Housepets: Hearts, Minds, & Dicks -- Illustrated

Story by Owletron on SoFurry

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#4 of Housepets! Fanfics

A humorous drama focusing on the complicated relationship of four pets in Babylon Gardens. Now expanded and illustrated with all new artwork!

Peanut has always had a crush on Grape. Only recently have feelings been reciprocated between them. But can their romance mature when they're both still in committed relationships?

For more details, check out Arc 120: Hearts and Minds. This fanfic takes place a few pages after this arc.

Thanks to our myth of a man for commissioning the story and all the new art for it.

Find the story on FurAffinity for a very high quality download (with actually good formatting).

Chapter 1

Tarot panted, exhausted. Her short arms propped herself up on her knees. She craned her head up at her boyfriend.

"We're not quite out of the splash zone yet," she wheezed.

"The 'what' zone?" Peanut asked.

The two dogs looked back at the improbably large spa parked on the street. Dozens of pets streamed through the doors. Only seconds after the last pet neared the lawn where they had all gathered, the entire structure erupted. It disintegrated into its base components and sent a geyser of water straight into the sky.

Tarot pulled an umbrella out from nowhere. Peanut stared up at the water building in the sky.



"Splash zone."

Peanut looked down to Tarot and her umbrella. His eyes opened wide. "Oh!"

He took the umbrella, and they huddled under it as the skies released everything they had. Everyone cried out around them. In seconds, they were the only two dry pets left in Babylon Gardens.

Tarot unwrapped her paws from Peanut's waist. Peanut's tail wagged. "Thanks!"

Tarot couldn't find it in her to reciprocate his enthusiasm. She nodded and turned around, looking at the crowd.

Peanut followed her gaze. He spotted some of the Milton ferrets with cuffs around their wrists. "Do you wanna go watch TV?" he asked.

"...Sure," she finally said.

The two walked away from the old spa, only a small pile of rubble left in its place. Tarot walked on autopilot beside her boyfriend, saying even less than usual.

"Are you okay?" Peanut said.

"Oh," Tarot said, "I'm just thinking about things."

Peanut looked over at her as they walked, tilting his head.

Tarot felt his eyes on her. "You and Grape, right? I knew you guys had an interesting relationship, and I'm not jealous about it. But I don't get what 'it' is! What do Peanut and Grape do when they're alone?"

Peanut looked down to the sidewalk. "Well, we do hang out a lot: watch TV, play games, write stuff. Oh, and we sleep twelve hours a day."

"I'm not talking about that! I'm talking about--remember earlier when Grape told you to 'tell her more?'"

Peanut thought it over, nodding. "We have done a lot more kissing than we used to. Her tongue's pricklier than yours."

The two dogs walked into the Sandwich residence, the house to themselves. Peanut held the door open.

Tarot nodded. He was clearly trying to be nice about everything, even if he was oblivious. She felt a sly smile forming. "What else?" she asked.

Peanut shook his head. "What do you mean?"

The pomeranian tugged on a tuft of Peanut's thick chest fur, maneuvering him down to her level. "Maybe you want to show me what you normally do with Grape after the smooching?" She kissed him, first on the neck, then stretching herself higher, reaching for his cheek.

His tail flickered, eyes shining. "You really want me to show you?" he asked.

"Pretty please?"

Peanut kissed her back. Tarot's paws clutched his chest. But he broke off, turned around, and ran into the living room. Caught off guard, Tarot walked after him. She saw him grab the remote off the couch.

"We've been watching_The_ Cat-chelor on VHS! It's a dating show where a bunch of girl cats try to fall in love with the same guy cat. We're on Season 12 already!"

Tarot wet her lips, but her words got caught in her throat. The show began playing through a series of well-groomed cats in their Sunday-best. She sat down with him on the couch, and the minutes crawled by.

She struggled to find her voice again. Finally she paused the television, cleared her throat. "Peanut, can I ask you something?"

Peanut's eyes darted across her face. "Yeah?"

"Have you and Grape ever gotten... intimate?"

"She's my best friend," he said, poking his fingers together. "Along with you."

"That's not what I'm asking! I know how you feel about each other, so what have you two been doing? Don't I get to know that?"

Peanut grit his teeth. Shaking his head, he released his breath and said "Grape and I haven't done anything besides kissing."

Tarot's emotions swirled, leaving her visibly anxious. She had been so sure there was more to the story. "I don't get it. Why didn't you want to talk about it?"

"I don't know how to talk to you about it!" he cried. Tarot's expression softened, and he took a breath. "I don't want to make it too serious and hurt you. Grape is having the same problem with Max."

Tarot sighed, falling down into the curves of the couch. "Max was right about us," she said.

But Peanut brought her back. He grabbed hold of her paw. "I'm worried that this is going to turn into that thing with Dragon. I don't want to have to pick between you and someone else again."

"Well, it wouldn't be like that, at least," she said.

Peanut held his breath. "Why's that?"

Tarot snorted to herself. Peanut looked back with confusion. She pulled her legs up on the couch, turning towards him. They sat with their knees touching. "Well, for one thing, Grape isn't an omnipotent being who wants to keep you all to herself," she said.

"Yeah, but--"

"But really! You're allowed to want both of us... More than kissing."

Peanut let a deep breath out. He smiled at her paw, still holding it. But the smile left. "What about Max?" he said.

"I think we can get him on board."

He blinked. "Do you have an idea or something?"

"A couple. We'll have to meet up with him and Grape."

"Right now?"

"Not right now," she said. Tarot's face stayed close to his. "Right now, I was hoping we could keep watching some TV, maybe get comfortable?"

"The... Catchelor?"

"Sure." Her paw traced a line around his belly, down one inner thigh then up the other, centered around his crotch. "And you could show me what you fantasize doing with Grape."

Peanut's face turned red. His dick poked from his sheath. "Really?" he said.

Her paw circled closer, grabbing the canine's sheath and tugging on his balls. "It might be good practice for later."

He held in a grunt. "Do you think she would be good at oral?"

"I'm sure she's great at it."

"Then maybe we can..." Peanut trailed. Tarot's paw made him squirm.

Tarot enjoyed the ease in which she could get Peanut excited. She got off the couch, kneeling between his legs.

"Maybe you can call me Grape," she said.

He grimaced. "No, I wouldn't want her to know that I did that."

"Just imagine it, then. What do you think her mouth would feel like?"

Tarot knelt down in front of him. Her tongue dragged across his cock.

Peanut all but covered his eyes, unable to get the image out of his head: his favorite purple cat with him. He thought about her tongue against his flesh. He imagined she would look happy, eyes bright. As Tarot lowered her head, he imagined Grape lowering hers.

As minutes passed, the tension in him started increasing. Spit slid down his swollen knot, harder than ever between her jaws. "Could-can you swallow?" Peanut asked.

Tarot pulled off. Her paw worked over him in long, solid strokes. "I don't know about that."

"Well, it's just a fantasy, and--"

"Maybe you could cum on my boobs? Grape would love that, right? Girls like that?"

"Tarot," he breathed, "you don't really have boobs."

"I do, too!" Tarot cried.

"Please, I'm getting close," Peanut panted. He sat back, dick standing tall in Tarot's paw.

Tarot's paw still moved without consideration. "Just because they're small doesn't mean they're not there! Howl, I wish you'd play with them more! We wanted to be more romantic, right? We can stop being so reserved all the time. "

"Tarot!" Peanut moaned.

"What, are you actually close?"

Peanut's muscles tensed, his dick overstimulated with each jerk of her paw. Once his strength gave out, seed erupted from his tip. Cum arched high, splattering over her face. She froze.

Once Peanut stopped panting, he looked down.

"Tarot?" he asked.


Art byNik

Chapter 2

Maxwell had his nose buried in a rulebook. Beside him, Grape stayed busy drawing various cats suggestively from the book series, but she didn't feel she had the same knack for art that Peanut had.

"Why do you think Peanut was acting so weird?" Grape recalled.

"I don't know.You don't know?" Max asked.

"I can tell he's nervous. Seems like something Tarot might be behind, especially since I saw her step on his foot."

"Maybe he really wants to play your buff hyena boyfriend," he teased.

"I don't know why he'd be so embarrassed about that."

Max took his nose out of the rulebook, still looking studious. "Is he really your boyfriend too, now?"

"No, you're my boyfriend!" Grape assured.

"Then what about Peanut?"

"He's just my friend that I hang out with and sometimes kiss and talk about our--" Grape stopped drawing. "Okay, maybe you have a point."

"Why did things have to become confusing?" Max groaned. "I thought we figured all of this out in the spa. But it's like we made it worse because we didn't set any ground rules."

Grape scoffed. "Ground rules? Like, I'm Peanut's boyfriend on weekdays but I'm yours on weekends?"

Max squinted, tapping a finger to his mouth. "Something like that might work."

She narrowed her eyes. "Seriously, Maxie?"


"I'm not treating this like we need a rulebook!"

"Well, fine! But we need to figure out something."

"Look, they're going to be here any minute now, and Peanut loves this stuff! I'm not going to ruin another roleplay by bringing all of this drama into it. We can do it later."

Max rolled his eyes. "Okay, but we can't put it off forever."

As they made the finishing preparations for game night, a knock came for them.

"I'll get it," Grape said immediately.

When she neared the door, she saw Peanut's face peering through the glass. He smiled back.

"Hey guys," Grape said.

"Hi Grape!" Peanut said.

The two dogs walked in. Peanut opened his arms for a hug, and Grape barely accepted it in time. He hugged her close, chest-to-chest. His nose got close to hers. She knew that face.

Hesitating, she went to kiss his cheek. She could still hear her conversation with her boyfriend--her cat boyfriend. But Peanut turned his head to meet her lips, and they kissed at an awkward angle. Grape burned, but she didn't back away. She closed her eyes, tilted her head, and let the kiss finish. The second it was done, she looked for Tarot. But Tarot had continued down the hall, meeting up with Max.

Grape put her paw on Peanut's waist, turning them in the right direction.

"Alright let's do this," Grape said.

They all sat around the table. The Pridelands world filled the board, complete with character pieces, dice, and various castles. Admittedly, it couldn't really compare to when Tarot could magic(k) them inside.

"Wow, this looks great!" Peanut said.

"Wait till you see the NPC's," Max said through a grin.

Grape scratched her head. "Ehhh."

Max passed out blank character sheets. Peanut looked it over with all of his focus. "What's Species Enthusiasm?" he asked.

"That's where you write down how much you want to swap spit with the different characters," Max grinned.

"Hm," Peanut thought.

"You did realize what kind of game we were playing?" Grape said.

"Yeah, I just didn't think I'd have to pick a favorite."

Grape nodded, thinking. "Don't look at Tarot, don't look at Tarot."

"You don't have to pick a favorite, just write which species you like," Tarot suggested.

"What if I like all of them?" Peanut said.

"It's a roleplay; you don't have to play as... yourself," she said.

Grape succumbed to her impulses and looked at Tarot. Tarot stared back, blinking.

After a few seconds, Max coughed. "So, should I start explaining the setting?"

Tarot tugged on her collar. "Should we talk about it more?"

"What's there to talk about?" Grape said.

"There's plenty to talk about!" she insisted.

"Tarot wanted to ask you guys for advice," Peanut interrupted.

"Pea--," Tarot cut herself off. She sighed. "Yes, Peanut and I could use your help."

Grape looked at Max then back. "What do you need our help with?"

Tarot let her arms fall to the table. "You were right when you said things haven't been clicking. But we're trying! And the romanticism: you and Max are great at that. But Peanut and I are still struggling with the other stuff."

"The other stuff?" Max repeated.

"You know! The other stuff," Tarot hesitated, blushing. "The heavy snuggling... The paws touching everything. The smooching on the privates. The rest!"

Max snorted. Grape shot him a look. "I don't know how much we can help with all that," she said.

"Are you kidding?" Max said, inspecting his claws. "They're looking at the foremost experts in all things sexy!"

"Oh, please," Grape groaned.

"What? When have we not been able to show each other a good time?"

Grape stuck her tongue out. "A few days ago, when we tried doing it in the sauna and you almost passed out."

Max looked to the side in an effort to hide his face. "Except for that," he mumbled.

"Look, either way, you two probably are doing better than we are," Tarot said.

Grape let her character sheet fall to the table. "But what do you guys actually want to know?"

Tarot winced. Peanut looked even more stiff and even less willing to speak.

"We can't help you if you don't want to talk about it," Grape said.

"That's the thing! We don't know how to talk about all this."

"What does Peanut think? Do you even want this stuff in a relationship?" Max asked.

As his three friends looked to him, Peanut felt frozen solid. His heart seemed to stop beating; his breath caught on the way out. He opened his mouth to tell them how he felt, but the first words didn't want to come. There were too many to say at once. But through sheer panic, the words broke free.

"I'm afraid! I don't know how to do this! I keep making mistakes. I-I didn't mean to cum on her face. I didn't mean to pretend she was Grape. It just happened!"

Max's face turned sideways. "Wait, what?"

Grape looked just as shocked. But she noticed Peanut's frantic breathing and forced herself to act calm. "Peanut, relax. Take a breath."

Peanut realized who was comforting him. Tarot was busy putting her head face-down to the table.

"Tarot?" he said, putting a tentative paw out towards her.


Art byEnzo_Dog

Peanut drew his paw back. "You're not upset?" he said to Grape.

Grape looked around at her friends, mouth wide. "I don't know, maybe! But we don't need you to explode."

"Tarot thought it would be a way for us to open up," he explained.

"I don't take responsibility for this," Tarot said to the table.

Max spoke, slamming both paws down. "Can we come back to that thing Peanut said later? You guys need to be able to have awkward encounters with each other and work through them. Do you think Grape and I would be anywhere nearly as comfortable with each other if we stopped as soon as we made a mistake?"

Tarot finally looked up, and Max continued. "Our mistakes help us learn and try new stuff together! It's how we learn how to make each other happy. And you know... what makes us sex gods."

"You were doing so well, too," Grape said.

"Maybe they need another demonstration?" Max suggested.

"That's the worst idea you've ever had. We're not getting that explicit in front of each other."

Peanut's mind traced through all the details. "So, we shouldn't try new things?"

"That's not what I'm saying! I'm saying I--" her voice broke, and she fell against the back of the chair. "I'm saying that_I'm_ scared too. I don't want to ruin this. Is it fair that Max has to deal with me loving him and a dog? Same thing with Tarot."

Tarot hummed to herself, then spoke up. "I'm okay with Peanut doing things with you, too." She smiled weakly. "Peanut probably has enough love leftover."

Grape looked at Max.

"What?" Max said.

Peanut looked at him too, two big eyes. Tarot scratched the back of her neck. "Are you okay with this?" she asked Max.

"What? Of course! I thought we talked about this! Grape knows I love her more than anything!" He looked away, mumbling, "Even if I do have to share."

Tarot snorted.

Max stood up, leaning over the table. "I'm serious! She means a lot to me. She's been there for me when I've needed her most. And I'm there for her. I have to believe she would never try to hurt me with this."

Grape flashed a smile, her relief too strong to hide.

Max was suddenly struck from the side, wrapped by furry limbs. Peanut's tail wagged furiously. "Thanks, Maxie."

Maxwell blushed a deep red. "Only Grape calls me that."

"Sorry," he said, still hugging him.

"So, are we still going to play?" Tarot piped up.

Max unwrapped himself, grabbing Peanut's shoulders. "Sure," he said.

Chapter 3

The next day, Peanut was lying on the couch. Grape had wedged herself in between him and the back cushions. Her paw ran through his fur.

"Are you ready for all of this?" Grape asked.

"Yeah? We all agreed, right?" Peanut said.

"I'm just worried about it. What if we're making the kind of mistake we can't just fix by talking?"

Peanut smiled. "I think we're just calling ourselves something different now. We're still all the same friends."

Grape nodded, her thoughts running further with it. "I guess, yeah. Same friends. You just get to call me your girlfriend, too."

She grinned at his stupefied expression. Her paw held the back of his head, getting her nose to his.

"Tell me how that makes you feel, boyfriend," she said.

Peanut sniffed her cheek, his snout in her fur. "Really happy," he said.

Grape had no words. She let Peanut lick her cheek, lick under her chin. She kissed him back, touching tongues. Peanut's paws found her chest, gripping around her breasts. The cat's paws delved down, digging into the fur of his lower belly. The tips of her fingers touched his sheathe.

Minutes passed in a blur. The doorbell rang, and the door opened without permission. Grape pulled back and convinced Peanut to stop the heavy petting, relaxing down together on the couch as casual as they could manage.

Tarot walked in, followed by Max. Max noticed Grape was a bit red in the face, her hair askew.

"Oh, not starting without us, are we?" Max asked.

"Please, aren't we past the teasing?" Grape complained, only blushing more.

Tarot looked side to side. "I'm not trying to tease, but how far into this did you get? Peanut's... hanging out a bit."

"We were kissing!" Peanut said. His dick shook.

Grape grinned awkwardly. "I might have gotten a little carried away."

Max cleared his throat. "Either way, this is a great example of foreplay."

"We know that," Tarot said, crossing her arms.

"Look, I'm just trying to help you guys out. How long does it normally go for?" he asked.

She swallowed. "I don't know, a couple minutes?"

Max looked at the two on the couch. "And how about you guys?"

Grape struggled around Peanut, sitting up with him. "Do I look like I keep a watch handy?" she huffed.

"Well, foreplay can take a while. It helps you warm up and get more creative!" Max explained. "After kissing, there's licking, petting, pawjobs, oral. Almost everything but the... what do you call it? The_rest_?"

Tarot shook her head. She couldn't hold eye contact. "Doesn't all that stuff get boring after a while?"

Grape shook her head back. "What Max is trying to say is that foreplay isn't about getting to the end; it's about enjoying it." Her eyes went towards Max. "It makes the finale all that much better. Maybe even a couple finales."

Max took on a slight smile, stiff as a board and holding in most of his excitement.

The short pomeranian frowned at Grape. "I guess so."

"Is it time for that demonstration, Maxie?" Grape patted the couch next to her. "And then Tarot: maybe you can kneel down in front of Peanut."

Tarot took a second to realize what Grape was implying. But even then, she still couldn't make herself take that first step. The others were ready for her. Peanut looked at her, head tilted.

"What about all that stuff with the kissing and petting?" Tarot said.

"We can get to more of that, but I think Peanut's already excited." Grape scratched her neck. "Sorry."

Tarot still couldn't move. Her voice almost cracked. "What about me? Aren't my needs important?"

Grape paused while holding Max's sheath, the two cats at a loss. Peanut stood up, kneeling down with Tarot and hugging her. "It's okay," he said.

Max took Grape's paw off his junk and held it instead. "Maybe slower is better," he said.

Grape bit her lip, letting go of his paw.

Tarot talked into Peanut's shoulder. "Can we just sit down for a second?"

The four of them piled onto the couch. Tarot slumped down, taking a deep breath. Peanut held her.

"Sorry," Tarot said, "I didn't mean to wreck the mood like that."

"It's totally fine," Grape said.

Peanut kept soothing her stiff body. Eventually, Tarot let her head fall against him. The beating of their hearts started to slow to a comforting rhythm. And there was warmth: wisps of arousal still floating in the air, close enough to catch.

She put a paw on Peanut's leg, squeezing it. The fluffy shapes between his legs helped her mind wander. Her paw drifted to his inner thigh, feeling his fine fur.

"Peanut, can you lick me, you know--eat me out?" Tarot asked.

Peanut's tail thumped against the back of the couch. "Really?"

Max scoffed through an open mouth. "Where the heron did that come from?"

"I thought receiving might be a bit more relaxing. We're not sexually illiterate, you know! We've done some stuff," Tarot said.

"Yeah," Max acknowledged, the disbelief still in his voice.

Peanut had gotten down in front of Tarot, his paws on her legs. Grape looked to Max, putting a paw on his junk. "You still want to go first?" she said.

"Unless you want to," Max said.

Grape wiggled her head side to side as she thought it through, starting to warm up to the idea. "If you want," she agreed.

Max's paw crossed over hers, rubbing low on her belly. Grape sat back, letting her legs spread another inch apart. He rubbed against her thin, purple fur, pressing against her soft vaginal lips.

"Looks like the enthusiasm earlier was mutual," Max whispered.

After a few more, well-placed rubs, Max got down on his knees, kneeling beside Peanut.

"Have you done this before?" Max asked.

Peanut shrugged. "A couple times."

"Just remember to let her tell you what feels good," Max said, pausing. "But with_your_ tongue, you probably haven't had too much trouble with that. I have to be careful."

Max playfully stuck out his spine-covered tongue.

"What's the hold-up down there?" Grape said.

Max spoke as Grape put her paw on the back of his head, pushing him down. "And don't wait too--mmmh." Max murmured, his nose suddenly in her crotch fur. He closed his eyes. His jaws opened wide, welcoming the feline taste.

"I think I tend to agree with Max," Tarot murmured.

Peanut looked back and stared deep into Tarot's fluff. She made it easy for him, her fingers on either side of her pussy lips, showing herself off more than usual. He looped his paws around her legs, pulling her down. Tarot's hands shot back to support herself. She held in a squeak. The first wide-tongued licks swiped over her vulva.

"Woah," she sighed. Peanut's licks made it difficult to relax, imprecise but debilitating. But Peanut's grip was gentle. His tongue would pause, just pressing against her labia and looking at her expression. She let her head fall back. She could hear Grape beside her, clearly enjoying_something_. In a way, it felt nice to have company. It didn't take long for her to start clutching the cushioned seats.

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Grape opened her eyes, saying something to Max. She spotted Tarot. She put her right paw on top of hers. "That tongue must really be something."

Tarot struggled to speak clearly. "Oh! Uh-ah. Yeah. You should try it sometime!"

"There's an idea," Grape purred. "How about right now? I could probably convince Max to do you instead."

Max lifted his head an inch, looking up. "We're right here, you know," he said.

Grape lifted her legs up. "No stopping, sweetie," she said.

Max squinted, then nodded. A couple of his fingers spread her pussy while he licked around her clit.

Grape's back arched. "Thaaat's it."

Tarot's and Grape's paws interlinked on their own, keeping each other stable.

"Maybe just a few more minutes," Tarot sighed.

As the minutes passed, Tarot willed herself to interrupt Peanut, directing his tongue. Her short legs wrapped around his head. She let her tongue hang out, feeling her energy build in waves. The crest of the waves lined up with the swipes of his tongue, building and building until they came crashing down. Her thighs did her best to crush him.

"Ah! Hhhhaa, huuuuh."

Tarot caught her breath. Her taste flowed over Peanut's tongue. She released Peanut from her grip.

"Okay, just wait a second," Tarot said.

Grape adjusted her grip on Tarot's paw. "Did you actually want to swap?" she said.

"Wait," Peanut interrupted, opening and closing his mouth. "My jaw is kind of tired."

"You'll get used to it," Max said. He lifted off Grape with a final indulgent lick.

"Maybe we can do what Grape suggested now," Tarot said. If not for the wavering in her voice, her blush would have hid her embarrassment.

Max clicked his tongue. "That sounds like a great idea, Tarot."

"You make it sound like you want her to blow you, too," Grape grumbled.

"Well, no, that's not what I had meant," he said.

Grape could hear the "but" coming on. She tried to slap him.

Max deflected her paw. "But what an interesting idea, huh? I've never done anything like that with a canine, and_apparently_ Peanut really wants a certain cat's muzzle around him."

"Yes please," Peanut said, wide-eyed. His cock started to advance again at the mere mention of the act.

Grape was close to being at a loss for words. She looked across, ogling Peanut's dick. He was already thicker than Max's at his best, almost as tall. "Yeah, but Tarot would have to..."

Tarot looked to the floor, then to the wall. "I don't know." She made direct eye contact with the male cat. "Max, how big are you?"

"Ho- bi?" Max stammered.

"Smaller than Peanut," Grape said.

"...Hey!" he cried.

Tarot's lips pressed against themselves, her temperature rising. "Let's see how I feel after I'm with Peanut for a bit."

"You are the bravest dog I've ever met," Grape said.

Tarot shook her head. "Please."

"Let's at least take a look at what you'd be working with," she said. "Max, get on the couch."

Feeling simultaneously objectified and excited, Max sat down as ordered. Tarot and Grape both gathered in front of him. Grape kneeled down. She couldn't stop herself from smiling as she explained. "Now ideally, you want to get him all excited before you start with your mouth. It can be a toothy affair if you're not careful, so you don't want your partner to lose all their steam."

Peanut had snuck behind the two females, watching Grape casually play with Max's junk. Her thumb rubbed against the tip of his cock, then moving lower.

"You're not limited to just his dick. You can play with his balls, maybe with his sheath. You just have to be gentle. Then you can also tease the area around, get him all worked up."

"Uh-huh," Tarot said, absorbed. Max's dick swelled before them.

"Guys," Peanut said, "can I join?"

"Is Tarot ready?" Grape asked.

"I hope so," Tarot muttered.

Grape nodded. "Don't worry. You'll be great."

Peanut chuckled nervously, sitting down on the couch. Only this first tentative inch still stuck out to the air.

Grape held Max's penis, sending licks down the underside. The spines were rough, complimenting her tongue. Max moaned. Still licking him, Grape winked at Tarot.

Tarot looked up to Peanut. "Alright, slow. Let's take it slow. Is that alright?"

"That does sound good!" Peanut agreed.

"So I just want to tease you some. There's no rush," she said to herself.

She grabbed hold of his balls. Familiar territory. They had some weight to them, tense to his body. She paused, then sniffed underneath them. She sent licks over his sheath. His dick grew out in front of her.

Peanut's tongue left his muzzle. Tarot kept looking at his face, gauging his reactions. She took a page from Grape's book, nuzzling his dick, sending a small lick along his length. Peanut murmured under his breath. She pulled up, letting her saliva work to let her slide her paw around his cock. From the corner of her vision, she saw Grape bobbing her head. She heard Max groan.

Peanut could watch the others, but he kept most of his concentration on Tarot. Tarot sent both of her lips around his tip, still jacking him off in a slow rhythm. But her paw moved to squeeze his knot, feeling the hard flesh swell.

"Hah! If you don't want me to cum, then--" Max warned. Grape pulled off. He caught his breath, then looked over at Peanut and Tarot. The male dog was panting hard. His head bent up, tense.

"Careful, Tarot," Grape warned.

Tarot's eyes shifted over to her. She slid Peanut's dick out of her mouth, letting it sag on his lap.

"Wa- huh? Why did you--?" Peanut said.

Grape leaned over top of him, pressing a paw to his chest. She kissed him hard, only pulling away an inch to speak. "Maybe she's saving you for me," she murmured.

"Hahahaaaaaa," Peanut sighed, falling back on the couch.

"What? Peanut?" Grape asked. She waved a paw in front of his face, but Peanut looked through it.

Max looked at Tarot. "Well, what do you think? Ready for a taste of cat?"

Tarot frowned. She knelt down in front of him, and she rubbed her pawtips against his spines. "Only if you keep the one-liners to yourself."

"I guess," Max said.

Tarot looked back at Grape, waiting for her next move.

Grape had managed to get Peanut's focus back. She sat on his lap, holding his shoulders. "Calmed down yet?" she asked.

"No," Peanut said.

"Relax, okay? I'm willing to indulge your fantasy if you're willing to indulge mine."

Grape flicked her tongue out.

"What fantasy is that?" Peanut questioned.

"Relax, dog," she insisted.

The cat wrapped her fingers around Peanut's dick, slippery with saliva and his own pre. She knelt down right where Tarot had been.

Peanut felt a shiver pass through him. "Mmmh. Your paw is really warm."

"So are you," she said. Her paw started stroking him. "So can you tell me about this fantasy you were having?"

Peanut sighed. "I don't know..."

"Come on, I won't judge," she said.

Peanut's teeth grit together. "Well... this wasn't part of it.


"We-we would kiss a bunch."


"Then you'd start kissing me lower, until you started kissing me down there."

Grape's strokes were gentle, sliding up and down the canine's penis. Her thumb rubbed his tip at the top of the motion. Her other fingers pressed against his belly.

"And then what?" she said.

His paws flitted around. "Then I-I'd start unsheathing inside your mouth."

"What about at the end?"

His heart pounded. "I would cum and you would--swallow." He exhaled hard. "I know it's stupid, I just--"

"Hey." Peanut stopped fidgeting and looked at her. "It's not stupid," she said.

She lowered her head, kissing the tip of his sensitive dick. She looked right into his eyes. "It's definitely not stupid."

Peanut held in a moan. Her boobs rubbed against his thighs. Her paws comforted him. His paws relaxed to his side. "Grape, that's..."


Art by4pcsSet

Grape sank her head. Half of him bent around her tongue. Fresh pre leaked from the tip pressed down her throat.

She pulled off of his dick. It only sprung back up further. Grape licked the bottom of her smile. "How was that?" she said.

"You're kidding, right?" he panted.

Grape's mouth opened wide.

Outside of Peanut and Grape's world, Tarot and Max looked on. Tarot hadn't stopped stroking the cat, but their energy stagnated.

"Uh, Tarot, did you still want to--?"

"Can I masturbate?" Tarot said, more than plain. Max's jaw dropped. Tarot looked back at him, blushing, tapping her pawtips along his prick. "I mean, I guess I can help you out too," she said.

"That would be nice," Max said blankly.

Spreading her legs to get a paw between them, Tarot took one final look at the scene playing out--Grape all but deepthroating Peanut--and sank herself around Max. His spines greeted her lips, almost catching against them as she moved back. Her tongue shielded her from the assault, spines sliding over her taste buds.


Art by Enzo_Dog

"Fish, that's--" Max said, unable to take his eyes off Tarot. The sensation of her tongue, the way it wrapped around his cock, sent him elsewhere. She took all of him, blanketing his length with smooth, heated passes. In a mere minute, Max had gone from barely erect to pre dripping down the canine's throat. His hips rocked himself into her mouth, rubbing himself against her silky tongue. It was too much. Before he realized, Max was already erupting, cumming in his friend's maw.

Max gasped, trying to get some words out before he drenched her mouth completely. But she held her head down, eyes closed, ears flopping forward. Her lips pressed to his sheath and her paws held his bucking hips still. His penis twitched, cum spreading around her mouth. Once his senses returned, he was shocked to see that Tarot wasn't trying to kill him.

Tarot opened wide and let his cock flop down. "I had to see what the fuss was about," she murmured, panting. Her tongue drooled with milky white. She spat out whatever she hadn't already swallowed into her paw and sat down next to Max. They looked back at the other two. "Wow, right?" Tarot muttered to Max.

Choosing to keep at least one paw mostly dry, she spread herself open with the same paw Max had his mark on. His cum slipped against her walls. She spread herself with ease, holding in huffs. She didn't dare get too loud for fear of bringing Peanut back to her world, only inches away.

Max still looked at Tarot. "Yeah. Wow."

Grape looped her paws around Peanut's waist, grabbing his slender butt. She made full use of him. At the depths of her stroke, she would come close to kissing his knot, nose sniffing over it. The rest of him filled up her maw, the textured roof of her mouth on top, her tongue on bottom, all of it too warm.

Peanut struggled to keep himself contained. He debated trying to distract himself, but he couldn't focus on anything but the obvious. There was nothing but how she made him feel, the willingness she displayed.

"I'm close," Peanut murmured.

Grape continued, only pressing down harder, deeper.

Peanut clenched his jaw. "Grape, I said..."

Grape made eye contact. She watched his face, racked by pleasure. He huffed out hard, tongue out, panting. His eyes fluttered closed.

The dog twitched in her mouth. She barely had to move her head, just sucking down, jaws tight, to bring him over the edge. His vocalizations grew in strength, unfettered, earnest. His paws clenched the seat. She gripped his knot and welcomed the first healthy spurt of him down her throat.

Peanut's lips moved. He wanted to say something meaningful, to say what Grape meant to him. But he could only unload pulse after lengthy pulse. She swallowed, patiently waited for the next chance to breathe. Peanut's moans lowered in pitch, smoothing out in timbre: ending the song.

Grape released her hold on him. A string of his cum slipped out over his dick. She leaned down and licked him clean.

Peanut's own tongue lolled out, his head back. Grape stood up, wiping off any extra release from her lips. She smiled at Peanut's blissful recovery.

Tarot looked down at her sticky fingers, spreading them and watching a strand of arousal bridge between. Max had his legs crossed on the couch, still erect and twiddling his thumbs.

"Want to go get cleaned up quick, Tarot?" Grape asked.

She frowned to herself. She hadn't been able to get herself off a second time--not that Max's cum didn't feel sort of good, in a slimy sort of way. "Yeah... sure," Tarot agreed.

Chapter 4

Grape scoffed. "How quickly?"

"A couple minutes, I think," Tarot said, muffled around her toothbrush.

Grape ran a wet paw back through her hair, leaning in to check her appearance in the mirror. She could never get her hair to lie down, always poofing back up before long. "That's practically instant with him," she said.

Tarot stopped brushing her teeth. "He enjoyed himself," she admitted.

"Well, did you?" Grape said.

Tarot spit out the toothpaste, uncomfortable with how white it looked oozing down the drain. "I'm not eager to make him think that I'll do it again, no matter how good I was."

"I'll be sure he gets the message," Grape said.

The short dog swished water around in her mouth, spitting that out too. She shook her head clear. "How was he?"

"Peanut? He-he was... fish. I thought I knew how to talk about this stuff!" Grape laughed, hiding her mouth in her paw. "He was great; he was, you know,a lot."

"Well, you know what they're going to want to do," Tarot foretold.

Grape bent down, picking out several bath towels. "I was counting on that," she said.

Tarot kept a poker face, following Grape out of the bathroom. "But do you think they're going to want to switch again?"

Grape looked back at her with a wary look. "I can't imagine you'd want to, but I'm sure that's all they can talk about."

Max stood, talking loudly. "Why would Princess Illya_ever_ get with Saso? They're on opposite sides! Not to mention that the timeline doesn't make sense for that to happen in the first place."

Peanut crossed his arms. "It's not about the timeline! They're the perfect couple."

Max's eyes rolled at the 'ship. "Oh, please."

"I guess not," Grape mumbled to Tarot.

Max turned away from Peanut, relaxing his pose in an effort to look casual. "Oh, hey," he said.

Grape put her paws behind her back, walking up beside Max. She pressed her lips together.

"What's up?" Max asked.

She glanced over at Tarot and Peanut. "So how, er, what do we want to do?" Grape asked.

The cats and dogs looked around the room at each other. The silence extended out. Tarot seemed to smile and frown at the same time, scratching herself under her collar.

Max giggled to himself. "I think I know what we're going to do," he said.

Peanut looked clueless, but Tarot leaned against him, whispering into his ear. Peanut's eyes widened with newfound clarity. He grabbed her arms and leaned down to eye-level. "You want to?" he whispered, not quite quiet enough.

The purple cat snorted. She looked down at her feet and sang quietly. "Tarot's hoooorny."

Max laughed.

"Hey!" Tarot cried. "Don't act like the two of you don't want to do it!"

"Well, yeah, I do, but," Max said.

Grape took his paw. She touched his nose. "But what, Maxie?"

Max opened his mouth. Grape looked on expectantly, hovering in close.

"You got me," he admitted. Max leaned forward and kissed Grape. Her lips formed around his. Grape enjoyed the sensation of stretching her tail, hiking it up behind them.

Once it was clear that Max and Grape weren't paying attention, Tarot spoke quietly with Peanut. She sat on his lap, thighs hugging his legs. She looped her paws around his neck, taking off his collar. Saving him the trouble of finding the clip buried in her fur, she took off her own and let them fall to the floor. She got close enough to kiss him. "How did you want to do it?" she whispered.

"I don't know," Peanut said. His digits wrapped around her waist. "Did you want to be on top?"

"Hmm? You're always so excited. I didn't think you liked that kind of thing."

"I just thought you weren't interested in it," Peanut returned.

Tarot smiled, humbled but optimistic. She leaned in to kiss his neck.

Peanut hugged her back, holding her tight. It was hard to let go of the shame, sharing his orgasm with Grape only to talk so intimately with Tarot right after.

"Thanks," Peanut murmured.

Tarot took her nose off Peanut's chest and looked at his face. "You're welcome? What for?"

"I like you so much," Peanut explained. "And you have to watch me...with Grape. I still feel bad."

She closed her eyes, pressing her snout straight against his chest. "Peanut, I don't_have to_. I want to. I guess you didn't notice I was kind of enjoying myself."

Peanut blinked rapidly. "You did?"

"Oh don't make me talk about it. You're really cute when you're cumming, okay?" Tarot sighed.

Peanut giggled. They held each other for several long moments.

Grape's moan was muffled against Max. They were tight together, standing. His paws grabbed her butt. His dick pressed between their bellies, warm, just above her crotch.

Peanut pet Tarot's fur smooth. "We'll need condoms," he said.

Peanut matched Tarot's contours well. The idea of getting up required a lot of energy.

"We'll need a towel down first," Tarot mumbled.

"You're ready?" he said.

She grunted, standing up. "Help me out here."

Together, they threw the towel over the couch and sat down. Tarot climbed onto him again, her paws heavy on his chest. The dogs looked back when they heard Grape moan. Max's digits slid in and out between her wobbly legs.

Peanut looked up and found Tarot smiling back. His lips parted, completely enamoured. Tarot had moved so close their chests touched. His paws found her sides, their faces an inch apart. Peanut closed the gap. With doggish energy, they made out, lapping their tongues against each other, until their lips finally met. Peanut's tail wagged between their legs.

Grape paused her kissing, murring as three of Max's fingers dug in and slid out of her, flinging drips of arousal to the carpet. She turned her head and spotted the dogs on the couch.

"Sweet salmon, look at them," Grape muttered.

With his fingers still buried in, Max turned as well. "What about them?" he replied.

"I've never seen... I'm going to get involved. Just give me a second."

Maxwell watched Grape walk up, patting Tarot's side. Grape sat down, slouching low beside the two canines. Her view was one to appreciate. Tarot's pussy leaked from above, wetness rivalling her own. And Peanut's heavy dick grew from below, leaning off to one side.

Without a word, Grape's paw rubbed down Peanut's thigh. His leg twitched in surprise. She wrapped her paw around her glistening target.

Peanut muttered into Tarot's lips. "Grape?" he called out.

"Just ignore me, you two," she said.

"How can I when you're--mmmhhmm."

Tarot resumed kissing him. Peanut put his paws back to her sides, and raised his knees to get his legs out of the way.

Grape's hand glided over Peanut with the faintest touch. His penis stiffened. She stopped frequently just to hold him in all his warmth, or to fondle his furry balls. It was suddenly obvious why Max liked playing with her pussy so much. But she kept her reserved presence. She didn't want to get him too excited, not before he had his time with girlfriend number one.

Max stood between his Grape's legs. He leaned over to kiss her cheek, while one paw reached lower, squeezing inside. He twisted his paw, feeling her own strong muscles squeeze him right back.

Tarot pulled off Peanut, gasping for air. "Should we? Are you ready?"

"Yeah," Peanut panted. "I just need a--."

Grape tilted her head away. "Max, grab a couple condoms."

"Two? Planning ahead?" he said.

"For you_and_ Peanut," Grape said pointedly.

Max laughed to himself. He opened both and gave one to Grape. She kept Peanut still and rolled it down the dog's veiny length with her shaky hand. She had to avoid breathing on them, avoid rubbing against Tarot's pussy as the condom stretched down. It stopped just before his knot.

Tarot bent back, sitting up on Peanut's lap. "Want to get us lined up back there?" she asked. "Hold him still?"

Grape blushed heavily. "You can't do it?" she asked.

"Only if you don't want to," Tarot said.

"I-if you don't mind that I touch you... down there,"

Heart pounding, Grape grabbed Peanut's dick again. Tarot started lowering herself down. Grape tried to judge exactly where to angle Peanut's dick, but already, Tarot was there. Her vagina caught on his tip. She slid onto him, thick lips parting, and pressed herself down onto Grape's fingers. Grape jerked back. She caught her breath just as Peanut and Tarot got busy losing theirs.

Grape wiped the arousal off her fingers onto the towel. "Max, don't tell anyone I did that."

"I won't but," Max said, leaning in, "it was super sexy."

She let out a breath, enjoying the compliment. "Oh, quiet."

The male cat held his dick at the base, waving around his condom. He took it and started unrolling down his length, watching Grape all the while. Grape smirked back, pulling him in with her paws. Max's penis rubbed against her belly. His bell jingled in her face.

Grape pushed back on his chest. "We never took off our collars," she breathed.

He tugged on hers, undoing the strap. Kissing, Grape gave him the same treatment. The collars formed a pile near the base of the couch. Max felt a familiar rush, more powerful than usual. They were exposed to each other, not even a scrap of fur left to the imagination. He fell on top of Grape. He kissed her, paw rubbed her bare neck. The tip of his dick hit her wetness, and slowly, he pushed inside.

Tarot rocked the couch. Each squeeze of her muscles, each drive down Peanut, made her feel full, with total satisfaction surely just a movement away. When he wasn't panting towards the ceiling, Peanut moaned with need. His eyes stayed closed. All he could feel was Tarot: the weight of her hips on top of him, the way her walls fit snug.

Max pushed Grape further into the couch, plunging his full length in with every thrust. Grape groaned into his mouth as they kissed. She liked the rough, instinctual way that barbs dragged through her. But the condom hid the best of the pain. One of Max's only options was to plow her and hope he could last. He pulled off her lips, gasping for air. His forehead hit the back cushions. Grape wrapped her back legs around his waist. With four paws, she hugged him.

Doing all the moving wore on Tarot's endurance. But she knew the way Peanut's face changed from pure euphoria to unbearable pressure. His happy moans turned into groans, desperate attempts to move his hips up and have his sheath meet her labia. She pressed herself down, grinding against the width of his knot, the tip of his cock prodding deep. Tarot's grip on him tightened, putting all of her weight down against it, until finally, everything_clicked_.

"Aaah! Ahh! Ahah," Tarot cried out with relief. Her butt pressed against his thighs. His knot grew wide. His cum drained into the condom, dick throbbing inside her walls.

"Faster, Maxie," Grape muttered.

Max moaned in exhaustion. If not for all the moving, he would have shot inside her long ago. He struggled to keep up, to let the slow tension build to an orgasm. It was times like this, with balls repeatedly squishing up against his girlfriend, that he wished he worked out.

He gritted his teeth and willed his hips faster. The thought of pumping Grape full drove him forward. Grape murred her approval, hiking her legs up as high as they would go. She couldn't tell when the tension would break, which made it all the better when it did. He made a final, desperate push. He jetted hard, dick pulsing against her rippling heat, feeling his hot cum swelling against the elastic on his tip. Grape sighed, happy to hear him finish.

Minutes passed and bodies shifted. Peanut pulled out of a sleepy Tarot, who now laid on the couch instead of on top of him. She grunted, her cunt lips bulging as they passed around his shrinking knot.

But where Tarot was tired, Max was asleep.

"What did you do to him?" Peanut asked.

"What did I do? What did_he_ do?! Run a marathon?" Grape responded.

"Max couldn't run a mile, much less twenty-six," Tarot said. She rolled onto her side, getting comfortable. She raised a leg to look at herself.

Grape smirked. "Fair point. How did you guys do?"

Peanut inspected himself too, lifting up his dick to look at his balls. "Tarot felt great. She soaked through my fur down there."

"That's great?" Grape said.

"I didn't think it was possible to cum just from vaginal," Tarot sighed.

Grape's tail raised up behind her, this time without permission. "Neither did I."

"Did you have fun, Grape?" Peanut asked.

"I did," she said. "I was kind of wondering if you wanted to have a bit more."

Peanut sat completely still, apart from a twitch in his dick.

"Peanut," Grape complained, "if you want to have sex, you're going to have to stop looking at me like that."

He blinked. "I don't know if I can."

Grape stood up and tugged on his paw. "Come on."

Peanut followed her up, where she caught him in her arms until he found his footing. They shuffled around in the middle of the living room, holding each other close in a dance neither of them knew.

"What do you want out of our relationship?" Grape whispered.

Peanut wondered where this was coming from. He decided on an answer. "Well, I guess I still want to be best friends. I don't want to hide how I feel about you. I want--"

"Wait, what do you mean hide? I know how you feel about me."

"I mean hiding it from everyone else."

Grape hugged him, ignoring the dick pressing against her. "I don't think that's a good idea. A cat-dog relationship is one thing, but sharing a girlfriend is another. What if pets treat us weird?"

"Who cares if they do?" Peanut said.

"I care! I don't want to have to constantly defend myself. I don't want to be all people can talk about!"

Peanut pressed his forehead to her chest. "But I can defend you, too."

"You can't always be there for me," Grape said.

He lifted his head up. "I can try!"

"Please, Peanut," Grape said. Her thoughts jumbled over themselves, more confused than ever.

Peanut's paws clenched around her arms. "You wanted to know what I want! I never want to stop loving you! I don't want to act like I don't; I don't want to lie."

Grape blew air out her nose, looking at their shifting feet. Peanut's big eyes were there when she looked up. She shook herself out of Peanut's grasp, but she put her own paws on him instead.

Slowly, she leaned in. She pressed her lips to his. He felt stiff, and she worried she misstepped. But then his lips moved against hers, his paws on her back. Her ears fell behind her, relaxed. She pulled off. "You're a terrible liar anyway," she breathed.

The canine returned her tender kiss. He stopped kissing her, licking her cheek instead, her neck.

She sighed, unable to withstand the dick touching her belly for another moment. "Dang mutt."

Grape knelt in front of him. Before Peanut could breathe a word, Grape's mouth was around his erection. She almost pulled off. The strong smell and taste of his cum still clung to his flesh. But she took it for what it was. It was him.

Peanut moaned, putting his paws on the back of Grape's head, feeling her silky ears. She stayed still, suckling him without pause, feeling his dick widen between her lips, lengthen down her maw.

Peanut couldn't stop thinking about thrusting in and out. He thought about the sound it'd make, how it'd feel to push between her jaws. Before his willpower broke, he pulled completely out of her softness. He knelt down with her.

"Can you turn around?'' he said.

Grape didn't have to think, no more doubt to hold on to. She got on her knees and elbows and raised her tail. She glanced back and saw Peanut staring at her in awe. He grabbed her tail, his grip gentle. Preparing to feel the tip of his penis start to sink in, she muttered her surprise when a wide, flat tongue swept over her aching pussy.

Tarot sat up, rubbing the tiredness of her eyes at the sound of Grape's moans. "Hey, wake up," she said, tapping on Max's shoulder.

He groaned. "Nnnh. In a second, mom."

"It's Tarot. And not in a second. Look at them."

Maxwell squinted. "Who? Grape and-- oh... wow." He blushed. His paws pressed down on his crotch. "They're really going at it," he said.

Tarot looked down at his paws, then up at him. "They didn't care last time."

Max looked back seriously. "Yeah, well... only if you join me."

"Yeah! But don't make it weird," Tarot added.

Max blinked a few times.

The pomeranian sat all the way back on the couch. Peanut was still lapping away under Grape's tail, pushing his tongue in. Tarot bent her knees, slipping her paws between her legs again.

Max uncovered his crotch, letting his interest spring back up. He mostly watched Grape's pleased face. She occasionally released a moan when Peanut teased over her clit. But from the corner of his eyes, Max spied Tarot rubbing herself. He put a paw back around his dick.

"Peanut," Grape started. She had to work to keep her voice even. "I think I'm warmed up already."

Drool strung between his tongue and her inflamed folds. "You tasted really good," he breathed.

She shook her ass, raised her tail. "Whenever you're ready, doggy."

His heartbeat pounded; his dick had never felt harder. He grabbed her hips, holding her at the right height, and pressed himself between the lips of her tight cunt. Even the first inch of her pussy clung to him, willing him to keep pushing further. He scrambled forward and rocked himself in the rest of the way. The eager dog pressed his hips against her butt and held himself there.

Grape grunted through her teeth. He was smooth--smoother than anything--but his size was incredible. She let out a shaky breath. If someone told her a few years ago that Peanut would be stretching her out, she would have laughed. Now she moaned his name. She felt the exotic sensation of being scratched where everyone else had missed.

She gripped Peanut like nothing else. He couldn't tell if it was because they didn't need a condom: the way that her flesh rubbed bare on his. He couldn't tell if it was just the way that cats felt, too hot and snug and sexy for her own good. Her pussy twitched and kneaded him from his tip to the knot beginning to swell inside her lips. The sound of each thrust changed. His knot tugged on her labia on the way out, grinding wetly against it on the way in.

With a free paw, Tarot grabbed Max's thigh. Max stopped jacking off, looking at her, confused. But her eyes didn't meet his. Tarot moved closer and wrapped her paw around his penis. Max held a moan in. He slipped his own fingers into her sopping warmth. Tarot started jerking him off. He reciprocated.

Peanut panted heavily, legs tired, dick sore. He buried himself in the cat with everything he had left. Two orgasms meant nothing for his first time in Grape.

"Are you close?" Grape grunted out.

"I want to... get my knot in," he breathed.

"Do it!" she moaned. "Mrraah! Give me your puppies!"

The thought ran through Peanut's head. The urge to mate became overwhelming. With the slamming of his hips, the dog pushed in closer. Her pussy squished against his knot, bulging, stretched as far as she could go. She came, spasming, her head raised. Fresh juices splashed between them and took away the last resistance. Peanut howled. His knot sank into the feline.

Tarot and Max watched in awe. Their paws all but stopped fapping each other.

"Max, did you want to do it with me?"

"Fff-ish," Max sighed. He moved on top of her, shimmying his hips closer to hers. Tarot propped herself up to keep looking at the others. As Max started pressing his dick into her, she watched Peanut cum inside Grape.


Art byJonas, Colored by Sunnypup

Tarot dropped down, her back to the couch. Max moaned, repeatedly pressing their hips together. The tip of her tongue fell out with pleasure. She felt his spines grate inside like little pinpricks, warm and stimulating.

Max felt her arousal coat him, her pussy as soft as the body she hugged him with, warmer than her tongue on his cock. He stayed buried inside her, his thrusts shaking her against the couch.

Once Grape found her breath, she looked back. Peanut held her tail for comfort, rocking his hips against her butt, his knot still grinding in her walls. She felt her body pull the cum out of him, it's warmth pooling. But mostly, she felt the knot.

"Grape, they're..."

Grape followed Peanut's gaze. The couch creaked across from them. Neither Max nor Tarot looked their way anymore.

"I guess they're having some fun too. Only fair," Grape said.

"You're right," Peanut admitted.

They shared some final sighs and grunts, occasionally glancing at their friends. Peanut fell against her back to rest, and Grape let her belly hit the carpet.

Grape looked above her. "And Peanut?"

He stopped moving. "Yeah?"

"Tell them I'm your girlfriend all you want, okay? Just don't tell anyone I asked you to give me your pups."

Peanut nodded, his lips together. "I can do that."

Grape washed her hands. The last of the mess was gone. The smelly towels and washcloths were buried in the hamper. Max had helped Tarot wipe herself clean, whereas Peanut had licked out everything he deposited into her himself. His tongue had been gentle, hardly stimulating: something she needed after all the action.

Once Grape got out of the bathroom, Peanut spotted her. "Are you ready?" he asked.

She snuggled up against Peanut and slipped the blanket over them. Peanut turned on the TV.

Their pulses had returned down to their base rates. Grape had her head on Peanut's chest. His paws hugged her. Tarot had similarly cuddled up against Max's side.

Tarot sat up, gesturing at the television. "How could she possibly think it's a good idea to sabotage Naddy like that? She's going to get eliminated for sure."

"I think Tarot likes The Cat-chelor," Grape sang.

Tarot snorted. She let her head fall against Max.

Hands//Paws - A Poem

Hands aren't meant to feel this weird I'm not meant to spend all day looking They're not meant to rash They're not meant to bloody They're just supposed to be, Another part of your body That we use as tools, To try not to damage Too delicate,...

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Breaking Protocol

**Part 1. Discomfort** * * * Tammy's thoughts wondered. From so high above, the planet outside seemed tiny, unremarkable. Not worth the months of travelling. "Hey, we're heading down," Addison interrupted. "Mhm," Tammy agreed. She didn't look away...

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Housepets: Iambic Pent-Up Peanut

The Nut woke Grape the hundredth time that year So loud that Grape was sure the end was near. She gave the dog a hiss inside the ear And said to him, "I swear! This should be good." "It is!" he said. His face was full of red. "Don't lie, just say...

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