Story by OceanCatsEye on SoFurry

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Shockwave was ordered by Megatron to find anything that could be used in the war against the autobots, and became interested in a large Island that was home to a bunch of organic creatures that were similar to the dinobots back on Cybertron.

When the decepticon scientist went to inform Lord Megatron about his plan, he failed to notice that he was being followed by a decepticon who was looking for someone to mess with, knowing full well that if he was not careful that he could end up as one of the his experiments.

"Well, what do you have to report?" asked the decepticon leader without needing to face the other con.

"The Island itself is of little consequence, but I have made a surprising discovery" said the one eyed con.

"And what would that be, Shockwave?" asked the silver con.

"I believe that the humans referred to them as dinosaurs, Lord Megatron" replied the purple con with about as much emotion as a service droid.

"Take a couple of decepticons with you to the Island, at once!" commanded the tyrant.

"Leaving without me, shockers, I'm hurt" said the mocking tone of Barricade as he approached the scientist.

The purple con said nothing as Barricade got on board the large shuttle that they were using for their trip. "You'd do well to remember that since Starscream's untimely departure, I'm the decepton's second in command" said Shockwave harshly.

"What ever you say, you one eyed freak" said the police con under his breath angrily as he walked over and took a seat far away from the creepy con.

Blue and Azule were on the hunt, when something spooked their prey, the two Raptors exchanged a look and went to investigate the source of the disturbance.

The two saurians stalked slowly towards a large clearing, where strange metal people were gathered, "these not smell like humansss" screeched Azule to his brother as they were unsure of what the intruders were or how to handle them.

"All I'm saying, is that we should be out kicking autobot aft, not here on a dinosaur infested Island" whined the police mech.

"Then stop complaining to me about your childish need for destruction, and go collect some specimens for my project" said the agitated scientist.

"B-but commander S-shockwave, what if I come across some of those horrid beasts?" asked the mostly black con with a whimper.

Shockwave resisted the urge to turn around and shoot the other con, which was very tempting, given how cowardly he was behaving.

"Take this" said the annoyed con as he tossed a whip over at Barricade.

"Ooohhh, been holding out on us shocky, didn't know you even had a kinky side" laughed the police con.

Barricade could tell by how the larger mech was slightly twitching, that the scientist nearing the limit of his remarkable patience, then turned and went out to collect what was on Shockwave's list.

Azule had decided to follow the black metal being, the being in question was slowly getting close to one of the nests, a low series of angry clicks came from the raptor as he had to think of a way to lead the metal thing away from the nest.

After the metal being left the area to collect some more of whatever he was supposed to get, Azule felt relief wash over him, but the cries of distress had caused him to sprint towards the cries of his packmates.

"Ahhhh! stay back" exclaimed the metal thing as he quickly pulled out a strange coiled up object, a feeling of dread came over Azule, as barricade whirled the whip over his helm and snapped it the the raptors.

"Back!" exclaimed the metal being as he snapped the whip once again, Barricade began to feel like his old self as he started cracking the whip with as much force as possible, one raptor made the mistake of attacking the metal thing.

"Take this, you retched beast!" said Barricade as he snapped the whip at the leaping raptor, savoring its pained screech as tit was struck, seeing one of their packmates on the ground with a long bleeding gash on its side had caused the full fury of the pack to be unleashed.

A rapid series of whip cracks followed by screeching, soon filled the air, Azule's mouth fell open as more and more of his packmates fell, never before had he or his pack had an encounter with such a formidable foe.

Azule actually trembled in fear, something that he hadn't done since he was very little, as the metal being made quick work of the pack with his whip, the smell of blood hit his nostrils and he nervously approached after the metal being had left.

The bodies of his packmates littered the ground, Azule saw the numerous bleeding gashes the covered the raptors bodies, he had to find his brother and inform him about what happened.

Rage, sorrow, and grief had filled Azule's mind ans he sprinted to find his brother. The need for revenge clouded the judgement of the grieving raptor, the metal being would pay for what was done to the others and pay dearly.

Azule found Blue and quickly went over and nuzzled him like when they were little, Blue could tell that his brother was distraught, so he began licking the side of his brother's snout, the vibrations of Blue's purring quickly calming him.

"What happened?" asked Blue with a soft bark.

"Metal thing hurt packmatesss with whip, many dead" replied Azule with his head lowered.

Blue hissed angrily and belted out a furious bark," HOW DARE HE!!."

Blue followed behind his brother as they went back to the where the attack took place, the sight of several dead and dying raptors, confirmed what his brother had told him about what the metal thing had done.

"We kill him" snarled the beyond furious Blue.

"Kill him? b-but metal thing used whip to scare packmates into leaving" chirped the other raptor in surprise.

"What do you suggest that we do to the metal thing?" asked Blue with a annoyed bark.

"Teach metal thing a good lesson" chirped Azule.

The two raptors were at a loss as how to punish the metal thing, during the hunt for him, but luck was somehow on their side, as they overheard voices that were coming from just ahead in the clearing.

"Do you have what I asked for?" said Shockwave without any regard for Barricade's well being.

"I did, but it was lost during a raptor attack" said the police mech.

"It is of little importance, seeing as I've already found what I needed to make my formula" replied the purple con.

"So, its ready?" asked Barricade.

"Indeed, now all I need is a test subject" said Shockwave as he turned towards Barricade.

"You want me to be the a test subject, no fragging way, one eye!" yelled Barricade.

"I do not recall offering you a choice" said Shockwave as he shot a dart at the police mech.

"W-what the-" began Barricade as he felt dizzy and then collapsed to the ground.

When the police con awoke, he found to his horror, that he was bound to a large and very thick cedar tree with unbreakable energon coils, even more shocking was that his interface protocols were activated and his spike was out and fully erect.

"SHOCKWAVE!" bellowed the bound mech.

"Good, you're awake" intoned the amused scientist.

"Planning on raping me, you sick slagger!" snapped the black mech.


"I'm quite curious about sexual stimuli to one's spike, so I injected you with a special substance that with make you extra sensitive, when you are having your spike stimulated by one of the beasts that resides on this Island" said Shockwave.

There was no way that he was going to let something like a T-rex lick him.

Blue and Azule were attracted by someone yelling and went over to investigate, the metal thing that had assaulted his pack, just happened to be bound to a tree with a impressive looking sexual organ.

The scent of the metal being's arousal filled air, the one that hurt the pack was bound and utterly helpless, and a plan began forming inside Blue's vindictive reptilian brain, that would serve their purpose.

"We punish the metal thing with our mouths" barked Blue.

"It would appear that we have guests" said Shockwave as he observed the large raptors approaching Barricade, clearly in hunting mode.

But he hadn't realized yet was that the raptors were not hunting for food, but for another kind of meat, albeit a armored metallic one.

Barricade eyed the raptors as they moved in close to his spike, Blue cocked his head with a quizzical look, sensing the fear in the metal being's eyes, before gently opening his maw and gave Barricade a quick lick across the tip of his spike.

"Ahhh...f-frag!" exclaimed the con as his spike was licked, Blue chirped with delight and lapped his tongue over the metal being's shaft, before Azule joined his brother on the other side of the bound decepticon's spike.

"Hnngghhh...s-stop...please! it tickles" cried Barricade as tried to avoid the beasts oral assault, the metal being's tortured cries were like music to vengeful raptors as Blue and his brother gave Barricade a superb tongue lashing.

Shockwave was watching all of this with great interest, while taking notes.

Barricade's turgid spike looked like it would explode from all the attention that it was getting, but a very cleaver Blue had figured out how to keep the oral torture going, by having Azule and him every once in awhile and let Barricade thrash out in need, before licking him again.

Shockwave's own spike seemed to be getting restless within the confines of his codpiece, the one eyed mech becoming even more fascinated with each passing moment, feeling slightly pleased that Barricade was suffering under the endless lashes of the raptors tongues.

"P-please, I...can't take any more!" begged Barricade, Azule backed off briefly and chirped at his brother, "the metal thing had been punished enough" but Blue hissed in annoyance and pulled away briefly to pick up a long whip like stalk of stinging nettle.

Blue had set out to punish Barricade, and by the great saurian elders, the punishment would be carried out.

The loud agonizing scream the that the metal being emitted, when Blue lashed the nettle across the decepticon's already sensitive penis, was worth having to hear him shriek in agony and felt a sense of vindication as he lashed the nettle again, watching intensely as it wrapped around his spike and whipped over the very tip.

Shockwave made sure to gather as much about these simple yet intelligent creatures as he could, while resisting the urge to whip out his spike, seeing as the decepticon scientist was getting more and more aroused.

Blue gave the metal being a few more lashes with the nettle, before finally stopping, then passed it to Azule, who seemed hesitant to except it and actually trembled as he remembered the way that their father had used it on them when they were little.

Both raptors could smell the familiar scent of arousal coming from another of the metal beings, Azule went over and went to work on Barricade, while Blue approached Shockwave and purred softly as he coaxed out the purple con's spike by licking his crotch.

"Do you wish to help me with my research?" asked Shockwave curiously as he freed his aching spike and sat down on a large stump and spread his legs a little, allowing the raptor to sniff at his crotch and gave a little lap at the purple con's spike.

Barricade would've shot the pesky raptor if he could, but to no avail as Azule lapped over the area where Barricade had been whipped, the wetness of the raptor's tongue caused the con to grunt and wince as he gently bathed the welted shaft with tender licks.

Just as Barricade was content with having Azule lick his spike, everything was about to change as the smell of flesh and arousal had attracted the attention of the biggest male T-rex on the Island.

The sudden appearance of the larger dinosaur had caused Azule to quickly sprint over to his brother, Shockwave stood up with an annoyed grunt, grabbed the whip and went over to confront the massive beast.

Shockwave swung the whip over his helm and cracked it at the T-rex, the beast pulling back and shook its massive head before coming again at the purple con, the decepticon scientist once again cracked the whip.

Woosh! crack! woosh! crack! "you'd do well to flee while you are able" stated Shockwave as he kept the beast at bay with skilled snaps of the whip, but the the beast was not about to give up.

Shockwave was getting bored with the beast and unleashed a series of rapid snaps of the whip woosh! crack! woosh! crack! woosh! crack! woosh! crack! woosh! crack! woosh! crack! before snapping it forward one last time, the whip wrapping around the T-rex's neck.

"Time to end our little game" said Shockwave as he held the dino with the whip, while transforming his other arm into a large blaster and fired at full power at the the struggling beast, the whip falling to the ground as the T-rex's body was reduced to a smouldering pile of flesh.

The purple con coiled up the whip, before going back to the stump and sat back down, so to continue with his research.

The two raptors wanted to repay the purple metal being for saving them, so Blue and Azule began licking Shockwave's spike, figuring that Barricade had learned his lesson, the one eyed con released him from his binds at the press of a button.

The heavily venting decepticon, angrily stormed over to where Shockwave was sitting, and was about to start yelling, only for the other con to quickly topple him and bent him over his knees after the surprised raptors back away a little.

"W-what is the meaning of this?" asked the outraged con.

The purple con simply patted the bent over mech's aft with mock affection, before speaking with what had remained of his already dwindling patience.

"Even you must be familiar with the concept of spanking, Barricade" said Shockwave with what could be viewed as smugness.

Blue and Azule watched as the purple decepticon spanked the smaller one, Barricade hollering as Shockwave punished the other con, the scientist's heavy servo getting a really good reaction out of the other mech with each smack.

Barricade had no idea that Shockwave even knew what spanking was, or that the decepticon scientist packed such a firm wallop, energon tears dripped down his faceplate as he grit his dental plating.

"P-PLEASE...I'M SORRY SHOCKWAVE!" screamed the other con.

That was just what the purple con wanted to hear, but before letting him up, the larger mech removed Barricade's aft plating.

The stunned con was hauled to his peds, where Blue and Azule began licking his quickly hardening spike, while Shockwave had bent down to pick up the stinging nettle.

"Yeowww!" exclaimed Barricade as Shockwave lashed the nettle across his bare aft.

Barricade was alternating between pleased grunts and pained screams, the assault on his spike and his aft, giving him the most pleasure that he had ever experienced as he moaned and yearned for more.

Barricade was nearing a powerful overload, barely able to keep standing as the lapping tongues and the whipping of his aft, was the most exquisite torture that he had ever felt and soon overloaded with a mighty bellow.

The raptors backed off as ropes and ropes of ejaculate shot skyward, arching in the sky before landing on the ground.

The one eyed mech had learned all that he need to, but couldn't think of a reason to leave.

Shockwave knelt down to pat the raptors heads, before sitting flat on his aft and offered them his spike.

The decepticon scientist and second in command had figured that he needed to do more hands on research, so he used his com unit to relay a message back to Megatron, the furious bellow the erupted from the communicator caused everyone including Shockwave to jump a little.

Shockwave decided to stay on the Island a while longer, giving the shocked and angry Barricade a smug look, or at least his version of one anyway.

For annoying as organic plats and animals could be to the decepticon scientist, Shockwave actually enjoyed this place, and although Barricade would be a minor annoyance, he would be able to inforce discipline with the help of Blue and Azule.

And while he knew that they would have to leave at some point, Shockwave was content with staying where he was, and having his spike serviced.

Throughout their stay on the Island, Shockwave had gathered far more information regarding the various plants that grew there, most of which had collected to create many formulas to use against the autobots.

But news of Megatron's further decent into madness had reached him, and the scientist decided to do what he should've done some time ago, get rid of Megatron and assume command.

When the purple con went off to inform Barricade about his plans, the sound of moaning reached his audio sensors, the smaller decepticon was bent over a large fallen tree sucking Blue's cock while Azule bathed his aft with his tongue.

Shockwave was sure that Barricade would resist the orders of a couple of organic creatures, but the grouchy con seemed almost at peace, under the raptors firm discipline which he had been experiencing for the past couple of months.

Once the two of them finished with Barricade, the one eyed mech had something to show them.

Blue and Azule found the purple metal being at his makeshift lab, before going over to greet him, I have something that will help you communicate more efficiently, and bent down to attach metallic cranial devices on the two raptors heads and tapped a button on both devices.

The decepticon scientist stood to his full height, before addressing the two slightly confused raptors.

"My Name is Shockwave, can you understand me?" he asked.

Surprisingly the two raptors looked up at the purple mech, "w-we understand y-you" said the two dinos.

"Say my name" instructed the mech.

"Ssshockwave!" they both exclaimed with a slight hiss.

"Who isss that over there, coming towards ussss?" asked the brothers.

"That is Barricade" stated Shockwave, observing how Blue glared and hissed at him as he got closer.

"Barricade? so that's the name of the one that hurt our packmatesss" growled Blue.

"Uh...shocky, you might want to rein in those beasts, before they rip you to pieces" said Barricade.

"It would be most unwise of you to anger them, Barricade!" said the purple mech with some amusement at the other con's arrogance.

But before the other con could do anything, Blue angrily leapt at Barricade and actually knocked down and hissed right in his shocked face.


"Alright! alright! I-I'm sorry" exclaimed the frightened con.

Blue glared harshly at him for just a few seconds, then licked his face.

"I forgive you" replied the raptor, before getting off the con and nuzzling his crotch.

"Do you want this?" asked Blue, before lowering his head and licked Barricade's interface panel until it retracted and his spike sprang free.

"Yes...frag it!" exclaimed Barricade.

"Beg me for it" said the raptor evilly.

Shockwave looked on with a small sense of pride as the raptor established dominance over the other con.

"I'm not begging you for anything" yelled the con.

Blue shook his head and quickly reached out with a clawed hand and grabbed the mech's spike, before pulling away and retrieved a fallen vine and wrapped it around the moaning con's spike.

"Then you can stay here and suffer" said Blue, before turning to leave.

Blue wasn't a cruel creature and hated to see something suffer, but Barricade needed to be taught some manners.

"Alright fine! please lick my spike" said Barricade.

Before he knew it, the raptor was at his crotch, and he cut the vine with a claw.

"You're a good boy, you just needed was a little discipline" purred Blue, before lapping at Barricade's bloated spike.

Shockwave couldn't have been any more pleased with how his little project turned out, with a bit more training, he would have warriors under his command that would prove far more useful than any con soldier.


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