Depth's of Winters Embrace - Chapter Four -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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#4 of Depths of Winters Embrace

Ceredwyn returns to her Anthropomorphic form, then as the curious construct learns more, Ceredwyn timidly begins to teach him courtship and foreplay, but things don't go exactly according to her on-the-fly plans...

Depth's of Winters Embrace

Chapter Four

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

9thOctober, 2021

All Rights Reserved.

"It is I young one," I murmured, as she shuddered from ears to hooves. "Be not afraid, I will not hurt you, I promise."

He seemed to just move through the waist deep snow as if it was not even there, which considering his makeup, come as no real surprise to me. His head tilted, he looked at me, then nervously stepped around me, keeping a respectable distance. Patiently, I waited and kept my head down and eyes looking down at the ground, so as not to startle him or be perceived as some sort of threat.

"Is...doe, yes?" He asked, the question unmistakable in his vocal patterns.

"I am, yes. This is...difficult, I understand. I am a rare creature, one who can take this form, or the one you know me as. My - half human, half animal form."

"Human? What's that?"

I forget how naive you are young one. I thought to myself.

"Humans? Many would hunt, hurt and kill one such as I...and possibly you - I... could you even die? Is that possible?"

"Die? What is die?"

I exhaled through my nostrils, then shuddered and looked at my discarded robe, then at him. "Can you bring this for me please?"

Obediently, he walked over and picked up my robe, carrying it awkwardly, as I led him back to the cottage.

"I'm sorry..." He murmured, hanging his head as if upset at his question.

"No, do not be sorry, it isn't your fault! Remember? You are - like a newborn fawn, in so many ways. There is so much you have learned, already, yet so much there remains - I could spent years, decades...centuries..."

He tilted his head.

Of course, he has no concept of such things.

"Never-mind, they are not important. As for die? When a creature reaches the end of its life, they...die. They cease to live, to be...well, alive."

"Am I dead?" He asked, as tears suddenly welled in his eyes.

"No, no my dear, sweet stag!" I moaned, then walked over and nuzzled his shoulder. "You are not alive like I am, remember, I explained this to you!"

"So, they just...stop? Not move anymore?"

"My gentle stag... I wish I had the words to explain it to you, alas, I do not. It is...something that upsets me, do you understand? It will make me cry, like you are..."

Blinking, he sniffled and nodded, then used his wrists like I would in her feral form, to dry his eyes.

"I must be strong for the doe, not cry or make her upset!"

Managing a weak smile, I shook her head slowly.

"Sometimes, we cry when we are happy as well. We - living creatures, ones like you and me, you understand?"

"No." He replied simply.

I nodded, then backed up against the cottage door, using my furred rump to open it again and he followed me in.


Shifting back hurt to my anthropomorphic form hurt - a lot -, and he cried as he watched me do it, he could see and sense how much it hurt. After half an hour, I whimpered and lay on my pallet bed, before I wiped the tears from my eyes with my palms and shuddered.

"Would I take that from you, if I could, " He spoke quietly.

" is a part of me, I am a part of it - now and forever."

He shook his head slowly, then stood up and sat again, before he frowned and looked over at me.

"You are doe..." He repeated, as if he was carrying on a conversation from mere seconds ago, not hours.

"Yes, I am."

He stood up, then began pacing the small cottage, I noticed, he stayed well away from the crackling fireplace.

"I am...what am I?"

"You? You're a handsome young stag! A male, that's not quite right."

His head tilted as he frowned in consternation.

"Is stag or not stag?"

"Easy young one, easy! I apologise, I...I haven't had a lot of interaction with others in too long. I am sorry. For sake of this, I will call you a stag. However, there are - like I was in my feral form - a doe? There are ones like you, who look like that, have antlers and...are stags as well."

He blinked, an in that single instant, made the mental connections that imprinted on his mind.

"I understand now, thank you."

"Now...come here, please?"

Obediently, he walked over, then sat on the bed, sitting sideways to me. I turned to face him, then took his chilly paws in my own and lightly squeezed them.

"You asked...about that strange scent of mine, before."

He looked into my eyes, then nodded, his sweet, naive innocence reflected in those brilliant blue eyes.

"Now, normally, a doe goes into season during the rut, a special time of the year, around late summer, early to mid fall."

He blinked, having no idea what she was talking about, but listening attentively.

"I am... neither human, nor deer. As I explained, so, that...oh goddess, this is so hard! How do I explain it?"

He remained impassive, his mind absorbing everything and anything.

"That scent you smell on me? From me..." I blushed, my natural instincts when I was highly embarassed or talking about a sensitive subject. I couldn't help it... I felt my inner ears turning a brilliant crimson.

With a frown, he looked at my reddening ears, then he tilted his head and pondered a moment, before he spoke quietly and gently.


I blinked, as he carefully pulled his fingers free of my light hold, then delicately traced the edge of one of my long floppy ears. I gasped and trembled and he snatched his fingers away, going wide-eyed with fear.

"No...don' afraid - " I gasped. "That...felt good, I liked that touch, go on, its alright!"

Timidly, he reached out again and with the softest of caresses, he gently began rubbing the black tips of my ears.

"Urgh..." I gasped, head tilting backwards.

"Is...okay?" He whispered, eyes wide.

I couldn't answer him, it wasn't just good it awoke in me long suppressed urges and memories. My scent grew stronger and stronger by the second, which elicited a strange behaviour in him. He stopped, almost frozen, then leaned back at an unnatural angle and looked down, his eyes showing his confusion and bewilderment.

"Is_that_ normal?" He asked, looking down at his lower belly . "Is it meant to do that?"

I squirmed helplessly, my ears being very sensitive and quick to bring me to sexual arousal, much to my shame and guilt. I blinked, then looked down and my eyes widened, before I blushed even worse. My inner ears beginning to ache.

"Yes...That is...normal for a young male stag, affected by...well, yes, it is normal."

He looked down, then curious, his fingers wrapped around it and squeezed lightly, before his eyes suddenly widened and he bleated in surprise and pleasure, then instant guilt and shame as he snatched his fingers away and trembled. I gently embraced him and held him, stroking his neck gently and whispering soothingly to him.

"Easy young one, easy...its alright, honestly! You've never - experienced lovemaking or anything like it - have you?"

His eyes wider than she'd ever seen, or believed possible, he stared at her.

"May... I teach you? If you're scared, or I hurt you...tell me, okay?"

He trembled, then nervously nodded, his leaf-like ears flattening.

"Now, normally," I whispered calmly as I rose from the bed and gently pushed him down onto his back. "A buck courts and seduces the doe."

"I don't...what is seducing?"

Mindful of how scared he was, I gently placed her fingers against his lips and smiled, before I shook her head, long ears rustling against my furred shoulders.

I felt aroused and horrified, I couldn't help it, that sensual ear caress he had given me had brought me so close - then left me teetering on the edge, yet I knew I had to try and supress my own urges, for his sake.

"Courtship amongst our kind, is a most...sensual and enjoyable thing, for both buck and doe."

He gazed up at me, silent and watchful, eyes like twin moons as he listened.

"This..." I gestured at the firm, pale length that lay against his belly.

He tried to look down, but went cross-eyed and looked back up at me.

"This is the stags phallus, his - penis."

Watchful, he trembled and squirmed as I gently brushed it with my hooflets. He bleated and twitched violently.

"Easy little one... I know how sensitive that is, and these - feelings - must be most strange for you. Please, a moment..."

He blinked, as I crept off the bed and clattered through some jars on a shelf, before I nodded and took down a small clay pot. Carefully, I lifted the lid and set it aside, before dipping my fingers into it. He sniffed, smelling a strange scent he did not understand nor know what it was. As I returned to the bed, I smeared the strange, sticky substance over my paws. rubbing it in until my fingers and palm were wet and sticky.

"This will help, it is render from a...never-mind, do you trust me, that I will not hurt you?"

He nodded, his faith in me absolute.

"This will...well, it will probably tickle and feel good, so please, try not to kick or struggle, okay?"

Carefully, I straddled his legs, folding my own either side of his, as I looked down and thought how best to do that which I was about to do. I had not been with another male in over a century - my methodology was archaic and not designed purely for sexual pleasure and gratification. In my mind, mating was for reproduction only...but I was was willing to try my best.

Carefully, I slipped my fingers under his firm member and lifted it up slightly. He squired beneath me but remained quiet, his eyes watching every move.

"Now...shall we begin?" I smiled down at him, gently stroking his chest with my other paw as I gazed down into those brilliant blue eyes.

My other paw held his length gently, my fingers wrapped around it. He blinked and twitched slightly, then squealed as his twitch made my fingers slide along his length.

"Woah, easy..." I laughed, I couldn't help it. I could feel the powerful muscles in his body contracting beneath me, his eyes wide and that beautiful pelt rippling.

With a startled bleat, he suddenly and wildly bucked beneath me and I squealed in alarm as he come there and then. His seed cold like clear spring run off and it spattered over his belly and chest as he moaned and his eyes rolled up showing only the blue...

All I could do was sit there, staring down at him, my muzzle hanging open and eyes wide in surprise...