Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 8, The Mirror of Shattered Dreams

Story by SabbyKat on SoFurry

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#9 of Sabetha, The Walker of Fate Series

Chapter 8

The Mirror of Shattered Dreams

"Sabetha, we may be stronger then at that point, but they most likely outnumber us vastly. Elisa and myself are not versed in battling either so if we are attacked by Pokemon we will be helpless," Tremi said in concern.

"Don't worry about that! Me, Frinny and Lefy can handle any of those jerks if we don't get over run," Sapphire said with a serious look. Sabetha shook her head.

"Sapphire, I don't expect you to stay with me. If you do, they will come after you as well... I won't be offended if you leave," Sabetha said staring at Sapphire, who smirked holding her hip with a hand.

"And lose my best friend again? No thanks!" She said grinning. Sabetha stared at her wide eyed in disbelief before chuckling softly turning away.

"I'm glad to hear that, Sapphire... but sentiments have to wait. If that man gets help, we're going to be quickly trapped. Let's hurry!" Sabetha called out back rushing out into the chamber ahead.

"Which way?!" Sabetha asked now standing in a very large roughly square chamber. The roof above was lined with the strange crystals with a ramp leading up to a platform above. Dozens of tunnels led off in multiple directions but no marker showing the right path could be seen.

"They destroyed the marker!" Sapphire gasped looking around.

"H-Hahahaha... you won't escape," a weak, raspy voice echoed out. The group looked to their left spotting Joe resting against a wall holding his side with a weak grin on his face.

"Shut your hole you!" Sabetha snapped angrily looking around trying to see if there was any footprints or such to follow.

"Use the gift that is you... use it to bring light to the darkness," a voice whispered. Sabetha swung her arm back angrily.

"Not now!!" Sabetha shouted angrily looking over at Tremi, her expression softening seeing a very, very surprised expression on Tremi's face.

"This place... this presence... I understand why it induces dreams, there is an energy flowing through this place that is very much like my own!" Tremi exclaimed in shock not understanding how psychic energy could form naturally like this. Sabetha stared at Tremi blankly blinking a few times.

"Ok, so there's a strange energy, how about you help find the exit?" Sabetha said beginning to get concerned.

"It has only just appeared now, Sabetha. This presence... we must leave this chamber immediately, we must get Sabetha out of here," Tremi said looking at Sapphire who stared at her confused.

"What? Why??" Sabetha asked seeing Tremi speedily walking towards her, but soon realizing she was to late.

"W-What in the?!" Sabetha gasped following Tremi's gaze down to her hands, her eyes bulging seeing fine violet colored fur beginning to rapidly appear cross her hands. "Ack! What the heck?!" Sabetha cried out seeing a bright glimmer of energy suddenly begin to rush up her arms.

"Sabetha!" Sapphire gasped stepping forwards but stopping as she bumped into Tremi's upraised arm who shook her head.

"Elisa, take care of the human," Tremi ordered pointing to Joe nearby. Elisa nodded her head.

"W-Wait, you can't mean to?!" Joe gasped weakly seeing the Absol approaching him with a resentful look in her eyes, her blade glistened in the faint light. "P-Please, I beg of you!" Joe pleaded watching Elisa who had stopped a few feet away glaring at him with half closed eyes.

"Anyone who hurts Sabetha is not worthy of mercy!" Elisa shouted breaking out into a charge, viciously slamming her head into the man's chest. After a moment, the sound of Joe's body hitting the ground softly echoed out being knocked out cold. "Filthy human," Elisa said in a spiteful tone turning away heading back to the others.

"W-What the heck is going on?!" Sabetha cried out leaning her head away from the bright glow that had engulfed her body now rushing up her neck. "Oh no... NOT TH-!" Sabetha was cut off as the light engulfed her face. Tremi let out a soft sigh crossing her arms, closing her eyes as the violet colored light grew brighter, and brighter until the entire chamber lit up causing Sapphire, Elisa, and Frinda to turn away shielding their eyes.

"What in the world just happened?!" Sapphire exclaimed slowly lowering her arms, her eyes lighting up in shock staring at... something.

"Dah! Why now of all times?" Sabetha's voice echoed out, she let out a deep sigh. Sapphire looked around not hearing Sabetha's voice come from the girl, but rather from around her.

Tremi let out a deep sigh walking towards where Sabetha now stood, who looked at Tremi with a pair of pupil-less eyes with white irises and purple scleras. Her ears had changed to long, wide open versions, a small tuft of Fur at the base of them. Her Body was covered in a tightly packed layer of Lavender colored Fur with was smooth to the touch. "Ugh!" Sabetha groaned reaching back into her pants yanking out a twin-tipped tail breathing a sigh of relief.

"The energy I am feeling from this mountain is that resembling of my own, psychic energy. The similarity seems to be enough to cause... this change," Tremi said softly looking Sabetha over

"Oh GREAT! Another form I didn't know about?!" Sabetha's voice echoed out. She let out a gasp of shock reaching up grabbing her mouth.

"M-My mouth?! Why isn't my mouth moving when I talk?!?!" Sabetha cried out in horror beginning to panic. Tremi grabbing her shoulders firmly, Sabetha looked up at Tremi with terrified eyes.

"Calm yourself Sabetha. This is a trait of Psychic Types who are capable of speaking with their mind rather then their mouth. You are doing it because for us, it is easier to do then using our mouths for verbal vocalization, and since this is your first time in this form you have not learned how to speak as you do normally," Tremi explained calmly looking back at a passage nearby. "We should discuss this later. For now, we must hurry. We cannot be captured," Tremi said in a serious tone grabbing Sabetha's arm dragging her off towards a tunnel to the right side of the room.

~*~ A short time after the group had made their way deeper into the mountain, Team Lucid had finally arrived to investigate the scene~*~

"They were just right here!" the blond man called back sliding to a stop on the second tier of the massive chamber, a dozen or so Team Lucid grunts were behind him coming to a stop looking around the chamber.

"Hmph. If you were wrong about this, you will be thrown into the pit and used for labor like the other fools who argued with me." A cool, collected man stated stepping out of the passageway. His uniform was altered to appear more like a stylish suit then a uniform. His hair was an icy blue slicked back to one side with a matching pair of light blue eyes that had a cold, heartless look to them.

"No, the Gardevoir freaking talked man!" the blond haired man exclaimed letting out a gasp of shock spotting Joe's lifeless body nearby. "Ah shit, they took out Joe!" the man cried out stumbling and sliding down the ramp rushing to the aid of his injured friend. The blue haired man calmly stepping forwards staring out across the chamber completely unconcerned about the injured man.

"All of you, split up. Find them. If they resist in the slightest, beat them into an inch of their miserable lives. When you have them, bring them to me," the man said in a cool, carefree tone with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his uniform.

"Yes sir!" the grunts exclaimed in unison breaking off into pairs of two head off into the various tunnels and passage.

"Tch... wasting time chasing some little brat and a talking Pokemon... what a waste of frickin' time," he muttered turning away heading back down the passage they had arrived from...

"Ok wait wait... Sabetha is PSYCHIC now? Like an Espeon?" Sapphire asked staring at Sabetha with giddy, glossy eyes. Sabetha groaned reaching up a hand rubbing her velvet like fur covered face.

"That does not matter at this time. We must discern the way to escape this mountain while keeping Sabetha out of their hands. Once we are free of the confines of this mountain, avoiding their pursuit will be far easier," Tremi stated in a serious tone, the group now standing at a three way intersection.

Each looked identical to the other giving them no true idea which way to take. "Hmm... I really don't know which way to go either," Sapphire said biting her lip beginning to get yancy.

"What did you say Tremi?" Sabetha's voice asked echoing through the groups minds. Tremi looked over at Sabetha.

"I have not said anything," Tremi stated calmly. Sabetha scrunched her eyebrows down hearing Tremi's voice in a faint whisper, that's when it suddenly clicked.

"...Tremi... I think I'm hearing your thoughts," She said in a dumbfounded tone having slouched over just unable to believe this. Tremi snickered softly staring at Sabetha.

"Do not be alarmed by it, Sabetha. Since in a manner of speaking we are both Psychic Types in some aspects, we are able to hear one anothers thoughts easily compared to a human, or another type," Tremi's voice echoed out in Sabetha's mind, her eyes shooting open.

"Oh my... I thought I've seen everything, but nooo! I'm hearing Tremi's thoughts, and telepathically communicating with her now!" Sabetha's voice echoed out, she let out a deep, shaky sigh, "... we're lost, aren't we?" Sabetha aimlessly wandered through passage after passage seemingly in a labyrinth. Sapphire suddenly quivered, shaking her head slowly.

"I just can't get used to hearing a voice in my head!" Sapphire exclaimed rubbing her arms quickly. "N-Not that I mean I hate it, or you!" Sapphire exclaimed waving her hands frantically seeing Sabetha looking down with half closed eyes. Sabetha's large ears suddenly twitched causing her to look up.

"What is it?" Sapphire asked curiously. Sabetha raised a finger to her lips causing Sapphire to fall silent.

"I hear... I hear voices... very faintly, but their coming from that way," Sabetha said pointing to a small passage ahead on the left.

"It is likely Team Lucid, we should avoid that passage," Tremi said in a stern tone. Sabetha shook her head staring off at the passage with a strange look to her eyes.

"Or it could be help! Some other travelers?" Sapphire suggested with an excited smile. Sabetha suddenly without another word began to head towards the passage, jolting back as Tremi grabbed her arm.

"Sabetha, it is to dangerous to risk your capture," Tremi said refusing to release her grip.

"No... I need to go. I need to find out who this voice belongs to," she muttered almost in a trance yanking her arm free, hastily walking down disappearing into the passage. Sapphire, Frinda, Elisa, and especially Tremi looked at each other with concern giving chase immediately.

"What in the...?" Sabetha thought to herself slowing to a stop on a stone balcony over looking a massive chamber. The ceiling was hundreds of feet above lined with dozens of stone balconies. Below was an absolutely massive pit of shiny dark Grey sand with dozens of Team Lucid members shoveling away the Sand onto machines setup leading down a tunnel below. Sabetha crouched down behind the rocky ledge peering down at the activity only about fifty feet or so below trying to hear what was being said.

"Sabetha!" Sapphire shouted in a hushed tone causing her to look back seeing Sapphire appearing in the passage in a crouched position trying to keep a stealthy step unsure what had taken place. Tremi, Elisa, and Frinda were a short distance behind.

"Team Lucid... they're digging in this big pit," Sabetha said looking back over the ledge seemingly not worried about being discovered.

"Why would they do that?" Sapphire asked curiously peering over the ledge at the activity below. "There's nothing here. There was legends of an artifact being inside of Mount Yumi, but this place has been searched over and over by full teams of archeologist's, and there has been nothing of note," Sapphire whispered. Sabetha glanced down at Elisa seeing the Absol staring at her with worry.

"...I don't know, but I feel something very negative in this place... I can't explain it," Sabetha murmured still in a semi-trance turning around to face Tremi.

"We must leave Sabetha, we do not wish to be discovered," Tremi whispered staring at Sabetha with a stern, motherly look. Sabetha stared back at her blankly before nodding her head.

"Phew. That was close," Sapphire said laughing weakly with a smile on face now traveling in a different direction completely opposite of the strange chamber knowing that is where Team Lucid was focused.

"Sabetha, why did you run off? That was very dangerous, you cannot be seen when like this," Tremi said glancing at Sabetha from the corner of her eyes while they trudged through the endless tunnels. Sabetha looked down shaking her head.

"I... I don't know. I felt a drawn to that place, I just had to see," Sabetha's voice echoed through their minds.

"I... I've noticed a strange presence in this mountain since we arrived too. But... I really can't say if it's something alive, or just a strange energy, nor whether it is good or bad," Elisa said looking up at Sabetha walking beside Sabetha.

"I thought you were the Pokemon of Disaster? Yet you can't tell if something is bad?" Sabetha asked with a teasing grin. Elisa smiled shaking her head.

"As long as we keep going we'll find a way out. Mount Yumi has dozens of exits, just most of them lead out into the middle of no where. But in this case, I think that would be better then being caught by those thugs," Sapphire said smiling weakly.

"Do not run from the darkness that wishes to consume you, for the shadows of the past will vanish in the light of the feature... in the light of hope." a voice whispered, Sabetha flinched looking at Tremi.

"Did you hear that?" She asked through the connection they shared. Tremi glanced over at Sabetha from the corner of her eyes.

"No, are you continuing to hear a voice?" Tremi asked. Sabetha sighed softly shaking her head.

"Don't worry," she said through their telepathic link.

"Ooo! There's a big chamber up ahead, I think that's near the exit!" Sapphire exclaimed with a wide, excited smile rushing off ahead.

"Sapphire, please wait! We should not split apart!" Tremi called out in concern, but Sapphire ignored her protests vanishing into the chamber ahead.

"Why can't I shake this strange feeling?" Sabetha thought disconnected from reality not realizing the severity of what Sapphire had just done.

"Sapphire!" Sabetha's voice echoed out wide eyed in horror realizing they had just stepped out into the incredibly tall chamber filled with sand, yet now they were at the bottom floor on a small platform.

"Hmph. How convenient you came to me, rather then having us a fruitless chase," the man from earlier said standing at the far end of the balcony staring at them with a small grin, Sapphire was in his arms with a hand covering her mouth, her eyes wide in fear.

"Sapphire!" Frinda called out rushing forwards but the man lifted Sapphire further off the ground causing Frinda to freeze.

"Uh uh uh... if any of you so much as twitch a muscle, I will snap this child's neck. I do not enjoy disobedience," the man said with a sinister grin blowing away a strand of hair covering his face. Sabetha looked back frowning angrily realizing a couple of Team Lucid grunts had slipped in behind blocking the exit, not that they could run with Sapphire's life being in jeopardy

"Well well well... I was told to keep my attention out for a young girl traveling with a Gardevoir who could talk, but I must say... I never expected you to so easily bump into our expedition here," The man said with a grin releasing Sapphire's mouth swiftly bending her arms back causing her to cry out weakly being forced to walk forwards towards the others.

"Tremi, what do we do?!" Sabetha asked through their telepathic connection in a panic, her heart racing wildly fearing what would happen if they managed to take her away again.

"Don't do anything rash. We will bide our time and wait for an opportunity to arise," Tremi replied staring at Sabetha from the corner of her eyes with a serious look. Sabetha looked down silently.

"Hmmmm... I now see why my superiors desired you, such a unique specimen you are... but please forgive my rudeness," the man said wrapping an arm around Sapphire's chest tightly pinning her arms down bowing his head holding a hand up to his chest. "I am Trande, lieutenant of the mighty Team Lucid. 'Tis truly a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, my unique guest," he said bowing politely with a grin on his face staring at Sabetha from the top of his eyes. Sabetha glared at him silently causing him to let out a soft sigh.

"There is no need for such hostilities. I myself, have no desire in capturing your group were it not for my direct orders from my superiors," Trande said in a polite, gentle men like tone.

"You don't even know why, do you? You're just some lowly grunt who isn't told anything," Sabetha said with a snarky smirk. Trande frowned.

"Actually, I do not seek out information about freaks and mutants such as yourself," he said with a small grin. Sabetha glared at him viciously watching him turn away.

"No... I aim for goals that will help me, that will help the world. Such as our fruitful goals here in this dank, disgusting cave," Trande said with a disgusted look on his face staring down at the pit below.

"Wondrous Mount Yumi, the Mountain of Insanity as some call it. Archeologists, Treasure hunters and all who have come before plumed its depth for the secret it is said to hold, but have failed... but you cannot find a secret, if you do not know what that secret is about," he said turning around with a grin on face staring at Sabetha.

"These crystals, rather beautiful, are they not?" he asked gesturing at the crystal growing along the walls of the chamber. "They are considered merely a gift from nature to wow us... but they are far from that. They are the crystallized thoughts of an omnificent being who sleeps within this mountain," he said continuing to grin. Sabetha stared at him not believing a word he said.

"You're insane. No Pokemon or Human could possibly have their thoughts take a physical form, it's impossible," Sabetha said staring at him.

"Very true my freakish little friend," Trande said with a small grin turning away to face the pit. Sabetha growled angrily from his provocation. "But this is not a 'who' but rather a 'what'," Trande said staring at the workers laboring below, "all who have come seeking the secrets of this place came with the mindset that beyond a doubt, this was merely a mountain. But no... it's far, far more then that. It is a prison." Trande glanced back at the group over his shoulder.

"It is not a prison of stone, but rather a living, breathing prison. It changes and bends, there is no mapping it. It keeps the unworthy out, while only the truly worthy will begin to discover its dark secret. But knowing what this place is is only a single step, for without the Key to open the way to, that knowledge means nothing," the man said with a widening grin. "The Mirror of Shattered Dreams... an artifact said to be buried in this prison, being the key to controlling the being that dwells within," Trande said turning around walking towards the group.

"That look says 'but how does a mirror become a key Mr. Trande?'," Trande said smiling at Sabetha with a cruel look from a foot away. "Hm hm hm. It is not a key in the sense that you or I think, but rather then seeing your reflection in this mirror, it will rip your mind free of your body, bringing you onto the plane of Shattered Dreams that this omnipotent being is trapped in," the man said with an amused grin reaching a hand out gently caressing Sabetha's cheek. She growled viciously trying to take a bite out of his hand causing him to pull away smirking. "Tch... vile beast," he snapped in disgust.

"But you see, the only place that does not change is this chamber. It is always present, never changing. Many have combed these sands, but found nothing. Who would believe such an incredible artifact would be hidden under a simple pit of sand?" Trande laughed seemingly amused by his words looking at Sapphire. "We have toiled here for five days now, hauling out foot after foot of useless sand. Where you stand now was once buried in sand. But the further we go, the more certain I grow we are close, that when it is in our possession, will give Team Lucid the power to control this being, to bring the world to it's knees before us!" Trande exclaimed breaking out into a deep, maniacal laughter.

"Dig and dig... the deeper they go, the further they become... they seek what they cannot reach, something they are unworthy of gazing upon," a voice whispered into Sabetha's ears, her eyes widened slightly.

"That voice... could it be related to these crystals? This... this being?" Sabetha thought realizing it was talking about Trande, keeping silent for the moment.

"Hmmmm, now comes the question of what to do with your group. You would not cooperate if I forced you into the pits below, so this is a rather annoying circumstance," Trande said with an annoyed smirk.

"Tremi, I can't let this go on. I... I don't know why, but I feel if we don't stop them, something terrible is going to happen," Sabetha said using her link with Tremi. Tremi swiftly looked at Sabetha with wide eyes.

"No, you must not!" Tremi replied, but was to late. Sabetha wasn't going to let them have their way... she wasn't going to be taken by them! Sabetha suddenly without warning stepping forwards taking Trande by complete surprise still gloating on as Sabetha viciously slammed her elbow into his nose.

"DAH!" Tranda yelled out in pain being sent stumbling back tipping over the ledge of the balcony. "A-Ahhhh!!" Tranda screamed disappearing over the ledge.

"Why you little!" one of the grunts blocking the exit exclaimed snatching a Pokeball from her side. Sapphire stumbled forwards to Sabetha's side smiling at her.

"Thanks! He really stunk," Sapphire said sticking her tongue out in disgust.

"Murkrow, take care of these little brats!" the grunt shouted hurling a pokeball towards them, a jet black bird Pokemon appeared.

"Murkow!!" it called out striking an aggressive pose.

"Hah! Lefy and Frinny can take care of these goons. They may not act it, but they're really strong," Sapphire said grinning excitedly watching a Houndour appear beside the Murkrow. "Go, get out of here! We'll cover your retreat," Sapphire called back pulling out Lefy's ball. "Come on Lefy, no time to goof off now!" she called out hurling the ball at the ground releasing the Leafeon, a strangely serious look on his face knowing what was going on.

"Heh! Time to show off my strength," Lefy said grinning. Frinda sighed calmly walking over to his side.

"You mean time to get hurt and cry and whine about it for the next week," She said in a cold tone. Sabetha, Tremi, and Elisa used the opportunity to head down to the pit below knowing retreating wasn't an option especially if what they said was true. Team Lucid needs to be stopped here and now!

"This is an incredibly reckless course of action, Sabetha," Tremi said as the group stopped at the edge of the sandy pit.

"I've never led you wrong before, Tremi. Please, trust me on this," Sabetha's voice echoed out.

"I trust you. I have no reason not to," Elisa said with a reassuring grin staring at the Team Lucid members beginning to advance on them from around the pit.

"...I will do as asked, but I still disagree with this course of action," Tremi stated in defiance. Sabetha grinned widely seeing the Grunts expanding Pokeballs.

"That's all I ask, Tremi. We need to stop them once and for all here, it's us or them now!" Sabetha's voice rang out across the area, the trio nodding at each other suddenly breaking out in their own direction, the grunts splitting up to follow each of the trio.

"I may not be a proper Trainer to Elisa and Tremi, but unlike most, I can help them fight!" Sabetha thought reaching down snatching up a handful of sand, quickly tossing it into the eyes of a male grunt who was about to grab her.

"GAH! MY EYES!!" they shouted grabbing their face stumbling back.

"Wow!" Sabetha gasped barely avoiding a fireball that zipped past her side slamming into the wall a distance away. She quickly turned around going wide eyed in shock seeing a Houndour a short distance away, small puffs of flames billowed out of its nostrils as it breathed.

"You little freak," a spite filled voice called out. Sabetha quickly looked to her right spotting Tranda rising to his feet, an empty Pokeball in hand. He reached up a hand wiping away a splat of blood from his lip stumbling to beside the dog like Pokemon. "Did you really think you could get away after attacking ME?!" Tranda shouted in a furious tone panting heavily obviously being roughed up from the fall.

"Did you think I would let you threaten to KILL my friend, to take me off against my will and all without fighting back?!" Sabetha's voice echoed in his mind, he frowned.

"The strong guide the weak... now submit you freak! Houndour, use Flamethrower!" Tranda ordered pointing directly at Sabetha, who gasped in horror seeing am massive fireball forming in the Pokemon's mouth. She wasted no time turning and leaping as far as she could barely avoiding the massive pillar of flame that would have barbequed her hide. She grunted softly landing belly first on the sand.

"D-Damnit!" she thought reaching up brushing her face off, pushing herself up onto all fours. She cried out in pain as a foot slammed down on her back forcing her back onto the ground.

"Stay down... if you weren't wanted my superiors, I would kill you right now, you fucking freak," Tranda snapped in a vicious tone glaring at her. Sabetha growled angrily glancing back up at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Sabetha!" Tremi cried out looking back at the scene about to turn and rush over to help.

"Kyahahaha! No you don't!" A deep, scratchy voice cackled as a force slammed into Tremi's chest sending her backwards in a violent tumble, finally coming to a stop with a Murkrow sitting on her chest with a gleeful look on its face. "Stupid psychic wench! You're helpless, you can't help your friend! Kyahahahaha!" it cackled knowing dark types were immune to psychic types. Tremi smirked.

"Your arrogance is why you lose!" Tremi exclaimed, a dark blue aura forming around her fist smashing the bird type Pokemon in the face with an ice punch sending it's frozen body tumbling a few feet across the sand.

"Sabetha, I am coming," Tremi said clambering to her feet. But before she could take more then a few steps, she let out a pain filled cry feeling something slash her across the back sending her to her knees, looking back.

"Weev!" a Weevile called with a wide grin on it's face.

"S-Sabetha," Tremi muttered reaching out a hand as her vision fogged, falling to the sand...

"Tremi!!" Sabetha's voice cried out desperately struggling on the man's foot but she was no stronger then when in her human form being unable to overpower him.

"Hmph. You would openly attack Team Lucid without knowing we specialize in dark type Pokemon? Pathetic," Tranda said with an amused smirk keeping Sabetha pinned down.

"LET GO!!" Sabetha shouted forcefully pushing upwards slowly rising off the ground.

"Tch, you damn beast! Learn your place!" Tranda shouted making a gesture. Sabetha's eyes shot open letting out a pain filled scream as the Houndour sunk it's sharp teeth into her arm sending her crashing back to the ground succumbing to the dark type attack.

"Ugh!" a voice cried out, Elisa came tumbling past Sabetha stopping a few feet away laying on her side.

"ELISA!!" Sabetha screamed with tears in her eyes unable to tolerate seeing her friends suffer like this.

"I-I'm sorry Sabetha... I... tried," Elisa muttered falling to the ground.

"Hah. A foolish, but valiant attempt, hahahaha!" Tranda laughed in a dark, sadistic tone taking pleasure at their suffering.

"Haul those two off! Lock the Gardevoir up somewhere, and dispose of the Absol!" Tranda ordered causing Sabetha's heart to stop.

"Dispose...?" She thought, a shadow falling across her face.

"...I won't let you," Sabetha's voice quietly echoed out. Tranda threw his head back laughing, the Houndour still holding her arm.

"You're in no position to talk big. But don't worry, I'll make sure you have a good time before we haul you off to Headquarters," Tranda said grinning widely watching two Team Lucid members holding one of Tremi's arms each dragging her across the sand.

"You're monsters... filth! You kill those who oppose you, you seek to control, to dominate everything for your own greed," Sabetha's voice echoed out in a dark tone, slowly pushing herself up.

"W-What?! Tch, damnit! Houndour, use bite again!" Tranda ordered angrily. Sabetha snapped her gaze to her right at the Pokemon preparing to deliver another incredibly painful blow to her.

"Disappear," Sabetha's voice said holding up her left arm aiming it under herself. Suddenly the Houndour let out a yelp of pain being sent airborne flying back, smashing off the rocky wall falling onto the sand out cold. Tranda eyes widened in shock looking down at Sabetha with terrified eyes seeing a strange aura growing around her.

"I-Impossible?! Psychic types cannot harm Dark type Pokemon?!" he exclaimed in disbelief, a cold sweat appearing across his face stomping on Sabetha's back trying to force her back down, but she continued to rise after each blow seemingly unharmed by it.

"I will never, NEVER allow you to hurt my friends... they believe in me as I do them, that we will protect and help each other... I won't admit defeat to you, or anyone... I will never give up!" Sabetha shouted throwing herself upwards sending Tranda crashing onto his back a few feet away.

"Damnit!!! What are you morons waiting for?! STOP HER!" Tranda shouted in a fit of rage seeing a handful of the grunts watching on with hesitant looks, various Pokemon at their sides. Sabetha glared at them with a shadow still covering her eyes.

"All you seek is to destroy and control... you are a cancer on this world," Sabetha muttered with a frown, the aura around growing more violent, the Pokemon from Team Lucid were rapidly advancing on her but she did nothing to defend herself, her hands clenching into fists.

"Time to pay!!" a Sneazel called out pulling it's clawed hand back as it lunged at Sabetha.

"You are a cancer... and I am the cure," Sabetha's voice whispered opening her eyes with a prismatic glimmer to them, the aura around her suddenly growing incredibly unstable lashing out around her. She suddenly crouched down, slamming her palms into the sands below unleashing a massive dome of pure energy rapidly expanding outwards.

"OH SHIT!!!" Tranda shouted with wide, terrified eye turning trying to out run the dome vanishing in the light.

"Ack!" Sapphire cried out turning away hitting the floor on the balcony covering her head as an earth shattering explosion rang through the mountain.

~*~ After the dust had settled...~*~

"W...What...?" Sapphire muttered peering over the ledge cautiously, her eyes widening in disbelief seeing the Team Lucid members strewn across the edge of the chamber. The middle of the sand had been completely blown away partially burying some of the unconscious Team Lucid members, a strange prismatic glow rose up from the center of the pit.

Sabetha groaned finally coming to near the ramp leading up to where Sapphire was which was covered in a deep layer of sand now. She slowly reached up grabbing her face sitting up letting the sand fall off her clothing spotting Elisa and Tremi a short distance away both unconscious from the incredible force.

"Sabetha! Are you alright?!" Sapphire called out rushing down the ramp jumping onto the sand rushing to Sabetha's side, Lefy and Frinda at her side.

"I... I don't remember what happened... I just felt so angry... wanting to protect Tremi and Elisa so badly then... nothing," Sabetha muttered slowly shaking her head.

"Choose now the path you will take... will you forgive those who done you wrong... or will you defy them, accepting the pain and burden you will feel to take the higher path," a voice whispered into Sabetha's ear, "to bring life... or to destroy all... this choice rests upon you, Sabetha." Sabetha slowly rose to her feet staring at the light in the center of the pit. "The voice... it's coming from that," Sabetha thought staring at a pedestal at the center of the chamber, slowly sliding down the sand covered bank.

"Sabetha, wait! We don't know what the heck that thing is! It could be dangerous!" Sapphire called out in fear. But Sabetha ignored the warning stumbling onto a stone tile covered floor with various ancient, unknown runes adorned them. Sabetha stared at an ovular shaped mirror made with two strange coloring. One was white, one was blocked. On further inspection the frame of the mirror was actually two snakes which coiled to make the handle. One was a bright white, one was as dark as the void. A prismatic swirl of colors flickered and danced across the surface of the mirror.

"D-Don't... touch that...!" Tranda called out. Sabetha looked back seeing the man climbing to his feet holding his side, his clothing was tattered with small cuts across his face. He looked like he could barely stand desperately stumbling towards Sabetha and the mirror.

"No... I don't know what this is, but if what was said is true... evil will continue to seek it," Sabetha's voice echoed out across the chamber. "I won't allow this to continue... I won't allow such a thing to fall into the hands of evil!" Sabetha shouted stepping forwards snatching the Mirror off the pedestal making sure not to look at it's reflective surface raising it up over her head.

"DON'T DO IT!!!" Tranda yelled reaching out at her watching Sabetha bring the mirror down smashing it into pieces on the corner of the pedestal.

"W-What?!" Sabetha stuttered in shock looking around, everything around her had vanished into a blackness, the shards of the mirror were slowly falling towards the ground but were barely moving.

"The path has been chosen... the fate forced upon you... embrace the gift from the darkness... do not regret, do not doubt yourself... for the path you walk is the path that must be walked... farewell my daughter, we shall meet again soon," a voice whispered in Sabetha's mind, the blackness around her popped like a bubble, the shards abruptly fell to the ground.

"Sabetha? Sabetha!" Sapphire exclaimed smiling widely standing in front of her.

"What was that...?" Sabetha thought looking around seeing she was back in the chamber. Her eyes lit up in fear realizing Tremi and Elisa were hit by the explosion earlier beginning to panic looking around. She cried out in surprise turning around bouncing off a pair of boobs sending her stumbling back. "Tremi?" Sabetha's voice said, her eyes wide in shock seeing the Gardevoir weakly smiling holding her left arm, her body covered in bruises and light scratches.

"We're alive... don't worry." Tremi said in a reassuring tone. Sabetha's eyes teared up suddenly rushing at Tremi pulling her into a tight hug. Tremi grunted softly in pain, but didn't try to push Sabetha away.

"You all... you all are going to PAY DEARLY!!" Tranda shouted in a furious tone stumbling down the slope. Sabetha looked back realizing many of the Team Lucid members were beginning to come around.

"Ow ow ow..." Elisa groaned hobbling over to the group her front left paw held up to her body.

"Tremi, can you muster enough strength to use a teleport?" Sabetha asked staring at Tremi, who slowly nodded her head.

"I do not know where to go however from this location," Tremi said in a weak tone, the Team Lucid grunts beginning to descend down on them from all sides. Sabetha looked around quickly, her eyes lighting up reaching down snatching up a shard of the mirror closing her eyes focusing. Sabetha reached out grabbing Tremi's hand causing her eyes to widened slightly.

"You... you have adapted to this form at an alarming rate, Sabetha. I understand, please remain still," Tremi said closing her eyes, a faint aura appearing around her.

"STOP THEM!!!!!" Tranda shouted in a furious fit of rage, but was simply to late as the group vanished in a flash of white light. "How, how could this little FREAK do this?!?!" Tranda shouted reaching over grabbing a man throwing her him tumbling down the embankment in a fit of unbridled rage.

~*~ Outside, in a grassy field not far from Mount Yumi...~*~

"S-So it worked," Sabetha's voice echoed out in their minds. Sapphire had gone crossed eyed not understanding anything that just took place.

"I am very surprised you were able to use such an aspect of your mind, Sabetha. Being able to focus your mind on a single desire strongly enough that you are able to visualize it, allowing me the information I needed to bring us out here." Tremi said staring at Sabetha, who laughed weakly.

"Actually, it's this shard... I felt incredible energy from it, and my theory paid off as for a brief moment it did heighten my senses to a degree that... really scares me," Sabetha said smiling weakly placing the shard into her pocket.

"One thing we can say without a doubt, we stopped them. Whatever that was, whether it was a being beyond any of us... I can't say. But we denied Team Lucid what they seek," Sabetha said feeling she had just dished out a blow to the people who did this to her.

"Well, no time to brag now! We need to skedaddle before they come out looking for us, they looked REALLY angry!" Sapphire exclaimed staring back at a path leading to a cave. Sapphire held out Lefy's ball recalling him back into it placing it back into her belt.

"W-What the?" Sabetha stuttered looking down at her hands feeling a strange ticklish sensation, her eyes widened realizing the velvet like fur was slowly vanishing. After a few moments she rapidly began to turn back to normal. "I can speak?" She muttered touching her mouth, a wide smile growing across her face. "I CAN SPEAK WITH MY MOUTH AGAIN, YAY!" she cheered joyfully.

"Poor us!" Sapphire said grinning cheekily. Sabetha glared at her.

"Well, let's hurry and get away from here. We need to find somewhere for Elisa and Tremi to rest," Sabetha said in a low tone feeling she was responsible for their pain, the group setting off into a very dense forest nearby.

~*~At an unknown location hours later~*~

"You encountered the target and allowed her to escape?!" the red haired woman Beth shouted angrily. Tranda was crouched down on one knee in front of the woman in a small office with dark, metal walls which looked rather familiar.

"Y-Yes, but what is that creature? It is... it is nothing I have seen before, we were helpless to stop it," Tranda asked looking up at Beth, who covered her eyes with hand breathing out.

"You see her importance now, do you not? She is the key to our domination of this world, she will lead Team Lucid into a new age of glory and bring absolute control and order to this world of discord and chaos," Beth said staring down at Tranda with a cruel look in her eyes being rather upset Sabetha escaped. "Had you not bumbled around and allowed her to escape we would be in reach of that goal!!" Beth shouted slamming a clenched fist down onto a wooden desk. Tranda jumped out of his skin looking down.

"M-My greatest apologies Commander Beth," Tranda said gritting his teeth not enjoying being blamed.

"Hmm... what is she up to? They are heading to somewhere in the Trin'ala region, but there's nothing except sweeping plains," Beth mumbled to herself staring at a holographic map on the wall behind the desk displaying the entire world on it. Small green X's marked where they had encountered Sabetha before with a red Circle marking where she was just encountered. "Unless she intends to go to him," Beth thought, a wide, malicious grin growing across her face.

"Tranda," she said in a firm tone, the man stood up.

"Yes ma'am," he said in a respectful, orderly tone. She looked back at him with a grin.

"Prepare a force. We're going to go pay a little visit to an old friend, as well as acquire the targets," Beth laughed in a slow, sinister tone staring at a small flashing arrow over a tiny house icon...

End of chapter 8

Ok... wow. A lot happened, too much to explain... but chapter 9 is ALLLLL lemon. Lefy, Sapphire, Frinda, Elisa, and Sabetha all in a super Orgy! Woo! :P

Sabetha, the Walker of Fate - Chapter 9, Exploration (L-oriented)

Note: Please comment or rate this series! Doing so makes me know you guys even want it updated, and as it goes along, my writing DOES get better! :P No comments/rating=I think no one cares, and I just don't update this! I still have around 94 chapters...

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Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 7, A Glimmer of Hope

Chapter 7 A Glimmer of Hope "Kyahahahahahaha!!!" Elisa laughed uncontrollably. "P-Please! Stop! Ahahahahaha!" Elisa begged breaking out laughing again. Sabetha burst out giggling finally giving Elisa a moment to breath. "You have a really...

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Sabetha, The Walker of Fate - Chapter 6, Denial of the Truth

Chapter 6 **Denial of the Truth** "S-Sabetha?! W...What are you?!" Sapphire stuttered, her eyes wide in fear stepping back. "Sapphire, please, just wait! I can explain everything!" Sabetha exclaimed in her high-pitched squeaky voice...

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