that might be more than he was capable of handling when one got right down to it. At least, with just the body of a dragon. He might need something else. More than ever, he was starting to consider asking Mastar to teach him magic. If nothing else, it would give him another option.

Gryphons between us and the mountain. That means that Ashin is probably trapped in the mountain, as well. It might even mean that the kingdom knows that she's there.

If they knew the precise location, though, that would have meant an attack already. The fact that they were holding back, however, meant that they were either waiting for reinforcements, or they didn't know her precise location, and they were blockading the mountains until they could pin it down and strike. Either option was a really, really bad one for him, because even if the gryphons were more focused on keeping things in than letting them out, they'd still be keeping an eye out for anyone like him.

But it did mean that the kingdom was putting more and more of its efforts on its air patrols and gryphons, which meant that the ground force was probably either falling behind or kept busy with something else. Or, perhaps, Mr. Smiles just didn't know about it. That was a possibility as well, and something that he would do well to remember, just in case it started turning on him.

He slowly pushed back, grinding on that shaft once more, before slowly sliding forward. Mr. Smiles moaned, whimpering, even going so far as to loll his tongue, begging for the chance to lick something. He would get that wish, Lorkos decided, even if it meant leaving a mark behind.

As soon as his pussy touched that tongue, it went back to work. He gasped as it slithered inside of him, dragging along his clit before digging deep into him. The blindfolded wolf still didn't know what was happening to him, more than likely, still didn't know that he was getting the chance to eat out a dragoness, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that he was getting what he wanted, and he was licking and lapping with abandon, dragging his tongue in and out of Lorkos's pussy, tasting and moaning and licking and sucking.

He gritted his teeth, holding back his own moans for as long as he could, and he had to lean on the wall to keep from falling over. That touch, that licking, was so good...

But there was still the curse.

He looked down, seeing soft scales that were slowly starting to take shape on the side of the wolf's muzzle. They weren't entirely visible unless you knew what you were looking for, but there was definitely something there. It would go unnoticed by most others, Lorkos was sure, unless Mr. Smiles pointed it out, or lingered with the light in the wrong angle for too long.

Marked by a dragoness...

He wondered just how much further this curse was going to change, and just how much more he'd spread that to other people. There was so much wrong with this, so much that he should have been horrified by, but Lorkos had been through so much now. He had lost so much of his old view, and all that mattered these days were himself and his daughter, with Mastar taking up a distant third place behind the rest of his children.

He would protect them, no matter the cost, no matter who he had to fight. That part of him, whether wolf or dragon, would never, ever change.

"Lick," he whispered, and Mr. Smiles kept up the licking, even as his cock finally split into a pair of hemi-penes. That, Lorkos was sure, was something the wolf would notice tomorrow morning.

The End

Summary: Lorkos continues his 'fun' with Mr. Smiles, and ends up getting a little more information than he expected out of him.

Tags: M/F, corruption, transformation, addiction, oral, vaginal, femdom, series, magic, fantasy, dragoness, wolf, scaly pussy,