The Expedition. Final Chapter (Story Commision) (3).edited

Story by IsaacKonos on SoFurry

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"Finally the conclusion! The two newly graduated archeologists Isaac and Kumiko settle their situation in the Malakir temple, both read to accept their new lives. In ancient culture, Malaki was designed to be the god of size. Now, Isaac finds himself at the mercy of his unaware, mega-sized collogue and forced to fight for survival."

The so awaited final chapter of the macro-micro story "The Expedition". So many of you asked me about the final chapter and here it goes, I hope it is up to your expectations.

Google drive link Chapter one hereChapter two here

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The Expedition.

Final Chapter.

(Story Commission)

After fainting one more time out of tiredness, the tiny speck of Siamese Cat opened up his eyes only to find himself still stuck in the depths of the black sock of the godly Tiger. However, the puny Feline quickly found the piece of cloth to be empty.


Isaac shouted, looking around, trying to spot the anthro bovine who helped him out.

"Estevan? Where are you?"

Unfortunately, the Bovine boy was nowhere to be seen, and Isaac found himself alone inside the empty piece of cloth that belonged to the godly Tiger boy.

"Kabir? Kumioki? Some one?"

No matter how much the puny Siamese Cat shout, Isaac seemed to be all alone and on his own. Navigation through the extensive fabric of that long sock wouldn't be easy. But the puny Feline didn't have any other choice. At least, Isaac could see some light beans in the far end of the sock, indicating the exit was in that direction.

The small Feline didn't waste any time and began to walk towards the light. It took Isaac a good half an hour walking through the damp folds of sock fabric. Each fold could be as tall as a building sometimes. Finally, Isaac got close to the exit of the long tunnel in the form of a sock. The closer he got to the exit, the more fresh air he was able to breathe, and that was definitely a plus. But, the situation was just about to change as the ground just below Isaac's tiny bare paw began to shake.

First, it felt like soft, subtle tremors. But it quickly escalated, turning it louder and stronger quakes. The booming sound coming from the outside indicate that someone was approaching, someone huge. Afraid it might be the owner of the sock, Isaac ran towards the open exit while it was still unobstructed, but as the puny Feline was about to step outside, a massive, earth-shattering earthquake sent Isaac flying for a minute before he landed back on the ground, face first.

Surprisingly the landing didn't hurt, and the ground wasn't rock hard. In fact, the ground was quite soft and comfortable to lay on. Giving the abundant light source lighting up the perimeter, Isaac could easily assume he wasn't stuck inside the giant's Tiger discarded piece of sock anymore. However, the tiny Feline didn't have any idea where exactly he was now. The puny kitty slowly stood up back to his feet and began to analyze his new surroundings, and much to his surprise, a foot was the first thing he saw.

Resting by his left side, Isaac took a moment to admire the sheer vastness and proportions of that foot's paw. A paw which he was very acquainted with. Isaac was staring at the sole of Kabir's right paw. The same paw that the toes almost crushed him some days ago and the same paw that he spent the last days surviving around.

Staring at the sole of the Tiger's gargantuan paw from the heel to the top made Isaac feel grateful he never found himself on the ground and underneath the shadow of that monolithic paw. Being less than ant if compared to the owner of said paw really made Isaac believe he was in the presence of a real god, even if only for a moment. Turning his gaze north and away from the immense paw, the tiny Siamese Cat found himself staring at the massive, deep valley formed by the space between Kabir's thighs.

At that moment, the whole situation started to make more sense. The ground beneath Isaac was so comfortable only because it was actually a mattress! The puny Cat was standing on the bed of a god! And standing right between his two feet, having a privileged view of his spread legs ad the colossus anthropomorphic Tiger was distracted staring at some sort of device on his hands.

Isaac wouldn't have been able to distinguish between staring up at the Tiger from the ground or staring at his upper body from the bottom of his bed like he was doing just now. Which one of the two options would have been more scary and able to make him feel more like a tiny, pathetical being. The body of that fellow Feline was just so large, extensive vast that its mere presence made Isaac feel like he needs it! He needed to stay on Kabir, not only for transportation and protection but also to survive! Not to mention, this was the first time Isaac was staring at one of those mega-macros from the bottom up. Even when he saw his friend, the Bobcat wasn't standing but sitting or kneeling on the ground.

But Isaac immediately shook it off his head. The Siamese cat had a mission. He needed to get that towering, godly Tiger's attention. He wanted to ask Kabir about his friend, Kumioki.


Being kilometers away from the ears of that resting god could only result in absolut no reaction out of the titanic Tiger. But it wasn't in vain, as the puny Cat heard an equally puny voice coming from above.


The Siamese cat was surprised. He didn't expect to be heard by someone else, nor was it a familiar voice.



Isaac shouted up loud, looking around but failing to locate the fellow anthro micro.


The tiny Cat did just like told, looking upwards but seeing nothing new. However, after paying more attention, Isaac noticed something moving right on top of the tip of the gigantic toe of that looming paw.

"Wait a minute?... Estevan!? Is that you?! ESTEVAN!!!"


Isaac was surprised to see his new friend hanging on the tip of the giant Tiger's toe, nearby the base of one of his sharp, imposing claws.



"Dangerous? But why?..."

But just as Isaac finished that sentence, the Titan Tiger's body quickly provided him a sample of the danger his Bovine friend was referring to. A shadow formed right over the puny, tiny Feline's location, starting with a loud rumbling noise, followed by a strong wind gust of wind. The glowing kitty looked up at the moving tail of the Tiger! The black and yellow piece of muscle was moving downwards, preparing to land right between the Tiger legs and with no regard to whatever happens to be underneath its shadow.

From Isaac's perspective, that tail alone was kilometers long and hundreds of meters wide! The small Siamese immediately got himself moving, running as fast as he could, trying to escape imminent doom underneath that moving tail.


Estevan kept yelling as he couldn't do anything except watch his new friend trying to survive below. In the end, the tail nearly crushed the small kitty, landing just right behind him and generating a powerful, strong wing blow. Isaac heard a booming explosion coming from behind him upon the landing, followed by a potent earthquake. He managed to scape

Oblivion, but he didn't manage to survive being sent flying upwards by the wind blow generated by the thick, mountain-wide Tiger tail, which now rested right behind him.

Poor Isaac found himself flying through the air only to hit face-first against the side of Kabir's right paw and immediately getting stuck to its surface due to a thin layer of paw sweat. The Siamese Cat noticed he was halfway from the toes of the goldy Tiger. All the while, Kabir continued to relax on his massive bed, paying no attention to the situation unfolding far below his gaze at his paws. Lucky, the godly Tiger simply curled his toes up above, that simple movement enough to cause the whole paw to move and the skin to contract enough to free the puny Feline, letting Isaac free to climb the side of his paw.


Estevan yelled at the Cat down below. The Bovine boy was fast and certainly used to navigate those massive paws as he was found to be on a new spot, no longer nearby the base of the Tiger claws but around the valley between two of these toes.










Isaac immediately turned his gaze north one more time, climbing that Tiger up even if he casually laying on his bed won't be easy.






Listening to that sentence only made the tiny cat boy understand how extreme the size difference between them was. If Estevan, a micro who claimed to be quite familiar with the Tiger's body, had only managed to map that god's feet so far, an adventure throughout the Tiger's body all alone could turn out to be quite dangerous. Even if the Tiger were asleep.


Isaac wasn't still entirely familiar with such concepts. Unlike the Bobcat, the Siamese cat didn't get the proper training or explanations. Mostly because he didn't get the chance to spare the time to get them. And just as the Bovine finished that sentence, their world began to rumble and shake again.


After listening to the Bovine's last warning, the kitty looked at the Tiger's face one last time. Even if kilometers away from him, Isaac noticed the Tiger was still focused on whatever device he had on his hand, and he was simply adjusting his stance. However, the Tiger seemed to be reclining his right leg, making his paw move from toes facing up into a firm plant on the mattress position.

Isaac put his climbing abilities to good use and quickly got himself on top of the feet surface, now able to stare at the towering and looming shin of Tiger right in front of him. But before beginning his journey, the puny Cat would look back, trying to spot Estevan. The equally small Bovine was nowhere to be seen. The previous spot he was on simply disappeared as the Tiger toes squeezed themselves tightly together. Isaac assumed he must be pinned between the sweaty, warm, and massive walls of meat between the toes, but he assumed he must be fine given the explanation he just gave him.

Without wasting any time, the Cat began to climb. He hoped to be able to get by the Tiger's ears early by the morning and so be able to communicate with that towering Feline before

Kabir goes for his day. It wouldn't be an easy climb, and the puny Siamese-feline would have to make it through the night without sleep, assuming that the godly Tiger wouldn't move too much.

But, just as Isaac was about to pass above ankle-high, Kabir shook his world with a booming laugh and then turned over his belly. Isaac didn't know for sure what was it the massive Tiger held in his hand, but he could assume it was some sort of table or maybe a smartphone, but a godly version of it. Whatever it was, the device caught the attention of the enormous Feline for good, and as the massive extension of his body moving and turning the tiny speck of a Cat was forced to put himself into motion. Climbing and running as fast as possible, Isaac didn't want to end up pinned underneath the lower leg of that titan.

Despite Isaac's best efforts, the poor Feline was thrown out of the Tiger's ankles, landing on the mattress of his bed face first. However, his staying on the bed on short-lived as seconds after his landing, Kabir's lower leg came crashing into the bed, generating an overpowering gust of wind which sent the small Cat flying into the air a second time before landing among a forest of towering strands of yellow fur. The dangerous endeavor turned out to be good in the end, as Isaac realized he landed just around the knee of the gigantic Tiger.

Isaac took a short break, using the moment to stare one more time at the immense body of that yellow Feline. The space between the spread legs of that macro was so vast and tremendously large it could take the miniature Feline hours to come across. Good for Isaac to know that as long as he is within direct contact with Kabir, the Tiger's powers will protect him from death. Looking south over the titanic Tiger's heel, it was easy to see just how far it was. If Isaac were to guess, he could easily say he travel hundreds of meters in a moment. No one could survive an impact at such a high speed.

Although feeling safe, Kabir's body immediately reminded the puny anthro that life as a micro on the body of a deity being wasn't meant to be easy. The first thing Isaac observed was the long, yellowtail moving upwards again, followed by the other leg, hundreds of meters apart. The Tiger happily raized his lower leg while swaying his tail as if he were entertained. But as soon Kabir's left lower leg came down to rest on the bed again, Isaac knew what was about to happen.

"Oh no! Kabir wai..."

Poor Isaac had no chance to speak, and even if he did, Kabir couldn't possibly hear it. The right lower leg of the Tiger was propelled forward and upwards into the air, repeating the same relaxed movement of the left one and effortless propelling a tiny, little passenger into the air too. A small, innocent movement to mightly anthro like Kabir, but with massive consequences over the miniature anthropomorphic.

The little Feline flew over the right thigh of the male Tiger, and he would have continued flying if it weren't by meaty hill right in front. Isaac collided against the cheek of large.

Feline buttock. The small-sized Siamese cat was feeling disoriented. Despite being "blessed" with a fast travel system throughout the Tiger's body, Isaac would never have imagined that traveling through the body of that colossus Tiger so fast could be so troublesome. But looking through the Brightside, the tiny, ant-like anthro Cat was close to his goal than never now. Standing on top of the Tiger's buttock, Isaac was allowed to see Kabir's vast upper body. To call it impressive wouldn't have been enough. From Isaac's perspective, it was like staring at a whole country from the top of a mountain, although in reality, he was only staring at the back of that twink male.

"Ok... maybe if I start to walk now, I might be able to make it to his ears by tomorrow morning... I hope..."

Isaac reassured himself, but just as he was about to take the first step forward and preparing to climb down that immense mountain, he heard a loud booming explosion coming from right behind. The miniature anthro immediately braced himself for impact, which never came, although the booming explosions continued, and they were getting louder. The puny Cat immediately figured out it could only be.


The miniature explorer turning himself backward, and at that moment, his eyes were filled with a blighting glow.


Isaac shouted at nobody in particular upon spotting the equally towering, godly figure of his best friend. The orange Bobcat was stepping into the room, coming from behind the relaxing Tiger and with a playful smile on his face.


Although Isaac noticed the boy's gaze was resting precisely over the Tiger's buttocks, they failed to notice the pathetical explorer standing right on top of it. The immense Bobcat continued to walk, approaching and his form only getting taller as he did.


"I thought he could hear me...."

Whatever the reason for the lack of connection between Isaac and his friend, the puny Siamese couldn't give himself the luxury to think about it at the moment. Within a few more steps, the gargantuan Bobcat was standing by the side of the godly bed, his naked formed towering over the body of the equally naked Tiger and casting a shadow not only over the other anthropomorphic Feline's body but over its little inhabits too. It was easy for Isaac to notice

The half-erect, throbbing phallus of his friend looming high above between his thighs. Although impressive, the view only lasted for a moment as the massive Bobcat turn himself, preparing to sit.

Isaac immediately got himself running, trying to get himself down from the Tiger's glutes as fast as possible before...


The extra weighting landing on the mattress created a soft shake which made both gods tremble a little. Of course, what was a little tremble for Kabir and Kumioki translated into complete havoc to any little things trying to survive on their bodies as they just lived their lives. Isaac was rocked out of his feet, losing balance and stumbling down the right cheek of the Tiger. Unfortunately, instead of landing on the base of the Tiger's back, as planned, Isaac found himself falling between a deep, warm, dark canyon.


Isaac yelled during the fall all the down, landing right between Kabir'sbuttocks. The Siamese cat's new environment was tenfold warmer than the rest of the Tiger's body. Despite the new environment being hard upon the tiny explorer and adventure, Isaac immediately realized it could have been a lot worse as he got a better view of his landing spot. Isaac landed right by the edge of the Tiger's tail hole! The wrinkled sphincter, sealing the entrance to the confines of the godly Tiger's body, looked like a small hill from the little Cat's perspective.

Despite being an impressive view, to find yourself up close to the tail hole of someone hundreds of times bigger than you. The puny Feline wasn't allowed to stare at it for much longer as the massive Tiger began to move. As if the space between Kabir's buttocks weren't tight enough, during the movement of the Tiger's body, the space was momentarily gone! The crushing pressure of tons of glutes weight resting upon Isaac's body was more than enough to crush him into an imperceptible red stain. Lucky that didn't happen thanks to the Tiger's power acting as a life ensure to all of those who happened to be lost or trying to survive on him. But that didn't mean Isaac was safe from the pain, crushing pain.

Luckily, all of that only last for a tiny moment, and Isaac found himself free falling again. Feeling sore after being literally ground alive by another twink's ass, Isaac's fall was short as he landed among an endless forest made of yellow strands of fur again. The only thing Isaac wanted now was to give up and rest for the rest of the night. Maybe tomorrow, he would carry on his mission to get at the Tiger's ears, especially after seeing his friend. The Bobcat seemed to be fine, if not more than fine. Unfortunately, the two deity boys had other plans in mind for the night, and as a tiny passenger, Isaac couldn't do anything more other than be carried along.

Starting with a rumbling noise, Isaac's whole world was put into motion again. This time, however, the miniature Cat acted fast and immediately hold himself against a thick strand of yellow fur. As light reached the tiny Cat's location, Isaac began to notice some interesting details about the jungle surrounding him. He immediately noticed that the huge strands of fur he was currently holding on weren't as yellow as the previous one covering the rest of the godly Tiger's legs. That could only mean the Siamese Cat was still around Kabir's crotch, lost somewhere, but Isaac didn't know where exactly. But he was soon going to find out as all of those details allied with the strong, overpowering masculine musk Isaac was now being forced to breathe in could only mean the miniature Cat was lost somewhere around the genitals of the massive Tiger. The final confirmation arrived when light managed to make its way into the puny Cat's location again.

Isaac was shocked by the view. Left in complete awe, the small Siamese cat found himself standing right on top of Kabir's nuts and around the base of this thick, immense, half erected phallus. Every single throb of that monumental penis was able to send powerful vibrations through the scrotum of the gigantic Tiger, forcing the tiny passenger and adventurer to hold on tight to the strand of pubic fur. A hard task to achieve, given how wet the location was.

To make matters worse, the booming voice of his friend Kumioki coming from above was shaking the miniature Feline's body right down to the core. Isaac couldn't understand exactly what they were saying as they were talking to each other. They paid no mind to those smaller than them who happen to be around and forced to stand the sheer power of the voices. But judging by the teaseful tone and the throbbing, earthshaking phallus which loomed up above him, Isaac had a good idea of what was about to happen.

The poor, little Cat knew he needed to get away from that specific part of the godly Tiger's body. But even if he wanted to, the powerful tremors generated by the throbbing of the immense Feline phallus made it impossible for him to keep his balance and to stand up. Isaac's worse fears turned out to be true the moment he noticed the massive, mountain range-like thighs of the Tiger spreading even more moments before an equally massive pillar of meat landed right between them. The titanic Bobcat was setting himself between the Tiger's legs, and within a few seconds, Isaac's landscape which was impressive by the presence of a single, towering phallus, became even more remarkable as he found himself once again facing the imposing, large tip of the Bobcat's dick.

"Holly! This can't be happening! Please wait!!!"

Yelling at two towering gods was completely in vain. Isaac was about to take part in sex make-out on a godly scale! He couldn't do much other than stare at the monolithic tip of his friend's dick approaching, seeming to become even larger and wider the closer it got.

Holding tightly to the bottom of Kabir's testicles as the male Tiger's balls swayed freely in the air, Isaac watched from upfront the thick male meat of a twink Bobcat connecting with the

Wrinkled tail hole of the Tiger. A location he happened to be quite close to it not so long ago.

At least he was relieved he wasn't that close to the Kabir's anus right now.

That didn't make the whole view less astonishing, though. With an audible rumble, the puny, insignificant passenger watched and listening to the monumental pillar of fresh trusting itself forward into the tightness of the Tiger ring, showing some resistance first but soon gaining some speed. Being so up close to the whole scene unfolding, Kumioki's dick looked like a moving, throbbing bridge connecting the two bodies. The extra body heat added to the location immediately affected the two gods, making their crotches loud, damper, and sweaty. Not to mention that the combined masculine musk of two alpha males was proving to be hypnotical to someone at Isaac's scale.

However, none of that was on top of the priority list of the tiny speck of a Siamese cat was the poor kitty face and eyes were focusing on a single factor. Hugging himself tightly to a single strand of fur on top of a single nut on the Tiger's body, Isaac was able to have a clear of two equally large, fast-moving pairs of light-orange balls swaying just in front of him and few hundreds of meters away. Within each passing trust of the Bobcat's hips, that pair of deadly orbs dragged themselves closer before withdrawing backward, only to repeat the movement. If the gigantic Bobcat put a little more effort into his lovemaking, a collision between balls wouldn't be hard to imagine. Hard to imagine it would be Isaac getting out of that situation alive.

Another trust forward and VRUMMM! Isaac was hit face-first by a powerful gust of wind carrying the potent male musk of his friend before watching the Bobcat's nuts withdrawing backward one more time. VRUMMM! Another trust forward and this time, followed by a deep, thunderous moan coming out of the Tiger's mouth.

Something Isaac didn't expect Kabir to be that sub. He looked so overpowering from his tiny perspective all the time. Peppers everybody who has hundreds of kilometers added to their height will look powerful, imposing, and dominant compared to a normal-sized anthro like himself.

VRUMMM!!!! Another trust, not only reminding Isaac he was running out of time, but this time Bobcat's nuts came so close to collide against the Tiger's yellow balls to the point a few sweat bead droplets were thrown out of the surface of one Cat's balls to land right on the surface of the another. Luckily, the tiny Cat of the team didn't suffer any direct hit. If not, he would be drowning in balls sweat out of his best friend's orbs.

VRUMMM!!!! Isaac was about to fall into despair! Just another trust like this, and he'll be crushed out of existence by his own friend's nuts! Given all the movement and shaking, there was nothing the small twink could possibly do to get himself out of that location without risking falling off into a deadly fall! And finally, preceded by a rumbling wind gust, Isaac saw Kumioki's balls approaching, coming right after him at full speed until BOOOOM!!!

Isaac was squeezed between two pairs of oversized, hot, sweaty balls! Having the air expelled out of his lungs immediately as it happened, pinned and unable to move any part of his body as he was forced to appreciate the combined heat, musk, and male power of two towering deity Felines. Fortunately, the whole thing lasted less than a second before the massive scrotum moved away, only to BOOOOM!!! As short as it was the puny Cat's torture, so it was his relief before the gargantuan Bobcat trusted his waist forward again, squeezing and torturing the little Cat between his genitals and the genitals of his companion.

BOOOOM!!! Isaac was beginning to wonder how he could possibly survive all of this. BOOOOM!!! Each one of the boys' testicles was large enough to crush cities underneath! BOOOOM!!! Whatever the reason, the puny, unluck Cat found himself now in the middle of a game. BOOOOM!!! A game played by the towering godly Feline's balls, as within each passing trust, Isaac found himself stuck either on the surface of the Tiger's nuts or on the surface of the Bobcat's nuts. BOOOOM!!! Isaac only wished that they couldn't finish themselves as soon as possible. Lucky to him. BOOOOM!!!

Within a final, powerful thrust, Isaac noticed that Kumioki didn't move back and instead kept the little kitty imprisoned in the tight confines between his orbs and the Tiger's ones. Isaac knew what that meant. The boys were finally reaching their climax. But their bodies emphasized that by allowing the puny Cat to feel and hear the four, large, gargantuan testicles contracting themselves, expelling an ocean amount of godly seed out their deepest confines!

Isaac could only have guessed the size of the godly boys' load. But at the moment, the small, third element of that mating hard more important things to concern himself with. The gigantic Bobcat didn't pull back. Instead, he decided to enjoy the afterglow letting his thick penis throb its finals ropes of seed into the Tiger's boy ass. That meant Isaac was going to remain tightly squeezed between their balls for a little longer, but the air supply down there was fastly dropping, replaced by nothing else other than potent male musk.

To make the situation even more dangerous, the new sweat forming around the boys' crotch formed a thin layer on the surface of their orbs, but enough to ensure Isaac was going to be tightly stuck to the surface of one of the pair balls. He would find out only at the moment the boys decide to pull apart.

Finally, with a soft moan and rumbling noise from the legs muscles of the Feline gods, the pair of balls were moving apart. Isaac found himself stuck tightly to the wet surface of Kumioki's left nut, which allowed him to have a glorious view of the erected, throbbing phallus of his best friend with a waterfall-like seed raining down one of its sides.

Isaac remained there, taking some deep breaths, even if his whole atmosphere was still dense and heavily musky. That until he noticed that thick, estate-sized pillar of maleness beginning to bend.

"Shit!!! Kumioki is going soft!!! KUMIOKI!! NO!! HELP ME!!!

The insignificant Cat yelled up and as loud that he could as he watched that monumental phallus going from hard erect to half-erect and losing hardon, threatening to bury and sandwich him between dick and balls.


But the only answer that the small Siamese got came from the dick itself in the form of an overpowering earthquake as it lowered itself even lower and closer to his location.

"Ok... Ok... listen, if you two are real gods now or whatever, please just save me or whatever, just don't let me stuck down here..."

Isaac spoke, not even yelling as if he were talking more to himself or playing at his friend and the Tiger. He didn't expect that action to have any real effect until he listened to a loud pair of giggles coming right above him. The next thing Isaac noticed it was a thick, impressive pillar of keratin in the form of a claw tip coming precisely towards him and effortlessly scooping him up out of that musky and sweaty prison. Supporting incredible G-forces, the puny Siamese-cat was brought upwards until he found himself eye level with both godly twinks.

"Hi, Isaac!"

Kumioki spoke, barely being able to hold his giggle. However, Isaac noticed that his voice didn't sound anywhere booming or overpowering this time. Looking backward, the small kitty cat noticed Kabir, the equally towering Tiger, also expressing a warm smile on his face. To have the attention of one god-sized Feline felt too much as a single eye was immense like a deep lake, but to have four massive eyes staring directly over you...

"Wait! You two were aware of me down there all the time?..."

At that moment, both Felines failed to hold their laughs, this time, their laugh did shake Isaac a little bit. But, not even close to the had over his miniature form before.

"Ok, ... I'll take it as a yes..."

"Well, in my defense, I say it was your friend's idea."

Kabir spoke. Isaac immediately turned his face over Kumioki, who reacted by blowing the small Cat a kiss.

"Ok, fine. But, I'm still super lost over here."

"Will you tell him?"

The immense Tiger spoke, looking at the Bobcat's face.

"Well, Isaac... The good news is you'll stay with me, ... forever... Other news... we are stuck in this temple... and I'm stuck at this size. But, Kabir taught me some pretty neats tricks such as."

And at that moment, the claw tip which Isaac was standing was brought up close to the massive Feline lips, giving the puny Cat not time to even react before being smothered into the warm, wet lips of his friend with crushing powers. But, in the end, Isaac was still in one piece, alive and not even feeling pain at all. Just stuck to the massive Feline's lower lips.

"Now, you can pretty much live on me, and as long you are in direct contact with my body, you'll never get harmed, and I can even hear your thoughts too! So, I can always know your precise location. As long you remain on me. I think the "stay on the body" part is something Estavan taught you already, right?"

"Oh, wait! You know Estevan? And, well, I'm not going to oppose the idea of staying with you, but can I stay somewhere else? I mean, your lips... they move quite a lot, you know..."

"Ah! Don't worry! You are free to move by yourself as soon you unstuck yourself, and this is my body. I'm always moving. And yeah, how can I not know about Kabir's number one servant."

It was clear That both gods have become quite friendly during the time Isaac was passed out. Despite the little, big surprise the two Felines prepared to explain and even demonstrate their point to Isaac, the tiny Cat still found it all extremely hard to process.

"Also! I can hear your thoughts and all, but I'm not always going to be paying attention to you. So, you must learn your way through me and got to learn to navigate my body curves. I take it won't be a problem for you, considering how you used to spend some good time staring at them. Hehehe."

"Well, I think this is enough for now. Now, Kabir and I will join the others to have dinner. AH!!! Almost forget! Never get yourself inside a mouth or allow yourself to be swallowed! There is no saving you if that happens!"

Isaac felt a cold running down his spine the moment the massive Bobcat spoke that last part, especially considering he was currently stuck to the boy's huge lips.

"Wait!!! I have a question!"

The two towering Felines stopped for a moment, giving their attention to the puny, little passenger for another moment.

"If... We are still stuck inside the temple. I mean, how big is it? I mean, if I got it right. Even being godly-sized, none of you managed to actually find the exit or something?"

The two titans exchanged looks for a second before the Tiger spoke.

"No! Actually, the temple seems to go on forever and... Well, some of us reported that they may have found areas in the temple designed to serve even larger beings... There are more things to explain. But the answer is no. Nobody managed to actually get out of here, never."

If Isaac was already finding the whole situation hard to process, now he had more doubts than before. But before he could even think about another question, his world-like lips began to move.


The Tiger giggled softly, warmly, and loudly at the immense Bobcat before answering.


"Hey!!! Wait!! I still have more..." BOOOOM!! A loud booming explosion, followed by an earthquake, signalized Kumioki was walking, and judging by how overpoweringly loud their voices sounded, Isaac could be sure he no longer possed neither of the gods' attention. At least, he got himself a ride on the body of a friend, that if Kumioki still sees him as a friend...


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