About the Meeting

Story by UmiTheUmbreon on SoFurry

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#13 of Hidden Lifestyle

A company called Unovanish is in charge of keeping Castelia City free of feral pokémon through practices the owner's daughter disagrees with strongly. When she's forced by her father to work for the company and carry them out herself at eighteen, she finds herself in the toughest predicament she'll ever face.

~ for flashbacks.


Words or phrases in Japanese will be used occasionally by their respective characters.


Existing; complete stories:

'All They Knew.'

(Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)

'A Night She Couldn't Resist.'

(Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer)

'Cassidy's Journey.'

(Male braixen x fem trainer.)


(Male umbreon x fem trainer.)

^ Excluding 'Midnight and 'Hidden Lifestyle,' all three works take place in the same universe.

Tomorrow was Thursday, meaning Ayame's birthday was closer than ever. It felt odd to be so nervous about a day one should look forward to, but she couldn't help it. Ayame lay on her bed with her hands in her hoodie's pockets, a sick feeling in her stomach. A cooking program was on TV that had come on after the only drama Ayame enjoyed was over.

While half-watching it, a knock at the door she had been awaiting took her from her thoughts. It had to be Katie, and Ayame couldn't wait to hear about what happened. She turned off the TV and got up, checking before opening it "Hey, how'd it go?" Ayame stepped aside.

"It felt so weird being in a room with all the upper ranks," Katie said while entering. It was still difficult to process she'd make it this far.

Ayame closed the door and followed to where she stood by the bed, standing a foot away to listen.

"Aika said there may be some sort of hideout the pokémon are using. It'd explain why I've been finding less while hunting."

Ayame was internally glad the pokémon finally smartened up but less so her father likely wanted it sabotaged. "So, what now?"

"We're ordered to find its location, report it back to HQ, and work from there." Katie sat on the edge of Ayame's bed.

"They must feel you're adequate enough to participate... But the pokémon are out of the city. Unovanish's end goal used to be to rid the city of all ferals. I guess now it's to make as much money as possible." As she knew already. Her disappointment was immeasurable, but Ayame wasn't surprised.

Katie nodded. "Unovanish can't get rid of em'. They're dependent on pokémon staying in Castelia to fund the company. If they leave or become scarce, it threatens it, like it is now."

"So, you're gonna find it, right?" It was a question she knew the answer to.

"Uh-huh, I'll try." Katie didn't want to stay on the subject knowing how sensitive Ayame was when it came to it. "But enough about that. You ready for your birthday?"

Ayame shrugged. "Doesn't feel much like one."

"Hey, cheer up." Katie stood and took some steps toward her. "It's gonna go great, trust me."

"And you know this how?"

"Because I'll make sure of it... Ayame, don't overthink it. It's still your day, one of your biggest. You'll be eighteen."

"I guess, but you know how I feel." She refrained from telling her about her morning with Ace so as not to guilt her further. It had only solidified Ayame's disgust for Unovanish.

"Yeah, but we'll make the best of it. I don't think Kado will ruin it intentionally, anyway." Katie checked her watch. It neared 8 p.m. "Ah, and I've gotta go work. Try not to worry so much, Aya, really." She walked past her.

Ayame grinned. "I'll try. Thanks for the talk, Katie."

"Mhm. I'll see you tomorrow!"

The door closed, leaving Ayame in silence. "I'll try..." She walked to her window and gazed at the bustling city below, its lights reflecting off her eyes. Maybe she could run away like Katie brought up recently. At eighteen, her life was hers. She'd take Kodi with her. He wants to work for Unovanish now, but it's only because he doesn't understand yet.

Two things held her back, however. Ayame could never leave Katie behind, and Katie may not leave out of fear for what Unovanish would do to her and her family.

The second reason was Ace. She wanted to get him out of here at least. He wasn't built for a job like this. No pokémon was, but Ayame couldn't take Unovanish down alone. No one could for that matter. The mayor and regional government worked with Unovanish, and not enough citizens showed resistance as they'd been conditioned over the years. No one would burn Unovanish to the ground, and not only because that'd equal a hefty prison sentence, but because most appreciated the company. Those who disagreed were outnumbered and shunned for siding with ferals. Unovanish had successfully criminalized pokémon in Castelia that weren't owned and embedded that seed within everyone's minds. Ayame couldn't deny how effective the operation had manipulated the public, but it should never have been.

Nowadays, the air in Castelia is tense and unpleasant.

She'd see how her birthday went. If she had to muster the courage to tell her father she didn't want to be affiliated with his company, then so be it.

Ayame recalled what she said to Ace earlier, how Unovanish had been under more fire and that things were subject to change. Did she resent her father enough to hope his company fell? Ayame despised Unovanish and how her father headed it without a doubt. She hated that when the pokémon finally surrendered and created a new home, her father still wanted to disturb them, but he'd always been good to her. That could change though.

Because Ayame wouldn't dart a single pokémon.