Claude's Daddy

Story by Claude Lion on SoFurry

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#11 of Claude cuntboy stories

An incest heavy story where Claude decides to have his daddy breed him

I am now Dr Claude Michael Kitman II, named after my paternal Grandfather. Dad says Grandpa would have shit himself if he knew Dad had named his Intersex son after him. Dad has always loved me and never treated me like a freak, although he frequently warns me that others would shun me as a freak for being a male Lion with a cunt. According to my Doctor, I am fertile, though being a virgin still at 27 I've not tested that theory.

Mom died having me, so I am my father's only son, much beloved by him. He raised me well, and I still live at home, not wanting to leave Dad all alone. Well alone with our Red Fox retainer, Edward, who raised me too. Explaining the things Dad couldn't, the care and maintenance of a vagina for instance. Though him being male I don't know how he knew but he did.

Edward loves me too. He wept at the ceremony when I became a Doctor. Dad tried to look stoic but I saw his tears too. My Daddy loves me so much.

But I am a healthy young Lion, we're known for having high sex drives. And enforced chastity wears me down finally. On top of that my first heat kicks in. My pussy really itches, and feels really needy. I need to be bred desperately. I come up with a rather perverted idea. A really life changing idea but I jump right into it.

I sneak down the hall to Dad's bedroom. I know Dad sleeps in the nude, so I quietly slip into his bed next to him. Dad's not asleep and he hugs me. Smelling my heat, his huge Lion cock pops out of his sheath and gets rock hard. Dad grins at me."I prayed that one day my boy would come to me like this." Dad says hotly. He leans over and rubs my cunt lips and strokes my clit with his paw thumb. "Claude, you're really wet, either you're in heat or you really want your old Dad" he says. "Both Daddy, I really want your kittens, out of me you'd make gorgeous Lions, Jim" I say hotly using his given name. Dad leans down and hotly licks and slurps at my in heat cunt. I grab his head and roar with my first orgasm caused by someone else. Dad looks up at me proudly, his wet muzzle grinning at me. "Claude, you are giving me your cherry, and have begged for my cubs" Dad says proudly. Seeing how well Dad is hung give me a momentary pause but I let it go ahead on.

Dad lines his massive barbed Lion cock up with my pussy lips and grins. "I'll try not to hurt my boy, but it is going to hurt some, there is no avoiding it, baby" Dad says gently. He shoves his hips forward, as his big cock's barbs rips my cherry to shreds. I roar in pain as I lose my virginity to my loving Dad. He hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry baby" he says gently kissing my forehead. I feel my lost cherry bleed a bit. Dad has stopped moving in me. He looks so concerned for me.

I put my arms around Dad's neck and push back on his cock until he's balls deep up me."Just as tight as your Mother was first time I fucked her" Dad growls as he starts to rut me hard. I whine and cum so hard on his dick I can't see for a minute. "You're clenching on me really tightly boy, you must really want my cubs" Dad says hoarsely. I beg Dad to breed me, and he fucks me even harder.

I roar as I feel a burning, cramping sensation above my uterus and know I've dropped a couple of eggs. Dad sniffs and grins. He knows too. He grips my neck and fucks me all out. I scream out his name as I cum again. "Get ready boy, here come my kittens" Dad roars as he floods my receptive womb with his pent up billions of Lion swimmers. Right or wrong I just took my Daddy's kittens and they'll be beautiful.

Dad lays panting on top of me, all sweaty and gorgeous, looking down on me with so much love in his eyes for his freshly bred son, soon to be carrying his kittens. I'm really happy now, the sperm that made me just made my Half Brothers that I'll carry.

We're both ecstatically happy laying together curled up. Dad doesn't have to tell me he loves me, as he just showed me how much he does. "Claude, I love you so much, and you must love me a lot too, to beg for my cubs like you did." Dad says kissing me. I feel blissful in my Daddy's strong arms, while conceiving his sons. I purr loudly and Dad laughs. "So much for me worrying that you'd regret me breeding you, baby." Dad says happily."I could never regret taking the cubs of the best and most beautiful Lion I've ever known." I say hotly as we kiss again. We kiss passionately. Definitely not a father son kiss, but a full tongue, sideways muzzles sort of lover's kiss.

I suddenly realize I do truly love my Lion sire as my mate, and I want to belong to him for as long as we both live. I'll give my Dad as many of his kittens as my body will bear. And I tell him so. Dad cries and hugs me. "Claude, I love you more than I did your mother, will you be my loving wife as long as I live?" Dad begs. Now I cry, all I can do is nod yes. We both cry and hug each other tightly.

I am sick in the morning, and run to the bathroom and puke for about 15 minutes. Dad comes in and gently rubs my back smiling deeply. He tells me he remembers when it was Mom throwing up when she conceived me. I know he misses her, as she died having me. So I never knew her. I get up and rinse out my mouth. Dad hugs me tightly and weeps. "I miss her, Claude, but she gave me you and that makes me really happy, the Lion I bred and raised wants his Daddy so much." Dad says calming down. I kiss him passionately."And that Lion really wanted your cubs and is proud that his Daddy bred him" I say hotly.

And kissing me back deeply Dad lays me on the bathroom floor and fucks me hard and fast. "Boy, you make me really horny, so prepare to get fucked a lot." Dad grunts speeding up in me. His barbs raking my cunt walls make cum so hard I can't respond. I can just pant and whine as my Dad ruts me hard. After 20 more minutes of fucking, Dad lifts his head and roars triumphantly as his hot Lion seed splashes against my already occupied womb. He looks down into my eyes, and there is so much love in his eyes, that are identical to mine. I'm struck suddenly how beautiful of a Lion my Dad is, and how much we look alike.

Dad grins at me and we get up off of the floor. Dad laughs as my cunt drools his cum onto the floor making a huge puddle. He laughs harder as my purring self leans down and licks it all up off of the clean floor.

Dad picks me up and carries me back to bed, and we continue to fuck for most of the day. At noon, we're interrupted by Edward bringing my things into Dad's, no now our bedroom.

In 3 weeks my belly is so swollen with Dad's cubs my patients notice that I'm pregnant. I just tell them that they are twin Lion cubs, and don't answer any follow up questions. Dad and I are ecstatic waiting to become parents.

By month 7 I'm huge bellied, and take paternity leave as I hire a substitute Dr to cover. Dad pampers me, but we still fuck frequently, though we have to do it on our sides now.

I am at week 36 and could drop our cubs anytime now. But it stretches on to week 39. Dad is fucking me all out when I go into labor, but typically Dad, he cums up me while we wait for the ambulance. But I can't hold them back and our sons come out of me in our bed, in less than 10 minutes after my labor started. Edward's cleaned them up and I am nursing them when the EMTs get here. My proud Daddy hold me and our beautiful cubs while they suckle from my chest. I name our first cub James Thomas Jr after Dad, and our 2nd Victor Thomas.

When our cubs are 3, Dad begs me to have more cubs, so I have my IUD taken out and we fuck our brains out and I am pregnant again within a week of breeding. Another set of twin Lion cubs.

We breed about every 3 years, twins every time until Dad feels he has enough sons. We have a pride of 10 male Lion cubs that look just like their sire, and are a very happy family. My Daddy loves me more than I ever dreamed I could be. And I'm always happy and well fucked.

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