Chapter 01 – Girl's Night Out

Story by Boomslang on SoFurry

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#2 of Hidden Passions

Something's been missing from her life for many years. When she realizes what it is, a journey of self-discovery begins. Learn how it started.

All characters depicted are 18 or older.

Chapter 01 - Girl's Night Out

My slut side emerged during a girl's night out. Me and my girlfriends went to a bar popular with local college students. There we were, ten years out of college ourselves, and still mingling with the younger folks as if we were still in college too. My girlfriends are all sorority sisters which means we share a bond that's more than friendship and just less than family.

This bar was one of our favorites because the young males that frequented it were gorgeous. We lusted after all of them. All of us except for Fran; she liked the young supple femmes.

Four unattached females draw quite a bit of attention from eligible partners. The apprising looks on the faces of the lone males and a few femmes got us excited. We commented on which of them made us want to abandon our marriage vows for a quick sexual liaison.

We had a pact: what we did on girl's nights out stayed between us without exception. Most of the things we did were minor, from kissing and getting felt up by an eligible male, or female in Fran's case, to flashing our tits and asses while driving. There was the occasional fling and one-night-stand that gave us gossip and topics of discussion afterward.

Despite our penchant for bars and other alcohol-fueled watering holes for our excursions, I'm not a big drinker. Three big draft beers are enough to loosen me up and lower the inhibition level. I get more friendly when I'm buzzed, which makes teasing young males more fun.

After reaching my beer limit, I switched over to diet soda. I wanted a clear head for driving when I left. The music was loud and had thumping beats that made your body vibrate. The music lured a lot of people to the dance floor, including us. We all found partners and I danced with a few hunky males until finding a coyote. He wasn't shy about letting me know that he was interested in more than dancing. He and I began to seek each other on the dance floor.

Each dance with him grew intimate by small amounts. With my girlfriends encouraging me between dances, I began responding to him the same way. The attention I got from this young canine male made me feel special in a way I'd not experienced in some time.

He asked me questions. They started out innocent but got more intimate as we met on the dance floor. It was all in fun, I assured myself as my responses revealed more about me. I tried asking him questions but he managed to steer me back to answering more of his. All I learned about him was that he was a student, was into mature females, and found me attractive.

The male interest had my heart and adrenaline pumping like a teenager before her first date. Maybe that's why I provided intimate details to him that I'd never shared with anyone before.

The lust in his eyes and innuendos made me get warm and wet between the legs. My scent mixed with the dozens of others that filled the air. The entire group was primed for an orgy of epic proportions. How one never started is beyond my understanding.

He placed his muzzle close to my ear. "Are you looking for a good fuck?"

My heart skipped a beat, both feet lost their dance rhythm, and my brain seized. The thumping music fell silent to me. Then my senses came crashing back and the first thought that came to me wasn't "No." Instead, I thought, "Yeah, l'd love to get a good fucking from this male." When my body re-synced with his movements, a smile lifted the corners of my mouth. "Maybe."

He grinned. "I'm looking forward to it."

The assumption in his expression and voice almost caused me to trip over both feet. The song ended and we left the dance floor.

Of course, my girlfriends egged me on when I told them that he said. The pact, remember? All of them had taken a lover or several and thought it high time I did the same.

"Why not?" Tammi asked me with a grin. "He's good-looking and dances pretty good. He should have some decent moves in bed, too."

"I can't stay out tonight. My husband is waiting."

"Have a quickie," Martina advised with a grin of her own. "You can do it in the car."

Fran nodded. "Or a cheap room. I know of a decent place nearby."

"Why am I not surprised?" Tammi said with a laugh. "But yeah, you could get a cheap room and fuck him there."

Martina chimed in with, "Or go back to his place."

I shrugged. "It's good to have options." The girls were persistent because out of the group, I was the single holdout on extramarital sex. That left doubts in their minds whether I could uphold the pact we'd made.

My drinking switched to water and soda while I sat out the next dance. The coyote had found another female but his gaze kept returning to me. Fran sidled up to a petite goat femme and they moved onto the dance floor. It didn't take long for them to begin kissing while their bodies moved together. I've never been into girls but those two looked hot together.

The alcohol had me still buzzed and feeling good so when the coyote male was alone, I sought him out for another dance. Perhaps the alcohol allowed me to enjoy the advances of the gorgeous canine or perhaps I had reached my sexual frustration limit. Either way, thoughts of him pleasuring me occupied my mind.

I'm partial to canines if you were wondering. Did I mention that he was gorgeous? This guy was everything I enjoyed about a male, too. Built like an athlete with broad shoulders, narrow hips, and an easygoing confident air of someone used to winning. Where my hands roamed, rippling muscles underneath his clothes were what I felt.

"I'm ready when you are," he told me.

I wanted to see what he was packing between the legs but this seduction game required I not show too much interest. "I might be too much for you to handle."

He smiled. "I doubt it. But it's going to be fun to find out if it's true."

That cocky assumption that we were going to hook up excited me. Heat flushed my cheeks, breasts, and belly. From the feel between my legs, I was sticky wet now.

I turned and his hands found my hips. As I gyrated my rump, he pulled it to his crotch. I leaned forward and twerked on him. Fuck it, you only live once, right? Besides, some of the femmes us were doing the same for their partners.

Alcohol, hormones, and sex drives were a potent combination.

As my ass ground on his crotch, I felt a hard lump form under my butt cheeks. His excitement increased my horniness. I added some vertical movements to see how excited I could get him.

The male still held my hips and pushed his firm cock bulge against my ass so he was liking my movements.

I caught sight of my girlfriends and they gave me thumbs-up approvals. Even Fran approved.

After the song, I slipped away from the coyote with a smile and laugh. Always leave them wanting more.

Melanie leaned in close. "He wants you!"

Tammi nodded. "I'd do him!"

"Hell, I would too," Fran said with a smile.

Their suggestions were no big surprise. Spending the night with him was out of the question; I had a husband and son waiting for me at home. A fast hookup was growing appealing to me.

After a few minutes rest and confab with the girls, I was back on the dance floor with my coyote nmale. His hands rested on my ass as he grinned and gazed into my eyes. I pushed my perky breasts into his chest and groped his butt too.

"Do I get the approval of your sisters?"

I nodded. "You could have any of them tonight."

"I'll start with you," he said with a toothy smile.

My heart was beating double time and not just from the exercise. I was in a near-constant state of arousal and heightened adrenaline levels.

"Lucky me."

He chuckled.

The alcohol effects were wearing off so I can't blame what I did on beer. No, what I did, I wanted to do.

I groped his bulge while he felt up my breasts and ass.

My hand dropped away from his package. A triumphant sense of accomplishment filled me and broadened my smile.

He pulled me close. One hand went to my ass and kept sliding toward the floor. When he slipped his fingers between my legs and lifted, my brain short-circuited and released the locks on any remaining inhibitions. His fingers stroked my crotch.

"It seems that you're ready for a male," he observed.

My head nodded.

He brought the hand to his muzzle and sniffed my scent. I smelled the tart tang of my own musk and sex. My crotch went molten at the delicious odor and his cock throbbed against my lower belly.

"Lovely," he murmured right before we kissed. Right off, it was a deep passionate kiss and I sucked on his tongue like it was candy. He me turned me and panting for him like a bitch in heat.

I didn't know it at the time, but my slut instincts had awakened.

Beer and soft drinks are temporary pleasures. After that dance, my bladder was signaling a capacity limit. I had the girls watch my purse as I headed toward the female bathroom. To my surprise, the coyote male followed.

I expected him to turn into the male's bathroom but instead, he followed me into the ladies' facility. The females there didn't bat an eye at the presence of a male in their space.

There was just one reason he was following me and fresh warmth coated the flesh of my crotch.

I was primed and ready.

"Why the fuck not?" I thought with anonymous bravado. I knew none of the femmes in the bathroom. My girlfriends weren't there to witness what we did next.

I grabbed the coyote's hand and pulled him into an empty stall at the end of the row. It was a tight fit with the both of us standing in there.

My heart raced while gazing into his smiling face. The full sensation in my bladder faded as I thought I'd get another kiss. Instead, he turned me in place with both hands on my shoulders. Then he pushed me toward the back wall. I had to spread my legs to straddle the toilet.

Now my heart was beating triple time and felt as if it were going to hammer its way out of my ribcage. This was it! My first sexual encounter outside of marriage!

The cool wall tiles seemed to ground me because my body felt light as if it was going to float to the ceiling. As my body trembled, I lifted my tail and flipped it aside on instinct and desire. Would he take the invitation?

Yes! His hands met my outer legs at mid-thigh and lifted. They slipped under my skirt. I almost told him to stop but I was so fucking horny by then that I my mouth remained closed.

I wanted him to touch me! And if he wanted to do something else, well, I wasn't going to stop that, either.

His fingers found my waistband and tugged at the lace panties I wore. I felt the material slide off my ass and peel from the hot flesh of my crotch and he pulled them down enough to expose my sex. The cool -conditioned air felt good on my hot pussy. The waistband, though, dug into my thighs. I tried to adjust my position, felt my foot slip, and heard tearing fabric. Scratch one pair of nice panties.

The male pushed his fingers into my moist cunt. I almost screamed in surprise but found myself moaning instead. I pushed my rump back and down to force his fingers deeper. His other hand reached under my chest and squeezed a clothed breast like ripe fruit.

My wetness and the movements of his hand made squelching noises which were swallowed by the music coming through the walls and the conversations other femmes in the bathroom. My moans were lost in the tumult as well.

From the way his fingers began moving without much friction, I knew that I was wetter than I'd ever been before. His fingers spread my flesh, widening, and stretching my vaginal opening. Then they relaxed and he hand-fucked me for a few moments before repeating the cycle.

What a sight that must have been. There I was, a married female, getting finger-fucked in a bar bathroom stall by a male I met that night! It was such a slut thing to do.

I can't lie. Each new experience with him increased my horniness. I wanted to push further into new sexual territory with this gorgeous male. Whatever made me accede to his advances was new to me.

His hand left my pussy feeling relaxed with a pleasant stretched sensation. When I heard him unzip, I turned my head to see what he was packing and got a surprise. My eyes must have been the size of saucers as I stared. The coyote had an erection dribbling pre-cum from the pointed tip. He was a third bigger than my husband by any measure! Even his balls! He noted my stare and grinned as he gripped the base of that big shaft.

I didn't think canines came in sizes much larger than my husband. I was so wrong about that.

I returned my gaze to the wall. When the tip of his cock met my wet lips, I realized why he'd prepared me with his hand. He pushed that long fat dick into my pussy like he owned it! All the way in without stopping! My insides with filled with cock! What an experience! My rump wiggled and pressed back but his growing knot prevented me from getting more of his dick inside.

The sensation of another male's cock in my pussy caused my body to tremble with excitement. I was a true slut, now.

"Oh fuck," I moaned as his member spread me wider than I'd ever experienced by a male. While he had prepared my opening, my insides were unaccustomed to the fullness he provided. My vaginal walls gripped him like a snug velvet sleeve.

With my hips now in his hands, the coyote fucked me. Not gentle but with enough power to let me know that he was in control. I didn't care because the pleasant stretch in my belly was worth it.

"God, you're huge!" I said to the wall.

He didn't reply. No doubt, he'd heard it from other females before me. His thrusts were forceful and deep. He pulled my rump toward his oncoming thrust to ensure he went as deep as his hard knot allowed.

By then, I had slipped into full slut mode.

I moaned and grunted as he took me. I shoved my ass back as he moved forward to get all his cock into me. My fingers slipped and scrabbled for purchase on the tiled wall as he moved my body with each thrust.

It was amazing how alive I felt! As if I'd been sleepwalking through life and just awakened to a glorious dawn.

My lover rammed his big dick into my wet snatch using a steady practiced rhythm. That monster soon made both my pussy and labia sore from the pounding of his knot as he slammed home on each thrust.

Picture me standing over a toilet, skirt over my ass, panties down, and both hands on the graffiti-covered wall getting fucked by a male I knew next to nothing about. Could I become any more of a slut than that?

Just to prove that I yes, my sluttiness could increase, my bladder broke through the sex to let my brain know that it was about to burst. I'd gone to the bathroom to relieve myself, remember?

"I need to pee," I said, thinking he'd stop for a moment.

The coyote's movements didn't slow and his hands stayed firm on my waist. He didn't care about my needs.

The fullness in my bladder and the hard fucking were too much to withstand.

A trickle started and once that began, it turned into a full-on flood as my body lost the ability to contain the fluid. The stream hit the front of my panties. Diffused by the material, I drenched the panties, the toilet, my thighs, and the floor. The coyote male didn't miss a beat. Pee flung off his balls as his knot slapped my labia.

He maintained a steady pussy-pounding rhythm like a trained athlete. The coyote's intention was clear to me; he wasn't going to stop until he came. That brought a smile to my muzzle. His thrusts made my confined tits bounce harder than my husband ever had.

Getting a deep, hard fucking from an anonymous male in a dirty bathroom stall while pissing myself was, and I'm not exaggerating here, the most gratifying sexual experience of my life! Is that sad or revelatory? I felt shame, excitement, lust, satisfaction, and confidence at the same time.

I peed for what seemed like minutes before my bladder emptied enough to stop the flow. Then the male reached under my belly and pressed the wet panties onto my clit. His fingers my clitoris with the coarse wet material while still fucking the living daylights out of me!

Yeah, it hurt, but I came about three seconds after he started masturbating me. It was a good kind of hurt when mixed with the pleasure of clitoral orgasm. I writhed in place as he kept stroking me to another climax.

And then another! A new personal record for me. His fingers kept moving while he fucked. My vagina clamped and released his shaft with each burst of excitement I felt. I lost count of my climaxes.

I said, "Oh fuck," over and over as I climaxed. My body bucked and jerked like a defective puppet.

He still didn't speak. There were no words about how good I felt, or turned him on, or how much he liked me; just grunts of a male taking a female for his pleasure. The lack of communication made the experience more exciting and nastier, at least to me.

I was his sex toy, nothing more. Fuck, why did that thought turn me on?

I wanted that horny stud to fill my slut belly with cum. And fill it, he did! The warmth when he ejaculated burned like fire inside me. With my husband, it was ejaculate and finish. With the coyote, it was ejaculate, thrust, ejaculate some more! He seemed as if he were pumping gallons of cum into my cunt.

When he finished and pulled his cock free, big globs of semen dripped from my sore pussy. He'd stretched me out and my parted flesh couldn't contain his seed. Some of the cum went in the toilet but most was caught in the material of my panties or began running down my thighs.

My legs and were rubbery as I gasped for breath. I trembled from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I risked falling to the pee-soaked floor or toilet if I moved.

The coyote didn't even fix my dress or panties when he was done. He zipped up and left me leaning against the wall with cum dripping from my abused pussy and the stall door open. I can't describe how trashy that made me feel! Anybody at the counter or passing the stall could see my spread and leaking slit while I leaned against the wall.

After a half minute to recover, I was steady enough to stand without wobbling. I tugged the wet, cum-filled panties onto my hips, spreading the males' cooled semen onto my swollen lips and felt soothed. I left the stall for the sinks. My reflection showed that appearance-wise, I wasn't too much of a mess. My hair was okay and my dress was dry. Some paper towels soaked up most of the pee from my legs. Some of the urine had run down into my shoes, and I didn't like the wet sensation from both feet.

When I returned to the bar and dance area, the coyote didn't even give me a second look. He was already on the prowl for another female. His indifference was the icing on my sex cake! He'd used me to get what he wanted and was looking for another conquest.

Why did that turn me on? Was it because I was just a huge slut or just his slut for the evening?

The answer didn't matter because I had other, more pressing, needs. I reeked of piss, semen, and sex. Quite a few noses wrinkled as I passed despite the crowd. I couldn't make a bigger statement if I'd yelled that I had been fucked in the bathroom while standing on the bar.

But you know what? I felt kind proud of what I'd done. God only knows why.

The girls demanded to know what happened but their noses told them more than I could. I smiled and excused myself saying I had to go home to clean up. They extracted a promise of details later and I agreed.

My head was clear as I slid into the driver's seat. After closing the door, I shoved a hand into my wet sticky panties. My pussy lips were sore, swollen, and coated with semen. The cum lubed my fingers and with practiced effort, I masturbated until I came -- which didn't take more than a minute. As a final act of slutdom, I sucked my fingers clean. The taste of decadence was satisfying.

Reality tried to intrude upon my thoughts as I drove home but I was still high on arousal. Something important had happened to me and over-analyzing it didn't interest me at the time. My husband was asleep when I got home. Girl's nights out tended to run late and he didn't wait up anymore.

I parked outside the garage. After wiping down the car from the stash in the glove box. I went to the laundry room to get rid of more evidence. There, I stripped off my clothes and put them in the washing machine. The black lace panties had a huge cum load in the crotch panel. More cum seemed to trickle between my swollen lips into the fur of both thighs. The panties joined the dress and bra in the machine. My shoes got rinsed out in the laundry sink and I set them outside just to be safe. Then I went to the guest bathroom to rid myself of the coyote male's scent and cum.

Despite having more orgasms in one night than I thought possible, the urge to climax was still within me. A benefit of being born female, I guess. To alleviate the horniness, the detachable showerhead directed a pulsing stream of water onto my clit. I moaned as the warm water and memories of the encounter in the bar gave me a final shuddering climax to end the night.

Some soft cotton panties and an oversized tee shirt that used to belong to my son grounded me in the moment. I gazed at my reflection in the mirror for several moments.

Memories of my experiences in the bar brought a smile to my muzzle. There was no regret for my actions. In fact, I had enjoyed every aspect of the evening and given the chance, would repeat them.

That's when I realized that I was a slut. The thorough use of my body to please a male excited me. Of course, he pleasured me as well but it was secondary to getting what he wanted. I shuddered and felt heat bloom in my lower belly as the thought aroused me again.

A few deep breaths and forcing my thoughts to a neutral subject brought the sudden arousal to a halt.

I grinned at my reflection. She grinned back. I knew what was missing in my life and how to remedy the situation. The knowledge broadened my grin into a tooth-baring smile.

"Yes, you are."