Always Kennel Your Pets (7/7)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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Newlyn and Serathin continue to get the Dragon Heaven treatment while in their own homes and experience quite the spectacular grand finale.

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As day turned to night Newlyn and Serathin were no longer the only dragons inside of the house; along with Riven the midnight black dragon had also elected to invite a few of his friends over. Almost all of the rubber creatures Newlyn had seen at the club and had a hand in his own time being kenneled there; the red and blue dragon known as Shawn and his two friends Conrad, a purple Eastern dragon, and Mitch, a bronze Western dragon, were the first to arrive and then about half an hour later Pyre and Tundra joined in as well. "You just can't resist getting your claws into a new dragon," Pyre said as they walked into the door and saw the guests of honor, both rubber dragon drones serving the other three in the living room. "But you sure do know how to make yourselves some drones."

"That's not my only specialty Pyre," Riven said with a smile as he motioned for the other two to sit down. "But sometimes I do miss my time in the Aviary, and these two were more than happy to have a personal play session expand out into a party. There is plenty of fun to be had with the two in this place too, the only room that is considered off-limits by way of the owner is the study since that's where he works and doesn't want to have it be messed up."

"Fair enough," Pyre replied as he sat down next to Shawn and put a shiny arm around the other rubber dragon. "How long are they going to be this way?"

"Well... we never did discuss a time to be released," Riven said with a grin as he ran a hand down one of the dragon drone's back to cause him to shiver while holding a tray of drinks. "But honestly it will probably just be for the night. Dragon Heaven doesn't like it when I'm gone for too long with my personal projects but I feel like the others will be more than capable of running the pub and the dragon display area without me for one night."

"I'm sure they'll manage just fine," Pyre said with a chuckle before he looked at the one that was handing a glass to Shawn and narrowed his eyes at the name tag. "So let's see, you're... Serathin, the one who owned the dragon that we kenneled at the club. Are you enjoying your time being on the other side of things just like your pet we took care of?"

All Serathin could do was nod and when the two looked over at Riven he grinned and showed him his phone screen. "Oh hey, they got the masks with the app integration in it," Pyre said as he pulled out his phone as well. "I thought that was still being tested."

"It is in beta," Riven said, causing Pyre to frown slightly as he looked up from his screen. "However, I suppose I could give you the app so that we can do a little quality control testing with our two drones here. Give me your phone and I'll get it to where you need to go to download."

Pyre practically threw his phone at the rubber dragon and as Riven worked on it he suddenly found four more shoved into his hands as well. He just smirked at them and proceeded to download the drone control app while both Serathin and Newlyn stood there waiting for their next command. Despite being completely subservient and reliant on those that controlled them Newlyn was surprised at the amount of clarity his thoughts had. While he only saw himself as a rubber drone and anything else was blocked off as unnecessary thoughts he still had the sense of mind to know that he was being controlled and could revel in the pleasure that came with it along with his partner.

They were good rubber dragon drones.

Obedient rubber drones.

Rubber drones that were ready to serve hand and foot for their dragon masters.

Meanwhile Pyre had just finished getting the app downloaded and looked at the two rubber creatures with a grin on his face, and as Newlyn could feel something happening to his rubber body he suddenly let out a soft gasp as he began to change. It was something the drone wasn't expecting and the tingling seemed to be centered on his groin. As Newlyn looked down he could see the rubber retreat after the lock symbol disappeared and his cock began to emerge once more. Even being out it remained soft, though there were waves of pleasure going through his body as it began to lengthen past where it should have stopped.

As Newlyn looked up he saw that Pyre was pushing on something repeatedly on his phone screen and as he did his rubber member continued to grow longer until it was practically dangling past his knees. "I think I have some ideas for this," the black dragon with iridescent orange rubber said as he returned Newlyn to normal while looking at Riven. "We're going to need a little additional help though, I'm guessing they have rubber tanks somewhere?"

"There's one in the basement and one up in the guest bedroom," Riven stated. "Remember that you're going to have to repay them for anything you use, especially since that stuff can get rather expensive. Otherwise feel free to go to town, the app can show you what they're into, just don't hog them too much."

Pyre just nodded and motioned with is head for Tundra to follow him after pointing to the two drones, the white and blue rubber dragon grabbing the leashes that hung from their collars and moving them forward. They quickly followed and were led up to the second floor of the house where the study and master bedroom was, along with a guest room that Pyre walked into. Tundra quickly followed behind with the other two in tow and though they couldn't answer both were curious on what Pyre had in store for them. One thing they could guess was that their bodies were going to undergo a rather large transformation since the liquid rubber provided by Dragon Heaven was highly transformative in nature and was how they ended up as drones in the first place.

Once Tundra had closed the door behind them Pyre tugged on one of the many rubber straps that hung from the ceiling before adjusting them to where he wanted them. It wasn't long until Newlyn was called over to be the first one suspended from them, the dragon drone obediently moving to where he needed to be before the two creatures brought down the straps to attach. Even without the extra layer of rubber that completely coated his body the latex dragon would have been easily fastened to the hanging straps by the cuffs that were on his body from before. It only took about a minute before Newlyn was completely bound up, his arms pulled behind him and secured with a binder while his legs were left to hang while the two hoisted him into the air.

Even with his drone programming keeping him calm Newlyn could feel his stomach shift slightly when he was suddenly hovering off the ground, though the combination of his suit and the way the restraints worked left him just as comfortable as if he had been lying down as they called over Serathin next. With his body already done he was free to watch the two handler rubber dragons get the other drone into place. Using the cuffs that Newlyn had applied to him before they were both droned it didn't take much longer before the other latex creature was brought up into the air also, the blank, gas masked face staring at his own as they were once more adjusted. Neither had any idea of what was going to happen next as Pyre reached up and unscrewed the front filter from both of their muzzles while Tundra started to do something with the nearby tank.

Once they were both prepped Newlyn and Serathin found a new hose being attached to the dildo gag in their mouths, causing them to squirm slightly as the hollow tube was quickly filled once more. A hissing noise escaped from the filters that were on their muzzles that had replaced the tubes there as something quickly began to swell the gag before spurting down into their rubber throats. With their bodies facing each other they could once more see the phallic gags pushing out their shiny necks while also watching them swallow down whatever was being given to them. As the thick substance was being pumped into them Pyre whispered something to Tundra and the two of them began to play with the app, Newlyn once more feeling the tingle of his cock lengthening while he saw Serathin's emerge from his bulge.

If Newlyn's throat wasn't preoccupied he would have let out a loud groan as he suddenly felt his cock start to lift up, but not from getting hard. Even though the pleasure was becoming more intense by the second it remained soft but started to move of its own accord. It appeared his rubbery master had deemed it fitting to gift him with a prehensile cock, one that had continued to stretch towards the other dragon drone while Serathin's member did the same. Even though they were about a foot apart from each other their shiny, throbbing tools quickly closed the distance between one another.

It was clear where the aim was going and even if Newlyn wasn't droned and bound he would have found it hard to dissuade his tentacular rubber maleness from slithering between Serathin's legs. The cock of the other dragon drone did the same and soon the latex bodies of the two muscular creatures shifted and squirmed in their restraints as the tips seemed to seek out the exposed hole of the other male. By this point their stomachs had both started to swell slightly from the thick liquid that had been pumped inside of them and as they both became penetrated by the other Pyre gave Tundra a nod and the ice-themed rubber dragon pulled the pumps out of their masks. Both restrained drones let out a gurgle and had some of the shiny black liquid drip down as Pyre watched with an almost manic grin as their cocks slid inch by inch and disappeared into the body of the other.

"So that's what we're doing?" Tundra asked as he saw the first few inches of the drones push in, stretching out the other's tailhole and causing them to shudder in even more pleasure while being restrained. "Huge cocks and muscle growth?"

"Yes and no," Pyre replied as Newlyn's legs shook when several inches of Serathin's rubbery tentacle cock slid into him at once. "When I made Newlyn a knee-knocker cock I saw something else pop up that I've been interested in seeing. There've been a few people that do this at Dragon Heaven but they mostly keep it to their roosts, so I thought since we got two willing drones here I would see just how far I could augment their bodies."

Even though the words of the rubber dragon made him shiver in anticipation his eyes were locked on something that was happening to his own and Serathin's groin. At first he thought their bulge was going to reform around their groins, but as a surge of pleasure radiated from the spot he could see his stomach shrink slightly and the base of his cock stretch. The sound of chains rattling could be heard as the euphoria from whatever was happening to them would have caused them to squirm if they weren't restrained as the bulge grew bigger. It wasn't until it began to travel away from his body and down the length of his cock did he realize what Pyre had done to the two drones.

They were becoming egg-layers, their cocks turning to ovipositors as Newlyn saw a similar sized sphere drifting towards him. At the same time their shafts hadn't ceased in being stretched out and with the liquid in their stomachs draining and their backs arched due to the arm binders they could clearly see one another stretching out the other's abdomens with their cocks. It reminded Newlyn of his time where Serathin had become a feral, but unlike that time the other drone wasn't in control of how deep it went as he watched the thick cylindrical swell in his stomach start to push upwards. It was a penetration unlike anything he had experienced yet, especially with the outline of the other gag starting to buzz against his prostate on the command of the two dragons as well as that first egg heading towards his own and Serathin's tailholes.

By the time the tip began to wiggle around against his pectorals the egg inside the cock that stretched Newlyn out started to push up inside of him as well. With his training at the Factory he was able to take it in rather easily, the girth not even as big as some of the thickest tentacle she had to take there. As the sphere popped inside of him it did cause his rubber body to practically jump in his restraints, causing him to sway back and forth slightly while his own cock was about to deliver its first egg to Serathin. Though it was hard to see what was going on behind the mask there seemed to be enough of a link that connected their drone bodies that made him aware of the extreme pleasure that came from the protrusion of his cock stretching him.

Both dragon drones shuddered as the first of the eggs entered into their bodies, though as Newlyn watched his stomach start to stretch once more from the insertion he could see that there were at least six more that were sliding down his cock to enter into Serathin with probably three or four more yet to be formed. As he watched the stomach of the other drone expand once again he could also see the cock inside of him had continued to push upwards, the tentacle wiggling around inside of him before stretching upwards once more. Newlyn could feel every inch of Serathin's body clamped around it and knew that a similar thing was happening to his own, though with the angle of the restraints it was hard to see anything past the thick lump that protruded out from between his pectorals. As he began to feel something tickle against the gag that was in his throat Serathin began to wiggle as Newlyn felt and saw his cock push up into the rubber throat of the other male.

Newlyn's entire body spasmed as not only did he get another egg pushed inside of him at that time but also saw his member, which had to be nearly seven or eight feet long by this point and as thick as his forearm, start to push upwards into the mask of the other male. It seemed that Serathin was slightly ahead of him in being penetrated but he could feel the base of his own throat starting to stretch as the eggs inside of him were at his chest and stomach respectively. Even with his neck stiffening from the throbbing tool pushing up into it he could see Pyre and Tundra out of the corner of his eyes, watching through his lenses as they continued to push down on several of the buttons in the screens. Soon his attention was focused back on his own body as not only did it feel like the dildo gag was being pushed upwards but as the rubber tentacle cock reached his mouth it felt like it was sliding somewhere that was a bit unexpected...

It was Serathin who had the lips of his mask stretch first however as what looked like his tongue pushed out into the air, and from Newlyn felt as the cock inside his throat began to slide into his own that was partially true, before it stretched out even more. As the two dragons continued to mutate their bodies and cause them to wiggle in pleasure Newlyn his own masked face spread open from Serathin's cock pushing up through his body even more. "Now that is definitely something," Pyre said with a smirk as he watched the two rubber tentacle cocks flail in the air while the eggs within them began to swell the throats of the drones. "However I wouldn't want to have to put more rubber into them in order for them to keep having fun, so I think we just need to go a little bit further..."

Newlyn wasn't sure how much further Pyre could go considering both his and Serathin's cock had slithered all the way through the other drone's body, the outline clearly seen on their rubbery forms as the dragon went over towards them. He could feel one of the eggs starting to reach his head and deform his muzzle as nearly a foot of dragon drone cock merged with his tongue wiggled in the air, so he hadn't realized that he and Serathin's upper bodies were brought closer together until their necks were adjusted. The lensed eyes of the two males seemed to stare at one another as Pyre took the tips of the two tentacle cock-tongues and adjusted them so that the tips pressed against the already stretched mouth holes of the mask. As their bodies were rendered frozen by the app and their drone programming all Newlyn could do was watch as Serathin's cock began to push into Serathin's mouth while his was about to snake its way into his own.

There was still several inches of rubber shaft that didn't have the rubber eggs in them yet and it was enough for it to slide between Newlyn's mask and the tentacle already inside of it, his body vibrating even with the freeze command on as their cocks rubbed against one another. With a simple press of the app the two huge members seemed almost insistent on getting inside the other's maw and by the time Newlyn felt the egg in his own shaft start to push into his mask the tip had already started to slide back down his throat. With two cocks essentially inside him now both Newlyn and Serathin's head remained completely stiff, especially when eggs traveled up and down them in order to continue to travel through the shiny ovipositors. Once they had gotten embedded enough Pyre pushed them away a bit so the two black rubber appendages could be seen delivering the eggs to one another as Newlyn felt the first one finally finish its travels and end up right back where it started inside of his stomach.

Started... inside of his stomach...

As the orb left Newlyn's cock it caused an intense rush that was similar to an orgasm that went through his entire body, one that Serathin shared as he saw a similar object stretch out his chest and sink down to his gut, and as soon as it got there he could feel it start to move again. His draconic foot paws curled as the egg pushed its way back inside of his cock and began to travel down it once more, swelling the sensitive flesh as the same thing happened to the other drone. It was a constant feedback loop, and with each egg that passed between the two of them the arousal seemed to grow all the more intense through their rubber bodies. When the freeze command had been lifted the two practically writhed in their bondage as they continued to feed each other the eggs through the massive cocks that looped through their forms.

"Now that is something that I could watch for hours," Pyre said as he nudged Tundra in the stomach, the other dragon smirking and rolling his eyes. "So what do you think, leave them like that for a while and then come back for them later when the others want to have a turn with them?"

"There is actually something else I want to try first," Tundra said as he looked down at the screen and began to press a few buttons while the two drones continued to squirm. The icy-colored rubber dragon continued to make a few more adjustments, then told Pyre he was finished and that they could head back down to tell the others what they had created. Even in the thick fog of lust that Newlyn was under he wondered what the rubber dragon could possibly do to them that hasn't already been done.

As the rubber eggs continued to pass between the two of them Newlyn began to feel his entire body start to tingle, especially around where the two cocks were slithering inside of him. At first he wasn't sure what was going on but as he looked down at himself he could see that his muscles were starting to shrink. The rubber rippled around the thick members as his chest and abs tightened around the eggs inside of them. While Riven hadn't given either drone a uniquely muscular build they were both reasonably athletic, but that was starting to change as his stomach turned completely flat save before the tentacle cock and eggs inside of him.

As his limbs thinned slightly and his build became lither in nature Newlyn could see where all that muscle was going, watching Serathin twitch and groan as his body began to bulk up. It was no secret to the dragon drone that his former master had a muscle and monster fetish, both of which was happening to the squirming male as he continued to bulk up. Even with the two cocks inside of his throat Serathin's growls had started to deepen while his pectorals grew thicker and his limbs bulked up. Both drones were squirming more by that point as Newlyn felt something different happening to him, but not in the physical sense.

While Newlyn's body had become slimmer and the muscle was transferred to Serathin's body he realized that he was getting something from the other drone's mind. He hadn't even realized that it was possible but he felt himself getting smarter, more clear-headed. As the growls grew more insistent from the other drone he knew that it was coming from the increasingly bulky rubber dragon drone that was sitting opposite of him. Newlyn shifted his slimmer form as more thoughts and information filled his head while muscle filled Serathin's body.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and before Pyre and Tundra could do anything, their hands occupied with each other's cocks, Riven opened the door. "Hey, we were wondering if you guys are coming-" The black rubber dragon stopped his sentence short when he looked from the two writhing, transforming drones to the two handlers that sheepishly grinned back at him. "Oh for crying out loud... I liked the whole identical drone aspect you know."

"You can always shift them back later," Pyre said as Riven pulled out his own phone and pressed something on it, the endless cycle of orgasms that Newlyn and Serathin were experiencing ceasing as their rubber cocks quickly began to retract while the eggs inside of them dissolved. Even though their members were reverted back to normal the forms that had come from the transfer was still there, Newlyn sagging down in the restraints while the ones that held Serathin were practically straining against him. When the two were unshackled and brought down to the floor Newlyn found himself having to look up in order to stare into the eyes of his fellow drone counterpart.

"Drone is ready to serve you," Newlyn said quickly as he went to Riven and gave a small bow.

"Whoa, he can talk now," Pyre said as he finished with the last of the bindings for Serathin.

"I've augmented the rubber in my throat and used the tongue that was formed with the tentacle in order to mimic the ability to speak," Newlyn said. "Do you wish for me to remain silent?"

"Nah, that's fine," Riven replied with a smile as he looked at the two. "Let's bring them down to the rest of the party, I'm sure they're going to enjoy this."

Back down in the main level the three had started to play video games with one another, Shawn idly lying on the rubber couch while the other two had stood up in order to play. Riven had gone up to see how their handlers were fairing with the drones and they wondered if Newlyn and Serathin were going to be brought down, or if they should go up to join them. As the two playing games finished up a round they suddenly heard a growl, Mitch looking down as Conrad put his hands to his stomach. As they pondered looking in the kitchen for something to eat when they heard a much louder one behind them.

When the two turned around to the source of the noise they both dropped their controllers when they saw one of the dragon drones that had been serving them on top of Shawn, though this one was a much more muscular version as the thick cock was buried deep into the tailhole of the red and blue dragon. The reason Shawn was so quiet about it was because a latex tentacle had pushed its way out of the drone's gas mask and had shoved itself into the maw of the other rubber dragon. More growls escaped from the throat of the drone as they saw him sink the impressive cock into their friend who squirmed underneath. As the legs and arms of the red and blue dragon flailed around the beefy arms of the drone on top used both his hands and feet, which were like a second pair of huge mitts, to restrain him as they sank down on the couch.

"Your handlers thought that Shawn would enjoy being rutted by the feral beast my counterpart has become," Newlyn said as the other two spun around to see a smaller, toned dragon drone approach them. "For you two I think you would warrant from a more delicate touch, don't you think?"

Both Mitch and Conrad's cocks had gotten half-hard just from watching Shawn get pounded by the large dragon drone and couldn't nod fast enough, which prompted Newlyn to angle his body so that he bridged the gap between the two males. The rubber dragons were already rumbling as the dragon drone took his masked maw and began to slide it around Conrad's shiny purple dick while those flexible paws that Riven had given both his drones gripped around the tailbase of the other. With his augmented flexibility and the new paw hands he was able to climb up on Mitch and stretch his body so that he was able to keep himself up between the two of them.

Mitch eagerly took the rubbing of the groin of the black rubber dragon drone and pushed himself into the tailhole that was presented to him. The synthetic flesh slid easily within the equally rubberized hose, stretching him out as the rubber dragon mask pushed closer to the groin of the purple dragon. As Conrad's hips began to thrust forward he felt Newlyn wrap his arms around his thighs, the fingers sliding up towards his tailhole. Both rubber dragons took a step closer and arched the drone between them even more as they worked their cocks into him.

"This is a frisky one," Conrad said with a soft huff as he hooked his fingers under the armpits of the drone. "He's practically got his hand inside me."

"I'll raise you on that," Mitch replied, the bronze dragon grinning at the Eastern dragon's confusion before he turned to see the black rubber dragon had slid his tail up underneath the tail of the Western dragon. Mitch quickly pushed forward and tried to keep the rhythm of the one that was between the two as the dragon took them both. "Do you think that Riven will let us keep them?"

"That is not my decision to make," Riven said as everyone in the room turned to see the deep black dragon looked at them with a coy smirk. "The one that is wrapping his body around you two is the pet of the one that is currently piledriving your friend into the couch. Of course if you can convince Serathin to lend him to you then by all means, perhaps you can even get the two together."

"We can discuss all that later," Pyre said as he came down with Tundra after him. "I believe we were promised a party, after all..."

The next morning Newlyn found himself hanging upside down, the rubber dragon groaning as his senses came back to him. As he found himself drifting back and forth a few inches off of the ground the events of the previous night came back to him and despite his predicament hanging from his ankle he found himself smiling. When he curled up his head and saw the purple shine on his stomach he realized that the rubber which Riven had covered him with had completely dissolved away as he pulled the gas mask off of his head. He let out a gurgle as the dildo gag was pulled out of his mouth and let it fall down towards the floor.

"Now that is certainly a sight to see," Serathin said as twisted his head in order to see Serathin standing there in the doorframe. "If you had blood it'd probably be rushing completely to your head right now."

"Well I'm sure yours is going to a completely different place," Newlyn replied as he saw that Serathin was no longer rubbery himself. "You going to leave me hanging for the rest of the day master?"

"I suppose not," Serathin replied as he moved over and cradled Newlyn before undoing the last strap and getting him back down on his feet. "Alright, there you go, the end of quite the party."

"It certainly was," Newlyn replied while the two made their way out of the room and went into the kitchen. "So what is it going to be today master, more writing?"

"I figured after yesterday I might want to look into some of those fanciful rubber suits that they have," Serathin said as he motioned at the table. "Since you had a first-hand experience in Dragon Heaven perhaps you could tell me what's good around there. Of course we can do some stuff together, that was a lot of fun."

Newlyn looked down at the laptop that was open and saw that it was not only on the Dragon Heaven website but Raven's Factory as well. It appeared that Serathin was going on all-in on the rubber thing, not only from the renovations to the house but also with being a drone with him. Although he was always going to be the pet to his master he could see the two having a lot of fun together with all this... it was just a matter of where to go next. Luckily with the option for special delivery the two didn't have to go anywhere for their next step.

Always Kennel Your Pets (6/7)

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Taking A Personal Day

"Are you sure that I can be with you on this?" Chrono stated as they stood in the middle of the nexus portal, the rubber raptor fretting slightly as he looked around. "I know that we covered all the bases and left two generals in charge to take...

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Writing Your Own Narrative

It had been no surprise to anyone that after the fire that happened to one of the apartment complexes in the area turned out to be an electrical short that the surrounding buildings would be inspected, but it still didn't make it any less infuriating...

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