Always Kennel Your Pets (6/7)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Serathin and Newlyn settle back in after the draconic sabrewolf got his award and his rubber dragon pet had a good time at Dragon Heaven, only to find that Newlyn had left an important piece of his equipment there. Fortunately there was someone that was more than willing to help out and drop it off, as well as make sure that the two are enjoying their new improvements.

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A few days after his time in Dragon Heaven the two had quickly gone back to their normal routine, which at that moment was the draconic sabrewolf typing away on his keyboard while Newlyn remained underneath the desk. With the makeover to their new rubber roost the dragon pet found himself in an even more comfortable state than before even with his arms bound behind his back and the draconic feet kneading against his body. On one of the crystalline shelves sat the award that had precipitated everything in the first place and as Newlyn continued to get massaged he hoped that his master would win another one so that he could experience being kenneled. For the moment however he was supremely content to remain pressed against the rubber-covered legs of the hybrid with his maw ready to suck on the half-hard cock that was only a few inches away from his nose.

Before that could happen though the doorbell rang that prompted Serathin to slide back in his chair and allow Newlyn to crawl out himself. After a few seconds of sliding the binders off the black and purple rubber dragon went out of the den and towards the door in order to see who it was. Since they hadn't ordered anything and weren't expecting any visitors it made him wonder if he should put something on in order to make himself a little more decent, but with the suit containing him for the moment he decided to remain relatively naked with his rubber as he got to the front door and opened it.

"Riven!" Newlyn exclaimed excitedly as he saw the familiar rubber dragon with deep black scales standing there on the porch. "I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon, would you like to come in? Master is writing at the moment but I'm sure if you need to speak with him I can get him down here for you."

"Actually I have something that belongs to you," Riven said as he took the satchel that hung against his side and opened it up to reveal a set of cuffs and collars. "No doubt you had forgotten in all the excitement that came with your new abode but when we realized you had left them I decided to make a special trip and drop them off. It also give me a chance to see what they've done with the place and talk with your master for a little longer."

Newlyn's eyes widened when he saw the cuffs and collar that were in the bag; Riven had been correct that he and Serathin had been far too preoccupied with all the changes that had happened to the house for him to notice that his personalized cuffs were missing, but now that it had been brought to his attention he felt almost naked without them. He immediately took them out of the bag and began to put them back onto his body as he started to give Riven a tour of the house that had been completely redone into a rubber dragon den. Eventually the two of them made their way towards the kitchen where the black and purple dragon asked if he wanted anything to eat since it was almost lunch time anyway.

Riven accepted the invitation and after about fifteen minutes the two rubber dragons had a plate of food in front of them, along with an extra that remained vacant until Serathin walked down the stairs and joined them. The three talked for a bit about how things were going at Dragon Heaven and delved a little bit into Newlyn's time there, Serathin remarking how they managed to forget the color that was now against the throat of Newlyn. "So I'm glad to hear that you got so much out of Dragon Heaven Newlyn," Riven said as he handed the plates back to the purple and rubber dragon. "It's almost a shame that your master had to forgo most of the experiences due to his award, though if he hadn't gotten that then you might have never joined us in the first place."

"I will admit that I did get a little envious of my pet when he checked in," Serathin said with a slight smirk. "Perhaps we will have to go ahead and book another session at some point."

"Perhaps you don't have to wait so long for that," Riven stated with a grin of his own, the other two looking at him in slight confusion. "You have quite a bit of equipment here and I don't have to get back to the Aviary until tonight, if you don't mind taking a break from whatever you're writing than perhaps we can have ourselves a little fun."

The proposition from the black rubber dragon clearly intrigued both of them and as they finished up their own plates they decided to agree. "I guess we should feel honored that we get to have the services of such a prominent member of Dragon Heaven give us a personal session," Serathin said as he finished up his own plate and set it aside. "What does this entail?"

"As Newlyn is already of aware of I tend to be a rather dominant personality when it comes to my role in Dragon Heaven," Riven explained as he stood up and put his hands against the rubber-covered shoulders of the draconic sabrewolf and dragon. "Now I know that you happen to be the king of the castle my sabertoothed friend, but for the purposes of the next few hours you two belong to me. Is that something you can handle?"

While Newlyn was more than ready to be the pet of the other rubber dragon he waited to see what his master would say about it. To his surprise the draconic sabrewolf readily agreed, although he continued to pat the head of the rubber dragon next to him it was clear their own dynamic wouldn't change. But for the time being as long as Riven was there and in charge they were both going to share the submissive role in their own roost. The black rubber dragon seemed to also be prepared for that moment and pulled another collar out of his bag and affixed it around the neck of the hybrid.

"Now that we have that squared away," Riven said with a grin as he ruffled the purple hair of the draconic sabrewolf. "But before we can properly do that I'm going to employ your pet here in order to get you properly acclimated to your new role. I'm guessing that you have a synthetization module?"

Serathin nodded and got up from the chair, Newlyn joining him as they made their way to a nearby door and down into the basement. After their initial experimentation the two hadn't spent much time down trying out things since the hybrid had a steady workload to get through after being away for so long. They still knew where everything was though, including the module that Riven talked about. To the untrained eye it looked like some sort of shadow stone basin or table that had a lip on it and a drainage tube. Hanging on the wall next to it was a number of canisters that all had different attachments to it that Riven looked at as he instructed Serathin to lie down on the table.

"You sure you're up for this?" Newlyn asked with a grin as he knelt against the table and looked down at Serathin. "I know you like to mix it up but this is going to get pretty subby.

"Eh, what's the point of being a switch if you can't enjoy the other side of things when the opportunity presents itself," Serathin replied with a smirk as he patted Newlyn on the head. "Plus don't think this changes things for a second, you're still my pet after all."

"There's actually enough room for two if you both want to get the same treatment," Riven stated with a grin as he began to activate the canisters. "I know that you're already used to being a clone of Serathin, so the idea of being identical isn't a foreign concept to you, and we can get things done in half the time if we share the experience."

"Well... what do you think?" Newlyn asked as he looked back down at his master. "Sound like something that you might be interested in?"

"Of course," Serathin replied with a smile. "Let's get this party started."

Before Newlyn could jump into the basin as well Riven quickly stopped him and said that while he was prepared for the next step he needed to help his master be the same, the black dragon's smile widening as he held up several sets of cuffs. It made Newlyn wonder if Riven always carried such things around with him but decided to not ask and instead started to secure the draconic sabrewolf down to the handles that were on top of the lip of the basin. As he did there was something fun about turning the tables on his master as he watched the hybrid squirmed while he tightened his arms and legs in the restraints to prevent him from wiggling around. He knew soon he would be in the same place though as he got the last one around the blue-scaled ankle of the other man and attached it to the last anchor.

Once Serathin was secured into place it was Newlyn's turn, hopping up into the basin himself and lying down on top of the restrained man. No sooner had he gotten inside then he felt Riven go over to him and take another set of leads and thread them through the rings of the cuffs that the purple and black dragon already had on him. Both rubber clad males suddenly found themselves with their bodies pressed together as Newlyn felt the restraints tighten and take his kneeling position into one that's lying down. The dragon pet let out a small huff as his limbs were rendered just as immobile as the one beneath him while Riven went over to a nearby storage locker.

"Mmmm, you two are certainly well-stocked," Riven commented as he looked through the cabinet that stored all the pieces of personal rubber gear, pulling out two dragon-headed gas masks with a hole in the middle for the mouth and two hoses that came off each side of the muzzle. "I think these will do just fine, and they're identical for an added bonus."

All Serathin and Newlyn could do was remain facing one another as Riven continued to make the set-up of the chamber. The two could feel their erections throbbing against one another as they waited to see what their impromptu master had in mind for them. Though Newlyn had an idea or two due to his stay at Dragon Heaven he could feel the hybrid beneath him shiver slightly in anticipation as Riven looked around and grabbed several more things from their storage. Since the two hadn't really explored too much of what their stock was they didn't even know what they had as the black rubber dragon eventually came back to the table with an armful of gear that he put on the nearby table out of site of the two.

The first thing that Newlyn felt as soon as Riven got back was something pushing inside of his tailhole; at first he thought it might have been Riven somehow mounting him but when he managed to turn his head to the side he saw that the dragon was standing next to him. As he started to squirm and rub his rubber body against the one beneath him the dragon pet could tell that it was some sort of dildo, or possibly a plug shaped like a dragon cock that was being inserted. More than once he bucked as he felt a ridge or bump slide against his insides and even gyrated his hips and felt his own cock jump as it bumped up against his prostate. That seemed to be the base of the dildo that had been grabbed and Riven quickly pushed some sort of tape or rubber sheet that kept it firmly hilted inside of him before he moved on.

After a few seconds of panting Newlyn started to feel the draconic sabrewolf start to huff and squirm and guessed that he was getting the same treatment, especially when his cock practically jumped between their rubber bodies before it was sandwiched between them. If they hadn't been completely hard before they were now, especially after it appeared Riven had finished with whatever preparations he had made and had gone up to where their heads are. All the two could do was turn to look at him as he held up the masks that he had hooked up to the cylinders on the wall. Newlyn watched the eyes of the draconic sabrewolf widen slightly before Riven took the mask and slid it over his head, the muzzle being adjusted as the lenses and mouth hole lined up and caused the sabreteeth and other defining features to disappear beneath the rubber.

Newlyn thought that it was his turn next but Riven wasn't done with the squirming sabrewolf yet, the rubber dragon looked up and watched as yet another rubber dragon dildo was shown. This one was a hollow gag and had another filter at the base of it as well as a suctioning lip on the end. With the lenses it was impossible to see but he imagined that his eyes widened in surprise as he heard a loud gurgle from the gag being slid inside. Riven took his free hand and helped tilt the hybrid's head back to ease it inside and the furry throat began to bulge as it disappeared into his mask. After about a minute the filter sealed into he mask Newlyn could see the throat muscles of the one beneath him squeezing against the gag before he felt a hand against his own mask.

It was Newlyn's turn to get the same treatment as he saw his master get, feeling his collar get tugged on while something slid into the rubber hole in front of his muzzle. With his training from the factory the rubber dragon was able to take the dildo gag in much easier, feeling his tongue instinctively lick around it as it was slid down into his own throat. Riven pushed the filter against the mask and sealed it up and instinctively Newlyn attempted to talk only to find it was impossible. Other then a brief hum there was no noises he could make in order to try and talk and he had the feeling that was what their master wanted as he breathed through his nose.

With both plugs in place Riven moved back over towards the cylinders and began to connect the hoses of the mask to the nozzles at the end of them. One was a larger tube that attached to the cock gags that had opened their throats while the smaller ones that adorned the muzzle of the gas mask were put to ones on the outside of the tanks. While Newlyn had no idea on what was about to be pumped into him he trusted Riven and knew whatever it was would be a lot of fun. From the way that Serathin squirmed underneath him it was clear the hybrid had the same idea as the nozzles were all opened at once.

The first thing that Newlyn felt after a few seconds was the pressure in the gas mask he wore shifting before something sweet began to waft into his nostrils. It was a hypnotic gas that Dragon Heaven used, something he was familiar with as he almost immediately began to feel his body begin to relax. As he felt his limbs start to go numb as they relaxed in their restraints the contents of the second canister were delivered to him, this in the form of a thick, syrupy liquid that was dumped straight down into his throat. As he heard a gurgle beneath him the restrained rubber dragon knew that Serathin was getting the same cocktail of chemicals and what he could only guess was liquid rubber as they both swallowed the liquid down.

"Now that we got your insides covered," Riven said as he held up a large sprayer wand that looked like it belonged to a car wash. "Time to take care of those outer skins of yours. Now this is mostly for Serathin's benefit but I think you'll enjoy it as well Newlyn, along with the modifications being made."

Newlyn just found himself nodding as a grin grew on his muzzle despite the gag that was secured in place, watching through the lens as Riven pressed a few more buttons on the last and largest tank of the bunch that the wand was connected too. It was hard for the rubber dragon to focus though as his vision began to spin, only to realize that something was being shown on the lenses that were right in front of his eyes. It was some sort of spiral pattern and since it was only semi-opaque he could still look down at the draconic sabrewolf as he watched. It was hard to see with the tint but he could notice that Serathin had the same swirling pattern that was being transmitted through their mask, though there were also words flashing that were hard to read while backwards.

But just as Newlyn was about to look over and see what Riven was doing he suddenly couldn't hear or see anything except for the subliminals that were being fed to him and Serathin as the black dragon got the sprayer ready. The two rubber dragon slaves had already started to squirm against one another due to the gas as the same transformative substance that was in the sprayer was being pumped into them. It wasn't the first time Riven had made rubber dragon drones and knew that inside those masks the two were being fed their new personalities as he began to spray them down with more of the shiny black substance. While for Newlyn it was just another layer on his already squeaky body it quickly bonded with and melted his fur into one solid rubbery mass.

The second the substance covered their bodies both Newlyn and Serathin writhed against one another as their bodies grew more sensitive, especially where their cocks rubbed together as the thick substance dripped off them. With their stomachs pressed together and the plugs stimulating their prostates while sealing their tailholes the liquid rubber that pooled inside of them was distributed to the rest of their body, causing them to ripple and transform. As the thick substance coated their face masks it briefly looked like the two creatures had become one, especially as their bodies became increasingly goopy. Both let out garbled noises as the rubber was sprayed thickly against their throbbing cocks before Riven reached in and pressed them against their bodies. Newlyn's entire being shivered in the grasp of the rubber dragon as he stroked the sensitive flesh while coating it over and over until finally it stuck to his abs like glue.

After a few more minutes of their bodies warping and morphing both inside and out Riven stopped the pump and let the last of the rubber drain out of the basin before he began to remove the butt plugs from the two creatures. Even though they writhed a bit both remained still as Newlyn felt the thing that had been keeping him on the edge for what seemed like hours was removed and liquid rubber poured out of him. The dildo gag had continued to flood his insides but now it poured out of him before finally Riven stopped and removed the gag from his maw as well. Without it in his throat he almost felt empty as the rest of the restraints quickly followed suit being dismantled until he was completely free.

Even when the last cuff had been taken off of his body he remained laying there until Riven told him to get up and when he did his movements were more fluid than ever before. His already augmented body had become completely flexible and while he wasn't sure what had happened to him in Raven's factory he could tell the process had made him completely rubber inside and out. Once he had gotten on his feet and moved over to the side he wanted to investigate his new body, but this new drone knew that he hadn't been told he couldn't do that. As his hearing and sight returned the only thing he could do was watch through the spiral-tinted lenses as Riven began the same process with Serathin.

With the lip of the basin being somewhat high it was hard for the drone to see as he waited for his former master to get up and out. Once more Riven removed the tubes and then the restraints, and when the black dragon finally helped him up Newlyn was so shocked at what he saw his jaw dropped even with his drone programming. The creature that was brought out of the tub was definitely not the draconic sabrewolf he was used to serving, in fact he looked a lot like a rubber dragon just like him as he was covered head to toe with shiny black latex that didn't have a single seam in it. The cuffs, collar, even the gas mask he wore had been so completely coated that everything was a uniform black while the material moved effortlessly with his toned body as Riven moved him to stand right next to Newlyn.

"Alright, looks like you two did really well for being mixed in the same batch," Riven stated as he fished two collar tags out of his pocket. "Normally I would just go with drone one and drone two for names but with the nature of your current looks I think that would be a bad idea. Instead we're just going to call you by your real names and then use the tags to make sure we get the right one."

The right one... Newlyn wasn't sure what their master meant until he was turned around in order to put the tag on and happened to see his reflection as well as Serathin's. It wasn't that they looked alike; with the heavy layer of rubber and the gas masks the two looked identical in nature, their features hidden underneath the thick material. Two identical drones... the thought prompted Newlyn to shiver slightly before his own mind told him this was the way it would be. The other thing that caused him to pause was that he once more had a smooth bulge between his legs, but unlike with Serathin this one had a large neon lock that was emblazoned on it.

Though Newlyn could suddenly feel the lust in his body rising from seeing himself like that in the mirror he found himself unable to do anything but stand there as the black rubber dragon put the identification tag on his neck. It was then that he realized the cuffs and collars he wore were part of his body now with no seam between them and his body as Riven went over to prepare Serathin next. "Alright drones," Riven said once he had finished. "You're being released from your programming, go ahead and look yourselves over."

The second Riven gave the order it was like a switch flipped in Newlyn's head and he could once more move and talk normally. As he moved his mouth though he still found it impossible to form words with the gags still inside, both he and Serathin finding it hard to make sentences as a trickle of liquid leaked out of their gas masks. Riven told the other two dragons that drones don't really talk and if they wanted to be good toys they'd use those mouths for something else. The prompt caused both of the black blank dragons to shudder before they took their master's advice and examined one another.

Just as Newlyn had thought the cuffs and collar along with the gas mask they wore had become part of their bodies, the two unable to find any way to remove them before they continued on with their exploration. When they looked at each other they found the filter that had been placed in front of their muzzles was able to be screwed off, and when they did the hole that led into their mouths was just as rubbery and stretchy as the rest of them. While Newlyn was used to having this kind of anatomy the gag keeping him from talking was an interesting touch, especially since it kept his throat muscles moving as Serathin began to play with his tailhole. As the squeezed and groped one another they found their bodies to be more on the pliable side, to the point where they could almost twist their bodies all the way around and look at one another even with one behind the other.

The other thing they quickly noticed was that instead of their cocks being exposed they were securely behind a bulge that had a purple lock that was outlined on it. They gave one another a squeeze and though they got some low-level arousal from the sensation it wasn't as sensitive as it was before. But as Newlyn reached around behind he found that even with the plug inside of his tailhole it was still open and stretchy as ever, the same with his mouth when he pushed the other set of fingers inside. They were well and truly rubber drones, playthings to anyone that happened to have their hands on their collar like the dragon who stepped in front of them.

"Front and center drones," Riven said, the two immediately perking up and looking at their new master. "I have to say you two look really hot like that, it would almost be a pity to have you all to myself. What do my drones say to having a little party at your new den to show your home, as well as the two of you, off in your new attire?"

Even without the drone programming that had seeped into the core of their personalities the two nodded eagerly, their gas masked faces expressionless as they could still see a light tint of swirling colors and lights in their lenses while they knelt down in front of their new master. With a mere look and a gesture of his hand the two identical rubber dragon drones made their way back up the stairs and into the main floor of their roost. As Newlyn looked around it was clear the gas masks weren't just for show as something appeared in his vision, a list of things to do to prepare for the other rubber dragons that were about to arrive. When he looked back he could see Riven smiling at them both before the rubber dragon was compelled to join the other drone in order to get the list completely done.

Always Kennel Your Pets (7/7)

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