The Morning After

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#120 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Third vignette for Pickra, directly following up from last month's!

Pickra has awakened somewhere Warm and safe, a cabin in a Forest.

Contains: Wide Hips, Implications, Surrealism, Predscape Setting, References to Other Stories, An Extremely Pearshaped Wuff, Vore Tattoos and Possessive Language

Pickra is FA: Pickra

Tsumi is Kaijou

Forest is FA: Spottedsqueak

The dragon is urTris

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Pickra slowly surfaced from the oblivion of sleep to find himself sprawled out face down on a large grey and white furred rug, on the floor of a sitting room in a cabin, by a roaring fireplace. The feline took a deep sniff of the rug and purred. It was a familiar, soothing scent. The kind of scent that always brought him comfort.

Lethargically, he rolled onto his side in preparation to get up, only to get distracted by the way his spine curved. Looking down over the fluff of his mane down his body, Pickra saw just how wide and padded his hips were. He reached one hand down to stroke along his hip and thigh, initially shocked by just how curvaceous he was. Reaching back, the feline felt that the ampleness had added to his rear as well.

Before his mind dwelled on how this was incongruous with his self-image, he realized that he'd been eating rather well recently, and it was all going downstairs thanks to his metabolism. Pickra supposed that the realization came all at once after such a gradual change because he hadn't laid on his side much. "I keep forgetting how big I'm getting..." He muttered to himself, before planting his top foot over onto the rug a couple feet from his center line and pivoting back facedown.

At the same time, Pickra planted the hand he'd been feeling with into the fur as well, before getting his other two sets of claws in, resulting in his legs taking a wide stance. He slowly walked his hands backward, pressing his hips up into the air, his fluffy tail standing tall away from his hefty backside as he stretched his spine out with a feline quiver. Allowing his shoulders to rise a bit, he walked his hands all the way between his spread legs, before flexing his glutes to bring his torso upright, reaching his hands all the way back over his head.

The feline fluidly worked his feet back and forth on the rug to bring them closer together, before he dropped his arms to his sides with a sigh. He started to walk, now that he was upright, off the rug and through the cabin. He did notice that his steps were bringing the weight below his figurative belt to rock and sway further than he initially thought was normal, but again... such gradual changes...

Pickra found himself wandering the cabin, taking in the layout of the kitchen, before heading up the stairs. Everything was a mix of novelty and familiar, similar to his body's shape, but he'd stopped thinking about that, instead heading to the next thing. Three closed doors awaited the feline at the top of the stairs. Two were decorated with diamond symbols: one in black with a white border and the other white with a light purple border. The third door had a simplified, cartoony image of a strawberry upon it.

The feline took note of them, before heading back down the stairs.

Unnoticed to Pickra, when he wasn't looking a fourth door had appeared upstairs, this one marked with a heart the color of his fur, outlined in the color of his mane.

The cat hummed to himself as he pressed open the door of the cabin and stepped out into the forest. The deep, penetrating warmth he'd felt laying in front of the fire stayed with him, giving him no reason to seek clothes or anything. After all, he walked through the forest naked all the time, didn't he?

Pickra merrily wandered about, no worry about getting lost entering his mind. He always knew his way back to the cabin, after all. His round ears perked up as he got close to a craggy hill in amongst the trees. He could hear voices talking faintly.

Curiously, the feline headed towards the source of the sounds, soon finding a cave opening set into a divot at the base of the hill. Carefully he stepped down to where the mossy earth gave way to mossy stone, then smooth polished stone. Pickra's eyes rose from his footing to discover a warmly lit cavern. The source of the voices was evident. An enormous flatscreen was playing a cooking show from where it was mounted high on the wall, and the voices were replicated by speakers arranged around the cave.

Watching the television, was a rather large dragon of black and white. The sprawling beast was nestled into a furrow of his silvery hoard, eyes intently on the screen, while one of his forelegs was curled around a figure smaller than Pickra, a pink moogle. The mog was similarly bare, to the cat's eyes, his pom lightly pulsing in its glow where it rested against the dragon's upper foreleg.

Deer-like ears perking next to his swept-back horns, the dragon turned his head towards the entrance of the cave. Smiling amicably, the beast raised his opposite foreclaw in a wave.

The motion alerted the moogle to the newcomer as well. Using a remote to pause the playback on the large screen, he sat up and pivoted. He gasped and grinned brightly and waved a hand energetically. "Hey there, kitty-po!"

Pickra started to walk from the entrance to the base of the hoard, tilting his head slightly. "When did a cave show up...?"

The moogle stood from his nestling spot, revealing he was wearing some snug cut-off jean shorts. He hopped over the forearm of the dragon and slid down the side of the hoard with a bright giggle. "I knoooow, I'd never seen it before last night, k'po!"

The dragon stayed silent, though he was clearly blushing about something.


Forest smiled warmly. He was seated on the couch, his prey-enhanced hips touching both arms of the furnishing. A light blush was on his cheeks, nodding as the skunk in front of him spoke.

"Even if it wasn't the kind of party I was expecting, it was kinda fun!" The mephit stated warmly. "Thanks again for letting me out so quickly, and on your birthday, even. I do need to get going, though..."

The wolf waved off the thanks. "Don't let me keep you, I kept you enough as it was." He patted his belly for emphasis, right next to the large diamond that took up the area around his navel.

The skunk blushed deeply and nodded, taking his leave.

"Goodnight, travel safe." Forest beamed. Once the door closed and he was finally alone, having had to do pretty much the same thing for each of his friends who had planned the devoured surprise party. He was pretty tired, but he still felt quite warm and full.

Pressing his feet against the floor, the pear-shaped wolf hefted his immense softness from the sofa, a creak of relief escaping the frame. As he did so, his rear was uncovered from the upholstery. On one side, as always, there was a small strawberry marking. But now, mirroring its position opposite his positively waggy tail, there was a heart in a familiar dark blue, lined in a lighter blue.

Forest reached back, his plumpness on his side creasing against itself as he twisted to reach so far as to touch his grand rear end. His hand trailed over the new heart, a giddy look on his face. "Welcome home, kitty~" He untwisted and yawned, heading towards his bedroom, enjoying his weight and softness with every step. "Just you get settled in~"

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