Searching for Taco Supreme

Story by ArmadilloZero on SoFurry

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#11 of Taco's Adventures

Part two of the sequel to Jaxx's adventures. It gets a little kinky. Be sure to let me know what you think in the comments.

**Two and a Half Weeks after Jaxx's return.**

Jaxx the anthro possum, age 10, looks at the map on his tablet computer. He finally decides this evening is the night he will sneak out to visit Rodney's house. Jaxx stuffs a pile of plushies under the covers of his bed. He leaves his possum plush's head sticking out in case his mother peeks in on him as she does occasionally.

The plan is executed perfectly as Jaxx waits for Tasha to take a shower. Spotty and Dash will be at work all evening. Jaxx quietly walks out the front door and tries to stay out of sight. With his natural possum night vision, Jaxx doesn't think much about how some people are afraid of the dark.

The walk makes Jaxx nervous but he reaches Rodney's house quickly. Jaxx looks at the nice house. It's the type of place he wishes he lived. A large tree to climb in the backyard with a pool. It's nothing like the mediocre house with bedrooms the size of walk in closets that he lives in.

Jaxx hears the sound of music and people talking in the backyard. Jaxx peeks through a knothole in the wooden privacy fence. He sees several anthros around the pool but doesn't see Supreme, Grug, or even Rodney.

The sliding glass back door opens and Grug ducks his head to walk out. Jaxx gets excited to see the scar covered polar bear again. Grug walks around collecting empty cans and bottles while being ignored. Jaxx eyes Grug's large body for a moment. It is completely normal that anthros wear nothing but a collar around their neck and bare fur. Jaxx wishes he would grow up to be that big and strong looking, but at the rate he is going, he will be lucky to reach five and a half foot tall when he grows up.

Jaxx opens the gate to let himself into the party. Weaving between the groups of drunken anthros, Jaxx makes his way to Grug.

Jaxx looks up at the massive polar bear and says, "Hello." Grug turns to look at the cub and asks, "Supreme?" Jaxx shakes his head and says, "No, I'm Jaxx." Grug drops the bag of trash and reaches down under each of Jaxx's arms to pick him up. Grug holds the possum up directly in front of his face to ask, "Jaxx, what are you doing here?" Jaxx looks down at his dangling possum feet and says, "I wanted to see if you know where Supreme is."

The thoughts swirl around in Grug's head as he remembers meeting the mysterious magical possum named Taco Supreme. Grug shakes his head and answers, "I haven't seen him since the day we got here." Jaxx dejectedly responds, "Oh." Jaxx looks like he's about to cry. Grug quickly pulls Jaxx into a hug and walks towards the gate. Grug consoles Jaxx by saying, "He's probably taking it easy and recovering. Those scratches on his arm were pretty bad."

A pure black horse spots Grug walking across the yard with the possum in tow. He quickly finishes his beer and follows after them.

Grug says, "I need to take you home." Jaxx squirms in Grug's arms and pleads, "No! Please don't tell my mom!" Grug stops outside the gate and says, "I won't tell on you, but you need to get home immediately." Jaxx pushes his luck and asks, "Can we talk a little first?" Grug sighs and says, "We can talk on the way." The mysterious black horse peeks over the wooden gate at them and watches.

Grabbing handfuls of Grug's thick white fur in his hands and feet, Jaxx climbs around and perches on the polar bear's back. Grug reaches back and supports Jaxx's little feet in his paws so the possum isn't yanking on his fur. Grug has grown comfortable after two and a half weeks of going naked and it barely even registers that Jaxx's balls are rubbing up against his back fur.

Grug says, "Kid, I barely know you. What do we have to talk about?" Jaxx answers, "Tell me about your spaceship!" Grug replies, "Okay, which way is your house?" Jaxx points over the bear's shoulder.

The gate opens and a horse steps out. Grug frowns as the horse says in a slightly drunken tone, "Bro, that's the cub that got kidnapped!" Grug answers, "Yeah." The horse eyeballs Jaxx for a moment and says, "What are you doing here little dude?" Jaxx shyly tucks his head down as the stranger talks to him like he knows him. Grug says, "If you'll excuse me, I need to take him home."

The horse steps a hoof down to block their path. The drunken tone and frat boy mannerisms completely disappear, "Excuse me if I don't believe you. That didn't exactly go well for Jaxx the last time."

Grug lets go of Jaxx to hold his claws up in a threatening manner and states, "I know how to defend myself. Nothing will stop me from delivering this cub home safely." The horse steps back and holds his palms up, "Hey, I'm not trying to fight you. I have his best interest in mind too." Grug replies, "Then we are in agreement that I will take him home?"

The horse turns away to look into the dark night's sky and pretends to scratch his neck. The horse palms a tiny listening device from his collar. Turning back, the horse says, "You better make it quick, people are awfully suspicious of people with cubs of a different species. By the way, your bow tie is crooked."

The horse quickly reaches up to adjust Grug's red collar and plants the listening device on him. Grug doesn't think much of how handsy the strange horse is, since that's pretty normal behaviour for the anthros he's met. Grug starts into the rhythm of walking down the sidewalk, through the quiet night. The horse watches them go and then pulls out an earbud that he clips into his ear.

Jaxx says, "Tell me about your spaceship." Grug tries to dumb down his explaination and begins with, "It's a pretty standard frigate-class starship. Looks like a giant hoop spinning around a cluster of engines. Gets almost all the way up to the speed of light and time goes slower." Jaxx nods and says, "Yes! That's why we were gone for so long."

Grug looks up at the stars in the sky and says, "It's not really that big of a deal since the stars are so close together where I'm from. A few real time months at near lightspeed will get you to several places in a few subjective weeks. I looked it up and the stars here are so far away on this planet. Several light years away."

Pausing at a street corner, Grug says, "That's the part that makes my brain hurt. I traveled an impossible distance across the galaxy in seconds because I fell into a magical bathtub." Jaxx says, "It was fun! I want to do it again." Grug says, "Maybe you will." Jaxx lays his head down on Grug's shoulder and says, "Tell me about the people on the ship."

Grug rambles on about the people Jaxx met on the spaceship. Jaxx listens with rapt attention. They reach an intersection and Grug crosses the road. Grug finds himself enjoying reminiscing about his former life on the ship. Grug says, "It's only been a few hours for them. They probably don't even know I am gone yet." Jaxx asks, "We could get Supreme to take us back to visit?" Grug chuckles and replies, "With all the trouble from your first disappearance, you want to do it again?" Jaxx realizes how terrible of an idea that would be.

Jaxx asks, "When we were on the ship, there was a show I watched on the TV about a dog that visits space stations. Is there any way you could maybe go back with Supreme and download all the episodes, so I could watch them at home?" Grug shrugs his shoulders and says, "Sorry kiddo, the tech here is incompatible."

Grug lets go of one of Jaxx's legs and holds up his wrist. Jaxx looks at the watchlike device around it. Grug says, "Maybe if I were smarter, I could program a way for this to connect with this place's technology. The best I can do with it right now is for it to tell me the atmosphere is breathable." Jaxx asks, "That's all it can do?" Grug says, "It can also take pictures, but what's the point if I can't send them to anything or analyze them?"

Grug taps a button on the tiny screen and quietly snaps a selfie of himself and Jaxx. Grug holds the tiny screen close to the possum. Jaxx squints at the impressively clear low light picture as the screen lights up his face.

The walk is quickly over as Jaxx sighs and says, "That's my house over there." Grug sets the possum down and says, "Here you go." Jaxx looks up at the tall polar bear and asks, "Can you come visit me sometime?" Grug answers, "I don't know, wouldn't it be considered kind of strange for an adult to visit a cub?"

Grug tries to think of a plausible reason for him to visit Jaxx. With sudden inspiration, Jaxx says, "You could be my self defense coach! Mom is always so worried I'll get kidnapped again." Grug raises his brow, impressed at how clever the young cub is, and agrees, "That could work. I'm sure I could teach you the basics of how to fight."

Jaxx says, "I could beat you in a fight just like Supreme did!" Grug says, "Anything is possible." Jaxx gives Grug another hug and says, "Okay come by tomorrow! You can give me my first lesson." Grug pats the possum hugging his belly.

Jaxx walks up to his house and slips in the front door. Grug has a warm feeling as he turns to walk home.

The mysterious black horse from earlier tries to make sense of everything Grug and Jaxx talked about. The magical portal in a pool of water corroborates with the suspected abilities of the extra dimensional creature named Supreme they mentioned.

If the magical portals are real, the horse knows that Grug wasn't just making up a spaceship story to entertain the cub. The time dilation of traveling on a spaceship is another strange detail that fills in the nine days Jaxx was gone without any physical signs that the possum had been held against his will for any length of time.

The horse is left wondering why Fang wasn't mentioned at all. The cub was adamant during interviews that the blue tiger was the sole one responsible for the kidnapping. The horse returns to a quieter corner of the backyard away from the anthros in and around the pool.

After spending time thinking things over, Detective Alan Pierce smiles as he adjusts the magical collar around his neck that is currently making him a very good looking horse. He could have been staking out Rodney's house, waiting for Taco Supreme or Fang to make an appearance, as his very recognizable German Shepherd self from across the street, but being part of the constant partying is so much more fun.

Alan turns to his co-worker Seth and says, "The pieces are starting to line up. Grug is a part of this, just like Fang and Supreme. I need to get a hold of that watch of his." Seth still feels nervous being a human twice the age of some of the anthros drinking and having a good time at the party. Seth looks up at Alan's horse face and says, "That feels illegal." Alan stomps his hoof and says, "We are dealing with magical creatures that consider themselves above the law. This collar I'm wearing should be proof enough that the conspirators we know about have already completely disappeared." Alan looks around suspiciously and adds, "They could even be disguised as someone at this party."

Seth looks up and down Alan's body and his eyes linger on the hefty horse balls. Seth says, "We still don't have any clue how it works." Alan sees Seth staring at his balls and says, "My eyes are up here." Seth looks up and says, "Sorry, it must be all the beers." Alan chuckles and says, "You've only had two."

Seth says, "I just can't get over how comfortable you are with those huge things swinging around for everyone to stare at. Back when I was young, anthros didn't go around wearing only their fur." Alan runs his hand over the hairless black skin on his balls and says with annoyance, "The times change. Only humans care about their bodies being seen." Seth spits back, "You say that, but I think it would be different if you weren't so well endowed."

Alan smiles his large horse teeth at Seth and says, "Anthros aren't ashamed to have small genitals." Looking around at the anthros around the pool, Alan spots a grey rat sipping beer and talking with a chipmunk and hamster. Alan calls out, "Hey you three vermin! Come over here." Seth is shocked and whispers, "That's a slur. You can't call them that!" Alan smirks and whispers back, "Maybe a human couldn't."

The rat is familiar to Alan. He is one of the witnesses he interviewed about the case. Seth looks up and down the three naked male rodent's bodies as they approach. The rat named Ted is pretty average with a boring uniform grey body fur pattern. The hamster is of the orange and white variety with a slightly pudgy body. The chipmunk has an average build with brown fur and the trademark black and white chipmunk stripes down his back.

All three rodents are pretty short at about five feet tall with the rat being the tallest among them at five and a half feet tall. Seth notices they have below average sized balls, unlike feral rodents that practically drag the ground when they scurry.

The hamster reaches them first and looks up at the seven foot tall horse to say, "Hey blackie, aren't you supposed to clip reflectors on your body at night? At first, I thought it was this human daring to talk to us like that." Alan snarks back, "I used to paint these balls safety orange, but the paint keeps rubbing off when I teabag a mouthy vermin's face." The rat and chipmunk laugh at Alan's verbal jab.

All three rodent's have beady bulging black eyes and Seth can't tell where they are looking as they size him up. Alan announces, "My human friend here thinks anthros are shy to show off their dicks if they aren't hung like me." The chipmunk grabs his sheath and says, "Smoothskin over there wants a show? I bet all three of us combined wouldn't equal that monster."

Alan smiles and says, "It's a bet. Seth, get 20 bucks ready to give to the smallest team. " Seth asks, "What? How is that a bet if I'm just paying to watch?" Alan grins and asks, "You want to see our cocks don't you?" Seth is eager to see what the rodent's look like outside their sheaths and pulls a twenty out of his wallet.

The rodent team set their beer bottles on a nearby table. Ted looks at his friends with a smile and then slides a finger into his sheath hole. He swirls it around a few times to stimulate himself and then slowly pulls it out. Ted's penis emerges from his sheath. Ted holds the dirty finger out and says, "Hey human, you want a sniff too?"

Seth's eyes shift between the rodents and then looks up at Alan. The big horse grins and says, "I won't go telling anyone you did it." Seth leans towards the offered finger. He takes a small sniff and then recoils in disgust. Seth starts gagging at the smell. The hamster and chipmunk snicker.

Alan bends forward to sniff it. Alan wrinkles his nose and says, "The dick cheese has spoiled." Ted sniffs his own finger and says, "Oops, I wasn't exactly expecting to get laid tonight. So I haven't given my bits a good washing in a while." The hamster says, "That's your own fault for being a herpy lover."

Seth's eyes light up at the mention that the rat is into reptiles. Alan elbows Seth and says, "Not very many reptiles in this town. That must be difficult." Ted shrugs and says, "I should just move to Florida. It's a reptile buffet down there." Ted imagines walking into a party full of reptiles of all species and having his pick. The idle fantasy arouses him.

Ted presses down on his sheath and his full four inches emerge. Seth eyes the thick but short cock covered with smegma. The hamster announces, "It's huge compared to mine." Everyone's eyes turn to the hamster's two and a half inch penis. The hamster waves it back and forth as he uses both hands to hold up his belly paunch.

The chipmunk already has his erection ready to go and says, "I like to think I'm above average for my species." The three and a half inch cock bobs in the air as he lets it go. Alan looks at the three cocks and says, "You don't even have to measure those things to see you won the bet."

With gentle care, Alan pulls at his sheath and the twelve inch horse cock drops out in a semi flaccid state. The rat is already pulling the $20 away as Seth stares at the shiny black horse cock reflecting the decorative lighting from the pool.

The hamster says, "Damn, look at that monster. It's so sad looking." Ted elbows Seth and says, "I doubt anyone but a human or another equine would be interested in it." The chipmunk and hamster both nod in agreement. Seth steps away from the rat and his implications. The chipmunk says, "It's fun to look at, but not practical in any way. Make it do that flare thing."

Alan's fist grips the medial ring and he squeezes it tight. Sliding his hand towards the tip, the trapped blood causes the tip to blossom. The rodents cover their eyes and look away. Ted says, "That's fucking gross." The hamster says, "My dick hurts now." The chipmunk chuckles and says, "Horses have disgusting peens."

Ted grabs his beer off the table and says, "Let's go before he starts trying to helicopter it around like they ALWAYS do." The hamster and chipmunk grab their beers and follow after. Alan pats Seth on the shoulder and says, "See? They pity me and my disgustingly oversized cock."

Seth watches the trio of rodents start arguing about how to split the twenty dollar bill three ways. Ted finally says, "I'm keeping all of it for gas money, since I'm always driving you two around."

Grug returns to the party and picks up his trash bag where he dropped it. Alan says, "There he is! Go distract him and I'll slip the watch off him." Seth doesn't know what to do, so he picks up a few empty bottles and makes his way towards Grug.

Seth catches Grug's eye and the bear holds the bag open. Seth drops the bottles in the bag with a clink. Seth looks at the frightening bear's face and says, "You look like you have a lot on your mind." Grug shrugs and says, "Probably." Seth gives a friendly smile and asks, "Want to talk about it?"

Grug looks around to make sure Rodney isn't around. Grug says, "I'm just curious. Why do only humans wear clothes?" Seth wonders that himself and says, "I dunno. That's just the way it has always been since 1985." Grug looks at the human's polo shirt and says, "I tried to go to the store to buy an outfit like that and they laughed at me. They said they don't sell clothes my size."

Seth says, "You might have to go to the big and tall store on the other side of town." Grug nods as he files that info away for later. Alan stands behind Grug and Seth is eager to continue the conversation.

Seth asks, "Why are you interested in clothes?" Grug answers, "I just don't like the way you humans look at my body when I go out." Seth asks, "Are you ashamed of your scars?" Grug holds his scar covered left arm out and says, "I wear them like a badge of honor. It's humans looking at my balls that bothers me." Seth's eyes glance down to the bear's very ordinary looking sheath and balls.

Alan seizes the opportunity and ducks under the arm to drape it over his shoulder. Alan puts on his drunk act and says, "Hey dude, you're back! Did your little buddy get home safe?" Grug looks at the black horse hugging against him and says, "Yes, of course."

Seth watches Alan experimentally feel around the band of the watch with one hand as he rubs his head against Grug's neck. Alan distracts Grug by saying, "You're a good dude despite how scary you look. If that cub trusts you, then you have to be a good person." Grug nods.

Alan slides his other arm lower on Grug's back to rest it on the bear's tail. Alan says with a smirk, "I bet you even say thank you after sex too." Grug tries to lift his arm from around Alan's shoulders but the big horse holds it in place.

Alan says, "Now hold on, I didn't mean it like that!" Grug stops struggling and asks, "How did you mean it?" Alan points towards Seth and says, "You know. Don't judge a book by it's cover and all that stuff? People see big guys like us and think we like rough scratching, biting, and fur pulling during intimate relations." Grug narrows his eyes as Alan continues, "This human looks pretty average and harmless, right?" Grug looks over the innocuous looking human.

Alan says, "He's a total pervert. He just paid three rodents $20 to show him their erections! That's probably why he was chatting you up." Alan laughs at Seth's reaction to being thrown under the bus. Seth quickly sputters, "No! I'm not like that. It was your idea."

The watch comes off Grug's wrist as he is distracted. Seth doesn't even notice, as he keeps trying to defend himself. Alan quickly stuffs the watch into a pocket on his collar. Grug looks down at his feet and asks, "I've been having trouble finding work. You think maybe, I could have the same deal for $20 too?" Seth doesn't say anything as he looks down at the polar bear's sheath and balls tucked away in the thick fur on his crotch. Grug looks back up at the human expectantly.

Seth is kind of curious so he pulls out a $20. Alan pulls away from hugging Grug and says, "See what a pervert he is?" Grug looks around to make sure no one is paying attention to them and then reaches down to his sheath. He rolls his fur covered sheath back to expose his flaccid black cock.

Grug reaches for the money. Alan says, "All you got is that limp black noodle?" Grug says, "C'mon, I showed him my penis." Alan takes the money and tucks it into a pocket on Grug's collar while swapping it for the listening device. Alan says, "If you think you've earned $20 for that. Then take it."

Seth notices the polar bear's watch is gone. Seth quickly says, "Thank you for the show. You probably have to get back to tidying up." Grug touches the money in his collar and then picks up his discarded trash bag.

Alan waits for Grug to turn away before waving his arms and pointing to the gate. Alan cooly walks towards the gate with the excited Seth.

Once outside the gate, Alan pulls out the watch and starts fiddling with it. Seth leans in close to look at it as well. Alan pulls the shorter human into a hug from behind so they both have a better angle. Seth nervously says, "Your sheath is poking me in the back." Alan rests his arms on Seth's shoulders and says, "Yeah, I know. That happens when you hug someone close. Why do you act so weird about it?" Seth stares at the screen as Alan fiddles with it.

Seth finally answers, "I don't know." Alan says, "You need to spend more time with anthros to get your awkwardness out of your system." Seth counters, "I spend time around anthros."

Alan states, "I doubt it. When I came over to your house to pick you up, I could see your human neighbors peeking out their curtains. They were ready to call the police when they saw a big black horse walking up to your door." Seth doesn't have anything to say in response to the obvious racial bias of his neighbors.

Alan says with a laugh, "All those shelves filled with animal knicknacks. Your place screams anthro lover." Seth is embarrassed that it is so obvious. Alan consoles, "I don't mind though. It's kind of charming."

Alan finds the picture of Jaxx and Grug. Alan pulls his phone off the back of the magical collar and holds it out to Seth. Alan says, "Help me out. Take pictures of all the pictures. There has to be clues in there somewhere." Zooming in and holding the phone camera at just the right angle, Seth snaps photos as they go through the album.

The album starts pretty dull with pictures of everyday things: A trip to the grocery store, photos of cars, a few selfies with various people. Seth raises his eyebrow at a very spicy photo of a kangaroo in a bikini.

Finally, the photos go back far enough to reach Grug's old life. Alan pauses to look at a photo of strange looking black dogs in colorful jumpsuits. Alan hears Grug ask someone if they have seen a watch laying around. Seth says, "He noticed it is gone!" Alan says, "Shit! We just got to the good stuff. He's gonna realize I'm the one who stole it if he doesn't find it in the grass in the next few minutes. Just keep snapping photos."

The photos of industrial looking rooms and hallways pass quickly. Alan keeps expecting a photo of Fang, Jaxx, or Supreme to confirm a link to the kidnapping. The screen pauses on a photo of a large bug like corpse inside a medical lab. Seth asks, "Is that real?" Alan looks over the fence towards Grug and says, "I don't know. Just keep going." Alan sees a nice shot of the supposed spaceship from a spaceport window.

The photos return to being much more mundane selfies of Grug with other polar bears. Some of the photos are of Grug showing off fresh cuts on his body. Other bleeding polar bears pose with him in photos. Alan's phone starts beeping that it's out of storage.

Alan hears the clink of Grug's bottle filled trash bag coming closer. Alan exclaims, "Shit! We're out of time and haven't found anything linking him." He presses the button to close the album and quickly tosses the watch over the gate towards a patch of grass beside the path.

Alan orders, "Get down on your knees and pretend you're blowing me." Seth protests, "What? No!" Alan grips his sheath and starts pumping as Grug walks towards the gate. Grug sees the black horse on the other side of the privacy fence and asks, "Have you seen my watch?" Grug pauses as he peeks over the fence to see the horse gripping his large cock in front of the human.

Grug asks, "Why did you two go out there to do that? What if a car drives by?" Alan says with a grin, "The danger makes it more thrilling." Seth nervously changes the subject and says, "If you are looking for something, try retracing your steps."

Grug is lost in thought as he remembers taking a picture with Jaxx and walking back. He remembers coming back through the gate and turns to look in the direction he walked after that. Grug sees a glint in the grass and spots his watch. He quickly grabs it in relief. Grug holds it up to the light and curiously inspects it for a reason it fell off. Grug fastens it to his wrist and shakes it a few times experimentally. Grug walks off to continue collecting trash from the party.

Alan's hands squeeze and pump his moist length harder and he moans, "Oh God!" The tip of his cock flares and a rope of horse cum shoots out. Seth is taken by surprise and the rope of jizz hits him right in his polo shirt. Seth tries to step back as the second rope covers his shorts. Alan is in a blissful world of his own as he sends more and more large spurts of cum to the ground.

Seth yells, "Damn it. Why the hell did you do that?" Alan basks in the glow of his orgasm and says, "I wasn't lying when I said what we were doing was dangerous and thrilling." Seth's hands hover over, unsure of how to clean off the jizz rapidly absorbing into his clothes. Seth looks around and says, "Get me a towel or something! I draw the line at wearing cum soaked clothes. Everyone will smell it on me."

Alan cooly says, "Then take them off." Seth says, "I can't just go naked like you!" Alan unbuckles the collar around his neck. His large horse body quickly shrinks and changes. His short fur lengthens and lightens in spots. The hooves turn into paws.

Pulling the collar completely off reveals a German Shepherd anthro the same size and height as Seth. Alan holds the collar out and says, "You can wear this." Seth's eyes widen in excitement. He quickly pulls off his shoes and socks, unbuckles his belt, and pulls his pants and underwear down past his butt. He grabs the collar and fastens it around his neck.

The middle aged human's skin turns green and divides into scales. A long snake tail sprouts from his butt and touches the ground. Seth is quickly transformed into an anaconda python anthro.

Seth stands up straight and lets his pants and underwear fall to the ground. He steps out of them and pulls the shirt over his head. He throws the shirt at Alan and says, "Finally you let me have a turn." Seth moves his nude body fluidly in appreciation that all the dull aches and pains in his body are gone.

Seth uses his snake tail to scoop up his shorts and hold them up. He pulls his phone out of the pocket and swaps it with Alan's on the collar's clip. Seth holds the items out to Alan and orders, "You can wait in the car like a good dog. I still have a party to enjoy."

Alan knows he can't show his true face around Rodney's party so he says, "Yeah yeah, go get your rocks off with the rat and call me if our suspects show up. I'll be going over the pictures and taking notes." Seth happily runs his scaled hands down his body and across his bare reptilian slit.

Seth quickly opens the gate and walks confidently back into the party. Alan haphazardly folds the clothes and gives the wet spot a sniff. He half expected the smell to change when he did, but it still smells like horse cum. Alan picks up the human's shoes and turns to walk toward his car parked down the street.

Alan holds the bundle under one arm as he flips through the pictures on his phone. He has a sinking feeling that by what the polar bear said to Jaxx, Grug is a mostly innocent third party that got tangled up in the kidnapping.

At the party, Seth looks around at the various anthros in a different way. He smells the air and feels like he's picking out the freshest fruit at a supermarket. With his good looking snake body, any one of them would probably fuck him.

Seth stalks up to behind the rat he talked to earlier. Remembering the way Alan starts conversations, he spouts out, "I love vermin! You are looking mighty tasty tonight." Ted the rat turns around to look at the snake and says, "A danger noodle! Where did you come from?"

Seth comes up with a silly answer and says, "You know us snakes. Just hiding up a tree, waiting for the right moment to pop out and crash the party." Ted laughs and seems extremely attracted to Seth. The conversation flows much easier for Seth in a body not constrained by the social chains of being a human. Seth introduces himself as Jake the Snake and learns Ted's full name is Theodore Templeton.

Ted tells him about how his friends temporarily ditched him to try to get lucky inside. Ted runs his hairless rat hand down Seth's waist and asks, "Are you also here looking for a good time?" Seth isn't surprised about how direct Ted is about sex. Seth answers, "Hell yeah." Ted grabs his exotic new friend's hand and leads him inside the house.

In the living room, Grug is down on all four in the center of a crowd of anthros. Two anthros are riding on his back. Al the american badger and Ted's orange hamster friend sits in reverse facing him.

Ted asks his chipmunk friend, "Hey Squeaker, what's Felix doing?" Squeaker answers, "Bucking Fucking. First one to cum or fall off loses." The hamster and badger fondle each other's bodies as Grug gives half hearted shakes. The duo's legs wrap tight around Grug's torso and they barely move.

Al's hand moves from Felix's cock to his nipples. He feels around in the belly fur and pinches each set as he moves up. Felix gives a grunt as Al finds his weakness. Al presses his advantage and spurs Grug hard with his ankles. Grug gives another hard shake and Felix slides sideways down the smooth fur into a pile of pillows on the floor.

Everyone laughs hysterically at the spectacle. Seth watches the strange party game. One of many that he read about online but didn't think anthros actually played at parties. Usually it is played with a horse or bull anthro but any anthro big enough works.

Squeaker walks over to take Felix's place as the new challenger. He awkwardly climbs on Grug's back to face Al. Squeaker's long chipmunk tail wraps around Grug's neck unconsciously. Grug reaches a hand up to pull it away.

Grug starts the next round. Squeaker's hand darts to find Al's nipples. Al smiles and says, "Do your worst." Squeaker pulls and twists the badger's nipple with barely any reaction. Al cups Squeakers balls with one hand and pinches the tip of the sheath with his other.

The polar bears movements cause Al to lean back and he slides forward towards Squeaker's crotch. Squeaker gets an idea and pulls Al's legs up under his arms.

Without Grug to wrap his legs around, Al wraps them around Squeaker. The Chipmunk smiles deviously and says, "Let go of me or I'm going in dry." Squeaker's blossoming erection perfectly lines up with Al's tailhole as they bounce around.

Al is having too much fun and reaches his hands around to spread his butt. The moist tip of the small chipmunk penis presses against the badger's sphincter. Al says, "I don't think you planned this out."

Al gyrates on the tip of the penis and it easily sinks in. Al looks up at the chipmunk and arches his back to stimulate the intruding member. Squeaker tries to come up with a new strategy and easily reaches his flexible neck down to engulf Al's engorged cock.

After having already gone through a round of teasing, Al is halfway to his orgasm. Squeaker bobs his head, curls his tongue, and thrust his cock into the badger's tailhole with synchronized precision.

The gathered anthros laugh and cheer at the sex act. Grug is barely moving as he catches his breath from bucking around. Ted's erection pokes from his sheath and he suddenly remembers how dirty it is. Ted says to Seth, "I just need to wash up and use the bathroom real quick. Don't go anywhere." The rat hurries off to the bathroom to give his genitals a wash in preparation.

Seth looks around at the semi erect cocks of the excited spectators. He crosses his hands in front of himself and discreetly rubs a finger against his slit in pleasure. Felix stands next to him watching the show and says, "I bet with that tail, you wouldn't have trouble hanging on."

Seth temporarily forgets how other people see him and replies, "I'm too old to do that." Felix laughs and says, "You're old? I can never tell with reptiles." Seth reconsiders and says, "Maybe not THAT old."

Rodney holds up a buttplug and says, "The bronco better keep bucking or I'm about to give him some extra large motivation." Rodney clicks on the buttplug and it starts loudly vibrating to emphasize his point. The drunken anthros are all roaring with laughter.

With a renewed effort, Grug starts arching his back and twisting. Al panics that the extreme movement is going to cause Squeaker to bite his dick off. He grabs Squeaker's ears and attempts to pry him loose from his cock.

Seth is impressed that they both are able to counterbalance themselves while having sex on a person's back. Grug's back is pretty wide and flat so it isn't too difficult to stay on. Squeaker mistakes Al's hands for a sign that he is close. The chipmunk rocks his hips and swirls his tongue around the tip of Al's cock.

The prostate stimulation and fear pushes Al over the edge. He grunts and says, "You win!" Grug stops his bucking and Squeaker releases the cock from his muzzle. Al reaches his hand to furiously stroke his saliva covered cock.

Jets of semen shoot into the air, covering Al's belly fur. Squeaker continues his thrusting into Al's tailhole. The satisfaction of winning combined with Al's clenching tailhole causes Squeaker to climax with a moan. The crowd erupts into applause as the pair finish their exhibition.

Ted makes his way around the room back to Seth. With his enhanced smelling, Seth detects the scent of soap radiating from Ted's genitals and tailhole. Ted puts his arm around Seth and asks, "You want try this game next with me?" Seth nervously looks around the crowded room and wonders if he could really perform an exhibition.

Squeaker lets go of Al's legs and Al sits up. Grug feels a sudden wetness soak into his fur and says, "Get off me! You are rubbing your cum filled tailhole on me." Al dismounts and says, "What's a little bit of jizz between friends?" Al helps Squeaker down and says, "I was afraid you were going to bite my dick." Squeaker shows his buck teeth in a smile and says, "Give me a little more credit than that."

Grug stands up and feels his back. He frowns and walks off. Ted says, "Wait, where is he going? We didn't get our turn!" Squeaker says, "Go find that black horse. He would be perfect for this game." Ted says, "I saw him leave with that old human."

Felix laughs and says, "That checks out. I bet the human is deepthroating a horse cock by now." Felix makes choking noises while miming a blowjob. Ted and Squeaker laugh. Seth frowns at the thought of Alan's horsecock choking him. Squeaker says, "I doubt Rodney would demean himself to be the new bronco."

Ted pulls his arm off of Seth's waist and asks, "Oh well. Want to just fool around the regular way?" Seth is excited and says, "Okay."

Felix grabs the tip of Seth's long snake tail and asks, "Room for one more?" Ted says, "No way. You ditched me to go play that game." Felix asks, "What? We were supposed to just hang out by the pool and not have any fun?" Squeaker dabs his cock with a towel and says, "Don't fight." Felix states, "I'm still horny." Squeaker leads Felix away and suggests, "I'll find you someone of your own."

Ted intertwines his tail with Seth's and says, "Okay Jake the Snake. Let's find somewhere quiet." The rat and snake walk by an open bathroom door and see Grug attempting to reach his back with a wet rag.

Ted opens a door to a guest room and sees a female donkey riding cowgirl on a male beagle. Ted watches for a few seconds longer than necessary as her butt slaps against the dog's crotch. Seth quickly pulls the door closed. Ted says, "If they didn't want anyone to peek they would lock the door." Ted tries the next door down and the bedroom is empty.

Seth smells the scent of sex in the air and can tell they aren't the first to use the room tonight. Ted walks into the room and flops on the bed. Seth closes and locks the door. Ted looks up at Seth and says, "The safe word is 'safe word', okay? Or just tap three times if your mouth is full." Seth wonders what the regular way of fooling around is, if a safeword is needed.

Ted is acting completely different as he asks, "I know this is weird, but I want you to vore my tail." Seth is shocked by the request. Ted sees Seth's shock and says, "C'mon Jake, I just cleaned it. I do it all the time with other reptiles. Just feed it down your throat. No big deal." Seth isn't into that and says, "Safeword."

Ted says, "Wait wait, we don't have to do that. I'll let you sink your fangs into me anywhere you want." Seth shakes his head at the thought of blood filling his mouth. Ted panics that the snake isn't agreeing to his kinks like all the others he's met. Ted asks, "You have a real strong tail? Choke me with it while I blow you."

That one isn't so bad to Seth. Ted doesn't see Seth turn that kink down and he scoots to the edge of the bed. Seth steps up to the rat in interest how this will go. Ted quickly takes off his collar and tosses it to the side.

Seth focuses on his extra appendage and slides it between his legs. The long snake tail coils around Ted's bare neck. The rat is excited and gets to work on Seth's slit.

Seth is surprised as Ted opens his muzzle wide and presses his whole mouth against the crotch. The rat tongue goes very deep and Seth reflexively squeezes his tail to pull the rat away. Ted is eager and grab's Seth's hips to fight against the force. Seth coils his tail tighter as the tongue works wonders. Seth holds his hands on the sides of Ted's head. He idly strokes both ears between three fingers on each hand.

The snake's moderately sized cock quickly springs from the slit and Ted pulls back to tenderly suckle on it. Seth relaxes a little as the blowjob becomes less intense. Ted finds Seth's tail tip to pull it in a signal that it needs to be tighter. Seth has a hard time focusing on the muscles in his tail as his pleasure rises.

Seth just does his best to hold his tail tight. Ted slides a finger into the bottom of the slit to find the anus. The surprise insertion causes Seth's grip to tighten. Ted grunts around the cock in his mouth and speeds up. Ted uses his free hand to stroke himself. Seth can see how talented the Rat is to be able to do three things at once.

The impending orgasm draws near. Seth says, "You're really good at this game. You want it down your throat?" Ted nods and pumps his head faster. Seth squeezes his tail in pleasure as his orgasm hits. Jets of semen fill Ted's mouth and have nowhere to go with his neck being squeezed. Ted's own orgasm hits and splatters of cum hit Seth in the legs.

The lack of oxygen and asphyxiation causes Ted to lose consciousness. Seth panics as the rat goes limp on him. Seth quickly unwraps his tail and Ted falls back on the bed. The impact causes Ted to start coughing out the mouthful of jizz. Seth feels guilty about doing such a dangerous sex act.

Seth spots a towel nearby and uses it to wipe the saliva off his crotch. He runs the towel down his legs to get off the rat jizz.

Ted looks down at the pathetic cum covered grey rat coughing on the bed and feels regret. Seth turns away and says, "Thanks for the blowjob. My friend is waiting for me. Goodbye." Ted is too busy coughing up jizz to stop Seth.

Seth quickly escapes the situation. He quickly walks down the hall and opens the front door. The anthros drinking on the front porch turn to look at the snake with a penis still hanging out of his slit and catcall him. Seth ignores them and weaves his way through.

The night air feels cold on his semi erect penis. Seth tries to poke it inside his body but fails. Seth spots Alan sitting in his car. The dog's muzzle is lit up by the phone screen. Alan hears the slap of Seth's feet approaching and sniffs the air. The aroma of rat and snake jizz cut through the air. Alan starts the car and asks, "Did you have a good time?"

Seth carefully slides his thick tail through the car seat's tail slot and sits down in the passenger seat. Alan looks over at Seth and asks, "Did something happen?" Seth says, "Just take me home." Alan shrugs and pulls the car out onto the road.

Alan changes the subject and says, "Interesting shit in those pictures, but absolutely nothing related to the case." Seth fiddles with his penis as it finally finishes retracting into his slit. Alan glances over and says, "It's pretty wild that the Polar Bear is from another planet." Seth stares out the window lost in thought. Alan thinks out loud, "Magical creatures and aliens. I'm gonna get a promotion when we crack this conspiracy." Alan continues to drive and pulls into the driveway of Seth's quiet suburban house.

The german shepherd points to the passenger side floorboard at a plastic evidence bag filled with Alan's stuff. Alan asks, "You gonna take the collar off now? Or should I come inside?" Seth smirks at Alan's attempt at a joke.

They both exit the car and quickly go inside before anyone sees them. Seth pulls his stuff out of the pockets of his dirty clothes and puts them in a bowl by the door. Seth reaches for the magical collar around his neck but Alan puts a paw on his hand to stop him. Alan says, "Leave it on. Consider it a reward for keeping your cool and helping get the evidence." Seth appreciates the gesture.

Alan scratches his balls and says, "Anyway, it's pretty late. I already have everything I need for work in my car and your bed is big enough for the two of us." The way Alan says that, makes Seth think it's a foregone conclusion. Seth answers, "Okay"

Seth ponders that anthros have different customs about sleeping. Alan is also unconsciously pushing anthro norms on Seth when he's a snake. It's normal for groups of adult anthros to share one large bed for convenience. Seth walks into the bathroom and wets a washcloth to wash the dried cum off his leg scales.

Alan easily makes himself at home. He walks into the bathroom and pulls his sheath back to piss in the toilet. Seth looks away from the german shepherd's red dick before Alan catches him staring.

Seth puts his leg on the counter and bends in ways he hasn't been able to since he was a teenager. He leisurely runs the cloth over his scales and laments his creaky old human body. Seth looks away from his green snake body in shame as he scrubs the cloth over his slit. Seth doesn't want to be reminded of the stupid thing he did with that rat.

Seth opens his bedroom door and looks at his full sized bed. He's been sleeping alone in it for decades and had given up at this point in his life. Seth has had more sex in the week since he discovered the magical collar than he has since he moved into this house several years ago.

Alan pulls off his cheery red collar and sets it on the nightstand. Seth carefully unhooks the small pockets and cell phone clipped on the magical collar. It doesn't feel uncomfortable to have the basic band of leather around his snake neck.

Alan lays on top of the comforter and stretches his body wide. He yawns and shows off his teeth. Seth looks down at the dog taking up his entire bed. Seth sits down in the small space left and Alan pulls him close. The warm fur is comforting against his coldblooded body as Seth lays his head on Alan's shoulder.

Seth says, "Goodnight, Alan." Alan hugs Seth to him and replies, "Goodnight." Seth lays awake for a long time listening to the sound of Alan's breathing that eventually turns into a quiet dog snoring.

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